zylphiacrowley · 28 days
40. Describe their first time (for x'vahl/erenville 👉👈)
O ho? We enjoy a little spice.
Gonna go ahead and put this under a cut since I know I have some followers who prefer not to see NSFW tho
So I actually have two gpose stories already that are about this exact subject (technically three but I lost the third one since it's older and only has like 2 or 3 notes but it also takes place during this time frame): First one (mild spice) and the second one (actually spicy)
So, Erenville was annoyed that he was being told he was too distracted to do his job so he had spent a good portion of that day dwelling on that and had decided that if he was going to be accused of being distracted he might as well actually distract himself. So he went to visit X'vahl that night.
Now X'vahl had of course, already been pining for a bit at this point. He also hadn't been physically intimate with anyone for about a decade so when Erenville pinned him to the divider (and especially when he started kissing his neck) he was not about to refuse his advances. As I have previously mentioned physical touch is one of X'vahl's primary love languages, and he has been touch starved for a while so he was very much not thinking with his brain at this point.
X'vahl was actually just going to go down on him at first but Erenville wanted more than that (also those fangs are a little... intimdating, even though X'vahl knows very well how and when to use his fangs). I actually have a shot for this part that I didn't end up including in the overall set, so I guess now is a good excuse to post it here:
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Erenville ultimately decided not to take the job from that researcher by the way. He's good at his job and very aware of that fact so he can easily find other assignments if he feels like it.
Anyway, sorry I haven't actually written in a long time so I can't write a short fic as an answer, but hopefully this will suffice?
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abstinencesupreme · 3 months
14. Does your OC/WoL have an item that they keep with them? If they do, what is it? Why do they love it? Why do they keep it with them? 21. Which seven deadly sin would you associate with your WoL/OC Apollo? 👀
14. I'm not sure if there's lore for that weird pendant thing that Face 2 bunnyboys have the option of wearing, but my personal headcanon is that it's something Sunna gave Apollo. He never takes it off :)
21. Sloth! It's not that he isn't hardworking, it's mostly his apathy and tendency to bail on situations that applies here.
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ellisimis · 3 months
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windflowerofskellige · 11 months
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
Arabella and Lyonors are more homey because they're royalty so all travelling is done with a royal procession and its exhausting. But Arabella would LOVE to travel if she weren't [checks notes] the Queen of the Northern Realms (Redania and Temeria).
Anemone and Calisto love travelling and travel constantly!!! Anemone because she's a witcher and Calisto because he's a cool bandit. Cali even left her duchy in Lyria when he was given it because she couldn't sit still long enough to be a proper duchess so he fucked off with her husband to be part of the Iron Falcons :)
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paintedscales · 5 months
💔 : A breakup headcanon
\ o w o / Hiya, Nira!! Thank you for the ask! Much appreciated! ♥
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Aw man...
Nomin's pretty fiercely loyal, and I kind of base her relationship with Estinien with the one I have with my own partner in terms of the quiet adoration and simply basking in each others' presence while supporting each other and engaging in each others' interests. I've been with him for going on fourteen years this upcoming year.
Funny thing is that I also didn't like my current partner at first because I thought the fact that he had his own fanclub at the time was eye-roll inducing and made me assume he had an ego. Look how that turned out. :')
Anyway... Even with Arik, Nomin never really broke up with him. They tried it out, it didn't work, they mutually agreed that they're just friends and that's all it'd ever be.
But...thinking of Nomin and how I correlate her relationship similarities with my own...the situation would have to be pretty dire. She would have to learn that someone had cheated on her, and / or forged their relationship based on lies and manipulation similar to one of my situations with an ex. And once she would find that out, hell would break loose. She would burn the bridges and salt the earth with that person.
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bnuuywol · 7 months
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I can smell your fear, the only reason that I'm here... is to wreak havoc
(Thank you so much @puppycuptho for this BEAUTIFUL drawing of Silas!! <3)
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ahollowgrave · 2 months
I have so many of these in my inbox and it has been so long that maybe I just shouldn’t answer them. It was a struggle to think of five things, I’ll be honest, which is part of why it took so long. Then I just got a little overwhelmed about how long it had been and here we are! Thank you to all the people who sent it to me! I appreciate it more than I can say.
Dandelions - My yard is filled with dandelions. Clover and dandelions. My monitors share a wall with a window, and looking out and seeing the seeds gently drifting by during a stressful workday is so peaceful. The other day, while taking the dog out, he was rolling around in a patch of grass and beside him was a blooming dandelion on which a bee was doing the same thing. It was just me and the dog outside and I did cry about it. 
My Husband - He should have been number one, probably, but he would understand. Because he always understands! I’ve never felt safer with or more seen by someone. He makes me laugh, he’s helped me become braver and kinder. All the bad moments in life are so much easier with him; we’ll figure it out, together. 
Roleplay - I started RPing when I was 12. It was not good RP but it was so much fun! It set me on the path to meet my husband and friends I’ve had for decades. I don’t do it near as much as I would like too, lately, but that has slowly been changing and it has brought such joy back to me! I love to make characters and then throw them around and see what happens. Enrichment.
Pigeons - Is this a surprise?? Should it be number 2 instead!? We just don’t know. What we do know is that I love pigeons. I love you rock doves, I love you wood pigeons, I love you bleeding heart pigeons, I especially love you saxon monk pigeons. They are so varied and beautiful and ugly and they all have the same clown vibes no matter how elegant they look. Perfect creatures, no notes. 
Weekend Mornings - When a morning breeze is coming in the window and I’ve woken up naturally. When my legs are bracketed by cats. When, the second he realizes I’m awake, the chihuahua unburies himself so he can have my attention first, wiggling and whining. Knowing what he wants most is for me to get up so he can have the warm spot I leave behind. When I’m dressed and leaving the room and look back to find my husband watching me sleepily with a smile and he murmurs “Good morning, sweetie.” The animals already rearranged around him. Knowing I’ll have an hour or two to myself in the quiet house to start my day.
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Thank you, again, to everyone who sent this! @ascendedhypothesis @paintedscales @oneiroy @cindernet-explorer @iron-sparrow @ubejamjar @elf-simp @puppycuptho @sealrock And the people who sent it to my main blog, that I'm including here! Thank you so much! @meatball-headache @yloiseconeillants @gatheredfates
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irisopranta · 10 months
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Number 7 In the Rain
Thanks for the ask @puppycuptho
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humblemooncat · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Aww, I love me some positivity asks! Thank you @puppycuptho, @mmorpg-escapism, & @gatheredfates for sending this my way! <3
5 Things That Make Me Happy:
My friendships - I may not always be the most verbal person, but the friendships I've managed to keep despite this have always made me happy to see what the next day brings. (And, yes, this includes all of you who seemingly live in my computer. I love you, thank you for giving me something to look forward to day after day)
The characters I've created - Listen, we all love our blorbos right? I'm no different. Some days I'll go in-game just to stare at them, and some days I'll go on at-length about how they did this that one time and it permanently rewired their brain, and that is why they're Like That. Breathing life into characters gives me great joy.
A good cup of coffee - It's the little things, man. And when you need a cup to jumpstart your day, a good cup just hits different. It's a welcome happy start to any day.
Someone remembering tiny details - Having someone actually listen and remember is so heartwarming. To hear someone bring up "Oh, you said this this one time, so I figured I'd do/get this for you" or "Didn't you say this thing a while back? Why don't we go do this?" makes me feel loved and heard, and makes me extremely happy. (or in the case of a certain friend group, "You remember that meme that you laughed at a bit TOO much on Christmas eve that one year because you got wine drunk? Yeah, we're gonna haunt you with it now" xD)
Fresh-baked bread or other baked goods - There's a reason I taught myself to bake. The taste, smell, and feel of freshly-baked food is one of my all-time favorites.
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zylphiacrowley · 1 month
♡ - romantic headcanon
So X'vahl is a hopeless romantic. He's also cheesy as hell and as subtle as a brick wall when it comes to flirting (he thinks he's subtle but he is extremely obvious about it, and Erenville even directly called him out on it which embarrassed the hell out of him). He loves to put his bard skills to use and is not above a serenade, or a dance.
Quality time and physical touch are probably tied for his primary love languages. He didn't realize how touch starved he's been until recently though and the first time he actually innocently (and accidentally) made skin contact with Erenville he practically melted and had that "oh" moment like "okay I guess this is what my heart wants" he had been content to leave it at that since he's been very careful with his heart since he got it shattered by the mother of his children until Tataru decided she needed to intervene because she can read him like a book and knew something was up and wasn't about to let him keep acting like a kicked kitten at the mere mention of Erenville's name.
Thank you for the ask~! I enjoy getting the chance to talk about him being a hopeless romantic lol! :3
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abstinencesupreme · 3 months
3. Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it?  23. Are there any side quest storylines that you're particularly fond of or think of as being canon to your WoL's experiences?  24. Does your WoL have any phobias?
AAAAAAAA OMG I got so excited when I saw the notification 😭always a pleasure to see you in my notes, friend!!!
3. I wish I had a more interesting response to this, but Suki's Echo works just like it does in the game 😅 Apollo doesn't have the Echo, but he knows how it works thanks to her!
23. Lue-Reeq from the Shadowbringers Phys Ranged job questline is a particular favorite of mine. Suki doesn't even play phys ranged, but it's canon to her simply because I'm ridiculously fond of him. Blue-haired people have to stick together! (Honestly, I love all the Shadowbringers role quests and the Cylva storyline.)
24. I'm not sure what phobia this is or if it's just a fear, but Suki is terrified of losing her bodily autonomy. Certainly not uncommon for a wol, but Suki's fear stems from her history with the primal-summoning cult she grew up in. It got so, so much worse during Shadowbringers when she was becoming a sin-eater. Suki was already mad at Emet when it was revealed that he and the other Ascians are responsible for the cult even existing in the first place, and trying to turn her into a lightwarden was unacceptable. She has some perspective after Endwalker, and did end up liking Hades. But she doesn't remember Emet fondly.
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primamchorus · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
Sent in to me by both @disciple-of-frost & @puppycuptho! Thank you!
I'm on mobile, and I'm feeling a bit lazy, so no fancy formatting or my preferred dividers for this. For now, perhaps.
So...five things.
My partner, @blossomblade. We've been together for 14 years with no end in sight. There is literally no one else I'd rather have in my life. We've experienced so much shit together and overcome so much shit together that seeing the rest of my life without him in it is inconceivable to me. You know the meme of "if blah blah has 0 people that love them, I'm dead," or whatever? That's me about my partner.
My cat, Noir. He's mine and my partner's first fur baby. He's twelve years old and just one of the most loving and precious babies. He loves attention, and he's so sweet. He snuggles in my arms sometimes when I'm laying down or sleeping and wants to give us as much love as we've shown him as long as we've had him.
My family. There have been many things I've taken for granted, including people in my family. There are things I could never repay my family for. And sure, maybe it's not an expectation of me, but sometimes I wish I could make their lives easier as they have for me. From getting me the care I required going through cancer, my joint replacements, and all my medical needs, to helping where my partner and I need it where they can provide it has been so amazing for us. All my parents have also fully accepted my partner into our family, no resistance or questions. They're happy that I'm happy with him, and they're happy he's in my life.
My outlets. Art. Whether I'm drawing, writing, making clay figures when I have the materials, or whatever. Creating things makes me happy -- especially when I end up liking what I've made. It's a bumpy road and a process, though I've gotten to a better point of being able to appreciate the things I can create and complete.
My friends. I'm really glad to know a good handful of people that I can happily call my friends. I'm glad to have several of them that immediately spring to mind as I fill this portion out. I've been really heartened to have friends that I can talk to and speak to about whatever. Even share creative things with.
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crowdsourcedloner · 8 months
“Did either of them try to resist their feelings?” For ship questions o/
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Yes. (also thank you @puppycuptho for the double ask!)
Nailah's uncomfortable facing her feelings in most instances, and realizing she was actually in love with G'raha was no different. She tried her damnedest to resist her growing affections for him, tried to ignore how the light would catch him just right on their walks, how his voice would echo in her head long after they spoke, how she wondered what his crystal skin would feel like under her fingers - all things she poorly tried to explain as friendly thoughts for someone she missed far more than she expected.
(Even after Nailah accepted that yes, she was really in love with him, she kept finding excuses to get around telling him about her feelings. Looming apocalypses are good for that, though, and she's had plenty of time to come around on the idea.)
On G'raha's side, he didn't really resist falling in love with her so much as he didn't realize he had. He figured the feelings she inspired in him were just part of his heroic admiration of her, and thought this up until he met Estinien and noticed the differences. The realization was sudden, though certainly not unpleasant, and he's far more resistant about pursuing his feelings than actually having them.
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paintedscales · 5 months
Do other people experience your oc as having “peaceful” energy? Or are they inclined to restlessness- or even fractiousness? Do others find them relaxing company?
\ o w o / Hi again! ♥ Thank you so much for this ask as well for the ask reblog it came from! \ ; w ; / I appreciate it! ♥♥
EDIT: I just realized that @puppycuptho also sent the same ask. ; w ; Thank you as well! I don't know why the two asks didn't register as the same one. :'D skdfjsdf
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Winter Greenery OC Questions
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I am inclined to say it depends on who Nomin is with. Like, I would say if she's around people who she doesn't trust, she watches them pretty actively, and people may even admit that it just makes them so uncomfortable to have her glaring at them so.
I think with some of her friends from the Steppe, some people would have admitted that it was uncomfortable to be around her if this was around the time she and some of her Sagahl friends were subjugated by the Jhungid. Just because she's definitely very angry and irritable most of the time that bled into how she interacted with those around her.
Traveling in Eorzea, though, I think the Scions probably find her restless and as inquisitive as some of them are. She was looking and pressing for more answers about understanding her Echo when it was revealed that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn was inclined to seek the aid of people like Nomin herself, so I think that made her have more excitable and restless energy that others could pick up on.
Heavensward, and then Stormblood especially, I fully believe Nomin was much more fractious. I mean, on top of the Bloody Banquet, and then having to deal with how she feels like it's kind of an unfair slight against her and Alphinaud to help Ishgard when they need it versus being denied help when they asked was kind of like, "okay, thanks Aymeric. I'll remember this, actually."
I want to say that after some events in Shadowbringers and coming back to the Source allowed her some time to breathe and even allowed others to enjoy being in her company more. Especially since it was good downtime from everything for a little bit as G'raha got reacquainted with his body, and Nomin had some time for herself. So probably in this time, it was more calming to be around Nomin, because she would paint a lot -- just images and things she remembered being on the First that really made an impression (and could be shown to others to show them what it was like!).
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glass-garden · 9 years
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abstinencesupreme · 4 months
hi i binged apollo's carrd and i need you to know that i love him. top tier 10/10 bun right there
AAAAAAAAAAH omgggg thank you 😭 I took quite a long break from XIV last year, so I'm excited to get back into it. Thank you so much for checking out my Guy ❤️
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