cannoli-reader · 4 months
That stuff in your post on how Egwene should have ended was really harsh on Moiraine! She had no choice, there were only bad options if she didn't do what she did.
Who says? The lady who tells us that the Aiel and Mat & Perrin are not in the Prophecies of the Dragon, who said that women were just as strong in the Power as men, and that the Heroes of the Horn will fight for the Shadow if the wrong person blows it?
Moriaine is not infallible, and this, in particular, is a place where the story itself introduces beforehand, reasons to doubt her assertions. Jordan does this a lot, throwing in the counter-argument before the argument is made.
When Moiraine first went into Rhuidean, we got warnings that the alternative scenarios disappear from your memory, that your mind can't retain it all. She was also told about the dangers of making assumptions about prophecies. The Wise Ones tell her that in every dream they had of her coming to the Three Fold Land, she insisted on going to Rhuidean, only for in reality, Melaine to let it slip that they dreamed Moiraine needs to go through the rings.
What we can take away from this is, is that merely by knowing the future, you alter how it plays out. This happens with Moiraine. She claims that they would inevitably end up on the docks, confronting an enraged Lanfear, but how or why would that have played out? Rand had no intention of going anywhere near the docks. He was going straight to the mustering ground to Skim to Caemlyn. There might have been a delay for the Maidens' intervention, but after being stalled to deal with Sulin's complaints, Rand would have had even less patience for potential delays. The only reason he goes anywhere near Lanfear is that Moiraine insisted he come and everyone around Rand supported her for various reasons of their own. There is also the possibility that seeing Rand & Aviendha in close proximity put their relationship foremost in Kadere's mind, and led to him telling Lanfear about them hooking up. Maybe if he had not seen them, and got confirmation in his own mind, he might not have bothered reporting that tidbit to her, and she might not have flipped her shit.
But even if she does get the word from Kadere, and go psycho looking to kill Aviendha, what good is that going to do her, if Moiraine does not drag Rand & Aviendha down to the docks to set up her "rescue"? Maybe if she comes after them, she pops in in the middle of the battle around the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, and Rahvin kills her, thinking she's after him. Or she takes a random kill shot which are prone to happen in the chaos of a full scale battle. And Moiraine does not get the credit, and keeps sliding down in importance as a mere lackey of Rand, and eventually completely overshadowed when Cadsuane arrives.
A bad faith interpretation of her character might suggest that the timelines branching from the docks were Moiraine's preference, having seen that fate and diminishment, and choosing to set up the dock fight to thwart her own irrelevance. But even putting the best possible intentions on Moiraine, she overlooked the fact that she forgot 99% of what she saw in the rings, and is misinterpreting a warning that going down to the docks has only bad outcomes, except along a very narrow path, requiring a lot of good luck to achieve.
For comparison, look at all the stuff Aviendha gives no indication of remembering from her own spin through the rings:
Rand's revelations about the Aiel backstory
Opening Rhuidean
The battle at Cairhien
Fighting Trollocs in Caemlyn
An encounter with a village of Aes Sedai who want to recruit her
A near-encounter with a Forsaken fleeing Ebou Dar
The Bowl of the Winds
The Seanchan (either encounter)
The destruction of Elayne's gateway
The siege of Caemlyn
All we know she saw was a version of her sexual encounter with Rand that seems to have made her think he was going to rape her, and that there would be a relationship with them and other women.
Absolutely nothing we know about the rings in Rhuidean support Moiraine's assertion that the encounter at the docks was inevitable once they were told of Morgase's death, and there were only three possible outcomes of the confrontation.
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blu3tac0z · 4 months
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already done turtle(and anemone) so wanted to do the others from arc 2
arc 3 is next
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chaoticallymuse · 3 months
Quote that reminds me of : Merlin
"If you knew what was going to happen, if you knew everything that was going to happen next—if you knew in advance the consequences of your own actions—you'd be doomed. You'd be ruined as God. You'd be a stone. You'd never eat or drink or laugh or get out of bed in the morning. You'd never love anyone, ever again. You'd never dare to."
- Margaret Atwood
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justafanbutcurious · 15 days
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the propechy of seven *im really hoping it was written like that*
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emper1on · 23 days
wings of fire has some really good but also really bad alternate covers that released in different countries but I think the best of them ( other than the German ones ) is the ukranian ones
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everyone's a little off model and weird but idk i like them
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zzombeez · 9 months
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Into the wild/fire and ice windclan!
Tallstar was drawn way back in April hence the different style :”)
Do not trace, steal or repost my art
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now-that-i-saw-you · 6 months
Short reviews of everything I read this year:
Trials of Apollo ☆☆☆☆
Fantastic!!! Revived my PJO obsession. I enjoyed Apollo's narration. The 3rd-4th book were a little tedious though.
The Picture of Dorian Gray ☆☆☆☆☆
Flawless. So, so gay, weird and dramatic. I wish I could read it for the first time again.
Seasparrow ☆☆☆
I was disappointed. I didn't like the first POV, it made the book feel juvenile. It was too long and nothing happened. An unnecessary addition to the Graceling Realm universe because all the themes in this book were already presented in Bitterblue and Winterkeep. I might have liked this a lot more if it was not part of the Graceling Realm series.
All For The Game ☆☆☆☆☆
I'M OBSESSED. Nothing else to say.
One Last Stop ☆☆☆☆
It was cute and fun. I like it when you can feel that a book/show was planned. Every detail is carefully crafted to fit the narrative. I like how the author uses historical events to enrich the plot. Middle part of the book was a little flat.
The Cruel Prince ☆☆☆
It's...cute. I liked Jude a lot, didn't care for Cardan. Good enough to make me read the entire thing, bad enough that I might never read another book by that author.
Conversations With Friends ☆☆☆☆☆
Do you ever come across a book that's exactly what you needed? This was it for me. One of the only books I got from BookTok and actually loved. It was like being hugged and punched in the gut at the same time.
This Is How You Lose The Time War ☆☆☆☆☆
This book is poetry. It's a fairytale. It's the saddest, most romantic story I've ever read. It's so weird and confusing, I understood everything. It's a tragedy. It's so full of hope. It's perfect.
The Hellheim Propechy ☆☆☆ 1/2☆
It's a lovely series and I can't wait for the 3rd book. It has one of the healthiest relationship I've ever seen in books (and it's wlw!!!!). The villians are a little flat imo.
She Who Became The Sun ☆☆☆☆☆
I don't understand how people find the courage to write anymore books after Shelley Parker-Chan dropped this marvel. I want to eat this book.
The Catcher In The Rye (reread) ☆☆☆☆☆
I love this book idc. I love the metaphors, I love Holden, I love the way the plot develops.
Jane, Unlimited ☆☆☆☆☆
SO GOOD!! Such a unique and engaging book it had me pulling out a notebook and a pen and try to decipher all the clues like a goddamn detective.
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious ☆☆☆
It's was nice! Idk what else to say.
Pride & Prejudice ☆☆☆
Reading this felt like sitting at a 19th century tea party and gossiping.
More Than This ☆☆☆☆☆
I've wanted to reas this for a while and it exceeded my expectation. This book is so captivating, unique, heartbreaking and hopeful.
The Trial ☆☆☆
This book was a fever dream.
The Rest of Us Just Live Here ☆☆☆☆
I think Patrick Ness is my favorite author. He did a great job with the premise of the book cause it's a lovely coming of age story and the fantastic elements are woven so well into the story.
Evvie Drake Starts Over ☆☆☆
It's cute and I love the fact that the main conflict is between the FMC and her Male Best Friend and the way this book talks about DV but it also felt a little dull sometimes.
The Lottery ☆☆☆☆
This was a mindfuck.
The Rocking Horse Winner ☆☆☆
The Scorpio Races ☆☆☆☆
A Man Called Ove ☆☆☆☆
Really sweet. This book healed something in me.
The Broken Earth (1+2) ☆☆
Yeah....I was not in the right headspace when I read this. I just didn't understand anything. I wanna give this another chance next year if I can.
Lord of The Flies ☆☆☆☆
I want to reread it cause I definitely didn't fully appreciate it but I think it's a great allegory and it's so dark. I get the hype.
The Sun and The Star ☆☆☆☆
I don't think you understand how long I've waited for this book, how long I've waited for Solangelo content. This was so cute. So lovely. I love Nico, I love Will. I wish there was a 3rd character in this (like, idk, Reyna?)
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daz4i · 7 months
i might end up getting into jjk just for nanami fr
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daworriorscats · 2 years
my first ever Warriors MAP part !! check it out 😎
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do-notfolow · 1 year
It's nice thing being a History enthusiastic and especially liking The Roman Empire, because there would come a point in your life when you're reading the second book about the god Apollo who was turned into a god and must face great trials, mainly fighting a trio of evil god-emperors, and said god of music recieves a dark propechy that goes "To walk the path in thine own enemy's boots," and Sunny Boy wonders, "mmm, boots...?" so immediately you realize the third god-emperor must be Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, aka Calligula. Then you remember that in said book it was mentioned that the other two emperors are terrified of the third, which seems fitting for the sweet little boots emperor who made families watch their loved ones' brutal executions. You also recall that Calligula declared himself a god, and compared himself to many, one of which was Apollo himself.
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
turning off anons actually becuz last time i started to wonder about tommy's reasonings behind the finale i got several triggering ones that accused me of trying to trust him/giving him benefit of the doubt because i wanted to support a groomer. which is a very normal thing to send to a victim of grooming. ye
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sizzlin-system · 2 years
anytime you guys think about joking about something happening remember that apollo is a tumblr user and he is always watching
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cryptic-paw · 5 days
The constant whispers in my ear
Never seem to disappear
They shout. They sing. They tell me when he’ll die
That I’ll be the one who will try and try
The whispers tell me things no one else knows
Of secrets and poisons, of a man and a rose
When I disobey them, they screech and squeal
They run through my head and make it their meal
The whispers show me my fears. They will not cease!
Not until my hands are smeared with cerise
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lightman2120 · 2 months
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sawbloopers2004 · 1 year
okay i finally listened to ethel cain
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now-that-i-saw-you · 10 months
I'm trying to understand where The Valkyrie's Shadow is headed. I like the lesson of Power Corrupts but I wouldn't like the idea of Sigrid not remaining a princess and a lieutenant. I'm theorising that Loki/Helena put a curse on Sleipinir and that what makes Sigris so power-hungry.
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