#persian antics
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Home’s cure for “3am Zoomies”
I don't know how many of you own cats, but if you do, I don't know how many of you will get this. Well, like most cats, Palette sometimes gets the "3am Zoomies" which she will get incredibly hyper; which in turn will result in her enacting her daydreams with a lot more vigor, which may result in claw marks in the walls and furniture or stuff being knocked over. Wally has built a tolerance to these rituals, successfully blocking out the racket, but Home isn't so patient.
Home appreciates Palette, he does, but when it comes to tomfoolery like this, he must take drastic measures to keep himself from getting internally injured.
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the-herdier · 5 months
Disco Elysium Cat AU:
Cuno- One of two orange tabby kittens you found in a dumpster behind a convenience store at 2 am. Hissed and spat at everything at first, but is now adjusting well. Typical play behavior involves crab walking and is very talkative. Catnip makes him bunny kick anything and everything.
Cunoesse- The other kitten. Still hisses and spits at you on occasion. At three months old, she killed an intruding rat almost as big as herself and disemboweled it on the carpet for everyone to see. Has been destroying vermin both fake AND real with ease ever since.
Harry- Huge brown tabby walking disaster of a Maine Coon. Needs his butt fur clipped. Often falls asleep in positions that make you wonder how the hell he's comfortable. Once got his head stuck in a catnip bag and nearly destroyed an entire room trying to get it off. Depending on the day, will either adore or be unable to stand the presence of the other cats. Except the kittens. He loves them always.
Kim- Shorthair white bobtail with black spots. Looks like a pushover. Is NOT a pushover- something the kittens learned very quickly. Is the reason you have to bang on your car's engine before you start it. Also loves the highest spot in the cat tree. Mostly keeps to himself, except when he's snuggling up with Harry.
Jean- Medium-hair tuxedo. Cranky meow. Loves catnip more than he lets on. Has lived with Harry for years and is used to his antics. Grooms everyone, whether they'd like to be groomed or not. Will bite you if you try to stop him.
Klassje- the neighbor's white Persian. Gleefully teases your crew either from the fence or in the window.
Judit- Brown tabby longhair. Probably the most patient cat in the house in that she tolerates everyone. Happily mothers the kittens. Usually occupies the second-highest spot in the cat tree.
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j0kers-light · 10 months
How would J handle cats?
Hey hi anon!! 🖤✨
I’m allergic to cats so I literally don’t know what to write GOOGLE TO THE RESCUE! 🤣
I hope I didn’t screw this up anon!!!
Joker thought it was absolutely hilarious to troll your ongoing white lie about adopting a cat by buying you a real one!
Breeds of cats to consider would be a shorthair, Ragdoll, Persian, Siberian, Siamese, or even a black cat to be untraditional. But it’s entirely up to you to decide.
Regardless of the breed, Joker will only have the best for his Light and if you don’t pick, he will on your behalf.
Your apartment building only allows cats and smaller pets so Joker went out and purchased an adorable Russian Blue cat with gorgeous green eyes (like his) without your knowledge.
He swears up and down he wanted you to have a companion around while he’s away but the feline seems to like J more than you at first.
You didn’t mind the adorable cat walking around the apartment like it owned the place, you just stroke its coat whenever it jumps in your lap or watched it fondly when it swatted at something peculiar like dust motes or when a leaf falls from your plants in the sunroom.
It’s soft purrs were soothing in the quiet apartment and you didn’t realize you were giving the cat more attention than Joker until he pointed it out.
Only Joker would get jealous over a cat but he demanded your sweet touch and affection with a straight face.
Despite his jealousy, he still thinks this was a good decision. You are coming out of your shell more and he's confident you won't be alone on the long nights he torturing Gotham City.
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Imagine! You come home and walk through the door but notice the lights were out save for a single spotlight highlighting a chair.
Joker turns around, stroking a cat like the true villain he is and has the audacity to quote Austin Powers.
You were too tired for his antics.
“What is this? Are you Dr. Evil now? J, please tell me you didn’t name the cat Mr. Bigglesworth?” You groaned.
The grey cat was seated on Joker’s lap, purring from the rhythmic head scratches J gave it and you had to admit, it was rather cute. Its slate grey coat looked absolutely soft as she nuzzled up to Joker.
He just laughed and gave the kitty a pat on the head, before it leapt off his lap to wander off. It was shy walking past you but you hoped given enough time, she would warm up to you. Joker stood up to greet you properly.
You waited for your kiss and sighed when Joker didn’t disappoint. After the long day you had, you could use some loving from J.
“Errrr I named her after you. Don’t be jealous.”
You tilted her head curiously and Joker laughed to himself. You were so adorable when you did that. He steered you to the kitchen by your shoulders so you could start on dinner.
You'd been dying to try out a new recipe since you saw it online.
"You're my Light... and now you have Twilight." Joker smiled. Sure enough, after hearing her name, you heard her soft meow before she sauntered into the kitchen.
Twilight purred against J's legs and he scooped her up. He tickled her as you watched on in silence. He looked so a peace playing with a cat in the comfort of your home. You smiled to yourself. It was nice to see Joker happy for a change.
You washed your hands and dried them off to get started chopping up the vegetables.
"Hm, I get the inspiration. Her coat is beautiful." You mumbled.
"Not as beautiful as yooooou. I want my girls to get along while I'm noT around. Ya hear that Twilight? Watch over my Light."
Your stomach did a flip hearing Joker refer to you as his girl. You ducked your head to bite your lip.
You heard a responding purr as if Twilight understood exactly what J said but you knew for a fact Russian Blues were highly intelligent. Her wise lime eyes blinked at you. They were so beautiful as they were unnerving; just like Joker's.
Joker stayed in the kitchen playing with Twilight as you cooked and all was well until he started to get ready to go out after dinner.
"Will you be back tonight?" You yawned and walked him to the front door with Twilight right on your heels.
It had only been a few hours but you could feel a connection growing with the feline. Her eyes held so much expression, you found yourself talking to her as if she could respond.
Joker shrugged into his signature purple cloak and checked the pockets. Still heavy; he had everything he needed.
He didn't know how to answer your question though. "Ehhh, dunno Bunny. Got lots of plannns tonight. If ya want, you can wait up for me. I'll come running back if ya do." He pulled you in for a goodbye kiss until Twilight's soft cry made him look down.
"Sorry girl, I only kiss my Bunny."
You rolled your eyes and picked her up as Joker headed out the door. He called for the lift and waited for it to reach the top floor.
"Promise me you won't kill anyone tonight and I might wait up for you." You knew you had Joker when he flinched on his way into the elevator.
"I.... can't... guaranteeeee that.."
You shrugged your shoulder and stroked Twilight's head as the doors slowly closed. "Then you won't get to see my new lingerie set I bought. Have a good night, Joker." You sang.
You heard his tortured groan through the closed elevator's doors and giggled. You glanced down at Twilight. "He'll be back before dawn. Just you wait, girl."
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predict485 · 7 months
what is your parsee headcanon? :3
I headcanon that Parsee used to be a Persian human girl who travelled to Japan with some merchants a while back and she used to be a very nice person, but was horribly jealous of another girl travelling with the merchants who had green eyes. They were really pretty and Parsee didn't have them, so she just got super jealous and killed her via the straw doll hammer ritual in the cave entrance to the Dark Blowhole. The village found out and was driven down the cave and became a hashihime. So she finally did get green eyes, but at what cost...
Outside of the backstory, I reckon Parsee is still very angry and bitter, but she's very gradually cooling down and getting more used to the antics of the folks in Old Hell city. She's getting better, like the youkai in Former Hell are actually good friends for her. She has to make things up to be jealous about her actual peers because nobody is usually going to be jealous of Yamame.
Yeah but I think Parsee's neat. One of the first characters I found out about, can't go wrong with that.
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mihrsuri · 9 months
So this poll is still going (about my current fic ideas basically) but I think the top one is definitely going to win so: have some semi incoherent thoughts about what I call A Persian Jewish Woman (me) Has Feelings About The Horse And His Boy (or Clive Staples It Is On Sight)
The first thing to know is that I both love The Horse And His Boy (and Narnia in general) but also I have so many things to say to CS Lewis and not all of them are compliments. The second thing is that I have been thinking about my version of it lately.
The first thing with this idea is that okay, Calormen is having a White Witch Situation which has to do with Rabardash and his father being an outlier.
There was a rebellion that led to this and is the reason that there are now slaves - a lot to do with power and possibly some funding from some disaffected Northern Nobles as well. (This is actually how Shasta still ends up in Calormen).
Susan marrying Rabardash’s awesome brilliant brother and they bring in a golden age and thus, she stays in Narnia.
Listen, there is a story here about the beauty of Calormen, about the bravery and the traditions and the kindness that I just really really want to see - the tradition of clever women, of bonds between women (Rabardashs Awesome Brothers sisters and mother, Aravis mother having a role in all of this).
The Tisroc and Rabadash being very specifically rooted in a particular kind of entitlement that is not in fact, based in Calormen culture. (Or not alone anyway because I cannot).
Someone give me a decent treatment of Tash as a deity please.
The basic idea. Several nobles from both Narnia and Archenland are engaged in Antics - mostly around gaining money for themselves but also trying to destabilise Calormen specifically - they find a willing pasty in the Tisroc before Rabadash’s dad and so, everything is great! Profits! They can send people they want to disappear into slavery!
Except one of those nobles is about to be found out and so he flees and it plays out ala Shasta in the book (actually can someone write me Jewish!Shasta I need it for reasons).
Rabadash still gets obsessed with Susan, they still come to Calormen but she’s falling for his brother actually - it’s the brother who helps get them out, who Aravis and Shasta save.
He and Susan marry.
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i-am-a-fan · 11 months
If u had to give the traffic light trio an emotional support creature, who'd get what?
Redson: A cat. A giant Persian cat. That why it gets used to them as she gets used to it
Mei: A dog. Something loyal and energetic like she is! But isn't to bite when it needs to
Mk: Also a cat, but an orange one. Something that doesn't depend on him so much so they can take a breather. However, the antics of the orange cat would help to take his mind off things.
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dross-the-fish · 11 months
What do you think of AWL's Phantom of the Opera?
I am in an abusive relationship with it AWL's POTO. It makes me angry but I keep coming back to it.
I enjoy the music, I like the aesthetic and I do like it overall enough to listen to it every now and then.
That said....
I have some major gripes with it and they aren't the kind of gripes I can easily dismiss. I do think the musical is very style over substance (par for the course for Rancid Andy's work) and, this may sound a little weird...I don't like how Carlotta is handled.
I get that Carlotta exists to be laughed at for her over the top diva antics but the reality is that if any opera singer consistently sung or acted that badly on stage they wouldn't last long in the industry. It's a nitpick admittedly but I feel like posing Christine as a great singer would be more effective if Carlotta was maybe an awful and over the top person, but still a competent singer as a diva of her age and reputation would normally indicate. I just feel like it's a cheap gag and I've never been a fan of "Make character A look good because character B is awful."
To be honest a lot of the characterization, paper thin as it is, kind of rubs me the wrong way, I always kind of wonder why Madame Giry, who seems to know so much about Erik and thinks of Christine as a daughter didn't step in more to protect Christine. In that god awful movie and in LND Giry almost seems like the phantom's enabler/accomplice but that's a lot to unpack so I'm just going to throw the whole suitcase out.
I don't generally ship Erik/Christine so maybe the appeal of the musical and the tragic romance between the two is just lost on me.
It looses another point for not having the Persian.
All in all, it's satisfying enough as a musical spectacle, and I can't say I hate it. I just don't love it as much as it's hardcore fans do.
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madamrynodm · 2 years
Clone Wars/Prequel Characters + Partner Pokémon
Screw it, I’m gonna do this. Gonna break this down by different star wars properties so this post doesn’t climb into the stratosphere...
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Anakin + Talonflame - Everything about Anakin screams fire type to me. I can just see baby Anakin learning to podrace with an enthusiastic fletchling trying to keep up. A talonflame racing alongside his jedi starfighter would be sick as hell. Sadly, this pokemon would probably die in his transformation into Darth Vader, but I’ll deal with that later...
Padme + Ninetales - I almost said milotic here, but I think Padme’s got some spirit to her that matches a ninetales. All pretty and elegant (a ninetales would compliment her wardrobe nicely), and vulpix could be common enough that her handmaidens could all have one. Also a fire type to match Anakin :)
Obi-Wan + Gardevoir - Gardevoir just screams “so uncivilized” to me, it’d fit his vibe. Obi-Wan, as The Negotiator, strikes me as the type to have a fairy type. Something classy, maybe cute, but it can KICK ASS when the cards are down
Ahsoka + Grovyle (later Sceptile) - It’s all in the dual-wielding, baby. I think back to Gen 3/Advanced Battle when grovyle would use leaf blade like Ahsoka’s reverse grip. It could evolve later when she gets her white sabers in Rebels, showing how she’s come into her own since leaving the Order
Rex + Shiny Nidoking - Old school clone needs an old school king. He strikes me as the more grounded heh counterpart to Anakin’s high-flying antics, but he’s got the cunning to utilize a poison type well. A shiny to match the 501st, of course
Qui-Gon + Sawsbuck - He’s got grass type energy to me, and it matches his lightsaber. Also, his “go with the Force” vibes fit how sawsbuck changes with the seasons
Plo Koon + Noivern - This is one part “he would totally have a big softie of a pokemon” and one part “great pilot needs a great flying type”. You know this thing would dote on Ahsoka’s grovyle like how Plo dotes on her
Yoda + Kecleon - It just kinda fits. It’s a pokemon that I can see him taking to the Council but also thriving on Dagobah later down the line. It’s deceptively good in battle for looking like a funky little lizard
Wolffe + Lycanroc (midday form) - I mean, this one explains itself. Woof woof
Ventress + Weavile - Another aesthetic choice with this one. It wouldn’t be her original partner Pokémon but one she gained after starting her training with Dooku. Ice type just feels right for her and she can freeze opponents when she runs away
Greivous + Aegislash - A FINE ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION. Seriously though, a steel type that is a sword just... it fits too good
Count Dooku + Roserade - A Pokemon that’s got that regal drip but can also drag your ass. Dooku would have raised this guy from his jedi days and stayed with it when he left the Order. Maybe it wouldn’t have evolved until after he left, representing his rebirth as a sith
Maul + Banette - The man that refuses to die needs a ghost type. Also, the pokedex states that banettes are pokemon that were cast aside and now come back with a vengeance. Sound familiar?
Palpatine + Persian - Definitely referencing Giovanni with this one. But, also, I think Peepaw Palps would probably have a really unassuming normal type while doing his whole chancellor thing. With Order 66, I’d imagine that this persian would die/be removed in some capacity. Then, I’d give him Darkrai
Satine + Milotic - The elegance and outwardly gentle nature of a milotic fits. Milotics are real dangerous in battle, but I can see Satine raising one as a statement about her pacifist ideals. Deliberately choosing not to fight with one hell of a water type. They’ve kicked my ass before so that informed this decision
Hondo + Sableye - Got that cunning of a dark type with an eye for PROFIT! Would definitely discover mega-evolution by accident
Jar Jar + Magikarp - C’mon. Them both being aquatic beings helps too
Note: The Bad Batch will have their own list. I’ll put Echo in both lists. Maybe I’ll have to make a clone list because... gee whiz there’s a lot of them
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mellonyhater · 2 years
×// Nexo Western AU\\×
×Crazy-Jess (Jestro) is a criminal from the Wild West who terrorizes civilians. He has his own gang of robbers. He takes revenge on his offenders and just those who looked askance at him. Infinitely challenges everyone to a duel. Hot-tempered, aggressive goose.
×Monstrox is the leader of the bandits. Almost all gangs operate under his command, except for Jestro, because he is a psycho and does not obey anyone. He wants to create a network for the smuggling of weapons and drugs.
×Jorah Tightwad is an important figure in the whole region. His only passion is money and he does everything to get as much of it as possible. He secretly teamed up with Monstrox and now helps him in any way he can: with money, and information, and everything that is needed. But either way, they don't get along very well.
×Clay Moorington is the sheriff of one of the most frequently attacked cities. He is faithful to his cause and duty, knows the laws perfectly and hates duels and these stupid arguments with the “weak”. Serious and calm, like a stone, but if you make him angry, then expect trouble.
×Macy Halbert is the daughter of Iggrid Halbert, the mayor of the same city. He attends etiquette classes, but skips them from time to time due to street contests and entertainment. He wants to help catch the robbers, but his father is vehemently opposed.
×Merlock is Clay's uncle, Yggrid Halbert's assistant. He loves teaching his nephew and telling stories from the past. Sometimes he can give good advice, and sometimes he just carries complete nonsense, because of which you want to shoot yourself.
×Aaron Fox is a local daredevil who causes a lot of trouble for Clay, who has to talk him out of some antics that look more like a suicide attempt. A hyperactive red-haired eccentric - that's what he was nicknamed in the district.
×Lance Richmond is a rich turkey who is the envy of every dog ​​for his money. Jestro has already tried seven times to rob him, but so far it has not worked. Lance loves music and can play the cello, violin and mandolin. He wants to quickly dump in the most metropolitan capital of the country, away from the robbers and this shitty sand with cacti and thorns.
×Axl is the owner of the local tavern. He constantly has to breed drunken visitors or homeless people in the backyard. Clay has already offered him a couple of times to become his assistant, right hand and help separate the local drunkards, but Axel already has enough problems with his head, so he refuses over and over again. He is an excellent cook.
×Rachel Rayson (why not?) is a gypsy who steals everything that glitters. Twice she snuck into the Richmond mansion and was caught robbing twice, after which she was locked up in jail for 15 days. She works for Jestro solely so that there is someone to get her out of prison.
×Eric is a guy who came from the city to his aunt in this provincial town. For some reason, he always wanted to become part of some organization, but nothing came of it. It turned out and so he joined Jestro, thinking that this was some kind of gang of local idiots who wanted all this for nothing, and soon regretted it, tired of dealing with Clay and Yggrid, in order to deny himself first of all. And a little about his aunt - I haven't thought of a name yet, but it will be Sallis (Sal). She is the owner of the inn, which houses a sewing workshop. She signed a contract with Axel for a discount for my clients. Came here in my old age from a large part of the country. She used to be a famous shooter, but due to an injury and poor eyesight (they apparently have poor eyesight), she moved to a quiet place. Completely disapproves of his nephew's actions. I almost forgot, she is an old friend of Marlock (according to the orig canon of the Persians, she was allegedly his student)
// For those not in the know, Eric is the original one-man character from the RP chat of the "WOY × Nexo Knights" crossover.
Arctic fox, what the hell am I thinking about in class ._> And most importantly, the whole idea arose thanks to a scarf on the "neck" of art with a cactus .. sometimes I am surprised with myself.
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iincantatorum · 1 year
I kinda want this #1 parent AU for Delia? What do you think?
Send “#1 parent” for an AU where my muse is a single parent.
Delia had to venture to the Beas river, aware that the nomadic Banjara tribe would be here at this time of the year. There were about 80 people living in tents now, but they were free and happy. As long as they were not hunted by the Landlords, whom Delia had scared away successfully though her poison maiden antics, they should be fine.
But now, she was here to see one special toddler, a three year old boy who took on Delia's curly-dark raven hair and cerulean hues that were her Pastun traits. Her son, borne from a forced breeding interaction when a mission had gone wrong, but she had ended the life of the biological father for his roguish ways. It was much deserved, but at least it made her learn that she was still fertile, and the proof was before him.
"I gave him away, Will," she admitted when noticing he was not far off. She knew he followed him here, and honestly she knew the Persian was harmless and wouldn't think of harming the Banjara people. "I miss him every day, but he is happier with his adopted parents. His name is Balach. One with beautiful hair."
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Today Frank’s concern of Palette’s influence increases subtly.
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I’m sorry, but now I can’t get the idea of Wally picking up cat-like traits from his own cat out of my head now.
Since he’s living with a critter that sometimes shows unique habits, I feel he may try and mimic some feline attributes he finds interesting.
Take the classic cat loaf. A position he sees Palette do a lot. At first he was confused, seeing that her legs just disappeared from view. Bit Palette assured him it was fine and that she does it when she’s comfortable and happy. She then invites him to try it.
This is around the same time Frank goes to talk about his rousing concerns of his pet’s influence, only to find that his suspicions may be true.
Note: he’s probably not this influential, but the concept is too funny for me not to play with.
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white-persian-cat · 2 months
Discover 2024 Top 10 Cutest Cat Breeds 🐱 | CatLovers
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Top 10 Cutest Cat Breeds 🐱 | CatLovers
25 April 2024 by whitepersiancat.com
Cutest Cat Breeds: When it comes to choosing a feline companion, there’s one factor that often stands out above the rest: cuteness. Whether you’re a seasoned cat owner or considering bringing a new furry friend into your home, the allure of a cute cat breed is undeniable. In 2024, several cat breeds continue to capture the hearts of cat lovers worldwide with their irresistible charm and unique personalities.
Table of Contents
Cutest Cat Breeds 2024
Persian Cats: The Fluffy Royalty
Scottish Fold: The Adorable Ears
Ragdoll: The Affectionate Floof
Munchkin: The Tiny Charmers
Siberian: The Majestic Beauties
Maine Coon: The Gentle Giants
Siamese: The Elegant Talkers
British Shorthair: The Classic Cuddlers
Bengal: The Wild Beauties
Exotic Shorthair: The Cute Persians
Burmese: The Affectionate Companions
Japanese Bobtail: The Unique Tails
Devon Rex: The Curly-Coated Cuties
Cutest Cat Breeds 2024
Cuteness is subjective, but there are some cat breeds that are widely considered to be adorable. Here are a few of the most popular contenders: Cutest Cat Breeds.
Persian:Persians are known for their long, flowing fur, big round eyes, and sweet expressions. They are also relatively inactive cats, which can make them seem even more cuddly.pen_spark Opens in a new windowen.wikipedia.org Persian cat
Scottish Fold:Scottish Folds have folded ears that give them an owl-like appearance. They are also known for their gentle and loving personalities. Keep in mind, however, that breeding Scottish Folds can cause health problems in some cats, so it’s important to adopt from a reputable breeder if you’re interested in this breed.Opens in a new windowwikipedia.org Scottish Fold cat
Ragdoll:Ragdolls are known for their docile and laid-back personalities. They are also quite large, which can make them seem even more cuddly. Their fur is also very soft and silky.Opens in a new windowthesprucepets.com Ragdoll cat.”
Munchkin:Munchkins are known for their short legs, which make them look like little dachshunds. They are also quite playful and active cats. However, their short legs are the result of a genetic mutation that can cause health problems in some cats, so it’s important to adopt from a reputable breeder if you’re interested in this breed.Opens in a new windowaspcapetinsurance.com Munchkin cat. Cutest Cat Breeds.
Sphynx:Sphynx cats are hairless, which gives them a unique appearance. They are also known for their loving and affectionate personalities. While hairless, they do have a very fine layer of fuzz that feels like warm suede. They may not be for everyone, but some people find them to be very cute.
Khao Manee:This breed is known for its pure white coat and big, round eyes that can be blue or amber. They are also known for being intelligent and loyal companions.Opens in a new windowen.wikipedia.org Khao Manee cat
Ultimately, the cutest cat breed is the one that you find most appealing. Consider your lifestyle and preferences when choosing a cat breed. If you are looking for a cuddly lap cat, a Persian or Ragdoll might be a good choice. If you are looking for a more playful cat, a Munchkin or Bengal might be a better fit. Cutest Cat Breeds.
Persian Cats: The Fluffy Royalty
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With their luxurious, flowing coats and sweet, expressive faces, Persian cats reign supreme as one of the cutest breeds in 2024. These regal felines are known for their calm and gentle demeanor, making them ideal companions for families and individuals alike.
Scottish Fold: The Adorable Ears
One glance at a Scottish Fold cat, and it’s hard not to fall in love with their distinctive folded ears and wide-eyed expression. These playful and affectionate cats have a knack for melting hearts with their charming antics and endearing personalities. Cutest Cat Breeds.
Ragdoll: The Affectionate Floof
Ragdoll cats live up to their name with their propensity to go limp like a ragdoll when held, earning them a reputation as one of the most affectionate breeds around. Their silky fur, striking blue eyes, and laid-back attitude make them irresistible to cat enthusiasts everywhere.
Munchkin: The Tiny Charmers
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Siberian: The Majestic Beauties
Siberian cats captivate with their striking appearance and robust physique. Not only are they known for their stunning good looks, but they also boast hypoallergenic fur, making them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers seeking a cute and cuddly companion. Cutest Cat Breeds.
Maine Coon: The Gentle Giants
Maine Coon cats are true gentle giants, renowned for their large size, friendly disposition, and bushy tails. Despite their imposing appearance, these affectionate felines are gentle and loving, making them ideal companions for families with children and other pets.
Siamese: The Elegant Talkers
Siamese cats are as elegant as they are vocal, captivating with their sleek bodies, striking blue eyes, and chatty personalities. These charismatic cats thrive on attention and are known for forming strong bonds with their human companions.
British Shorthair: The Classic Cuddlers
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Bengal: The Wild Beauties
Bengal cats bring a touch of the wild into the home with their distinctive leopard-like appearance and energetic personality. These playful and inquisitive felines thrive on mental and physical stimulation, making them perfect companions for active households. Cutest Cat Breeds.
Exotic Shorthair: The Cute Persians
Exotic Shorthair cats are reminiscent of their Persian cousins but with a shorter, more manageable coat. Despite their flattened faces and chubby cheeks, these adorable cats are anything but aloof and love nothing more than snuggling up with their favorite humans.
Burmese: The Affectionate Companions
Burmese cats are renowned for their affectionate nature and silky, satin-like fur. These social butterflies thrive on human interaction and are happiest when they’re showered with love and attention.
Japanese Bobtail: The Unique Tails
Japanese Bobtail cats are instantly recognizable thanks to their short, pom-pom-like tails and friendly personalities. These quirky and lovable felines make wonderful companions for families and individuals looking for a unique pet.
Devon Rex: The Curly-Coated Cuties
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Also Read: Deciphering the Enigmatic World of Persian Cats: Persian cat price in India under 2000 Also Read: Discover the Himalayan Persian Cat Price in Pakistan 2024
The cutest cat breeds of 2024 offer something for everyone, from fluffy royalty to playful charmers. Whether you prefer a laid-back lap cat or an energetic explorer, there’s a cute cat breed out there waiting to steal your heart. When choosing a cat, consider your lifestyle, preferences, and the unique characteristics of each breed to ensure a purr-fect match.
Which cat breed is the cutest?
The cutest cat breed ultimately depends on individual preferences, but popular choices include Persian, Scottish Fold, and Ragdoll cats.
Are all cute cat breeds suitable for families with children?
While many cute cat breeds are great for families, it’s essential to research each breed’s temperament and energy level to ensure compatibility with children.
Do cute cat breeds require a lot of grooming?
Some cute cat breeds, like Persians and Maine Coons, require regular grooming due to their long, fluffy coats, while others, like British Shorthairs and Exotic Shorthairs, have shorter coats that require less maintenance.
Are there any health concerns associated with specific cute cat breeds?
Like all pets, certain cat breeds may be predisposed to certain health conditions. It’s essential to research breed-specific health concerns and choose a reputable breeder or consider adopting from a shelter.
How can I find a cute cat breed to adopt?
To find a cute cat breed to adopt, consider visiting local animal shelters, rescue organizations, or reputable breeders. It’s essential to take your time and choose a cat that matches your lifestyle and personality.
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gokitetravel · 3 months
5 Thrilling Reasons to Experience the Dubai Marina Zip line Today
Let's take an exciting trip through Dubai Marina's skyline with a zipline. We've discovered five reasons why the Dubai Marina zipline is a cool thing to do. Being high above the city, you get an awe­some overall view of the Persian Gulf. It's a fun ride filled with a mix of city slickne­ss and brave antics. The zipline gives a new, heart thumping viewpoint of the city, symbolizing Dubai's relentless aim for supre­macy.
As you prepare for an adventurous outing with us, let's check out the five captivating reasons that make the Dubai Marina Zipline unbeatable. From the thrill of being high to the stimulating brush of wind on your face, the zipline adventure ensures a memorable journey into Dubai's modern wonders.
Between Dubai Marina's tall buildings, the Dubai Marina Zipline showcases the city's drive to exceed adventure limits. Soaring above the bustling city, the zipline experience offers an invigorating trip including awesome views, exhilarating fun, and the distinct thrill of flying. Here are five persuasive reasons to position the Dubai Marina Zipline as your top choice for an adrenaline packed outing in Dubai.
5 Thrilling Reasons to Experience the Dubai Marina Zip line Today
1. Overhe­ad Sights of Dubai Marina:
See Breath taking Views from High Up
Get a different look at Dubai Marina with a zipline. This view is not like any other. Skyscrapers, canals, the sea blowing in from the Persian Gulf all look fantastic from up here. This zipline trip change­s how you see the city. It's not just for those who love a thrill. It's for those who can appreciate the beauty of these buildings.
2. Experience the City from Above:
Experience­ Marina Living from the Sky
The Dubai Marina zipline lets you see how city folks live. The­ marina, the yachts, the waterfront dining they all form a special picture from the zipline. It's more than a fast ride. It's a look at a complex, modern city at work. This form of urban living is something totally worth experiencing.
3. Race Through the Sky on Two Zip lines:
 Get Ready for Some Fun Competition
The Dubai Marina Zipline doubles the action. The­re are two ziplines side by side. This feature pushes the thrill level up. You can race against your friends or family. You will feel the wind on your face. The view of the city will be streaming past you. An adventure like no other, this dual zipline experience allows you to add more fun and competitiveness to your ride.
4. Top Rated Safety Procedures:
Enjoy thrilling fun, safely!
Dubai Marina Zipline highlights safety. This way, adventure lovers can have thrilling fun without worry. The zipline follows the latest safety procedures. You'll find harnesses, helmets, and detailed safety checks. These help you feel secure as you dive into the thrill. From experienced adventurers to first timers, everyone can enjoy the fun, safely. This certainty adds an extra edge to the exciting adventure.
5. Ziplining at Night:
A Sparkling Journey in Light Pools
Try night ziplining for a new, magical experience. The Dubai Marina Zipline offers this, turning the adventure into a sparkling light journey. Fly high amidst lit skyscrapers, creating an amazing scene for your night adventure. The bright city lights and the feeling of the wind against your face create a magical adventure. The­ Dubai Marina Zipline promises a great sensory experience for daring thrill seekers.
The Dubai Marina Zipline offers a unique adventure. It lets you experience the glitz and glamour of Dubai from the sky. From stunning aerial views to an exciting sky race, the zipline promises an unforgettable journey. Before you start this high flying adventure, consider booking your Dubai Marina Zipline tickets in advance. This not only ensures a smooth start to your thrill-filled fun but also helps you plan better. This unforgettable ride is not just for the brave hearted. It shows Dubai's promise to offer special experiences that take adventure to a new level. So, get ready, make the jump, and let the Dubai Marina Zipline upgrade your thrilling adventure.
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happymeishappylife · 6 months
Books I Read in 2023 (Part 3)
21. Doctor Who: Death Riders by Justin Richards and Heart of Stone by Trevor Baxendale
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A two-for-one novel with two great stories featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams. Out of the two I enjoyed the Death Riders more, but I also will read anything Justin Richards writes for Doctor Who because he just gets the series. The TARDIS team arrive on an asteroid that was previously used for mining, but now is hosting a carnival. A mystery unfolds as the roller coaster crew inches too close to the forbidden tunnels and a performers pet alien turns out to be controlling him to open the secret cave of his race, which the Doctor must fight with the local marching band. Heart of Stone finds the three back on Earth at a farm that is failing, but also suddenly finds itself covered in moon rock. When a moon rock monster attacks and turns the farmer to stone, his daughter has to learn why, only to find out her fiancé knows all about it since he works in the lab that was studying this mystery moon rock.
22. Changes by Jim Butcher (Book #12 of the Dresden Files)
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I have said it again and again, and even though I know its coming, I’m not looking forward to Harry and Murphy getting together. But that didn’t mean I wanted Susan to come back with the news that Harry has a daughter! I guess Butcher felt the need to amp up the personal danger and of course the kidnapping of her by the Red Court does amp this up. It was also great to see all of Harry’s allies help him out, but there didn’t need to be the stakes that were present. Like I’m still sad Thomas has given into his darker nature and his accidental preying on Molly was disturbing. Still it was good to see Murphy with a sword (she can’t fight it forever), and I love that Sansa is still just as humorous as he always was. But now that Harry has become Mab’s White Knight, I’m worried about how that changes the series.
23. Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
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Who doesn’t know the musical? Of course, it’s the most famous and longest running musical of all time, but the story behind it is a little bit more sinister as crazy as that is to believe. Sure the book and the musical actually do follow quite a bit of the story, but the biggest change is the role of the Persian and the Phantom’s history is morphed and changed by making Madame Ghery more important of a character in the musical. I frankly liked the Persian (though a slightly racist depiction) and the history that Phantom was a famous torturer to the Sultaness in Persia. It explains some of his devious traps. But it was fun to sing the music as I read along.
24. Heaven Cent by Piers Anthony (Book #11 of the Xanth Series)
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Even the puns couldn’t save this novel. I always thought the perspective of a child tamed the sexism of Piers Anthony, but this novel instead of being “innocent” tiptoed a little too closely into the world of pedophilia for my liking and especially fresh after ready a novel of actual childhood sexual assault, the antics of these magical women kidnapping and hoping to eventually have children with a nine-year-old Dolph was not welcoming or entertaining, but creepy. I don’t know how much more of Xanth I can really endure because while the rest of the plot of the other companions were fine, these lines of creepiness are getting more and more uncomfortable as they come.
25. A Tale of Magic by Chris Colfer
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I didn’t realize until the end of this novel that this was a spinoff prequel to the rest of Colfer’s magic series and it then made sense why so much of this novel was a warm hug and return to his writing. But even though we get to learn of the Fairy Godmother’s origins, Brystal Evergreen’s story is both heroic, tragic, and super relatable. I think a lot of that has to do with the way Colfer coded this book to relate so heavily and so strongly to the Queer community through the community building of the magic community. And to have characters that not only related to that like Xanthous was, but also just to the feeling of being out of place and not relating to the world was so welcoming, that it was hard not for me to relate and cheer for Brystal. Especially in the beginning as she rebelled against such an oppressive society against women.
26. Deeply Odd by Dean Koontz (Book #6 of the Odd Thomas series)
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I really liked this book except I’m so confused on why it set up all these amazing and cool new elements right before the final book. Especially because as Odd even notes in this novel, technically these aren’t supposed to be released while he’s alive so why give us cool new characters and connections just to lose it all? Still, I loved meeting Mrs Fischer, her mysterious life, and incredible limosine as she takes Odd in to race to save children from death of a Rhinestone Cowboy. And the fact that she is part of a group of people who normally come across these dangers to fix them and ushers Odd in is heartwarming. But coming across the cultists who attacked Pico Mundo Mall and knowing that’s where we are going back to, its also setting up for the penultimate fight.
27. We Are Displaced by Malala Yousafzai
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A very tragic collection of stories from Malala and other young women who have been displaced due to war, oppressive regime, and tragedy and what they are fighting to overcome. Not going to lie, this was very hard to read given everything going on with Palestine and it makes my heart ache that so many people don’t survive this story. But these young ladies courageous journeys and continued fight for education is heartwarming and I’m glad that they all have gathered together to make it better for girls and women around the world.
28. Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (Book #3 in the Heroes of Olympus Series)
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I finally caught up to all the fan art scenes I knew about with this book and while yes I knew how it ended, it was still as gut wrenching of a hit. Percabeth in Tartarus!!! But truly, this was fun mainly because I appreciated getting to be inside Annabeth’s head for a quarter of the novel. I relate a whole lot to her and how she went about her quest, letting her drive to complete it and save her friends, help her overcome her fear, it was great. But I don’t think I can judo flip my boyfriend lol. At least they are together. I also liked how ‘The Seven’ interacted and worked together. I was worried that having all of them would pull the story too much, but the way it balanced on each of them, including Frank, Hazel, and Jason, whose perspectives we don’t get to see was well done. Also, poor Nico. I, like Percy, am still mad at him for how he treated Percy, but I’m glad that didn’t stop him from being kind or rescuing him. Hopefully Nico will be able to help, but I want to see his perspective on things so hopefully soon I’ll get my wish.
29. Innocence by Dean Koontz (with a prelude short story called Wilderness)
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I can definitely tell this came after Odd, because Addison can monologue like Odd and its kind of annoying, but because his mostly had to do with his history it fit well with the story. Honestly I had no idea where it could go given that it was about Addison, so well hidden from the world meeting a gothed out Gwyneth who has seen some shit, but also seems to know way more than she lets on. As they flee a creep of a museum curator, find these haunting marionettes, and try and rescue a comatose child we get more and more of Addison’s backstory, but up until the end we don’t understand why people can’t tolerate his appearance. But I’ll admit, not a fan of the reason at the end because it had religious undertones and it was just weird.
30. The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher (Book #2 of the Cinder Spires)
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I'll admit, I may have forgotten a good chunk of what happened in Book 1 because it took Butcher so long to get back to this series, but I am so glad he did. It was easy to get back into and meet all our favorite characters again. Plus the stakes in this novel were high and fascinating to follow. From the politics and drama of the duels in Olympia, to Bridget's and Benedict's journey to the surface to find a cat willing to take in new 'halflings' as Prince Rowl put it, there was never an end to the suspense and action. I loved all the different stories, including Espira, who I like a whole lot even though he was responsible for the events against Albion in the first book. But he is a man of honor, so I wonder what will happen to him on the way back to Aurora. Meanwhile, the fallout between Abigail and Alex is sad, though I understand Alex's fury completely because if Grimm wasn't as full of surprises as he is, I too would have been mad at her for having gotten them killed. I hope they will reconcile and I do respect Abigail's decision not to tell him about her pregnancy during that argument. I'm also excited for Bridget and Benedict and am glad they survived. But the one I'm scared for is Gwen, especially since she has to team up with Cavendish. Hopefully it doesn't take eight years to get book three to find out.
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parfumieren · 11 months
Balkis (Parfums de Nicolaï)
Once, I had the opportunity to sniff a real attar of roses straight from Istanbul. The perfumer insisted on holding the bottle while I bent my head over it-- possibly because it cost hundreds of dollars per dram, or else she thought I might pass out from the heaven of it all.
I understand that in saying this I am committing heresy and will be burnt as a witch, but what met my nose then -- a combination of formaldehyde, black pepper, and cheap dishwashing liquid -- shocked me. All Orientalist visions of rose harvests à la Rudolph Ernst fled before the advancing army of old-lady stonk.
I hated, hated, hated it.
How rose perfumes pass themselves off as dainty and feminine, I will never understand. They're the exhibitionists dreaded by all partygoers-- the ones whose booming voices and shameless antics send humbler guests scrambling for their coats. Even as bit players, they can derail an ensemble piece by turning inexplicably vulgar or sour. There's no predicting until the drydown hits whether you'll be soaring through a sweet pink paradise or swimming in a vat of vinegar.
So why do we keep trying? Because the rose -- the real one, fresh and dewy -- is what we're thinking of while reaching for the sad facsimile. We want that gorgeous thing, and will keep striving toward it no matter how many bad sprays, lotions, soaps, and Yankee Candles burn us.
If I'd stopped after reading the description, I'd have written Balkis off without a thought. Rose AND raspberry? To me, "fruity florals" in and of themselves signal danger. Raspberries figure large in this genre -- usually as unpleasantly as possible -- so I fully expected a great, big, sticky, Jolly-Rancher-flavored slap in the face.
Instead, the first note was a rosemary terpene, astringent and evergreen. I sat up straight. After this palate cleanser came the dessert tray-- but again, the usual sickening syrup was nowhere to be found. Instead, roses and raspberries had been cooked down to a concentrated jam, fused together by slow heat into something as dark, potent, and honeyed as Persian pomegranate molasses. Once this faded (thankfully not too soon) I found myself cozied up to a straight-up oriental rose: friendly, uncomplicated, powdery, and soft, as if headspaced right off of a living blossom still nodding on the vine. Balkis offers almost zero sillage -- unusual for a rose -- but having this scent stick close by your side is hardly a drawback. Above all, there's not a single trace of nasty guest-bathroom soap smell or any of the other demons that plague this genre.
Finally, a rose without thorns!
During a December many years ago, just on the cusp of a barrage of snowstorms which kept the Eastern seaboard paralyzed for months, I found my relationship with Balkis deepening. I cannot stress enough how much I welcomed its optimistic theme in the midst of frigid darkness. I asked it to absorb some of the sadness I was feeling, and it generously complied. Now Balkis has been discontinued-- but I no longer feel as sad or needful of succour. Life requires movement, and I am moving on.
Still, sadness -- like winter -- always comes back around. Before it strikes again, I think I will seek a new, rare rose as as an anodyne to strengthen my soul against the darkness and cold. I'm sure there will be perfumes that startle, delight, and captivate me as much, if not more. But none may comfort me quite the way Balkis did… and for that, I am profoundly grateful.
Scent Elements: Raspberry, Turkish damask rose, black pepper, coffee extract, iris, benzoin, vanilla
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Painting the Wonders of Nature with Paint by Numbers Kits
A new trend has taken the art world by storm in recent years: paint by numbers for adults. What was once seen as a nostalgic pastime for children has now transformed into a popular and therapeutic activity for grown-ups. With its ability to unleash creativity, promote relaxation, and provide a sense of accomplishment, Paint by Numbers has captured the hearts of many art enthusiasts.
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Nature has always been a significant source of inspiration for artists throughout history. The exquisite details of flowers and the vivid colors of wildlife inspire wonder and surprise. Paint-by-number-flower kits provide a fun and deep artistic experience for floral enthusiasts and art lovers alike. These kits make it simple to produce amazing floral artwork by including a pre-drawn canvas with elaborate flower designs divided into numbered sections. With each brush stroke, you can bring vivid blooms to life by matching the numbers on the canvas with the correct pigments. Painting flowers by numbers is a relaxing and satisfying way to express your creativity while appreciating the exquisite beauty of nature’s floral tapestry, whether you’re a beginner or an expert artist.
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Birds have long been an example of independence, kindness, and beauty in the natural world. With the introduction of paint-by-numbers kits, these exciting creatures can now become the focal point of your artistic efforts. Paint-by-number-bird kits have grown in popularity among both art enthusiasts and nature lovers, offering a fun way to make magnificent bird-themed artworks.
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Cats have a mysterious appeal, playful antics, and evident beauty that capture our hearts. There is now a creative choice for cat lovers and art enthusiasts that fits these two passions: cat paint by numbers. This popular artistic exercise provides a fascinating and engaging experience, allowing people to create gorgeous cat-themed artworks while discovering their inner artists. One of the most impressive parts of cat paint by numbers is the possibility it affords for showing our kitty companions’ unique traits and charisma. Whether you prefer the regal stance of a Siamese cat, the joyful energy of a tabby, or the tranquil look of a Persian, these kits offer a broad choice of cat breeds and positions to satisfy every cat lover’s preferences.
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To conclude, Paint by number kits provide an interesting and relaxing trip into the natural world. Users can express their love for nature, find peace in its beauty, and unleash their creativity through the guided process of filling numbered portions with color.
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