palisadewasp · 10 months
"Why so yaoious?" - The Fagger
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dreamperson-poll · 1 year
Heather and Caleb
dreamed by @poggay
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(Warning for child death) A girl who was kidnapped and killed after trespassing near a laboratory with a few of her classmates. A boy who was kidnapped after trespassing near a laboratory with a few of his classmates, but managed to escape.
This is actually a 2-part dream (and probably the weirdest dream I've ever had)! I'll be submitting the other character, Caleb, in a moment.
In the dream, I was this girl, who I've decided to call Heather. I was in middle school, and while walking home with some of my classmates, we stumbled upon a strange laboratory on the side of the road. It was this big, white, looming building surrounded by lots of green plants and two chain-link fences.
Of course, since we were kids, a few of us wanted to get a closer look at this spooky, well-guarded lab. So we scaled the fences and started walking up the dirt path to the doors.
Now, we weren't being very sneaky while doing this, and stuff hit the fan very, very quickly.
Some guards from the lab found us, grabbed us, and forced us inside. We tried to wriggle out of their grip. Some of us, including me, succeeded. So, we started running in every direction.
I think the guards must have carried us away from the entrance/exit, or the entrance/exit was blocked after we were pushed into the lab, or I was suffering from a bout of Dream Logic™, because I couldn't find where I had come in. I just started running in the opposite direction as the guards.
As I ran, I tried to ask kids where I should go. I tried to convince some guards to cover for me. They just ignored me, or shook their heads and said they couldn't help me. I just kept running until I got to some double-doors.
I pushed them open, and fell unconscious.
When I woke up, I was tied to a wall in a giant, dark room with blue LED lights on the walls and ceiling. I'll leave a picture of what the walls kind of looked like, because there was a specific way the LED lights were laid out (and I just think it's cool).
In front of me stood the silhouette of a giant anthropomorphic tiger wearing a black cape. Though I couldn't make out any of his features, I could tell that he had long, razor-sharp claws. Slowly, the tiger approached me. He slashed my chest, and left me to bleed out on the floor.
This part of the dream is basically the same as the first part, but told from the perspective of a boy who I'll call Caleb. So, yeah. I'm Caleb in this part.
part two!!!
The dream starts out at the same time and in the same way as it did in part 1. My classmates and I are walking home, we find a strange lab, we trespass by the front doors, the guards kidnap us and take us inside, we wriggle free and start running.
But this time, I had much better luck than Heather. I convinced some guards to give me directions, and exited the lab.
I still had to climb two fences, though, and this is where a lot of Dream Logic™ comes in that I think is very funny. I woke up while climbing the inner fence, and my legs were making climbing movements in my sleep. My cat, Grace, was just looking at me like I was a madman. I then fell back asleep and continued the dream. Always very satisfying when that happens.
When I got to the outer fence, I noticed that it was a bit taller than the inner fence, and would be more difficult to climb. So, you know what I did? I just remembered that I was in a dream and lucid dreamed my ass to the other side of the fence! Wild, right?
Now that I was out of the vicinity of the lab, I was a little safer. I just had to get home. I ran through town a bit, and ended up finding my dad. He picked me up and brought me home. The end!
Actually, you know how after the credits of some movies, they play a short clip that could bring closure to the end of the movie or advertise a sequel? Well, that kind of happened at the end of this dream. Like an epilogue, of sorts.
For some reason, I ended up going back to the lab. I didn't climb the fences or anything like that, just cautiously looked at it from the safety of the sidewalk. As I looked, I saw a part of the lab that I hadn't noticed before.
There was a window that, when I looked through it, showed a great big room that was mostly underground. It was very dark, and the walls were covered in blue LED lights. At the bottom of the room, I saw a girl chained to the wall. In front of her, I saw a giant anthropomorphic tiger. I then watched as the tiger slashed her chest with his massive claws, and left her to die.
additional: Pic that looks like the walls of the room Heather was tied up in:
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I know this is going against the entire point of the show, but if y'all had to chose a toh coven to be in, which one would it be?
Personally, I'm thinking either Bard Coven or Abomination Coven. With Bard magic, you can attack people with music. I could kill someone by rickrolling them (also Raine is kinda hot imo). With Abomination magic, you have full control over a semi-sentient pile of g o o p (also Darius is kinda hot imo).
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everydaygremlin · 1 year
Hey! You know a fair amount about tech, right? If I may ask, do you know any good resources to get me started on learning about code, as well as hardware? I've always wanted to get into Computer Stuff, but haven't really found any resources. If you're not able to answer this ask, that's alright too! Thanks for reading this anyway.
i do know a fair bit about tech, yes! however, i mainly learnt tech out of necessity! i wanted to use a ton of minecraft mods at once without a special launcher, so i learnt how to read logs, and how to find fixes for errors. and hardware, well, i looked up videos on things like "Fixing up a broken ipad pro that was run over by a car" and stuff liek that, all because i was bored. im sorry that this isnt really a great response, but this is really what i did.
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youareinlovetv · 2 years
for the song thing:
purge the poison by marina!!
ask game
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 8 months
youre very ourple to me. patron saint of ourple
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iam throwing glitter in your eyes
you fool! i am immune to the eye glitter attack, as i wear face glitter nearly every day and have built up an immunity 😈
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Made some Ace Attorney text posts!
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More under the cut:
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Nobody needed to know this, but my PFP is based off of this post:
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portmanteaublerone · 9 months
Hi I'm Port, 24
Welcome to my Silly (☢) blog™ for some humor and fandom
Currently rereading Dune Messiah
Finally started to use the Queueueue instead of throwing reblogs into the draft pile
(occasional suggestive stuff so minors be warned)
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palisadewasp · 1 year
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it's important to have a group of ppl that you can just sit and think about The Character with
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dreamperson-poll · 1 year
heya! a while ago, I submitted my two dreampeople, Heather and Caleb. I want to draw them, but I unfortunately keep forgetting, so instead I just made them using this picrew!
Here's Heather
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And here's Caleb
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I'll get around to drawing them eventually!
this is so crazy bc just as you sent them in i was adding their intro posts to the queue!!! anyways they look so cool. do you want me to combine them into a team or keep them separate?
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everydaygremlin · 1 year
i’m trying to
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youareinlovetv · 1 year
ty bestie!!
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charlieswanismydad · 5 months
plucky tot!!!!
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