#please feel free to contact me.
spaceistheplaceart · 6 days
Art for Donations!
Because I haven't seen any art for donations projects open for new artists, I'm just going to start this one on my own blog. There are so many fundraisers I see each day, and I want to make sure they reach their goals. I have nearly 5,000 followers on this account, and if each one donated just two dollars we could very easily complete this GoFundMe:
$3+ = a sketch
$5+ = a sketch + lineart
$10+ = coloured sketch
$15+ = coloured sketch + lineart
To get a sketch, just donate, then send me a screenshot of your donation email confirmation into my askbox. Give me what you want me to draw, and I'll do it once I've verified the donation :)
Lina is only 7,310 from her goal!!! Please, donate!
what i will and won't draw guidelines below:
explicit NSFW
fetish/kink content (would fall under NSFW)
comics! (but length will depend on donation. probably a $10 will get you a decent comic that's uncoloured)
furries (will warn: i do not have a ton of experience with them but I'll do my damn best)
anything else p much?
all my art is tagged under #op art if you want to see examples.
If you're unsure about your request, just message me and we can talk it out. Or if you donate and give me a request that is against this guideline, that's fine! Just put in another request, no need to donate again.
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kaisollisto · 3 days
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Thank you to @noteveryonefits for giving me the opportunity to create for her story. ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/56209771/chapters/142794364#workskin ) please check it out! Thank you all for sticking with me in this (horrible, agonizing) pleasant journey. I can finally rest now.
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Fanart "Shadow and Bone" - General Kiringan + Alina Starkov
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saveugoodmadam · 6 months
Ever read a fic that made sarah from 92sies interesting? (Or that made her exist in the stage version, so to speak?) I'm looking for fic recs and you have good taste, so even if you don't know any like that, share your favorites lol
I haven't really read many fics with her in so far, sorry about that but if anyone wants to rb with recommendations for good fics with Sarah then please do!
For general fic recs, apart from recommending the entire bibliography of @ethereal-bumble-bee, @pigeonwit, @baura-bear and @noxexistant, my newsies comfort fic is look's like we're in for nasty weather by cactusbus69 on ao3
If you're an author in the fandom who I haven't mentioned here, please feel free to reblog and advertise your work, I'd love to read what you've written! :3
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shkika · 9 months
hi! your scug ideas for the local group being in a similar situation as sliver/saint are super cool and kind of inspiring! would you mind if i modded them in as coding practice and released them? id definitely credit you for the ideas/designs/etc and it's okay if you're not cool with it but i wanted to ask before doing anything big or public with it (and also see if you have extra notes/requests about it)!
Hello wow!
It's extremely flattering to want to dedicate your time to such a project! I'd love for it to exist, however I would want to be involved in the making it if that's alright!
It sounds like a genuinely lovely project and a good time and I'm the type to want to be involved when it's about my ideas and such.
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bluespring864 · 5 months
It’s perhaps people like you who drove the rafolearchive off this site. What does it matter if they posted Rafa’s positive words towards Nole? Most of Rafa’s words towards Novak are actually positive or neutral. I think maybe you have built some sort of evil caricature of Rafa in your head and that’s okay you do you but the thing about his conditioning I cannot let slide as someone who also deals with chronic pain. Sorry @bluespring864 for doing this on your page.
Oh boy. Yes, me, who routinely sent the rafolearchive (off-anon!) asks and left them comments under anon asks they got where someone was really mean in their inbox and reblogged a lot of their stuff with nice comments about Rafa and Nole must be the one who drove them off this site.
I don't know what you're reading into my words but I literally said the rafolearchive mostly reposted happier interactions between Rafa and Nole because most of us enjoy people getting along well. And in the "most of us" group I very much included myself. (I think someone else may have said something about the rafolearchive posting more of Rafa's positive interactions with Novak (which is true, but in this case please talk to them and not me? Oh, I just realised, is that why you're 'apologising' to me for "doing this on my page" because one of my mutuals doesn't have their inbox open? Wow, that's a new level of being an online troll. So I guess that other part wasn't directed at me either lol. Still ridiculous to accuse another user of (politely) speaking their mind. If you were interested in an honest discussion you could just have replied to that conversation on the other post you took offense to. But clearly you need to hide behind anonymity. Future anons from you will be deleted unless you manage to stay more polite towards me and my mutuals. And please don't use me as proxy for fighting with someone ever again, what a godawful move. By the way I am sorry to hear you're dealing with chronic pain. I know something about living with pain for long periods of time and I know how bitter it can make people, I've spoken about this before. Which is the main reason why I started answering this in good faith until I realised exactly what you were doing here.
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johndonneswife · 2 months
someone really should be talking about how difficult it is to plan a wedding - a gay wedding - when both of your families fucking suck
#who is talking about this!!!! let me know#idk i have 0 expectations for my family but they still somehow always manage to let me down which#i was anticipating#and i didn’t think i would care because i have never cared before#but liiiiiike.#i wasn’t expecting to feel sad rofl but my family is so fucking flaky. again i KNOW THIS i know i cannot rely on any of them#it’s annoying when i have given them a year and a half to make plans and i have had so many people tell me they would be there#just to back out or ghost or come up with some excuse#like do you know how expensive weddings are 😭 JUST fucking be honest with me and rsvp no#anyway i was very intentional with the few family members i did invite#and specifically invited people i have a rapport with / had a good (ish lol) relationship with growing up#people i have bent over backwards trying to please!!! and dropping everything to help them out#and they can’t even be bothered to communicate with me lol it’s fine. like. i do feel like it’s internalized homophobia at this point#or maybe they have hated me this entire time which is totally plausible#but they KNOW how much ayesha means to me and knows that no one from her family is coming to our wedding#at the end of the day it’s going to be like. 5 people from my family 1 from ayesha’s (her brother) and like 30-40 friends#which i am so grateful for obviously#i sound like such a brat but it’s also like - watching your family continuously choose drugs/alcohol over showing up for you - lol#AGAIN i’m used to this and expected as much but i’m still feeling bad#just rsvp so i can move on with my life please. stop telling me you’re trying to make it work when we both know you aren’t#i have so much more to say but i’m going to sound crazy even though i knooooow it is homophobia like i Know it#i think there are certain people i will finally go no contact with for good after this#which is a freeing thought but i only invited v few family members to begin with. there’s abt to be no one left lmao#probably for the best#ugh whatever#again i can’t help but feel a certain way when they have done more/traveled further for relatives they hardly know#meanwhile i was forced to spend so much of my life living for these people and for them alone#AAAAAAAA i just want to scream#text
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jetaiimee · 8 months
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STARTER CALL for my new muse, Matthew Thorne. Inspired by the movie Drive.
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cat-attack1701 · 1 year
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Please Contact me if you have any questions! All info in text below the cut <3
Cat’s Commissions!
Lineart:                                          Flat Color:      - Bust: $5                                     - Bust: $15      - Half Body: $10                           - Half Body: $20      - Full Body: $15                           - Full Body: $25 Full Color:                                      HD Render:      - Bust: $25                                   - Bust: $45      - Half Body: $35                           - Half Body: $55      - Full Body: $45                            - Full Body: $65
Add Character(s):                           Background:     -Line Only: +$4 All                          -Simple (No fine detailing): +$3     -Flat Color: +$10 All                        - Complex (high detail): +$5     -Full Color: +$15 All     -HD Render: +$20 All
Will Do:                                              Contact (other than DM):       - Pride Icons                                     Email:       - OCs / Fan art                                     [email protected]       - Fursonas / anthro                           Website:       - Simple mech / armor                         https://cats-personal-art.weebly.com       - Light gore / horror Won’t Do:       - NSFW (Nudity, kink etc.)       - Heavy gore / horror       - Complex mech       - Anything hateful
Extra:       - I reserve the right to refuse any comm.      - All comms done thru p*yp*l invoices      - All comms taken in USD
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heffrondriving · 2 years
people really just find anything to be pissed about these days huh........because sincerely, what the actual fuck are y'all going on about??? all this moral uproar and vitriol for a silly old-ass boyband song????? please stop it forever <3
#i'm mad at ppl 🙃 having zero critical thinking skills 🙃 and ''cancelling'' over the stupidest things 🙃🙃🙃#i'm all for supporting the right causes but please for the love of god pour your activism into something actually conducive#instead of getting the pointless pisstake out of a goddamn song that's not that deep and has zero malicious intent whatsoever#idk man but maybe—just maybe!—some words can have multiple connotations and also rhythmic repetition is a style used in music???#and maybe things don't always have to root themselves in the offensive side and they are just. what they are? like isn't that crazy?????#maybe you won't get internet brownie points but it doesn't make you a bad person i promise!!! there are worse things to be concerned about!#tw*tter is a fucking hellhole like damn what kinda premium carbon monoxide are they huffing there but lord get it away from us#nope. not having any of it. i'm just gonna shut up and calm down b4 i say Worse Things and contact their terminal brand of brainrot#will delete and get back. i hope everyone is doing alright. if youre mad about paralyzed then i'm sorry for your loss love and peace :)#feel free to block me or whatever for this but i said what i said. lets be civil and not regressive in the pursuit of fairness shall we?#i never want to be a discourse blog (ew) or a place fostering hate and negativity but this is just frankly too ridiculous to not talk about#btr#big time rush#paralyzed#do pretty girl don't speak#will delete
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Fanart "Shadow and Bone" - General Kirigan.
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goldensunset · 9 months
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happybird16 · 2 years
Omg I usually liked your posts but now I realized that you blocked me whyyy??? 😭
Either you were a minor, had no age in your bio or are a blank blog. I auto block my dude(gn). The warning is on the tin. Don't want too may bots following or any kiddies running around into the smut
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lytters · 1 year
hellooo just wanted to put it out there that i'm going on an indefinite hiatus (if it wasn't clear already) because i have quite a bit going on in life rn! i will eventually come back to this blog when life has settled down more (which will not be soon i think...)
to my lovely moots who have left messages for me, i see you, i love you, i miss you, i hope you're doing well!! please forgive me for my absence and lack of contact, i am holding you dearly in my heart and i hope you can feel it <3
see you all when i see you!
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mikutual · 2 years
I returned here briefly to see what I used to be like and it... is surreal!
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frangiturastrum · 2 years
FF7 Compilation Verses Info - Kayden
Name: Kayden Undāre
Birthday & Age: October 18th, 1981. 21 (crisis core) / 28 (FF7) / 30 (AC) / 31 (DoC)
Born in Junon Harbor to loving but busy parents, Kayden was no strange to the influence of Shinra, especially with her father working with the branch of Shinra in Junon. While her childhood was rather common, she grew up around many who wished to join the new SOLDIER program once it became known, and even was encouraged by her father to find a job with Shinra when she got older. Though, how she would eventually work for Shinra for a time would lead to her cutting off all contact with her parents, a tumultuous choice, but one she felt she had to do.
With many of her friends and classmates excited to work for Shinra, with the boys in particular wanting to join SOLDIER, she eventually felt similarly and decided that she would join the company. However, she wasn't interested in working for Shinra as a fighter initially. At 16, she joined Shinra to be an on field medic, wanting rather to help heal and keep others alive than take lives herself. Rather good at keeping up with infantry, once her training was (mostly) complete, she soon was deployed as a field medic during the War with Wutai. Any thoughts and feelings she had on Shinra would, over time, grow sour as she watched the destruction they caused, along with the mental turmoil and pain that those she called friends suffered due to being thrust into war so young.
On one mission through Wutai territory, she was sent along with the troops, including a few SOLDIER 3rds, as well as trio of researchers. The goal was, of course, to find mako rich territory that Shinra could possibly start using, even as the war continued. However, 3/4ths of the way through the trip to the first site, they stumbled into an ambush. The troops, particularly the SOLDIERS, made a formidable defense for Kayden and the researchers to hide behind, with Kayden casting Cures and Restores anytime someone suffered damaged. However, so focused on keeping her allies alive, she missed the bomb that was thrown their way, from behind, until the last moment.
As the SOLDIERS won the fight, the bomb from behind them destroyed Kaydens' legs with shrapnel embedding into her back and tearing open the skin when she collapsed. As the only dedicated medic in the group, the infantrymen held a perimeter while one of the SOLDIERS and the three researchers did what they could to keep her alive through materia use, a somewhat hastily done cauterization to one leg, emergency surgery and removal of shrapnel, one of the researchers eventually fell onto their last resort - mako injections. With the unit having worked together to keep her stable, multiple mako injections were given in quick succession before they were met up by another unit that took her back to the base camp. Not knowing if she would survive but not having the ability to return her to Shinra headquarters for nearly a week, the researcher continued to give her mako injections, which were supposed to be given to the SOLDIER 3rds as part of one of Hojo's many experiments, in an attempt to keep her alive.
When she was returned to Shinra headquarters, she was moved from Medical to Science, and joined, subtly, and without her knowledge, into a separate test. While she did not official join SOLDIER, Science continued to give her injections, enough to the point where she contained a similar concentration of mako to SOLDIER 2nds, but without the combat training. That wouldn't last long though, as, once her injuries were healed and two prosthetic legs were attached, she stayed in her role as field medic. This, too, changed rapidly, as a sudden order from the Turks removed her from her position and she, again without knowledge being shared to her initially, became something of a Turk. While she was not fully on theirs, she was also not SOLDIER, and tended to stay out of the light as a result.
During the events of SOLDIER 1st Class Genesis Rhapsodos' desertion, she took advantage of the focus remaining on his actions, and used that as her chance to escape from her own predicament. Disappearing into the wind, she left one last message with her family before dropping all contact with them and doing everything she could to try and stay away from Shinra. Whether it was through their resources becoming more strained as more things started to fall apart in SOLDIER, or whether it was luck, she managed to find a place for herself in the Sector 5 Slums while waiting for the storm to blow over.
Over time, she stayed in the slums, figuring that if the Turks didn't come looking for her, she was alright to stay hidden under the plate. Though she preferred to stay in the Sector 5, she found work in all of the sectors' slums, particularly with the neighborhood watch as she used the chance to fight monsters as a way to keep herself trained with the skills she learned while fighting for Shinra and with the Turks. That, and she was able to help the doctor in making medicines for the kids, which is how she became acquainted with Aerith. She also, on occasion, would take a gig or two for the Honey Bee Inn.
When Avalanche made itself known through the reactor bombings, she decided to try and find them, hoping to join their cause. Being a known fighter in the Sector 5 slums, she was able to get into contact with Cloud, Tifa, and Barrett after the Sector 7 plate dropped. Joining them on their search for Aerith, she joined Avalanche unofficially in the process and aligned her goals with theirs, including in their plan to defy destiny's course for them.
Years later, when Geostigma started to show, she went back to the Sector 5 slums in the hopes of finding some way to help the kids who were sick. Relying on her own medical knowledge could only get her so far of course, and so, when the Remnants showed and Avalanche once again pulled together she joined in their cause. However, she knew at the time that degradation was starting to take root in her body, and though she did all she could to help, she knew she couldn't fight like she used to, and thus lended more support through materia than before. When the waters from the church came forth, she was cured of her degradation, and then went back to work, both as a merc, and as medic.
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