#pffft X3
redrumrose · 9 months
Pavel seems to favor his father a lot appearance wise, what does he/the family generally feel about that?
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He's a carbon copy of his dad (except alittle shorter and stocky ^^) look wise and he HAAAAATES it. He's the only one of the brothers who remembers their dad (everyone else was too young), and those memories toward the end were not good ones :(
Because everyone was too young to remember father, they're pretty indifferent to Pavel's looks (though Dima secretly wishes he had cool yellow eyes to look more menacing xDD). And his mom mostly sees Pasha as himself <:3
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Lol my sisters dog just given birth puppies few days ago and this idea came to me XDD
And yes they’re golden retrievers imao!
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
I know I've said it before, but I still can't get over your pfp and the serotonin it gives me lol
Pfffft XD
I've been thinking about redoing it, that way it's Ibis (my skelesona) instead of Cross. Basically same expression, different person. But idk yet, since everyone seems to like this current pfp so much
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grassyeggroll · 1 year
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Pffft x3
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themsource · 5 months
You ain't wrong about the ending of Six Skeletons One Maid, It is truly touching and not the ending I didn't expect(but still a good ending)! You could say reader just did the right thing, healing herself after a plethora of events happened especially that beach chapter (damn that give me chills ngl). I was expecting an ending about the alternate versions going inside the machine and having the most heart breaking farewell and might forget them once they're gone, but we got a very... Idk how to describe it, therapeutic? All in all a very good fic to read ❤️
(Sorry for the rambling, this is my first time finishing a fic with alternate versions of them XD)
A heartfelt farewell would've been beautiful! ;w; But yeah this one really hit the catharsis on self-recovery and I adore it <333 The beach chapter was a trip, I remember first reading it and going 'How in the WORLD are they going to make up for this!?' Really had me at the edge of my seat ngl lol
Never apologize for rambling! XD And yeah, honestly feel this is my first too? Far as I can recall at the moment? Is that bad? pffft Still though I couldn't be happier. So happy you read it and enjoyed it just like I did Ice X3
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Pearl Eye was perfect for my train trip! Thank you for giving me something to do~❤️
Oh man! I love this underwater version of the Sleuth Jesters world. The fish-ified pet names are perfect and they did crack me up at times XD
The concept of twilight and sunlight mers instead of humans and machines is so intriguing!! You can make so many fun designs with this!
And AAA the designs!! Eclipse is terrifyingly beautiful, you captured xitsensunmoon's design perfectly and somehow made him even scarier!
OK! But those Sun and Moon designs tho DAMN!! I LOVE that Sun glows and can light up an entire room! I was confused at first when 'turning on the lights' was mentioned, what lights? And then HE lit up and aaaa it's just so clever!!
And Moon having tentacles but covering them up with his "hat" is so cool but also hits so deep... And his yellow stars and deep blues yeeees, truly a living night sky~
I really like how you described Y/N too with their white scales that reflect the surrounding light and their black fins, they're so beautiful! And the bells being sea shells is so pretty gosh!!!
(That was a lot about the designs, but you know me, I go insane over creature designs X3)
The tenderness has me in a chokehold! I'm SO WEAK to it GHAAAA!!!
Naff!! AAAA!! Incredible work as always!!!❤️❤️❤️
Ahhh, Meep! I'm really happy you enjoyed it!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm so glad the world-building translated well with the fishies and pffft, ngl, the pet names were fun to come up with hehe
I also enjoy writing mers and underwater environments, especially considering that my original story is heavily involved with such things, so it was really nice to share that and see it well received ♥ ♥ ♥
Yesss, I'm glad it was spooky and soft! I wanted to have a little bit of everything hehe *smooch ya on the head* Thank you so much, babe!
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I've been opening and closing tabs for the past 5 minutes 😭😭😭
Pffft x3
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panda-of-the-trash · 2 months
Hey panda >:3
I'll be your Tickety if you be my boo X3
Pffft yeaaah
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koiwypher · 1 year
I felt you should know that for the last 3 days I have seen a post of yours
"Whoa I love that. I should follow them"
Only to click your profile and remember I've been following for like 3 weeks lol
pffft x3 how silly but i am happy to hear
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redrumrose · 10 months
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“They appeared out of nowhere one summer.″
Some random assortment of old panels and photos (some Barbie stuff too pffft).
Edit: Added a scary Sunny x3
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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Send me ✪ and my muse will tell you what they’d like to do to/with yours. || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; ✪ [[ Your Rick & my Rick ofc x3 ]]
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✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  dance with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  sing for your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  ask your muse out on a date. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  take a bath with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  hold your muse tight. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  lean onto your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  kiss your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  sleep with your muse. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  marry your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  watch your muse sleep.
"Five all across the board, baby! I-If that doesn't tell you anything, I don't know what will. Shit, there'll never be a moment wh-where I'll fucking say no to any of that."
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cuddle your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  go to a party with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  watch a movie with your muse ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  play video games with your muse ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  steal horses with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cook together with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  support your muse’s hobbies. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  get drunk with your muse.
"D-Damn, is this even a fucking surprise anymore? I-I'll do everything and anything with my baby. Fuck it, even stealing horses, wh-whatever the fuck that entails. I-I just fucking love him so much."
✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  send your muse away. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  make your muse trip. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kill your muse.
"Fuckin' revenge i-if he trips me first, pffft, he's so cute if he thinks he can get away with it~"
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
Ooooohhhhh!~ well you know I'd never say no to a certain set of twins ;) but Cossette or Lunar would be awesome too!
Pffft X3 had a feeling you might ask for the twins, but Cosette and Lunar are a pleasant surprise, too
I MIGHT be considering doing a thing, so uhhh. Do you have a sona, or a basic description of yourself? 👀 Depending on how I'm feeling when it starts to cool down later, I might insert you into a thing with one of them
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Episode Maka Pt.6
[The Hunt ~ End of Planets - Kenichi Tokoi]
Hotaru/Saturn : Father! Please, snap out of it! You're already dead! You don't have to do this!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Sorry, Hotaru. But he ain't your daddy anymore! It's a giant heartless jerk!
Rei/Mars : Now he's one of the darksides! He became Heartless Tomoe!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Alrigh guys! Get ready to take this sucker--
Usagi/Sailor Moon : ...Down?
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : (groans in pain) Who blasted at me!?
Duo Maxwell : Hey, f*ckface!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : What do you think you're doing in my way of killing the Sailor Scouts! (sees Deathscythe standing in front of him, holding out with it's scythe)
Duo Maxwell : Mr. Tomoe, I have one thing to say to you. Like man, you're a bad father! Time to give you the proper meaning of having better parenting! This will be your last!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : I won't back down from a coward! I'll send you to hell, immediately!
Duo Maxwell : Then find another place besides Hell! You devil!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Unbelievable! That giant robot just him in one punch!
Duo Maxwell : Now, girls! Now's your chance! Use your magical superheroes to attack him!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Right! This should be a piece of cake!
(the sailor scouts use their magical superpowers to attack Darkside)
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Let's see if he likes magical girl power! Talk about a superhero cliche moment!
Minako/Venus : Uhh, guys? I don't think our superpowers is working, maybe!
Ami/Mercury : What is this guy made of!?
Makoto/Jupiter : He's too black and too strong!
Scouts : Excuse me!?
Makoto/Jupiter : You know the coffee thing from Malcom X, I basically heard from final boss level on that DS game they played! You know the song from that game, It came from civil rights movement speech! Totally rush style!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Can't you think a better joke than that?
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : Foolish, Sailor Scouts! Can't you see that this is a perfect body that I needed. This body is made from Pureblood heartless and I am immune to magical girl powers that don't work on darksides! I was born to be flawless against you!
Duo Maxwell : Oh crap! that's right! Magical Girl powers are useless against heartless like Darkside! Unless...*DING!* I figured it out! The weapon that goes against the heartless is a Keyblade! It only works on Video Game logic!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : A keyblade! Pffft! You must be crazy! There's no way that I ever pulled a--(summons a Keyblade) Oh, wow! I gotta have one of these babies before!
Hotaru/Saturn : Usagi! That thing in your hand! Is that...
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Oh this? I found out that a kid named Sora has the ability to summon this from his heart. It only works on video game logic.
Makoto/Jupiter : Logic? That can't be right. It will never work for us! (summons a keyblade and as well for the scouts)
Rei/Mars : Woah! This thing came out of my hand!
Minako/Venus : So this is what the powers of a Keyblade look like! That is video game logic!
Duo Maxwell : Hurry, use it now!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Got it! Okay, scouts! Is everyone!
Scouts : Yeah!
Usagi/Sailor : Okay! Here goes (charges Keyblade) Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto! Together!
Scouts : [in unison] IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, WE'LL PUNISH YOU!!!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : (yells in pain) The light! But why! It only works on me!? That's not possible! How can the Sailor Scouts uses the power of light!? I can't be defeated by a bunch of vixens in superhero clothing!
Duo Maxwell : And now...You're out of the question!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : Hotaru. This world, you and I, have a special purpose for what it means to have a heart for us. Humans will over come their fear one day and get a chance step out of shadows and into the light itself. I was designated to complete my research of what your heart says and I dedicated it. Hotaru, please, spare me. Spare me and I will let you and all of your friends go. I needed you, you needed me!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Can it, professor! This is the real world that we all live and we can do it for ourselves to make a one big future and that makes the Sailor Scouts one big family! You got yourself a deal with your problems to worry about! That's on you, Mr. Tomoe!
Hotaru/Saturn : Sorry that I mean to bother you and it pains me to tell you something before I even let you go. Professor Tomoe, listen to my words, the Sailor Scouts are my family now and I have opened my heart to come clean and to tell you one last for you, the reason why I chose their side to be with them because...[determined] YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER ANYMORE!!! GO TO HELL, YOU HEARTLESS DEVIL!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : But, Hotaru! I...I don't derseve to die like this! Please, give me to say--
Duo Maxwell : --onara! So, beat it!
*DBZ/One Piece : SLASH!*
Duo Maxwell : Finally it's over!
[Mission Accomplished - Kenichi Tokoi]
Usagi/Sailor Moon : (laughs triumphantly) We won again, guys! Evil never wins! Justice has been prevailed!
Minako/Venus : Thank god that insane father of a sailor scout is gone! The keyblades sure do come in handy! That's video game logic for ya!
Makoto/Jupiter : We're finally free from that evil scientist!
Rei/Mars : At last, the nightmare is over!
Hotaru/Saturn : I...I did it! I finally did it to avenge you, mom. I am no longer bounded by our cursed pasts, we've begun to walk towards the future. It's time for me to move on and live life the fullest.
"later at Sailor Senshi Headquaters..."
Luna : Excellent work, sailor scouts! You did a fine job on taking down the enemy intrustion. Thanks to you, Usagi. You show your friends the courage you needed another threat.
Usagi : Heh! No problem! It was all part of my plan! We finally saved Tokyo, but they might come back to the city, we're still figuring out that why would a 14-year old girl would attack the city and the American Public. Hmmm...I believe it has something to do with a queen that looks alike her twin, another twin from around 70 years ago. Let's just put that in the book for sure. I bet a look alike of that 14-year old girl is behind all of that. Well, at least we saved the city from harm.
Luna : Correct, Celestial 9 is very proud on you completing your task, I will look into the reports on whether they made the mission a success, that is all I ever wanted to hear. Remember, we must look on the threats on all inter-related crimes and the people of this here planet needs the cases to be solved. We Sailor Senshis are a taskforce to defend the human race from the forces of evil, and it is out job to keep Earth safe from ever being harmed. Alright, Senshis, you're all dismissed.
Usagi : Yeah, no probs.
(scene cuts)
Usagi : Man, what a rough battle. Too bad that it's sorrowful that we had to take down your "crazy" father back there. Yeah, I know, my archenemies or rivals from the past are much kind of a jerk nowadays. Thanks for keeping my friends from a ever going corrupted into supervillains, that would've real messed but how did you get the Sailor Scouts back to their humanity?
Hotaru : Easy. "Nanomachines, son!" That's how sci-fi works, they harden in response to the shapes of physical trauma. I'm aware that line will ever be foreshadowed as a meme by the year 2013. You probably know that Nanomachines might be in our friends' bodies, but, they have been removed thanks to the powers of medical science. Our medical research team had to extract their bodies Since Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were saved from their archenemies and so does the bad men in the streets of Tokyo.
Usagi : I'm glad you got that right. No men in any country would harm a superhero like me,would they? They wanna harm superheroes, they messed with the wrong girl! I am Sailor Moon and that will forerver be my superhero secret. So it's cool, that I would indeed come back to see mom again.
Ikuko/Usagi's Mom : Yowza! Usagi, what are you doing here at a place like this? And haven't you forgot that you got school tomorrow?
[Comedy - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Usagi : M...Mom!? Wait a sec! What are you doing here?
Hotaru : Relax, Mrs Tsukino. I'm her friend and this is the new Sailor Senshi Headquarters.
Ikuko Tsukino : The new what? Oh you mean, you are her friend from that other school? Well, it is a pleasure to meet you on your daily basis, I'm Usagi's mother nice to meet you being, umm, is it me or does it look you not wearing any...
Hotaru : It's cool being here, isn't it? But we don't wear our Senshi uniforms at HQ, we only work here without any clothes. We are simply allowed in our birthday suit or in our optional clothing such bare skin. But I guess you became the first person to see HQ fully clothed.
Ikuko Tsukino : Well then, my apologies, young ma'am. I'm so sorry for my eavesdropping. Usagi-chan, you might be a hero to keep your secrets, but you're still my daughter and you have school tomorrow.
Usagi : Yeah, mom. So I like it here as a secret, I got work as a Superhero, but do I really have school like now? How long has it been. Wait, if this is the year 2006, then why is pluto considered to be a planet? Hotaru, How many years have we've been sleeping for over a year and a decade from the past?
Hotaru : Umm, according to my calculations, our friends in 1999, but I believe it's about, umm, like seven years since the Dead Busters we're killed!
Usagi :Wait, you're telling me that I've been asleep at the place for...Seven years!? How long since our old tv show was debuted?
Hotaru : After Naoko and Togashi's marriage, before that, let's just say that our tv show have debuted around...14 years. No we originally debuted about....15 years. (Usagi tilts and then collapses)
Hotaru : Don't worry, you'll get use to it.
Mrs Tsukino : Well, at least she's got school Tomorrow.
[What a Pity! - Kenta Nagata]
[Iris shot]
Usagi : Wow! This is going to be lucky day for me, isn't me!? I missed the 90s.
[iris out]
~ Act 5 : Family of Heroes ~
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frozenhi-chews · 8 months
took a while to send this whoops!
Assumption ask: Spring.trap think of ways to jumpscare SURPRISE you when you check in for your night shift for funzies! Prolly slide in a surprise smooch too [if he can X3] -@wisp-herr
PFFFT YEAH HE DOES. Sneaky lil bugger ain't he? Genuinely shocking how that incredibly old suit he's in is THAT silent.
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voluminous-violet · 2 years
Pffft you're all trying to stuff with emojis? x3
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
WEDNESDAAAAAAYYYYY! ...That is all. *walks out the door* 
Thank you @drag-on-age for the tag! <3
So, writing. It’s been hard lately, not gonna lie. Between work, my mental health, and whatnot, I haven’t had the energy to sit down and focus on a piece. But, this morning, I opened up a random document with a snippet that I had started from a long time ago, and just...filled it in a bit. Don’t know what possessed me, but I’ll take it! XD
Behold! Fane being Mr. Snark and Sarcastic while being confused, and Yune just enjoying everything about the strange world of Thedas! That is...except one person. >:3
It was raining. It was raining in the mountains--snowy mountains.
Fane understood nature’s random ‘mood swings’ per say, but this was...this was wrong on so many levels, and it had him blankly staring out into Skyhold’s garden as a steady downpour soaked into the plant life and pitter-pattered against the stone paths. His ears twitched at the hollowed out sound of water hitting the roofing above where he was situated on a bench, under cover, of course, with Yune next to him. He and his last remaining kin often spent a chunk of the day together, content to sit side by side or, as Yune was prone to do, trail behind him everywhere. But he supposed it was to be expected as, for all intents and purposes, he was the tiny dragon’s ‘mother’.  It was still odd to think of it like that, but Fane was...warming up to the idea. It wasn’t so bad and it was nice to see that his kin lived once more, that they survived despite the odds being against them. However, there were times he had to put his foot down, but not stunt freedom.
Yune was free to traverse where he wished, despite Cassandra’s protests on that decision, but Fane would admit it would be bad if curious fangs found their way to the war room. Just a bit. So, sitting out in the garden like they were now or silently strolling to and fro was the best course of action. Thankfully, Yune seemed utterly content with that, never whining or fighting when he would say, ‘Not here, little wing.’ After all, if Fane wasn’t available then Solas was, and the little dragonling adored his sky to bits, or even his sister, who had oddly taken a shine to him. Which was...good. Yeah, it was good. It afforded an opportunity--a sliver of the truth without him directly divulging it. There would be a time and place for that, but not here.
Not here where it was raining when it should be snowing. Skyhold had made no sense to him in the past, and it made no sense now in the present. All he knew is that it sang with notes long thought lost and...had so many structural issues that he nearly fell head first and into a chasm when he’d been first exploring it. He had a long conversation with Gatsi after that. And Solas. And Cullen. Suffice it to say, the prison had been promptly shored up and free of a fucking waterfall.
Too bad he couldn’t get rid of the waterfall tumbling from the sky, large droplets pooling in the grass and dirt since it had no other place to go. Fane stared at a singular puddle, feeling his face was completely blank. Maybe he should invest in plumbing next.
Even as he was highly unimpressed by heaven’s wrath, Yune wasn’t. Yune never was, actually. The little dragon always grew excited when witnessing events both natural and unnatural. But, that was precisely what Fane hoped for every time he saw emerald and gold fixate itself on a person or object--curiosity. And Yune was displaying that hopeful trait right now.
His whitened kin was upright, alert, serpentine tail and head flitting back and forth with curiosity towards the rain. Emerald and gold glittered with intense interest at each drop, each puddle, each rivulet that hugged ancient stone, and each person as they ran with either grumbles or disbelieving laughs. On occasion, the little dragonling would let out curious chirps as the rain would pick up and then level out, but for the most part, he was a silent audience to the spectacle, just as Fane was. Seeing such...innocence made his heart feel warm, however. No frigid, abnormal rainfall could extinguish his fondness for his kin and seeing him thrive in an environment he technically should not be able to was comforting.
Unlike the rain. Why was it raining in the Frostbacks? This world, this world, would forever through curve balls and make him rethink its laws. Typical.
“Does this seem normal to you?”, Fane asked, confusion causing him to break the gentle silence between him and Yune. He snorted with slight amusement as a few pilgrims scurried to find cover from the deluge, white and red robes drenched and expressions dismal. They looked like drowned rats, bereft of hope and utterly miserable. He would have thought they’d be happy to ‘bask’ in the ‘Maker’s’ glory. He supposed the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree when it came to faith. Revering one moment, scorning in the next.  
Yune let out something between a growl and hum, a sound most would not pinpoint as contemplative, but even in a form so unlike the little one next to him, Fane knew it to be so. He glanced down from the little dragon, irritation rolling away like the rain upon the roof as brilliant eyes and ivory scales replaced the sight of strangeness. Since he and Solas had found his snowy kin in the Emprise, Yune hadn’t grown very much, form the size of a cat and most of his draconic features were in their infancy, fangs sharp, but too sharp, wings wide, but not enough for anything more than momentary gliding from a ledge to a shoulder. However, he was still Fane’s kin, the last of their kin, and even a stunted form due to premature hatching and improper nesting couldn’t change that.
“Chrrp!”, Yune chirped with an infant rumble, looking up at him suddenly as if to voice his answer, and that was, ‘It’s okay!’.
Fane’s face went deadpan, but he could still feel the heat of fondness in his heart. He had never had much interaction with young dragons in the past, so such wonder, such innocence was at times lost on him, but only for a moment. This was how his kin were supposed to be, open and curious about everything, and it was soothing to see the Veil had not warped such a pure spirit to madness. If it had...well, it was best not to think about ‘what ifs’. That was a lesson he repeated time and time again to both himself and Solas. All that lied ahead was the future, even if it was characterized by the past’s mistakes.
And those mistakes would not come to pass again. Never again.
“I don’t know,” Fane said around a chuckle, shoving away the shadows in his mind and reaching down to offer a few of his knuckles to Yune. He smiled a bit as a rattling purr echoed, a tiny head butting against his hand happily. “Seems pretty strange to me, but I’ll defer to your judgement.”
Yune let out another chirp, nuzzling and nudging against his hand happily and excitedly before going rigid, still as ice. Fane blinked, brows knitting together at the sudden change and slowly retracting his hand to place it upon the stone bench. That was sudden, even for a dragon. 
“Yune?”, Fane called out lowly, but gently. Yune only let out a tiny growl, emerald-gold eyes fixated on something beyond the two of them. He blinked again, slowly turning his head to where the dragon’s gaze was. “What’s--ah. I see.”
And see he did. In the distance, Fane connected gazes with a set of pure gold ones framed with ebony hair and a womanly visage. She was standing under the small gazebo on the other side of the garden, not at all soaked like many of the scouts and pilgrims that were still running back and forth to escape the sky’s shower. He met that calculating, piercing golden gaze with a glare of his own, a corner of his lip twitching with the want to snarl, but he held back. It wouldn’t do to pique the witch’s curiosity more than he had already after the Temple of Mythal. However, Yune completed that stifled want for him, letting out a deep snarl that was just as odd as the rain in the garden.
“Calm down, Yune.”, Fane soothed, stroking a serpentine head with the back of his hand, but kept his gaze locked on Morrigan’s, sending a message of, ‘Begone’, but would she heed it? Yune let out another growl, but it was more low, more normal to his small form, “Watch the rain.”
Yune huffed, the coolness of it making Fane smirk a little. No matter how warm the spirit, the core would remain cold. Despite his continued fondness towards the little dragon at his sign, who was at least attempting to listen to his request by looking upwards, Fane set his face like mortar as he watched the hard sheen of golden eyes. They were watching him, them, and that didn’t sit well. It was hard to exactly pinpoint Morrigan’s mood from so far, the rain obscuring minute details like a curtain. Truth be told, it was hard to ever pinpoint the eclectic woman’s mood. She always seemed...closed, mind fortified, soul bright but contained from moths wishing to alight upon it. Although right now...Fane could see a glint of that fire, and it was hungry from ideas.
Or more precisely, an idea about him, or rather, what he was. That was no surprise, truthfully. The temple had been...trying, and it had been hard to keep secrets veiled when the truth was so blatantly presented before them. So many memories, so many echoes of a land lost would make anyone fall into a rhythm of familiarity. He had been less aware than Solas had been, but even his sky had stumbled a few times, especially when the distant woman had began spouting ‘knowledge’ like a fountain that prided itself on its abundance of water. It hadn’t been knowledge, it had been reiterations of the same falsities that infected the world, and Solas’ mask had been tested from them. A few disconnections, wandering opposite paths together to find a way forward, had helped reseal it, but the truth of the matter was; they couldn’t continue silently standing by, waiting, wondering if the world could prove it wasn’t lost. Corypheus was desperate, close to breaking, and when he finally did, they would leave. They would leave and begin again.
Too bad he couldn’t make this witch leave. Her gaze was unnerving and...familiar. Fane didn’t like it, didn’t want it. Sadly, as always, his wants didn’t matter. Morrigan wanted a battle, an answer. Unfortunate because he had no desire to bend over backwards and give it to her. Speculation and theories would be all she’d have at the end of it, and he, with the truth.
The silent battle between them continued, the gentle fall of rain the only other sound that permeated his hearing as he watched gold orbs glint, disappear from a blink, and sometimes flit to the side or upwards as something caught their attention. They offered nothing in terms of understanding, closed off, bright but dark. They only offered a puzzle, a riddle bathed in nostalgic gold, and he continued to stare, to try and put the pieces in place.
What do you want? Fane thought, eyes narrowing as he caught another curious glint, the rain creating a shimmering veil between them, obscuring womanly features, but not gold that echoed like the temple had. What will proving your suspicions grant you? Knowledge as you so often reiterate as only wanting? His eyes narrowed more, mask cracking with a sneer as the next word sounded, bitter and corrosive. Or is it power? The kind that had been ripped from your grasp due to my sister’s intervention?
What to take away from this: Fane does not like Morrigan or rain. Also, forgive the lack of refinement. I literally just went in and added more to each passage without really thinking. X’D
Tagging: @oxygenforthewicked @noire-pandora @little-lightning-lavellan @dreadfutures @rosella-writes @dungeons-and-dragon-age @blueheaded @1000generations @varric-tethras-editor  @the-dreadful-canine and anyone else that’d like to share! (no pressure, as always! <3)
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