#phanbin drabbles
bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Give me a kiss~
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pairing: park hanbin x g group! reader
genre: canon, fluff
tw/tags: too much fluff, kisses, lap sitting, pda
wc: 705
summary: phanbin teaches you his favorite Korean phrase 💜
a/n my heart is still so, so sad after the finale and phanbin deserves all the love and I hope he can have a successful debut soon.
Check my pinned for more fics~
“Okay, say it back to me.”
Hanbin sits cross legged on the practice room floor in front of you with you mirroring him. It’s only been a week since he confessed to you. He’s had a crush on you since the star level test. While he tried his best to express interest, you were painfully shy when it came to anything except performing and usually stuck to the other foreign trainees.
When you came to congratulate him on hot sauce’s win at the k vs g group battle, he figured that he had nothing to lose before the first elimination and finally expressed his feelings. You saying yes had been a pleasant surprise.
He had been even more surprised when you chose Law team along with him. It was nice spending time together especially now when your questions about rap lyrics turned into an impromptu Korean lesson.
He smiles patiently, almost endeared as you stumble through the phrase he’s trying to teach you, mangling the last two words. You bow your head slightly in embarrassment and he fakes exasperation, sighing dramatically.
“Ah no, no, no, listen carefully, I’ll say it one more time.”
He scoots forward, taking your hands in his. Your gaze snaps back up to meet his eyes. You can’t help but watch his lips move as he repeats the phrase for you.
“Have you got that?”
You nod, still caught up in the feeling of how warm his fingers feel entwined between yours. He squeezes your hands ever so slightly but still doesn’t let go.
“Now your turn.”
Hanbin looks at you expectantly, still smiling. You try your best to look at him as you say it.
“뽀뽀해줘.” (bbo-bbo hae jwo)
Before you can ask if you pronounced it correctly, Hanbin leans over, his lips brushing against yours briefly. A peck. If you aren’t already flushed enough from dance practice, your cheeks are definitely red now. Hanbin pulls back, eyes playful.
“That was perfect, one more time for me?”
You duck your head and he lets go of your hands only to cup your cheeks between his palms, making you look at him again. Then, Hanbin pouts.
“Come on jagiya, one more please?”
You squeak out and he brings your face towards his, the kiss lingering a little bit longer. Your hands attach themselves to the front of his shirt as he pulls away. You hide your face in his shoulder, trying to let your cheeks cool down. Hanbin laughs, fingers carding through your hair.
“Aww, are you embarrassed, jagi? Are we feeling a little shy?”
You huff and he laughs even more, cooing into your ear. When you don’t move, the dramatics resume.
“Ah, you don’t even want to look at me right now. Did I do something wrong??”
You roll your eyes and he continues to whine, pulling you closer and closer to him until you’re practically sitting on his lap.
“Come on, please look at me.”
He quiets down as you lift your head, tilting your chin up and surprising him with a sweet little kiss that effectively shuts his brain off.
You’re so cute, he’s going to die.
The rest of the Law team watches their leader’s display from the other side of the room, expressions ranging from secondhand embarrassment to barely concealed disgust.
Yujin speaks up as he tries to bat away the hands covering his eyes (because they need to protect the child)
“-they already speak Korean well? Why is Hanbin-hyung teaching them that?”
“Well if they want to play dumb for a few kisses, then I think that’s on them.”
Kamden deadpans from where he’s sprawled across the floor.  He exchanges glances with Zihao, it’s an unspoken rule among the G group to use their ‘foreigner status’ to their advantage although that backfired sometimes *cough evil editing.*
“Honestly, they can do whatever they want as long as I get to lie here a little longer. Hanbin’s going to kill us the moment we start practicing again.”
Yedam groans quietly from where he’s lying face down.
The rest of the team murmur in agreement. They promptly avert their eyes from the couple as Hanbin’s voice reaches from across the room.
“Now teach me how to say it in your language, jagiya!”
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harus-simp · 10 months
Evnne masterlist
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With other bp contestants
Finding their baby pictures ft. Keita, Jongwoo, Chen Kuan Jui, Haruto, Park Hanbin
When you have a stan account dedicated to them ft. Jiwoong, Keita,Jongwoo,Taerae, Wumuti
Playing the pocky game with them ft. Haruto,Seunghwan, Seowon, Seungeon
Terazono Keita
Park Hanbin
Lee Jeonghyeon
Yoo Seungeon
Ji Yunseo
Mun Junghyun
Park Jihoo
Terazono Keita
A sight to remember
Surprise me
Park Hanbin
Lee Jeonghyeon
Overflowing darkness
Yoo Seungeon
Ji Yunseo
Mun Junghyun
Just a little touch
Park Jihoo
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Your Wish Is Granted
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(part one) (part two) wc: 2.6k warnings: light swearing, a bit of angst, fluffy ending pronouns: none used; n/a (reader is a trainee on boys planet, but it's just a story-- you can pretend any gender is allowed to compete, it doesn't affect the story!) summary: it's been radio silence from park hanbin ever since his favoritetrainee!reader left after the second elimination. did hanbin forget about them? is he interested in someone new? and will this potential couple be able to reconcile at the finale? 👀 ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ i KNOW y'all didn't see this coming but... my pal bp-zb1fics kind of convinced me like a week ago lol everyone say thank you lexxxx. i LOVE how this turned out. this is a text AND written fic and i think it's super fun this way. i hope you enjoy this final installment of phanbin x favoritetrainee!reader :)
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 7th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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"BITCH WHAT!?" Woongki shouts into the phone immediately after you pick up. "What happened!?"
You sigh. "Nothing happened... I guess that's the problem."
"But you kissed him!" He exclaims. "And he said he wouldn't forget about you!"
A sad laugh escapes your lips. "I thought maybe you were all just super busy preparing for the Artist Battle, and I totally understand that. But the more you texted me over the last two weeks and the longer I went with radio silence from him..."
Woongki is uncharacteristically quiet on the other end of the phone.
"What?" You ask, a little seed of worry sprouting in you. "What's wrong?"
"But I saw him on his phone every night," he says softly. "I thought he was texting you."
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Was it true? Had Hanbin really moved on to someone new?
"I'm so sorry, babe," Woongki comforts. "I don't know for sure that he was texting someone else, but..."
"But what other explanation could there be?" You finish his thought for him.
"Ugh!" He groans in frustration. "How could Hanbin do that? I never could've imagined that he'd play with your feelings like that."
You're not quite sure what to say. A lump growing in your throat, you try to force out some nonchalant response but you just can't.
"Hey," Woongki coos, clearly just as upset as you are-- if not more. "Do you want me to go beat him up for you?"
The thought of Woongki and Hanbin in a fist fight is enough to make you reluctantly laugh. "Are you sure you'd win that fight?"
"Okay, rude," he responds, a pout audible in his tone. "Seriously though. Should I go talk to him? Ask him what his deal is?"
You have to admit it's a little tempting. The past two weeks were hard enough wondering when Hanbin was finally going to send you a message. But now, thinking that it could be because he isn't interested in you anymore-- and didn't even have the decency to let you know.
"I don't think it's a good idea," you decide finally. "I don't want him knowing I've wasted so much time and energy thinking about him when he didn't miss me at all."
"(Y/N)," Woongki sighs sadly. "You don't need to feel bad for any of this. He deserves to feel bad for this!"
"I knowww," you respond softly, trying to force a smile back on your face despite the situation. "I love you, Woongki boy. You're literally the best."
"Are you free tomorrow?" He asks excitedly. "We can get boba with Seowonnie and shit talk Hanbin!"
"Count me in."
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 13th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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The sudden call of your name as you're walking down the busy street to your favorite coffee shop. You turn back around in the direction of the sound, your eyes landing on two familiar faces standing outside the salad shoppe.
"Yo, what the hell?" Kamden calls as you walk towards them slowly. "I thought you were busy this afternoon!"
Unsure of what to say as you approach Kamden and Matthew under the shoppe awning, you try not to let your uncertainty creep onto your face. "Oh hey guys!"
"Liar," Matthew mumbles, a little suspicious pout on his lips.
You roll your eyes, a laugh now escaping you. "You guys are so needy. I'm just grabbing coffee quickly before I get back to studying."
"Look at you, smartypants," Kamden teases, taking a sip of his iced tea.
"Why are you guys all the way out in this part of the city?" You ask curiously. "Had to be a bit of a bus ride."
"Hanbin wanted to come here actually," Matthew explains with a shrug. "He said he and Taerae had been talking about it."
You frown. "Oh."
Your eyes widen when Matthew's words finally register in your brain. The whole reason you'd said no to lunch with the boys in the first place was because Hanbin would be there.
"Um, where--... Where is Hanbin?" You ask, looking around nervously.
"I knew you'd want to get a glimpse of your boyfriend," Kamden says, smirking.
Matthew shakes his head uncertainly. "Taerae and Hanbin have been attached at the hip lately. Every time I see them, they're always whispering about something."
Your eyebrows raise as you consider this. Could the person Hanbin's been texting every night be... Kim Taerae?
"Really?" Kamden asks, frowning. "I haven't noticed."
"I mean, even right now," Matthew continues, pointing to the salad shop behind him. "They're both still in there after they told us to wait outside for a minute."
Your stomach flips a bit at this revelation. Taerae had always been so supportive of your little crush on Hanbin-- even when you weren't ready to admit it yet. Had he secretly been plotting against you this whole time?
"I'm sorry guys," you apologize quickly, starting to back away from Matthew and Kamden. "I really have to get going now. Text me next time you're going out-- I'll try to make it!"
"Good luck with your schoolwork!" Matthew calls, waving at you.
Kamden smiles, but you can see the slight suspicion in his eyes. "See you soon, (Y/N)!"
You walk back in the direction of your apartment, giving up on your coffee for today.
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 19th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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"Who are you texting?" Woongki asks, lying upside down on your couch-- his hair gently scraping the carpet as his face grows a bit redder every minute.
You groan, "Taerae."
"NO!" Woongki screams, haphazardly maneuvering himself until he's sitting upright. "Oh my god, what did he say?"
"He asked if I was coming tomorrow," you answer, rolling your eyes. "Obviously I'm coming tomorrow. I have to. Everybody has to."
"Yeah, right? I wonder why he'd ask you that," he muses, pushing his lips into a pout. "Maybe he wants to confront you publicly!"
You think about quiet Taerae for a moment. His big, dorky glasses, his broad, dimpled smile... his incredibly endearing loser energy. You couldn't imagine that Taerae was planning to humiliate you in front of all of your friends. On the other hand, you couldn't have imagined before a week ago that Taerae would potentially steal your crush from you.
"I doubt it," you respond.
"Hmm," Woongki hums. "I guess he could be asking for Hanbin? Being his little spy."
"Maybe," you agree, picking up your phone again and scrolling to Hanbin's contact. "You don't think this is my fault right?"
"Your fault!?" Woongki exclaims, outstretching his arms to you. You take both his hands in yours as you sit on the floor in front of him. "How would it be your fault!?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to date a loser," you say, sulking dramatically.
"Well who would?" Woongki asks, grinning. "Good thing you're not one."
"What would I do without you?" You ask rhetorically, resting your chin on his leg.
"Die," he says matter-of-factly. "You'd die."
"I'd also have no one to paint my nails for the finale."
"Exactly as I said," he responds with a grin, sifting through the container of your nail polishes before pulling out a steel blue color. "You'd die."
╭──────────.★..─╮ april 20th ╰─..★.──────────╯
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You're surprised your bottom lip hasn't started bleeding yet considering how much you've been chewing at it. Your blazer constricting you slightly, you roll your shoulders back hoping to stretch the fabric slightly and relieve the binding tension.
Hwang Minhyun is about to finally announce P09 after an absolutely nail-biting four hours. Poor little Yujin has to go home in literal minutes, so Minhyun has started rushing like crazy.
You watch as Hanbin presses his lips together, wringing his hands as he waits nervously-- Minhyun speeding up the reading of the result greatly as compared to P08-P01.
"The trainee in Ninth Place and therefore taking the final spot in ZeroBaseOne..." Minhyun pauses, because he just can't help himself. "Is..."
"Han Yujin!"
You jump to your feet as all of your fellow trainees do, showing your support for the young boy. But your eyes are still fixed on Hanbin. He's smiling, nodding as he accepts his fate. You think that maybe he knew the chances were slim...
But, as you know all too well, preparation doesn't make it hurt any less.
Seowon rests his head on your shoulder from behind you. "Are we happy? Are we sad?"
You sigh. "Both."
The finale ends and all of the trainees start making their rounds; congratulating your friends or consoling them. You give Kamden a huge hug, joking that now you both can debut together.
The celebration moves backstage as the arena begins to empty. You're jumping up and down with Matthew when you feel a buzz in your pocket.
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You look up at Matthew, sighing as you smile apologetically. "I've been summoned."
"Go talk to your boyfriend!" Matthew encourages, pushing you off down the hall. "I'm sure he's eager to see you."
"Right," you mumble, making your way to the door labeled 'East Wing'. "Boyfriend."
You pull the door open, surprised when the hallway is completely empty. You walk forward cautiously, wondering if Hanbin is actually playing some mean prank on you.
You jump, your hand clutching your heart as you try to catch your breath. You turn around to find Hanbin grinning at you.
"Am I really that scary?" He teases. You look down to see a little purple gift bag in his hands.
But the adrenaline is pumping through you now as a result of his little entrance. Not stopping to think it through, you find yourself suddenly laying into him:
"Are you kidding me!? You don't text me for a whole month and you think you can just walk up behind me, give me a heart attack, and then act like nothing's happened?"
Hanbin's head tilts to the side confusedly. "What do you--?"
"I get it-- believe me!" You cut him off. "You don't like me anymore. You like Taerae. That's fine."
"I like Taerae!?"
"I know! I just said I get it. You can like each other all you want. But you could've at least done me the courtesy of texting me and telling me. I was..."
You falter, a lump beginning to build in your throat. Hanbin's just blinking back at you, eyes wide in surprise. "I was really worried about you," you manage to say. "And I missed you. And to find out you didn't give a shit about me the whole time!? I can't believe you, Park Hanbin!"
Taking a breath, you look at Hanbin now. He's biting his lip, corners of his mouth turned up-- clearly trying to keep himself from smiling.
Your brow furrows confusedly. "Why--... Why are you--?"
"God I like you so much," he says, finally breaking out into a grin. "So, so much."
"What?" You ask, taken aback by his unexpected sentiment. "No you don't. You didn't text me for a month!"
"No," Hanbin responds, pressing his lips together. "You didn't text me for a month."
You blink back at him; unsure of what to say. "Wh--... What do you mean?"
"You never gave me your number."
Oh fuck.
"I put mine in your phone before the second elimination, but... you never gave me yours," he explains, visibly enjoying the look of horror and shame that is playing out on your face.
After a long moment, all you can manage to squeak out is: "Oh."
Hanbin's brow raises expectantly. "So is there any of your little spiel before this that you'd like to take back now?"
You nod pitifully. "Yes."
"Which part?"
"All of it," you mumble. "I'm so sorry."
"That's what I thought you'd say," he says with a smirk before his expression softens. "And I'll forgive you."
"Really?" You respond hopefully.
"Of course," Hanbin affirms with a nod. "But..."
"Oh no."
"I just think that if you got to tell me off," he says, giving you a mischievous smile. "Then I should get to tell you off, too."
Your bottom lip tucks between your teeth as you smile sheepishly. "I guess it's only fair, yeah."
Hanbin smiles at you fondly before a melodramatic dramatic anger suddenly shifts his expression. "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE TEXTED ME FOR A WHOLE MONTH!? I kept waiting for you to text me or call me or, god forbid Facetime me so I could see your adorable face! I was so worried about you. Not to mention, I missed you so much."
Your heart melts at his words; so ashamed you'd been so silly.
"AND THEN," Hanbin continues, his eyes narrowing. "To hear that you had the time to text Woongki and Kamden and Taerae but not me!? I thought you didn't like me anymore. I was devastated."
He pouts, his brow furrowing cutely as your heart pounds in your chest. You ask quietly, "Why didn't you just ask someone for my number?"
"BE. CAUSE," he sighs dramatically, emphasizing each syllable. "I didn't want to seem clingy or anything."
You throw your arms around Hanbin, unable to hold back any longer. Squeezing him tightly, you feel him reciprocate the embrace-- one arm snaked around your waist and the other holding your back comfortingly.
"So you're not dating Taerae?"
"Ew, no. I'm not dating Taerae," he says with a laugh, pulling back from the hug to see your face. "Taerae's just the one person I was confiding in about you. I didn't want any of the other trainees gossiping too much about you."
"Of course," you say sadly. You should've known Hanbin had actually just been trying to protect you.
Hanbin holds out the purple gift bag to you now with a smile. "Taerae actually told me that you'd mentioned you liked that salad shoppe we went to for lunch last week. I actually got you a gift card after we ate when Kamden said you couldn't come that day."
"You are the sweetest ever... and I'm an idiot," you say, shaking your head as you continue to grip onto each other for dear life. "But I have to go now."
"What?" He asks, brow furrowing confusedly. "What do you mean? Where are you going? I'm coming with you."
Lacing your fingers in his, you begin to pull him with you down the hallway and back towards the dressing room area.
"I owe the new main vocalist of ZeroBaseOne a little apology."
“Eh, I think he can wait,” Hanbin says suddenly, smirking as he stops walking. You try to keep pulling him forward, but he’s fixed to the floor like a stone statue. Curse those perfect dancer muscles.
“Hanbinnie,” you whine, stepping towards him with a pout.
“(Y/N),” he says softly, giving your arm a small tug until your faces are inches apart. He seems to admire you for a moment, studying every inch of your face until his lips are on yours.
You’re lost in the moment, arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer to you. You don’t even consider where you are or who could see you and take a picture and ruin both of your careers. You’re too busy finally kissing Hanbin after a whole month of absolute insanity. And it's everything you'd wished for and more...
“Oh my god,” a voice calls behind you. “What do you think you’re doing!?”
Entirely caught off guard, you’re immediately set into panic mode. You detach every part of your body from Hanbin’s and jump at least two feet away from him.
“APOLOGIZING TO TAERAE!” You shout the first thing that pops into your head before turning around to see who is watching you.
Taerae frowns, brow furrowing nervously. “You… You’re apologizing to me by making out with Hanbin?”
You and Hanbin turn to look at each other, equally shocked by being caught. After a moment, you both turn back to Taerae and nod; simultaneously answering, “Yes.”
Taerae stares at you for a second before finally shrugging:
“Apology accepted.”
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Don’t Take Him For Granted
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wc: 1.3k pronouns: none used; n/a-- reader is a boys planet trainee, but like... it's just pretend, ya know? you can pretend there aren't just boys there or whatever you like! warnings: maybe some swears; fluffy; ft. comedic stylings of kam, yedam, zihao and yujin summary: park hanbin's favorite trainee distracts him from overworking a very grateful LAW team ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ this was a request and i was so happy to make it! park hanbin was one of my top picks from the very beginning! what a talent. so much willpower in one boy-- it was amazing to watch. he will do incredible things; i have no doubt the star masters offered to take very good care of him!
"Ah-ah-ah-ah, 고개를 들어라," you hear as you crack the door open slightly to the LAW team's practice room. You watch as Yedam makes his way to the front of the formation, fumbling the choreography slightly as a nervous grin spreads across his face.
As the song finishes, you creak the door open a bit more-- Hanbin starting to address Yedam and the rest of his team sternly.
"Yedam, we've practiced this twenty-seven and a half times," the notorious perfectionist scolds. "So we'll practice it twenty-eight more until you get it right."
As the rest of the LAW team groans, you suddenly lose your grip on the door handle and watch in horror as it flies open unceremoniously to reveal you eavesdropping.
The whole team's eyes are on you immediately, including Park Hanbin's. The leader's demeanor completely shifts when he sees you, his lips pressing together in a sheepish smile at your presence.
"Hi, (Y/N)!" Hanbin greets, waving at you cutely. "Everybody take a nice break. You've all earned it!"
"Oh, thank god," Kamden mutters, collapsing to the ground as he attempts to catch his breath. "I love visits from (Y/N)."
"He's gonna kill us," Zihao whines, joining Kamden on the floor as he lays down like a starfish on his back. "I wish I hadn't knocked (Y/N) off our team. Worst mistake of my life."
You laugh awkwardly, stepping into the practice room fully and shutting the door behind you. “Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Yedam picks up his water bottle. “Please interrupt us at literally every hour of the day.”
Hanbin clasps his hands in front of his chin and bouncing up and down happily. “You weren’t interrupting! What’s up? What do you need?”
You walk towards him, his arm wrapping around you affectionately as you hand him the diagrams you’ve made of the formations of your mission song this week. “Can you tell me what you think of these transitions?”
“You want my opinion?” Hanbin asks, eyes wide with pleasant surprise. “Really?”
You laugh, nodding quickly. "Of course! Who else is more qualified than Park Hanbin?"
A grin spreads across his face slowly as he reluctantly turns his attention from your face to your formation papers. He sits down on the floor, tracing your directional arrows carefully with his fingers.
"How does Woongki get from this spot to this one?" He asks suddenly, pointing out the two very different positions on the stage.
"Okay, yeah, this one was one of the ones I was worried about. We had a pretty interesting transition, but it might still be too convoluted," you explain, standing up from where you've crouched beside him and demonstrating the move you'd choreographed.
Hanbin nods, brows furrowed in thought as you finish. "I like it, but I think it's just too far for him to travel-- especially on a bigger stage, you'll naturally be more spread out than you practiced."
You look over at the other members of the team, who are all sprawled out on the floor. You're pretty sure Yujin has fallen asleep. "I'm sorry for taking away from your practice time, guys."
Zihao sits up suddenly, waving his arms back and forth wildly. "PLEASE, KEEP TAKING AWAY FROM OUR PRACTICE TIME!"
"Seriously," Kamden agrees. "I can't feel my right leg."
Hanbin glares at the other boys before waving you back over and patting the floor beside him so you'll sit back down. He untucks the pencil from behind his ear and draws a new diagram underneath yours. Marking a couple directional arrows on the new formations, he taps the pencil lightly on the Woongki placemarker.
"If you have Woongki move up one more place in the previous formation, he'll be able to make his way up in a more stepladder-like fashion," Hanbin explains. "And it'll also look more pleasing to the audience's eye for it to fold out like this."
You nod thoughtfully, playing out the motions in your head before smiling up at him. "I get why people keep calling you a genius now."
Hanbin giggles, hands flying to cover his face in embarrassment.
"Ew," Yujin mutters with disgust, causing the other boys to glare at him in a warning.
"Do you want him to make us keep practicing!?" Yedam exclaims, before lowing his voice slightly. "He only ever lets us lie down like this when his favorite trainee is here. We need to keep (Y/N) in this room for as long as possible."
"We can hear everything you're saying, Yedam," Hanbin hisses before smiling at you, cheeks tinted crimson. "Everything else looks great to me! Thanks for trusting me to help you... Please come ask me for help any time you want."
You smile back shyly. "I will."
"WAIT!" Kamden exclaims desperately. "You're already here, I mean, don't you... don't you want to see what we've got so far?"
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. "Oh, uh--."
"Guys, don't be greedy. (Y/N) probably needs to get back to the Feel Special practice room," Hanbin answers, attempting to give you an out if you need one.
But the thought of returning to the Feel Special practice room makes you a bit sick to your stomach. You'd already told Woongki to go get lunch by himself for an hour so he didn't have a literal conniption.
"Um," you respond, "I can spare a few more minutes."
Hanbin's head tilts to the side, as he raises an eyebrow curiously. You had bonded with him over being very dedicated team leaders, so his concern is not misplaced. "How's it going in there?"
You sigh in defeat. "Don't ask."
He grimaces, reaching his hand out and hesitating momentarily before placing it comfortingly on your knee. "I believe in you."
"You guys are so cute," Zihao coos, nodding encouragingly at the other boys until they also join in the approving murmurings. "Really, just adorable."
"I think, and just hear me out here for a second," Yedam says, hands rubbing together like a cartoon villain, "(Y/N) should just switch to our team!"
"You're right, Yedam!" Hanbin agrees suddenly, grinning at him much too enthusiastically. "I assume you're willing to give up your spot then? Go on. Get your ass over to Feel Special!"
Yedam sighs sadly. "Why do you have to be like that?"
You can't help but laugh as you take note of the absolute exhaustion all over the boys' faces. You're well aware that Hanbin's been working them into their early graves, but they'll be glad he did when they make it to MCountdown. Not to mention, they get to look at Hanbin all day. Maybe you should take Yedam's spot...
You stand up now, dusting yourself off. "I guess I should probably stop running from my problems. If Woongki and I can't fix this as quickly as possible, I don't know what's gonna happen."
Hanbin stands up, too, pulling you into a hug and cradling the back of your head. "It's gonna be okay. If anyone can pull it off, it's you," he reassures. "And Woongki's okay sometimes, too."
You snort at his joke, pulling back and looking at the other boys. "You'll be grateful Hanbin worked you liked dogs at the end of the week. Don't take him for granted."
"Of course the one that's in love with him would say that," Kamden mumbles, rolling his eyes.
Hanbin clears his throat very loudly. "Okay, thanks for visiting!"
You laugh awkwardly, walking towards the door and pulling it open. "You should visit me next time!"
"He would love to!" Yujin calls as you shut the door behind you.
Pressing your ear to the door, you strain to hear the aftermath of your visit to the LAW practice room:
"So..." Kamden starts. "We're in trouble, aren't we?"
"Chorus. Fifty times," you can hear Hanbin order, hitting play on the music as the room is filled with groans of exasperation and exhaustion. "Go."
"He's sooo cool," you gush as you walk back to your practice room, daydreaming about the next time you might see your favorite dance tyrant, Park Hanbin.
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jebewonmorelike · 11 months
archive bpml masterlist
all of my boys planet contestant fics that are not in zerobaseone are saved here for you to look back at if you ever so choose <3
find my zb1 masterlist here!!
boys planet trainees
yoo seungeon
Seungie Tokki (f)
If You Love Me, You’ll Give Me Your Robux (f)
kum junhyeon
He’s Doing The Thing Again (f)
Mentor? I Hardly Know Her! (f)
I Am The Boyfriend, Sir (f)
Gummy Worms (a,f)
Let's Win This Love (ft. Matthew) (f)
Let's Win This Love; Pt. 2 (Keita's Ending) (a,f)
lee jeonghyeon
I Wanna Stay With You (a,f)
Two Trainees Canoodling! (f)
park hanbin
Don't Take Him For Granted (a,f)
I Took You For Granted (a,f)
Your Wish Is Granted (a,f)
headcanons (zb1 & bp)
~Slumber Party with the Girlypops
~Being Jiwoong & Jongwoo's Baby
texts (zb1 & bp)
~jongwoo: roommates to lovers
~wumuti (boyfriend texts)
~lee jeonghyeon: favorite trainee!reader
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
hii! I have a request and I'm really sorry if this doesn't make any sense😭
https://youtu.be/lHQyC7A1GAQ I want to ask first if you've seen this video?? I died laughing while watching it HAHAHGA😭
Ok- so my request is uhm is it okay if you can write a drabble or scenario of Ricky and fem reader playing that game? Like- the reader is a trainee on bp but bp isn't bp but like something similar to your Phanbin one??😭 (I'm really sorry if this request just doesn't make any sense😭) and like during the game they couldn't stop smiling and tudtjdjtdtjd yk😭 and everyone keeps teasing them like- the rest is up to youu!
(Again I apologize if this request doesn't make any sense😭😭)
It makes perfect sense!! Gotta love an old school whisper challenge— the popular British Youtubers were getting 20 million views on these back when I was in 7th grade 😭 It’s so good.
Okay now I literally have the perfect idea for this! Whisper challenge with Ricky x trainee!reader coming soon (expect this weekend)!
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