w-i-m-m · 2 years
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fipindustries · 5 months
my previous trans girlfriend was a huge fan of jordan peterson, hated wokeism, prefered trump to be president and was basically a libertarian.
my current trans girlfriend is sympathetic to the soviet union, is vegan and is an anarco-comunist
and the one thing they have in common is that they both really fucking hate destiny and are a bit dissapointed in me for watching it
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acrylicdragon · 8 months
I have a meteorology lecture and a flux lecture just one after the other and it's funny how they are explaining the exact same stuff but like
"And then the clouds go like this because is colder in this zone see?"😊😊😜✨🌈☁️
"Ok to calculate stream this we're building a tensor and then we integrate it (???)" 🔥💀💀💀👿
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While the others continue to discuss, Ahmet takes out a bundle of fresh coffee beans and begins to roast them over an open flame. The scent of the coffee beans slowly and gradually spread throughout the room.
Is space truly continuous? Could it be infinitely divided? My gut feeling is that it can't.[14]
My favorite example where we can find real infinities is when thinking about black holes.[15]
The sun is slowly setting and the chandeliers are beginning to glow. Ahmet first roughly crushes the roasted beans and grinds them very finely in a second step.
I'm of the opinion, that there is a new physics, actually, in a black hole. I think that one thing that could be happening there, is that there's some sort of portal into a new realm.[16]
All of these abstraction, suddenly it seems to me, well, maybe they're just a product of our minds.[17]
Ahmet gets into the well and fetches fresh water in a container.
When our hearts are broken, are we going to be in pain forever? And if you really fall in love with someone, are you gonna be in love with them forever?[18]
Love is certainly infinite, because when we are overwhelmed by love, we have this constant sense of breaking the limits and boundaries.[19]
The coffee boils and the fumes rise into the air. Ahmet then serves the hot coffee at the table and says goodbye. Deeply immersed in conversation, no one has noticed that the camera has taken on a life of its own. It has now entered one of the chambers.
Chamber of growing treasures
The camera moves smoothly through the curtain. The chamber looks like a greenhouse, with warm bright lights. The ceiling is littered with stalactites dripping onto a raised golden bed, which is located in the center of the room. The camera moves up and zooms in on a vegetable.
Since the first time Bill held a romanesco in his hand, he has developed an obsession for the superior vegetable and its fractal forms. His obsession goes so far that it is the only food he feeds on.
Chamber of ritual purification
Hamam, steam, water basins, Mandelbrot, fractals...
Chamber of sacred dreams
Bedroom, dream collection...
Chamber behind closed doors
The camera is in front of a two-winged locked door.
When Bill started to build this chamber he came across something that scared him and he has never entered this room since. For me, this chamber is a blind spot and I don't understand it. But I can give you access to it, maybe you can solve the riddle for me.
The camera enters a cubic empty room. It zooms into the center of the floor, where there appears to be a square entrance. The camera slowly lowers and looks at the entrance. It seems to lead to another cubic space. It moves through and again faces a square entrance in the floor. And it goes on and on and on like this. Suddenly the door of the chamber closes. The chandeliers begin to flicker. Bill has noticed that something is wrong. He says goodbye to his guests. The fountain seems to be filling up more and more, the floating lights still flickering. The curtains are blowing as hard as if there was a storm. The circular platform and the furniture on it begin to spin. He notices the smell of coffee spreading throughout the whole house. He knows what to do and opens the large glass dome over the hall. The aroma of the coffee escapes into the open air.
He closes the dome. The water level of the fountain lowers, the curtains move gently, the chandeliers shine again in warm light and the platform has stopped rotating.
This will probably be my last cup of Turkish coffee.
He looks out at the sky again and sees large cloud formations forming. Many single raindrops hit the glass of the dome. It is raining again in Istanbul.
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brascu · 2 years
me: I don’t want to wast time looking for references ç.ç
also me: spends a great amount of time watching videos about phisics and dimensions
also me: taking notes of my questions to ask my phisicist friends next time we meet at the bar
also me: hm, I think I’ll read this book on math after this one...
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rookheeya · 4 years
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Richard Feynman and bongos .
A great scientist wh knew how to live.
(Caltech Archives)
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armature57 · 4 years
Continuing with my new obsession with tea ceremonies, I really liked this video about Gong Fu Cha Tea. For starters, it really makes clear that this is a discipline, not a ritual, like the chinese ceremony. It is a craft designed to enhance your tasting capacity over tea, instead of something to do good tea to just drink. It is a philosophy completely different from the one I described as a comment in the video below. So, this far, there are drinkers of tea, tasters of tea, and ritualists of tea. Even though they might appear so similar that you might think they are the same. But that similarity is just like many others in other contexts that share some history to some point, but then separate and do different purposes. My brainy side will love to do this analogy: Think of the people that use least squares to do triangulation of several measures (like cartographists and phisicists), with the people that are trying to adjust an equation for a prediction as a black box (like machine learning practitioners), and with the people that use it to do causal explanantion of phenomena, like scientists. Same tool, very different purposes, which require an additional “something else”. A something else that, if forgotten or mixed up, well, will give you a bad result. Intention is always tied to purpose and to the idoneity of the tool, and in these sublte distinctions, the devil lives in the details. I think this analogy will serve more  students in my private classes of data science than Gong Fu Tea lovers. Or who am I kidding, probably just me. Anyway, it’s always entertaining to make analogies out of the blue. For now, enjoy this video.
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sanderssons · 7 years
What are The 🅱️oys™ all hoping to be when they’re older?
Logan: I want to be an architect, or a doctor, or a professor, or a phisicist or a zoo keeper. Patton: I want to be a card maker! Roman: I want to be a prince! And the heir of dad’s stages. Virgil: I want to be an astrophisicist!((So at some point I want to write about them in high school and older, but for now all that I know is that Virgil will become a swimmer and put astrophysics aside for a while because it’s very expensive and very hard to get in. But then he’ll get a scholarship or something. Roman will indeed pursue Dramatic Arts and also get a sports scholarship (still not sure if I want american football - because the clichée is delicious - or basketball just for the sake of High School Musical references). Logan will become a professor but I was thinking something in the line of professor of architecture because he sort beyond the science of also have this artsy side growing up in this family. Not sure, though. And I was thinking of Patton following Psicology as a way to channel his need to help people, although I really like the idea of him being a stay at home dad so let’s see how it goes))
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eugeniocaruso · 5 years
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USA, BROOKHAVEN N. L. .This plate is at the entrance of Phisics Division: The Cross Section Evaluation Working Group, a myth for the phisicist. (1986). https://www.instagram.com/p/BuvjV74l5Zb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vty5z0p456pj
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littlecreepyfangirl · 7 years
I kind of want to send them a lot of butyric acid (it smells really bad) Or at least a shitload of glitter Eat it Mofftiss But There's one other thing I have to say You have changed my life in so many ways... since today, I know what to do with myself I kind of always knew, but today... I knew. But I never knew that I will actually do. What I'm trying to say is I'm going to make something better. Sounds cheesy, I know. A little girl who liked something very much, so she thought she's going to... I'm not very much of a screenwriter nor an actual writer (althought I've tried many times, I don't want to share it, I'm not very good in describing things, I'm not a poet). As I said, I'm not a poet. But many people said that I have an artistic mind, I'm creative. Kind of. People have told me many times that I'm a genius Maybe I am But it doesn't matter. What matters is that every time I do something, my mind just goes: FACE IT, YOU'RE NEVER GONNA MAKE IT (a MCR reference, well done, it was supposed to be sad and clever and motivating *what do you mean, it still can be...*) What I'm trying to say is that my IQ says yes, my parents say yes (I kind of know it since 5 minutes after TFP, I thought their expectations are different, really different, like a doctor-phisicist-lawyer-politician-Nobelist and I was freaking out) the bullies say no, I say no... I'm not expecting to go to sleep and wake up with a decent self-esteem, it is a very complicated topic and I know it's not like that... more like... a step, another little step... A step... Do it. Make a step forward. Let's make steps. Will you do it with me? Maybe not with me, with everyone in TJLC... Okay? This isn't the end of the world... Let's do something. What are your interests? You dance? Fine. Dance like the world was ending tomorrow, despite it isn't (keep in your mind especially the last one). You are an actor? Good. You don't have any special job or you are still in school (like me)? Okay. It's all fine. Find something that keeps you right (or maybe you have already found it?). It's not only BBC Sherlock what matters. I know, that's really important to LGBT representation (the greatest love story never told... never told...) Oh God, what have they done? I'm not going to comment this. Sorry. I have no words. I know, the treasure turned out to be empty, but... the power of friendship I guess? I have met really awesome people. No one will ever take it from me. Even if they will be gone, the memories will remain. I'm very bad at coaching. Since now, I will be saying to myself: Let's make comic books. Let's make it art. Again. See you at 202x or 203x Comic Con, bitches I'm going to spit in their faces and yell at them YOU HAD ONE JOB . But maybe it won't be like that. Even though I'm not goint to give up. It's just... It's not gonna be a spit then. Maybe. . Maybe it's fake and they will show the real one next week? I'm probably sick, thoughts like this... Please, Sherlock, one more miracle... . My eyes were filled with tears. I turned on the lights. And I saw my Sherlock posters. I freaked out. I couldn't look at it. I wanted to destroy it... Don't do this. Don't react to everything related to Sherlock with hate. . Please, one more miracle... . . . Sounds cheesy, I know. Reading motivational post written by a kid who doesn't even know how to speak english properly (apologises from Poland)... I just wanted to be clever and kind of did it in a wrong way... . @quietlyprim @the-7-percent-solution @loudest-subtext-in-tv @inevitably-johnlocked I could tag so much more people...
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rnayamah-blog · 6 years
“ Humans are natural born scientists. When we’re born we want to know why the stars shine. “ - Michio Kali, phisicist 🌅MakeRealityNow Inspiring Over A Million Imaginations! 🌟However, after we grow up how many of us forget to look up to the shiny infinite sky? 🙋🏻Please visit Link in the Bio to learn more! FIND OUT MORE than 1.400 AMAZING, TRANSFORMING & INSPIRING Quotes, Colorful Images & Unique Videos! @makerealitynow
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hcsmnews · 7 years
@BlagenLogin @Dwyertd @malo_j @AlternatFacts I do not work for #pharma. I'm a #phisicist and I react when someone #deny #science or #ScientificMethod because it's really disgusting.
— Marc Castells (@UnCastellsMes) May 15, 2017
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parks2lb50d-blog · 7 years
Sir Isaac Newton Essay
Sir Isaac Newton Essay
Isaac Newton was born January 4, 1963 in Woolsthrope, Lincolnshire. He died March 31, 1727 in London. [tags: Sir Isaac Newton Essays], 1139 words
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A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. By Tim Lambert. Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe near Grantham on 4 January 1643. His father died 
A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. By Tim Lambert. Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe near Grantham on 4 January 1643. His father died 
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Isaac Newton was born January 4, 1963 in Woolsthrope, Lincolnshire. He died March 31, 1727 in London. [tags: Sir Isaac Newton Essays], 1139 words
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Kids learn about Isaac Newton's biography. He was a scientist who discovered gravity, the three laws of motion, and calculus. He is considered one of the great  
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Sir Isaac Newton essaysThesis Statement: Through his early life experiences and with the knowledge left by his predecessors, Sir Isaac Newton was able to 
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A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. By Tim Lambert. Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe near Grantham on 4 January 1643. His father died 
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Kids learn about Isaac Newton's biography. He was a scientist who discovered gravity, the three laws of motion, and calculus. He is considered one of the great  
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Sir Isaac Newton essaysThesis Statement: Through his early life experiences and with the knowledge left by his predecessors, Sir Isaac Newton was able to 
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Free Sir Isaac Newton papers, essays, and research papers.
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Sir Isaac Newton Jan 4 1643 - March 31 1727 On Christmas day by the georgian calender in the manor house of Woolsthorpe, England, Issaac Newton was 
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Sir Isaac Newton PRS was an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who is widely In similar terms, Voltaire wrote in his Essay on Epic Poetry ( 1727), "Sir Isaac Newton walking in his gardens, had the first thought of his system of 
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Kids learn about Isaac Newton's biography. He was a scientist who discovered gravity, the three laws of motion, and calculus. He is considered one of the great  
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Sir Isaac Newton Jan 4 1643 - March 31 1727 On Christmas day by the georgian calender in the manor house of Woolsthorpe, England, Issaac Newton was 
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10 Sep 2006 These essays are not intended to replace library research. They arehere to show you what others think about a given subject, and toperhaps 
Isaac Newton essays Sir Issac Newton (1642-1727) was an english phisicist and mathematician. When Newton was young, his primary school headmaster 
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hypatia-e · 10 years
My sister: Keep calm I'm a nurse
Me: Please bitch, I'm a Physicist.
My sister: ...
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adequote-blog · 12 years
Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.
Albert Einstein
Get more quotes on adequote.com.
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eugeniocaruso · 5 years
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USA.By car towards Pittsburgh I made a diversion and stopped at HARRISBURG, well known town to a nuclear phisicist. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqygmNFsuc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h4imm266q4xs
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