#pro sango
celticcatgirl2 · 8 months
I love Mirsan as a ship don’t get me wrong but Sango was really done dirty in Yashahime/the ending.
She’s the second strongest member of the team after inuyasha himself meanwhile Miroku is pretty much a squishy wizard without his strongest magic yet SHE is the one who retires fro demon slaying and NOT him? Like it literally makes no sense outside rigid gender roles! And I can’t even see Miroku being the type of guy to try to enforce that (as if Sango would let him of he tried lmao) he wanted to be a dad more than anything! It woudkve been much more natural to see the reverse of Sango hunting demons with Inuyasha while Miroku retires from combat stays with the kids!
And then there’s the passing of Hiraikotsu and Kirara to Kohaku and then Hisui….those where SANGO’S they where HUGE PARTS of HER character in Inuyasha we see her very deeply connected to both Hiraikotsu and Kirara! It feels so WRONG for those to be taken from her, and fine at least Hiraikotsu is a weapon so if you REALLY want to retire her I guess it makes sense for her to pass it on. But KIRARA that’s her little friend her companion it’s a bond that really can’t be reduced to just usefulness in combat…
those two have been though so much together and they don’t even interact almost at all in Yashahime season 1 despite Kirara being present for so much of it! Not even just occasionally seeing her go back to Sango to spend time with her every so often at least! And heck for “utility” you’re telling me a woman with so many kids in an era before cars WOULDN’T find a huge cat you can load everyone on to to fly around to be a HUGE connivence?
It just gets me so mad….as someone who really loves Sango (and Miroku and Mirsan too!!!) who really wanted to see what they’re up to in the em sequel to see THIS happen. Heck we barely get to see her in season 1 at least (I still have season 2 to watch) despite seeing a good amount of Miroku…I would’ve loved to see them back in action together! And to see how their family life would look based on what would actually make sense for those two characters and not just forcing them to fit tired gender sterotypes they never DID fit in Inuyasha….It’s just : /
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inu-yasha · 8 months
Kikyou is full of love and kindness
Kikyou is a very tragic character. Her character is so complex that it is difficult to understand her, but she can be understood if will look at it differently to. Her character is tragic, deep and beautiful. I think Kikyou is the best written character of Rumiko out of all the Kikyou versions. Kikyou suffered more injustice from Inuyasha's old team from the 2000s. Her personality was completely erased. Her warm and soft side seems to have disappeared, her scenes with Inuyasha are erased or drastically changed, where Kikyou is shown as a truly unpleasant person. In a newer fan version from another artist, she is insulted and written that she is just an "ex girlfriend" This woman didn't deserve this. Kikyou faces injustice from every possible angle.
This post has been in the making for over 2 years. I've been thinking about writing this post for a really long time like you see, but I always put it aside. Now I can finally do it. This post is an analysis of her character. I know that there have been many 'analyses', but this analysis is different and shows a different side. I want to show that Kikyou is not a 'cold bitch'
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The most common accusation against Kikyou and questioning her love is that she "asked Inuyasha to turn into a human. and higurashi accepts him who he's and truly love him"
I answered this question here, so can see it, but I wanted to add something because Kikyou and higurashi are often compared ,She and higurashi come from different backgrounds and times.
They both have different upbringings and both have different and mentality. higurashi is free and can do whatever she wants, no one limits her, she has many friends and she is free to love and hate,and all emotions. No one limits her, no one expects anything from her, she had no care or people's lives in front of her, she didn't have to hide or control her emotions. She wasn't lonely. She could always talk about her problems with her friends, she didn't have a father, but she had a mother who took care of her and her brother, so she didn't have to bear the burden of raising a brother, she didn't have to bear the burden of being alone. Kikyou she wasn't a free human.
Nothing is known about Kikyou and her past, but what can be sure be said, that Kikyou had to mature at a very young age because she had to take care of her younger sister. Kikyou became her parent and sister and she was also under the care of village and people for whom she was a 'great priestess and power', she was responsible for people's lives. Here I will support the anime, it has canonical scenes from the manga, so…. Kikyou and Kaede before shikon no tama traveled together and studied and I think that was Kikyou's only freedom, her feelings and loneliness were less. Everything changed when she got shikon no tama. Kikyou had to face demon attacks wherever she was and save the village and people, her duties became more burdensome. She couldn't show weakness or any other feeling. Kikyou wasn't free to love or hate. She was supposed to be a mass without feelings. She had to suppress all her feelings. She only had a sister and no friends. She couldn't talk to anyone about her worries and concerns, the burden she had to carry. She couldn't kill Inuyasha because she knew how he felt, I understand because she felt the same way. Inuyasha came into her life and was the first and only person Kikyou opened up to.
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I will repeat it, her speech came from the depths of her suffering, wounded, lonely soul and heart. She told the truth. She didn't feel human, even though she was human. She felt that she didn't belong anywhere, all she had to do was take care of the former village and kill demons every day, without any feelings, as if she didn't feel anything. She was human, but she didn't feel like anything. She didn't know where she belonged. Literally like Inuyasha, that's why she could understand him so well. Inuyasha saw this sadness, her eyes, her smile, everything was sad, but I have the impression that if she could, she would cry. But all he has to do is suppress everything. Inuyasha was also despised by humans and demons because he did not belong to any worlds, he was a mixed race despised by both worlds. Kikyou understood this and Inuyasha's feelings perfectly.
Kikyou loved him as a half-demon and had nothing against it, but seeing how people reacted and that when he had a gem nearby and had to keep an eye on it, and he wanted to lead a normal and peaceful life with Inuyasha, the jawel had to disappear. She just wanted a quiet life with her sister and the person she loves. Nothing more. She only asked him, she didn't force it on him. He made the decision himself out of love for her. He wanted to do it for her and live happily with her. This also shows how much Inuyasha loves her too. Kikyou and Inuyasha knew that people looked down on the relationship between a demon and a human. Inuyasha's parents are a good example and they could live together peacefully the jewel must disappear. Kikyou simply thought that if the gem was used with good intentions, it would disappear. She will be free and will be able to live a peaceful life with Inuyasha and her sister.
it's easy to say "I accept you as you are" when you don't know how people look at people and demons, and you come from the free world, with free choice and you think that everything is so simple And your only problem is school and worrying because 'inuyasha went to Kikyou' and she can't have him just for herself. Kikyou bothered her so much because she took Inuyasha away from 'her' who wasn't hers, and she acted as if he only had to look at her. Of course, there is a moment where she understands Kikyou's feelings, but it's only momentary because later she has a problem again that Inuyasha is with Kikyou and she can't stand it. Her understanding is shallow and a shallow approach. An egoist is kagome and egocentric, focused only on herself, her pain, her feelings, and her friends only confirm this.
Inuyasha and Kikyou thought they were betrayed on each other, but even though their anger was visible, they still loved each other. Kikyou, instead of killing him, used an arrow to put him to sleep. She wasn't able to kill him, and she could have done it, but she decided to put him to sleep and chose death because she didn't want to live without him. A love stronger than the anger and excruciating pain Kikyou felt. Kikyou died with a lot of anger owards Inuyasha, Inuyasha also felt betrayed and attacked the desperate higurashi thinking it was Kikyou and despite everything he didn't stop loving her. They both felt angry and hurt by the betrayal, and that's what they thought.
Kikyou came back to life, but did she ask for it? No.
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Urasure,created Kikyou so that she could have a slave and use her power. She thought that Kikyou would be at her service. Kikyou has returned against her will and she is now anxious, angry and hurt!! Inuyasha literally says the same thing in chapter 1, only Inuyasha calmed down and understood that he loved Kikyou, even though he denied it.
When Kikyou attacked Inuyasha, Kikyou received another slap from fate. Well, her younger sister stood against her. This is truly disgusting behavior from Kaede
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I don't really care at this point that she knew Inuyasha wasn't evil, but what she knew was that they both betrayed each other and even Kaede thought Inuyasha had inflicted that wound on her when Inuyasha denied it, she immediately believed him and tried to stop her sister, knowing that she had the right to be angry. At that moment, Kikyou felt betrayed once again, now by the person closest to her, who she's cared in the past. It's really painful when your sister opposes you and tell to person who thinks he betrayed you, killed you, deceived you to destroy her body Kikyou understands that she can't count on anyone even in her pain and anger. She stood up for a girl I barely know and Inuyasha. and once again she learns that there is no one but himself and her own pain, immediately after waking up. Her sister really made her understand..
It made even me angry, and I still feel disgusted by Kaede. She is an ungrateful brat, which she shows throughout the series. Kaede should apologize to her. Not Kikyou to her. from Kikyou's point of view, very hurtful.
Kikyou tries to kill him a second time. At this point it is known who is behind the betrayal. Inuyasha and Kagome knew about it, but Kikyou didn't yet. Kikyou wanted to go to hell and go with him so that they could be together. Inuyasha didn't mind.
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This means that Kikyou and Inuyasha love each other so much that they can go to hell together, to be together. This is Love. They really love each other. Kikyou, knowing that she did not belong to the living or the dead, tried to live normally in the village as in life. It didn't work, but she tried.
This woman has been rejected from the world and people for the second time, and the only person who understands her and always runs to her is Inuyasha.
Kikyou finds out that it is Onigumo and her goal is to destroy it, which is natural. So he steals the jewel and gives it to Naraku. Not because she helps him, but because she wants to destroy him.
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Her actions may not be understandable, but she is not selfish. She just took it upon herself to kill him. She wanted to do it herself because she doesn't know any other way, only Inuyasha was there for her and supported her, but Kikyou didn't really have time to learn how to rely on others, shared her pain and worries. She acts alone because she knows that she is alone and lonely and is ready to take the risk because the person who destroyed her life and Inuyasha is alive and doing great. She has always been lonely. She doesn't know any other life, only this time she doesn't have her treacherous sister with her. She travels, helps everyone and does everything to bring the murderer to death. this way Kikyou showed that she knows how to destroy Naraku when they couldn't destroy him for almost the entire series. Of course, higurashi finished what Kikyou didn't finish.
Kikyou was the only one who showed concern for Inuyasha's feelings, the only one who took his feelings into account and the only one who truly cared about him.
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She knew his friends would be worried about him. Kikyou thanked him for being with her. Her care and gentleness and gratitude are with her. Kikyou is just happy that he could be close to her even for a moment, but she knew that he also had friends who would worry about him.
Kikyou was the only one who predicted naraku's movements like kagome's eyes. naraku wanted her eyes, what Kikyo had previously predicted and warned inuyasha and helped her and his team giving higurashi an arrow to help her.
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Kikyou helped people and was not afraid to face the attack of her murderer and lose her life in this revenge. Kikyou helped Inuyasha's team, she did a lot more than Kagome, the only thing she can be thanked for is saving Kikyou's life, but she didn't even do it of her own free will, only for Inuyasha. Kikyou predicted Naraku's movements very well and carefully. Kikyou saved Kohaku's life, but also Miroku's by absorbing his curse, which means that Kikyou accepted Naraku's curse into her body, which was really dangerous for her.
Kikyou gave up her revenge for Kohaku saving his life. She chose his life over her revenge and only Kohaku truly loved and respected Kikyou apart from Inuyasha. She had someone with whom she shared the same pain again and he was the same as her. And really, Kikyou appreciated Kohaku and wanted him to live, and she managed to do so. Kikyou always saved others, but she could never save herself. The well-being of others was always the most important, especially people she loved like Inuyasha and Kohaku
Kikyou is the core of everything. It was her soul that wanted to meet Inuyasha, that's why Kagome met Inuyasha and stayed with him. If it weren't for Kikyou's soul, these two wouldn't have met. It was Kikyou who fought and predicted what Naraku would do at an early stage of the story, she knew how to get rid of him, even though she was neither dead nor alive, she helped everyone, always showing goodness and kindness. Her love for Inuyasha, despite the anger and pain she felt at the beginning, has always been there. He loves Inuyasha, always has and always will. Same with Inuyasha. Death could separate them, but despite everything, Inuyasha loved her with all his heart.
Kikyou is an extremely complex and tragic character. Full of pain and loneliness, full of kindness and love. She deserves more love than hate
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brandycranby · 3 months
AAAAAAA (i just rage trimmed my hair)
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eyesofanapothecarian · 2 months
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Sketches I'm working on also.
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vixeria · 11 months
Lineart completed! Free to color for any and all! NSFW and transparent versions available on Pillowfort. (Must be a member to view!)
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betheny-esda · 3 months
when i was like 9 my friend told me inuyasha was her favourite show so i tried to catch it on ytv sometimes and asked my parents to tape it for me. my dad saw a scene and deemed it so inappropriate he made me write an ESSAY to explain to him why it was media i should be allowed to watch.
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love-sapphirerose · 1 year
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when they say "inuyasha felt sorry for kikyo and that's why he went after her", remember that he stays with kagome just because he feels sorry for the girl getting sad when inuyasha WANTS to go after kikyo.
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minnlahzz · 1 month
amethio with a reader that loves to bake
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i had alot of ideas for this, may not be that long! i love the fact that no matter what amethio is the character i get requests alot about (pos! keep going ame army)
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i see amethio as a person to love sweets, he may look sour, but give him a bite of a strawberry strudel and he's yours.
amethio has a pack of pastries everyday from you, and sango is definitely envious. "a grumpo like you, shouldn't get a cute box!" that's why he eats these pastries somewhere private, away from those losers.
you could call him a gatekeeper, but only him, his pokemon, and your pokemon should eat these scrumptious pastries.
if the admins ever have lunch together, or eat together maybe a picnic if they're not trying to snap each others necks, he would definitely have a pack of your baked goodies.
and no he would not share.
if they point it out he'd just say "they packed it for me, got a problem?" defensively, not defending himself, but your pastries hehe.
he appreciates your effort in baking, even if it's not for him he's amazed about how tacky and creative you can be with your bakes.
if you ever had a bakery amethio would always me first in line. if you don't he would be the first to find out about your new recipes, don't ask me how. he just does.
he watches you make these stuff sometimes when he has free time, but amethio wouldn't try baking, saying "he's to busy" or "too childish for him" he's just trying to act cool and edgy don't worry.
probably knows the recipes to heart by how much he looks at you make this stuff. emphasize the "looks at you" he likes your pastries, but he's also fixated in your face.
it's kind of awkward when he does it, but he's just inlove. can you blame him?
would give recommendations, he's not a pro—baker, but he's a pro—critic. amethio would appreciate if you made his pokemon some pastries too! like pokepuffs.
if you ever make something, he would only eat your version of it. his reasoning is because it doesn't taste as good as when factory people make it, childish but funny.
if this situation ever happened he would handle it very well, 10/10 just like your baking skills mwa—😚🍰
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Current strongest kin: Stolace
Current most preferred name: Stolace
Stimboard/moodboard requests closed :<
Intro Post!
Hi! I'm Sage/Stolace, but you can also call me by any kin name. I'm also fine with any nicknames you can come up with, as long as they're spinoffs of my other names!
• I'm an Alterhuman, and that's what this blog will be mainly focused on, with a special focus on placekin topics.
• My pronouns are he/it/lo/🇨🇫
• I am Autistic and attribute this as the source of my alterhumanity.
• I'm a minor (16+ in age)
• I am a therian, placekin, fictionkin, conceptkin, and an alterhuman in general. Overall, I have 10+ confirmed kintypes which I'll list down below.
• I am genderfluid, and my sexuality is achillean. I identify as trans and mlm. I am also objectum, especially for The Gambia and dakota discs.
• Taken by Val (he is my boyfriend /srs)
• I personally identify as a punk, degenerate, freak, and social reject. I reclaim these terms proudly.
• I am the functioner of an Imagian plurality. Collectively, we use they/them pronouns. We are mixed-origin and pro-endo.
Plural sideblog: @imagimation-plurality
[ Kinlist, Identities, Tags, and BYF under the cut. ]
♡ -> Kinlist <- ♡
• Theriotypes (Confirmed):
♡ Lipizzan
♡ Fisher
♡ Ruminantia (Cladotherian)
♡ New Guinea Singing Dog / Canine
♡ Big Cat (Lion / Cougar)
• Placekin:
♡ Central African Republic (C.A.R. / CAR)
• Conceptkin:
♡ Home Safety Hotline (HSH)
*[as in the company, not the physical game]
• Fictionkins:
♡ Stolace* (Helluva Boss)
♡ Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
♡ Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
♡ Moisty (TWISTED DOCTOR Universe / Doll Eye)
♡ Nabbit (Mario Franchise)
♡ 1st Prize (BBIEAL)
*[ I spell my name as "Stolace", not "Stolas". ]
• Synpath/Fictionhearted:
♡ Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
♡ Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
• Other Identities:
♡ Myotis/Little Brown Bat w/ Leafnose
♡ Ardeidae plurityped
♡ Bedbug copinglink
Special Tags:
#get me out of here: Dysphoria about being human, wanting to me an animal, and rejecting humanity. (not exclusively my tag)
#I am the CAR kin / #CARstuff🇨🇫: Posts about my placekin experience as the Central African Republic.
#placekin questions: Answering questions about Placekin and my experience with being placekin.
#🇨🇫❤🇬🇲: Posts about me and my objectum crush/squish, The Gambia.
#sango posting: Posts in my national language--- Sango! (Note: I am not a native speaker.)
#aWannabe: Posts about my favorite music artist, aWannabe.
Before You Follow (BYF) :
• I am a minor (16+)
• I don't mind if 18+ blogs interact in a SFW manner, as long as your blog isn't entirely/mostly NSFW
• I like Hazbin Hotel and 4-5 of my headmates are sourced there (some ppl have this on their DNI???)
• I'm dating Valentino from Hazbin Hotel. /srs
• I am against gatekeeping and exclusion.
• I welcome and support every kind of system, plurality, and multiplicity, including endos. I am part of a mixed-origin imagian plurality myself.
• I welcome factkin and factives. I am not one myself.
• I learn towards anti-proship, but I have no DNI.
• I do not post or repost anything political on this blog unless it is in reference to placekin.
• I have no DNI. I cannot stop you from making that first interaction with me. If I strongly disagree with your views or you make me uncomfortable, I will just block you.
• NOTE: I associate stuffies and plushies with regression, childhood, happiness, and comfort. So, for this reason, I am uncomfortable with blogs focused on sexual attraction to plushies/stuffies interacting with my page. I will block you for my own comfort and safety. I have nothing against you for just existing, but I'd prefer not to see those kinds of posts and blogs. (SFW and Non-sexual plushums/plush objectum blogs are totally fine! :3 )
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nurknabo · 5 months
Post longa tempo de la lasta afiŝo, jen komentado pri la lernado. La ĉapitro nomiĝas "La Batalo de la Studentoj".
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Ecce discipuli pugnaverunt: cum Sexto Marcus et Titus pugnaverunt. Tamen non est dictum qua de causa, at primum Sextus nasum Marci pulsavit. Eorum pugna in imbrem erat, et etiam humi iacuerunt. Propter Marcus revertitur domum inmundus et cum sanguine de naso fluente. Marcus atrium intrans vix cognoscitur a patre suo Iulius; ipse eum cognovit audens eius vocem. Non placet Iulio Marcus duo unum pulsavisse. Postremo Marcus parentibus suis ostendit tabellam et "me eas litteras scripsisse" dicit, sed tabella non Marci, sed Sexti est! Falsum est quod dicit Marcus. Mater eius statim filio suo credit, nec vero credit pater, quia scit filium suum bonus discipulus non esse.
Post ĉi historia priskribo kiun ŝatis mi skribi, jen ni iru al la komentoj.
La ŝajnsinonimaro
Mi eĉ nomis ĉi tian aferon pro ĝia ofteco. La ŝajn- komence estas pro tio ke, eĉ se diras la libro ke x = y, ne vere ke ambaŭ vortoj tute interŝanĝeblaj estas. Ĉar tute ne eblas ekscii la malsamecon per la libro nur, jen mi iris serĉi denove. Sed, ĉi-foje, ion alian mi decidis fari: anstataŭ per Guglo fari la serĉadon, mi decidis demandi al ChatGPT. Kaj, surprize, ĝi donis senchavan klarigon.
Jen la sinonimoj kun klarigo de malsameco:
mundus = purus - "mundus" al fizikaĵo rilatas, "purus", al abstraktaĵo
candidus = albus - "candidus" estas por mencii la brilecon kaj fortecon de io, dum "albus" estas nur pri la koloro mem, vere kiel diri "blanko" simple.
vestis = vestimenta - "vestis" estas individua vestaĵo, dum "vestimenta" estas kostumo, la aro da vestaĵo uzata
cruor = sanguis - "cruor" rilatas al sangverŝo, dum "sanguis", al sango fluanta en la vejnoj
Ĉiu priskribo perfekte kongruis kun la libra kunteksto.
Ankaŭ estas la verbo "aio", uzita kie mi pensus ke uzitus "dico". ChatGPT diras ke "aio" uzatas por mencii ekzaktajn vortojn ies, dum "dico" estas io pli ĝenerala, kiel verbo nia "diri", mi kredas. Kaj denove ĉi tio kongruis perfekte kun la libra situacio, kie la verbo "aio" uzitas kiam Emiliino demandas Julion kion li ĵus diris, kaj li respondas ripetante la ĵusdiraĵon.
Tamen, kio pri "inquit", kiun estas sintakse uzita kiel "aio"? Ĉi-foje donas ChatGPT ne tiel fidindan respondon, sed ankoraŭ kredeblan, ke ambaŭ signifas la samon, sed ke "inquit" estas pli formala kaj literatura.
Ni, la grundanoj
Legante la apudnotojn, mi vidas "humus", kaj tuj rimarkis similecon kun "humanus", sed samtempe pensante ke povas esti falsamiko, ĉar "humus" signifas "tero, grundo". Serĉante, mi vidas la mirindaĵon: "humanus" efektive havas la sufikson -anus, kunigita al la radiko hum-. "Humanus" do signifas "tiu kiu apartenas, devenas de la grundo". "Humanus" signifas "grundano, terano". Kiel bele!
Mi trovis tion tiel interesa, ĉar tuj mi faris ligon kun kion la Biblio diras pri kiel homo estis kreita. Ankaŭ venis enmensen ke en greka mitologia ankaŭ tiel kreiĝis homo. Kaj tiam mi pensis: kiom forta estis tiu penso, kredo, por ke oni eĉ aludis al si mem kiel "iu devenanta de la tero"? Ĉiam mirindas la fakto ke estas kelkaj ĉiamĉeestantaj trajtoj en ĉiu, au preskaŭ ĉiu, religio. Estas unu vero tie.
Krome, mi eksciis poste ke la nomo Adamo signifas la samon! Mirinde.
Nu, montriĝas ke mi post ĉi tiu afiŝo eksciis ke "humanus" devenas fakte de "homo + -anus"... kio estis vere seniluziiga. Mi nun scivolas de kie mi prenis tiun informon ke la vorto venis de "humus". Mi nun nur esperas ke la etimologiuloj misdiris kaj "humanus" vere venas de "humus", kiom ajn neverŝajne estas tio. Ĉiuokaze, mia miro pri la etimologio de "Adamo" restas.
Ecce finis. Breve est commentarium, at bonum est capitulum. Scire veram interpretationem vocabuli "humanus" mihi placuit. Bela est lingua et id quod scire possumus per eam.
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Lou Val // Young Numb (Pro. Sango) - SoundCloud
Écouter Lou Val // Young Numb (Pro. Sango) par Syntelics sur #SoundCloud
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mamabearcat · 2 years
Would love to hear about Check Mate and Drag Me To Hell. 👀 Whichever you feel more like talking about. 😊
Thank you @eowynwise 😘
These are both at the ideas stage so I have a page full of random bullet points for each of them, but not much actual writing.
Check Mate is a modern AU.
Inuyasha is a professional chess player, and Kagome is a retail worker of some description, and they meet at one of those huge moveable chess sets at a park. She goads him into playing with her, and chats the entire time while they're playing. He's both irritated and intrigued by this person that is going out of her way to speak to him. She mentions that she's always wanted to travel and he lists off all the places he's been like a shopping list and she's in awe, and excitedly asks him about different monuments and museums. He scoffs and says 'no, why would I?' and she's aghast. Somehow she convinces him to send her postcards and he has to write to her about at least one beautiful place other than the hotel he stays in or the room where the chess tournament is being held. He sends a series of postcards from all over the world. At first they're short and sarcastic, like 'it's a beach. There was sand and shitty seagulls. Are you happy?' And then gradually he's more descriptive about things, like he's really trying to describe them for her. And they meet for coffee when he's back in her city and eventually they go back to her apartment and she's got every postcard up on the wall pinned to a world map so she can see where he's been. It will probably be a long one-shot. There's two things that still need more research before I write this - one, I don't play chess, so I need to give myself a basic understanding of it first and two, Inu in this has ASD, and I want to be sure that I am respectful and careful with how he's shown, and how he reacts to the world around him.
Drag Me To Hell is a comedy of sorts, modern AU.
Inu and Miroku are undercover cops working on an assault case. Someone is targeting drag queens, and the level of violence is increasing.
They're entered in a major pageant. Kagura is in on it, she's in charge of the competition. Kagome is stage manager, Shippou is special effects technician, Sango is make up, Kouga is security.
They have to be good enough to make it into the finals, because they're thinking that is when the next assault will take place, based on previous attacks.
Miroku charms his way in - he ends up actually realising he likes wearing ladies clothes, not all the time, but at home. He's not sure what to think about this, because he still feels 100% straight.
Inuyasha is not into that at all, but because he's already a good dancer, he really loves doing the routines. And he can't help flirting with Kagome when he's up on stage. And Kagome isn't sure what to make of it, because she's assumed he's gay.
Kagome asking Kagura - is insert Inu drag name gay? Because I don't know, it feels like she's flirting with me. Kagura - oh no, she's a 100% gay queen. Kagome.... damn.
This has been sitting in my wips folder for two years. And my main block to working on it is that I can't decide if they're all human or a mixture of human/youkai. Both would have pros and cons. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
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eyesofanapothecarian · 4 months
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Ones done before my new internet.
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vixeria · 11 months
Doodling tonight. I’m really trying to get back into my daily exercises, but it’s hard sometimes. Had a hard time drawing Sango’s bangs tonight. Lol
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alexthegamingboy · 1 year
Toonami Weekly Recap 12/04/2022
My Hero Academia Season 6 Paranormal Liberation War Arc EP#114 (01) - A Quiet Beginning: A month prior to the events of the incoming War, Hawks is approached by Twice who asks him for advice. Hawks thinks about how the merged-villain group of the Paranormal Liberation Front has split its members into regiments, and their plans for world domination. He also recalls how Twice had provided him the location of Tomura Shigaraki's current experimentation, due to his trust in him. In the present, a group of Pro Heroes meet at the Police Force Headquarters where they plan to split into two teams, one which will storm the Liberation's headquarters at the Gunga Mountain Villa, and one that will raid the Jaku General Hospital to apprehend Doctor Kyudai Garaki, All For One's secondhand man and creator of the Nomu. While Team Edgeshot await in the distance of the Villa for their orders, Team Endeavor confronts Dr. Garaki. He tries to flee but is restrained by Eraser Head, who uses his Erasure Quirk on him, causing his body to rapidly de-age and grow more decrypted. Present Mic confronts him, asking why he used his brilliant science for what he did to Oboro. Mirko busts her way through toward the morgue, warning Endeavor as she comes across a hoard of Nomu in her path. Suddenly, a drill Nomu emerges from the floor, stabbing itself directly into Garaki, revealing him to merely be one of Twice's doubles. As the real Garaki attempts to flee his laboratory, alongside Shigaraki, Mirko breaks through, completely crushing Johnny and destroying several canisters, causing Garaki to scream out in fear.
Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun EP#04 (17) - Friend: Faputa confronts Reg, and he vaguely recalls that he had previously met her in the past. Wary of eyes of the villagers, Faputa abducts Reg and takes him to her hideout. However, Faputa is confused and hurt that Reg has no memories of her, and expresses her jealousy at Reg accompanying Riko instead. Seeing that he won't learn anything from Faputa, Reg decides to return to the village, but on his way back, he comes across a shower of eternal fortunes and funeral nameplates dropped from Orth, causing him to wonder what is happening on the surface. In the village, Riko recovers from her food poisoning and heads out to search for Reg and Nanachi. Several Hollows attempt to abduct Meinya, but she is saved by the Hollow that previously hurt Meinya by accident. Thankful for the help, Riko befriends the Hollow, who she names Maaa. They head over to a restaurant where Riko encounters the Hollow version of Wazukyan. Meanwhile, Nanachi learns from Majikaja that Belaf has Mitty in his custody. In disbelief, Nanachi heads to Belaf's lair where they indeed find Mitty alive and well, much to their shock. Elsehwere, Vueko appears to be imprisoned along with a number of incomplete Hollows.
Yashahime: The Second Act EP#40 (16) - The Three Princesses Escape: With Sesshomaru growing weaker, Rin and Jaken take him to the Sacred Tree of Ages, as they await Towa and Setsuna's return. Meanwhile, Shippo transports himself and Takechiyo to the village of the demon-slayers and reunites with Sango. Takechiyo explains that Inuyasha and Kagome have been within the Black Pearl all this time, prompting Sango to realize that the time to utilize the Black Hiraikotsu has finally come. Towa manages to summon Tenseiga, but it is embedded in the pedestal that it was once in all those centuries ago. Towa, Setsuna, Moroha uses their combined strength to remove Tessaiga from the pedestal. They escape the Border of the Afterlife, where Shippo is waiting. Moroha keeps the Black Pearl within Izayoi's rouge, as it holds memories that are most precious to her. Rin reunites with Setsuna and Towa for the first time, with Jaken reminding them about Sesshomaru. Towa utilizes the supreme power of the Kyuyokon Root within Zanseiken to absorb all of the Demon Fireball's vast stellar energy. Sesshomaru warns Towa, before her strength diminishes and she falls unconscious.
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love-sapphirerose · 1 year
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As usual the Stan always question Inuyasha loyalty when it’s comes to Kikyo like when she calls to talk about her plan to kill Naraku and the jewel,and like most of us said that it was the very few times Inuyasha stood up for the woman he loved because kagome and gang wanted answers and they were accusing Kikyo to plot with Naraku and Inuyasha defended her pity that he never did more often.
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