godofstory · 29 days
ok let me tell you what happened this episode
so basically..
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pumpkinhrat · 11 months
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[Image ID: A pixel gif on Jonathan Sims blinking, looking straight into the "camera" and then looking away. His look a bit judging, perhaps disappointed. "Live Jon Reaction" written above his head. End ID]
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0livdocx · 7 days
Young Cherik in a nutshell:
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72crowe89 · 22 days
Paraplegic Penetrates Old Man
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jjkyaoi · 7 months
i love hot jon but specifically the part where he’s not appealing to anyone and yet he’s appealing to. everyone . like season one is the most put together he looks and even that’s a stretch because she’s prematurely graying and wears little grandma glasses and big sweaters that make him look stick skinny (he is). and then season two hits him like a bullet train and he s so stressed out of his mind that he doesn’t even comb his hair . veins popping in his eyes wearing the same cardigan that he wore three days ago because he’s been sleeping in his office carrying a tape recorder everywhere and he has this odd little creature magnetism about her. her brown eyes turn green in season three and nobody knows what to say to him about that. he grows out his hair to mad scientist unbrushed length most of her shirts have been stained three times over LIKE THIS IS NOT AN APPEALING LOOK. but by god is he wanted by the masses
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eternalmoonlight19 · 6 days
I’ve been thinking about Dadneto with two toddlers in the x-mansion.
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princessbutler1316 · 18 days
Magneto, attacking some random organization: FEAR ME! Wait a minute, where's Rogue?
Cyclops: In the hospital, it's her day to stay with the Professor.
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call-me-rucy · 8 months
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[Image ID in alt]
Someone said about the gif I did just as I finished The Magnus Archives that Jon looked there like a Professor Layton character, and that idea took root in my brain. TMA x Prof. Layton crossover anyone?
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lemon-leviathan · 2 months
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Episode Five Of X-Men 97, Just Broke Me…
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- Scott And Maddie Are Kinda A Thing? He’s Been Communicating With Her For Over A Month Via His Mind And The Astral Plain.
- Scott Tells Jean He Loves Both Her And Maddie, She Gets Upset.
- NIGHTCRAWLER IS BACK And He Looks Fine AF. Gets Pretty Bad Injured Too So Fair Warning…
- Cable Is Nathan Summers! Something I Didn’t Actually Know Prior To This Episode
- Nightcrawler Plays Wingman For Gambit
- Jean And Logan KISS (It Was Pretty Hot NGL…)
- Rogue Tells Gambit That While She Has His Heart, She Can’t Feel It And Needs To Be Able To Do So. Crying And Friendzoning one another. He calls her Mon Amie…
- Rogue Dances Provocatively With Magneto In Front Of A Ton Of People, INCLUDING Remy Who Leaves Before He Gets His Heart Broken Even More By Watching Them Kiss. Only For Rogue To Tell Magneto In The End That GAMBIT WAS RIGHT Somethings Do Go Deeper.
- Tri Sentinel Makes An Appearance
-Magneto MIGHT Be Dead (He Went Boom And The Sentinels Said The Threat Was Eliminated)
- Gambit Gets Impaled With A Pole Which He Charges And Blows Up With Him STILL Attached. Rogue Finds Him, And Cries Saying How She Literally Can’t Feel Him. (She Has Her Gloves Off And Is Touching His Body)
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4amode · 3 months
What do you mean the psychotic episode I just had a few days ago is not a reliable source for my essay?!?
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lunarspiral1127 · 29 days
*sigh* I was gonna wait till later, but screw it. I gotta talk about the ending of X-Men 97 episode 9 and what it could lead too. *SPOILERS*
So, I'm mad. Because, in the end, Magneto tore the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton. And, yes, this did happen in the comics (X-Men vol. 2 #25 "Fatal Attractions").
Now, I hated that they had to do that to him cause I like Wolverine. But, next week's episode might lead into some other things that happened in the comics too. I dunno which ones, but I'll tell you what they are.
Xavier gets so angry at what Magneto did to Wolverine that he mindwipes him, putting Magneto in a catatonic state. Like, it could be the last straw in the show, and Xavier does this.
This leads to the origin and the first appearance of Onslaught, an entity created with both Xavier and Magneto's consciousness. He's a combination of both their dark and negative thoughts and feelings (Xavier's was suppressed for years). Now, Onslaught would be a "holy crap, we're screwed" moment if he did show up or hint of him in the finale.
Wolverine survives, but his healing factor gets burned out, but he gains his bone claws. He might leave the X-Men like Storm did when she lost her powers. However, he does go feral and becomes more of a beast due to his mutation. If this does happen in the show, I wonder how he'll regain his healing factor and his humanity if the show gets a second season.
Wolverine, in the comics, does get his adamantium back into his skeleton, but the one to do that was Apocalypse, and that was just to brainwash him and turn him into the Horsemen of Death. I don't think that's gonna happen cause the show has been leaving so many hints of Gambit being the one who'll become that Horseman.
And, that's all that I can think of that could happen in the finale that are from the comics. Again, I'm not sure which will happen next week, but it'll be a doozy.
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"Charles invading Magneto's mind (an act Magneto's right to call a violation) leaves Erik stranded in the literal freezing waters of his lifelong PTSD. Those tumultuous ocean waves, an obvious metaphor for Erik's mind, threaten to sweep both Erik and Charles away. 'Both' is Episode 10's key word. Charles Xavier could've easily consigned Magneto to his agony and gone about his business. Instead, he makes a choice simultaneously selfless and selfish. He doesn't fight Bastion (Theo James) with his X-Men. He stays in Magneto's mind and risks not just his own life, but his psyche. Even though the gesture doesn't excuse Charles's mental attack, he seizes this rare opportunity to help his beloved friend escape his emotional torment. Charles Xavier will either drag Erik free or drown with him, holding him close in the seething ocean.
"Charles is the only person capable of reaching Magneto because they're equals and opposites. Call them polar magnets or counterbalancing scale weights — or just soulmates. They complete one another, overused Jerry Maguire quote or not. Magneto hears Rogue's (Lenore Zann) distraught voice crying out to him in his amnesiac darkness. Hers is the only face he sees from his memories. Yet without erasing or diminishing his obvious love for Rogue, Erik also adores Charles. He has for decades. Even when they were physically apart, Charles rested in Erik's mind. Blocking out Xavier's influence is why Magneto wears his helmet. As Rogue wisely points out to Erik in Episode 2, 'You were worried if you still felt how much he loved you, you wouldn't be able to go through with your crusade.' That helmet is Magneto's armor against love.
"So, of course, it's Charles who reminds his fragmented self of the identity he forged from the ashes. Charles's compassion succeeds for the first time not because X-Men '97 backpedals their 'Magneto was right' statement in Xavier's favor. Rather, Charles finally works to meet Erik where he is. Erik might be an island because of and despite himself, but his fate needn't be forever lost and always losing. Charles reminds him they are a chosen family of two. He bleeds the poison from Erik's heart. And Magneto emerges reborn, reclaiming himself, his memories, and his purpose. He couldn't have a true redemption arc without Charles at his side."
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matthew-novak · 2 years
James McAvoy still being salty in 2022, about what they did with Charles and Erik in the movies, is the best thing ever. PREACH
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From a new interview article by GQ (HYPE) Magazine.
By Ben Allen.
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0livdocx · 9 days
What happened in the fight during S01E09:
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song-of-the-aria · 1 year
That's a nice character you've got here, it would be a shame if someone were about to babygirlify them
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kissesofaprincess · 20 days
Charles Xaiver and Erik Magnus Lehnsherr are just toxic old man yaoi.
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