#putting this on this blog for funsies
reineydraws · 5 months
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wanted: marine hunter takanome mihawk
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kaiserouo · 16 days
Bloodhound in Destiny 2
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
I know I've shown before that I get very unreasonably excited when people tell me we share F/Os it's like the major highlight of my month when it happens Okay but like IN PARTICULAR
Seeing other Koro-Sensei self shippers in the wild fills me with SO MUCH JOY and I just need to express it to you all dear followers because the three I have spotted in his tag are ALL anti-ship and (very politely) asked for Proship not to interact so I CAN'T REBLOG THEIR POSTS AND TELL THEM HOW MUCH I ADORE THEM AND ASK TO DRAW THEM FANART AND GUSH IN THEIR TAGS
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sorikkung · 4 months
so if i did nsfw art of hongjoong. hypothetically. would anyone be interested in seeing it,
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scary-lasagna · 5 months
I wanted think of Liu and Sully having more alters because the whole two headmates with one good and one bad is kinda overdone and I have a few ideas.
- Pinkie Pie fictive who later metamorphosized into a fictive of the Pinkamena (I hope I spelled that right) Creepypasta but with some differences. She doesn't kill people much, but she doesn't mind the murder and she likes to party and handle social interactions. She also sometimes acts as a mediator when Liu and Sully argue. I like the idea that Liu had trouble comprehending the whole system thing and I'm obsessed with the whole "WHY IS THERE A FUCKING HORSE IN MY BRAIN" thing that a lot of systems probably go through some variation of.
- A Hatsune Miku fictive, who showed up after Sully listened to Why Do I by Set it Off one time. Acts as a big sister figure to Liu and Sully and has tried to set them up on dates before. Is also their gatekeeper and tries to make sure everything that happens goes as smoothly as possible.
- A dormant factive of Jeff when he was younger. They're all glad he's dormant for a couple reasons.
(A fictive is a when a brain sees a fictional character and decides a copy of them is needed in the system. Pinkie was needed for the loss of one's childhood and Miku was needed to help because a lot of the songs she's featured in are quite dark. A factive is the same but with real people. Jeff was needed to cope with how Jeff had changed, but went dormant. Dormancy is harder for me to explain. I think it's just when an alter is inactive and unreachable for an extended period of time.)
Just imagining Sully also waking up one day and being like “WHY IS THE HORSE HERE”
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toestalucia · 1 month
serin posting mika had me overwhelmed with the urge to make a separate gbf multi for an hour. the things mika does to me
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fyodorkitkat · 9 months
Would you guys still love me if I formally wrote one of my whumper!Lewis/whumpee!Fyodor scenarios before my actual s/i introduction fic.
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blueberry-gills · 4 months
I just watched my friend win a match using his Metronome setup
I need to study him under a microscope
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iindigoeyed · 10 months
debating whether i want to drop my t4t feligami propaganda as a fully written fic (going to take forever but might be fun for me to write again) or as a textpost (already written but not as poetic) So um. ask me if you want my t4t feligami propaganda? just kidding youre going to get it anyway i just don't know how yet.
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spotaus · 26 days
Scheming :)
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royalreef · 29 days
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"Let me be clear, there are two types of people: those whom have caught the Merkingdom's attention, and those who have not. Do not get it mixed up."
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underwaterbanshee · 1 year
I fucking love the commentary of what higher power perceives Mother Goose through the permeance of the ink enshrined in the Canonade. 
Characters don’t have agency--it’s the best authors that give that illusion but anyone who has done any sort of media critical commentary will remind viewers and readers over and over that characters don’t make choices. The closest story-telling can get is through the communal act of actual play.
But from a meta perspective, to take this natural 20 fear even deeper, the content of the NeverAfter isn’t only written by the original authors. Fanwork is also being created. 
The perspective of their stories is constantly changing and more versions are being written and more asterixis are volleyed about all willynilly by uncaring content creators who only care about a good story, then after the GrimDark fairytale retelling resurgence of the early 2000s, no wonder the archetypal Step-Mother is swallowing every mother she can get her hands on.
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cantofworms · 1 year
#ok ik all the hot take asks are pre much done and the sparkly say smth nice asks are better but well I’ve been having thoughts all day at#work and want to get them out now so that’s what I’m doing lol#obvs for the past few months i think ppl are vv heavily leaning into the dnf /r and I firmly believe that they aren’t#like yes I enjoy being a multi shipper but I still primarily read dnf fics bc they’re cute dnf writers and artists MWAHH ilysm#but it’s been increasingly annoying how every move dnf make ppl hyper obsess over it and ignore everything else like blog what u want this#is tumblr dot com but I think ppl how only see dnf thro the lens of romantic do much more ‘harm’ than ppl who dont#like the argument about taking validation out of their very REAL amazing friendship just gets over shadowed by omg Dream posted a pic of#geogre they’re in LOVE and sucking and FUCKING every night. like#and then completely disregard when dnf do and say the exact same shit about all their other friends#like dream has explicitly said they aren’t dating (ignore that tho) amd that’s he’s kissed multiple ppl since coming out (ignore that too)#and their friends naturally say that they’re all single (ignore that too) idk man it’s ok they like to pander amd that dream is a toxic#dnfer but it’s all just For Funsies. another thing is ppl CONSTANTLYYYY putting geohres sexuality under a microscope oh he drinks lemonade#from Starbucks he’s soooo gay like dumb shit like that is so irritating#the fact that geogre has never once talked about his sexuality except that one instance where he got a DONO about it proves how much it#just doesn’t matter or apply to the type of content creator he is/wants to be#to be clear if he is or isn’t or dnf every explicitly announce their romantic relationship im gonna be sooooo happy and supportive like aw#dnfogies🫶🏻 but I think there’s a 99.9% chanve that’ll never happen so maybe we should all just care a Little Less and focus on out lgbt#creators if that’s smth u wanna watch/blog about idk maybe I’m just burnt out from the phandom but whyyyyy does is matter what their#sexualities are they play minecraft who cares who CARESSSS idk maybe just having older brothers around dtqk ages has made me realize that#guys will just act homiesexual no matter What#guys are just Like That and tbc I’m not saying that just bc gnf hasn’t made an official coming out doesn’t mean he’s not queer but for the#sake of his contwnt it doesn’t matter either way ? so why are ppl talking about it on the daily idk man it’s just annoying but Oh Well#at the end of the day they’re all famous white guys and nothing matters hurray !!
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cringecannon · 2 months
AHHHHH im so glad you’re back!! i missed your writing so much!! 😭 hope you’re doing ok! :DD
This so sweet thank you!!! I’m doing good <33
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sillypocketsocks · 5 months
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various old (and 1 new) drawings of my favorite oc
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coneheadseekers · 5 months
omg a conehead-focused account, am I dreaming??
I was STARVING through Tumblr searching for content of my fav little conical blue guy who can't catch a break and then, out of nowhere, I see this account, and I'm dazzled- Are you even real? Please tell me you are and confirm the existence of conehead enjoyers.
Believe it or not, fellow conefan, you're not dreaming. You've simply left behind the unconely transformer rabble and entered into...
✈🍧The Cone Zone 🍧✈
Please enjoy your stay.
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