#psoh tokyo
dejunco · 2 years
why am i only finding out NOW that there’re TWO NEW PREQUEL SERIES to petshop of horrors??!!
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eden-falls · 2 years
took some new pictures of my manga collection
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i Do have witch hat 1 i just don't know where it is and i also have psoh tokyo 3 but im reading it rn so its not on the shelf. given 2 is in german bc i mistakenly bought it without checking the language lol. that is all
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a-red-panda · 1 year
OK so. Twice now I have tried to order the first book in pet shop of horror. Fav manga and I want the entire collection. First time I tried to buy the first book the store accidentally send the first book in psoh tokyo. Ok cool easy mistake. Tried to order the first book again of a different site. I got the second book in the original series. Am I just doomed to never get the first book??
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I keep forgetting that PSoH got an anime because I read through the entire Manga in high school and thought it was TOO OLD TO GET A SHOW. I see your clip on other blogs and I'm like OH SHIT PET VAMPIRE DUDE REAL??
I read Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo as a teen, then I read the orginal and watch the anime when I was like 20-something.
I think the anime is worth a peek if you have not seen it.
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tatselk · 7 years
Shin PSOH: Final Chapter
I'm currently reading Volume 10 of the Chinese version of Shin PSOH/ PSOH Tokyo. Here's a summary of what happened in the final chapter, just because this is too good (also, I apologise for any mistakes as I am simultaneously reading and translating this):
1. Taizu/ Lau Wu Fei's father is dying and wishes to see him married.
2. Taizu lies to him that he already has someone in mind.
3. Count D offers to "lend" him a woman from the pet shop whom he can pass off to his father as his intended wife, and promises that Taizu will find the person whom he truly desires/ wishes to see/ hopes for.
4. Taizu meets a total of 5 different potential "spouses" in 5 different rooms. At first, Count D accompanies Taizu in these meetings. However, before the meeting with the last potential “spouse”, Count D is called away to attend to some urgent business, as there is someone who wishes to see him at the shop. Count D asks Taizu to proceed to the final room alone, tells him that “the person this time should satisfy Taizu’s wish/ hope” and said, “Then, Taizu, please take care” (hold that thought).
5. During Taizu’s meeting with the last potential “spouse”, things got abit weird/ supernatural and somehow Taizu discovers that what he apparently wants is to commit patricide. 0_0 There were also some tantalising bits about how Taizu does not want to marry anyone as the only woman he cares about is his step-sister Chun Li and how Taizu is angry at his father for ruining the lives of his first wife, Taizu’s mother (the second wife), Chun Li and Taizu. Unfortunately, these points were not further explored.
6. The last potential "spouse" says that if Taizu takes her hand/ picks her, he will be able to achieve whatever he wants, whether it is to supersede his father or to rule a nation. Taizu rejects her offer and says that he will not depend on others to achieve his aims.
7. The last potential "spouse" laughs and suggests that what Taizu really needs is a friend who is not calculative, with whom Taizu can meet on equal terms, whom Taizu can confide in and trust etc. Then, the last potential "spouse" directs Taizu to go with the words, “Isn’t there someone like that in the pet shop now?” (again, hold that thought).
8. As Taizu leaves the room, he ruminates about what the last potential "spouse" said and wonders whether she is referring to Count D. But Taizu is pretty outraged with this idea as, amongst other things, he feels that that Count D got him involved in random crap and frivolously uses his credit card to waste his money. Oh, and Taizu doesn’t trust Count D’s “supercilious” smile. But then, Taizu considers that Count D might be a valuable business partner if he continues to do more business in Japan.
9. As Taizu reaches the door to the front of the pet shop, he is confused at someone shouting, “So slow!! How long are you going to keep me waiting!?”
10. DUN DUN DUN. Taizu meets Leon! They are confused about the identities of each other. Taizu asks his assistant, Chen, “Old Chen, where’s the Count? He should be back by now?” Chen replies, “Ah, n-no? I haven’t seen him come back.”
11. At this point, Leon pushes pass Taizu whilst shouting, “Move aside!”. He pushes the door to the back of the pet shop open and it is shown that there is nothing there but a small office-like space. Taizu is bamboozled, “What’s happening? I walked through maze-like corridors just now. Is this a trap door!?”
12. This is the rest of the conversation between Taizu and Leon.
LEON: *Sigh* Of course. Damnit, he ran off again?
TAIZU: Ran off … !?
LEON: Sorry for the disturbance. Bye bye.
TAIZU: Wait, wait, hold on a moment! Who are you? Are you familiar with Count D?
LEON: I’m Leon Orcot, a former police officer with LAPD. When Count D was operating his pet shop in the Chinatown in L.A., he gave me quite a bit of trouble.
TAIZU: T-then does this mean you are apprehending a criminal? No?
LEON: When that fellow left, he forgot something. I want to return it [NOTE: this is Chris’s drawing!] to him, but he gave me the slip every single time. I’m afraid this means that this shop would be closed down too.
LEON: By now, he would have flown off.
TAIZU: *realises that when Count D said to him, “Please take care.”, that was his final farewell.”
LEON: I guess the Count stringed you along too, eh? Please accept my condolences. Bye bye.
TAIZU: W-wait a minute!
LEON: Eh—What do you want?
TAIZU: There are so many things I want to ask you!!
13. The next scene cuts to Count D who is escaping on a plane with his trusty suitcase. As Count D looks out of one of the windows of the plane, his final thoughts are about how he will return to Japan someday.
And now for my initial thoughts on this chapter:
1. I have waited years to see Leon again! Thank goodness, he is still alive. :D
2. OMG, Leon actually tracked down Count D to his shop! 
3. HOLY CRAP, does this mean that Leon and Taizu are meant to be BFFs? Is this something, which is going to be explored in a future PSOH series?? What does this all mean??? My headcanon is that Leon and Taizu are going to work together somehow to chase down Count D. :)
4. What is up with Taizu’s family troubles stumbling out all at once at the end of the series? Does this mean we are going to see more of Taizu??
5. As a LeonxCount D fan, I’m totally vindicated that Count D’s farewell to Taizu here is about as neutral and bland as it can possibly get, whereas the parting with Leon at the end of the original PSOH was nothing short of being fraught with emotions. Haha.
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howlingmoonrise · 3 years
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I keep forgetting not everyone knows about the existence of THIS particular jewel (or bothered to read it beyond the first couple sentences, which frankly is a mood) SO this is your random reminder that Leon knew D’s location on Shin PSoH all along!
headcanons about why it took him months to get there after knowing may vary >.>
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sherokutakari · 5 years
I think it's time we revisited the idea of a Pet Shop of Horrors anime
And not just a short run OVA this time, either, but a full season, committed to doing the whole original, pre-Shin/Tokyo/Passage Hen stuff.
Like don't get me wrong, the OVA was absolutely gorgeous, and they stuck to the storylines reeeeeally really well, but it never really felt like PSoH to me. For one, they never really let Count D be as... I dunno, out there as he can be in the original source material. He's still otherworldly, sure, but they never let the animation do... well really anything silly and D-like. Even when they let him be a little goofy (specifically about a certain type of sweet he likes,) we still only got...
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... yeah.
Whereas in the manga, we see D suddenly flip to childlike or even fanatical exuberance when Leon brings him the cakes...
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...and totally changes his tune about helping the detective with the case that he is 100% definitely involved in
And going off the minor quibble with the animation choices
Like seriously
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The tones are totally different, and I think trying to take PSoH too far into the horror genre is really what caused the OVA to fail.
But with so many older manga either getting an anime for the first time (Banana Fish, 2018,) getting a continuation (Card Captor Sakura: Clear Card Arc, 2017,) or just straight up getting a fix-it/do-over (Fruits Basket, 2019,) I think it's time to give Pet Shop of Horrors another try, with the love and attention to characters and details that it really deserves.
It's time to open the doors once again.
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ruthlessnightsscans · 4 years
Hi! First of all thank you so much for the uploads and translation of Pet Shop of Horror. All your hard works are appreciated very much. I knew about this manga way back then but it just recently that I discovered translation of it. Really greatful for your works! I'm not full aware if of all the sequels and prequels of all if it tho. Would mind listinv it all or maybe correct what I know. -Pet Shop of Horror -PSoHTokyo -PSoH Passage Hen Was searching for it and there another1 hyouhaku??
Hello! I’m glad another fan reached our page. The correct order of the mangas is as follows: Pet Ship of Horrors (that came out first) then Shin Pet Shop of Horrors (this was called PSOH Tokyo by the publisher) then there’s Passage hen (which is a prequel actually about Sofu D. This came out later so we are releasing the volumes after the first two series) and Hyouhaku no hakobune hen (this is the newest series with only 2 volumes out. It will be about Papa D. You will get to read these volumes after we uploaded the 5 volumes of Passage hen). Hopefully, a new volume will come out soon and we can continue the translations. For now, you can find the first two series on our page and the first volume of Passage hen (though the second one will be available really soon) I hope this helped a bit. If not, then let me know. :)
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teddykalfu · 3 years
Pet Shop of Horrors (Matsuri Akino)
För Dig som: vill se poetisk rättvisa utmätt av en moraliskt neutral ciceron
I Los Angeles Chinatown finns en mystisk djuraffär. Det stora flertalet som hittar dit gör det för att de har ett djupare, ofta mörkare behov än bara längtan efter fyrfota sällskap. Sådana kunder blir ledda förbi de helt(?) normala hundarna, hamstrarna och papegojorna, genom dörrarna till det bakre rummet… där deras öde väntar på dem, i form av ett särskilt husdjur. Det kan se ut som Din nyss avlidna dotter (fast ägaren försäkrar att det är en kanin), ta gestalten av den perfekta livvakten för en blind flicka (en östtysk arméofficer med kuperade öron) eller den ouppnåeliga skönheten Du alltid sökt efter; allt efter behov. Köparen behöver bara skriva på ett kontrakt, med högst specifika skötselråd…
Mata med färsk mjölk och fisk
Kamma henne noggrant
Få henne inte att gråta
Bryter Du mot kontraktet så kan säljaren inte hållas ansvarig för konsekvenserna.
Låter det riggat? Det är det. Djuraffärens ägare, Count D – androgyn, enigmatisk, amoralisk (omänsklig?) – är ingen vän av människor och deras egocentriska uppträdande mot andra levande varelser. Besöken i hans affär slutar nästan alltid med skräck, sorg och ond bråd död, eller i Ds ögon: poetisk rättvisa. Han säljer ”hopp och drömmar” – att de allra flesta inte förstår konsekvenserna av sina drömmar är inte hans problem.
Självklart får den sortens privata rättskipande inte fortgå ostraffat. Kommissarie Leon Orcot vid LAPD:s mordrotel misstänker D och hans skumraskaffärer för seriemord (möjligtvis massmord), och han tänker inte vila förrän han satt honom bakom galler. Eftersom det finns vissa problem med bevisfrågan (Vad skall han göra? Mordåtala en utdöd sabeltandad tiger? Kalla en tvättbjörn till vittne?) får han nöja sig med det näst bästa: hänga i affären och trakassera D i väntan på sin chans. Under tiden får han frottera sig med såväl nu levande som utdöda djur (stundtals förmänskligade till utseendet men aldrig till beteendet), spöken,  vidunder och till och med gudar.
Kulturkrocken till trots – D är förfinat, nästan aristokratiskt kinesisk, Leon ”hör hemma på ett zoo under skylten ’genomsnittlig amerikan’” – blir det omaka paret förstås vänner(?). Till och med familj, när Leons traumatiserade lillebror kommer in i bilden. Och till sin förvirring upptäcker Leon att djuren i affären börjar framstå som allt mänskligare  – medan D till sin fasa inser att han har börjat fästa sig vid ett exemplar av det farligaste djuret av dem alla…
Pet Shop of Horrors är lika delar skräck, djurrättsaktivism, normkritik och stundvis situationskomik, berättad i skira svartvita teckningar överflödande av detaljer. Den som har svårt för de ofta stiliserade proportionerna hos människofigurer i manga behöver inte oroa sig – inga vuxna tecknade av Matsuri Akino ser ut som överdimensionerade barn. Serien är stundvis kolsvart, och gärna filmisk i sin berättarstil. Det finns självklart en tydlig sensmoral: den som handlar illa mot andra – även andra som inte åtnjuter mänskliga rättigheter – råkar själv illa ut. Men eftersom det sällan ges entydiga svar på vad som är rätt och fel känns tonen aldrig moraliserande. På sätt och vis är Pet Shop of Horrors en filosofisk utvecklingsberättelse, där det aldrig står helt klart vem (om någon) som avgår med segern.
För den som inte blir mätt på seriens tio delar finns en fristående fortsättning, Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo (samt ytterligare spin-offs som tyvärr inte översatts till engelska). Även om PSoH: Tokyo fortsätter utforska intressanta frågor så blir den gradvis mer äventyrsbetonad än skräckbetonad, och saknar framförallt den elektriska personkemin från originalet. 
Men när Matsuri Akino skapar något ”mindre inspirerat” betyder det fortfarande ”betydligt bättre än det mesta annat”.
På svenska: Nej
Ljudbok: Nej
E-bok: Nja (icke auktoriserade scanlations går att hitta på diverse manga-sajter)
Pet Shop of Horrors 1–10, 2003–2005
Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo 1–8 (9–12 ej översatta), 2008–2011
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count-d · 6 years
Possible endings of PSoH (which I will probably never get to see because life is cruel to me in the form of mangas that don’t update)
Leon and Taizu meet after D leaves Tokyo, they bond over their obsession with D and end up falling for each other instead. D realises he’s a god damn moron.
Leon and Taizu meet the same way but instead of falling for each other, they team up and search the globe for D together while constantly being on edge about who will get the D. (Sometimes they consider polyamory but neither ever says so aloud.)
D moves in to a new town, a new man falls for him but then D leaves again, as he always does. New man meets the D fanclub/groupies and joins them which continues until there’s an entire D cult. D is appalled by the idea and swears he’ll never use his charm on men again. (Think again D, it’s probably pheromones, and even then you can never turn off that charm.)
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mirrirr · 7 years
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I got one shelf of my manga shelf mostly emptied of random crap just so I could fit the new space gays there... (Maleficent and gang used to be on the upper level, too.)
I am also still bitter about Tokyopop going down before they finished PSOH Tokyo because my Japanese is not good enough to read it. :(
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pigcatapult · 4 years
Piffy reads Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo
(Japanese title: Shin Pet Shop of Horrors)
I’ve finally got scanlations of the whole series and I’m gonna read it before I get to actually buying any new manga. Trying to be more mindful of my spending lately.
The original Pet Shop of Horrors 10-volume series is one very near and dear to my heart, so I’m going into this really wanting to love this second one. So far I’m two chapters into the first volume and very frustrated with a very specific change in formula. But first, I need to give some context, because this is an out-of-print manga that was niche to begin with and this is a general blog.
So, in the PSoH universe, all animals have secret humanoid forms but seeing them is kind of like being able to see fairies in other stories: The rules for who can see them under what circumstances is very loose and some human children can see them but lose that ability as they grow up, etc.
In the first series, the Customer (frequently Victim) of the Week is typically skeptical when first presented with the Animal of the Week, because they’ve never seen an animal in their humanoid form before. The “Is this human trafficking?” question typically comes up, but Count D (the proprietor of the eponymous shop) is like “No, this is a bird/rabbit/dog/kirin/lizard,” and some suggestion magic does the rest of the convincing. Victims of the Week typically leave the shop knowing that this is an X that just looks like a human (to them; outside observers usually-but-not-always see just the animal form).
In PSoH:T, that seems to no longer be the case. In the first chapter the Customer of the Week walks out like “holy shit how did he convince me to buy a human child. D: I can’t go to the police so I guess I’m raising him as my own.” In the second chapter, the Customer of the Week takes home a cicada nymph that turns human overnight and she’s like “Well fuck, that shady pet shop exchanged my bug for a prostitute while I was sleeping. I guess I have a dependent now.”
Like... I get that Discount Leon the new guy who doesn’t believe in magic and is trying to prove Count D is doing something illegal no longer has a string of suspicious deaths to pin on him. D has learned #NotAllHumans and isn’t setting people up to get killed by following human nature instead of a mysterious contract anymore. The “Is this human trafficking?” angle is the obvious one to pick if you’re attempting to stray from the series 1 dynamic between D and Leon as much as possible but can’t reunite them because of the distant epilogue you wrote when you thought that the franchise was over. The problem is that D is changing his special sales strategy to look as much like human trafficking as possible for no apparent in-universe reason.
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tatselk · 7 years
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After finally reading the last chapter of Shin PSOH/ PSOH Tokyo (my summary and review of it can be found here), I think the most surprising thing about it was how it was strongly implied that LEON, of all people, would be a good friend whom Taizu can trust and confide in. 0_0
So, this is my idea of how these 2 would be like if and when they start hanging out right after the last Shin PSOH/ PSOH Tokyo chapter. Leon is happy that he can finally discuss Count D with someone who understands what he is talking about. And Taizu is just continually surprised/ shocked at what he is learning about Count D. Haha. 
On a side note, I’m quite pleased with my attempt at copying Leon’s clothes in this chapter. :) What I’m not so happy about is how my messy-haired Taizu turned out to look more like a young William T. Spears from Kuroshitsuji. -_-‘’
The words in the speech bubbles are as follows: 
LEON: … Hey, Wu Fei, did you know that the Count and his whole family are immortals? And that they are genetic duplicates of one another?
TAIZU: WHAAAT?!! You’ve got to be kidding me, Leon!
Shin Pet Shop of Horrors/ Pet Shop of Horrors, Leon Orcot and Taizu/ Taizuu/ Lau Wu Fei/ Woo-Fei Rau (c) Matsuri Akino
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howlingmoonrise · 4 years
quick question: are the ruthless nights of psoh the tokyopop translations or a newer, more accurate one? also: leon orcot might be fictional, but i would bang him like a screen door until next tuesday. happy thanksgiving!
Ruthless Nights Scans are an amazing fan-translation group and took far less liberties than Tokyopop by miles! They’re the most accurate English translation going around so if you’re looking to read/reread PSoH and not get hit by constant senseless ad-libs or random moments where Leon is a thousand times ruder and more offensive than he was ever meant to be or if you want to actually understand the events of the last volume in general, here’s their PSoH tag! 
You’ll also find that they’ve translated Shin/Tokyo PSoH and both PSoH prequels (Sofu’s and Papa’s), so that’s more PSoH content than Tokyopop ever managed >u> Their translations for PSoH and Shin PSoH are also both up on mangadex, though I’m not sure if it was the group itself uploading it there.
also: leon orcot might be fictional, but i would bang him like a screen door until next tuesday. happy thanksgiving!
I just cackled madly about this and this 100% made my day. Huge fucking mood though!!!!! Come tell me about that any time so we can thirst together about how there’s a disturbing lack of people climbing him like a tree!!!!!!
Happy rereading, dear anon! <3
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howlingmoonrise · 5 years
Okay, I’m a few months new to the fandom. I was introduced to it by the anime and I’m trying to get my hands on the manga. I’ve seen some panels of manga here on tumblr and regarding your Leon appreciations posts if I remember - if I recalled wrong I apologize - right Leon has worn croptops. Can we just take a second to appreciate that part of his character?
Fear not, my friend! While the official Tokyopop translation is out of print and it’s hard to find the individual volumes at a good price much less the whole collection  and it’s also terribad what the hell were they on when they were translating PSoH like there’s whole parts where they legit just ad-libbed and it made zero sense, the fantastic group @ruthlessnightsscans has an amazing translation on their tumblr here, and they’re also translating the sequel series Shin/Tokyo PSoH (please don’t accidentally start reading that one instead of the original i’ve met more than one person who did bc the names were so similar) as well as the prequel/spin-off Passage-hen and are planning on translating the other prequel/spin-off series coming out right now, the last two for which there’s no word of an official translation. I’m delighted to say we’re in good hands ;)
i’m gonna be real with you tho, i was wracking my brain for a full five minutes thinking about whether or not it was canon for leon to use crop tops or not because on one hand it might very well be but on the OTHER hand he’s also exactly the kind of person who WOULD wear them and so we might have collectively decided in the PSoH hive-mind that he wore them at one point.
So I obviously did what I do best and went through the whole manga.
No dice until volume 4. In his defense, according to the mangaka early!Leon was meant to be a more serious sort of cop with a style like Miami Vice iirc, so he starts off with a suit + t-shirt combo on the first volume, and mellows out to button-downs and very high-waisted jeans paired with t-shirts stuffed in, meaning it’s hard to say if they’re actually crop-tops or not. THEN he starts getting zanier, and in volume 4 we’re rewarded with THIS amazing little combination with a crop-top on top of a button-down!
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After this, we start seeing more of those signature Leon Looks™, with weird-ass t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up and jean vests and even more high-waisted pants as well as the occasional leather jacket. The flannels and button-downs occasionally make a return (actually, remind me to one of these days write a full post on leon orcot’s wardrobe bc my boy is really something).
also, not a crop top but look at my disaster bi son!!!!!!!
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he has such a weird taste in clothing i love him so much
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then FINALLY another crop-top sighting on volume 7!!!!! on the next few pages it looks like another of his tucked-in t-shirts but we know better 
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then we get A TRUE ACTUAL CROP TOP SIGHTING right on the first chapter of volume 8, which coincidentally is one of my favourite chapters in the manga (special thanks to @prince-kraehe for the perfect screenshot when i went to the psoh server despairing that i couldn’t remember whether he’d actually worn a crop-top or not)
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this crop-top is sadly the last one leon wears in the manga, but also the most memorable. a good end to the crop-top line, i think.
leon is just unapologetically disaster bi 90′s son and i love him so much
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ruthlessnightsscans · 5 years
Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into scanning and translating everything! Especially the pet shop of horrors series! I had bought every single volume that had come out in the US and was super disappointed when Tokyo Pop stopped publishing Shin Psoh (tokyo). By then all the scanlation groups had dropped the series too. I’m so happy that after so many years, I can finally continue the story! Thank you again so much (fingers crossed that Leon finally catches up!)
Hello. You’re welcome. I’m glad this series has so many fans. 
We will upload the rest of the Shin series, then the Passage hen (my proofreader friend just sent back the first two volumes) then the new one (Hyouhaku no Hakobune hen) as well so look forward to them in the future. :)
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