#please unfollow me
rowenablade · 7 months
Guys guys guys does Izzy have scars on his back in That Scene? I thought I spotted some but can anyone who’s good at making gifs confirm this? Please???
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jkkyks · 7 months
I am not even gonna answer one ask about “mbappe yesterday”.
Don’t come to a Kylian blog and wait for them to do anything but to defend him. He had a bad game last night no one can deny that! But that doesn’t clear all his past super games, talent, goals, dribbles and skills. Because I know, & you all know that it’s not fair to bring a player down or post a hate hashtag on him just cuz of a bad game that may I add is a team work game not an individual.
And not all the fucked up Real Madrid fans taking it as a chance “omg cuz he refused to come to the better team” , BRO FOR THE MILLION FUCKING TIME HE DIDNT REFUSE ??? , HE DIDNT GET A BID TO BEGIN WITH , HE WAS ON GOD DAMN FUCKING SALE????? AND UR PEREZ DIDNT EVEN DO SHIT. WHERE ARE YALL BRAINS??
AND DON’T be shocked when a Kylian account/blog stands beside him, cuz hallelujah if u want to criticize go to a fkn hater account, you will find lots of these.
Thats my final word.
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athousandmorningss · 9 months
this version of me.
the celibacy thing is a big, intentional and deliberate choice. it’s born of the fact that it could be, and often is, easy to shift all blame on to y for the dynamics of our marriage. what i have begun to really take stock of and consider is who *i* was before i met him. what were the patterns of my life that laid the foundation for me marrying him?
what i am realizing (and it is very painful to admit) is that i’ve spent my entire adult life engaging in all manner of self-harm that outwardly could be perceived as pleasurable activity. i have had *so* many relationships with men--many of them long, all of them unhealthy. i’ve had a lot, a lot, a LOT of casual sex with men. many of them did not like me, or care for me. some of it was fun, but most of it was me putting myself in volitional situations because i needed male attention and because i wanted to hurt myself. i have put myself in situations in which i could have been harmed, or kidnapped, or seriously hurt. i have caused harm to my body because i did not care about my body, and because i’ve spent the entirety of my adult life wanting to die. but because i cannot actively commit suicide (i have cats, after all), i looked for other ways to cause myself harm. i drank. and i drank. and i drank. i had an eating disorder for years and refused myself food. i was a shopaholic: actively choosing to spend my money on clothing before rent. there was a span of a few months when i risked being kicked out and homeless because i was just...so unaware and uncaring about my money. i had no boundaries with friends and would befriend anyone. i so badly wanted to be liked that i would forgo my inner instinct that told me when i was uncomfortable around someone: because to be with anyone was better than to be alone. i have been self-harming my entire adult life and created patterns of chaos in the way i’ve conducted myself. i was not well when i met y, and i knew he had abusive habits, and i named them when we were “dating,” but i still chose to marry him.
here’s what i’m also coming to terms with. never in my life have i been given a foundation in which to love, care or respect for myself. my childhood was fraught with abuse, neglect, trauma, death, violence, addiction. i’m going to put some of the details under a cut so those that want to skip over it, can:
my parents were drug and alcohol addicts. i lived with them til i was six. during that time, they would either a) be engaged in serious arguments in front of us or b) leave us alone so that they could go to the bar. for hours at a time. i have a memory of walking barefoot and a stranger pulling glass out of my big toe. i also have a memory of being SA’d as a child by an older adult male who was my babysitter, which my mother later verbalized (in a backhanded way) that she knew was happening.
when i was six (and my sisters seven and eight respectively), the cops picked us up off the street because we were walking alone down it. this spurred the decision that my grandmother would adopt us. she was in her like late 60s or some shit when she adopted us, and i learned recently from my uncle that she was a serious alcoholic but got sober before taking us in. she was very emotionally abusive, particularly to me, and also hugely overprotective: she would swear at me all the time, call me a bitch, yell at me, tell me i’d end up being a stripper because i liked to dance etc etc. but also wouldn’t let me do anything--no outside activities after school. and so i spent a lot of my time alone as a kid: reading, by myself, under trees, taking walks.  a lot of this behavior has continued into adulthood.
other shit happened. one of my uncles was an addict and drove himself into a tree and died. he was my favorite uncle. my other uncle got cancer, had a protruding tumor, and slowly died while we cared for him (eventually taking him into hospice care). one of my cousins murdered someone during christmas, and when his parents got the call, we went to the house and picked him up and drove around with him-while he was blood-covered- trying to figure out what to do (WILD shit, he did go to jail though). ETC etc.
my parents (both of em) are now dead, one of my sisters is addicted to crack, the other is...not well and i can’t have a relationship with her. i have no family that i speak to, except an uncle and a cousin i’ve started to communicate with in the last year.
point is. one doesn’t go through all of that with a well developed sense of self-regard or self-esteem or self-image. i’ve wanted my whole life to have healthy relationships, to be well-regarded and respected by others, and to experience peace. but it has been very difficult to love and care for myself when everyone in my childhood was abusive or neglectful to me, and i have continued that pattern into adulthood.
i think that the best version of myself is an intuitive, kind, gentle, appreciative and thoughtful woman. it takes very little to bring me joy. i notice everything: i talk to the pigeons and leave them nuts; i love deeply; i am trying to be a good friend. i am moved by poetry; i deeply want to believe in human goodness and kindness; i want to help others and do small goods. i want to be self-aware. i do not want to hurt myself anymore. i do not want to die anymore. i want to respect myself and to urge that others respect me. i want to be discerning. all of my ability to enact these changes stems from disrupting the patterns of my past behavior. so yeah, i don’t want to have sex with anyone, because that’s what the old version of me would have done. and it could be so, so easy to resort back to that: to feel the serotonin hit of being desired, and I *have* been desired by others of late but the answer is no. no. no. no, thank you.
so yeah, the celibacy thing is a big deal. it’s about honoring this version of me. and i’m real proud of her.
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sketchyelvenasss · 6 months
Anyone who genuinely thinks that a good response to Astarion’s confession is “You should learn to enjoy sex for your own pleasure, and you should enjoy it with me.”
Are the same people that tell depressed people to “choose” to be happy
And not even the hells want you
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feelinglikemeat · 6 months
if kimi raikkonen was good at bowling his name would be. kimi straikkonen
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shiraki-yurara · 8 days
I am quitting IkePri. So if you have me in your follow list, feel free to unfollow. I may or may not come back when Kagari is released in EN which is still a long long time considering he is not released yet in JP.
In game name is Emma
There is a character I dislike so much in the game to the point that any reference or appearance of him in other characters' stories makes me unable to enjoy them.
I spent almost a month playing the game in skip mode for everything. It ends up with me wondering what am I doing keeping up with a game that I am not interested in anymore.
So it's goodbye. Thanks for the good memories these past 3 years.
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hangmanssunnies · 1 year
coyote’s not even hot. stop please. 🙏🏻
No ✌🏽
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If you're currently following me.
Leave me alone, and let me actually be free without you on my asses! I want you gone!
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deyas · 10 months
he is so gorgeous im gonna throw up
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catboygretzky · 10 months
the silm fandom is a bit fucked up so you're reblogging stuff from incest shippers/incest apologizers and it makes me really uncomfortable
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anas-tasiaa · 1 year
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How much you love them?
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thatsreallygay · 9 months
Your blog is fire 🔥 but you’re ugly lmao
thanks! you really caught me off guard with your pea brain insult.
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o-daintyduck · 1 year
one word from you, and I'll forever shut up about the tragedies of the tragic tragic man goncharov @coolpainterapricotbiscuit
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Y'all like Draft Spam right?
Since I've been busier lately, I haven't had much time to work on any of my projects, fandom or otherwise. So, I'm getting to that point where I feel like I'll explode if I don't post *something*.
I still have a lot of drafts from Desynchronized, so I'm gonna post those, since they've all basically been scrapped to move away from its more harrowing themes. If you like 'em great, but I'm probably gonna leave a lot of that stuff behind as I try to retool this AU to be more lighthearted. Just keep in mind, I was in a kinda dark place when I wrote some of this, so I will be tagging common triggers in the "cw: X" format.
If y'all don't care about that kinda thing, feel free to block the "gbunny scraps" tag, because even though they're all very ignorable text posts, some of them are kinda long, and I'm posting them all at once.
I'll reblog this after I finish scrap posting so y'all will have the warning again.
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deadsh33p · 2 years
cant believe imma beg here but tomorrow imma post something that actually took me effort so uhh if you wanna check it out when i upload eheheh
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Why middle age mans following me on Tumblr? I just reblog old rock stars pics and call them baby
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