#platonic majorwood?
He Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way
He had died to Martyn before. In the first hunt when was the final Green left. He had begged, screaming through the water for his ally, his fellow Mean Gill to kill him. He had smiled as his friend plunged the sword into his chest and finally ended the hunt, bringing on the Yellow Mellow Era.
He wouldn't have had it any other way.
He had lived on, thriving on the Coral Isles. He had watched as they were destroyed. By TNT, primarily. Time and time again his Isles had been bombed by the others. He'd rebuilt it every time with Martyn's help.
He wouldn't have lived his life any other way.
He had gone on a hunt. Recklessly killing those who had tormented him during the hunt for extra time. He'd stolen hours. He'd done so with pride. And yet, he had no regrets. No regrets, even as more and more blood stained his already red hands. No regrets, even when the voices in his mind cursed at him for doing so. No regrets, even when he knew the other versions of him, somewhere in their own SMPs, were frowning upon him for being so primitive.
He wouldn't have killed them any other way.
He stole as many hours as he gave away. Allies came running to him in a desperate plea for the time he had. They would offer a trade for him; items in exchange for time. But that wasn't necessary. He had more than enough time on his hands. He would've given it away regardless of a reward. He'd grin foolishly at how his allies would thnk him graciously for his generosity.
He wouldn't have given away his hours any other way.
He recalled the last few moments he had left. Impulse and Martyn had taken two of his hours, one each. They were all on a level playing field. Equal chances of death. One or so kills would be enough to end their lives and stop their clocks. He had gripped his sword tighter than he ever had before in his life. The roar for blood pounded in his ears. The ticking of his timer resonated with every heartbeat, every breath, every subtle twitch of bloodlust. His entire body ached with the need for blood. For more time. For survival.
He had died to the hands of an ally. He had finally broken his curse. He no longer had to outlive the ones he loved most. He no longer had to look out over an empty plain with an ache in his chest as his heart yearned for the touch of his closest friends, sometimes even lovers. First it had been the sweet, wonderful Jimmy who he had been married to during the first game. Pearl was second, the amazing and helpful friend she was. Cleo, the not-soulmate he had made to spite how their soulmates had mutually abandoned them. And Martyn. Protective, comforting Martyn. A loyal soldier until the end. He had saved Scott's life countless times in this game. He had long lost count of how many times the two of them gave and took lives in the effort of elongating their ally's life. He lost count of the nights they had sat together, warm in each other's arms as they stared at the waves lapping at the shore of the Coral Isles. The traps. The small domestic moments they shared. The joy.
And even as Martyn stabbed the sword through his chest with the ruthlessness of a man so numb to killing it no longer hurt to slaughter his closest ally, he couldn't help how joyful he felt. His curse was broken. He could finally die without grief weighing down his heavy heart. He could be brought back to seeing his friends after the games as their ghostly forms floated about to oversee the end. He no longer had to weep at the sight of his friends.
He watched Martyn win with a warm heart and happiness pumping through his blood. The curse breaking would upset Them. They would be furious. He laughed at the thought. He really had denied them every time. Only on this occasion, it had been with the help of another that he had defied Their wishes.
He gave the order. He told Grian to do it. He watched Martyn be killed in the blissful peacefulness he had experienced many games ago. And he threw himself into Martyn's arms desperately, relishing in how his ally hugged back.
Scott wouldn't have had this any other way.
Not one bit.
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peppered-moths · 1 year
sea-salt endings
Martyn. If it- if it gets bad. You have to do it. I don't want- I can't.
Scott swims, hard and fast, towards him. Bubbles burst from his mouth, a jumbled mess of sound he can't understand.
I won't kill you!
I trust you- not them!
He can feel Jimmy behind him, closer and closer. Martyn floats, still for a moment. When he feels Jimmy close, he kicks him back, using the momentum to reach Scott. He grabs his shoulder.
I don't want it to be them.
Scott's eyes are wide and damningly green. His sword is in his hand. Do it, he mouths, gaze locking over his shoulder where Martyn's sure Jimmy has recovered.
His lungs hurt. He's not really sure he wants to do this again.
Red Winter is coming. Red Winter is here. Red Winter is long gone.
Red Winter is dead, and there's still others waiting for the mercy of Martyn's blade. He thought he'd given enough blood, enough trust, enough love. Clearly not.
The blade slides through Scott's ribs without a sound and he- he looks relieved. Martyn does not feel relieved. There is blood in his mouth. He doesn't know who's it is.
When he rises to take a gasp of sea-salt air, he sees a blue head on the Coral Isles, and feels the presence of a new yellow, the toll of a bell.
He swims back. He doesn't bother to take the door.
Ren pulls him out of the water, skin gray, eyes red.
Scott pulls him out of the water, skin turning blue, eyes yellow.
Red Winter is here. Red Winter is you.
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qprsmackdown · 9 months
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propaganda (under the readmore):
My friend wrote a fanfiction detailing their platonic relationship from childhood friends to spouses. It is over 1 million words long. Pls he needs this
my good friend sunny wrote over 1million words of fanfiction about them that was so good it permanently altered my brain chemistry. also i think the feat of over 1mil words is worth the win (:
Ranboo and Tubbo are canonically married, semi-canonically platonically so. Tubbo and Tommy have known each other for years, and have an understanding of each other that no one else does. Tommy and Ranboo went through a very awkward and begrudging beginning of their friendship, but Ranboo would go on to make Tommy's grave when he died.
I want to start off by stressing that these 3 are characters and are not at all connected to the real world creators that portrayed them aside from having the same name.
c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo were canonically married, with the nature of their marriage being largely ambiguous and up for interpretation! They live together in a mansion with their adopted child, Michael, a tiny baby piglin! c!Tommy was never an official part of their marriage, but the three spent so much time together(before the series' writing took a very unfortunate turn due to behind the scenes stuff) that they might as well have been a qpr polycule! It is confirmed that c!Ranboo(an 8'5 foot tall enderman hybrid) can only look 2 people directly in the eyes with it being STRONGLY implied those 2 people were c!Tommy and c!Tubbo! Their relationship didn't get as much time as it needed due to the series's unfortunate downturn near the end, but while it was there, it was a very comforting, very tender relationship between 3 traumatized young queer teens who were their for one another through their journeys in healing from their various traumas. Also one time c!Tommy and c!Ranboo got high together in a tiny smoke box they made(they also met when Ranboo hit him on the head with a giant flower. An allium, to be specific!).
i went so insane about them they spawned inside my brain, guys ever
They are the Mean Gills and they are canonically qpr!! They would also canonically die for each other
Canon QPR! Confirmed by cc!Martyn :D (he confirmed it on stream after the series ended)
They're canonically a QPR guys!!!! Both the CC's who play the characters have said that they see them as being in a QPR!!!!!! literally the first time ever i've seen any media ever portray a qpr of some sort
someone in Martyn's chat explained what a QPR was and he said "oh that sounds like me and Scott"
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
it’s ending a day after it originally began
i don’t want it to end.
it’s going to be so dramatic!
Martyn stares at the closed curtains in front of him. It’s intermission. Outside, the audience is mulling about, talking, theorizing. Here, on the inside, Scott is muttering to a campfire. He looks slightly to the left, like he can’t see the curtains at all.
i think it’s not fair. it’s a bunch of the same people who always win. you had better backstab scott before he wins a second time. it would be boring otherwise.
that would be so sad :( no they should stand together at the end.
god i hate how overdramatic everyone is. just do some killing and get over yourselves.
what if no one killed each other? would that be fucked up or what?
you could just kill yourself. that would be fun.
yeah. listen to us!
Martyn twitches. Scott mutters at the sputtering campfire. Martyn watches the curtains. They’re stained with blood. The stagehands had stopped bothering cleaning them; the curtains are red anyway, so who cares?
Blood dries brown, though.
you should talk to scott. he seems sad.
you should kiss.
make him sadder!
no i don’t like being sad.
what are you doing here then?
we want drama!
they all seem so sad though.
oh, it’s delicious how sad they are!
yeah, give us something good!
i still want you to kiss. majorwood ftw.
“What is it with you all and kissing?” Martyn says, exasperated.
“What? Martyn?” Scott says, looking up.
“It’s nothing. Go back to cooking salmon.”
you’re so boring.
yeah next time we won’t watch you if you’re like this.
our will be done.
no show without an audience.
now kiss him!
no stop that’s so rude and gross of you
imagine being that guy
yeah imagine having morals
it’s sadder if they kiss.
platonic relationships can be sad too!
Great. Now they’re arguing. Martyn sighs and turns away from the curtains. They’re closed anyway. It’s intermission. None of this actually matters. None of this will change the end of the show. Listen or decide not to listen, the show will go how it goes. The clock ticks down on the players.
He’ll act his heart out. The audience will eat it up. There’s not really another option.
i hate all the conflict. this isn’t fair.
kill him, martyn. betray him. show us a surprise ending. win.
“It would be easier if you decided what you wanted,” Martyn says.
“Okay, I know you aren’t talking to me,” Scott says.
it all ends tomorrow.
i don’t want it to end.
i want it to keep going. the drama’s barely started.
yeah. when will they kill each other again?
next time, there should be less mercy.
next time maybe they’ll just be friends?
hah! who wants that?
“Nah. Talking to. You know. Them.” Martyn gestures at the curtain.
Scott raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Well, it’s hard to hear them if you aren’t Listening.”
good joke
oooh lore lore lore
“…now I’m even more confused.”
“Ehh, don’t worry about it. It won’t matter soon enough anyway.”
“That’s… ominous.”
“Yeah, well.”
Martyn stains at the bloodstained curtains. He hears the orchestra warming up.
no matter what. as long as whatever he does is a good show.
true. put on a spectacle.
everyone loves a good drama.
“Some things are just ominous I think.”
Scott returns to his campfire. Martyn takes his headband off his head and uses it instead to cover his ears. It doesn’t help a lot, but it helps a little.
Tomorrow, huh?
Well. Better to make it count, then.
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fearmeimgay · 3 months
I don't know if anyone will respond, but I really want to roleplay the life series members. Or even just talk to someone about all my headcanons because it's taking over my brain, and I can't sleep right now anyway. I mean, if it was romantic roleplay, I would rather it be something like majorwood or Scarian, but I'm down for most shops. And like I can also do platonic groups.
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faerygardens · 10 months
I definitely feel like a lot of people don’t read as much into traffic majorwood as being romantic because both Scott and Martyn have said they view their characters relationship as queer platonic. But even then not many people bother to explore their dynamic as a QPR either </3
Wait fr?? I didn’t know that :O I’ve always seen their double life relationship (with pearl and cleo) as queer platonic but I had no idea they saw their limited life characters that way
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the-somwthing · 2 months
What about the divorce quartet. (As a whole not individually)
Not entirely sure what you’re asking of me here tbh. Is this part of the ship tier lists (I still have a request for Scar I will do when I feel like it lmao)? I know I did one for flower husbands, but four people? Would it be like who I would want to ALSO be divorced??
Or is this part of when we were discussing ship names? Like, you’re asking for a ship name for Pearl/Martyn/Scott/Cleo? In that case… honestly I’m not sure, I’d say divorce quartet would be fine but it’s usually fairly platonic so maybe not.
And then you mentioned as a whole not individually so I kind of doubt this but maybe you want me to rank my favorite ships within divorce quartet. I don’t think so but erm I love Martyn/Cleo sorry. Pearleo would be next. Then majorwood. Then Martyn/Pearl I actually like too because of double life. It’s very fun and angsty. Then of course there’s Scott and the ladies, which with Pearl I do like to imagine romantic as in a FAILED romance as many AUs do and then with Cleo it’s HASHTAG chosen soulmates WHY do I always say hashtag like that.
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qprsmackdown · 9 months
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The Polycule Is In Fucking Shambles, Round 2, Electric Boogaloo
if we all work together we can invent the concept of polyamory
propaganda beneath the cut, if you need it
Scott and Cleo propaganda:
the gimmick of double life was that every player was bound to a soulmate who they share a health bar with, and cleo and scott said “mmm no we’re actually soulmates with each other our soulmates didn’t put in effort” they live together and are very gaslight gatekeep girlboss in my humble opinion. they also have the innate tragedy of outliving your partner, as everyone else died with their soulmates. Literally platonic chosen soulmates, in Double Life they break up with their assigned soulmates and choose each other instead. They are so important to me. Each series they're always friends or allies. And their alliances are like "let's be together after our husbands die" or "let's be each other's soulmates". They're also very queer sir.
i went so insane about them they spawned inside my brain, guys ever They are the Mean Gills and they are canonically qpr!! They would also canonically die for each other Canon QPR! Confirmed by cc!Martyn :D (he confirmed it on stream after the series ended) They're canonically a QPR guys!!!! Both the CC's who play the characters have said that they see them as being in a QPR!!!!!! literally the first time ever i've seen any media ever portray a qpr of some sort someone in Martyn's chat explained what a QPR was and he said "oh that sounds like me and Scott"
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qprsmackdown · 9 months
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Scott and Martyn (Limited Life) vs Dogwarts (Third Life)
Negative comments about either qpr in the notes will be blocked. This includes saying that either party is not a qpr. We are here to have fun. It does not matter whether a qpr is "canonically" platonic, romantic, or otherwise. I do not want to hear about why you think a relationship isn't a qpr.
MAJORWOOD PROPAGANDA: i went so insane about them they spawned inside my brain, guys ever They are the Mean Gills and they are canonically qpr!! They would also canonically die for each other Canon QPR! Confirmed by cc!Martyn :D (he confirmed it on stream after the series ended) They're canonically a QPR guys!!!! Both the CC's who play the characters have said that they see them as being in a QPR!!!!!! literally the first time ever i've seen any media ever portray a qpr of some sort someone in Martyn's chat explained what a QPR was and he said "oh that sounds like me and Scott"
Dogwarts Propaganda: they all went to war together and are SO committed to the army and the army is ALSO A QPR. what could be better than that Look at them they are in a qpr I do not make the rules <3 (also down with the dogwarts is bad and desert duo is good shut up everybody in 3rd life is both some level of justified and in the wrong <3 (and the entire server is in a messy polycule that gets worse each season))
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