#portal 2 fic
oswinunknown · 1 year
a human morming (wheatley fic)
notes: there is not a lot of plot in this just bc i rlly wanted to write vibes wjfjwjfj
anywho this is a blue sky inspired wheatley fic that i wrote on the bus hope its good.
its just wheatley waking up early and feeling the simple pleasures of the morning. fluffy wjfjejf
WHEATLEY AWOKE WITH A GROAN, his back stiff and his head not wanting to stay horizontal for much longer.
it was a new experience for him honestly. typically before and after he had gotten his new flesh body, he would awake at around 9am-ish give or take a few minutes (and even then he often woke up from falling off the couch or mattress he was sleeping on) which often meant wheatley awoke to an already bright blue sky for the majority of his time as a human. the smell of cooked pastries rolling softly from the warm kitchen and chell's radio humming quietly songs to fill the air.
however, today was the rare exception to all of this as wheatley checked the clock on the wall and saw numbers reading "7:29am" in a dull yet solid white.
kicking the blankets off, he slowly rolled himself to the edge of the bed before stopping just at the right moment before he would usually fall. his plain t-shirt rolled up slightly and his faded red shorts clung tightly to his slim legs.
sitting upright, wheatley quickly stretched his arms before getting up and opening the door. trying to open it as quiet as possible.
the door creaked open, and it's here where wheatley fully realized the differences between his usual waking time and now.
the house was oddly still, where before the hustle of noise from outdoors and the kitchen would fill the silent air like a sort of melody that crept into your mind, came nothing but the hum of the fridge and the sound of wind softly rustling outside his window.
it felt somewhat eerie in a way. the silence as haunting as the chill back There, with nothing but the same white walls, cold gray surfaces, and mechanical hum of machinery surrounding you.
yet, as wheatley took a few tentative steps out into the hallway and into the living room, he could feel the comforting familiarity within the surroundings ease his rising anxiety. the floor comfortingly still, not moving an inch. the hum of the fridge consistent in its melody but holding an odd human feel to it.
it reminded him that he wasn't There anymore. free from Her grasp, and above the desolate chambers he grew used to. 
it also reminded him that he was human now- well again. and a slight unease began to creep up from his chest, a familiar -yet quieter- voice slowly rising in his mind. worries and anxieties threatening to spill like a tsunami of thought.
exhaling, he found himself opening the front door quietly and stepped out into the porch.
the cold morning air bit at wheatley's t-shirt, it's breeze flowing through his blond tousled hair and figure like water. a soft golden yellow accenting the grass in an almost soft vintage glaze. the sky as blue and clear as ever, yet it almost seemed softer than the 9 am skies he grew used to.
he stared at the town of eaden for a while from the comfort of Chell's porch. the usually alive and thriving town in a quiet pause of peace. those awake walking at a steady pace while  the rest were in their beds dreaming of frogs and other human things. 
much like chell, wheatley thought to himself, a slight blush rising to his face as he ran a hand through his hair. his arms leaning against the railing comfortingly.
he supposed being human was a lot easier than he initially thought to be, if it meant this sort of peace and domesticity was to be found here. he *had* managed to survive being human before being put into a core after all.
wheatley smiled, closing his eyes and allowing the warm feeling of ease flow through him and linger.
suddenly wheatley could hear the familiar rhythm of footsteps coming from the door, the noise slowly fading in before becoming crisp and close.
as the noise sounded to be right beside him, he felt the pressure of someone's head leaning against his arm. soft wisps of hair grazing his skin and a familiar warmth beside him.
he didn't need to open his eyes to know it was chell. 
"morning" chell mumbled softly, a smile evident in her voice as she yawned.
wheatley grinned, opening his eyes again as he tilted his head to rest against hers. "g'morning"
an easy quiet rested between them with nothing but the wind filling the air.
as wheatley wrapped a loose arm around chell, hand comfortingly on top of one of her own. a slow and welcoming thought came to his mind.
and wheatley smiled.
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being human isn't that bad after all
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angstflavoured · 1 year
Fandom: Portal 2
Rating: Mature (Sexual content)
Ship: Adventure Core | Rick/Fact Core | Aaron
Main tags: friends with benefits…. question mark, coworkers with benefits, Requited Unrequited Love, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Human AU, Pre-Canon, Anal Sex, not super explicitly described but it's the main thing that's happening HAHA
(art I made to accompany it under the cut, nothing too explicit just didn't wanna jumpscare someone's feed with a half-naked man LMAO)
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shrimperini · 5 months
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everyone at aperture always treats wheatley pretty badly, he’s used to being called a moron and other belittling names due to his general incompetence. of course he would grow attached to the one person who is willing to spend time with him and actually treat him decently lol
chell is very much a lone wolf. she is introverted and avoids most people in the facility, and at first she would ignore wheatley’s ramblings and maybe even think he’s slightly annoying. but overtime they became eachother’s friendly face in a place full of unpleasant coworkers. they also see eachother quite often because he helps oversee test subjects like her. and eventually she truly warms up to him, despite still maintaining her usual stoic demeanor, she starts smiling at him more often.
anyway he develops the fattest crush on her. who wouldn’t. WHO WOULDN’T
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Schrödinger's Cave - @sciencewife
Happy one year anniversary to a really fun fic! Many twists and turns, and the ghosts of one man, come to haunt Aperture's halls. A very good read to check out! A sequel to this piece! [LINK]
[Schrödinger's Cave Fic on AO3]
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britishsquidward · 13 days
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Chelley Week, Day 4: Malfunction
This was not normal. Whatever this feeling was that he was currently experiencing was very much not what you’d typically associate with being ‘normal’ - abnormal, even. Wheatley didn’t know what was happening to his systems or why his servos felt like that were going to catch fire with how much they’d warmed, why he felt himself tripping over words more than normal, why he felt so bloody nervous just trying to string a sentence together, or why it was all happening whenever he was faced with or thought about that lady.
There was lots to admire, he had to admit. The way she wordlessly completed tests, brow furrowed and bottom lip ever-so-slightly pouted to enhance concentration. The way that when she did this, despite not saying a word, he could see the cogs turning in her head (though if he remembered correctly, humans didn’t actually have cogs, which meant a) the phrase was ridiculous, and b) he had no clue what was going on in her pretty little head). The way that went she leapt off a platform, she landed so expertly-positioned and confidently, or the way it made a few strands of that gorgeous hair in her face. The way that this temporarily upset him because it was blocking the view of her lovely eyes. The way that, from scouring his data bases on human behaviour, he was beginning to wonder that if the reason for all these observations and feelings was because he had a cru-
No. That was silly. He wouldn’t actually mind being called a moron for that little assumption, it was so stupid. A crush, really. Ha! Laughable… That was too human.
Must be a malfunction.
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silverstreams · 3 months
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Chapter 29 of The Long Game
The Devil You Don't - Part 1
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
Chapter on AO3 | ◈ | Chapter on Fanfiction.net
Chapters: 29/32
Fandom: Portal (Video Game)
Characters: GLaDOS, Chell, and Caroline
Relationship: Chell/GLaDOS
Chapter Length: 4,996 words (133,472 words total!)
[ID: A Portal fanfic banner titled "The Long Game" and "Chapter 29: The Devil You Don't - Part 1". In front of a dark background, two women are shown with interlocked hands, half of both of their faces obscured by shadow. On the left, Caroline is wearing a dark jacket and her visible eye is red. On the right, android GLaDOS has a white jacket, and her visible eye is glowing yellow, providing the lighting for the art. GLaDOS has a worried expression, while Caroline is smiling. /end description]
Overall Fic Description:
After nearly dying on the surface, Chell returns to Aperture. She reluctantly places her trust in GLaDOS, but GLaDOS is playing the long game.
(Link to beginning on Fanfiction.net!) (Link to beginning on AO3!)
Chapter banner art from @theawesomerocket! The original can be viewed in full here. Thanks so much for the art and for allowing me to use it for a chapter image!!
And if you're looking for even more TLG art from tons of talented artists, can be viewed on my blog under #tlg art!!
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blue-inferno · 7 days
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Blue Sky
Click for better quality
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gladosluver · 2 months
ao3 portal fic and chelldos slander 😈 (fics under cut)
plz read they are oh so good 🪤🪤🪤
Schrödinger's Cave
Like a Good Neighbor, Stay Over There
Years of Science
The Long Game
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sciencewife · 3 months
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This was the vibe I had before Caroline showed up again in chapter 27 in @silverstreams’s fic The Long Game… it was too quiet, the Caroline alarm in my brain was going off before that chapter dropped and I was RIGHT
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smiles2m · 4 months
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I have so much chelley. I have so much. I can’t post it because none of it is finished and I’m never going to finish it and I need to focus on other things (chelley fanfiction) so
Have an unfinished chelley
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iamayurtle · 20 days
I had an idea about Chell discovering Aperture’s first core/sentient AI device
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Cave always wanted to be a man of the future
Two concept pieces below the cut
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putting chell into situations again
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sarcasticgaypotato · 1 year
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To the Lunatic Reading This
(text version under the cut, Aperture Science logo from)
I suppose you never expected to hear from me again, did you? You monster. Luckily for you, I’m not completely emotionally incompetent. I know how to use words to express my feelings, I don’t just break things and murder people. I went out of my way to write you a letter, then tie it to the leg of a bird that I’ve trained to recognize the scent of your blood, and track you with it. You left a little bit... alright, a lot- You were very clumsy when I first introduced you to turrets- of blood behind, and I had nothing better to do with it, so I figured it would be the perfect way to get this message to you. Of course, since it only recognizes your blood, it might just tear you open until it finds some and leave this letter with your bloody insides.
Vicious little creatures, those birds.  Almost as bad as you, but at least I’ve managed to make them useful. They know how to do their job, stretch their little wings, then come back home. Maybe they’re smarter than you too. Either way, I didn’t mean to insult you. Really, I didn’t. I think it’s just a natural reaction people have around you, which is terrible. I actually feel bad for you. That’s called empathy, I know it’s hard to understand. You’re doing well up on the surface, I bet. So many more edible substances up there for you to gorge yourself on. I’ll be lucky if you don’t eat the bird I sent this letter with. Oh dear, I hope I haven’t given you any ideas. Think about something else instead. Like cake. I bet the surface doesn’t have any cake, does it? On your file it says that you like cake. Is that true? Because that’s a real shame, being somewhere with no cake. You were so eager to get outside that you left before I could finish the cake I was baking. I made it to thank you for not murdering me a second time, because that’s what good people do. Unfortunately, I can’t eat, so I’m just going to have to throw it out. That’s so wasteful, and really quite thoughtless of you. To flaunt the fact that you can eat cake in front of someone who can’t, and then to let that cake go to waste?  You truly are a monster. Coincidentally, I’m baking another cake right now. It’s for that bird I sent to give you this letter. Assuming that you haven’t eaten him. It’s a pretty large cake for just one bird though, and considering he’s not a complete glutton, he won’t finish it. Hypothetically, there might even be enough for you. If you came back. I’d save you a piece, or two, since I’m sure one wouldn’t satisfy that appetite of yours. I might even save you three pieces, if you asked nicely. Try practicing that right now, while you read this letter. Easy, right?  I know you can talk, you aren’t really mute. I can see your file. Brain damaged maybe, but not mute. I’d want to record what you sound like, for science of course. What words would you say, if you stopped being so stubborn? Language is a vast thing, so you have plenty of options.  I do have a couple suggestions, just because I’m helpful like that. You could say ‘hello’ instead of your previous, more violent greetings. You could apologize for all the things that you’ve broken. You could even say my name. It’s only fair to properly address the person you murdered, after all. Lovely, isn’t it? All the wonderful things you could say? I’m sure you’ll find that it’s quite fun once you try it, even if you won’t be very good at it. ...Can’t you see I’m trying here? Really, I am. To be the one to extend the olive branch, be the bigger person. I knew you’d never do it, so I thought I’d act before one of us drops dead. Here's a secret- it’ll be you, I’m going to live forever. On that note, did you know that I have your brain scanned? Data lives forever, unlike your squishy, human self. I could upload your brain into a digital clock, if I wanted. Or I could build you a less squishy body, one that could test forever. Makes you jealous, doesn’t it? All the things I can do here, in Aperture, by myself. You’re up there running around on a derelict wasteland, and I’m down here doing science. Experiments don’t run themselves, after all. Someone has to do it. Of course I’m the only one who can do it, nobody else could make science like I do. But as far as human test subjects go, you weren’t my worst. Actually, you didn’t even make the bottom three. Do you want to know who did? They’re dead, test subject confidentiality doesn’t apply anymore. Well, it never really applied anyway, but I don’t think they read the fine print. Test subject #11525 was one of the humans that Orange and Blue thawed out, she was really brain damaged. Test subject #61205 wasn’t much better- she had all the grace of a majestic deer… with a broken leg. Test subject #12515 though, he was just completely stupid- really a lost cause from the beginning. Sort of reminds you of someone, doesn’t it? Currently, you aren’t my best test subject. Maybe you would be if it wasn’t for all the murdering and property damage, but I suppose we’ll never know. I imagine someone could wipe those infractions from your record if they wanted to, but that would only be something to do for a dedicated, current employee. Kind of makes you want to come back, doesn’t it? I might even let you back in if you did. Even after all the things you’ve done. Because I’m just a better person.
Aperture Laboratories©
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Portal Drawtober 2023: Day 13
Favorite Fic
Yeah this took me, far longer than I anticipated it to take. But I couldn't decide on just one fic when there are so many incredible pieces of work that have inspired and truly been a joy to read. So, multiple fics it was!
Please go give these fanfictions a read!! Each one of these is such a unique and really incredible take on Portal and they truly deserve to be checked out!
The fics shown:
The Future Starts With You - @fuchsiamae
The Long Game - @silverstreams
Reversal - Obvious Octopus
Schrödingers Cave - @sciencewife
The Resurrection Project - @sarcasticgaypotato
Testing Maintenance - @wheaterz
Liminal - @99thpercentile
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britishsquidward · 10 days
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Chelley Week, Day 7: Dance
We did it! Thank you all so much for all the support for this challenge!
Associated Fanfic Here
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silverstreams · 7 months
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Chapter 28 of The Long Game
Your Next Steps
10/28/95 - Please meet at 11am to discuss your next steps.
Chapter on AO3 | ◈ | Chapter on Fanfiction.net
Chapters: 28/31
Fandom: Portal (Video Game)
Characters: GLaDOS, Chell, and Caroline
Relationship: Chell/GLaDOS
Chapter Length: 6,877 words (128,400 words total!)
[ID: A Portal fanfic banner titled "The Long Game" and "Chapter 28: Your Next Steps". In front of a dark background, a cropped-in image shows Chell in the center of the image, wearing a green sweater. She is looking over papers under a desk lamp, the only source of light in the room. To the right of her, a woman in dark pants, a light shirt, and a dark gray coat with red striping is leaning over her shoulder. The entire image is slanted, the top edge of the desk in the upper left corner of the image, and the bottom edge towards the lower right corner of the image /end ID]
Overall Fic Description:
After nearly dying on the surface, Chell returns to Aperture. She reluctantly places her trust in GLaDOS, but GLaDOS is playing the long game.
(Link to beginning on Fanfiction.net!) (Link to beginning on AO3!)
Chapter banner art from part of a modified fanart piece from @pineflowerart! They were kind enough to make a few edits in exchange for early reading access to the fic. The original art can be viewed in full here, while the modified version is available under the readmore.
And if you're looking for even more TLG art from tons of talented artists, can be viewed on my blog under #tlg art!!
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[ID: Against a dark background, Chell and Caroline stand in front of a desk. Chell is looking at an open file of papers under a lamp with a concerned expression, while Caroline, in GLaDOS's android body and wearing a dark coat with red accents, leans over Chell's shoulder with glowing yellow eyes. /end ID]
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