#pentobarbital injection
nembutalshop · 1 year
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Children of the Dark: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: So sorry I keep forgetting to post. I’ve been so busy at work, I try to keep up with the schedule I’ve outlined. I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"In the city, crime is taken as emblematic of class and race. In the suburbs though it's intimate and psychological; resistant to generalization; a mystery of the individual's soul." - Barbara Ehrenreich
"Sorry I'm late," you pant as you rush into the briefing room. Everyone is already there, waiting on you to start. You're only five minutes late, but late nonetheless. "The hotel I'm staying at is getting sick and tired of me being there all the time. They claim they are a hotel, not a home."
"Let's get started," Hotch nods, looking to JJ to start.
You catch Spencer's eyes as you get settled into your seat, but he looks away as soon as you look at him. You don't have time to analyze him, so you focus on JJ right now.
"The Halbert family. They were murdered in their home last night in the Denver suburb of Cherry Creek. It's the third home invasion like this in the last month. They kill everyone in the household--parents, kids, and pets if they have them. Always families in nice neighborhoods."
"What do they take?" you wonder.
"Nothing they can't fit in their pockets. Cash and some jewelry."
"Hundreds of ways to get cash and jewels without killing entire families. That's why home invasions are so hard to profile. They have multiple motives."
"National statistics show an uptick in home invasions over the last few years with 18% being in Colorado," Spencer says.
"You know it's bad if they're inviting us back."
"Well, things went bad after the JonBenet Ramsey case when a couple of agents publicly criticized local detectives."
"Well, they didn't need us to make them look bad," Derek scoffs, "and that was in Boulder."
"Yeah, but the statewide media ran with it, and it took on a life of its own."
"Well, I talked to Lieutenant Nellis. Trust me. They want our help," JJ says. "They need it. The first two invasions were twenty days apart. This last one was just nine days later."
"They're killing faster, which means they're getting better at it every time."
"Home invasions typically involve the elderly and single females. The fact that entire families are being targeted suggests multiple unsubs. Could mean gang-related, revenge motive, or even personal business," Spencer says.
"I don't think any of these victims are running in gang circles."
"Sewing circles, more like it," Emily jokes. "PTA moms and gray-flannel dads... These guys are killing the cleavers."
Spencer holds up the case file to take a closer look at something, frowning when he sees it.
"What is?"
"The cleavers. Of all the names for a 1950s idyllic tv family, it's rife with violent implication. Kind of makes you wonder how the writers really felt about suburbia, huh?"
"Focus, please."
"Uh, okay, what about, um, class-based uprising? Helter skelter?" Emily theorizes.
"There's no graffiti and no messages, at least not visible ones. There's no rituals. Manson's aim was to start a race war. There's no proof of any hate crime here."
"The parent murders are brutal and messy. The instruments vary from a golf club to a kitchen knife to even an iron. Household implements symbols of family. The kids were different. They died by injection--pentobarbital," you say.
"It's a barbiturate sometimes used as an anticonvulsant for epileptics, anxiety disorders, and state executions," Spencer explains for those who don't know.
"The invasions are well planned. Phone lines are cut. Ligature marks show the parents were bound and gagged. Looks like these guys had some robbery experience," Derek says.
"And then found their true calling," Emily sighs.
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You stand outside the most recent crime scene with hints of tears in your eyes. Everyone else has gone inside with the exception of Spencer who is outside talking to the neighbors. Children were killed in this house, and you know that if you go inside, you're going to see the spirits of them running throughout the house. Just by being outside, it's enough to let the trauma wash over you.
How you ever got into this field is beyond you.
This is part of the job, and you have to not let shit affect you after a certain point. It will, but you can't let it show that it will. You take a deep breath and head inside the house, trying to keep yourself objective about things. There is a whole color mess of energy here ranging from red to blue to yellow to even green. The energy takes form of the people who used to live here.
The children laugh as they run around the house chasing each other and getting in the way of the mother who is working hard. The father is cooking in the kitchen where he can provide his family with full bellies. This must be their final moments as a family because you don't see the destruction... yet.
However, you do see the two energies of both unsubs here, calling out for you to pay attention to them.
"Are you okay?" Hotch asks you.
"There's a lot of trauma here, Hotch. Especially with children. It's just a lot to take in all at once."
"Let me know if you need anything."
"I will," you nod.
"There is no sign of forced entry," Lieutenant Nellis says.
"It's the same as the other two houses, right?"
"Y/N, can you paint a picture for us?" Hotch asks you.
You turn to the front door and focus on the past. When you open your eyes, you're brought back to the night of the murder. The house is dark, but the parents are watching TV together while the children are in their beds sleeping. There is a knock at the door, and the father gets up to answer it while the mother stays on the couch.
He flips on the light switch, but the porch light doesn't turn on. There must be a shortage or the unsubs made it so that the light wouldn't turn on. Regardless, the father opens the large peephole cover to look outside. You're unable to see who is outside, but the father must know who they are because he opens the door.
He invited them inside because he knew them--that's your theory anyway. The two men in the form of black shadows walk inside. Almost immediately, they start threatening and attacking the parents. One of them goes to the kids while the other stays with the parents.
"Y/N?" Hotch asks, putting a hand on your shoulder.
Your entire environment changes from last night to today, and you squint from the light shining into the house.
"The father answered the door, but the porch light wasn't on. He looked through the peephole and determined that the two unsubs were safe enough to invite inside, or they knew them. That's when they started attacking the family."
"Take a break. Why don't you join Reid outside?"
You didn't know that your cheeks were wet until he told you to leave. It sucks that you behaved this way in front of the person who asked you to be here, but there are some crime scenes that are just too powerful for you to be emotionless about.
With this much overkill, there's usually some kind of history. If it was just about eliminating witnesses, it never would have been as vicious as it was. This was rage upon the family. There's no way the unsubs don't know who these families are. However, while the parents suffered overkill, the kids went quietly. They were tucked into their beds, orderly, and controlled.
Two unsubs. One unstable and the other a submissive.
To take a break from all this, you join Spencer who is talking to one of the neighbors.
"I came by about 9:00 to return the pyrex. No one answered when I rang the bell, but the lights were on inside."
"Did you happen to look in the windows?" Spencer asks, looking at you when you join his side.
"Not then, no. I had my cell phone. I was gonna call, but I... I couldn't get a signal, which was strange."
"Why was that strange?"
"You always get a signal here. There's a tower on the next block. Uh, I left the dish. This morning, it was still here so I came over. Th-that's when I looked inside."
"And you called the police on your cell?"
"Thank you." She walks off and Spencer turns to you with a concerned look. "Are you okay?"
"I will be the further I get from here."
"Luckily, you don't have to stay here long. Hotch wants us back."
You turn to see Hotch, Derek, and Emily head to the government issued car, and you sigh in relief. You and Spencer head to the car, and the entire team head to the police station using Nellis' directions. JJ is already at the office, and she greets everyone with a smile.
While you were at the crime scnee, she was setting up here, so the conference room is already good to go with every bit of evidence on display.
"These guys don't lack confidence. Targeting entire families is a high-risk endeavor," Hotch sighs.
"It's possible they're minimizing that risk by jamming cell phones inside the house. No one can call out."
"Doesn't that narrow the profile? With it being high tech?" Nellis asks.
"Not really. You can buy a hand-held jammer on Amazon for a hundred bucks."
"I could use one of those next time I go to the movies," Nellis chuckles.
The desk phone rings, and Derek answers it. You have a feeling it's Penelope because who else would call?
"Hey, girl. You're on speaker. Behave," Derek answers.
"Or what, you'll spank me?" You actually burst out laughing at her comment, but when you see the look on Hotch's face, you clear your throat and shake your head. "So, I've been searching the area for unsolved robberies. I found four with similar elements... Phone lines cut and the only thing stolen were small valuables."
"Were the occupants tied up?"
"Yes, but no homicides."
"Okay. Thanks, dollface. I'll call you back." He hangs up. "Well, if this is our guys, something made them graduate to murder. If we can figure out what that trigger was, it might tell us how they choose their victims. I've been looking into victimology, and so far, there's really nothing to connect the families. Different political affiliations, different careers, and different school systems. At this point, it simply appears the unsubs are targeting their victims at random."
"Nellis, can you gather everyone? It's time to give the profile."
"You got it boss."
You get up and approach Hotch before he has a chance to leave.
"Sir, I just want to apologize for laughing earlier."
"It was kind of funny," Hotch smirks slightly.
You gasp with a smile but let him leave your side. The entire team gathers into the main room where Nellis has gathered all of his men and women on the force. Hotch steps forward with the intent of beginning this meeting.
"We're looking for two men, probably white--given the neighborhoods that they hit--mid to late twenties, intelligent, and organized. These are career criminals. One or both has done hard time, but neither presents as a convict. They would appear clean-shaven, well dressed, and neighborly. This helps them talk their way into the homes. They may also be using a ruse."
"What kind of ruse?" Nellis asks.
"Given that the invasions have taken place in the evening, it could be anything. Could be door-to-door sales, people in distress, or car trouble."
"Uh, Derrick Todd Lee used a tape of a baby crying to get women to open their doors in Baton Rouge. Never underestimate their creativity," Spencer explains.
"These men share a very tight bond and a mutual compulsion to kill, but their signatures reveal two very distinct personalities," you state. "One brutalizes the parents. This is the dominant one--sadistic, remorseless, and extremely volatile. The other prefers a needle. His injections are consistent with an angel of death. He's more withdrawn, sensitive, and he has a warped sense of mercy."
"Agent Morgan is passing out a list of places where he might have access to the drug he uses. It's long, but it's all we have at this point," Hotch says while Derek passes out the information.
"Hotch," JJ interrupts, speaking close to Hotch, but you can hear. "There's been another one, and they're sending an ambulance."
"Ambulance?" Emily asks having heard her too.
"There's a survivor?"
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numinousmysteries · 4 months
Devil's Advocate
What if the Jersey Devil didn’t die? Or, the Mulder/Jersey Devil fic no one asked for. With MSR undertones because I’m not a monster. (This started as a joke in this post and then wouldn’t leave my brain.) 
Note: This story contains mentions of non-consensual sex.
[on Ao3] @today-in-fic
Scully glances through the rearview mirror at the detained suspect in the backseat. The woman’s nakedness is concealed by the emergency blanket from the trunk of their car. A pair of handcuffs around her wrists is the only thing stopping her from attacking them. They’ve rolled down the car’s two front windows, but her fetid odor still permeates the air.
The park ranger managed to take her down with two powerful tranquilizer darts as she retreated into the woods. While Scully cuffed her and checked her pulse, Mulder convinced Detective Thompson that the woman belonged in federal custody and that they’d be taking her back to DC.
The tranquilizer wore off after a few miles on the road and they’ve been listening to her growl and struggle against the seatbelt. Mulder called the woman beautiful earlier and now, as she observes her in the mirror, Scully feels inclined to agree. Even with the thick layer of dirt covering her face, Scully can see she has elegant, almost regal features: high cheekbones, plush lips, and strong eyebrows, perfectly shaped without ever having made the acquaintance of a tweezer.
“Dr. Diamond should be back before us, should we take her straight to him?” she asks Mulder, her voice low even though she doubts the woman in the backseat can understand language. “I think he’d want a chance to examine her.”
Mulder nods slowly but hesitates. “Maybe she’d like to get cleaned up first. I can take her to my apartment to shower.”
“Your apartment?” Scully gawks at him. “That would be incredibly dangerous. She already tried to rip a chunk out of you.”
“You can help me, Scully,” he says as casually as if he’s asking her to fill out an expense report.
“I have a tub at my place. That might be easier.” This is partnership, she thinks. I bail you out of jail. I bathe your captive neanderthal.
“Perfect,” Mulder replies, crunching a sunflower seed between his teeth.
That’s how the two of them end up on their knees, their clothing soaked through with splashed water, wrestling the Jersey Devil into submission in Scully’s clawfoot bathtub. She’s injected the woman with enough pentobarbital to kill a man three times her size, but it’s only weakened her enough to let them get her into the tub without any fatal wounds.
As the dirt washes off her skin—and collects in a grimy, black film at the bottom of the tub that Scully knows will take a while to scrub out later—she can see the woman’s skin is a rich, tawny color. She’s lean, all sinewy muscle without any extraneous fat. Thick, dark hair cascades midway down her back, and also covers her legs, arms, and pubic area. There’s a primitive, untamed grace to her. Her long limbs move like a dancer’s, even as they kick and swipe at Mulder and Scully.
“Easy now,” Mulder says as he positions her head under the faucet to wash her hair. Scully watches as he tenderly shields her eyes from the water with one hand while running the other through her matted mane.
Even though she’s clearly never taken a bath in her life, and must be completely overwhelmed by the sudden exposure to modern plumbing, the woman softens under Mulder’s touch. Her shoulder blades ease down her back and the muscles of her face relax. Scully’s about to warn him to be gentle with her hair, to avoid pulling at any of the knots, but she can see he’s already slowly working through them without tugging at her scalp.
“I used to have to detangle Sam’s hair after a day at the beach,” he explains, noticing her consternation. “My mom was too rough so she’d never let her do it. But I just plopped her down in front of the TV and took my time. Hers was thick, like this.”
Scully watches in silence as he weaves his fingers through her strands. The Jersey Devil’s fists are clenched as she cautiously surveys her surroundings for threats, but she appears calm otherwise. She even bows her head slightly, giving Mulder better access to the lengths of her hair.
“I think that’s as good as we’re gonna get,” he says finally. “Do you have anything she could wear?”
“She’s much taller than me and her shoulders look a lot broader,” she replies. “But I’ll see what I can find. Are you okay alone in here with her for a moment?”
Mulder nods, pulling at the chain to drain the tub. The sudden movement of the water jerks the woman to alertness, but Mulder calms her down as he helps her to her feet.
When Scully returns with an old nightgown that she thinks originally belonged to Melissa, the Jersey Devil is standing nude in the center of her bathroom and Mulder is toweling her dry. She notices a soft rippling of skin beneath the woman’s navel—diastasis recti—and wonders how her children will survive without her in the woods.
“This should do,” she says, holding up the flannel nightgown for Mulder’s and, she supposes, the woman’s approval.
She helps Mulder pull the nightgown over the woman’s head and thread her arms through the sleeves. The fabric strains across her chest and back, and the hem falls just above her knees, but it’ll work for now. The woman grabs at the foreign material against her torso, more in curiosity than anger.
“Her hair is still wet,” Mulder says, lifting the weight of it off her back to keep the nightgown dry. “I doubt she’ll let us blow dry it.”
“Here,” Scully says, reaching for an elastic tie next to her sink. She twists the woman’s long hair into a low bun at the base of her neck, securing it with the tie. “At least this’ll keep her clothing dry.”
Scully steps back and takes a long look at the woman. With her face clean, and her features visible now that her hair is pulled back, she looks even more beautiful than before. Stunning, actually. Scully looks over at Mulder who’s staring at her, mesmerized.
He slowly takes her by the shoulders, turning her around so she can see herself in the mirror about the sink.
“Look,” he says, pointing in the glass. “That’s you.”
The Jersey Devil takes in her visage with a confused stare. She brings a fingertip to the reflection of her forehead and seems surprised that she touches glass and not flesh. She touches her cheek and watches as her mirror image does the same. Without losing eye contact with her reflection, she reaches out to run her fingertips over the image of Mulder’s face next to hers in the glass. Then she repeats the same gesture on his skin.
“That’s me,” he says quietly. “Mulder.”
The intimacy of the scene brings a blush to Scully’s face. She feels as if she’s watching something she shouldn’t be witness to.
The Jersey Devil’s hand is still on Mulder’s face when a growl erupts from her stomach.
“She must be hungry,” Scully says. “Let me see if I have anything she can eat.”
Stepping out of the bathroom, she lets out a deep exhale and feels the tension loosening in her neck and shoulders. She hadn’t been aware how rigidly she’d been standing until after she walks away. Opening the door to the fridge, she nearly gasps as the cold air hits her skin, still flushed from the hot steam of the bathroom. In the fridge, she finds a package of raw boneless, skinless chicken breasts. These were supposed to last her for a week’s worth of dinner, but the Jersey Devil’s hunger seems more pressing.
She peels off the clear plastic wrapping and places the package on her kitchen table.
“Bring her in here,” she calls out to Mulder. He emerges shortly after, leading the Jersey Devil slowly to the kitchen.
Her nostrils flare when she catches a whiff of the meat. Leaning over the table, she takes a chicken breast in each hand and shoves them into her mouth.
“Can she eat this raw?” Mulder asks.
“She’s been eating raw human flesh,” Scully shrugs. “From an evolutionary standpoint, her teeth are clearly sharper than ours, and she likely has stronger stomach acid for better digestion. Besides, she’s probably been exposed to far more germs and parasites in the wild than we’d ever encounter in commercial meat.”
The Jersey Devil quickly devours all four chicken breasts. She brings the styrofoam packaging, still wet with juice from the meat to her mouth but Mulder pulls her hand away. She growls and lunges to bite his wrist but he’s able to pull back quickly enough to dodge her.
“I think we’re going to need a lot more meat,” he says. “I can pick some up on the way back to my place.”
“What?” Scully snaps, startling the Jersey Devil. “You can’t be seriously thinking about taking her back to your apartment. This woman belongs in some sort of facility. We should take her to Dr. Diamond.”
“Come on, Scully,” he says quietly. “It’s 8 p.m. on a Friday night. Let’s wait until Monday to bother him again.”
She gives him a confused frown. Since when has Mulder cared about not bothering anyone when it comes to the paranormal? Right after their first case, he called her nearly at midnight. He’s called even later since then on more than one occasion and she’s had to convince him the FBI forensics lab wouldn’t appreciate him demanding an analysis of purported ectoplasm at 3 a.m.
“You don’t have a bed, Mulder,” she says, exasperated. “Where is she going to sleep?”
“She can take the couch. I’m sure it’s a lot more comfortable than wherever she typically spends the night. And I can sleep on the floor. I’ll be fine.”
Scully sighs. “I have an air mattress you can borrow.”
After helping Mulder secure the Jersey Devil in the backseat of his car and load the air mattress (along with a few more syringes full of sedatives just in case) in the trunk, Scully doesn’t see him until Monday. She calls to check in a few times over the weekend and each time he promises her he’s fine, and that his guest is behaving.
She worries when he isn’t at the office when she arrives on Monday morning. He’s usually there before her, preparing a slideshow or digging through old files. She’s about to call him at home when he staggers in, cradling his right forearm with his left hand.
“Mulder, are you alright? What happened?” she asks, standing to meet him and reaching for his arm.
“It was an accident,” he says.
She helps him out of his suit jacket. There’s blood seeping through the white of his dress shirt just above the wrist. She guides him to his desk chair and unbuttons the cuffs on his sleeve. He winces as she rolls the sleeve over his wound. She removes a layer of blood-soaked gauze pad that he seems to have tried to hold in place with Scotch tape. Underneath, she sees what looks like two rows of teeth marks cut deeply into his skin. Upper and lower incisors.
“She bit you?”
“It was an accident,” he repeats.
“Mulder, this is bad. You need stitches. Antibiotics, probably, and a tetanus shot. Maybe even rabies postexposure prophylaxis.”
“You can do it, right?” he asks. “I can’t exactly waltz into an ER with human teeth marks on my arm.”
“Let me get my kit,” she says. This is partnership, she supposes. I don’t turn you into the authorities when you harbor a prehistoric beast woman. I dress your wounds when she attacks you.
“Besides,” Mulder calls out to her as she assembles her medical supplies from the other side of the office. “She doesn’t have rabies.” He sounds offended that she would suggest such a thing. “She liked her bath, remember?”
Scully rolls her eyes as she returns to him and elevates his arm on the surface of the desk. He winces as she cleans the wound with antiseptic solution.
“I don’t have anything too strong to help with the pain, but this is better than nothing” she says, injecting a local numbing agent into his forearm. “Just give it a second to kick in.”
“How did this happen?” she asks.
“It was—”
“An accident, I know,” she cuts him off. “But what were you doing when she bit you?”
“We were, um, on the air mattress together. It was a…” he trails off, brow furrowed as he searches for the right word. “A moment of passion.”
“Oh no, Mulder,” she sighs. “Please do not tell me you had sex with her.”
“She instigated it,” he says, defensively. “I was sleeping and I thought it was a dream…a very pleasant dream, mind you, but then I woke up and there she was. On top of me. When I tried to maneuver her off, she bit me. So I just kind of…went with it.”
“And I’m assuming you didn’t use protection?” she manages to ask through the shock.
“She didn’t give me much of a chance. Think she’s on the pill?”
Scully shakes her head. “I don’t need to tell you how irresponsible, dangerous, and downright stupid that was.”
She takes this moment to jab a gloved finger into the bite mark, a little more firmly than she might have otherwise. He doesn’t flinch. “Numb?” she asks.
“Mmmhmm,” he nods. “She lost her mate. I guess she thinks I’m her new one. Honestly, I know how strange this is going to sound, but I think we have a connection. A real one.”
The blood drains from Scully’s face. She isn’t sure if she should arrest Mulder or have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. She certainly isn’t going to congratulate him on this new relationship (not that she would ever call it that), which seems to be what he expects as he gives her a dumb grin.
“You can’t be serious,” she says after regaining her composure, keeping her eyes on the sutures she’s threading through his flesh and not his face. “Mulder, she raped you.”
“It wasn’t like that,” he angrily objects. “I’ll admit I was surprised but once I got my bearings, I can assure you I was a very willing participant. It was incredible. Totally animalistic. No self-consciousness, no self-awareness, nothing performative. I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
In the short time that they’ve been partnered, Mulder has had his memory wiped at a top secret military base and convinced her to believe in a 100-year-old liver eating monster. He told her his sister was abducted by aliens and insisted that they’d lost nine minutes. And yet this is the first time he’s rendered her completely speechless. She avoids his eyes as she finishes stitching up his arm and dabs away the remaining blood with a cotton ball.
“Come over for dinner sometime,” he says, as he rolls his sleeve back down. “You’ll see, she’s changed a lot. She’s more…evolved, if you will. I haven’t had to use any of the sedatives. Bring someone. It could be a double date.”
“Mulder, are you insane?” she hisses. “I’m not bringing anyone to meet your beast woman.”
He smiles and taps at her hip with the back of his index finger. “Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Agent Scully?”
“I’ll come,” she says, ignoring his last comment. “By myself. And only to make sure she doesn’t kill you.”
She puts off coming over for dinner until later in the week when Mulder finally wears her down. Standing outside his door, she feels nervous but isn’t sure why. She and Mulder have eaten meals together before, although usually at greasy roadside diners and never at one of their apartments. They haven’t spent much time together off the clock. If it weren’t for the presence of the Jersey Devil, she might think this was a date. Well, she reminds herself, it is a date, just not hers. She’s the third wheel in Mulder’s romantic evening with a neanderthal.
“Hey Scully, come on in,” he says, opening the door and taking her coat. “I ordered us a pizza, but she started without us. I hope you don’t mind.”
Scully peers into the kitchen and sees the Jersey Devil gnawing on what looks like a raw T-bone steak. Her hands are stained red with the myoglobin-tinged moisture dripping off the meat. On the table in front of her is a tray of more raw, red meat, piled high.
“I suppose that’s for the best,” Scully says.
“Come sit,” Mulder says, pulling out a chair for her. Before he can sit down himself, the buzzer at the front door rings. “Perfect timing,” he says.
When he leaves to get the pizza, Scully watches the other woman at the table. Mulder has managed to keep her clean and even changed her clothes. Instead of the nightgown she was wearing the last time Scully saw her, she’s dressed in an oversized gray t-shirt and a pair of men’s nylon basketball shorts that sag at the waist. Mulder’s clothes, she realizes.
Mulder returns, sets the pizza box on the table and fetches plates for them. “Help yourself,” he says.
“How’s she doing?” Scully asks. “How have you been?”
“We’re good. We’re figuring it out,” he responds between bites. “Now that she knows I’m not a threat, she’s much less violent. We spend a lot of time together. It’s nice to have a relationship that’s free of all preconceived societal expectations.”
Scully arches her eyebrow.
“Aren’t you the one who implied I should get a life?” He challenges.
“I guess I meant something more conventional, but I shouldn’t be surprised with you. Seriously though, Mulder, how do you see this working long term? Do you plan on introducing her to your parents?”
Mulder laughs. “I actually don’t think she’d be the most objectionable girl I’ve ever brought home.”
He reaches over and gently rubs the Jersey Devil’s back. She looks over at him but doesn’t move to attack. With his hand still resting on her back, she returns her focus to the food in front of her.
“See?” He asks proudly. “She likes me.”
“You bring her food and have sex with her,” Scully says skeptically. “Is that all it takes?”
“I’ve got good meat,” he says, and Scully nearly chokes on her pizza.
“Jeez, Scully, the steak. I’m talking about the steak. Get your mind out of the gutter,” Mulder smirks. “But really, if you think about it, it’s essentially your typical heterosexual dating ritual without any of the window dressing.”
“I think you’re grossly oversimplifying things,” she says. “What about communication? Companionship? The art of conversation? You’re an intelligent, verbose guy, Mulder. I’m having trouble picturing you in a relationship where there isn’t any intellectual discourse.”
“No verbal volleying, debating, or constantly being second-guessed? I get enough of that at work.”
Scully’s about to protest but he winks at her and any offense she felt melts away. She feels heat rising within her and she has to remind herself he’s her colleague and that his girlfriend, who has the capacity to physically rip her apart, is sitting in between them.
“I’m assuming you still don’t have any intention of taking her to Dr. Diamond,” Scully says, trying to change the subject. “Studying her could have major anthropological implications.”
“She’s not a science experiment,” he says. “That’s not the life she deserves.”
“And this is?” Scully asks. Next to her, the Jersey Devil picks pieces of meat out from under her long fingernails.
“I think she’s happy here,” Mulder says. “We’re both happy.” She isn’t sure if he’s trying to convince her or himself.
After dinner, Mulder gently cleans the Jersey Devil’s hands and face with a dampened washcloth. She seems to like the attention, or at least doesn’t resist. Once he’s done, she brings a finger to the corner of his lips, wipes away a spot of pizza grease, and then takes it into her own mouth. It’s somewhere between a sexual gesture and a primate grooming ritual.
Mulder asks Scully if she wants to stay and watch a movie with them, but she politely declines. He gets up to walk her to the door and Scully can feel the Jersey Devil’s eyes on them, as if she’s ready to fight for her mate.
On the drive home, Scully thinks there’s no way this can possibly last.
Somehow, though, it does last. For a while, anyway. Mulder jokes about having to pick up a second job to support her carnivorous diet, but he doesn’t show up to work with bite marks again. He spends less time at the office now that he has someone to come home to. Sometimes Scully catches him calling his apartment from the phone on his desk and leaving long-winded messages on his answering machine. “She likes to listen,” he tells her.
He leaves the Jersey Devil in his apartment with a fridge full of raw meat while they investigate a poltergeist in Philadelphia. When they return, she miraculously hasn’t torn his place to shreds.
It’s soon after the Eurisko case that Scully finds Mulder mopey and despondent in the basement office one morning. He’s working on paperwork and barely looks up when she arrives.
“Everything alright?” she asks and only gets a shrug in return.
“I’m sorry about Jerry,” she says. Caught up in solving the killings at Eurisko, she realizes he's barely had any time to mourn his former partner.
“It’s not that,” he replies, still glancing downward. “It’s…her.”
“Her, as in your…girlfriend?” Scully asks, the word like acid on her tongue.
Mulder nods. “She misses her children. I don’t think it’s been fair of me to keep her from them.”
“She told you that?”
“We have our way of communicating,” he says.
“Dating someone with kids can be challenging,” she says as if he’s in a relationship with a divorced working mom and not a nonverbal neanderthal.
“I think it’s time for her to go back to the forest,” he concedes.
They drive back to Atlantic City mostly in silence, the same trip they made weeks earlier but in reverse. The Jersey Devil is in the backseat again, free of restraints this time. She’s wearing a dress Scully hasn’t seen before: a short-sleeve, A-line dress made of soft cotton with thin pastel stripes. Mulder must have bought it for her. It's a good choice, she thinks, loose and comfortable without any buttons or zippers to fumble with. She’s surprised how normal the woman looks. Her hair is in a braid down her back which she can only assume is Mulder’s doing. Another thing he must remember from having a sister.
When they near the edge of the woods, the woman eagerly grabs at the child-locked door handle before Mulder even stops the car.
“She knows where we are,” he whispers to Scully. She nods in response.
They both get out of the car. Mulder walks around to open her door and unbuckle her seatbelt. She tentatively steps out of the car and towards the woods. Then she turns around and brings her hand to Mulder’s cheek. It’s like the first day in Scully’s apartment, when the Jersey Devil watched her and Mulder’s reflection in the mirror, only now they’re face to face. He leans in and kisses her.
Scully knows she should look away, but she can’t. When they pull away, they both have tears in their eyes. They nod at each other, and then she turns around and scampers away. Mulder comes to stand next to Scully and they watch until she disappears into the trees.
“Come on,” she says, taking him by the arm and leading him back to the car. “Let’s get you something to eat.”
He turns to her and smiles weakly through the tears. “Thanks, Scully,” he says. “Thanks for understanding.”
She doesn’t know if she’ll ever fully understand what this woman meant to Mulder, or what he possibly could have meant to her. But this, Scully knows for sure now, is partnership. I help you say goodbye. I bear your pain.
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SCP Cookie Foundation (Au, for fun)
Item #: SCP 682-L. (The Longan Dragon)
Object Class: Keter.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP 682-L is to be kept in a medically induced coma at site 19 in 50x50 room with no cameras and is to be observed only through thermal tracking. A large dose of Propofol, Pentobarbital, and Thiopental are to be in injected via IV into the subject's jamstream once a week or when drugs show signs of fading away.
While unconscious subject is to be restrained with Tungsten chains (A procedure similar to other beings who've fallen under the category of "Dragon") and 3 inch thick shackles applied to the wrists, ankles, tail, waist, and neck. Shackles are lined with spikes to help prevent shapeshifting if the subject tries to change into a more draconic form as means of escape.
Description: SCP 682-L is a 243.84 Centimeters (8 Feet) tall reptilian cookie. Subject is covered from head to toe in light silver and ivory scales with darker grey scales forming a pattern on the face resembling a helmet and golden eyelids giving off the appearance of eye shadow. SCP 682-L's arms and legs are covered with thicker black scales and 3 inch long claws on each digit, these claws have been shown to rip through metal which is why the spiked shackles were added to assist in containment.
Subject has curved golden horns on the sides of it's head that closely resembles metal such as gold and medium to semi long white hair. It wears gold pauldrons along with a white robe of similar color to the subjects hair. Like the rest of the "Dragons", Scp 682-L has sharp teeth with large canines, a forked black tongue, and an ovular gem embedded on it's chest that seems to house it's soul.
SCP 682-L was discovered off the coast of the Tropical Fruit Islands similar to other "dragons", floating within a hurricane the subject was generating. The creature hereby known as the Longan Dragon was found to be near indestructible and decimated with ease everything that was thrown at it. After over a thousand rounds of tranquilizers it finally fell unconscious was taken into foundation custody. Through study and many escape attempts it was discovered that the SCP, or Longan as it had called itself, has shown to have a hatred for all cookie life and looks down on cookies as a whole. It takes great offense when the fact it resembles a cookie is pointed out.
SCP 682-L has been discovered to have a variety of powers alongside what is considered for normal for "Dragons". It's main abilities appear to be future or all-seeing sight and an ability that has led to theories that Longan was in fact the being referenced in ancient mythologies of Gorgons. Subject when awake has floating eyes, typically four, floating around it. When these eyes are looking at another living being the victim turns to stone as quickly as a few milliseconds, how this happens is unknown but currently it IS known that this is a conscious ability.
Subject can only be interviewed when drowsy but rarely gives enough useful information, but statements such as "I need the others" and "The Age of Dragons" have been put in the special records. The other "Dragons" have not made comments on this but recognition is shown when SCP 682-L is brought up to them.
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is Isoflurane the same as Euthasol?
No, euthasol is pentobarbital. Isofluorane is a different type of sedative. The main difference is form in which they can be administered (iso is usually converted to gas and used in anesthetic, euthasol is generally an injection), and the fact euthasol is a controlled substance because you can apparently get high from small doses and become addicted. Similar to ketamine.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Texas' execution of Stephen Barbee on Wednesday evening was prolonged while prison officials searched for a vein in the disabled man's body, according to a prison spokesperson.
Barbee, convicted in the 2005 murders of his pregnant ex-girlfriend and her child, had severe joint deterioration, which prohibited him from straightening his arms or laying them flat, according to court records. His attorney had recently tried to halt his execution because he feared the process with Barbee's disability would result in "torture."
But courts rejected the appeals, noting that prison officials had vowed to make special adjustments to the death chamber's gurney to accommodate Barbee.
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Still, it took much more time to carry out the execution than is typical in Texas. Reporters walked into the prison around 6 p.m. CST, signaling the execution was about to begin. But for an hour and 40 minutes, no one came back out, causing anti-death-penalty protesters outside to grow worried that something had gone wrong. It is uncommon for executions to last more than an hour.
"Due to his inability to extend his arms, it took longer to ensure he had functional IV lines," prison spokeswoman Amanda Hernandez said in an email Wednesday night.
Barbee was pronounced dead at 7:35 p.m., nearly an hour and a half after he was strapped into the death chamber's gurney, according to the prison's execution record.
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Within minutes of being strapped on the gurney, an IV was inserted into his right hand, at 6:14 p.m., but it took another 35 minutes for an additional line to begin flowing in the left side of his neck. All the while, his friends watched through a glass pane adjacent to the chamber, according to a prison witness list. So did the friends of the murder victims -- Lisa Underwood and her 7-year-old son Jayden -- as well as Underwood's mother.
About 15 minutes after the IV was inserted into his neck, he gave his final statement, thanking God, his minister and his loved ones.
"I just want everyone to have peace in their heart, make eternity with Jesus, give him the glory in everything you do. I'm ready," he said, just before a lethal dose of pentobarbital was injected at 7:09 p.m., 26 minutes before he was pronounced deceased.
Hours before the prisoner's scheduled death, Barbee's execution was paused as courts battled once again over the state's handling of the prisoner's religious rights in the death chamber.
Federal courts this month went back and forth over Texas' execution policy and the findings of multiple U.S. Supreme Court rulings largely requiring the state to allow prisoners' religious advisers to audibly pray and touch them in their final moments.
On Tuesday, a district judge essentially halted Barbee's pending execution, stating Texas' prison system can only kill the death row prisoner after creating and adopting a new execution policy that clearly lays out his final religious rights. But after the federal appellate court and the U.S. Supreme Court both ruled in favor of the state early Wednesday afternoon, Barbee's execution was put back on track.
Barbee, 55, was convicted of the 2005 murders in Tarrant County. Under police interrogation, Barbee confessed to the killings, saying he feared Underwood would tell his ex-wife he was likely the father of her unborn child and he would have to pay child support. Soon after, he recanted the confession, which his lawyer argued was "the product of fear and coercion," and he had since maintained his innocence.
Instead, Barbee said his co-worker Ron Dodd, also a defendant in the murders, committed the murders alone, and he helped Dodd hide the bodies. After Barbee was sentenced to death, Dodd pleaded guilty to tampering with physical evidence and got 10 years in prison, acknowledging he helped Barbee dispose of the victims' bodies.
Barbee's first execution date, set for 2019, was stopped by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to further investigate whether it was a violation of Barbee's Sixth Amendment right to counsel when his trial attorney told the jury he was guilty against his wishes. In a Louisiana case, the U.S. Supreme Court had recently ruled that defendants have a right to insist their lawyers don't admit guilt even if the attorneys believe such a concession is the best shot at avoiding the death penalty.
Early last year, the Texas court finally handed down a highly technical ruling concluding Barbee wasn't eligible for a new trial because he didn't tell his attorneys clearly enough that he wanted to maintain his innocence. The judges said that although Barbee repeatedly told his lawyers that he was innocent and would not plead guilty, and although he was shocked at the concession of guilt at his trial, he didn't tell them his defensive strategy included an innocence claim, so he wasn't wronged under court precedent.
After the ruling, Tarrant County officials moved for a new execution date, set for October 2021. That time, it was canceled by U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt of Houston while the U.S. Supreme Court weighed another Texas man's case in a series of rulings over the Texas prison system's handling of prisoners' religious rights in the execution chamber. Barbee had requested that his spiritual adviser pray over him and lay his hand on him as he died, a practice which had recently been barred by prison officials.
This March, the high court ruled that Texas' execution policy likely violated a prisoner's religious rights, and prison officials said it would make adjustments to execute people in line with the court's intent.
Before Wednesday's execution, his lawyers still argued there was an unacceptable lack of clarity in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice's execution policy regarding religious practices. Though the prison officials conceded to following the orders of the nation's high court, the practice wasn't put into the state's execution policy.
Hoyt agreed, saying earlier this month that Texas could carry out Barbee's execution only if it updated its execution policy in a clear and consistent manner with U.S. Supreme Court rulings.
"TDCJ is now operating under an unwritten policy where prison officials may unilaterally decide whether to allow an inmate's requested accommodation ... the accommodation may be withdrawn at the will or caprice of any prison official at the last moment," Hoyt wrote in his ruling.
Prison officials swore in court affidavits that Barbee would be allowed to have his adviser touch him and pray as he dies. Federal appellate judges said Friday that Hoyt's ruling was too broad, extending beyond Barbee's needs alone, and sent it back to Hoyt to be revised. On Tuesday, Hoyt issued a new ruling mirroring his previous one but applying it to Barbee only.
"Texas [TDCJ] may proceed with the execution of Stephen Barbee only after it publishes a clear policy that has been approved by its governing policy body that (1) protects Stephen Barbee's religious rights in the execution chamber ... and, (2) sets out any exceptions to that policy, further describing with precision what those exceptions are or may be," Hoyt said in his injunction.
On Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals tossed the injunction, saying Hoyt can't order the state to devise a new execution policy. Instead, two judges said a proper order would have been to require the prison to follow its word and allow Barbee to have his spiritual adviser present, audibly praying and laying hands on him as he died.
Barbee's lawyers had also moved to stop his current execution because they said his disabilities would result in extreme pain if he is strapped to a gurney as prisoners typically are in Texas executions.
For 15 years, Barbee had increasingly lost his range of motion in numerous joints, resulting in him being unable to straighten his arms. His disability had long been documented in his prison medical records, resulting in him using a wheelchair and needing a tool to clean himself after using the bathroom, according to court filings. The prison used handcuff extensions on him because he couldn't put his hands behind his back.
"If someone wants my arms to straighten out in any way, I guess one would have to break my arms, because even forcing them, they won't straighten," Barbee said in a written affidavit last year. "It's been like this for years and it's getting worse."
Last week, the prison warden said in an affidavit that Barbee would not be required to straighten his arms on the gurney. Hoyt dismissed the case Tuesday afternoon, saying the prison had told Barbee months ago he would be accommodated.
"The leather straps that secure his arms to the arm rests are adjustable ... which allows for his arms to remain bent," Kelly Strong, the warden of the Huntsville Unit, said in her affidavit.
"Moreover, while the crook of the elbow is the preferred location for the IV insertion during an execution, the IV lines have been inserted in other locations when a suitable vein could not be utilized," she said.
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Children of the Dark: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: So sorry I keep forgetting to post. I’ve been so busy at work, I try to keep up with the schedule I’ve outlined. I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You, Emily, and JJ enter the hospital since you thought it was a good idea to bring the women along. The survivor, Carrie, might open up if there are all women around. Men attacked her, so you want to do everything you can to make her feel comfortable.
"She's lucky to be alive," her doctor says. "The injection went into the soft tissue of the arm and missed the vein."
"That's a first. This guy doesn't miss."
"We have to think about the possibility that he didn't miss."
"Like I said, she's lucky."
"Is she awake?"
"She's in and out. Keep in mind she's suffering the effects of an acute barbiturate overdose. She's drowsy and confused."
"Can we see her?"
The doctor takes you to her room where Carrie is. She has an empty look on her face, but when she sees you three, she tries to look more lively. She may not remember what happened fully, but she looks like a strong girl.
"Hi Carrie. My name is Y/N, and they are Emily and JJ. Do you mind if we talk to you about what happened?"
All she does is shake her head. You take a seat at the edge of her bed, but you don't touch her.
"Just tell us whatever you can. Anything that you can think of."
"I went to get a bag... but when I got back, there were two of them."
"What did the other one look like?"
"Heavier... Hispanic... Quiet. He never looked straight ahead."
"What do you mean?"
"Like, a few times, I felt him staring at me. When I looked up, he always looked away."
"He was avoiding eye contact," you say to your coworkers.
"Then my dad came in from the study, and they jumped him. They made Danny call for my mom, and they tied them up. Then one of them went over, got the thing from the fireplace, he started hitting them with it. And they made us watch."
She is starting to get emotional about this, which is understandable.
"Okay, you know what? We can take a break," JJ says, but Carrie stops her immediately.
"No. You need this, right?" Like you said earlier, she is a strong girl. "After a while, the quiet one took Danny away, and the other one just started going through drawers, looking for stuff. I ran."
She explains that the quiet one took a family picture of her when she was younger right before she left. She didn't want to leave her brother, but she was going to die if she stayed there. She is going to have survivor's guilt, and that is something you wish you could prevent her from feeling.
Carrie isn't up for many questions after that, but luckily, you got enough to paint a vivid picture. You head back to the station to see what the other half of the team found out. Hotch, Derek, and Spencer went to talk to the witnesses, and you're eager to hear what they have to say.
"A witness says these unsubs are using cats. We should find out where they might be getting them," Hotch says.
"There's plenty of strays out there. Nobody would notice if a few went missing," Derek shrugs. "Or they could work someplace where they had access to animals."
"It could overlap with the pentobarbital--research labs and veterinary hospitals," Spencer nods.
"I'll get Garcia to make up a list for it."
"Casrrie told us that the unsubs referred to each other as brothers," you say.
"It's not uncommon for duos to be related. The Hillside Stranglers were cousins. The Carr brothers perpetrated the Wichita massacre."
"Yeah, but these two are of different races, and Carrie said the hispanic one did not speak Spanish, which makes me think that he was raised in a white household. Maybe they're half brothers."
"What if they're adopted? Family destruction plays a role in the crimes. It could be a reflection of their own broken home," Spencer asks.
"Could be in a foster home," you shrug.
"This guy expressed affection for Carrie. We know he took her photograph. We could use that. If we release news of her survival, it might draw him out." Emily scrunches her face up, and Hotch notices that. "Not comfortable with that?"
"Not so much uncomfortable but worried. I'd be more comfortable if we doubled her security."
"Go back to the hospital and see to it."
Only Emily and JJ go to the hospital this time while you hang back at the station. You and Spencer are inside the conference room while he is putting up the new evidence on the bulletin board.
"How are you doing in the hotel?" Spencer asks.
"I miss my bed," you chuckle. "I didn't really stay in hotels ground up since my family owned a farm with plenty of room, but I never really liked hotels. They're too organized and perfect. I've been staying there for a couple of weeks now, and I can already tell they want me out. My landlord voided the rest of my lease. I'm just glad I worked out a deal with work that they'll take something out of every paycheck to help pay for the hotel room."
"I'm sorry that happened. You're always welcome at my place."
"I know, I just don't know when I'll find a new place. I had a good deal on my apartment. All these places are super expensive even for a studio. I'll figure it out."
Spencer has that same look on him as he did back in the briefing room before you left for Denver. You want to question it, but the rest of the team filters in. Emily is back while JJ stays at the hospital. Carrie got cleared, but her entire family was murdered. JJ tried to get in contact with her family in California, but no such luck. Ever since the news aired about a survivor, people have been sending flowers to Carrie's room. Emily noticed that the placement of the flowers were the exact same as in the Ortiz' house when they were murdered.
Emily is talking with Penelope now to see if she can track the flower delivery, even if the lead is dead.
"What did you find out, Reid?" Derek asks.
"This is the Laybourne house where we believe our unsubs graduated from robbery to murder."
"Did you find a trigger?"
"Not until I looked at the daughter's autopsy reports. Check out the bruises on her torso." The bruises on her torso looks like someone had beaten her, but the bruises don't look fresh. They look old, as if someone inside the family was beating her. "She was beaten, but not by the unsubs. The coroner noted those bruises were several days old. It turns out she'd been to the emergency room three times in less than two years. The DS had even been notified."
"So, the Laybournes' were abusing their daughter. Where's this going?" Hotch asks.
"One of the unsubs decimates parental figures, but we know the statistics there. It's... It's likely he was abused himself."
"So, you're saying the unsub recognized the signs of abuse, flew into a rage, and killed the parents?" you ask.
"Anger displacement. He's getting revenge for his own childhood abuse."
"So, you think what, the victims were beating their kids?" Nellis wonders.
"No, the Laybourne case was just the trigger, but now they see all parents the same."
"That doesn't explain the kids."
"Maybe it does," you speak up. "Think of the family annihilators John List and Mark Barton. They thought they were saving their kids by killing them."
"But what is he saving them from?" Nellis wonders.
"Life without their parents, without love, life like his. They're orphans. What if they both grew up in a third-party household? Like a foster home."
"Didn't Carrie describe an aversion to eye contact?" Hotch asks you, and you nod.
"Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Often seen in kids who grew up in foster homes."
"Guys, I think we may have found our girl's secret admirer," Emily says, walking into the room. "The flowers were paid by phone with a credit card under the name Robert Serrano."
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You knew from the minute you got to the Serrano house that everyone inside was dead. Their energies spill onto the street, but the thing you notice the most is the presence of the two unsub's energies. The quiet one is kind of scared and unsure about what he does, but the other one is angrier than ever.
You walk into the house feeling sad because of what happened, but also enraged that these monsters struck again.
"The flowers weren't the only thing they bought on that stolen credit card. Thirty-one dollars worth of gas at a station three blocks from here," Derek reads from the credit card statements.
"Hey, Paul. See if you can pull the security camera footage from the gas station. ID that car."
"You got it," Paul nods, leaving the group to do what was asked of him.
"The security chain has been broken. They couldn't lie their way in this time," Hotch notices.
"The media blew their MO. Everyone is on alert now that they know what's going on. They're speeding up because they feel us getting close."
"This is close?" Nellis asks you.
Your phone rings before you get a chance to answer him, and you see that it's Penelope calling you. You answer it and put her on speakerphone so Nellis can hear.
"What's up, Pen?"
"I got a match of felons in the Denver area with foster backgrounds, stressed on assaults and burglaries. I had to cross reference it with offenders having access to small animals and pentobarbital. I got a hit of nine names, and I just sent them over."
"Now we're close," you say to Nellis after hanging up.
The only way you're going to narrow the nine names down to the one you're looking for is if Carrie is here to identify them. She is the only one who can do this, even if Emily hates the idea. She's been taking a liking to the young girl, kind of like a mother figure that Carrie lost. You're not sure what will happen if Carrie's family in California doesn't answer, but you have a feeling Emily is going to be the one to step in.
You already dealt with having a child, you don't think you can do it again. You look over at Spencer and smile to yourself. At least... not now.
Instead of bringing everyone in and alarming one half of the killing duo, Hotch printed out the pictures and laid them out so when Carrie looks at them, she can easily point out to the one who did this to her. Nellis got the car's ID from the gas station's CCTV cameras, but only a partial plate was able to be seen. When Carrie came into the police station, she easily pointed out the person who did this to her.
Ervin Robles. Last known address is 39 Hill Street. He is also employed at the Denver City Pound.
Emily and JJ stayed with Carrie at the station while Derek and Spencer went to Robles' house. You and Hotch headed to the City Pound in hopes he's at one of the places. The owner or manager of the pound is in the back cleaning out one of the cages using an industrial power cleaner.
"Excuse me, sir. I'm agent Hotchner with the FBI. This is agent Y/N. We're looking for Ervin Robles."
"Ervin's off till the weekend."
"Do you have any idea where we might find him?"
"You might want to try his apartment."
"Our other agents are there right now. He's not there," you say. "Where do you send his checks?"
"He picks them up. What's this about?"
"We'd just like to talk to him," Hotch says without alarming the older man. "Who can we talk to that actually knows him?"
"Well, nobody, really. He comes in, does his job, and leaves. Real quiet. Efficient, though."
"What does he do here?" you ask.
"His actual title is animal care technician, but he's kind of the on-site Kevorkian."
Ervin is supposed to be taking care of the animals, but instead, he's been euthanizing the animals. It's how he has access to pentobarbital.
"We need you to call him."
The manager does as he's told, but Ervin didn't answer the phone. Instead, he leaves a voicemail for Ervin asking him to come into work. While you wait, you get a message that Derek and Spencer are back from Ervin's place. You and Hotch excuse yourself, heading to the front of the property where the two men are.
"The supervisor left a message for Ervin to come in right away. Work emergency. He also said a man stopped by yesterday, got into a heated argument with Ervin. The description sounded a lot like the one Carrie gave."
"Did he say what Ervin and his partner were fighting about?"
"He couldn't hear it."
"We need a name on this guy," Spencer sighs.
"Well, until we find Ervin, there's only one person that can tell us that."
"The foster mom."
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thevettechstudent · 1 month
WEEK 12:
This week I am not highlighting a specific case but rather the drug protocol of euthanasia and how important client communication is as well as advocacy for your patient.
Why would euthanasia be recommended? Euthanasia may be recommended to a client when their pet is suffering or less likely to recover from certain disease. It can also be relief from a trauma case or for a patient that is critically ill.
Usually this is a form of advocacy for the patient if they aren’t doing well.
Sometimes there is the question of: should you let the pet continue to decline or opt for euthanasia?
What is euthanasia? In veterinary medicine we use a drug to humanely end a patient’s life.
Client communication: It is important to communicate to the client what could happen while this process is occurring.
A client can ask to be present or ask to not be present during this process.
The pet would have to be separated from the client for a moment in order to place an IV catheter.
During this process, the patient’s eyes may stay open, sometimes you may hear the pet take agonal breaths, which can be scary to hear if you don’t know it is apart of the euthanasia process.
A question that is also asked is if the client wants their pet cremated or not.
What do we use? Propofol is first injected to induce sedation. (IV)
Then Euthasol is used. (IV)
Euthasol a barbiturate (CNS depressant) called pentobarbital that is used for general anesthesia, but a higher dose is used.
It causes cardiopulmonary arrest.
It is injected into the veins and is a slightly thick pink liquid (shown below.)
Water can be added to reduce thickness.
For this specific hospital, a paw print and the pet’s fur in a heart tin is offered as keepsake to remember their pet.
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groupnembutalstore · 3 months
The Effectiveness of Nembutal Capsules in Humane Euthanasia
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Nembutal, also known by its generic name pentobarbital, is a powerful sedative and anesthetic medication belonging to the barbiturate class of drugs. Originally developed as a treatment for epilepsy and other neurological disorders, Nembutal gained notoriety for its role in humane euthanasia.
Humane Euthanasia: Understanding the Concept
Euthanasia, often referred to as "mercy killing," is the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve suffering. It is a highly controversial topic, touching on ethical, moral, and legal considerations. Advocates argue that euthanasia provides individuals with a dignified end to suffering, while opponents raise concerns about the sanctity of life and the potential for abuse.
Nembutal Capsules: Mechanism of Action
Nembutal acts as a central nervous system depressant, slowing down brain activity and inducing a state of deep sedation. At higher doses, it can lead to respiratory depression and cardiac arrest, making it an effective agent for euthanasia when administered under controlled conditions.
The Use of Nembutal Capsules in Humane Euthanasia
In medical and veterinary practice, Nembutal is commonly used for euthanasia due to its rapid onset of action and reliable effectiveness. However, its use in euthanasia is subject to strict regulations and guidelines to ensure the procedure is conducted ethically and safely.
Effectiveness and Reliability of Nembutal Capsules
Studies have shown that Nembutal is highly effective in inducing a peaceful and painless death when administered correctly. Compared to other methods of euthanasia, such as carbon monoxide poisoning or lethal injection, Nembutal is preferred for its simplicity and predictability.
Safety Concerns and Risks
Despite its effectiveness, Nembutal carries risks, particularly when used outside of medical supervision. Overdose can result in respiratory failure and death, highlighting the importance of precise dosing and monitoring.
Patient Experience and Quality of Death
Individuals who have chosen Nembutal for euthanasia often report a sense of peace and acceptance in their final moments. Unlike prolonged suffering from terminal illness, euthanasia with Nembutal offers a swift and dignified end to life.
Legal Considerations and Accessibility
The legality of obtaining Nembutal capsules varies by country and jurisdiction. In some places, it is strictly regulated or outright illegal, leading individuals to seek alternative means of acquiring the medication for euthanasia.
The Role of Healthcare Professionals
Physician-assisted suicide, where medical professionals prescribe or administer medication to enable patients to end their lives, is a contentious issue in healthcare ethics. While some healthcare providers support patients' right to die with dignity, others are morally opposed to euthanasia and may refuse to participate.
Public Perception and Debates
Public opinion on euthanasia varies widely, influenced by cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. While some advocate for the legalization of euthanasia as a compassionate end-of-life option, others argue for greater emphasis on palliative care and pain management to alleviate suffering.
Case Studies and Real-Life Examples
Numerous cases have garnered media attention for their role in shaping the discourse around euthanasia. From high-profile legal battles to personal testimonials, these stories highlight the complex and deeply personal nature of end-of-life decision-making.
The Importance of Compassionate End-of-Life Care
While euthanasia with Nembutal capsules may offer a solution for some individuals facing unbearable suffering, it is essential to recognize the importance of compassionate end-of-life care. Palliative care services aim to improve the quality of life for patients with terminal illnesses, providing support and symptom management to alleviate suffering.
Future Directions and Ethical Considerations
As medical technology advances and societal attitudes towards death and dying evolve, the debate on euthanasia continues to evolve. Ethical considerations, such as patient autonomy and the potential for abuse, must be carefully weighed as society grapples with complex end-of-life issues.
Nembutal capsules have emerged as a controversial yet effective option for humane euthanasia. While debates surrounding the ethical, legal, and moral implications of euthanasia persist, Nembutal remains a widely used medication for individuals seeking a peaceful end to suffering.
Unique FAQs
What are the main benefits of using Nembutal capsules for euthanasia?
Nembutal offers a swift and painless death, providing individuals with a dignified end to suffering.
Are there any alternatives to Nembutal for humane euthanasia?
While Nembutal is commonly used, alternatives such as lethal injection or carbon monoxide poisoning may also be considered, depending on legal and ethical considerations.
How can individuals access Nembutal capsules for end-of-life decisions?
Access to Nembutal varies by location, with some jurisdictions allowing for medical prescription and others prohibiting its use for euthanasia.
What are the potential legal consequences of using Nembutal for euthanasia?
Individuals who use Nembutal for euthanasia may face legal repercussions depending on the laws of their jurisdiction, including criminal charges for assisting in suicide.
How do healthcare providers approach discussions about euthanasia with patients?
Healthcare providers navigate discussions about euthanasia with sensitivity and compassion, considering patients' wishes while also adhering to ethical guidelines and legal regulations.
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gpentobarbital · 4 months
Pentobarbital Group
Pentobarbital sodium for sale (pentobarbital sodium injection) is a sterile solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection. Each mL contains pentobarbital sodium 50 mg, in a vehicle of propylene glycol, 40%, alcohol, 10% and water for injection, to volume.
Again, the pH is adjusted to approximately 9.5 with hydrochloric acid and/or sodium hydroxide. This medicine is for injection into a muscle or a vein. Pentobarbital sodium can be used for for euthanasia and also for insomnia amongst other treatments.,
Sodium pentobarbital purchase online is now possible at Pentobarbital Group. You can now order nembutal sodium pentobarbital and get it delivered at your address within the promised timeframe. Contact us now to buy Pentobarbital Liquid.
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12 Park Road, PLYMOUTH PL29 9QB, England
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souplover10 · 4 months
Crying is not like cumming. The tears come to the surface but I can’t force it the same way. I could listen to someone having sex and faking just enough noises that I believe it’s real but that wouldn’t make me cry. And I could watch a dog get an injection of pentobarbital and watch the life drain from its eyes but that wouldn’t make me cum.
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But I could climb a rusty fire escape at night and look at the roads and think about who made them. And then I’d feel really good. And then I’d get home and I’d stay home and I’d worry that maybe all those times I wobbled on a ladder might’ve been dangerous and that maybe I could’ve fallen to my death as if that was as bad as just feeling two emotions. I’ll take my chances. Death is a sign of time well spent.
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There are going to be years of my life that feel so much worse.
And if I had to predict my life I’d say I’d probably start dating people once a year from now on, and then one will go on for 2 years and then I will stop dating for awhile again and it will take a few times and I will be really scared and I’ll get married. Or I’ll accidentally have a kid. And I won’t know what to do and I will probably be okay because truly I guess I’m okay with everything. And it’s not so bad. But it’s really bad for me but whatever it’s not like im going to kill itafter it’s gone through all this trouble of being born. And it’s not even my choice. Just scared right. Just scared. But then I’ll get divorced. And then I’ll be old and then I’ll really be clawing to get back to this bed right now where I don’t even want to fucking be. I want to be in between now and then and I wish the bus to get to the place that I wanted to be right now wasn’t so far. And more than that I wish the money i need to get into the future wasn’t so much. Maybe tomorrow he’ll learn I’m not really okay. Or maybe I just need a cup of tea. I want her to be not sad because if she’s not sad and she likes me then I’m not sad either I’m just a little crying right now
I wonder if I am going to die. Or I am going to be killed. Am I going to be a lesson or am I going to learn the lesson. Or will I be a lucky one.
I hope if I die I leave enough things created that whoever has to live on after me will get to live every day finding something new of mine. And you will be kept busy. And that’s selfish. Maybe you should take a synopsis and move on. Learn what you can and smile for your own life and then by doing that that will be smiling for me.
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louisebak34 · 5 months
It seems like you're listing various types of substances, many of which are either controlled substances, prescription drugs, or potentially illegal. Here's a general overview: Cannabinoids: These are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The most well-known is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), responsible for marijuana's psychoactive effects. Another is CBD (cannabidiol), which has therapeutic properties without the psychoactive effects. Cannabinoids are used medicinally in some areas and recreationally in others. Injectable Steroids: Steroids are a class of drugs that How to buy Belsomra in UK, USA include the corticosteroid drugs used to fight inflammation and anabolic steroids, which are related to male sex hormones and can help improve muscle growth and performance. Using them without a prescription is illegal and can cause severe side effects. Nembutals (Pentobarbital): This is a barbiturate drug. It has historically been used as a sleeping pill, but its use for this purpose has largely been replaced due to overdose concerns. It's currently used in some jurisdictions for physician-assisted suicide. Oral Steroids: Similar to injectable steroids, these are taken by mouth. They can be corticosteroids or anabolic steroids. Pain-killers: This is a broad category that includes over-the-counter analgesics like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, as well as prescription opioids like oxycodone or morphine. Opioids, in particular, have been linked to addiction and the ongoing opioid crisis. Psychedelics: These are substances that alter perception, mood, and various cognitive processes. Examples include LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), and DMT. Research Chemicals: This term often refers to novel or designer drugs that have been synthesized to mimic the effects of established illegal drugs. Their effects on humans are often not well-understood since they haven't been tested. Sexual Enhancers: These might refer to drugs like Viagra or Cialis, which are used to treat erectile dysfunction. They can also include other substances or products marketed to improve sexual performance or pleasure. Stimulants: Drugs that increase activity in the central nervous system. This includes caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines. They can boost alertness, attention, and energy. It's essential to approach the use or purchase of any of these substances with caution. Many are regulated, controlled, or illegal in many jurisdictions, and misuse can lead to severe health complications or legal consequences. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any new drug or substance.
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lukasyiii87 · 5 months
It seems like you're Dilaudid in UK, USA listing various types of substances, many of which are either controlled substances, prescription drugs, or potentially illegal. Here's a general overview: Cannabinoids: These are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The most well-known is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), responsible for marijuana's psychoactive effects. Another is CBD (cannabidiol), which has therapeutic properties without the psychoactive effects. Cannabinoids are used medicinally in some areas and recreationally in others. Injectable Steroids: Steroids are a class of drugs that include the corticosteroid drugs used to fight inflammation and anabolic steroids, which are related to male sex hormones and can help improve muscle growth and performance. Using them without a prescription is illegal and can cause severe side effects. Nembutals (Pentobarbital): This is a barbiturate drug. It has historically been used as a sleeping pill, but its use for this purpose has largely been replaced due to overdose concerns. It's currently used in some jurisdictions for physician-assisted suicide. Oral Steroids: Similar to injectable steroids, these are taken by mouth. They can be corticosteroids or anabolic steroids. Pain-killers: This is a broad category that includes over-the-counter analgesics like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, as well as prescription opioids like oxycodone or morphine. Opioids, in particular, have been linked to addiction and the ongoing opioid crisis. Psychedelics: These are substances that alter perception, mood, and various cognitive processes. Examples include LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), and DMT. Research Chemicals: This term often refers to novel or designer drugs that have been synthesized to mimic the effects of established illegal drugs. Their effects on humans are often not well-understood since they haven't been tested. Sexual Enhancers: These might refer to drugs like Viagra or Cialis, which are used to treat erectile dysfunction. They can also include other substances or products marketed to improve sexual performance or pleasure. Stimulants: Drugs that increase activity in the central nervous system. This includes caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines. They can boost alertness, attention, and energy. It's essential to approach the use or purchase of any of these substances with caution. Many are regulated, controlled, or illegal in many jurisdictions, and misuse can lead to severe health complications or legal consequences. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any new drug or substance.
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