#people are insane
hazellevessque · 9 months
No way someone actually added these to the official wikis 💀
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ravenkings · 2 months
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so like......i should preface this by saying that i am not a parent, but i feel like i have heard anecdotally that more and more parents aren't letting their kids go on sleepovers AT ALL due to like.......fear? distrust? which like...........seems totally wack to me???? and the thing is that i think a lot of this comes from this increased ambient hysteria nowadays that there's like a predator around every corner and while it's obviously important to keep kids safe and to keep a lookout for suspicious behavior in the adults around them, that does NOT justify never letting your kid have any kind of taste of freedom or independence since all that's going to do is turn them either into a nervous wreck or a naive/careless fool who actually DOES get into trouble when they grow up..........
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beatriceportinari · 4 months
guys you will never guess it. another izuna babytrap fic has found its way to me. and you will never guess what bumbling fool with long hair used fertility magic to make this possible
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tidesreach · 4 months
people being mad about characters being "killed off" in an hbo (apple) war tv show are genuinely baffling to me like you are aware that this is based on very real battles and very real people right like they weren't "killed off" so much as they were killed in action because they were real people who were killed in a real war and it would be extremely uncomfortable and weird to rewrite history and desensitise and diminish the horror and loss of life in said war
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zzzennin · 11 months
König says he only knew love actually existed after you. Yes, he loves his mom, his sister, and some friends, but romantic love like in the movies or the books that he read on long times away from home before bed.
His first girlfriend who he thought he loved so much and almost married her was crazy. Not weird in a fuckboy "all my exes are crazy" kinda way, but he always felt like he was a hole she was trying to fill. She was explosive regardless, always wanting to check his phone, and e-mails for side chicks even when he insisted he didn't have any he simply didn't have the time to even consider the idea, his routine was: work straight to home and home straight to work.
She never accepted that he had a work phone she couldn't snoop on this filled her mind about how he was cheating on her, and this made her especially angry which always led to things thrown in his direction. Every time he talked about breaking up led to even more screaming and empty threats to end herself. And he thought, well maybe is this how it is.
The cycle ended when he got injured on the field so bad he had to stay hospitalized for weeks and apparently this was too much work for her. He didn't feel sad, just relieved.
So can you imagine this man panicking when he starts having feelings for you. In his head constantly wondering if going through all that shitstorm was actually worth it. Against his better judgment, he asked you out, just because your smile has worthed the risk.
As months go by he just waited for the yelling, the throwing things, the snooping but it never came. Even when you appeared to be mad the chaos didn't erupt. You just ask for space or talk about it.
When he finally told you why he thinks you're weird and his ex story you were choked.
"You know this is not normal, right?" you asked.
He knew, but just assumed she would be the best he was able to pull. Now he just knows there's more.
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ilovepedro · 7 months
y’all i need a FAT joint after the work week i just had 💀💀💀
anyway, i’m going to enjoy my consecutive days off after ending my week with a bang 🤣
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russilton · 1 year
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Choose your fighter: marks anons edition
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cptnleviackerman · 10 days
i did actually intend to go to bed early tonight but then my boyfriend came back from our friend's house w tonnes of gossip and we ended up gossiping for over 2 hours and now its 3am := oops?
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fangymutt · 1 year
i loooveee how tumblr never leaves discourse bullshit in the past like its insane to me that i was vibing and then find out this website is mocking it pronouns (hhah heyyyy check mine out) and then also therians (haha heeyyyyy again) and the cherry on top is MORE queer infighting that doesnt matter. this site is like walking into a house fire but i found a corner where my room magically doesnt burn and im just vibing
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me, @heartofspells @veriableflowers and the gang on our way to bully people for writing Sirius the wrong way
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vensulove · 10 months
i commented on a tiktok about how Hawaii doesn’t want to be apart of the us etc asking if they’d be able to be independent today like they were before they were colonized and people are getting mad at me ?? it was a genuine question bc I know Hawaii makes money from tourism and stuff
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negrowhat · 11 months
Apparently Freen has a stalker who is the one who leaked a video of Freen and Seng kissing which made them confirm it was them and that they were in a relationship.
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miserye · 3 months
can't believe we r in an era where i have to make sure that the politician i'm voting for supports women's rights. in. 2024??????????
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speaking of proof that cockles is real, why don't you ever talk about the time that misha tried to murder Jared cause he thought he was having an affair with Jensen? like I know it might paint him in a bit of a bad light, but personally I think it's really romantic, that hed go that far just proves the strength of their relationship, and he's learnt better now, he wouldn't do it again. even if it wasn't really a great move, I still think it should be considered, and I'm sure Jensen forgave him.
Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah WHAT?!
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I've read some bad baiting-batshit-bibro nonsense in my day, but sweetheart ... you take the cake!
Publish this shit on wattpad cuz this is some AWFUL fan fiction.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
A New Jersey judge is under investigation for posting TikTok videos of himself lip-syncing to songs with profanity, graphic sexual references and racist terms.
In some videos, Judge Gary Wilcox is also seen in his judicial robes, according to the state's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct.
The complaint says the judge's conduct "brought disrepute to the judiciary".
His lawyer said the music was by "mainstream performers".
Superior Court Judge Wilcox, who has been practising law in the state since 1989, allegedly posted to TikTok under the alias "Sal Tortorella".
The account, which reportedly garnered some 100 followers, appears to have been taken down.
Among the videos cited in the complaint are those that show Mr Wilcox in his judicial robes and partially dressed while lying in bed.
In one post, it says, the 59-year-old walks through the courthouse in a Beavis and Butt-Head T-shirt while the song Get Down by Nas, based on the trial of two black men, plays in the background.
Two other posts singled out in the complaint allegedly show the judge in his chambers, pretending to burn cash to the tune of Sure Thing by Miguel and mouthing the racy lyrics of Jump by Rihanna.
It says that in another post, the suited judge - with his law books visible behind him - allegedly lip-synced along to an unidentified song with the words: "You think you can run up on me and whip my monkey [expletive]? Come on. Come on!"
"By his conduct in posting these and similar videos to TikTok, [Judge Wilcox] exhibited poor judgment and demonstrated disrespect for the Judiciary and an inability to conform to the high standards of conduct expected of judges," the complaint reads.
It goes on to allege at least three violations of the state's code of judicial conduct.
Judge Wilcox's attorney, Robert Hille, did not immediately respond to the BBC's request for comment, but told the New York Times: "I don't think that at the end of the day anybody is going to believe there was any desire to do any harm here."
"These are mainstream performers," he added. "This is music that's out there in the public. And clearly it elicits a different response depending on who is listening."
Mr Hille said he is reviewing the complaint and will file a response.
Pending an investigation, the Advisory Committee may choose to dismiss the complaint, privately or publicly discipline the judge, or file formal charges against him. Forms of discipline include censure and removal from the bench.
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yuzuna123 · 6 months
yeah anyway, because i saw many cases of this with online friends and actual irl's. Let me just say Cyberbullying, Doxxing and Harrassing people on the internet is actually ILLEGAL in many parts of the world and could actually get to jail or a mental hospital.
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