#personal dribble
modern-day-classic · 10 months
One thing no one ever tells you about getting a shit tonne of small tattoos is placement decisions become a fucking bitch.
I'm meant to be going to get my new tattoo on Sunday but I still have NO CLUE on placement.... I'd love it to be on my wrist, but I already have 4 across my two wrists. Then I thought biceps but I have some there too and don't want to look like I's starting patchwork sleeves.
Next I thought ankle, but I have some there already too.... ribs are out cause I have ones across there too and on my back....
My next thought was down one of my hips, but then no one would ever see it!
Guyssss I need suggestions! Do I just embrace the mess of having 7 tattoos across my arms, add another to the ankles or go with the hip?
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I booked a trip to Japan at the end of October, and even though it is so far away, it is the single thing I’m looking forward to the most.
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vcrnons · 10 months
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the many faces of hansol vernon chwe, part 2 / ∞
bonus, feat.dino:
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cupiidzbow · 2 days
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bites my fist. I miss them. so damn bad 😢😢😢
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Contemplating Minthara's drider joke if you bring her to Dribbles because two possibilities I can see
A. It's a nice little reminder that Lolthites are people, even with how dogmatic and doom and gloom the cult is, they take the time to come up with spider based wordplay (and take the effort to translate and/or come up with new puns in Common)
B. Minthara came up with that joke herself at some point. Your player character will already know about it so either its a common joke or Minthara has told it before. She approves if you send her up possibly because she just thinks it's that good of a joke (or because you're allowing her to get within stabbing range of the clown)
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I've been chewing on what fears the bg3 characters would be because I do that with almost every piece of media I like now.
Gale is the Beholding (hubris, pursuit of knowledge above all else, his ex can literally see everything he does in/with the Weave). You could make an argument for Desolation b/c of the orb but I think that's secondary. Wyll is the Hunt imo, but the Desolation works for him too- I think his situation is similar to that Hunter we meet whose name I'm forgetting, whose inciting incident has to do with the Dark. I thought the same thing about Karlach but I think she's Desolation instead of Hunt, both aesthetically and because she was actively betrayed and is, you know, dying. Shadowheart is the Dark. Halsin could honestly be the Lonely: he's pretty isolated from the people around him emotionally. An island unto himself etc etc. Lae'zel is the End imo. You'd think she'd be Hunt but End fits into Vlaakith's whole deal (victim of the End, avatar of the Hunt?). Astarion could be either the Buried (since that covers abuse as well, he was literally kept underground/out of the sunlight, etc etc) or the Hunt. I'm a bit undecided there. I don't know enough about Minthara to make a call on her and I don't want to just say Web because of Lolth. Slaughter, maybe? Since that fear covers war. Jaheira and Minsc are Hunt too, I think (there's a lot of Hunt but that comes with the territory when you're adventuring).
Gortash is Web and you cannot convince me otherwise. I think Orin is Slaughter but, honestly, Durge seems more associated with the Extinction to me because of Bhaal's end goal. The Desolation and the Lonely tag-teamed Ketheric's ass but he's an avatar of the End. Dame Aylin is an avatar of the Hunt, victim of the Dark, and Isobel is an avatar of the End a la the main End avatar we see (Oliver? I really need to re-listen...)
There's obviously a lot of overlap and bleed because there always is. I've been wanting to make art based off of this but it's not happening anytime soon so I figured I'd shout about it into the void a bit lol
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catgriller · 2 years
It’s come to my attention that Dave Filoni has said in an interview that he voted Ahsoka as guilty.. (correct me if I’m wrong I’m just taking words off of someone else)
“Obi-Wan Kenobi, out of loyalty to the Jedi order and out of political necessity, voted to expel Ahsoka Tano.
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Even though he believes Ahsoka didn’t do this. The decision to expel Ahsoka was a political one: the Jedi Council feared antagonizing the Senate and the population of Coruscant, and so they sacrificed Ahsoka.”
Hm I wonder how Anakin felt if he found out about this.
Would he find out about this? Anakin is a curious character, I feel like he would’ve hacked into something to see who voted what..
Then to see his friend, his master, his brother-in-arms…. vote his Padawan guilty for something she didn’t do.. imagine how much hurt he felt.
He shows in many different ways that he doesn’t treat his loyalty and trust like nothing.
I’d think if he did find out.. that Anakin would be too blind with rage and hate to see or hear Obi-Wan’s logical explanation. Maybe He would see Obi-Wan as a emotionless robot.
Maybe Anakin would start to hate him.
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o000ze · 4 months
(This is late but-)
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enden-k · 1 year
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i wanted to show new rings to friends but ofc i cant do it normal
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Possible escape idea. The Janitor’s condition is deteriorating and we need to get a move on as soon as possible. All this talk about food for me thinking. If materials are being brought in, there has to be a shipping bay somewhere around here right?
That could be our ticket out! -M
I have never heard of a shipping bay existing in a mall, though considering I dont know fucking anything at this point, least of all how a mall works, this might as well be how things are going at this point.
What's happening with the Janitor? Everyone in showfall has the same damn profile picture except rainbows, and I dont know how to do that myself or mine would be ace colors, I think I was mistaking one person for someone else.
If you can get to the food court, I'll join you. I cant really leave where I am right now, I am making sure AP doesnt do something more stupid then what he's doing right now, and trying to figure out the best way to break Charlie from his current... hours long color judging stream without appearing on his camera. I do not trust that if I were to try and remove him currently, the viewers will be on my side. If they are still watching this, most of them are most likely part of Showfall and will be alerted to something wrong.
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I’m really disappointed and frustrated with where I currently am mentally. I haven’t really connected with anyone in a long time, and I feel like most conversations I have with people I considered friends has been strictly defensive. I don’t think constantly having my guard up and walls around me is sustainable anymore. I’m going to do a full reset. Meet new people, do more things, blog more about my accomplishments and adventures. I need a place to vent and express myself that isn’t to a group of people who use that information for harm.
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adore-gregor · 4 months
#but i am feeling better overall about it all since yesterday#i should have read it sooner but as i told you i got an a in that class#and the professor also gave me feedback it was so nice 🤧#i love my uni professors they're really great ☺️#it just reminded that i am good at some things and maybe i will hopefully achieve a good job with my studies one day...#he gave me feedback on a text i had to write on the course and also more general#he wrote he apreciated my interest & participation in class &that he loves seing nothing more than in his students than that as a professor#:))#i also got 10/10 points#and he agreed with a lot of my observation and thought it was interesting to read#but also while i do love football i am thinking of quitting it#altough i don't like to be a person that runs away from difficulties#but honestly i don't feel very welcomed in the team either and they are just so different we have little in common#they are not mean to me but i don't really feel part of it either and there is this one girl who is overly competitive#and she moans at you if you make a mistake in training like in training!#i mean i'm not overly upset about if sometimes some words fall in a match it can happen in the pressure but in training??#like she also probably thinks she's so good but if she were she wouldn't be at our team now would she 😂#like calm down#and she's a defender but if she had to defend me in a 1v1 i bet she'd lose actually because she could never keep up with my speed 😅#i mean she's not horrible otherwise but and not that i'm that great besides my speed and sometimes i have my moments where i dribble well#but i'm not the one acting like this#and she's also the type of person who has inked in her bio on social media which i find funny sry 😂#if anyone who reads this has this too pls don't be offended#but you know it just makes me think why? how is having a tattoo one of the most interesting things about you 😂#it's not a personality trait? nothing else of interest in your life that's sad 😅#doesn't need to be true for everybody but if you disagree tell me why like i don't see it lol#and i'm also worried i won't play like i'm not putting in so much time to then sit on the bench#i'd even try goalkeeper tbh if that means i'd be appreciated for it if i were good at it#it's not that i think i'm so good that i need to play just that i have limited time with uni and tennis already...#it's a lot already i would at least like to get something out of it
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
at this point if im watching anime and a girl is playing basketball and they dont do the utena homage i feel cheated
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raindropsonwhiskers · 4 months
Vyuprax, completely ignoring the Bad Vibes radiating off of her childhood role model: YES PLEASE LET ME ON STAGE WITH YOU MR. DRIBBLES THE CLOWN
Vyuprax when Dribbles tries to stab her:
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magistralucis · 6 months
I consider myself relatively good at day to day cleaning, although I am rarely in the 'cleaning mood'. But I guess it had to come around sometime, even if sometime was this Monday morning at 8:30am, and now every drawer in my room is gutted and the walls smell of white vinegar
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
“He liked to make a soccer and basketball drill with pairs,” Karmanov described. “Some guys were sitting on the shoulders of others and playing basketball, while the ‘first floor’ guys [the carriers] were playing soccer. It was five-on-five. It got pretty tough, you know, after one minute of carrying Alexander Ragulin on your shoulders.”
Petition to put this in the next all star game purely to see malkin playing soccer with a suddenly over 7ft tall crosby on his shoulders trying to play basketball
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