#please don't @ me for misspelling Mezallian in the hardcoded captions i haven't watched Joel's s1 pov yet so i had no idea how to spell it
vulqan · 2 years
(sobbing) wh-en is it g-onna be m-MY tuuuuurn
Lizzie: oh? (reading chat message) "meet me at the frog". okay—oh look! Joel's down there!
Joel: hello Lizzie.
Lizzie: hi Joel!
Joel: would you like to go on a little boat ride with me?
Lizzie: oh! sure, i like boats!
Joel: you could say it's a date.
Lizzie: no, that's a boat.
Joel: oh :(
Joel: well, either way, i've been thinking about us, Lizzie.
Lizzie: uh huh?
Joel: and i, uh—i think we've been getting on really well—
Lizzie: yeah, well, two empires right next to each other, things are bound to happen.
Joel: and, i thought, you know, we could make this empire stronger.
Joel: if you'd like to get off the boat and, uh, stand on the spot there—
Lizzie: what is this?
Joel (overlapping): and, uh, when i say proposal for you, i mean—(pause) a proposal, Lizzie.
Lizzie: oh! wha—(laughs) what? what's happening?
Joel: Lizzie, will you make me the happiest Mezallian King in the world and be my empire's wife?
Lizzie (overlapping): (gasps) i will!
Joel: brilliant. now we can have a quick hug.
Lizzie: oh—oh.
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