#poor girl this quiz read her for filth
imogenkol · 2 months
tagged by the lovely @corvosattano to do this uquiz! Thank you 💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed
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the disqualified [noun, origin unknown] refers to a character who's became too numb to the concept of the world, to the point of deeming oneself not able to express any sort of emotion, whether positive or a negative one. this state is usually the one to follow after feeling too much, as if to balance out the overwhelming sensation of human emotion. living up to their title, they often consider themselves 'disqualified' from being a human, forsaken and unloved, abandoned by the world they've never had interest in. they don't know where they belong or where should they go - every second of breathing air is a waste of oxygen someone worthier could use. the disqualified symbolize the constant state of feeling nothing but tiredness, state where all is merciless but the end. this is the one and only test outcome where i as the writer shall personally interfere - please, my most beloved disqualified, keep longing to feel again. there's so much you've never felt and so much you'll desire to feel again. in the words of Osamu Dazai (who's the creator of the title 'the disqualified' I so happily stole) - "Everything passes." a statement as short as it is true - everything passes, even the numbness. after it, you'll experience so much more beauty of the world - beauty that might pass just as the numbness did, but in it's temporary and unique nature lies the reason why it's to be cherished. so, please, try to hold on a bit. sometimes, holding on is the best we can do and most of the times, it's just enough. - a (former) fellow disqualified
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[noun, greek origin] refers to a character, first curious and childish, who got so bored of the world's rotten nature they lost all hope in living. as the last resort to find the spark in the world of dying stars, the icarus may have attempted numerous times to touch the blazing surface of the sun, hoping to see any kind of redemption in the reflection of their face in the sun's flames. as a result, their wings were melted down and their bones broken by the harsh landing, yet that still didn't stop them from trying all over again. the people of icarus' nature often believe their place is with the stars and their desire to burn amongst them causes them to forget the beauty of the land they've abandoned, merely flying over it - the world has stored so much beauty for them they often struggle to see through the rays of sun and yet, it is still there. the most beautiful of flowers grow upon the lands their feet haven't even touched and maybe, just maybe, if they spared a bit of their time to give the (them forsaken) world another chance, they'd see that sky might not be the home they truly desire, but one they ve seeked just because they have seen only the worst of the world. - a fellow icarus
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the false muse [noun, latin origin] refers to a character that attempts to be perfect in order to receive certain amount of praise, or to inspire others to go in their footsteps. they tend to seek the spotlight, the podium, the gaze of the people looking up to them, with praise and validation being what keeps them pursuing the way of living they did before. the false muses surely have their goals, but the biggest one is to simply be better than yesterday and worse than tomorrow, to be in a constant state of self improvement they'll never deem enough. this is what leads them to the ocassional state of burnout, state one may describe as trying so hard to please the artist you become the opposite of a muse - hence why they're called false ones. the false muses might be tempted to think that they’ve never achieved perfection, but the truth is, there's no such thing as perfection, nor is there a way to achieve it. all muses could long for is merely the perfect version of themselves and they’ve achieved that already, over a thousand times.
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the saint [noun, latin origin] refers to a character that has taken upon themselves the role of saint via listening to prayers, concerns and troubles of others. characters falling under this cathegory are obviously merely metaphorical saints, which is a quality many people struggle to realize. the saints are said to be helpful and caring under any circumstance, believing that making themselves useful increases their self worth in the eyes of people they care about. they often forget that they are indeed humans in roles of saints, that they still have human limitations and problems that can potentially pile up until they fall from the metaphorical heavens they occupy...yet mostly, this doesn't stop them from taking burdens from people and putting it on their own back in hopes of being more responsible in taking care of them. there's strange naivety in the good they do, slight hope that they can take everything and anything they try to fix and help out with. this naivety is often replaced with denial and regret as soon as one realizes that sometimes, it's impossible to pose as a saint. but that's just the tragic cycle of them - trying to help out, getting dragged from heavens by the burden they voluntarily stole, falling, laying on the ground wide-eyed and tired before climbing back into the clouds again. as of now, there's no cure to being one of the saints - it is up to them to realize that they are not responsible for anyone's happiness apart from their own and that it's not selfish to put them before others. it's natural and - as much as they want to stray away from it - human. - a fellow saint
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mattari2600-blog · 4 years
Harold Lightningscar and the Intolerant Author
It was a typical magic-filled Tuesday at Hogwash Academy, and Potions Class was currently in session. Harold, Shawn, and Harmony were in the middle of an intense quiz, with Professor Shape watching their every move.
“Damn, I’m never going to get this right!” Shawn yelled while throwing out his fourth ruined Follyjuice Potion. “This is ridiculously hard.”
“Maybe you’ll actually try studying next time?” Harmony said smugly, her potion bubbling perfectly as always.
“I highly doubt it,” Shawn responded.
Shawn looked around the room for a bit, feeling completely overwhelmed. That’s when he noticed someone that he had never seen before. He pointed to a corner of the classroom.
“Say…who’s the new girl?” Shawn asked.
Harold and Harmony both looked up for a moment and shrugged.
“I’m not sure, but she’s pretty quiet,” Harold said, his potion bubbling not quite as perfectly as Harmony’s’.
“You’re definitely right about the pretty part,” Shawn said while lovingly gazing at her.
“Okay, you can quit staring, you creep,” Harmony said, punching Shawn hard in the shoulder.
“Ow!” yelped Shawn, rubbing his new injury. “I just figured we should say hello…we all know what it’s like to be new here.”
At that moment the bell started to ring, signaling the end of class. Professor Shape reminded everyone to prepare for the upcoming exam. Harold, Harmony and Shawn got up and made their way over to the new student, who was having a hard time fitting everything into their bag.
“Need some help?” Shawn asked, a goofy smile on his face.
“Um, sure…thank you…” the girl mumbled, barely looking up. She had dark skin, light blue eyes, and perfect hair. Shawn was smitten.
“Oh, I’m Shawn by the way. This is my best friend, Harold. The other one is Harmony…she’s just a friend though!”
Harmony punched Shawn again, this time even harder than before.
“I’m…Charlotte,” the new student said, as if she wasn’t sure. She was still trying to shove the ridiculously oversized book into her tiny bag. Finally, she sighed and looked up at them.
“It would appear your backpack is just a bit too small…allow me,” Harmony said as she pulled out her wand. “Biggeroso!”
Everyone watched as the backpack increased in size ever so slightly. Charlotte gave a shy smile and put away her things before thanking them and rushing off.
“She sure seems nice!” said Shawn.
“We need to get to the Big Important Hall, supposedly there’s an announcement being made regarding Madam Wince,” Harmony said as they all made their way out of the classroom.
“The horrible librarian lady?” Shawn asked. “What happened to her? Did she finally croak?”
“Maybe she suffocated on all of that unread book dust,” Harold said with a laugh, only feeling slightly guilty.
“Guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Harmony said while picking up the pace, the other two trying hard to keep up.
Inside the Big Important Hall there was a great feast being prepared. Lit candles were floating all over the hall while classical music played from overhead. The noise inside grew louder as more and more wizards and witches began filing in and taking their respective seats at the tables. Shawn saw Charlotte and waved her over to their table. After a few more minutes the headmaster, Bumblethorn, stood up from his seat and cleared his throat. The room became quiet as he spoke.
“Hello again, students and faculty of Hogwash. We are gathered today to say goodbye to a beloved member of our faculty, Madam Wince!”
“Beloved my left arse cheek,” Shawn quietly remarked, to which a few of the other kids laughed.
“Wince is retiring, and we wish her the best on her future endeavors. We have a replacement chosen for her and I believe she will do an excellent job,” continued Bumblethorn. “Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Madam K.J. Scowling!”
The room erupted in light applause as a woman with red hair stepped out from behind Bumblethorn.
“Scowling…where have I heard that name before?” asked Harold.
“She’s an author,” Charlotte said meekly.
“Yes!” exclaimed Harmony excitedly. “She wrote the famous Barry Crafter series! I’ve been a huge fan of her books ever since I was a child!”
“Same here!” said Charlotte, with a big smile on her face and her eyes wide open. The shyness was suddenly gone. “What’s your favorite book!?”
Harmony needed no time to think.
“Personally, I felt that Barry Crafter and the Inmate of Banzaka was the most well-written. Lots of good character development, tons of action, and the romantic tension was so good!”
“Okay wait, hold up…what exactly is she doing here at Hogwash?” Harold asked, confused.
“I’ve never even heard of her,” said Shawn as he took a big bite out of an apple.
Harmony gasped twice, then a third time. “How have you not!? This woman has written some of the greatest books regarding magic of all time! That make that Incredible Monsters and How You Can Locate Them series look quite dull in comparison. I’ll borrow you the first book, Barry Crafter and the Magicians’ Tablet, first thing tomorrow!”
“Ugh…do you not remember that I hate reading?” Shawn asked, rolling his eyes.
Madam Scowling finished giving her speech and the room once again broke out in applause. Everyone was then excused back to their dorms for the night. Harold and Harmony made plans to wake up extra early and visit K.J. before their classes, giddy with excitement of getting to meet a real-life celebrity. Charlotte had something she needed to help her fellow Fufflebuff students with and would not be able to make it. Shawn couldn’t have cared less and went back to his room to eat more snacks.
The next morning went by rather quickly. Harmony wanted to look her best to introduce herself to her childhood idol. Harold had never read the books, but he did see a majority of the movies and thought they were really well done. The two of them met outside of the library.
“Oh my gosh, Harold! This is too much. I’m so nervous! Did you read the first book like I asked you to?” Harmony asked excitedly.
“I uh…got through the first couple of chapters,” said Harold.
Harmony sighed. “The first couple of chapters? I finished an entire novel in that time.”
“And you wonder why you’re so tired and crabby all the time,” Harold said with a smirk. “I already told you that I love the films. Let’s go in already!”
They opened the library doors and walked in. They began moving past the rows of dusty, untouched books when they could hear two people having what was clearly meant to be a private conversation. They his behind a shelf and listened.
“I don’t feel that somebody like him should be attending school in this manner! It’s disgraceful!”
“You’re being quite unpleasant about this, Madam Scowling.”
“Unpleasant? Me? What’s truly unpleasant is having somebody at this school who pretends to be something they’re not. This needs to be changed immediately!”
“That’s not going to happen, miss. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a school that I need to go take care of.”
Harold and Harmony watched as the school’s caretaker, Angus Filth, briskly walked past them and exited the library. They could hear Madam Scowling grumbling to herself before flapping some papers around and slamming a drawer shut. She then headed off in a different direction.
“What do you suppose that was about?” Harmony asked.
“I’m not sure, but I’ll bet the answer lies in whatever she shut in that drawer,” Harold replied as he got up and began quietly making his way over to the desk.
“Be careful, Harold!” Harmony hissed.
“I’ll be fine,” Harold whispered back.
Harmony held onto her wand, just in case. Harold approached the desk and tried the drawer. It was locked, of course. He pulled out his wand and aimed it at the lock.
“Unlockito,” he said quietly.
The drawer unlocked and slid open. Harold grabbed the paper that was inside and took a quick look at it.
“Carl…” he read aloud, noting the name above a mysterious boy he had never seen before.
“Come on Harold, let’s go!” Harmony whispered loudly, before feeling something brush against her leg. It was Mrs. Norbits, Filths’ cat. “Harold, we’ve been detected! We need to leave, NOW!”
Harold spun around. He and Harmony immediately began running out of the library, the drawer still wide open. They could hear a faint, confused greeting from someone as they left. They bolted back to the dorms as quickly as they could and then stopped to catch their breath.
“So…what did you…find?” Harmony asked between breaths.
“Not sure…something about a student named…Carl,” Harold replied, as he slowly began unfolding the paper that he took from the desk.
“Hey guys! How did the meeting go?” interrupted Shawn, who appeared from out of nowhere.
“It didn’t,” said Harmony.
“Oh?” Shawn said, about to ask why when Charlotte walked up, along with three other Fufflebuff students.
“Hi!” Charlotte squeaked cheerfully.
They all waved at each other and made small talk for a bit. Harold had completely forgotten about the paper that was now stuffed back into his pocket. Shawn was chatting with Charlotte alone by a locker when the mean rich kid, Drake, dropped in. He was followed by his two lackeys.
“Check it out, guys. Shawn’s trying to get with the new girl!” Drake yelled loudly, eliciting laughter from his goons. “I wouldn’t bother with a Sneezley, new girl. They’re all really poor and uh…not very smart.”
Shawn looked down and shuffled his feet around uncomfortably while Charlotte watched him with much concern.
“How about you just shut your dumb mouth and leave, since nobody ever wants you around,” Harmony said angrily.
“Whatever! Have fun being smelly losers together!” Drake joked as he and his cronies walked off.
“He’s insufferable,” Harold sighed, shaking his head.
“Yes, he is…hey Shawn, are you alright?” asked Harmony.
Shawn continued to shift uncomfortably, trying to think of a good reason to just leave without saying anything.
“Shawn…” said Charlotte, reaching out.
“I’m just…so tired of people thinking less of me and ridiculing me because of who I am,” Shawn said sadly.
“I know that feeling all too well,” Charlotte said with an awkward grin. “I’ve been through plenty of that myself.”
“Really? But how? Look at you…you’re bloody gorgeous, and p-perfect,” Shawn stammered.
Charlotte blushed and said, “You’re cute, Shawn Sneezley.”
Shawn blushed back. Things were weird for a bit before everyone realized that they were going to be late for class. Charlottes’ Fufflebuff friends had long left by this point. They all headed through the hall and down the magic stairs, almost arriving at the classroom door, when Harmony suddenly remembered something.
“Oh, Harold! The paper! What was on it?”
“Right, the paper! Uh…here, check it out,” Harold said as he unfolded it and showed everyone.
“Looks a lot like Charlotte!” Shawn said, bluntly.
“Hey, yeah, he really does! Do you have a brother that goes to Hogwash too, Charlotte?” asked Harold.
Charlotte was beet red at this point. She turned away and said nothing. Harold examined the paper a bit more before Harmony realized the truth.
“Charlotte…you WERE Carl…weren’t you?” Harmony asked gently.
Everyone waited for Charlottes’ response. Finally, she turned back to face them, her eyes full of tears.
“Yes…that was my old life…before I realized that I just didn’t feel right being a boy,” she finally admitted. “I’ve avoided telling people about it because I’ve been teased and judged by so many people, my family included.”
“Well, I for one think you are absolutely lovely, and I welcome you with open arms,” Harmony said cheerfully.
Harold nodded and said, “We’re your friends, Charlotte. We accept you for who you are.”
Shawn offered a big hug, which Charlotte gladly accepted. She had tears in her eyes again, but this time they were tears of happiness. They embraced each other for a little while before realizing that they were late for class. They all hurried inside.
“Ah, you’ve all decided to finally join us,” Shape muttered, not looking up from his book. “The bell rang precisely three minutes ago.”
Each one of them apologized and took their seats, this time with Charlotte joining them. She was a natural at making potions, giving Harmony some much needed competition. Shawn continued to struggle as always, while Harold performed adequately. When the time came for the bell to dismiss them all, the four of them began discussing some afterschool plans.
“I was thinking that we should go have dinner with Hagger,” Harold suggested. “I’ve been meaning to pay him a visit for quite some time now.”
“That would be lovely!” Harmony responded. “I really miss Tooth!”
“Tooth? You mean the huge mutt that slobbers all over everything?” Shawn said, clearly disgusted. “You can count me out!”
“Oh, c’mon Shawn…I’ll save you from the big mean saliva beast,” Charlotte joked. “We should go, it will be fun!”
Shawn perked up and said, “Alright then, if you’re going, I’ll go too.”
That evening the four of them headed out to Haggers’ hut. Along the way they could hear terrifying sounds coming from the direction of the Taboo Trees. They huddled close together, using a light spell to guide them on their path. When they finally arrived, they knocked on the door, but did not get a response. They knocked again.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” came a big, booming voice.
The door swung open and there stood Hagger the giant, looking jolly as ever. He looked at Harold and his face lit up.
“Harold Lightningscar! Haha, you came to visit, did you? So glad to see you! Oh, and you’ve brought your friends, I see. Well come on in, all of you!”
The four of them made their way inside. Hagger went into the kitchen while Harold and Harmony looked at the various knickknacks that adorned the walls. Shawn and Charlotte sat on a rather bumpy makeshift couch and after a minute they found themselves holding hands. Hagger came back out a short while later, followed by a familiar figure.
“Madam Scowling!” Harmony shrieked, delighted. “What are you doing here?” “Oh, I was just visiting an old friend,” Scowling replied, before sipping a hot beverage. “Hagger always brews my favorite tea.”
“We’ve been meaning to introduce ourselves,” Harmony said. “I’m a really big fan of your work! Harold and I both!”
“Well…um…admittedly I’ve only seen some of the movies based on your books, but…they’re fantastic!” Harold said, caught off guard.
Scowling smiled and said, “That’s so nice to hear. Thank you, both of you!”
Charlotte started to quietly say something about being a fan as well when Scowling cut her off.
“What’s this now?” Scowling said, giving Charlotte a weird look. “Oh…I see. You’re all spending time with THEM, are you? Or is it a they?” she asked, pointing her finger at the couch.
“Um…do you have some kind of a problem with her?” Shawn asked.
“HER, you say. Hahaha…that’s hilarious!” Scowling said, laughing hysterically, while placing her tea down.
Shawn stood up from the couch while everyone else glared at Scowling, hoping that this was just some sick joke.
“What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?” Shawn asked, taking a step towards Scowling.
Scowlings’ expression suddenly changed. She looked serious now.
“Let’s just say that if I happen to run into HIM in the girls restroom someday, there is going to be a very serious problem,” Scowling said sternly before grabbing her belongings and making her way towards the door.
Everyone was staring in disbelief as K.J. opened the door. She then turned her head back towards the group. She had one last thing to say.
“Learn how to menstruate, boy. Then we’ll see about your supposed gender change. As for you, Harold and Harmony…I’m not stupid. I know you were in the library, going through my things. Goodbye for now!”
Scowling left the hut, slamming the door behind her, while everyone stood in silence. There was some real emotional pain that night, and things were about to get a lot worse.
It was now a very tense magic-filled Thursday at Hogwash Academy, and the big Potions exam was taking place. Harold, Harmony and Charlotte were all doing exceptionally well, their potions coming out exactly as they should. Shawn was trying his best and failing spectacularly.
“Sneezley, do we need to have a talk after class?” asked Professor Shape.
“No, sir, I believe we’re good,” Shawn said nervously.
Meanwhile, in a dark corner of Hexagon Lane, amidst the wizard shops and restaurants, a fiendish exchange was taking place…
“So, tell me, Madam Scowling…what brings someone of your status to a tiny little place like this?” asks a mysterious creature, his face covered by a large red shroud.
“I’ve heard that you are in possession of an artifact that, when used, can force the minds of certain individuals to be changed in whichever way the user demands.”
“Indeed, I do,” the creature says. “I’m not sure you’ll be willing to pay the price, however.”
K.J. scoffs at the notion before saying, “I happen to have plenty of money. I’m a world-renowned author, after all.”
“Oh, it’s not money I require, miss…by all means, you can have the artifact. It will indeed affect the minds of whoever you desire. Just know that this kind of power can lead to some rather great destruction,” the creature sneered, before chuckling wildly.
Scowling rolled her eyes and grabbed hold of the artifact, admiring it.
“It’s beautiful! This will be a huge step for feminism. Thank you, strange one. I must get going.”
The creature continued its odd chuckle before fading back into the blackness it came. Scowling turned and headed back to the academy, the artifact gripped tightly in her hand.
Back at Hogwash, classes had come to an end. Harold and Shawn discussed joining the schools Quazzitch team, while Harmony went off to clean her dorm room and rest. Charlotte wasn’t feeling well and needed to use the restroom, so she headed off to use one that was generally unoccupied. While she was in there, she heard strange noises coming from one of the stalls and decided to finish up and investigate.
“Hello? Is there somebody else in here?”
The noise stopped. She began slowly peeking under each stall, pushing the doors in after checking. When she came to the last stall, she suddenly heard a strange, almost demonic voice, singing to her:
 “In the girls’ bathroom
Someone who doesn’t belong
Someone will suffer dearly
Once I reach the end of this song”
 Chills ran down Charlottes’ spine as she very slowly pushed in the last stall door. Her face turned from horror to confusion when she saw that there was nothing there. She shook it off and quickly headed to the sink to wash her hands, when she heard the voice again:
 “Someone ignores biology
Someone is living a lie
Once this verse is finished
Someone is going to die”
At this moment all of the mirrors started to shake. One by one they leapt off the wall and fell on the floor, shattering into pieces as they hit the tile. Charlotte screamed and began running for the door when she noticed a bizarre figure out of the corner of her eye. She stood still, breathing heavily, and closed her eyes. She stayed that way for quite some time, hoping it would go away. When all was quiet again, she opened her eyes. Staring directly back at her was the distorted face of what appeared to be a very tall goblin, but with missing eyes and black liquid oozing out of its skin. She screamed again and backed up, the creature pinning her to a wall. She feared the worst when she looked down and noticed something…in the broken mirror pieces on the ground she could see the figure of Madam Scowling. This was a mirage, a spell cast to hide her identity. Charlotte pushed her way through and knocked the fake goblin onto its back, causing the illusion to dissipate.
“Madam Scowling! Why are you doing this!” Charlotte yelled, holding up her wand.
Scowling let out a small laugh and sat up, saying, “So, you saw through my disguise…clever boy. But that won’t stop you from what this precious gem will do to you!”
Scowling help up the artifact while Charlotte booked it through the bathroom door and headed towards the dorms, hoping she could find Shawn and the others.
“It runs so quickly…” echoed Scowlings’ voice through the corridors as Charlotte found an exit door and busted through it. She darted behind some tall shrubbery and took a moment to sit. It was a moment too long, however. Scowling was standing over her, aiming her wand down and holding up the artifact.
“It’s time to say goodbye to your fake new identity. Don’t worry…you’ll reawaken tomorrow, and everything will be as it should be, my dear,” Scowling said softly as she began circling her wand and chanting an inscription on the side of the artifact:
Charlotte began sobbing as the sky filled with dark clouds, the sun seemingly going down faster than usual. The wind picked up to an intense speed as the earth started to shake. Charlotte noticed all of this and tried to get Scowlings’ attention, but to no avail.
“Madam Scowling, stop! Something bad is happening, and I think it’s because of that!” she yelled, pointing at the artifact.
At this point the students and faculty of Hogwash were slowly pouring out of the building to see what the commotion was about. Harold, Harmony and Shawn ran over to Charlotte who was starting to feel extremely dizzy due to Scowlings’ spell and could no longer hold herself up. Scowling continued to chant, paying no attention to anything else that was happening around her.
“My brain…feels like it’s being scrambled…” Charlotte said weakly.
“Scowling, please! You need to quit this at once!” Shawn yelled, holding Charlotte in his arms.
No reply came from Scowling. She was completely entranced.
“Hold on, I’m going to try something!” Harmony said, removing her wand from her bag.
Harmony held the wand up at Scowling and began to say something when suddenly the violent wind blew the wand out of her hand. She chased after it, but it was too high up for her to grab, and by this point all of the school’s broomsticks were caught up in its turbulence, leaving no way up.
“I’ll give it a shot!” Harold yelled, gripping his own wand. His, too, blew out of his hand, lost to the skies above.
Shawn searched for his wand, but he couldn’t find it. Then he remembered…he had left it in his room. Stupid! Tears began falling out of his eyes as he watched Scowling levitate up in the air, the ritual nearly complete. Then he saw it…every Hogwash student and teacher, pulling out their own wands and aiming them at Scowling. All of them trying to disarm her and save Charlotte. However, much like Harmony and Harold, it was only a small matter of time before their wands were taken away. This wasn’t any ordinary windstorm, this was the work of a dark entity, and it was destroying the Academy, tearing at the walls and smashing windows while the land around them was ripped apart. That’s when it happened…Charlottes’ body began to glow for a bit, and then she vanished, right before their eyes.
“GIVE HER BACK!!” Shawn screamed, grabbing fistfuls of dirt and throwing them at Scowling.
That’s when everybody noticed…she wasn’t Scowling anymore. She was something else. Her eyes seemed hollow, her mouth was gaped open. Then it appeared, the same shrouded creature who had given her the artifact. It held up its hand and everything stopped. All of the wands, brooms, and pieces of debris were frozen in the air. Everything was completely silent. It looked around at the destruction and was pleased with what it saw.
“Well now…seems ridding this world of magic was easier than I thought,” the creature said, cackling like an old hag. “All it took was finding someone whose heart was filled with even more prejudice and hatred than my own. Hah! Seems Miss Scowling here was the perfect vess-“
“That’s quite enough!” came a man’s voice from behind it. Professor Shape was digging his wand into the back of the creature’s neck. “Luckily my protective spell covered me just long enough for you to silence the wind and give me an opportunity to destroy you.” The creature was actually frightened at this point.
The creature barely got a word out before Shape cast his spell.
“IMMEDICUS DEATHOSA!” Shape yelled as his wand emitted a bright green light and the creature fell over, dead upon impact.
Wands, brooms, and pieces of architecture were now falling from the sky. Scowlings’ body lay unconscious on the grass, with Charlotte still nowhere to be found. Harold and Harmony grabbed their wands and reunited with Shawn, while Shape and the other teachers discussed what was to be done with Scowling once she recovered. After a few minutes K.J. finally opened her eyes and spoke.
“Ungh…what happened?” she asked, trying her best to sit up.
“You were possessed by an evil entity of some kind,” Harmony responded.
“Are you alright?” Harold asked her.
“I think so…was anybody hurt?” Scowling asked, her head still spinning.
“Charlotte’s gone…” Shawn said sadly. He was distancing himself from the others, sitting alone and feeling miserable.
“Oh no…oh no!” Scowling said with actual concern. “I wasn’t trying to destroy him, I swear! I just…”
“You just what?” Harmony questioned, getting in her face. “You just thought you could sneak into her mind and force her back to being a boy? Is that it? We’ve all read the essay you wrote on the internet. You have a pretty warped view of feminism, lady.”
“That essay was a very wordy way of letting everyone know you’re a bigot,” Harold said. “It’s a shame. So many people out there have looked up to you as an author.”
“Yes, and I was one of those,” continued Harmony. “Since I was little, I’ve read and taken refuge in your stores. They’ve helped me and countless others find an escape when the real world didn’t have much to offer. Heck, just being a part of fandoms and talking to others about Barry Crafter brought so much love and joy into my life, and you’ve provided an amazing way for outcasts to come together and feel like they belong somewhere. But then, to find out that after all of this time you are choosing to completely exclude a large portion of humanity, with plenty of those people being your fans…well, that’s low, Madam Scowling, and very disappointing.”
“Come on, let’s get going. We need to see if we can bring Charlotte back,” Harold said, as he and Harmony began walking away.
“wait up…I have something I need to say as well,” Shawn said as he got up and came face to face with Scowling. “You know, Madam Scowling, it’s pretty funny, actually…we all exist here in a world and attend a magic school where anything can happen. We have people who possess the ability to shapeshift into anyone or anything they choose! You yourself had characters like these in your own books! Yeah, I finally got around to reading…well…skimming them, and I’ve learned quite a bit. It’s pretty confusing that you seem to have no problem with fantastical shapeshifters, yet the fact that there are REAL-LIFE gender changes happening in our world…THAT’S the thing that tips you over the edge? Really?”
Shawn was becoming quite angry at this point.
“And another thing, if you have such a huge problem with boys being in the girl’s bathroom, then why the hell does Barry Crafter end up INSIDE a girl’s bathroom, speaking with that Groaning Gretel character? Huh? Seemed pretty damn relevant to the plot to have him in there!”
Scowling didn’t say a word during all of this. She just stared at the ground while everyone headed back inside the building. Everyone, that is, except for one. Bumblethorn had stuck around and wanted to speak with her alone.
“You know, Scowling, we’ve been friends for a long time now. We’ve always shared everything and have always been there for each other. Do you remember when I finally came out to you about my secret? The one that I held inside for so many years?”
“Yes, of course…” she said weakly, still looking down.
‘Do you know how long it took for me to realize the truth about myself, and finally build up the courage to tell someone about it? The same can most likely be said about transgendered people. To look upon someone such as myself and say that the way I’m living my life is completely acceptable, and yet to look upon someone like Charlotte and say that the way they’re living is wrong…well, that is just unacceptable. Oh! Speaking of Charlotte!”
Bumblethorn held up his wand
Charlottes’ body began to materialize in the same spot she disappeared. Bumblethorn walked over and scooped her up in his arms.
“I had her placed in a temporary alternate reality while you were, for lack of a better term, acting crazy. I didn’t want her getting hurt. As for you, Madam Scowling…you’re being let go, effective immediately.”
Scowling begin pleading with him, saying, “No! Bumblethorn, please, I-“
“I don’t want to hear anymore! This here is a realm of endless possibilities. We will all work together to repair and rebuild the damage that you’ve done to this land and to our school. Students will continue to practice magic here, and new stories will continue to be written…but it will all be done without you. Goodbye, K.J. Scowling.”
Bumblethorn made his way back into Hogwash, placing Charlotte back in her bed before retiring to his chamber for the evening.
Several months have now passed since that terrible event. The big Quazzitch match was taking place and Harold was homing in on the Silver Glitch, a tiny hovering ball which would win the game upon capture. Harmony, his new girlfriend, was cheering from the sidelines as loud as she could. Shawn had decided not to play this year and instead had been spending a lot of time with his own girlfriend, Charlotte, who was currently learning how to fly just outside of the field where the game was taking place.
“Are you ready to try riding the broom by yourself yet?” asked Shawn, holding onto the handle while Charlotte sat down.
“Um, I think so?” she replied nervously. “Will you catch me if I fall?”
“Of course I will, now and always,” Shawn said, leaning in.
Charlotte reciprocated his advances and they shared a deep kiss before Shawn suddenly let the broom go.
“Good luck, babe!” Shawn yelled.
Charlotte screamed as the broom took off towards the sky. Shawn watched and giggled as she tried frantically to control its direction.
“I LOVE YOU, CHARLOTTE FIRETHRONE!” Shawn screamed loudly.
“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU, SHAWN SNEEZLEY!” Charlotte screamed back.
 The end
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alias-b · 4 years
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Without The Lights~ Billy Hargrove x OC Camille Harper
Chapter 3: I Think We're Alone Now
A/N: Listen, I wrote this chapter and really fell in love with these two. Developing friendship ahoy. Warning for mentions of past rape, abortion, and //sigh// we meet Neil and he’s gross so also light antisemitism & homophobia from him.
  Camille pulled up to a smaller house the next day, parking behind Billy’s Camaro out front. She climbed a few stone steps and knocked three times, backpack clutched over one shoulder. The redhead from the other day pulled open the door and Camille smiled.
  “Hi, I’m-”
  “Camille. I’m Max.” She’d nodded. “You’re popular, the kids in my grade talk.”
  “Right, you’re in Mike’s group.”
  “Thought I was,” the younger girl shrugged and stepped back to let her in. “Billy! A girl!” She echoed.
  “Give me a damn minute, Max!” He’d bellowed at the other end of the house.
  “Like Hawkins so far?”
  “It’s not so bad, I guess.” Max tucked hair behind her ear. “What’s up with Mike and them? You know his sister, right?”
  “We don’t hang out like we used to.”
  “It’s like one moment you’re friends, the next, they start acting all weird and secretive.”
  “Hate to break it to you, that’s been my entire high school experience.” Camille offered a sobered grin and cocked her head. Mike and his friends were acting off as well. She’d definitely missed something. “Give it time. People come to their senses. Not always.”
  “Got that right.”
  “Hey,” Billy came around the corner, buttoning up a shirt that was half tucked and leaving the top three open.
  “Thought the girl last night was your project partner, that’s what you told Neil.” Max relished the awkward beat that followed.
  “You met my stepsister. Mad Max. She was just leaving. Beat it.” He pressed his teeth, eyebrows lifting because he couldn’t say much else with high school royalty in front of him. “Goodbye, Max.”
  “Whatever,” she picked up her skateboard and left out the door.
  “Nice to meet you, Max.”
  “Same here.” The door shut and Camille lifted her lips.
  “I like her.”
  “Take her.” Billy was colder, rubbing his head.
  “So...what girl? I’m not naive, I know you’re making rounds. The ladies love to gush about you.”
  “Not all good things, I’m sure. But, that’s part of the appeal.” Billy shifted, hands on his hips before he gestured. “Drop your bag wherever. Take your shoes off or don’t. I could care less.”
  “Still get the tour?” She set her backpack on the couch.
  “Shithole living room. Ugly kitchen. Garage.” Billy gestured. “My least favorite place: the family dining room.” She followed him down the hall. “Bathroom. Basement. No secret attic. No pool. Dad and Susan… Closet. Max. And me. Not much to it.” He opened his bedroom. A small space that was intimately his. Smelled warm like his cologne. “I skimmed more of the book.”
  “Main character’s name?”
  “Hester.” He set his hands out. “Do I get my medal now?”
  “Mmm, the bare minimum. Only way to my heart.” She entered the space. “Love the posters. Classy.” Bands and scantily clad women. Her eyes drew to a stereo smashed in the corner and kicked off to the side. “What happened there?” Billy almost lied but she was so soft about it like she already knew.
  “I failed the chemistry quiz and fucked up a math test.” He was matter a fact. “Dad found out. He always does. Likes to keep tabs.” Camille clasped her hands with the slightest nod.
  “And your head the other day.”
  “His important lessons in respect usually go over it. Not always. Aim gets better with age.” Billy was hard and sarcastic, opening his window to light a smoke.
  “And this has been going on a long time.”
  “Does it matter?” His eyes lowered. She didn’t hesitate.
  “He’s an asshole. Most parents are.” Billy picked up the book and set his cigarette in an ashtray upon the windowsill. “I didn’t like it. The ending.”
  “You actually read it?” She chuckled but sobered when he met her eyes. “Why specifically?”
  “All that shit and planning to run away only for the poor fucker to just die in her arms. Felt like a waste. Pissed me off."
  "Think so?"
  "And this chick didn’t really spit in anyone’s face for the hell she went through. That shit just seemed unfair.” He shrugged and Camille was amused again. Billy offered it and lingered when she closed the distance to take it. Fingers brushed and the book dropped. Instead his head lowered to touch hers. Camille inhaled and he didn’t try to kiss her. It was peculiar, the way he closed his eyes and breathed her in. His usual manner of seduction went over her. Every single time. Not sure if it was by force or not. Billy had to know now. He’d be lying if it didn’t jar him to bits. Foreheads touched and his lips opened. “I want you.” Shivers sparked out from her spine to cover her body in heat. His husky voice reverberated and Camille had to come up for air before she drowned in him.
  “Typical bad boy. Huh? You bat your pretty eyes and drag slowly on smoke. It usually works on us.”
  “You’re all perfect posture and angels singing. When was the last time you relaxed? Let those angels scream it out for a few beats?” He was so fucking close and she didn't leave his space.
  “Been awhile.”
  “I can fix that.” His head tilted. He was so certain too.
  “You only want me now because I’m teen royalty to you and our school. Pretty Knight on a conquest. Have to claim the queen. It’s your favorite brand, I can tell. You can’t get enough.”
  “What does any of it matter?” Billy read her with ease. “Not like we both don’t have flings. I know about you, Harper.”
  “I know… I can’t.” Her whisper sent him reeling back, head lifting. “Year ago, maybe. I can’t do relationships. Even flings. I don't do sex. Not right now.” Those blue eyes flickered at her face. “And Billy, if you must know, I don’t ever date boys from my own school. Personal Queen Bee Code. They should have told you that about me. Rival schools are fair game.” Rejection was an old friend but not from his romantic pursuits. “I was all about your shit a year before. Things change. It’s me. I’m...complicated.” He realized all at once that her angels never sang. Neither did his.
  “I’m not?” He hitched a quick breath.
  “No, you absolutely are. But, that isn’t the problem here. Color yourself surprised.”
  “First time in my life I’ve heard that.” Not being the problem.
  “Look, Billy, I can be a friend. But, that’s all I got in me right now. If that isn’t okay with you...tough. It’s not you or what they say at school. I’m just not in a place to be that with you or anyone at the moment.” She frowned, hands running her stomach before they crossed.
  “I can get used to tough.” He relented. “I don’t know how to be a friend.”
  “Maybe not.” Her head cocked, eyes lifting to his again. “But, what a time to be alive and try it though.” She could have left right at that moment. Yet, she didn't.
  “What exactly do they say about me at school?”
  “Steve has a lot to say. Might want to back down there.” She peered aside.
  “Still waiting to see this mighty King Steve I hear about. Harrington turned bitch but there’s something there.”
  “Will bringing out the worst in someone else make you feel better?” She asked when he returned to finish the end of his smoke. Camille read him to filth. “Fight Steve. Fuck me. High school’s a game. You’re a great player. I knew that quickly.” Billy’s eyes snapped to her again. “Look. You don’t have to tell me what goes on in this house. But, if you...or Max…need a place to get away once in awhile. Lots of school projects to come, I’m sure… I have absent parents and room to spare. Consider it an act of friendship since you’re new to that.”
  “Care about Max already?”
  “Why don’t you?”
  “We’re not close.” Billy was tense.
  “Hawkins in a small place. Guess you have time to work on that.” Her judgment set him on edge. “She’ll get older. Start seeing more. Might be nice to have someone standing with or between her and an angry stepfather.”
  “Not like I had that.” He shot back, standing taller. Felt too personal to say that. Guess they're passed it already.
  “Might feel good to give it to someone else. Not to say it's obligatory. Basic kindness. But, what do I know? I’m the rich bitch. Ever notice we��re the first to go in scary movies? Shitty thing too. Bitches and sluts. Your brand. Easy to be rid of. We all move on.” Camille dropped her arms. “C’mere.” Her hand extended and Billy raised an eyebrow. “Just, trust me. We’re trying something. No funny ideas or I walk.”
  “What happened to your perfect student wrath?”
  “Fuck it, it’ll take two seconds to write the paper. Just...” She waited until he observed her and took her hand. A slow, sparking beat pulsed between them. Skin slid against skin. Billy let her lead him to the bed and was surprised when she got atop the covers on her back and tugged him to get in next to her.
  “And this is…?”
  “Two possible friends. Two complicated fuck-ups with angels that wail. Just...enjoying each other’s company. Nothing sexual. Can you manage that?”
  “Not sure anymore,” he mumbled, eyes on the ceiling. “This isn’t like foreplay to you, is it?”
  “In your dreams, beach boy,” she laughed, hand slipping from his so she could adjust and clasp her fingers upon her stomach. Hair splayed around their crowns while they relaxed, she turned her head and peered at him. Something about this all amused her.
  “What?” He caught her expression.
  “Last year, before the whole mess...I was so absorbed in my own shit. Blinded. I don’t know, it’s like I’m awake for the first time in my life.” Camille blinked at him. “Does that make sense?”
  “No. Not at all,” he was laughing and she followed. Billy fiddled with the tiny silver pendant around his neck on a long chain. She’d not seen him without it. “All I see is red still.”
  “Gotta get out, enjoy the night sky for once.” Camille sighed, eyes back on the ceiling. “Saint Christopher. Your necklace.”
  “Yeah.” Billy was near silent, hesitating. “Was my mom’s. All I have of hers.”
  “No pictures?”
  “Not anymore, dad made sure.” Billy cleared his throat. Debated it.
  “What happened to her?”
  “They fought. Got bad. Got worse. One day, she just...didn’t come back… She didn’t come back for me.” His tone grew thick at the correction.
  “I’m sorry, Billy.” Camille offered slowly.
  “Maybe I’ll wake up another day.” He gave a bitter laugh.
  “I hope that you do.” It was cruel. How soft she was against him. “Saint Christopher. Martyr. Protector of travelers, right?”
  “Think so. Guess she liked all that shit. Even made it my middle name.”
  “William Christopher Hargrove.” She mused. “Not terrible. My middle name sounds like some hippie shit.”
  “Hate my fucking first name.” Billy smirked, distant. “Now you have to tell me your hippie ass middle name.”
  “Sage.” Camille rolled her eyes when he laughed at her. “Shut up. It’s worse because my mother’s name is Rosemary.” His laughter hitched again, hand touching his lips. “Sage was my grandmother’s name. She also picked Rosemary. Real funny.”
  “Fucking is actually,” he quieted himself and gave a lengthy sigh. “Never done this before. Whatever it is,” Billy observed then. Camille chewed on her bottom lip, gaze flickering before she gave a shrug.
  “Kinda like it.” She turned again. His advances were small candles compared to the fireworks she set off. Like it was nothing. “What’s California like?”
  “Better,” he was frank. “The air. The beach. The food.”
  “Truly the beach boy type. Hard to picture.”
  “Long, long time ago,” his fingers drummed along his stomach. “Don’t fuck my image here.”
  “Wouldn’t dream of it but, you have to do one thing.”
  “What’s that?” He peered over.
  “Say, cowabunga dude, in your best surfer accent,” she gave a bright smile that resonated before he was laughing again. They pushed at each other when her hand touched the warm skin of his arm. It stayed there.
  “You’re something else, Camille.” It was the first he’d really offered her name in that velvet tone. “You know that?”
  “I get that a lot these days. Queen Bee changing up the hive. School can’t stand it. Can’t read me anymore. I don’t want them to either.” She admitted.
  “Drives you mad that I’m skimming the pages, huh?”
  “If you say so.” She changed the subject. “I’ve never been to the ocean or seen a real beach. I’d like to. My parents were never ones for trips. Not with me, at least. I barely really left Hawkins… Never left the state for sure. You...You ever feel like everyone around you is lying most days? Like something isn’t just off, it was missing the whole time and you didn’t see it.”
  “What would they hide from you?”
  “That’s it, I have no idea. Nothing ever happens in Hawkins. Not until last year.” Camille huffed and shook her head. “So, tell me about your fake project partner last night?”
  “Skipping the question much?” She rolled over and crossed her arms to lean on them so she could meet his eyes. “Friends talk about girls and boys.”
  “I am not your damn girlfriend.”
  “Not with that attitude.” She teased. “Come on, who?”
  “Tammy Foreman.”
  “Oh? She’s pretty. We did gymnastics together the last two years. Great routines but she never could stick the landing.”
  “She did last night.” Billy chuckled when she smacked his arm. “What? That was on you.”
  “I know that. Ass.” Camille rolled her eyes, disbelieving that this was her day. Pillow talk with the new keg king.
  “So, did that shithead really write you a nasty letter?”
  “Tommy? Oh, yeah, he wanted me bad. I’ll let you read it next time you’re at my place. It’s certainly...something to behold.”
  “Already a next time?” Billy mused, blue eyes alight at her.
  “Easy,” she turned to fall against her back again.
  “What’s your dad hiding in that attic?” He wondered aloud.
  “Hell if I knew.”
  “Ever thought of picking the lock?”
  “He’ll kill me,” Camille joked. “Yes. A lot though.”
  “I could pick it.” Came the offer. “Friends or whatever.”
  “I’ll think about it,” she shook her head. Billy looked at her face again when she was distracted. This was almost too intimate and they barely touched. “Have anymore dates coming up?”
  “Like to play things as I go.”
  “Ah. Sure… Smooth keg king, always lands the girl.” Not always.
  “Took time to perfect the method. Timing and all.”
  “Hm, method. I’m sure that did take careful practice. Alright, I'll bite. Tell me about your first time.” Camille turned her neck and studied his profile. The slight twitch of his lips didn’t quite reach his eyes. Billy shifted around to see her after a beat, lips curling further with more amusement.
  “I told you about Tammy. So, you first, Harpy.” His brow quirked. "In detail."
  “Not fair.”
  “Hm, is it? Have to give to get, sweetheart.” He earned a long sigh before Camille propped her arm up to rest her chin there. Billy wasn’t letting down so she caved.
  “I was fifteen.” She huffed, eyes rolling when triumph crossed his expression, causing him to twist and mirror her position. Blue eyes direct, he gave a nod so she continued. “He was not.”
  “What? Seventeen? Eighteen? Catch the attention of a senior?” Billy watched her exhale again before she mumbled. “Huh?”
  “He was twenty.” She saw him sober up at that. “College boy in a frat. Gorgeous. Charming. He had a method too. Met him at a new years party. He was visiting the family for winter break. Well off family. I was a friend of his little sister at the time, she moved for college in New York. No one knew about us though and I...I loved it. He told me I was beautiful and mature for my age. Turns out there’s another word for what he was. We were together for months.” Dark brows twitched up and she gave a sort of half smile, sparkling eyes lowered to his chest.
  “Shit.” Was the only sentiment Billy could offer but it resonated even still.
  “A big pile of it, yeah. We kissed at that party and...I kept seeing him. He’d invite me to big college parties and show me off to his friends. We’d go upstairs and...admittedly, he was okay with his hands. Quick everywhere else.” Camille smiled again with a scoff. “After the first time, he said...tell me you love me. And I did. I realize now that he never really said it back. He just wanted me to validate that he’d taken something of mine. That it would always belong to him somehow and I couldn’t take it back... And that wasn’t the half of it.”
  “How’d it end?” He almost took that back when her eyes snapped up to his again.
  “I...I asked him to use a condom and he spun that bullshit, ‘oh babygirl, it just doesn’t feel as good’ crap every single time. ‘Oh babygirl, it won’t fit. Don’t you trust me?’ Excuses. But, I was stupid and I was so mature and dating a college boy. Real badass. Until, something changed and...I was late. I knew instantly. I fucking knew. He reeled back so fast, I thought he might get whiplash. And I made the choice for us...to take care of it. I never asked for money. All I wanted was a ride. Just...support. I was terrified and too fucking young.”
  “He go with you?” Billy knew the answer.
  “I never saw him again. I wish I’d told him to eat shit at least. Left that in a lengthy voicemail later. But, I was so scared and upset...I started walking. I looked like shit and...ruined my shoes after a good thirty minutes. So, I’m determined and a car pulls up along side me. Barbara Holland pokes her head out and asks if I’m okay. You know her story by now.”
  “Yeah. Wheeler’s missing friend.”
  “They were both my friends once until I decided I wanted to be popular and dropped them. Was a real bitch and here Barb was...she just got her permit. I didn’t even have mine. So, I get in and I just...cried. I’ve never cried like that. Not in my life. She doesn’t say much of anything, just nodded occasionally and drove me to the clinic. Walked in and sat there. Waited till it was done. Drove me home...this girl that had every right to let me walk was there for me. So, I get out. Say thank you. Barb gets out...knowing when we get back to school that nothing is really going to change. We drifted…”
  Billy watched her trace a line into his blanket. A melancholy washed over her skin. Camille went on in an even tone.
  “…She came around the car and hugged me so tight. I wish every day that I’d said something more. But, I didn’t. She took my secret with her and I felt it linger in the air at school but we never...acknowledged it. Just slight nods in passing. You’re actually the first person I’ve told since Barb.” Camille stopped to sniffle and blinked several times to still anything else. “My parents can never know. No one can.” They locked eyes and she waited for him to share. Billy fell against his back, arm behind his head.
  “I was fifteen too. She was the most popular girl in our school and she was also the girlfriend of our school’s star quarterback. Both seniors. Older than me. He was a real dick. You know the type.”
  “I do.” Camille smirked when he did before he looked at the ceiling.
  “They were hot and cold. Drama and all, always breaking up. So, she decides she wants to make him jealous and sets her eyes on me for the first time. Hargrove trash. Ate that shit up. We’re at this party and she’s never paid me any mind. Always stuck her nose up. Prissy thing. But, I don’t know, something changed. She’s handing me drink after drink. Smiling. Next thing, we’re upstairs and she’s tugging my pants open. Gets into my lap and starts bouncing like a wild animal. I was fucking wasted, I didn’t try to push her off. She bragged about it after and I sucked up the attention from that. All these girls wanted me. Word got around quick, which she wanted too.”
  “Of course, she did. So, it worked?”
  “Too well. Quarterback and his band of merry assholes dragged me to the field and beat the living shit out of me. I laughed in his face the entire time about it too. I already had her. I was hot shit now. Fight got worse and I managed one good kick. Snapped his knee cap like a twig. Bye bye dick scholarship. Couldn’t even blame me for it. She got what she wanted. A fucking place next to his hospital bed. Dad started plans to move after that. Moved me schools first but, fuck, it’s all red. It never stopped, it just got worse.”
  “Billy, she...” Camille searched for the words. “Got you drunk...and forced you to…”
  “Yeah.” He admitted, swallowing a hard lump in his throat. "Was a real clingy bitch. Half my size and left bruises all over me. Smacked me awake when I closed my eyes because I was shit hammered. Not even sure I got off fully. And I laughed in that fucker's face like it was my idea."
  “That’s awful.”
  “I consider myself lucky.” Billy shrugged. “Put a rubber on me first.” He smiled again, all that Hargrove charm fluttering back. It grew infectious and she followed, falling back next to him. Billy didn’t want to see it that way. So, he reframed. It was just easier.
  “How can that many shitty people gravitate toward us at once?”
  “Hell if I knew.”
  “Can I tell you a secret?”
  “I don’t feel like working on the paper today.” She whispered. He chuckled at that.
  “Couldn’t tell.” Billy paused. Remembered. “Head still bothering you?”
  “Little.” Came her confession. Camille sighed and tipped her head toward his shoulder. Billy fell silent and she didn’t mind. This moment was unlike anything he’d experienced before. Deliberate and lacking in forced bullshit. Nice. Peaceful. Almost too easy. He realized the terrifying reality that he’d made a friend in Hawkins. Like he'd fallen into a trap she set. Not a challenge or fling. Not fully. Didn't lessen how bad he wanted to have her. They didn’t speak until the pull of sleep threatened. For the first time, the world seemed a little less red.
** ** **
  Max flipped her skateboard and caught it with ease when their mother’s car pulled up. Susan smiled and grabbed a bag of groceries from the back seat.
  “Hey, Mom.”
  “With your friends again?”
  “Yeah, Billy had a girl over for some project.” Max shrugged and reached for the second bag to help her mother in the house.
  “A girl?” Susan cleared her throat while she unpacked the food into the fridge. She knew what that usually meant. “Are they still here?”
  “Not sure, her backpack is still here but, his door’s open.” Max wandered down the hall and stopped in her tracks. Her stepbrother was breathing softly, wheezing tiny snores while the Harper girl lie burrowed in his side. Both clothed and atop the covers. Her head pressed to his bicep. “Weird...” Susan crept behind Max to see and smiled at the unexpected scene.
  “Come on, we’ll let them rest. I’ll start dinner before Neil gets home.” Susan whispered and left the door a few inches open before she ushered Max off. An hour or so later, the scent of food roused Billy as a hand shook his shoulder.
  “The fuck, Max?” He jerked to see her standing over him. She shrunk back when he rubbed his eyes. “Hell’re you in my room?” Sleep covered his voice.
  “Neil’s almost home and dinner’s ready. Might want to wake your girlfriend.”
  “She’s not my fucking-” Billy realized Camille was sound asleep next to him. “Shit. Harpy, rise and shine.” He gave her arm a pat and she moaned. “Scram, Max. Stay out of my damn room. Don't make me say it again.” He pointed so she rolled her eyes, leaving.
  “Billy? What are we… Hell, we fell asleep.”
  “Paper isn’t magically done, is it?” He got up to stretch and she followed, joining him at the mirror to fix her hair into place.
  “I should get going. We’ll work on it in study hall. Easy.” She put her shoes on and noticed Billy peeking outside. Neil wasn’t around yet.
  “C’mon.” He cocked his head so she followed.
  “Billy, who’s your friend?” Susan was readily waiting with a bright smile and Billy exhaled, annoyed in an instant. As if he’d been caught doing something actually dirty. Camille came to her.
  “Camille Harper, we share a few classes. Sorry, I stayed here late.” The teen reached out to shake her hand.
  “No, it’s nice to see Billy in...good company. Would your parents let you stay for dinner?”
  “Christ, Susan, she’s-”
  “You both haven’t eaten yet.”
  “I couldn’t impose.” Camille smiled sweeter.
  “Nonsense, we have more than enough. Meatloaf night.” Susan shook her head.
  “Yippee.” Billy muttered to himself and both women ignored him. Max had that smug look on her face so he narrowed his eyes to glare until she moved to set the table.
  “Ah, sure, I’d like that. Thank you. May I use your phone to call my parents, Mrs. Hargrove?”
  “Of course, and call me Susan.” She pointed. Camille went around Billy, eyes locking so she could go check in at home.
  “Why did you do that?” Billy hissed.
  “Your father is coming home.” Susan whispered, wiping down the counter. “Might be nice to have another person...a sweet girl, sitting at the table during the conversation.” She was protecting him. Drawing it out before Neil could tear into him tonight. How the fuck could he see it that way? All it did was give Neil more fuel to burn him with. Billy set his jaw and Camille returned.
  “May I help with anything?” She was cut off by the door opening. Billy shrunk behind her. For the first time, she saw his eyes change. Neil Hargrove stepped in with a steely expression.
  “You’re early,” Susan smiled and let him kiss her cheek. “How was work?”
  “Fine,” he spotted Camille, “and who is this?”
  “I was asking Billy.” He cut over his wife. Eyes glued to his son. Magnifying glasses held over burning ants.
  “Camille. We have a paper due.” Billy’s gaze hit the floor so Camille stood taller and marched up to Neil with purpose.
  “Camille Harper, Billy and I are classmates.” She reached out and he seemed surprised but shook her hand.
  “Firm grip, you could teach my son something.” He remarked.
  “Dinner’s ready,” Susan came between them to set the dish on the table. Neil turned on a sort of routine. Father and provider with company around.
  “Allow me.” He held out a chair for Camille before Billy could take it, forcing his son to sit by her so Neil could put himself near him at the head of the table. Max sat across from them with Susan at the other head.
  “Have you always lived in Hawkins?” Susan scooped up plates.
  “Thank you...and yes. All my life.” Camille shifted in her seat and eyed Billy. “Billy tells me you moved from California, must have been beautiful.” She took a bite. “This is delicious.”
  “You’re sweet.”
  “Thanks, Mom.” Max added. Billy caught his father’s eyes and sat straight.
  “Thank you, Susan.” He was quiet.
  “Where do you live, Camille?” Neil cut into his food and Billy barely touched his plate. Like he had to force it.
  “Loch Nora.” Camille met his eyes and didn’t let down.
  “They give out the full size candy bars at Halloween.” Max added and Camille smirked at her.
  “You should see the houses at Christmas time. Everyone drives down to see them and we hand out hot chocolates and cider. My family decorates but we’re Jewish so it’s more for the parties.”
  “Jews,” Neil scoffed; gave a tight smile. “Huh. That’s nice.” Billy cleared his throat when Camille’s eyes drew wider.
  “Neil.” Susan cut in, careful as she could.
  “And your parents, what do they do?” He peered at Billy and took a bite of food.
  “My father is a scientist up at Hawkins lab. Mom is a fashion designer.” She replied, sipping water. “Harper Sixx.”
  “Your mother is Rosemary Harper?” Susan cut in and Camille nodded. “Her stuff is lovely, I wore one of her blouses on our first date. Didn’t I, Neil?”
  “Sure did.” His eyes were on his plate now.
  “She’ll be excited to hear that. She did more high fashion and runway when she first began. Celebrities and all. But, she wanted to start seeing her stuff on all women. Think she’s happier with that.” Camille sat back and peered at Max. “I’m jealous, I see you skateboarding all the time around school. I was on one once and broke my arm when I was ten.”
  “I rode into a thorn bush a few years back and got stuck,” Max smiled this time, relaxing.
  “So, what project are you two working on? A paper?” Neil spoke over Max before she could go on. “Can’t write one yourself, Billy?”
  “It’s a collaborative thing for class, two minds equals more ideas.” Camille cut in and felt Billy nudge her thigh under the table. “Large book report but, I’m optimistic, we picked a good one.”
  “Which one?”
  “The Scarlet Letter,” Billy prodded at a piece of meat.
  “Little advanced for you.”
  “Billy actually finished the novel before I did.” Camille gripped her knife and fork on the table. Billy’s leg touched her own again in warning.
  “Sometimes I forget you can read anything outside of Playboy. Or was it Playgirl?” Neil pointed at Billy with his knife and laughed at his own joke, he nudged his son’s shoulder until he forced a tight grin. Eyes watery. Camille felt herself tremble. That headache pounded and then it released completely when a photo jerked from the wall to crash into the floor. Neil whipped around and cursed, standing. “Piece of shit,” he mumbled, going to shut the window beyond it. “Damn wind blew it off the wall.” Camille was dazed and Billy jerked to force a napkin against her nose.
  “Jesus, Harpy. Again?” He pulled her to focus and her hand covered his. Eyes locked, pupils dilated. She felt his fingers shake.
  “Are you okay, dear?” Susan offered another napkin. Max was silent and wide eyed.
  “Yes, sorry, I have this thing. I get them easily. Pardon me.” She held the paper and quirked her brow to save Billy more embarrassment.
  “Yeah,” Billy pulled her to her feet and guided her off. Didn’t think too much of it. Camille shot one last look at Neil and wished that photo crashed into his head. They shut the bathroom door. “Can’t keep doing this, yeah?”
  “Nosebleeds are a Camille Harper special,” she joked, angling her face up. “Your stepmom seemed nice.”
  “She chose him.” Billy was tense. "Just fucking makes it worse when she tries to help." Trembling. Susan tried to defuse the tension. Tried.
  “Sometimes you don’t know a person until they’re already drowning you.” She whispered. He wet a rag and without asking, moved the tissue to wipe her nose. Camille let him, eyes flickering over his while he stared at her lips and edged the rag over them. His thumb came up to trace them before she ran her tongue there. Oh, did he fucking want her.
  “Better?” She watched him nod. “I should go.” Billy was silent again, eyes on his feet before he sniffled and nodded once more. “Walk me out?” She went first and clasped her hands. “Mrs. Hargrove, dinner was great but my parents will want me home. Thank you.”
  “Come over anytime, hon.”
  “Yes. Bye, Max. I’ll see you around.”
  “Sure,” Max lifted her lips.
  “Mr. Hargrove, thank you for having me in your house.” She pushed her hand out with a hard look and dared him to refuse. Tightly, he shook it. They’re all better than you, you son of a bitch. Billy watched this girl stand up to his father without fear, challenging him somehow. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.
  “Maybe my son’s grades will go up with you...around him.”
  “Credit would be all his.” She smiled her sweetest smile and picked up her backpack. “Billy.” The teen peered at his dad, watched him fume, and purposefully crossed in front to follow Camille out. “My house for next time? Yes, I said next time, keep the excitement down.” She offered, earning a silent scoff of agreement. Hands shifted and she pulled a pen from her backpack, grabbing for his hand to write her number along his wrist. “Need anything, call. Now you.”
  “Forgot your book inside,” he remarked, inking his number into her arm next.
  “Ah, get it to me tomorrow.” Camille lingered when his hand didn’t release her wrist. Slowly, she came up and didn’t kiss him. She did something far worse. Arms slipped around his shoulders, shifting his hair aside when she hugged him. Brief. Not long enough. Nothing else could be done or said. “Take care, I’ll see you at school. I liked it...the talking and all. Felt needed.” He lifted his hands but she slipped away too quick. “Goodnight, Billy.” Camille turned and he watched her get into her car to drive off. One friend. In fucking Hawkins. Didn't seem too bad.
** ** **
  Camille observed Steve at lunch the next day, seated two tables away from Nancy. Sighing, she approached Nancy first while she packed up to go.
  “Hi.” Nancy looked ashamed. “Steve told me I said some stuff to you at the party. I don’t really remember it. But, I’m sorry.”
  “No, it was gross. I tossed that in your face.”
  “We all say shitty things,” Camille shrugged, “are you and Steve done?”
  “I’m not sure anymore. Maybe.” She watched her friend sit. Friend. “Last year...I think it messed me up. I love Steve, I do, but...”
  “You’re not in love with him?”
  “I thought I was. It’s not fair. I care about him and I hurt him because I couldn't....” Nancy sighed. “A lot happened and it changed me.”
  “What really happened to Barb, Nancy?” Camille pushed the words out and her lip trembled. “I missed something and it’s eating you.”
  “I’m going to make it right.” Nancy got up in a hurry to go.
  “Nancy,” Camille stood in a huff. But, she was gone. Annoyed, she marched over to Steve and plopped down, appetite gone. “You know something.”
  “About what?”
  “Barb, last year, all of it. You know."
  "You've been my friend as long as Nancy has. Two rich kids with absent parents make perfect wingmen. And you're lying to my face, Steve. Why are you and Nancy lying? Does Jonathan know too? That why they’re acting weird?” Camille watched Steve frown, sympathetic to her anger. “She’s dead. Isn’t she? She’s not coming back, what happened to my friend?” Camille smacked the table and above her, the light fizzled, crackling before glass broke and rained down. Gasps echoed. She and Steve jumped under the table to avoid sparks. Every light followed and teachers began to usher kids out in the chaos.
  “You’re bleeding.” Steve grabbed Camille’s shoulder and her head just burned beyond any belief.
  “Ah,” she pushed from him and slid away to go. Lights erupted all over. Students cried out while the power blew. Camille was racing down the hallway when the fire alarm went off then cut. She fussed with her locker and grew enraged when it didn’t budge. “Piece of shit!” She gave one pound and it jerked open. Breathing heavily, she stuffed items in her bag and whipped around as a hand grabbed her shoulder.
  “What’s the matter, Queen Bee? Get scared?”
  “Fuck off, Tommy.” She hissed, pushing him hard to go.
  “Hey, you bitch,” he grabbed her arm and jerked. Camille felt her body lose control. She dodged under his arm and spun once, leg gliding out to kick him in the head. Tommy lost his footing when his nose busted, dropping. Fists up, she blinked and stared down at her hands. “My nose, what the fuck, you stupid slut!” Camille looked up to see Billy Hargrove stunned at the end of the hallway. He took one confused step, eyes unblinking. Behind him, students raced out the doors as teachers ushered them. Frantic, Camille turned and sprinted the other direction. He caught up with her once she got out the back door.
  “What the fuck was that Karate Kid shit?” He snatched for her wrist.
  “Not now, Billy, I have to go home.” She was crying, bloodying her sleeve to wipe her nose. Camille pushed at him to let go and he tossed his hands out.
  “Camille! The fuck?” He yelled but she was already getting into her car to speed away. She didn’t get pulled over by some miracle.
  “Mom!” She echoed to her house once inside. “Mama!” Camille dropped her bag and fell to her knees on the stairs. Sobs ripped from her while her head burned. Hands grasped her shoulders.
  “Milly, what’s happened?” Her housekeeper shook her, gasping when she saw her bloodied nose.
  “I don’t know! I don’t know! It hurts,” she wailed, inconsolable. "Make it stop!" Edna heaved her up the steps and got her into the guest room. Camille’s sob subsided when pills were shoved into her hands.
  “Drink up, there we go. You need to rest, I’ll call your parents.” Edna cleaned her face and helped her undress. “Lie down there. Good. Go to sleep, Camille.”
  “Sink.” The harsh tone caught Camille, frosting her spine.
  “What...did you say?” She fell back in a daze.
  “I said, sleep, honey.” Edna watched the pills work quick and shuffled down the hallway after locking the door. She picked up the phone to dial.
  “Sir, she’s getting worse. It’s happening again. Same as when she was younger.” There was a beat and sigh.
  “I’ll be home in twenty.”
** ** **
  “Power goes nuts, half day is nice.” Steve remarked, leaning against his car while students dispersed and Heather nodded next to him.
  “I called Camille’s house, her mother said she was sick. I’ll grab her homework tomorrow if they don’t cancel it.” They stopped talking when Billy Hargrove marched up, poking Steve in the shoulder.
  “What the fuck was that?”
  “Man, not now. Any other day but, I’m not in the mood for you today, got it?”
  “What the fuck happened to her? Harper?”
  “She gets dizzy, I don’t know. She doesn’t talk about it. The hell do you care?” Steve turned with Heather. I don't, Billy almost said. Sick curiosity was ending him. “Go away, Hargrove. Bad enough I have to deal with you in gym.” Billy pushed past him to go to his car.
  “Max, get in now!” He raged so she scrambled. Billy slammed the door and sped off, too many questions rang. Better to just toss them aside and see all in red.
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