ablankmask · 7 months
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I havent drawn her in over a year, look at my baby! Gave her a new outfit since all her outfits were Gridania-coded despite currently living in Coerthas! Lady would freeze in her old outfits.
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thepalecascade · 6 months
Another day where I randomly remember I have auto-record on CSP---
Here, have a speedpaint of my last pic of Pyha lmao
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knithacker · 3 months
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Sweet Owl Amigurumi Pattern Designed by Juliia Pyha: 👉 https://buff.ly/3OXOzbB 🦉🧡
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orangefiend1 · 1 year
Personal WIP project - Recreating the cast of ST:TNG as Ducks.
First completed - Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge.
Crochet pattern credit to Julia Pyha - @juliiapyha on instagram
https://www.instagram.com/juliiapyha/ find her on Etsy.
Additional accessories made myself.
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yourordinaryherosimp · 2 months
Have to let you go (Writing idea!)
“My love,I can explain please stop packing and listen.” Tears were streaming down her face as she ignored me and kept packing.Let me explain why we’re in this situation long story short,I cheated. I deserve this but it’s so hard to let go of the one I love. “Let you explain” she scoffed “Explain WHAT huh how you let that women kiss you Mek and you WELLING kissed her back ” I could her voice cracking as she let out silent sobs.I know I messed up,but her love is intoxicating to the point I CAN’T let go no matter what but here I am letting her go. Because I know she deserves better then me.As she finished packing she slipped off the necklace I gave her after my trip to Xeps.She throw it at me.She walked out the bedroom and I followed her. She walked out of the bedroom, her steps heavy with emotions.I wanted to make her see reasoning but there was no reasoning I deserved this,I did it out of free will now I must face punishment.” I hope this is what you wanted after all Mek good-bye” “Pyha I love you but I know I hurt you so you must go.I have to let you go now,Good-bye My love” A tear finally left my eye as she walked out still sobbing slightly.I stood in the empty house, body heavy with regret.I love you now as I always will but I must let you go before I hurt you even more then I have already. I watched her drive away, knowing that it was the right decision,I know now I can’t hurt her anymore.I’m sorry my darling I hope you at least know that.
Ok I started getting back to writing and if you want to request anything that’s be nice it just has to be SFW I don’t feel comfortable writing NSFW stuff. So that’s all and if you want a part 2 of this just ask!👍🏾
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tinnymisu · 2 years
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hi long time no post but i’m into ffxiv now :^) here r sum wols!! kairos & pyha belong to my beloved @miqitten xoxo
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yndigtbarn · 1 year
første gang man udfører hjertemassage på et menneske er ubeskriveligt “ubehageligt”. Lyden af knæk, og du ved bare at det er dig der knækker ribbenene på personen.
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forestduck · 1 year
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Pyha, Finnish Lapland
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Land of the 8.5's. Good stuff! Mediocre stuff! Stuff! I'm really tired.
Abyssmal Sorrow- Lament (7.5/10)
American Music Club- Everclear (8.5/10)
Art Ensemble of Chicago- Nice Guys (7.5/10)
Astarot- As Leaves Fall (8.0/10)
The Avett Brothers- Emotionalism (8.5/10)
Brujeria- Matando Gueros (7.5/10)
Clams Casino- Instrumental Mixtape 2 (8.5/10)
Dazzling Killmen- Dig Out the Switch (8.5/10)
Die Kreuzen- October File (7.0/10)
Evan Parker- Saxophone Solos (8.5/10)
Ex-Cocaine- Esta Guerra (8.0/10)
Fennesz- Venice (9.0/10)
Gastr Del Sol- The Serpentine Similar (8.0/10)
Goreshit- my love feels all wrong. (7.0/10)
Hüsker Dü- Eight Miles High / Makes No Sense At All (7.5/10)
Hype Williams- Kelly Price W8 Gain Vol II (8.0/10)
Incapacitants- Mon, Ma? Mon!!! (8.0/10)
John Coltrane- Ballads (8.5/10)
Julee Cruise- The Voice of Love (8.5/10)
kid606- Pretty Girls Make Raves (7.0/10, might delete in future but i’ll let it slide for now)
Klaus Schulze- Timewind (9.0/10)
Mater Suspiria Vision- House of the Witches (9.0/10)
The Mekons- The Curse of the Mekons (7.5/10)
Meshuggah- Chaosphere (8.5/10)
The Microphones- Tests (7.0/10)
Miranda Lambert- Wildcard (8.5/10)
Mount Eerie- Mount Eerie Pts. 6 & 7 (8.0/10)
Patty Griffin- Living With Ghosts (7.5/10)
Philip Jeck- Sand (8.5/10)
Pierre Henry- Futuristie (8.0/10)
Pyha- 맞불놀이 (9.5/10)
Sissy Spacek- Wreck (6.5/10, deleted from library)
Ved Buens Ende…..- Written In Waters (7.5/10)
デジタルフォーチュン- Vision グローバル (7.0/10)
猫 シ Corp. & t e l e p a t h- Building a Better World (8.5/10)
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ablankmask · 7 months
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On the floor, casually crying. It was a 50/50 lottery and I never win 50/50s -looks at Genshin-
My OC, Pyha, is a gathering retainer so I might turn it into a mini-venue where people can order Botany items.
She also likes to make tea out of random plants, so I might also sell drinks (and bundles to make them yourself)
I'm very excited to mess with decorations and thinking about the possible mini-venue idea!
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thepalecascade · 6 months
Awake at 5:30am for some god-awful reason and I just realized....
I TECHNICALLY dont have a WoL? Not in an OC sense, at least.
Gonna slam some OC lore below the cut. Why below the cut? Well...
For Pyha Specifically: CONTENT WARNING - MENTIONS LOSS OF CHILD. Pyha is the Green Text if you wish to skip it.
My main character, Pyha, isnt a WoL. However she gets dragged into a lot of side-MSQ stuff since her brother IS that universe's WoL. She's put through hell and back for the ShB storyline. Being so close to the WoL, she was one of the people pulled from her body and into the First. Unfortunately--and unknown to both her and her partner--Pyha was pregnant with the twins that WOULD have been her first-born children. But, as you can imagine, having no soul to regulate your body and your body slowly deteriorating... Doesnt end well in the scenario.
Vystra is a background NPC that works as a vendor in Revenant's Toll. She's a Weaver from Fallgourd Float that lives and works with her two older sisters (A Leatherworker, and a Goldsmith). She is pretty much completely untouched by MSQ. She's around during the Rising Stones era, and is actually pretty devastated when she's told G'Raha locked himself in the tower. She considered herself friends with pretty much all of the Sons, since she would do a lot of clothes mending for them.
My closest to a WoL would be my borderline lore-breaker, Vali-Sul. Odd name, huh? Well-- She's a Mystel from the First. However, her First is not the one the canon WoL saved. In her timeline, Emet wasnt there to fight the WoL, so the WoL had no way to discharge the accumulated Light. And what as going to happen if the WoL didnt get rid of the Light?
Vali-Sul watched as her WoL succumbed to the Light, becoming the Final Lightwarden. Her world could not--and would not--survive a second Flood. The world around her was washed away, including the Scions that they could no longer save.
In a last ditch effort, the Exarch attempted to save a handful of people by reversing the teleportation that had once brought the Warrior of Light to the First. Yet, his energy rapidly drained from attempting to hold the Crystarium's barrier against the Flood. With his rapidly declining Aetherpool and the Tower having none to spare... He could at least allow Vali to escape--even if it was against her will.
The reason I say Vali-Sul is my closest to a WoL without being a WoL is because she's technically my Ancient as well. An Ancient that once went by the name of Nyx, but had long since forgotten her own name or from whence it came. Chances are, she's likely existed on the First for as long as, if not longer than the Exarch. She was poor at the Creation (Spatial Manipulation) magic many Ancients bore, but otherwise excelled at a decently uncommon Temporal Manipulation.
G'Raha had intended to send her to the Source. But Vali's own magic, one she had long since forgotten, sent her across the very fabric of time. To a place where she and hers never failed their mission.
Lets just say that despite the several confused and concerned looks she got, Vali was a little emotional about seeing G'Raha and the Scions again.
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Nu har jeg brudt med min veninde gennem seks år, og hun reagerer lidt som en selvcentreret teenager frem for den 30-årige med selvindsigt, hun nok burde være. Det bekræfter mig i, at jeg tog det rigtige valg. “Nu har vi begge såret hinanden,” skrev hun, som om mit brud med hende er ligestillet med grunden til bruddet - det hun bød mig. Men nu vil jeg efterlade hende på Læst, jeg har sagt, hvad jeg ville sige, og jeg har mit på det rene. Hvad hun tænker, føler eller gør nu, er ude af min kontrol
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maelkevejen · 7 months
Det vedkommer jo i virkeligheden kun mig
Jeg har ansvar for mine følelser. Og de må godt være her, og især bare for mig selv. Jeg trænger meget til at lære at blive på min egen banehalvdel - jeg troede, det kun handlede om at undgå aktivt at beskylde andre folk for ting og trække en agenda nedover hovedet på dem med den indgangsvinkel. Men der er altså flere måder at trække en agenda nedover andre folks hoveder på, og det behøver ikke at være som angreb. Det kan også være i frygt. Og det er gået op for mig -og jeg håber, det er en selverkendelser, der fortsætter- at jeg gennem lang tid har forsøgt at tage ansvar for andre menneskers følelser og humør, og det skal jeg slet ikke. Det gør ikke kun ondt på mig, men også på relationen. Først gør det ondt på mig og det bliver til selvbebrejdelse og skam og forsøg på at lave mig selv om i mindre eller større grad. Men bagefter bliver det til bitterhed over at føle at jeg skal det. Og så bliver det til forsvar. Jeg begynder at forsvare mig selv mod andres følelser: "jamen det er også fordi, og jeg ville jo bare, og sådan og sådan og sådan". Jeg siger det her med stor selvkærlighed: Hold mund. Det handler ikke om mig. Andre mennesker må godt sige, hvordan de har det, og det er en stor tillidserklæring i virkeligheden at de gør det. Og så skal jeg ikke gå ind og tage følelsen og få den til at handle om mig selv. Den må godt være der. Det er jo også det, jeg gerne selv vil have fra andre mennesker og det er virkelig mærkeligt, at jeg har være så blind for, at jeg selv opfører mig på præcis den måde, jeg ville ønske at andre mennesker ikke gjorde. Hold op med at få det hele til at handle om mig selv.
Og det hele bunder i, at jeg er bange for at blive valgt fra, være ligegyldig, ikke være værdig til kærlighed. Jeg er blevet helt forhippet på at blive modbevist ved at få andre menneskers kærlighed, som var det liv eller død for mig. I virkeligheden skal jeg jo først og fremmest og allermest have det til mig selv og fra mig selv. Når jeg ved med mig selv, at jeg er god nok og absolut værdig til kærlighed, og jeg hviler nok i mig selv til at vide at det er en konstant, der i sin grundvold ikke kan påvirkes af andre mennesker, så vil jeg ikke tage alting så lumping personligt. Så kan andre menneskers følelser få lov til at være deres, og jeg kan gribe dem og sige "hey, det kan jeg godt se, det forstår jeg godt". Og jeg kan respektere mine egne grænser og ikke lade dem overskride i håb om så at få kærlighed. Stå ved mig selv. Det glæder jeg mig virkelig til. Det vil jeg så gerne. Pyha. Hvor er det godt, jeg kan se det.
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eksopolitiikka · 7 months
Pyhä maantiede ja Agarthan legenda
Kansojen historia syntyy suurten maailmanmatkaajien ja pitkien reissujen tuloksena — historia joka alkoi kauan ennen Herodotosta tai Marco Poloa neoliittisella kaudella ja sitäkin ennen, ihmiskunnan jonain fantastisena aikana. Ehkäpä jopa alkukantaisen Kultaisen Ajan hämärissä, jääkauden tai tulvan iskiessä, ja ihmislajien kokiessa ensimmäiset katastrofinsa. Sitten tuli kansainvaellusten aika. Jos meidän on Platonia uskominen, tämän jälkeen atlantislaiset […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/tietoisuus/pyha-maantiede-ja-agarthan-legenda/
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mussen · 2 years
Pyha en op-og-ned uge
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bitstrust · 2 years
Downie 4 chrome
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Downie 4 chrome movie#
Downie 4 chrome mp4#
Downie 4 chrome upgrade#
The software only works on Apple (Parallels required) and Windows devices. designed to be worn on an adventure or packed for later. Hi Gareth, Downloading the same file at 1280 x 720 via the Coconut extension was 1752kbps and 11.6MB whereas through My O'Reilly Downloader it was 9198kbps and 55.8Mb, yet visibly I can't see any difference. I am known as DownieLIVE - An adventure YouTuber with a focus on the people and things that.
Downie 4 chrome movie#
Please note: Audials Movie only works with the Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers, but not with Opera. Downloads O'Reilly videos, as well as captions. The software comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. Unlike other streaming recorders, Audials Movie will not ask for your Disney+ credentials. CHRYSLER DARY BOLD MODEL MASTER VER CHROME TRIM UN ONCOS ho CONFORT BLUE PAL MINNIE Pyha DanK noin IRID the THE Fig. In order to avoid sitting in front of the PC all the time while recording, use the batch recording to automatically record several films one after the other. What makes it more user-friendly is the fact that you can play Disney+ at twice the speed and nevertheless record it without any loss of quality. Audials Movie also automatically selects the optimal frame rate. Audials Movie will automatically search for the movie tags such as title, genre, etc.
Downie 4 chrome upgrade#
All existing customers will receive either a free upgrade (if they qualify), or the option to upgrade with a discount. Optional is the use of GPU encoding, which you can use to get the maximum of your graphics card's performance. Downie 4 is the next major release of Downie. Plungers- Available in Colmonoy or chrome coated stainless steel. In contrast to many screen recorders, the recording quality does not depend on the size of your screen, but on what you set in Audials Movie. The SP87 is a high performance 4 stroke horizontal triplex plunger pump designed to. for various popular web browsers, such as Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome or. you pay 25-50 of the retail price for the upgrade), in case of Permute, the discount is 30.
Downie 4 chrome mp4#
Double click the above downloaded file and wait.Audials Movie is a practical Disney+ screen recorder that makes streaming recording easier with numerous functions. By default, Downie downloads MP4 files and places them in your. Downie 3 -> Downie 4: purchased after The upgrade discount is always fairly high to make the upgrades affordable in case of Downie, this is 50-75 off (i.e.
New: Support for MPEG-Audio (.mpga) links. This quartet for brass by Kenneth Downie is inspired by the well-known finale from Handels 5th Suite for harpsichord called The Harmonious.
New: Option for Permute integration to remove original file after conversion (requires Permute 3.6.6 or later).
New: Custom integrations can now log any object, not just a string.
New: Custom integrations preference pane now provides a console for easier debugging.
New: Custom integrations now can embed other custom integrations.
The application is extremely useful especially if you have a slow internet connection. Downie is a great tool for saving videos posted on various websites to your Mac for offline playback.
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