#probably has a specific name but I don't know it
smusherina · 3 days
bridges burnt - chapter 1 [epilogue series] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: When an invitation to Gretchen Wieners' wedding ended up in your mailbox, you'd been sure it was a mistake. Only, it read your name in neat, swoopy calligraphy. It was addressed to you. And Regina George, whom you hadn't spoken to in years.
additional clarification: This is set in the universe of yard work, a series of mine that can be found on my page! Reading this one might be a bit challenging without the context of the series :)
very necessary note: Okay, fuck, it was supposed to be a one shot. Then I got excited. So have another freakin' Regina George series. Set in the same universe as yard work! Reading that provides some essential context, but you do you! I don't think it's unreadable without it.
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You adjusted your tie for perhaps the millionth time. It was a silky blue, befitting your navy suit. You fiddled with your cufflinks, silver like all your accessories, then pulled out the baby blue handkerchief to wipe down your glasses, then folded it pack into your pocket, then bent to redo your laces, then-
"For fuck's sake, the ceremony hasn't even started yet!" Amanda nudged you violently.
"Ow!" You hissed, elbowing her back. She slapped your knee, hard.
"Get yourself together." She glowered, pointing a manicured finger at your nose. "It's worse enough I have to be here at all. You're not gonna ruin this for me."
"You're here for the open bar and free food. I paid for the flights, the room, the car." You bit back. "I'm allowed to be nervous."
"There's nervous, then there's this." Amanda looked you up and down pointedly, noting your bouncing knee.
You squeezed at said knee, trying to calm down. Like you'd been trying to do since hours ago. No results so far.
"Look, buddy, it's just a wedding. You don't even really know her. I get you... Have a history with the bride, or whatever, but it's gonna be so fine."
"It's not Gretchen I'm worried about." You mumbled.
"Whoever. It's gonna be fine." Amanda said, flippant as ever. How she was so carefree all the time was mind-boggling to you.
"This place is filled with people from high school. God." You looked around. "That guy over there, don't look, with the receding hairline- I said don't look!"
"Be more specific, every man here has a receding hairline. The demographic is excruciatingly pallid."
"Shut up, girl," You shook your head but couldn't help but laugh. It was mostly white people here. "The one with the wife that looks exactly like him, unbelievably blonde, kinda mousy," You waited for her eyes to latch onto the man you were talking about. "He used to buy weed from me, like, every week, and then went around spreading rumours about me."
"Ungrateful." Amanda scoffed. "And look at him, a wife, child, and probably a 401k. That's how it goes for boys like them."
"Yeah." You sighed. "How's the salon doing, by the way?"
"Thriving. Thanks to you. But I worked my ass off." You lifted your arms in surrender. She had worked hard to keep the place afloat for as long as she had, so even if you hadn't invested she would've found a way.
Amanda cast you a meaningful look. "You're doing better than ever, aren't you? Financially speaking. How's everything else?"
"Well, y'know..." You shrugged. "It's complicated." You looked down. Amanda patted your knee, a sympathetic smile on her face.
"You got a nice suit, though." She pointed out.
"Oh, for sure. Look at these, custom cufflinks." You showed off the silver bits. "Do you think these rings are too much?"
"Don't you usually have an ungodly amount of them on?"
"I usually just have these three." On your right pinky was your Engineer's Ring. On your left thumb was an embroidered steel band and on the pointer of that same hand a ring with a big emerald embedded in a bed of crystals.
"It's not too much." Amanda took your hand and inspected the rings. "More like sexy." She grinned at you, all sorts of innuendo right on display.
You scoffed and turned towards the altar. The pews were getting fuller by the minute. You were sitting far enough from the front to show you weren't important but not too far as to hint you didn't want to be there. You were on the bride's side, though it didn't matter much. You didn't know Gretchen any better than her husband-to-be.
Amanda had come with you for moral support. You'd been roommates in college and you hadn't been able to shake her off since. She'd grown on you, though you often acted more begrudged than you felt. She'd helped you out a lot over the years.
She'd been there when you couldn't leave the dorms, trapped in the vicious clutches of paranoia. She'd been there helping you get back on your feet when dad's businesses started going, one by one, each more explosive than the last. She was there when you moved back to that little town in Illinois, where Northshore still stood.
You liked to think you'd been equally as integral to her, but that was perhaps a reach. She was fiercely independent, resourceful, and charming enough to make friends with anyone. When the first chance to help her came, you didn't hesitate to take it. She'd opened up her salon right after graduation, staying in New York while you moved back home, and had been doing well until now. Unexpected costs and a wicked plumbing bill had landed her in some hot water.
For the small price of one favour and eternal bragging rights, you'd shoved your newly acquired wealth at her. Dragging her to Vermont in October to attend Gretchen's wedding was you cashing in on that favour.
Eventually, the proceedings began. The groom and his men walked in with little fanfare, mild music playing as they went. Most faces you did not recognize, but there was one back of the head that seemed eerily familiar.
The groom, a classically handsome man, a boring prince type, went to stand at the altar. He had an expectant glimmer in his eye. At least Gretchen's taste in men had improved. Then again, anything beat the scrubs she'd used to keep around.
Behind the groom, his line of groomsmen settled, the best man fronting the crowd. The man of the hour was in a classic black tux while the others flanking him were dressed in different shades of brown. The whole shebang was sort of beige with a little bit of burnt orange thrown in. Amidst the shades of umber, russet, and sepia, stood a familiar face.
Aaron Samuels. You didn't have much time to agonize about him being here before the bridesmaids were stepping through the aisle. Similar dresses but in lighter shades, clearly made to match a certain groomsman. You didn't recognize any of them.
The maid of honour was a little odd. Her makeup seemed to be a lot thicker on one side, like there were several layers of foundation caked on. Her eye makeup on that side was a little heavy also, but she was past you by the time you could wonder why.
"The maid of honour totally has a black eye," Amanda whispered to you.
"No way," You hissed back, trying to get an angle where you could see her face. As she settled in place, facing the pews, even moderately far away you could see that, yeah, she totally was covering up a black eye. Wild bachelorette party, then.
Coos and aws resounded through the church as the flower girl and the ring bearer came toddling down. A little girl, cheeks all red, and looking like she wanted to be anywhere else, and a slightly older boy with an almost manic look in his eye. The girl was in no mood to be tossing petals, so the boy reached into her basket and threw a big fistful of them in the air. The rings rolled off of their pillow but found their way back.
"Oops," The boy said, smiling sheepishly right as the photographer came in to capture the moment. Chuckles echoed through the space.
By the time they reached the end of the aisle, the little girl was dutifully carrying the pillow on which the rings were and the boy was joyously tossing flower petals everywhere. As god intended.
Then came the bride. Escorted by her father, who was beaming with a mouth full of veneers, Gretchen Wieners made her appearance.
It wasn't disappointment that you felt. Not relief, either. It was hard to describe. You'd been expecting anger or some catharsis. This was the person who'd outed you to your whole school, who'd been the catalyst to the worst year of your life, why didn't you feel more?
High school had been over for almost ten years. You carried scars, deep ones that still ached on bad days but at the end of the day, they were just scars. You were doing better than ever. Gretchen had been a bully, had brought you to ruin once upon a time, but who was to say it couldn't all be built again?
You smiled. She looked beautiful. A white dress, a long veil, hair done big, bigger and more grandiose than you'd ever seen, and looking like, well, a bride.
You'd moved on. Considering how she'd invited you too, and knowing Gretchen she was acutely aware of every person in attendance, she had moved on too. You could recognize an olive branch when one was given to you.
That didn't explain the invitation, though. Maybe it was a mistake. Gretchen wasn't known for making those, but she was human too. Right?
"Look, they're totally enthralled by each other. You're gonna be fine." Amanda whispered, ignoring the elderly lady seated next to her shooting daggers through her eyes at you two.
"Yeah. It's gonna be fine."
Notes: Got really ill at the beginning of this week, which delayed this chapter quite a bit. You don't realize quite how awesome breathing is until you can't do it properly. Getting better slowly, it's nothing serious, but the cough is lingering. It is what it is.
This chapter was mostly setting up the narrative, no Reggie and Jorts interactions as of yet. I'm not making any promises because I'm so shit at keeping them, but hoping that this series will be shorter than the original one.
Taglist posted seperately!
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snapscube · 3 days
on the name thing: i think people want to call you something different because they like you and want to feel like they're your friend by giving you their own quirky nickname. a show of affection or something. that's my good will interpretation of it because it's certaintainly something I can relate to.
also hope this is ok to say, but I miss seeing you doing facecam. you're gorgeous ^^ i respect if you don't feel comfy with it tho, it ain't easy and it's probably much comfier to not bother with it at all lol
have a great day, Penny!
(i know i literally just said im moving on from this but i felt like this idea was worth responding to, AFTER THIS i am moving on guaranteed) i get that! and thats why i stress that i feel this way regardless of intent because the last thing i want to do is cause guilt or demonize people for something that's ultimately pretty common. but even considering your example, with that notion comes a couple problems:
i am not your friend! i do think that there has been a bit of an OVER-correction when it comes to how people think about parasocial relationships and personally relating to people they admire, and generally i like to push back against the notion that having any parasocial relationship is a bad thing cause personally i think parasocial relationships are unavoidable and it's more about your expectations towards that one-sided relationship that become the issue. but two things remain true in either case: i know you so much less than you know me, AND you know me infinitely less than you think you do. so at the end of the day, it is not my responsibility to walk on eggshells about behavior that assumes an intimacy from me i am incapable of and especially uninterested in retaliating.
i have to stress that i am extremely aware it would be insane of me to expect to control peoples actions regarding this on such a large scale, and im also well aware many people come in who are new who get this info for the first time. i repeat the conversation in the interest of introducing those boundaries to people who are new and in general just reinforcing them. i try not to be such a stick in the mud about most things but this is something I REALLY care about, and so i give it the no-nonsense approach i think it deserves. on that note: understanding that there are going to be gaps where people either just do not know about my preferences or simply do not care doesn't mean i have to pretend like i also don't care about it. people can say whatever they want about me in their own spaces, you can call me whatever the fuck you want amongst friends. i do not care cause i do not have the capability to care, it's never going to reach me! but that does not mean i have to pretend to enjoy it if/when it DOES reach me, especially if it's presented as an option for me to respond to. if someone just calls me something weird in a chatroom it's like, i literally do not have the energy or overall scope of vision to react to every one of those instances specifically. there absolutely are things u just gotta let roll off of u sometimes. BUT, the reason we often get into this conversation repeatedly on my tumblr is because given the ask format i get a lot of people who go out of their way to approach me with name jokes or loopholes to an actively established preference as if they are looking for my approval on it. that is where it becomes a little more unpalatable for me.
and to respond to your second question: i appreciate the kind words on that! i sure would like to reintroduce facecam again someday somehow but right now my desk setup is not great for it haha
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bestworstcase · 3 days
I just realized something - I forget when exactly, but there's a point (I think v 4/5?) where Cinder is questioning the motive behind some of Salem's moves in the grand game she's playing, one of them being the choice to keep Ruby alive. Which, if Summer is one of Salem's lieutenants and Cinder knows this, it seems pretty obvious why keeping Ruby alive is part of the plan, no? Other people might jump at "That means Summer isn't working for Salem!" but you've 100% sold me on that point, so. What this implies to me, unless I'm missing something, is that Cinder and Summer don't know each other (or Cinder has somehow not connected the two silver-eyed dots with the last name Rose). Curious as to your thoughts on this - if Cinder does know Summer, is she trying to manipulate Salem in that moment? If so, what is she trying to achieve? Does it really just not occur to her that keeping the peace with Summer matters? Or that killing Summer's daughter would upset her? Or if they don't know each other despite both being in Salem's employ, how does that change things? Is it possible Summer's allegiance is for some reason a secret to the rest of Salem's circle as well? ...or am I barking up the wrong misremembered tree?
it’s 5.2 dread in the air ☺️
i do think there’s a really strong possibility that cinder hasn’t connected the dots between "don’t kill ruby" and "ruby is summer’s daughter" because:
in cinder’s mind, ruby is the Girl Who Hurt Me and that gives her tunnel vision (see also, killing the sisters before the madame and not ripping the collar off until after it was all over, or lashing out uncontrollably at winter after winter cut off her arm)
she’s probably not party to whatever private agreements exist between salem and summer with regard to yang and ruby, because that arrangement is a) between them and b) older than cinder’s time in the inner circle.
for someone like cinder, who’s never known anything but abuse, the fact that summer is related to ruby wouldn’t necessarily register to her as a reason summer would care if ruby died; from cinder’s point of view, summer is a woman who left her family behind to work with salem fourteen years ago—more than half of cinder’s lifetime—and has never wavered from that choice. it’s entirely possible summer has known cinder for longer than she knew either of her daughters, and assuming summer is the one who pulled cinder off of beacon tower (which seems likely: she’s the only one with a motive to leave ruby alive), then… summer left her own daughter lying unconscious in the rubble to rescue cinder.
so for cinder it would be very easy to misinterpret the basic facts of the situation as summer just not caring about ruby very much, if at all; after all she left ruby fourteen years ago and chose to save cinder’s life over ruby’s that one time. right?
cinder also firmly believes that salem operates on the same principle as the madame or rhodes—because that’s how the world is, right?—which means that any care or personal consideration salem might have for summer is invisible to her: if summer doesn’t care that much and salem wouldn’t hesitate to kill ruby if it became expedient to do so whether summer liked it or not, why isn’t ruby almost killing cinder, who "holds the key to our victory," enough of a reason for ruby to die?
i think its telling that cinder phrases it in the specific way she does: "i don’t understand! working with bandits? leaving ruby alive?! what’s the point? we’re strong enough to take what we want by force!"—in her mind salem’s refusal to kill ruby is a tactical decision, akin to working with the bandits, that would only make sense from a position of weakness. if salem has the power and numbers to just flatten the kingdom and rip the relics out of those vaults by brute force—and she does!—why won’t she do it? what does it matter if summer complains? she asks how high when salem says jump, just like all the rest of them do, doesn’t she?
which is the fundamental disconnect between cinder and salem; salem prefers to make and keep alliances rather than rely on overwhelming force, but cinder sees this as timidity, as a lack of confidence, and therefore as an admission of weakness. she’s not thinking "why doesn’t salem want to antagonize summer rose?" but rather "why does summer rose have this much power over salem?" and the miscommunication lies in salem just not seeing the world in this extreme zero-sum hierarchical way.
we see this same thinking at play in how cinder treats emerald, mercury, and neo; she is only "nice" to them when she requires their assistance Right Now. salem understands that she needs to give in order to get and that she has to be consistent and keep her promises even when someone is not immediately useful to her in the present moment if she wants to be able to continue to rely on that person in the future; cinder… doesn’t think about maintenance. she thinks in terms of one person having power over another and that the only reason to do someone a favor is to gain more power over them, and after a certain point you have complete control. right?? that’s how it works?
(salem voice) no.
which is what makes v8 so interesting. salem gets scared and resorts to (emotional) brute force to try controlling cinder and cinder immediately demonstrates why that doesn’t work. salem recognizes her own mistake and seeks to rectify it at once because she has always understood this principle; cinder is shocked and then suspicious because she still doesn’t really understand it but also tries it out for herself with neo a couple hours later. it chips away at the invisible wall that prevents these two from communicating effectively.
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anonymouscheeses · 2 days
Vaggie and Valentino are connected and no one has been talking about it (I think 😭)
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Brutha. I've always known this but like these two are surface level similar yet so SO SO SOOOO different its terrifying.
Question might be, why tf am I comparing the r*pist and the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, inspiring, humble, generous, smeggsy, former angel?
Simply because they are both moth demon's that speak Spanish. It's a bit too specific. And rlly that's kind of all I have right now. Sure, you could say "erm actually, Vaggie isn't a moth demon 🤓" and ur probably right. But if she's not, why is it that in her redesign for the show they lean into the moth hair? It's look much MUCH more moth than in the pilot. So if Viv wanted to stray away from the moth theme, why make it look more like that? She may not he exactly a moth demon but she does have intentional moth features. Perhaps Vaggie just disguised herself like that, either way, still a connection..
I would get it if one of them were in helluva boss jst as a way to recycle and make room or whatever. But no, they are in the same show, same world, same ring of hell, same city(I think). It's a weird connection and I kind of don't want it to exist. Like at all. Because if they are connected I can't think of any other way they are except that Val could be a fallen angel. Which I CANT imagine. Unless Vaggie is like, a winner that became an exterminator, but genuinely that would be a bit complex. But what isn't in this show. Then again, Adam said he created her, or that could be a metaphor for that Vaggie was never noticed as a human and just brushed off to the side so therefore Adam "created" her (created a name and image/status of her). But that's unlikely, I don't they would be that smart lmao.
Personality wise, they both have anger issues. Pilot Vaggie and show Valentino are more alike but show Vaggie is still somewhat spicy. They also both have hot voices, sorry not sorry, like fuck Val (not literally) but his voice is BAZINGA 😍 and I'm a simp for Stephanie Beatriz. I'm a simple gal.
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Design wise they have rare commonalities. They are both heavily red but thats everyone in the show it make my eyes bleed. But. A weird thing someone pointed out in a slideshow on tiktok is that show Valentino has white stripes on his hips. Me personally I'm not sure what to think about it really. Like I mean it IS a new detail that spawned AFTER the pilot and it is like... on the EXACT place. But like, it's such a weird thing to include when it's such a common pose yknow?
Also the X's on the boobs are so sensual I cannot be the only one. And ykno Val is the king of sensual (🤮)
Maybe you could be asking, "if Val and Vaggie r connected jst because they are moth demons then that jst means that anyone that are the same species are somehow tied to eachother huh? 🤓" like Angel Dust and Zestial. But what I think differs from that is the fact these two have actual big similarities apart from jst the fact they are moths. Like what I just explained, personality, design, both speak Spanish. While Angel Dust and Zestial are only just both spiders. Angel's reason for being a spider is due to the ykno, "web of crime" thing. And Zesty man? Idk he probably got bit and fucking died by a poisonous spider. I mean, health shit wasn't exactly great back in his ye olde time.
For Val and Vaggie we have NO idea why they are moths
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But I did find this! From google AI.....? (I didn't even know that was a thing..) but, I think it's true. It explains the dynamic with Angel alot and I think that's an interesting detail.
Which could also apply to Vaggie because of her hyper-dependency on Charlie.
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Plus this fits Vaggie so. SO much. If my theory that Vaggie just disguised herself as a moth to blend in then that would be a good connection to the entire moth motif. Love, I don't even need to explain.
It can fit Val too if you think abt the disguise part a bit. Like he disguises himself as this charming and calming figure to avoid suspicion and lure victims... fucking creepy 🤮
Also in Vaggie's past designs she was more moth.
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Here is like. ONE image I could find that wasn't too blurry. Like I wouldn't say it's heavy moth but I think if you asked me what insect she was based off I would guess moth in like a few minutes. The colors being dark, the fluffy legwarmers. Yum, that's a mothy. (THIS DESIGN YHO KINDA PISSES ME OFF. WHY IS THERE THE FEMALE SIGN OK HER SHIRY I THOUGHT SHE WAS STRAIGHT IN THIS VER??? also str8 vaggie scares me don't ever bring up that thing around me. They are NOT the same. #notmyvagina)
From what I know there aren't any previous old beta designs of Valentino, so he was likely made for the show specifically.
Overall, they are both sexy Spanish speakers who are moth demons, in the same show, oddly specific connected design choices, and have some anger issues.
Oh also they both hate Angel Dust 💜
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immoralimmortals · 2 days
Akatsuki members as perfumes i own
I couldn't sleep last night because I am haunted by visions that are so very specific to me and my needs. These are all indie company perfumes currently available for purchase or seasonally available. I am a creature of my senses, and therefore I am not bound only with the curse of associating music with characters, but also scents.
Pain: The People You Love Become Ghosts Inside You from Death & Floral
Description: Heavenly musk, lingering funeral flowers, cold scent of vanilla in an empty corridor, handprints on a foggy window
This is a scent known by its fans to invoke deep emotion. It has funeral lillies to a T. The title is the main reason for my choice, though I can imagine him smelling like this. It's the definition of cold and formal, like the corpses he drags to do his bidding.
Konan: Mnemophilia from Nui Cobalt Designs
Description: Stately gardenia, antique sandalwood, Florentine iris, pearl musk, jasmine absolute, neroli, and liquidambar.
This is a scent which contains notes I have not experienced anywhere else. It is like...you took the idea of a mirror and gave it a smell? It is pristine, classy, and oh so very melancholy. It makes me thoughtful, it reminds me of glass or crystal. Another "cold" scent, similar to Pain's but more of a sister than an imitation of it. Less about death and more about memory, as the name entails.
I also considered Billet Doux from Possets, which is meant to evoke a perfume-stained love letter. Also very clean and classy, but actually brings the impression of paper and ink. Also noticeably a lot sweeter than Mnemophilia! Perhaps more for her when she was young and in love.
Obito: The Emperor of Ice Cream from The Strange South
Description: Limp flowers on a windowsill, strawberry ice cream, tobacco leaves, tonka, and a dribble of young blood.
Saccharine with something to hide. The blood note on its own (i was able to try it) is actually very fruity, like strawberry. I think the visualization of dripping blood and strawberry syrup being the same is wonderful. The tobacco comes through as the scent fades, becoming more mature over time.
Zetsu: A Roll in the Hay from Alkemia
Description: dried hay, fresh green grass, early summer wildflower honey, vanilla grass, vanilla leaf, and wild poppy.
This one really just smells authentically like true to life hay. I can't wear it all the time but it's so, so distinct when I do. It's a scent for when I want to imagine I'm all alone, deep in a field of tall, dried grass. The only thing is that it is probably far too innocent for him. He would not *want* to smell like this.
But I do. Because it's great.
...Okay he'd actually smell like Esprit de la Terre from Alkemia which smells like pine trees, but I don't like pine trees! I'm going to make him suffer and smell like vanilla.
Hidan: Damned Nightfall from Death & Floral
This scent is fucking purple lmao. The violets are a little powdery, like the visage of something pure, and the rest is DARK. It clings to my skin with those deep resins first and foremost like incense being burned. Despite all the food notes, not one lick of sweetness, frankly not a bit of edibility. This is a badass vibe like a jaguar hunting in the dark. It bites if I put too much on.
Description: the deepest and darkest amber blended with violets, black labdanum, vanilla absolute, espresso absolute, fresh cocoa beans, and honey
There are scents that exist that mean to invoke the smell of blood, but none of them are real enough to suit him. However, the metallic nature of Scythe from Possets is very impressive and real with a suitable name for the Jashinist.
Kakuzu: JFK and Jackie from Possets
First and foremost, this scent is old school. The leather reminds me of what Kakuzu's skin may be like; I read a fic way back describing his earth grudge causing it to have that kind of texture. Perhaps this is what he'd smell like if you somehow convinced him to give you a hug. You know. Somehow.
Description: A snap of the finest leather, a bit of oakmoss, combined with tabac blonde essence, a whiff of tea, and the warmth of silk. 
There are scents that smell like money, but I do not actually like the scent of money. I'm sorry Kakuzu.
Deidara: Morton Salt Girl from Death & Floral
I know salt doesn't smell. I know it doesn't. But this is what salt smells like. If you ever get opportunity to try this, do it. It's so unique. I think this would be a wonderful scent to imagine for his clay; it is so distinctly earthy, and the salty aspect reminds me of smelling playdoh as a kid (and putting it into my mouth).
Description: yellow musk, salt, and rain on concrete.
Sasori: Forbidden Library from Nui Cobalt
This is what his puppets smell like. It's what they smell like! I do not make the rules! It is deep, it is softly masculine, it is beautifully woody. This is the phantom that haunts the abandoned castle library, who crawls out of the ancient tome in your fingers.
Description: The vanillic scent of aging paper infused with ceremonial incense, venerable bookshelves of black oak and sweet himalayan cedarwood, a hint of mossy stone, and an undercurrent of faded suede.
Bonus points: this is one of the few perfumes I reach for on the weekly. It's so, so pleasant.
Kisame: Two Cups of Tea, a Monsoon, Me and You from Death & Floral
Description: rain on cracked soil, wet creosote, a swelling monsoon, desert cedar, black tea. 
I am one of the only people that seem to take this as floral. The storm is there, it is humid and sticky and moist like rain in the summer, but I distinctly get flowers behind it all. I think it suits him. (And it is one of few aquatic scents that don't smell like laundry to me nor like cut grass).
Itachi: Ghostfire from Alkemia
Has the distinct impression of paleness against a night sky, like a star or a will-o-wisp. It's a strange but haunting combo of melting candle wax and melon. There is a sugared and floral version of this scent called Foxfire, which perhaps encapsulates him before everything went downhill.
Description: A luminous attraction of ethereal white ambers. Hauntingly beautiful.
Another Alkemia scent is Burning Roses, which is exactly what it says on the tin but with the unfortunate addition of labdanum, which this iteration of hates my skin chemistry with a passion. Oh, what could have been...
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l-e-morgan-author · 5 months
Patience in Recovery
They said she was full of hope, all that time.
They said a lot of lies. I knew because I'd listened at the door, when they didn't know I was in the room at all. I'd overheard the doctors talking, and I knew what they said.
They weren't particularly happy with the way things were going. Nobody was quite sure if her voice would recover properly, because of how long she'd been breathing smoke. Mine recovered just fine, and I wasn't hurt as bad as Patience was.
It was irony, I guess, when you thought about it, that her name was Patience, because now we all had to wait to make sure she'd get better. The doctors had talked to her, and she wrote back answers (carefully, and with her right hand, because the left was still in plaster).
They told me she was brimming with hope, like the way my eyes had been when I woke up in hospital and they told me what had happened. She was ready and waiting to get better.
But I heard them discussing worriedly among themselves, how she was lying there and not actually wanting to get better, like it was too hard. Her body was battered, and seems her mind was, too.
I don't understand. She brightened up a lot when I first came in, and I thanked her for saving me, and she smiled, just a bit, and made a thumbs-up gesture. She was awfully white, and made the sheets look skin colour, and there were all sorts of bulky dressings everywhere, but she whispered, in her hoarse voice, that it was "worth it". I can still hear that if I think about it.
They said she'll walk again, all that sort of thing, but they're worried about the way her hand was damaged, and the amount of burns she got. They don't know if she'll be able to comfortably knit again.
Knitting is her safe thing, her biggest hobby; what would Patience do if she couldn't knit?
She told me she'd knit me a jumper when she was out of there, and that was as good as telling me she loved me, for Patience. Seems she warmed up to me at last.
I was trying not to complain; you know how it is, though, sometimes? When you're living in a house and someone else in the house doesn't like your existence. I guess it was pretty sudden, and Patience is a cagey old dear, but it doesn't feel nice.
Mum wasn't cheerful anymore, not how she used to be. Her expression was worn and like she hadn't slept in a week. I heard her crying one time after she and Dad met with the doctors. Then she and Dad got into an argument, the worst argument I've ever heard, and that's saying something. It was just words, but words are important. Some of the things they called each other weren't very nice, and I shan't reproduce them.
Grief can tear apart a family. I hope it doesn't ours. I hope Patience gets better soon, and all better, because otherwise I don't know what we'll do. She's important, though I'm sure she doesn't realise how important. She better get better quick. I pray for her every night, and I wouldn't like to tell her how much I cry about it. She wouldn't be in trouble if she hadn't saved me. Then again, they say I'd probably be dead.
I guess she figured I was worth saving. Guess I'd better buck up and be someone worth saving.
Get better soon, Patience, and I hope when you're better I can show you how much I care, in a less obnoxious way to how I did before. Rhona out.
Added this story to my page of free stories, found here. There's almost 6k of writing on here, all told, and I continue to add to them on a fairly regular basis.
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quatregats · 6 months
Actually speaking of tharavad family names I'm curious what other people whose families have moved to the US have done with them, because most of the ones in my family besides my last name are so long that they tend to only say them as initials, and all the people who have moved to the US besides my father have done truly unhinged things with them (mostly just keeping the order [L.N. Firstname] and being like yeah that name is both my last name and my first name what of it).
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omni-scient-pan-da · 1 year
THANK YOUUUUUU I somehow did not see this until now but I appreciate it!!
#panda posts#the all knowing panda answers questions#ask number 139#bragging in the tags because i don't get to say this stuff to anyone irl but i graduated as unofficial valedictorian of my class 😌#my school doesn't do valedictorian or salutatorian for whatever reason but the newspaper publishes the top ten percent in a specific order#that has no like... visible ranking? like it's not alphabetical so everyone assumes it's by clsss rank and my name was at the top#i also graduated with a perfect 4.0 gpa and was one of the 5 out of the 250#-that graduated in my class#michelle was another one of the 5 to graduate with a 4.0 she was number 3 in the unofficial ranking#i made it into half the colleges i applied to (which is to say i made it into all the in state schools I applied to and the out of state#schools i applied to were yale harvard mit brown and upenn so like my chances of getting in were not very high)#however i did get into the honors program i applied to at the college i ended up going to (if you've picked up what state i live in you can#probably guess which college im going to just by knowing i stayed in state) and i only applied to the honors program on a whim like... 5#hours before applications were due and still managed to make it in 😌#granted now i regret that because michelle did not get in and I don't get to live in honors housing but it's whatever#anyways that's the end of my little bragging rights i just wanted a chance to show off a little bit and I don't get to irl so i figured i#would here since tumblr is a judgement free zone
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rainbow-sparks · 1 year
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I saw Jay's playthrough of Sally Face today and it made me remember how much I love this game, so I drew Sal :))!!
#seriously I just ahafgz I'm going to be so annoying about this game now I'm sorry (lying)#(everytime I say/read/etc the word seriously I read it in Ocean's voice when she's singing What The World Needs omfg)#his hair looks like that because........uhmm#cute :33 but also I just..can't draw straight hair ://#in pigtails specifically. idk why it just two ponytails so I don't know WHY I can't...#my dad is saying I HAVE to go to school or he won't pay the wifi bill uhmm apparently it 2 months behind?? uhh yeah...? oof guess I'll#fucking kms instead because if I have to be at that DAMN HIGHSCHOOL AGAIN#I am only a freshman and I already wanna bash my head into the desk#MY GYM TEACHER DIDN'T EVEN KNOW MY FUCKING NAME#AND I have to deal w/ shitty fucking allergies on top of that because my mom SUCKS and I didn't think to grad the medicine when I was#leaving yesterday morning mostly cause her BITCH ASS EX WAS THERE IN THE LIVING ROOM (that's connected to the kitchen; where the medicine#was) because she can't kick him out and she has work so she need him there anyway because free babysitting because she had this stupid#fucking kid with him 4 years ago ://#what am I talking about???#sorry for ranting babe hehe <3 back to being a silly little guy ^^!!#so my friend wants me to play D&D with her and her other friend (idk who they are?? she never told me their name)#so that's cool :)#anyway I listened to Sanity Falls again I fucking love those songs god Idk y I stopped listening to these what was wrong w/ me damn :DDD!!!#gonna queue a few post so they go up while I'm either asleep or at school#probably school cause my dad said if I'm asleep he'll beat me awake :/ so yeah...not new whatever :/#can't even complain; cause according to my parents it isn't abuse to hit you're CHILD and they had it worse so stfu and I hate you' like#WTF WAS THAT? BRO?? ughh like okay yeha I get it I've been out for a bit but like...really? has Hitting use worked EVER? no? THEN WHY ARE#THEY STILL DOING IT??........ugghhh fuck#night dude :p#omfg I ranted to much I forgot to tag#sally face#sal fisher#sally face sal
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void-kissed · 1 year
✨ for a random fact about aria? :3
..I mean, Aria is a self-insert rather than an OC, but- thank you anyway for this, friend!
(source: this post by dragonsmooch)
Send me ✨ for a random thing about one of my OCs! (Optional: You can specify one!) - I know I've mentioned this before, but I can never remember how widely it's known, so I'll say it again anyway. Aria is the self-insert I've had the longest as a proper "this is me, but with lore to fit the game world" self-insert, as well as being one of the self-inserts that's existed the longest overall (the few that may beat her would include Camille, Amber, and technically also Emily, but I don't tend to count her since she didn't have story until after I started selfshipping unlike the other two). She started out as my player character in KHUX, who I gave the lore of "uses darkness instead of light" right from the beginning of playing the game, but then the rest of her lore (such as her being a Heartless) came about from the start of 2018 onwards. Some of her story, like leaving her original party under bad circumstances, reflects how things actually went for me playing the game!
This means that Aria is who tends to be used as a placeholder for whenever I want to make a new self-insert for something, which is partially ironic considering that - by virtue of being from Kingdom Hearts - she could technically appear as herself in many other game worlds. Examples of self-inserts that started out as "Aria but in something else" that I can recall off the top of my head include Alectra (actually probably Lamia too - the two of them together kind of combine a lot of Aria's aspects, Alectra personality-wise and Lamia lore-wise), Telanthera, possibly Sapphire despite how different she now is?, I think Ardea, Catarina to some extent, maybe Echo, and most recently (and perhaps most obviously) Lorenza. By contrast, self-inserts that definitely didn't derive from Aria include Adriana, Calanthe, Citri (since she kind of derived from Calanthe), Emily, Seralune, Alise, and Amber.
Hopefully this worked as a fact! Thank you very much once again for sending this, friend!~
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camillahex · 2 years
something i’ve been turning over in my head lately is that i don’t fully believe john gaius actually gave alecto her name.
i think with the way he only ever refers to her as A.L./Annabel Lee or First, (and now whenever i hear that i can’t help but think of gothicenjoyer‘s, post connecting john gaius’s assertion of the lyctors as children of alecto’s First to a rather disturbing passage in lolita of humbert calling dolores haze his Lolita the First) – which are names that attempt to put alecto in an obviously subjugative position under/in deference him – along with how angry he seems at anyone even mentioning the fact that she has a name that is not annabel lee, john does actually want her name to truly be annabel lee and hates the fact that it is alecto.
in his and harrow’s tea time, he tells harrow annabel lee is not alecto’s real name and says specifically “she had a real name, but I buried it with her.” to me statement has always had an undercurrent of anger to it, and when connected to the idea that alecto’s name was self-chosen, suggests the anger is directed at the name itself and he is trying to erase it to erase who she was/her autonomy/her actions that were not controlled by or in deference to him by burying her real name, and then constructing an image/story of alecto that he can control. he did the same story construction with the ending of the world in nona and wiping everyone’s memories of it, and he seems to have taken and changed the lyctors’ and their cavaliers’ old names and renamed them in his preference (see: U– and T– to ulysses and titania) all to inextricably connect them to him and make them dependent on him
a lot of people have taken the existence of alecto in greek mythology as the fury of anger to mean that john pointedly named her after her anger (or potentially his anger) at the destruction of the earth (or the abandonment of the earth by the trillionaires if it’s actually john’s rage). john has already said that anger was her mortal sin (and we have also seen that it seems to be his as well), but i think that who that anger is directed at and what it is in response to is also very important. we know from the nona’s final chapter and epilogue that alecto thinks of her body as ugly/disgusting/monstorous. this isn’t just because it’s a natural distase for a human body, as she is the embodiment of the earth, because, as nona, she thought harrow body was beautiful and wonderful and liked living in it. but yet alecto’s body, the body that john fashioned to be “perfect” (a literal barbie), is so revolting that in the epilogue from alecto’s point of view, she only ever calls it “the body” not her body.
all of this to say, i think alecto named herself after her own rage at john’s violation of her very existence by killing the earth (her), consuming the earth’s (her) soul, and then forcing the earth’s (her) soul into a “perfect” body constructed literally from his ribs and his subsequent binding of her to him in a position of subjugation that he would then go on to build an entire empire around
(and throughout the entirety of nona, john presented his story as an unavoidable downward spiral where he was always forced by outside actors to keep doubling down on his actions. it’s told with a very “what else could you do” attitude that tries to efface john’s accountability for his actions, and i think if alecto specifically chose her name to represent her own rage at the position and circumstances of her new existence, it would be a direct confrontation for john of his role as the root of her anger, and a constant reminder of the direct responsibility he holds for the real death of the earth, which would also present a threat to the story he created of it that he told to his lyctors)
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cyhaitham · 3 months
from what u guys know (uy can also look in the #justice angels tag on my bloog) whose ur fav
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paganinpurple · 1 year
AO3 Etiquette -UPDATED
Based on both decent and not so decent replies, I have made some changes to my original post below.
It would seem a whole new kind of AO3 reader/writer is emerging and it is becoming clear not everyone quite understands how the website community works. Here is some basic guidance on how most people expect you to go about using AO3 to keep this a fun community archive that funtions correctly:
As well as likes, kudos is for when the story was interesting enough to make you finish reading. If it sucked or was badly written, you probably left. If you finished it, you liked it - so kudos.
If you really liked it, you should try to comment. It can be long and detailed or a literal keysmash. Writers don't care, we just love comments.
No critisism unless the author has specifically asked or agreed to hear it (so use your notes to say if you want some constructive feedback). Even constructive critisism is a no-no unless an author note tells you it's okay. No, posting it online is not an open invitation for that. Many people write as a fun hobby or a way to cope with, among other things, insecurity and just want to share. Don't ruin that for them. I've seen so many authors just stop writing coz they can't handle the negative emotions the critism brings, and it's only meant to be a fun thing shared for free (pointing out tagging errors is not included in this).
Do not comment to ask the author to write/update something else. It's tacky and off-putting and will probably have the opposite effect than the one you want.
There is no algorithm, it's an archive. Use the search and filter function to add/remove the pairings/characters/tropes etc. you want to read about and it will find you the fics that fit the bill.
For this to work, writers must tag and rate stories. This avoids readers finding the wrong things and missing the stuff they want. I don't care how cringy that trope is in your eyes - it gets tagged.
The tag exception is if you don't want to tag a million things or spoil your story, you can rate it as "chose not to use warnings," and maybe tag the bare minimum.
Don't censor tags. How can someone exclude a tag if the word isn't typed out correctly? There are no content bans for terms so don't censor them.
If the tags are mostly content/trigger warnings, especially if they are things considered very fucked up or graphic, you might want to use "dead dove - do not eat" to ensure people know that you're not messing around with tags and what they get is exactly what you've warned them about.
Character A/Character B means a ROMANTIC or SEXUAL relationship of some kind. Character A&Character B is PLATONIC, like friendship or family.
Nothing is banned. This is an rule because banning one thing is a slipperly slope to banning another and another, until nothing is allowed anymore. Do not expect anyone to censor for you. Because of the tags system, you are responsible for your own reading experience.
People can create new chapters and sequels/fic series any time after they "complete" a story. So it's considered perfectly normal to subscribe, even to a finished story. You can even subscribe to the author instead just to cover your bases.
Do not repost stories or change the publishing date without an extremely good reason (like a complete top to bottom rewrite or an exchange youve written for going public). It's an archive, not social media. No one cares what's the most recent, only what fits their tag needs.
Instead of deleting a story you wrote if you hate it - consider making it anonymous or orphaning it so others can still enjoy it, without it being connected to your name anymore. If you still want to delete it, fair enough.
It's come to my attention that metaworks ARE allowed on AO3, which is something I wasn't aware of. So if you do post an essay or theory, please tag it as such so others can choose to search for it or exclude it. Art is also allowed.
The only reason this archive works is because NON ONE PROFITS. Do not link to your ko-fi or patreon or mention monetary gain in any way or you violate the terms and risk having your account removed. If anyone does link, it leaves the archive open to people claiming it's for profit and having the whole thing removed.
I KNOW there's plenty more I missed but I'm trying to cover most of the basics that people seem to be struggling with.
I invite anyone to add to this, but please explain, don't berate.
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schadenfreudich · 10 months
Somehow with my delusions the first one or two days are really intense and after that it's just almost boring. Like, yeah, it's still definitely there but it just kind of has no way of progressing unless I get like, hallucinations that are much stronger than what I have gotten. So that's highly unlikely. But no, of course it's not going away, I still believe non-existing or dead people are trying to tell me something but clearly they're bad at it.
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angeltism · 10 months
why am I getting media I've never posted about/have barely posted about once or twice sparsely in my "for you" section,, where'd all the pj.sk/mil.gram/etc go..
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#➳ the fool speaks#i mean i know why stsg and. well. that one comic everyone hates except for a single being i follow who isn't even my mutual. are there.#like yeah i follow ppl who post about those things#but so much of it???? tumblr are you trying to get me to keep watching j.jk to see if I'm ge.to#.........it may be working but that js BESIDES THE POINT HERE#i didn't know who yoy follow influences it SO MUCH?? like I've NEVER interacted with a hs post in my LIFE (i think?? don't quote me on that#i probably haven't but also I'm stupid and forgor things a lot) and it's like 60% of my for you tab. and j.jk is like another 20%#and 15% of that j.jk stuff is stsg. and 5% is other stuff#and 10% is pj.sk. oh and 5% is also bs.d despite the fact I've never posted abt it. and the other 5% is like every other fandom i know to#some degree#........is this really that normal. how do i stop seeing so much stuff for a fandom i am nawt even in TwT#i find it funny i can pinpoint exactly where this is coming from. like the specific beings i follow.#i could name names but i think if the beings I'm referring to see this they'll know who they are IFHWJFHAJRHEJR#rhis is all silly akd lighthearted tho i find this entertaining that what other beings like has seeped into my account. and being able to go#''haha this is so funny. the totally normal sane feelings somebun i like has for this has made tumblr start suggesting it to me too''#also that one post that goes ''tumblr i think this was meant for the next door over'' or whatever is it#anyways I'm gonna shut up nyeow JFJSJFHWJRNEJS
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bluevelvt · 1 year
i really only refer to professors by their first name, so emailing them is incredibly weird especially when i don't know them that well cause do i call them by their first name? dr. last name? what if they don't have a doctorate? just say hello?
being an arts student makes things more casual but emails are hard regardless and i will revise one ten times over before i send it
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