tazzarts · 3 months
organizational tags
Tart - my art
Sketchbook - anything done for school finished - completed pieces digital - digital art traditional - art on paper fanart - art based on existing media
not my art
draw - drawings crft - craft cerm - ceramic ptng - paintings phot - photography texl - textiles (knit, fashion, basketry) dsgn - design (typography, architecture) film - film (animations, gifs, videos) jwly - jewelry prtm - printmaking sclp - sculpture reference - reference material
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prfm-multiverse · 2 years
The first episode of Season 2 of The Masked Singer Japan is now available on Amazon Prime Video in Japan.
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spencerheartcare · 2 years
Is PrTMS Treatment safe for the brain?
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The primary goal of PrTMS is to slowly nudge neural alpha wave responses toward a common fundamental frequency, which changes over time and is thought to be related to behavioral symptomologies. When neural activity is coherent across the brain, it is said to be closer to a more efficient and natural state. Neuronal coherence is thought to alleviate the symptoms of brain-related diseases and enhance cognitive function. 
Side effects of rTMS therapy 
If you are considering rTMS therapy for brain treatment, you should be aware of the side effects associated with this procedure. Some people may experience seizures while receiving treatment. If you are at risk of seizures, your doctor may recommend another treatment option, such as antidepressants. However, this therapy is not for everyone. People with epilepsy or brain damage should not receive rTMS. Other side effects of rTMS include frequent headaches, nausea, and loss of appetite. 
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The most common side effect associated with rTMS is a headache. Patients may experience headaches within a few days of receiving the therapy, while others may have mild or no side effects at all. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting, as well as a buzzing or throbbing sensation on the side that has been stimulated. Fortunately, these effects are relatively rare, and most patients do not have severe problems after undergoing rTMS. 
Murphy's claims about the safety of brain PrTMS treatment are untrue or based on his personal opinion. The company has since removed the article from its website. According to his website, his VA project never got far enough to get started, but in the same month that his VA project didn't get off the ground, his proposal was reviewed by the UCSD Institutional Review Board (IRB), which oversees clinical trials and protects the rights of human research subjects. 
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This study aims to determine whether the treatments are safe. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups, either an active or a sham intervention. In addition to the study, the participants will wear a sleep tracking ring provided by the lab. They will also be required to fill out daily and weekly surveys. The research team will also collect data on the participants' moods and general health. The researchers will not disclose which treatment condition they received. 
Researchers are currently studying the effectiveness of personalized repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (PrTMS) as a brain treatment. The technology is noninvasive and can improve sleep quality and cognitive performance. In addition, it can help improve mood and reduce stress. The study is currently ongoing and aims to find out whether PrTMS treatment is safe for most people. However, some people may experience side effects such as nausea or tingling. 
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Researchers have demonstrated that PrTMS brain treatment is effective for treating PTSD in patients. The treatment works by targeting neural alpha wave dynamics. The technique uses PeakLogic software to determine where and how often to apply the therapy. This data should allow researchers to monitor specific changes as the treatment progresses. For example, improvements in alpha wave coherence are associated with improved sleep behavior and cognition. These changes in neural activity can help alleviate symptoms of brain-related disease and improve cognitive function. 
If you're looking for a non-invasive, pain-free way to treat your brain and improve your overall health, you may want to look into getting PrTMS brain treatment. There are many benefits to this type of treatment. Not only will it improve your overall health and wellbeing, but it can also help you sleep better. But how much will PrTMS cost? That's the question that we'll answer in this article. 
The goal of PrTMS is to gradually nudge the neural alpha wave responses toward a common fundamental frequency. This frequency varies over time, but larger variations are often associated with specific behavioral symptomologies. This process is known as coherence and results in heightened cognitive functions. This is believed to relieve symptoms associated with brain-related disorders and can improve mood and anxiety levels as well. Cost of prtms brain treatment.
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editcrafttech · 2 years
What are 6 ways to maintain good mental health?
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Behavioral Health Solutions offers mental health evaluations for people suffering from various disorders. The team of professionals at the company evaluates symptoms of 19 mental disorders, including social anxiety, performance anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, ODD, and many more. Whether you need a diagnosis for a loved one or a whole family, there is a program for you. Read on to learn more. Behavioral Health Solutions provides various mental health evaluations for both adults and children. 
WorkIt Health 
After experiencing the broken addiction treatment system in the U.S., Robin McIntosh and Lisa McLaughlin founded Workit Health. Since then, the company has grown to cover six states and is on track to continue its rapid growth. The company's team of licensed professionals includes psychiatry and addiction medicine specialists as well as Master's level social workers. In addition, Workit Health employs licensed nurse practitioners and physicians. 
Behavioral health integration 
Behavioral health integration is the process of integrating the care of primary care physicians with mental health and substance abuse specialists. The practice promotes optimal communication, coordination, and a core set of health goals. Behavioral health integration solutions are becoming more widespread and effective, and primary care physicians are well positioned to be part of the solution. Using the integrated care model, primary care physicians can now conduct comprehensive care and assessments, as well as refer patients to a behavioral health provider if needed.
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Medication Assistance Treatment (MAT) programs 
Medication Assistance Treatment (MAT) programs are a behavioral health solution. They can help patients with the symptoms of substance use disorder who cannot take their prescribed medications. These programs are also beneficial for individuals with mental health conditions such as schizophrenia. There are two different pathways to become a substance abuse treatment provider. One pathway requires extensive training, while the other restricts treatment to 30 patients. In April 2021, the rules will be updated to encourage more prescribing. There are resources to help clinicians get started in this field, including CME classes for prescribers of controlled substances. 
Behavioral interventions 
Behavioral Health Solutions (BHS) is a mental health agency that provides a variety of counseling services. These services range from general counseling to therapy for specific mental conditions. They can even provide counseling for nursing homes. Employees can discuss their experience at Behavioral Health Solutions and offer honest reviews. Below are 6 things to know about BHS. Behavioral Health Solutions
has a positive work environment and a great benefits package. Find out more about working at Behavioral Health Solutions!
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Center for Behavioral Health Solutions 
The Center for Behavioral Health Solutions provides counseling and treatment services for mental health and substance abuse disorders. This private practice focuses on evidence-based, short-term treatment of common behavioral health problems. Through thorough assessment and collaboration with other professionals, the Center for Behavioral Health Solutions tailors its treatment to each client's needs. The mission of the Center for Behavioral Health Solutions is to improve lives through treatment of mental illnesses. To learn more, visit its website. 
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tazzmanian-devil · 3 months
who wants to go through my art blog and organize all my posts with tags for me!!! i want to retag everything under #not my art with draw, ptng, phot, texl, dsgn, film, jwly, prtm, crft, and sclp
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midoririring · 9 months
Bener kamu cee, udah mil stop being friendly.
Oke, aku akan cerita apa yg sbnernya terjd wkt aku pertama kali main basket kmrin sabtu. Jadiii, aku emg sengaja bawa bola basket ke kosan, krn ya pingin aja main. Dr prtm beli blm kumainin samsek. Akhirnya aku bangun pagi lah itu, set 6 otw ke lap basket belakangnya fip. Aku nyampe lap itu uda ada yg main cee, 2 anak kecil sama 1 cowo. Bodo amatlah aku asal main wae trus gtw gmn aku jd bisa ngobrol sm ank kecilnya. Kan km tau klo aku suka sksd sm ank kecil. Ywda akhirnya ikutan ngobrol jg sm cowo itu, kita kenalan. Dia angkatan 2020 di fip. Aku nggak merasakan hal yg aneh dr cowo itu mangkanya tak teruskan aja di lap itu. Trus makin siang makin rame, ank kecil² pada dateng banyakan bawa bola sepak, aku tebak sih mreka mau main futsal. Rame kan itu. Trus dateng lagi cowo, dia jg anak fip yg emg suka main di situ. Trus dtg lagi ank angkatan 2023. Rame ceee makin siang. Aku nggak ngerasa aneh krn mereka semua nggak menciptalan suasana yg canggung. Ya main aja la gimana pasti km tau. Di titik itu aku bisa paham knp ada ungkapan olahraga itu bisa mencairkan suasana.
Sampe akhirnya aku uda pegel, bolaku uda dipinjem ank kecil² tu, aku duduk pinggir lp sambil main hape, ngecek sopi dan ternyata dichat kurirnya. Nggak lama, ank² kecil yg td pinjem bolaku ngebalikin bolanya. Udah deh, aku ambil nafas dlu krn kagok ceee, capek.
Trus tbtb dtg 2 cowo entah itu darimana. Aku merutuki ke friendly an ku saat itu. Gblk bgt mil knp lu ngeramahin mereka. Dgn gblk nya aku nawarin mreka "mau main ta mas" salah satunya ngangguk, tak lemparlah itu bola ke mreka. Aku murni ramah formalitas ceeee, krn ga sengaja ngeliat mereka bengong nontonin 3 cowo pertama yg dtg td. Dari situlah petaka dimulai. 2 cowo itu satunya berkacamata dan satunya gendut. Yg berkacamata ini ngenalin dirinya, yawes ya tak bales sekadarnya. Trnyata dia mhs pasca di fbs. Si kacamata ini nguomong teros ceee, tanya² hal gk penting yg aku tau ni org uda mulai aneh.. aku jwbnya jg singkat kok cee, sambil liat hape, balesin chatbya pak kurir. Aku uda nunjukin gesture gk mau diajak omong tp tu kacamata masih ngomong teros. Aku risih ce pas itu. Ada kalik 5 menit dia nguomong gk tau ngomong apa. Saat yg tak tunggu akhirnya dtg jg yaitu pas bolaku dibalikin. Saat itu jg aku lgsg beberes pulang byeee! Aku pamit dlu sama 3 cowo pertama yg aku jauh lebih menghormati mereka bertiga krn ngerti batesan dan suasana daripada 2 org cowo terakhir itu.
Akh mau keluar lap, si kacamata itu masih ngomong gtw apaan. Aku cuma teriak sambil jalan "sori ditunggu kang paket!"
Seremnya, samar² aku denger yg gendut ngomong "anterin pulang lah."
Saat itu juga aku jalan cepet semi lari ceeeeee😭😭😭😭😭😭 gamauuuuu.. serem bangeettt...
Udahhhh aku gak mau ramah lg sm org asing. Bahaya bangettt. Aku mau ramah sama km aja. Aku tau klo km dengerin cerita ini pasti km uda ngapokin aku kan cee. Aku bisa bayangin km bilang "KAAANNN." 😭😭 aku mau nurut ajaaaa
Udah itu cerita seremku sabtu kmrin. Aku mau tdr. C u!
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apsny-news · 1 year
Pekerja Rumah Tangga Migran Menunggu UU PPRT
PARA pekerja rumah tangga migran (PRTM) Indonesia punya daftar panjang berbagai bentuk kekerasan terus berulang akibat perlakuan sewenang-wenang majikan karena mereka dianggap babu, bukan pekerja. “Tidak cukup UU PPMI, kami butuh UU PPRT juga untuk melindungi kami,” ujar Wati, PRT migran Taiwan. Jeritan PRT Wati dari Taiwan tersebut disuarakan saat webinar antarjaringan buruh migran untuk…
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octyounme · 2 years
mo kya gitu ke aku ya itsokeee, aku gppa aku telen pait"nya sendiri tpi pas aku lgi ga bawa keluarga aku juga gituu, untung papakuu cuek dan untung aga jauh dan ada yg ngajak ngobrol juga..
Tpi ini adik aku ngeuh dongg, secara feeling kaka beradik gmna, apalagi kaka nya di gituin sampe" pas di mobil lgi ganti bajuu tbtb nanya 'teteh kenapa' huaaa digituin ya aku lgsg nangis kejerrrr😭 blm prnh aku nangis kya gitu apalagi depan adik aku, gamungkin jg aku bilang gapapa org dah nangis gt😭😭😭😭😭 rasanya pgn pulang aja udah cepet" taunya gini gausah bawa kluarga aku dan meskipun aku ikut ya aku telen sendiri pait paitnya
Tbtb mama nya ampir seharian full beda bgt sikapnya, aku turunin ego, aku yg nyamperin dan minta maaf meskipun aku bingung salah aku dmn? 🥲 pas disamperin bilangnya gitu karna katanya kesel sama ayahnya dan lampiasinnya ke aku gt maksudnya🥲
Dan yg bikin nyesek uwa nya bilang "si .. terus we sama keluarga km, nanti klo udh nikah mama sama adiknya sama siapa? Dilupain gituu?"
Pdhl dari prtm pas dibawa ke rumahny jga, org rumahnya tau sendiri aku sama mama sama adiknya gaada apa² malahan biasa dekett hehehe gapernah lupa klo apa selalu inget
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Katie Walker -Time Force
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genidma · 4 years
Neural correlates of x
It seems like cognition is a collection of functions. In this case, it is apt to classify these functions as (mostly) pattern-recognizers. I say mostly, as it could very well be the case that there are other functions, classes and perhaps sub-classes involved. 
It is the very architecture of these pattern recognizers that boots up cognition. However they may happen to be structured. 
The actual structure or the connectome. 
As well, the functions of the mind with respect to the areas of the brain that have been primed and conditioned. The mind makes the brain and the brain makes the mind. Environmental conditioning and relationships are an extension of the mind.
What I have shared in the very first paragraph, is not a new or novel thought. Ray Kurzweil has a theory that is called PRTM. It stands for ‘Pattern recognition theory of the mind’. This theory and Mr. Kurzweil’s take on this topic overall, has been documented in his book titled ‘How to create a mind’ : The secret of human thought revealed. 
Now, there must be mathematical calculations happening in individuals biological neurons for us to see/hear/feel/smell and also think. So, there must be neural correlates associated with respect to how information is processed by any given part of the brain. 
The systems responsible for routing the signals that eventually take the form of correlates: The architecture itself, the pattern recognizer or set of pattern recognizers that kick in and how specific signals are routed through that very pattern recognizer. 
Suppose that there are actual neural correlates involved and as it relates to every single calculation that the brain makes. So, at the very least, this looks like a three step process:
Some stimuli is received.
Pattern recognizers kick in. (Contingent on the type of stimuli received, a different set of pattern recognizers may kick in. The neocortex may or may not process all of that information indiscriminately)
Contingent on which pattern or set of patterns kick in, an output is generated. So this is the actual correlate. 
Now to get to the neural correlates of pretty much anything and this is all conjecture, I think we would need breakthroughs related to two major set of practices. Note, these are not two breakthroughs, but these could be breakthroughs in two distinct sub-branches of neuroscience or mathematics. The process of distillation may look something like: 
Reverse engineer all the pattern recognizers themselves. Unless there is some clever trick to this and/or the same pattern loops throughout the neocortex (albeit slightly different in each instance). Yeah, so unless there is some clever trick, we would need breakthroughs in a couple of key domains. 
The other major set of practices would be related to the actual mathematical correlates or the outcome. 
Here are some examples:
If I meditate for 15 minutes each day, then the combination of sitting in silence and breathing a certain way generates a specific frequency of waves in my brain. There is a distinct feeling that this process generates. And for most cognitive agents, this is a pleasant feeling to have. Now suppose that we’ve had breakthroughs and as it relates to the two hypothetical sub-branches (above). In such a scenario, I would skip meditation and through a clever contraption/device, I’d have a specific set of neurons across specific parts of my brain be stimulated a very specific way. The right patterns have to kick in and the right kind of signals have to be delivered to (I am thinking) targeted areas. To be processed by those neurons in a particular way. The benefit would be to get all the effects that you’d have from meditation, without meditating. You could even have this module/contraption emitting signals throughout the entirety of the day. But, that is more of a question related to ethics, even when the technological breakthroughs (when they occur) can indeed be deemed safe to use. 
To a person who is disabled, specific sensations could be beamed directly to their brain. Bypassing the route where the disconnect happens to be. 
Short-circuit the neural pathways for physical pain during surgery by delivering an alternative series of correlates for that duration. 
I guess you could also make tofu taste like chicken? I don’t think we should do that though. Cellular agriculture is the route to go. And I don’t think that we would have to ingest medicine orally in the future, so it’s not like we’d need to make cough syrup taste like honey/watermelon.
Your partner is on a 3 year trip to Mars. You can send neural correlates of that warm feeling you get when you get a hug. In your private time, you can have intimate conversations and also send the correlate equivalent of an orgasm. Now how to get over that speed of light time delay.
Telepathy mixed with emotions, sensations and feelings. A richer telepathic experience. 
There is a long list of potential examples here. 
The focus is really on the output, the correlates themselves. If the correlates can indeed be modelled in a very detailed yet intricate manner. Next, some mechanism for beaming them directly to the right areas of the brain can be devised. Then, such an invention could indeed be quite transformative for our species. Used ethically and in a radically transparent society, such a device may even lead to the lessening of a lot of suffering. Perhaps eliminating a majority of suffering altogether.
This blogpost is not about the topic and as it relates to the reduction or elimination of suffering. But, altering and changing how the stimuli is perceived/received is not a viable strategy. It could be argued that altering the perception could actually lead a cognitive being to suffer more. Because, the environment around them may not be improving.
Going back to the correlates, if we can indeed have successive breakthroughs and the right set of devices to deliver these experiences, then in theory we can transfer (including, but not limited to):
Any sensory experience. 
Manipulating perceptual experiences.
Knowledge encoded in logic. (SAKP via The Age of Spiritual Machines) --> Looks like this is a recurrent theme that I keep blogging about. 
Next, with brain prostheses that have been safe to use, we can then: 
Beam information/targeted set of correlates from one brain to another. 
Beam " “ between a brain/many brains to a compute engine. 
Beam " “ from one/many brains/computer engine to clusters of super-intelligence and back.  
It’s an interesting subject, the things that we experience is not the thing itself, but the mathematical representation of that experience in our mind. 
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dltonitini · 7 years
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Definitely how I feel at this moment
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Fundraiser going on for a friend’s family, would really appreciate it if anyone would be able to donate or boost!
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steevmoreno · 2 years
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Happy Flyday! “Graffiti Girl” . . . #inkedgirls #tattoo #graffiti #neon #girl #model #art #illustration #digitalart #instagood #picoftheday #blackflys #flygirls #eyewear (at Black Flys) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZSl95-PrTM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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miss-styles · 3 years
I don’t want to sound like I’m speaking over Billy because his feelings are valid, I just find it strange that when the cover came out he hadn’t have anything to say about it, praised Harry for it in May, and suddenly comes out and doesn’t like it.
it just feels very prTM which makes me feel sick actually ://
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cryptoonline · 3 years
AI-marketing, MarketBot, Cashback, and Artificial Intelligence .AI-marketing
ai marketing companies AI Marketing is exceptional! 50$ immediately to start the game. AI Marketing is exceptional. The best cashback deal both the Internet and the offline store next door have to offer. Upload a sales check and get your cash back! Sign in | Sign up Using the code you will get Gift Certificate 50$ " 1P3T-TOLH-Y78B-PRTM "
Artificial intelligence marketing login
How AI is utilized in promoting?
Artificial intelligence is regularly utilized in showcasing endeavors where speed is fundamental. Computer based intelligence instruments use information and client profiles to figure out how to best speak with clients, at that point serve them custom-made messages at the opportune time without intercession from advertising colleagues, guaranteeing most extreme productivity.
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harpfrown6 · 2 years
Consulting Case Study 101
The Big Four audit companies (Deloitte, KPMG, PwC, Ernst & Young) have been working in the strategy consulting market since 2010. In 2013, Deloitte acquired Monitor Group—now Monitor Deloitte—while PwC acquired PRTM in 2011 and Booz & Company in 2013—now Strategy&. From 2010 to 2013, a quantity of Big Four companies have tried to acquire Roland Berger. EY adopted the development, with acquisitions of The Parthenon Group in 2014, and each the BeNeLux and French businesses of OC&C in 2016 and 2017, with all now underneath the EY-Parthenon model. Taylor's methodology was used worldwide till trade switched to a way invented by W. Delivering results is a bit tougher to offer advice on, however crucial to the vitality of your consulting business. Be positive to remain on high of business tendencies, and to verify in with your clients to make sure you are delivering outcomes that they need and that help their companies obtain their aims. If you successfully assist your purchasers achieve their targets, then your consulting enterprise will be arrange for fulfillment. In any of these classes, the consumer wants steerage however does not want to bring on the advice-giver full time. If you have obtained experience and information to supply and you like the concept of being your own boss, then you can be on the brink of beginning your own consulting business. This tends to happen right before the client indicators on, successfully closing your sale. As such, writing proposals is a vital a part of getting business for your consultancy. Hopkins built her business with technological instruments of the commerce that permit her forge and keep connections with shoppers, potential staff, and her assistant. We companion with main retailers to create efficient digital options at scale to help them drive effective buyer experiences, clever operations and good provide chain administration. Transform the best way your group works and see the influence on your business and your backside line. When you align your small business technique and objectives with people, processes, expertise and knowledge, you might have the ability to optimize and improve the method in which you operate, and as your strategic associate, we’ll be there for you every step of the way. Audit Assertions & Soc Stories This confusion is understandable as a outcome of the accounting process includes the bookkeeping function, but is only one a part of the accounting course of. The statements are thought of exterior because they are given to individuals outside of the corporate, with the first recipients being owners/stockholders, as well as sure lenders. If a company's stock is publicly traded, nonetheless, its financial statements are typically broadly circulated, and information will doubtless reach secondary recipients corresponding to competitors, clients, employees, labor organizations, and funding analysts. The chance that there have been any significant modifications in internal control over monetary reporting subsequent to the interim date. Whether the Board or audit committee understands and workouts oversight duty over financial reporting and inner management. Corporations usually are characterised by the issuance of freely transferable capital stock, perpetual life, centralized management, and limitation of householders' legal responsibility to the quantity they invest in the business. Certified Internal Auditor An international certification awarded by the Institute of Internal Auditors that reflects competence within the principles and practices of internal auditing. Cash Flows Net of money receipts and cash disbursements regarding a particular exercise during a specified accounting period. Paragraphs .01 via .09 of AU sec. 560, Subsequent Events , provide path on subsequent events for a monetary assertion audit that also may be helpful to the auditor performing an audit of inside control over monetary reporting. The auditor should decide the effect his or her antagonistic opinion on internal management has on his or her opinion on the financial statements. Additionally, the auditor ought to disclose whether his or her opinion on the monetary statements was affected by the antagonistic opinion on inner control over monetary reporting. Because of its inherent limitations, inside management over financial reporting could not stop or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are topic to the chance that controls may turn into insufficient because of changes in situations, or that the degree of compliance with the insurance policies or procedures could deteriorate. How To Read A Companys Stability Sheet If the net change in retained earnings is less than the most recent web profit, there was a dividend payout. It may be easy to get confused when trying over steadiness sheets from different corporations. It helps to read the company reports and the Form 10-K. The 10-K is required to be filed with the SEC and summarizes financial choices, inside controls, investment methods, and rather more. These insights may give an investor a superb concept of what is going on inside an organization. The fairness part typically lists most well-liked and customary inventory values, whole equity worth, par values , and retained earnings. Some candidates could qualify for scholarships or financial help, which will be credited in opposition to the Program Fee as quickly as eligibility is set. Please check with the Payment & Financial Aid page for further info. Liabilities are offered as line gadgets, subtotaled, and totaled on the steadiness sheet. Balance sheets are sometimes prepared and distributed monthly or quarterly relying on the governing legal guidelines and company policies. Additionally, the steadiness sheet could additionally be prepared in accordance with GAAP or IFRS requirements primarily based on the region during which the corporate is positioned. As with property, these ought to be each subtotaled after which totaled together. A balance sheet should at all times steadiness; therefore, this equation should always be true. Our priority at The Blueprint is helping businesses find the most effective solutions to improve their bottom strains and make house owners smarter, happier, and richer. That’s why our editorial opinions and evaluations are ours alone and aren’t impressed, endorsed, or sponsored by an advertiser. San Jose Bookkeeping Providers Unless you’re an accountant your self (and most business owners aren’t), you shouldn’t try to deal with your individual books or accounting needs. Not only will it eat up your valuable time, however without a sound accounting background, it’s easy to get misplaced amid a sea of paperwork and reviews. One of the most typical questions we hear from purchasers is, “What’s the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Bookkeepers might also allow you to manage timesheets for hourly employees or extra time. At a primary degree, your bookkeeping service or bookkeeper should be managing the transactions brought in through your accounting system’s financial institution feed. Bank feeds hyperlink up your accounting software with your small business bank account, permitting you to see every transaction in actual time. Rather, bookkeepers have a slender give consideration to sustaining complete and accurate monetary data for their employer or for shoppers of that employer. The bookkeeper’s position is to provide data that might be understood by those that are empowered to make decisions at the business. This skilled manages and data the monetary particulars of the company, monitoring monetary transactions and guaranteeing data, as properly as accounts, are totally full and correct. Irvine Bookkeeping offers complete or partial outsourcing of bookkeeping with Quickbooks services in Los Angeles CA. If you decide to supply payroll providers, you might fully deal with payroll in your clients’ behalf. Or, you would possibly offer a co-branded payroll solution (i.e., software) and let your shoppers run payroll themselves. The steps concerned with primary bookkeeping can sometimes be overwhelming depending on the scale of your corporation and the number of transactions. If you now not really feel like you've control of your books, give us a name. 會計師事務所 and money sales which would possibly be paid when incurred. The 2 primary forms of bookkeeping systems are the single-entry system and the double-entry system. In accounting there's interpreting and analyzing data, in bookkeeping there's not. There’s a FreshBooks plan for every sized business, from the Lite plan for these with 5 billable purchasers ($15 a month) all the finest way as much as Premium for these with 500 billable purchasers ($50 a month). What Is A Common Ledger And Why Is It Important? Additionally, with increasingly more firms expanding abroad or allowing workers to home workplace, many smaller purchasers have a necessity to attach a quantity of locations. Their choices are to make use of software-as-a-service or one other software that provides them similar accessibility from a number of locations over the web. These purposes typically have a really lengthy implementation period, often greater than six months. In many circumstances, these applications are merely a set of features which require important integration, configuration and customization to even begin to resemble an accounting system. The mid-market covers a variety of business software program which may be capable of serving the needs of multiple national accountancy requirements and permit accounting in multiple currencies. Many of the low finish products are characterized by being "single-entry" merchandise, versus double-entry techniques seen in many companies. Ensure your accounting software program mechanically retains separate ledgers as well as the final ledger. A critical pillar of the document to report course of, stability sheet reconciliation is the business’s certification that correct checks and balances have been performed and accounts are accurate. Modern enterprises have quite a few ERP situations and supply methods which require knowledge to be extracted, reworked, and analyzed throughout reconciliation. See why Redwood’s automation reduces time to shut and increases accuracy. This saves your organization from payingoverdraft fees, retains transactions error-free, and helps catch improper spending and issues corresponding to embezzlement earlier than they get out of control. This approach will increase management globally and on the account stage, permitting organizations to implement thresholds and set the frequencies automatically. BlackLine Account Reconciliationsis designed to automate and streamline all features of the General Ledger Reconciliation process. Catalysts Automate more with purpose-built solutions for key accounting use circumstances. Reliable Budget Variance And Evaluation If quantities on the Statement of Cash Flows Report are out of stability, an error message prints on the finish of the report. An out-of-balance condition occurs when the difference between starting and ending money and money equivalents isn't equal to the net improve or decrease in cash and cash equivalents. Date Title TypeEnter the date title kind to print in the page heading. If you permit this processing option blank, a date title doesn't print. Another benefit to budget vs actual variance evaluate is it's an oblique form of inner control. There should be an analysis of what management wants achieve and the place the corporate at present stands. Turning a startup into a profitable enterprise doesn’t occur by chance. In order to make it happen, it’s crucial to maintain track of not just your actual numbers, but how these numbers evaluate to your price range so as to plan extra efficiently sooner or later. Financial forecasting tells whether or not the company is headed in the proper path, estimating the quantity of revenue and revenue that shall be achieved in the future. This course of may be challenging if too many purchasers are past-due. To compensate for this, many companies create something called an "allowance for uncertain accounts," which estimates the amount of accounts receivable which are anticipated to not be collectible. A cash-flow price range helps managers determine the amount of cash being generated by a company throughout a interval. Tax Planning Vs Tax Preparation Another important lesson about growing a successful enterprise is to craft a plan and be versatile in implementing it. That means you can have a 10-year plan, a 3-year plan, a 1-year plan, and quarterly plans for your corporation. Avoid the temptation to separate your team between different duties that don’t construct your major business. This can easily stall your core enterprise since you won’t have sufficient time to dedicate to your startup’s growth. A successful project requires 100 percent focus, attention, and effort. Any secondary enterprise will need a full-time manager, or else it might possibly distract you and derail your steps towards success. Tax deductible donations can reduce your taxable income, which is one tangible benefit of charitable giving. To claim these donations, you’ll need to itemize your deductions at tax time. However, the current normal deduction could cause you to suppose twice about donating to your favourite causes. Having a projection of your potential income tax forward of time gives you more respiration room. It may help you propose extra successfully for the upcoming tax season and discover methods to scale back your tax burden. Ask your wealth administration professional to do the projection and go over the outcomes with you. Roth IRA contributions, child tax credit, higher schooling tax credits, and deductions for scholar mortgage interest are examples of these kind of tax benefits. We supply sensible, proactive, and progressive options to tax planning that put your personal needs first. Our goal is to make the process of tax planning and preparation a simpler process that provides well timed, significant information, each today and tomorrow. Always be certain that effective tax planning is part of your tax process as nicely as tax preparation. Tax preparation gets the filing accomplished whereas tax planning helps come up with ways to reduce the amount of taxes the shoppers should pay. Unlike tax preparation, tax planning is geared in the direction of reaching long-term targets and orienting towards success, whether or not that means sustaining progress or growing efficiency. While tax preparation is a factor of tax planning, the latter involves consistent, year-round work and a much larger scope. Tax planning is the process of looking at a person or enterprise entity’s tax situation and business structure to legally reduce tax legal responsibility and improve effectivity. If at any time during the year you might have a tax query or concern, just name us. In reality, we propose a mid-year planning meeting to evaluate your taxes and plan for the second half of the yr. This is simply one means we allow you to prepare for subsequent tax season and guarantee there are not any surprises. The Way To Make A Money Flow Forecast If you may have a one-time expense upcoming, you can embody it in a separate line merchandise. For example, you've a subscription to a professional e-newsletter that you just pay $90 for quarterly. You would solely embody that expense in the months when it’s paid. Accounting Accounting software program helps manage payable and receivable accounts, common ledgers, payroll and other accounting activities. You can study extra about us and our companies at benchmarkcloudaccounting.com or bmca.us. Can be estimated as a proportion of sales, with a time lag primarily based on the typical provider payment phrases. Positive money flow means your company’s liquid belongings are growing, which often means you've the means to reinvest in your small business. As a enterprise owner, it’s necessary to know the difference between cash move and revenue. The time you put cash into being a detective in your business’ financials will allow you to make sensible choices for the future. You’ll know what to anticipate and how you can alter that expectation by tweaking behaviors based on the insights of your inquiry. It’s not unusual for a business to experience a money scarcity, even when gross sales are good. This often occurs when prospects are allowed to pay after the services or products is delivered. In instances like these, a business proprietor should plan how they'll cover costs before receiving the payment. Fathom permits you to link any cash move forecast to an existing budget that you have in Fathom.
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