#portage mi photographer
finkanie · 3 years
Fall Mini Sessions! → Photo Session © finkanie photography
2021 Fall Minis booking now! These sessions are short and sweet, 15 minutes each, and are the perfect way to update your family portraits for the year quickly and efficiently! Choose from 5 images or 10 images for your package. Option to purchase additional prints at proof review if desired!
Location: Mattawan Memorial Park, 24601 Front Street, Mattawan, MI 49071
Session length: 15 minutes
Packages start at $225. Click on the booking link to secure your spot! Limited spots available!
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photoklatsch · 4 years
Une photographe, une histoire
Pendant le confinement de mars 2020, en cherchant à m’occuper je suis tombé sur l’incroyable story de Vivian Maier. Cette virtuose prolifique de la photographie de rue pourtant inconnue de son vivant a une histoire comme seuls les américains savent les raconter. 
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Vivian Maier, est née le 1er février 1926 à New York, d'une mère française et d'un père d'ascendance autrichienne, et morte le 21 avril 2009 à Chicago. 
A la séparation de ses parents. Vivian reste avec Marie sa mère alors que son frère Charles William est confié à ses grands-parents paternels. Elles trouvent refuge chez l’artiste Jeanne Bertrand dans le quartier du Bronx.
Jeanne Bertrand est, elle aussi, originaire de la même région française que la mère de Vivian. Dès 1906, elle se fait remarquer lors d’une exposition de photographies à Boston. Elle deviendra une célèbre photographe, puis une  sculptrice de renom à New York. Ainsi, dès son plus jeune âge, Vivian vit au contact d’une femme photographe professionnelle, situation assez rare à cette époque. Elle fait découvrir à Marie et à sa fille sa passion pour la photographie.
De 1932 à 1938, elles retournent vivre en France, dans le village maternelle d’origine, puis regagnent les États Unis. Pendant cette période Vivian apprend le français, sa mère Marie, prend quelques photographies qui sont autant de témoignages de leur séjour. 
A 13 ans, Vivian repart s’installer à Manhattan ou elle doit réapprendre la langue américaine, seule. Elle dira l’avoir redécouverte au théâtre et au cinéma. Le jeune fille ne fera pas d’étude et travaillera comme vendeuse dans la boutique d’un oncle. 
Vivian Maier fera de nouveau un séjour en France de deux ans afin de régler des affaires familiales. Sa grand-tante a établi un testament en sa faveur lui léguant le domaine familial. Vivian séjourne donc à nouveau dans le Champsaur dans les années 1950 – 1951. En attendant la vente, elle parcourt les chemins de la vallée, prenant des clichés avec son Kodac. Chaque rencontre est une photo en devenir. Elle prend de nombreux clichés des animaux de la ferme, des paysages alentours. Comme elle gravit les montagnes, photographie les sommets et les cols, elle sera vite surnommée comme “l’espionne”. Une passion, un loisir, les paysans ne peuvent l’imaginer, eux qui remplissent leur journée avec les travaux de la ferme et les veillées.
Elle repart à New York en avril 1951. Elle ne rejoint aucun de ses parents. A partir de cette époque, Vivian garde le silence sur son histoire personnelle, familiale. Rien si ce n’est la photographie et les voyages. L’argent de la succession est une aubaine pour assouvir ses deux passions. Des emplois de ‘nanny’ juste pour avoir un toit et quelques dollars.Vivian ne vit que pour parcourir les rues de New York, affublée d’un ou deux appareils photographiques. En 1956, Vivian s’installe définitivement à Chicago. Elle devient gouvernante d’enfants. Ses appareils photos ne la quittent plus. Dès qu’elle a un instant de libre, elle arpente les rues de Chicago et photographie le quotidien de ses habitants. Les portraits de passants ou des laissés pour compte se mélangent aux scènes de vie quotidiennes. 
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Le Canada recevra souvent sa visite. Les Caraïbes, Porto Rico, Cuba,  Amérique centrale, Amérique du Sud, faisant des séjours de quelques jours dans toutes les grandes capitales. En 1959, ses employeurs acceptent même de la laisser s’éloigner pendant six mois. Juste ce qu’il faut pour faire le tour du monde. Partie de Los Angeles, elle reviendra six mois après par New York. Seule, elle s’attarde à Manille, Bangkok, à Kochi (Cochin-Etat du Karala en Inde). Elle ose se rendre au Yemen, parcourt les sites anciens du Caire. Revenant par l’Italie et la France. 
Tout au long de son existence, les photos de Vivian Maier restent inconnues et non publiées, un grand nombre de négatifs n'ayant par ailleurs pas été développés. Son secret est d'avoir réalisé au cours de sa vie près de 120 000 photographies de rue, sans les avoir vues elle-même pour une bonne partie, puisqu'elle n'a pas toujours eu la possibilité ni les moyens financiers de développer ou de faire développer ses négatifs. Elle n'a pas montré ses tirages, n'a pas parlé de son travail et, a priori, n'a jamais tenté de tirer profit de ses clichés.
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À la fin de l'année 2007, une partie des biens de Vivian Maier sont mis aux enchères. Hospitalisée, elle ne peut plus payer la location du box qu'elle utilise pour les stocker. Trois chineurs acquièrent ses biens : Randy Prow, John Maloof et Ron Slattery. C'est John Maloof, un jeune agent immobilier de 25 ans, président d'une société historique locale et à la recherche de photographies pour illustrer un livre qu'il coécrit sur le quartier de Portage Park à Chicago, qui achète pour 400 dollars le plus gros lot de négatifs (30 000 négatifs, des dizaines de rouleaux de pellicule et seulement quelques tirages réalisés dans les années 1950-1960).  Il n'y a pas d'images de Portage Park. Déçu, il range son achat au placard. En observant les négatifs, bien qu’ignorant leur valeur, il trouve cela beau.  
En 2008, Ron Slattery est le premier à publier des photographies de Vivian Maier en ligne sans réels échos. À peu près au même moment, John Maloof ressort les négatifs, les numérise par centaines et commence à les vendre sur eBay.  Il rencontre par ce biais un professeur d'art qui lui fait prendre conscience de l'importance de l’oeuvre qu’il a sous les yeux. Il examine alors les milliers de pellicules encore embobinées et prend contact avec la maison de ventes aux enchères pour retrouver les acheteurs des autres lots. Il les leur rachète et acquiert au total plus de 100 000 négatifs. 
Désireux de connaître cette mystérieuse photographe, Malofof apprend que ces cartons appartenaient à une dame âgée et malade dont on ne connaît pas le nom et il ne poursuit pas à ce moment-là ses investigations. En avril 2009, John Maloof découvre dans un carton une enveloppe d’un laboratoire de photographie portant le nom de Vivian Maier écrit au crayon. Il tape ce nom sur le moteur de recherche Google et apprend par un avis de décès paru quelques jours plus tôt dans le Chicago Tribune qu'elle est morte à l’âge de 83 ans. 
Si l'histoire de Vivian Maier prend fin pour les fidèles frères Gensburg ses anciens employeurs, elle ne fait que commencer pour le monde entier, qui la découvre par le livre de John Maloof Vivian Maier, Street Photographer. Ce livre reçoit partout un accueil admiratif et suscite de nombreux articles dans la presse. John Maloof alors réalise un documentaire “À la recherche de Vivian Maier” salué par la critique et plébiscité par le public à sa sortie en 2014. Il cherche à savoir qui elle était en rencontrant ceux qui l’ont connue.
Les grandes galeries de photographies montrent désormais le travail de Vivian Maier et vendent ses photographies : 
Steven Kasher Gallery de New York 
Catherine Couturier Gallery de Houston
 Merry Karnowsky Gallery de Los Angeles
Jackson Fine Art Gallery d'Atlanta 
Howard Greenberg Gallery de New York, 
Les Douches la Galerie à Paris. 
Chaque année, des expositions d'œuvres de Vivian Maier sont organisées à Saint-Julien-en-Champsaur (Hautes-Alpes) 
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rudylorejo · 7 years
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Sam Photographing Jackie Portage, MI 2015
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mamtermante · 5 years
Me revoilà après une pause des réseaux sociaux et du blog, la rentrée approche, j’ai repris le travail et j’avais besoin de me ressourcer à 100% avec mes enfants et de profiter d’eux avant la course folle de l’école/bus/travail/garderie… Et j’étais dans un état d’une extrême fatigue que mon corps me disais stop.
J’ai eu l’idée de cet article abécédaire, pour rire, montrer qu’il n’y a pas que le maternage et surtout que le maternage c’est très large comme thème.
Si certain sigle vous intrigue, venez par ici, j’ai fait une liste des sigles du maternage 😉
Pour certaine lettre j’aurais voulu rajouter des mots et des mots, l’inspiration.
L’abécédaire du maternage :
A : Amour, la base du maternage avec l’écoute des besoins de l’enfant, le respect du rythme physiologique et du corps de l’enfant
B : BABI (Bébé Aux Besoins Intenses) ensuite ça devient EABI (Enfant Aux Besoins Intenses) 😉
C : Cododo
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@Fanny Vella
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@Fanny Vella
E : Éducation non violente ou aussi CNV (Communication Non Violente)
F : Fatigue, oui les parents nous somme fatigués, la taille de mes cernes le montre bien 😉
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G : Gestion des émotions, compliqué pour les enfants et pour les adultes, un gros travail à faire et une remise en question non-stop dans son rôle de parent.
H : Hygiène Naturelle Infantile (HNI)
I : Idéaliser, souvent on idéalise la grossesse, l’accouchement, le rôle de parent… On comprend vite que le bébé qui dort de 20h à 10h et qui ne pleure jamais, ça n’existe que très rarement, que le ventre plat, il ne revient pas comme ça et que les vergetures c’est le cadeau de naissance que notre corps nous fait.
J : Joie, joie de vivre de nos enfants qui nous remonte le moral quand on est fatigué.
K: Koala ou kangourou, 2 animaux qui résument bien le maternage je trouve.
Kangourou, la maman porte son bébé contre elle et le koala s’accroche à sa maman.
L : Lavable, les couches, les coussinets d’allaitement, les lingettes…
M : Motricité Libre (ML), ou laisser l’enfant découvrir le monde, sans trotteurs, parc qui le bloque.
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N : Non écourté, long… l’allaitement bien sur et ensuite un sevrage naturel (entre 2 et 7 ans pour info 😉)
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@Fanny Vella
J’étais obligé de vous parler d’allaitement, vous ne pensiez pas que j’allais l’oublier quand même 😉
O : Observer, on passe des heures à observer nos enfants, eux à observer le monde et le découvrir.
P : Portage, attention quand on commence on devient accro très vite et on se met à rêver de Yaro, Hubertine et ses copines la nuit.
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Q : Quenottes ou les dents, qui font tant souffrir nos petits enfants et les/nous empêche de dormir.
R : Reflux Gastro-œsophagien, qui fait souffrir beaucoup de bébé et les empêche de dormir.
S : Sécurange ou aussi le dieu des sièges-auto, à consulter avant tout achat de sièges-auto pour enfants, pour voir les bons et moins bons sièges, les dangereux et les recommandés.
T : Tétée ou travail ou les 2, car oui allaitement et travail sont compatibles.
U : Union avec son bébé, un lien indescriptible qui nous fait déplacer des montagnes.
V : Violence Éducative Ordinaire.
Je ne vais pas revenir sur les VEO, j’en parle déjà ici, ici, là , là , encore par ici et des idées de livres par là.
Mais j’étais obligé d’en parler et de rappeler que les VEO, ce sont toutes les violences physique, physiologique et moral, pas seulement les fessées.
W : Warlof, Steiner, Masson, Montessori… Les pédagogies alternatives.
Je vous en parle dans cet article.
X : X, oui, c’est compatible, bon compliqué parfois quand on a un tout petit bébé, mais c’est possible d’avoir une vie sexuelle et d’être parent, d’être maman, femme.
Ça prend juste plus ou moins du temps suivent les personnes et surtout rien ne sert de forcer et/ou de se forcer…
Y : Yoga, avec ou sans bébé, pour les enfants, un moyen de retrouver son calme après une tempête d’émotion.
Z : Zèbre, Haut Potentiel (HP), Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (HPI)…
Si je m’écoutais, je rajouterais pleins d’autres mots, mais l’article ferait 5 pages et je pense pas que vous le lirez jusqu’au bout 😉
Je rajoute juste :
D comme Dormir, un mot dont on oublie vite la signification quand on devient parent.
Et D comme Devenir, on ne né pas parent, on le devient.
Je précise juste avant de le terminer S comme Solo, je suis obligé d’avoir une pensée pour les mamans mais aussi les papas solos, j’en parle dans mon dernier article, quand on devient parent solo, on se découvre une force qu’on ne se connaissait pas.
Et vous, vous auriez mis quoi dans cet abécédaire ?
Comme vous l’aurez compris par les illustrations, je suis fan du travail de Fanny Vella et de Cévany ☺️
Photo à la une, monsieur nounoune en portage et qui est allaiter par @Isabelle Klitsch photographe
*Hésiter pas nous suivre sur Instagram
*La page Facebook de Mam’termante
*Depuis peu, retrouvez-nous sur Twitter aussi 🙂
*Et à vous abonner au blog, si c’est pas déjà fait 🙂
Bonsoir, Aujourd'hui je vous voulais vous faire un abécédaire du maternage. Parce que le maternage ce n'est pas que allaiter, porter son enfant, c'est plus . Et vous vous auriez mis quoi dans l'abécédaire? #maternage Me revoilà après une pause des réseaux sociaux et du blog, la rentrée approche, j'ai repris le travail et j'avais besoin de me ressourcer à 100% avec mes enfants et de profiter d'eux avant la course folle de l'école/bus/travail/garderie...
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Kentwood MI Crime Scene Cleanup Company | Biohazard Cleanup
New Post has been published on https://crimescenecleanup.company/Kentwood-Michigan-crime-scene-cleanup.html
Kentwood MI Crime Scene Cleanup Company | Biohazard Cleanup
Crime Scene Cleanup Kentwood
The law enforcement have fleed the scene of a crime, but blood is nonetheless there, they advised you get in touch with Enviromax of Kentwood to ensure that suitable crime scene cleanup in concluded. With EnviroMax Cleaning Solutions you get the optimum good quality you can locate from a business that has expended the previous 10 years helping families clean up after catastrophe scenes like a death. To help with this we deliver a staff of EnviroMAX qualified crime scene cleaners who can get the work completed. Obtain our Tips for what to do when an individual dies and verify our Video library for far more information as we are constantly updating our pages to support you. Our packages for criminal offense scene cleanup jobs are continually becoming posted and you will also find our useful resource library extremely valuable when knowing the different classifications for crime scene cleanup. When you are hit by a biohazard or environmental contamination you have the company referred to as my the Armed forces and Law enforcement when they want assist, contact EnViroMax cleanup options. No make a difference the disasters classifications or crime scene, you can count crime scene cleanup completed by EnviroMax to remedy your crime scene cleanup troubles.
With cleaners who have undergone crime scene cleanup schools in Kentwood Television exhibits like NCIS deliver a false impression of what happens when blood is at a residence. Many television exhibits and films alike share scenes depicting murdered victims being removed from a crime scene in human body baggage by the Law enforcement. They even often will demonstrate friends collecting collectively with their buckets of cleaning soap and water to cleanup the blood after the dead body is removed. This is much from reality and what really has to be completed to correctly clear up a crime scene; far from what Crime Scene Clean Up Kentwood must do and has brought on many people to really feel as if they must attempt to do it themselves. It is in fact, this is generally regarded as a extremely dangerous cleanup, and the blood in many cases can be outfitted with diseases and pathogens that could cause damage to the wellness of the person performing the cleaning concerned. To avoid sickness and additional injury is why men and women are counting on Crime scene clean up Kentwood to be finished by specialists. With huge quantity of portable clean up professionals this elite team of cleaners are not your normal carpet cleaner, they are trained in removing harmful materials like blood and human feces and particles. With a emphasis in protection the crime scene cleanup realize the quantity of issues that can go improper when dealing with a Crime scene clean up in Kentwood or any variety of cleanup with blood splatter. To make specific this is not a difficulty they work additional hard to guarantee that all basic safety steps are taken for their health sake and the household or other inhabitants of the dwelling.
Crime Sceen Cleanup Services
Death Cleanup Kentwood
Suicide Cleanup Kentwood
Blood Cleanup Kentwood
For in excess of a 10 years, a single hazardous cleaner of crime scene cleanup in Kentwood has helped set regional Crime scene clean up to near and far municipalities of citizens who are in require. Photographs of Kentwood Crime scene cleanup present our cleaners functioning in extreme conditions to clean up following grotesque fatal injury and grotesque fatalities that are not straightforward to check out but depict the real nature of a crime scene. Figures from the Doctors and Hospitals in Kentwood present that infectious diseases are rising and new details hits the news feeds and our facebook feeds each and every day demonstrating us that we are not just concerned any a lot more about HIV but also new strands of Hepatitis, Ebola Virus, MRSA, and even strands of Bird Flu proceed to propogate around the planet. The good news is we do not see as numerous exotic situations in Kentwood of the United States, but we still have our truthful share of risks. These risks are just some of the numerous causes folks in your local community employ the service of crime scene cleanup to carry out the event. With the capability to carry out the functions of cleaning 24 hrs a working day, we are one of the most focused service centers for crime scene clean up in the United States. Our cleaners are constantly listed here to attempt and aid fix your blood cleaning difficulties, and are leading professionals in decomposed body cleanup. If you are encountering a loss of life clean up and need quick attention in cities near Kentwood and privacy, we are the crime scene cleaning office for you and our employees are all set to respond to your questions and decontaminate the space concerned in the loss of life or crime.
Crime Scene Cleanup Salaries in United States
We sat down with some leaders in the business community of biohazard restoration which is commonly referred to as crime scene cleanup, to discuss a very important top of salaries and wages. As many of you may of seen with recent news coverage discussing the high wages and salary of some of the professionals in this business. We decided to take a deeper look into this controversial business and see exactly what are the wages like and do they really deserve these high salaries.
First we decided to get on the record with some of the owners of a crime scene cleanup company in Kentwood Michigan to find out if the wages we are hearing about are accurate. What we discovered will surprise you and may make you want to look for crime scene cleanup jobs in Kentwood. First, there are a few ways people are paid when they work from crime scene cleanup companies. One is by hourly pay and the average hourly pay is starting at $11 a hour and can easily get as high as $25 a hour with experience. Some people in a company may opt for a crime scene cleanup salary because they are looking for more benefits like health care and home child care. With a salaried position you may have more responsibilities and could be looking at a supervisory position. With a supervisors jobs you could be getting paid a salary anywhere from $40k to start to over $70,000 plus benefits. Although, we should emphasis that the pay for anyone doing crime scene cleanup in Kentwood Michigan may vary drastically. As many people have pointed out to us, not all companies are the big gorillas in the industry. Small companies just starting out may demand more for less, but they may do other things to keep employees and contractors happy. One company we talked to will even provide small amounts of ownership which can add up over time as a way to really get people interested in employment.
Reviews & Ratings
4.8/5 based on 92 reviews
We Serve Nationwide Cities
Goshen, Carrollton, Bergenfield, Lindon, Fountain, Wallington, Gillette, WhitePlains, Harrisonburg, Riverton, Marana, Shakopee, Bangor, Burlington, Conyers, Portage, OakForest, Gloversville, Bellefontaine, Decatur, BeverlyHills, Hartselle, Palmdale, MuskegonHeights, Lumberton, Fenton, Wildomar, Blaine, FernandinaBeach, Sylacauga, Valley, Kendallville, BuenaPark,
#crimescenecleanup #deathcleanup #bloodcleanup #suicidecleanup
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gwdbp · 7 years
G&W Dune Park Construction: Part Two
This section was a lot harder to research, being that after a certain point in time there is almost zero publicly available data.  Information tapers off significantly until the 1980’s and early ’90’s — but we’ll get to that later.
First, let’s pick up where we left off… kinda.
From a New York Central PDF located HERE the G&W’s main track assembly began in March of 1907 and was completed December 19th, 1910.  As of June 30th, 1917 there were:
7.529 mi. of main track
0.869 mi. of secondary track  
4.007 mi. of yard tracks and sidings
The G&W did not own any equipment on the line.  It was under the control of Chicago, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway (CLS&E) - previously known as Indiana Harbor Railroad.  The CLS&E will later be merged with the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad (EJ&E).  Of course, CI&S (NYC) operated trains on the G&W as well.
Let’s talk about the easternmost end of the DPB, which is a subject of particular fascination in the forums I’ve researched, starting from the north-running portion.
I mentioned that initial construction of the DPB ended December 19th, 1910.  Gary Union Station was completed in 1910.  The DPB had a spur that broke away from the main line and curved west about 41-44 yards beyond the Dune Park over B&O (now CSX) bridge (now dismantled).  It sloped down to grade and continued due west until it reached the Gary Union Station Freight Express building, the smaller concrete structure that sat directly behind Union Station.
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The above photo shows the DPB to Union Station spur in magenta.  I have it measured at 1.32 miles, yet it’s hard to say exactly where the tracks went after reaching Union Station.   This Union Station spur trackbed can still be seen on aerial photography from all available years, yet nature is slowly reclaiming it.  This spur has been out of use for a very long time.  It’s hard to tell from aerial photography exactly when the tracks were ripped up, but I would say that it probably fell out of use during the ‘30′s or ‘40′s.  The trackage probably wasn’t ripped up until the ‘50′s or ‘60′s, it’s hard to say at this time. The DPB can be seen to the bottom left corner in blue.  EJ&E “City Track” is in orange.  
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This is a photograph taken by airplane in 1937, obtained from IUN’s IGSMap.  In the future I will purchase a bigger thumbnail but even at this height and resolution certain features can be seen.  Toward the center-right you can see the DPB make a fairly dramatic turn northeast.  The photo cuts off the portion where it curves due east along the old IHR/CI&S Lake Shore line.  Before the photo cuts off you can see the same westward curve I have highlighted in magenta.  Due to pixelation you can’t see exactly where it ends but I have every reason to believe that it stopped at Union Station.
North is the top of the photo.  Broadway is the centerline in the photo.  The G&W DPB, Wabash (WAB) & the New York Central/Michigan Central (MC) almost meets up directly in the center of the picture.  NYC (MC) is the line that comes into the photo at the very bottom righthand corner.  West of Broadway, you can see the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) line, towards the bottom left quarter of the photo.  The WAB can barely be seen, it would be heading east and west under the G&W.  The G&W, NYC (MC), WAB & PRR lines neaerly all converge again towards the center-left of the photo.  The triangle area would be just 180+ yards northwest of Tolleston Interlocking.
Tolleston Interlocking is a very interesting place because it was the only location in the region where G&W trains could come off of the DPB mainline and have access to the PRR Ft. Wayne, WAB 4th District and the NYC (MC) Joliet (now CSX Porter) Branch in one spot.  I don’t know if this ever happened, but it could have... theoretically.  Tolleston Junction will be the subject of a future post.  There are other industries and geographical areas of Gary that had not been built or cleared yet at the time of this photo.  We’re focusing on the pre-Penn Central era of the G&W.  I provided this photo just to paint a picture.
Returning east, we will pass Broadway again and focus in on a structure just before the G&W straightens northeast.  The most informed of us will know the large black structure on the southeast side of the G&W is the infamous Gary Screw and Bolt Company.  901 Alabama Street if I’m not mistaken.  I’m focusing on Screw & Bolt because the DPB and Screw & Bolt kinda grew together like sisters.  Both were constructed in 1906, and both fizzled out in the early ‘80′s.  Let me help out those who don’t know.
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On the left would be what my generation of Garyites would call “The Valley” neighborhood.  The blue line would be the DPB, on its graceful turn to the northeast.  On the southeast side of the DPB is a warehouse, the one sitting in the woods.  That is the Gary Screw & Bolt Co. site.  The pink line is a spur that comes off of the DPB.  It curves around the southern side of the building, then curves north-northesast before curving northeast.  The orange line at the right top corner of the photo is the EJ&E “City Track”.  The two yellow lines below it represents Route 20 (5th Avenue).
I might have read somewhere that EJ&E freights did service Screw & Bolt from the DPB in the past.  Screw & Bolt was also serviced by WAB... which had a spur coming off of its mainline that sat directly south of Screw & Bolt.
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It looks sloppy because of the watermarks but this is a photo of the Screw & Bolt Co. from 1959.  Almost the same view as the previous photo.  Towards the bottom, the white line is the WAB.  The curving white line towards the center-left, that’s the DPB.  In between them is Screw & Bolt.  You can clearly see how the DPB’s spur intersects the Wabash spur.
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Once again, the DPB mainline is the blue line.  The red line represents WAB.  The pink is the DPB spur off of its mainline.  The green line that crosses the pink is the WAB’s Screw & Bolt spur.
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This is an aerial photo from 1954.  I-65 had not been built this far north yet.  I wanted to know if trains coming off the DPB could access the WAB from Screw & Bolt.  It’s hard to tell from the aerial photos.  This is the closest I could zoom in and still recognize what I was looking at.  
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My guess would be no, the DPB spur terminated at Screw & Bolt.  
I’ve never heard anyone speak anything of the sort but it doesn’t seem like too far of a stretch, being that the termination point I measured (where the pink line stops) was only about 30 yards or so from the WAB ROW, as you can see in the above photo from 2013.  I’m just saying that it was possible that that pink line could have continued on that slant 40 yards and connected to the WAB. It is unlikely that freights could use the DPB spur to access the WAB spur.  I don’t see how that would be possible.  Would it make sense for WAB to want to access the DPB?
Far as my knowledge, the WAB never connected to Tolleston Interlocking directly.  The DPB passed over the WAB & the PRR via a bridge (that’s no longer there) after Tolleston Interlocking.  The DPB would be the only way for WAB trains to access Tolleston in Gary.  
Nine miles to the east would have been Willowcreek Rd Interlocking in Portage, where WAB, B&O & NYC (MC) intersected.  Certainly WAB could have gotten onto the NYC (MC) there.  My knowledge of actual daily train operations as far as the when’s and why’s outside of Gary are limited... but that’s why I created this blog.  To seek knowledge and share it.
I will continue my DPB east dissertation in the next entry but as far as this topic, what do you think?  Did the WAB access the DPB @ Screw & Bolt?  Did EJ&E or IHB access the WAB via the Dune Park Branch - Screw & Bolt?
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finkanie · 3 years
Baby's 1st Yr. → Photo Session © finkanie photography
Throughout the 1st year of Mia’s life, I was awarded the honor of photographing her at milestone ages, and she just kept getting cuter and cuter each time! Here are some highlights from her sessions!
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finkanie · 3 years
Sunny Summer Sales Event | Finkanie Photography
One day only! These sessions are short and sweet, packed with value, and presented to you, my amazing clients! Happening THIS SATURDAY! 7/24/2021, at the gorgeous Tiscornia Park beach in St. Joseph, MI!
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finkanie · 3 years
Asher 1 Year Baby Photo Session © finkanie photography
You guys. Jackie is my beautiful friend. I have always loved this woman. We have been friends for liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike more years than we are going to admit, because we are NOT OLD okay. Her kids are the best. All three of them are amazing little versions of this beautiful lady. She warned me about this session. She said girl….he is a wild child…like all over the place. (………) HERE IS WHAT HE DID. He was super smiley - super cooperative - cutest little dude. So…who is lying to me? This precious little angel, or his mother?
*To be clear, I am fully aware of the manipulation of children. They know what they are doing, Team Jackie up in here! I got my eyes on you, Asher! ;) :) :) <3
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finkanie · 3 years
Kinley Sweet 16 Session | Finkanie Photography
Time really does fly - I swear, it makes no sense to my brain that this beautiful girl is already 16 years old! Kinley is such an amazing subject to photograph - she makes my job so easy! I could edit every single photo of her that I take, and I would still want to take more! Happy birthday to a wonderful young woman!
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finkanie · 3 years
Summer Mini Sessions | Finkanie Photography
Beach mini sessions are now LIVE! FCFS! Limited spots available - this is the ONLY mini session date of the summer! Due to the limited nature, I cannot hold spots, so be sure to snag yours before they are gone!
Because 2020 was so lame, I am including 8 images in the mini sessions! EEP! :)
These will be glorious. You don’t want to miss out. I am SO EXCITED!!!! This backdrop is such a beautiful location. I had my family photos done here by the lovely and talented Audrey Schultz (Where the Heart Is Family Films), and I fell in love with the place! It is so amazing, and there is a reason you see lots of photographers around here.
If you want my professional opinion, which you should…I mean…hi…then definitely go for the package with the prints! I am discounting them a lot, and you will NOT regret it. My lab is not available to the general public, and their prints are the best I have ever seen. EVER. And, I have seen a lot! I want all of my clients to have these in their hands, so I am discounting them significantly from my regular prices for this event!
Rain date for session will be 7/31/2021. Please be sure you are available for both dates just in case!
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finkanie · 3 years
Ella the Pup! // Mattawan, MI Pet Photographer
I love me a good pet session! Ella is such a beautiful German Shepherd, and she is such a smart fur baby! 🐾 I think she may have cooperated for posing better than my own children do... ;)
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finkanie · 3 years
Sissy Boo is 6! // Mattawan, MI Children's Photographer
I love watching her grow older, but I want her to stay little forever! My baby girl is my little BFF, and I love her so much! She is the craziest, messiest, friendliest, bestest little girl in the whole world!
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finkanie · 3 years
Sophia is 6! // Mattawan, MI Family & Children's Photographer
Sophia, being one of my best friend’s children, obviously is one of my favorite children on this planet! She and my daughter are only 5 days apart, which basically makes them twins. They definitely love each other and share many of the same personality traits. Sophia is one of my best models - how can she not be?! LOOK AT HER FACE!!!!! She is the best. We love her so!! I am very lucky to get to watch her grow up. <3
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finkanie · 3 years
Introducing Baby Gio! // Mattawan, MI Newborn Photographer
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finkanie · 3 years
SENIOR REP. PROGRAM ANNOUNCED! // Now Accepting Applications! // Class of 2022 High School Seniors // SW Michigan
IT IS FINALLY HERE!! The 1st annual Finkanie Photography High School Senior Rep. Program!! I AM SO EXCITED!!
I have been wanting to do this for years, and it is finally happening. I will be taking applications for the next 30 days, and we will start this summer! It is going to be an amazing, fun, laid-back, and inclusive experience for an exclusive group of reps.
We will do different themed sessions throughout the year as a group, which will result in confidence and relationship building. There will also be opportunities to give back to the community as a team!
The ultimate goal of the program is to boost confidence, give back to others, and create lifelong memories that really emphasize and highlight this amazing milestone in the lives of the seniors. Your senior year is such a huge part of your life, and being a rep. for Finkanie Photography will be an experience that will memorialize it forever.
I am not looking for models. I am looking for attitude, kindness, and confidence!
Please click below to learn more, and feel free to pass along the information to any incoming senior whom you feel would be a great fit for this experience!
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