#penrith station
haxanbroker · 1 year
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Penrith station, Cumbria, October 2017.
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teaktty · 2 months
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Tall lady
Waiting for my friend! We're gonna make badges and crochet
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notasapleasure · 5 months
The world turning at his pace
aka that time in the back of the van
Cassian Andor/Brasso (Andor TV series), Explicit, modern AU, friends with benefits, idiots in love, plot what plot/porn without plot. i.e. the same fic I write every time, Pinky. Title inspired by lyrics from Elbow - An Audience with the Pope. 6,988 words. *julia dreyfus haha what the fuck.gif* CW a smidge of setting typical homophobia, but don't worry there's also gratuitous insulting of Rupert Murdoch.
I was tired from van driving and demanding Brassian smut, or prompts for it, and @distressednoise obliged in the most ingenious way. THANK YOU FOR ENABLING ME, FRIEND.
Not on ao3 yet, this is a special treat(??) for my tumblr sickos until I can be bothered uploading it properly.
It should have been a simple job. Brasso picked up the van - full - and drove it to all the addresses on the list he was given until it was no longer full. Then, in the darkness, he turned back towards the depot, which lay a straightforward few hundred miles down the motorway, and anticipated being back in his own bed by dawn.
He was somewhere around Penrith when a ringtone interrupted the Shipping Forecast on the van radio. He'd forgotten his damned mobile phone was still charged; no matter how long he left it in the depths of his jacket pocket it never seemed to die. And when it rang, it was only ever one person calling - the same person who had set the ringtone to a tinny electronic version of Auld Lang Syne in honour of Brasso's rum-fuelled rendition last December.
With the phone beeping incessantly, Brasso cursing, and the ubiquitous Border rain lashing down on the windscreen, the van pulled into the hard shoulder of the M6 with its hazards flashing. For a moment, Brasso sighed at the percussive beat of the wipers and the indicators, then the ringtone started up again, grinding out its stately rendition of the Scottish ballad with the kind of patience - the kind of necessity - that didn't hang up early.
After a swift rummage in the hi-vis jacket lying on the passenger seat, Brasso raised the little device to his ear. "Yes? What's up?"
A lorry steamed past in the outside lane and Brasso felt his teeth rattle as the road shook beneath it.
On the other end of the line a familiar voice smirked directly into his ear: sweet, sharp and vicious as tequila with all the chasers. "Heard you were on a job up north?"
"How did you hear that?" Brasso shook his head, figuring Cassian would pick up the gesture well enough by his tone.
"Word travels," came the cryptic answer.
"What word? I only left this - yesterday morning."
"And you've been busy, lots to deliver, I know..."
"What is it you want, Cass...?"
"I thought if you were in the area..."
"What area?"
"If you were in the area I could really use a lift. I'm out of cash and I've got to get back to London..."
"What area, Cassian?"
The answer, sheepish, was mumbled so Brasso had to think hard to work it out.
"Stockton? On Tees? What the fuck, Cassian..."
"I mean, I'm near there. Trying to get a lift to - " as another lorry rumbled past Brasso's van he heard a horn honk down the line and Cassian unleashed a barrage of colourful curses in English and Spanish. "Yeah well fuck you too! I'm already in the ditch! Hello? Yeah, Brasso, I'm heading to Darlington. On the main road. How long will you be?"
Brasso mentally totted up the extra miles, the slow roads over the Pennines to the other side of the country. At least there'd be fewer rude freight vehicles that way, he supposed, as another one buzzed him with an indignant honk of its own.
"An hour and a half?"
"An hour?! I thought you were in the area!"
"Cass, 'the North' is a pretty big area. I'll come as quick as I can."
"Well do," Cassian pouted down the line. "It's wet, my socks are soaked already. You should break the speed limit or I might die of hypothermia."
Brasso let out a sigh. "If you get there first, wait at the petrol station on the bypass, ok?"
"If I'm not killed in a hit and run before then..."
"All right, Cass. See you soon."
"Yeah. Yeah, fine. Thanks..." there was warmth and genuine gratitude in that last word, at least.
Brasso flung the phone aside and rubbed his face. It never did to ask why with Cassian - it was best just to pick up the pieces and see what could be salvaged afterwards. He flicked the dial of the radio along until some sort of cheesy commercial station replaced the sober tones of the BBC. Penrith to Darlington, in a storm, as fast as he could go - this required power ballads.
Humming along to the closing bars of Total Eclipse of the Heart, he switched off the hazards and pulled out into the dark, momentarily quiet lane of the motorway. He cycled through the van's gears with ruthless efficiency until the engine sounded like a Formula One racer and the chassis began to rattle. Empty, the van sure could move, but the faster he went the more he expected to take off at the slightest bump.
Ten songs and one cursory news bulletin later, with the same handful of adverts repeated time and again between them, and Brasso was bringing the van in a loop around Darlington's centre, slipping beneath the sulphur-orange street lights as the fuel light glowed sadly up at him. He was running on fumes, but he'd said to meet at a garage, and his employers had given him a cash bonus to cover the cost of fuel.
There was no sign of Cassian there, however, and Brasso worried Cass had found a completely different place to wait. He checked the time again and filled the tank. He bought an assortment of foodstuffs and drinks from the kiosk when paying for the fuel and looked around as though all it would take to summon Cassian was a tube of Pringles, an energy drink, and a packet of gummy sweets.
Under normal circumstances, Brasso wasn't convinced it wouldn't have worked, but Cassian evidently hadn't reached the garage yet and remained stubbornly absent. Brasso got back in the van, peered into the drizzly night, and slowly continued onwards towards Stockton.
Trust Cassian to be walking along a duel carriageway on a night heavy with fog and rain. Would he be wearing hi-vis? Would he hell. Brasso switched the radio off and leaned over the steering wheel to stare at the edge of the road. He slowed to a speed that would really annoy his fellow road-users, only there were so few about at this hour of the morning.
He was starting to wonder if he'd missed Cass in all the spray and the spume when something caught his eye on the other side of the road - a bedraggled scarecrow loitering at a bin in a layby. Frowning, Brasso pulled into the inside lane to try to get a better look - and got undertaken by a furious white Audi for his troubles.
He took the next exit and followed the convoluted directions that would lead him back onto the road going in the other direction, and was soon approaching the layby.
Cassian fell upon the door to the passenger seat and was inside, dripping on all Brasso's stuff, before the van had even stopped.
"Jesus what took you so long?"
"What were you doing over here?!"
"I was coming from the west, why were you on this side of the road?"
"I told you, I was trying to get a lift!"
"But you knew I was coming, and I'd be on the other side!"
Cassian was rummaging in the glove compartment and finally found what he'd been looking for: Brasso's tobacco, papers and filters. "Oh my god, I need this..."
The instant turbulence inside the cabin when Cass arrived meant Brasso hadn't noticed the van's grumpy beeping until they were up to 80, heading back towards the dull orange glow of Darlington and its corona of light pollution. "Cass - seat belt."
Cassian made a sound - acknowledgement, oral eye roll, impatient sigh all rolled up together - and fidgeted, speedily rolled fag hanging from his lips as he sought the end of the seat belt.
Brasso swore he could hear Cass's clothes squelch. That long trenchcoat hadn't been waterproof since before Cass inherited it from his foster-father. It was like Cass thought that even repairing or properly maintaining it would cause it to lose its connection with Clem.
He settled, though, and the windows started to mist with condensation as the van's heating warmed him up.
By the time they were back at the junction for the A1 some unfortunate HGV driver had aquaplaned themselves into a horizontal position across both lanes, which were closed until the lorry could be moved. Thwarted, Brasso tried to give a good-natured nod to the police officer redirecting them - as Cassian kept his head down and his collar up - and speculated on a new route through the countryside, meandering a way over to the A19.
It was gone 3am by the time they passed Thirsk; Cassian's teeth were chattering though the heating was all the way up and the van cabin smelled of burning dust and hot plastic. The air was tropical with the moisture still steaming off him, but the heat was making Brasso sleepy as hell, and between them he and Cassian had already finished the bag of gummies and the energy drinks. Cassian hadn't told Brasso what he'd been doing in the North East and Brasso hadn't asked.
"Back in London tonight?" Brasso stifled a yawn against the back of his hand as they drove past a picnic spot, thinking wistfully that he could pull over there and sleep in the cabin if he didn't have a soggy passenger in the other seat.
Cassian made an ambivalent noise. His arms were wrapped tight around his torso, his elbows gripped in his hands. "No...just before tomorrow." Noticing Brasso's incredulous look, he added "I mean, this afternoon? He won't be looking for me until then."
Best not to ask - always best not to ask. But Brasso gave Cassian another sideways look that said he was very much tempted to ask.
"Shall we stop?" Cass released an elbow so he could chew on the fingernails of the hand that had been holding it.
"That's why you're asking, right? You've been driving for hours. We should probably stop."
Brasso had been trying very hard not to think about stopping or sleeping, lest the very idea of either be so tempting he'd just succumb then and there. "No B&B's gonna be open at this time of night, Cass."
"We can sleep in the back of the van!"
The suggestion was so immediate Brasso guessed Cassian had been considering it for some time already.
"Have you seen back there? It's filthy. Last job was a bunch of reclaimed garden gnomes, they came with half the bloody garden!"
"I guess the other option is you drive till you pass out and then we get beds in A&E," Cassian hissed as Brasso had to blink and swerve when someone in the other lane sped past without dimming their headlights.
With a curse, Brasso assented. He told Cassian to keep an eye out for laybys, though now they were back on the motorway he figured they'd just have to wait for a truck stop that wasn't already full. They were past Wetherby and had finished the Pringles too by the time they found one, and made a dash from the cabin to the rear of the van through rain that was thinner but no less persistent than it had been further north.
Cassian hopped into the back as Brasso was still hoisting himself up and trying not to hit his head on the roof. He wrinkled his nose and crouched to rummage through the crumpled pile of packing sheets, looking for something dry, clean and comfortable to lie on.
Nothing met all three criteria, but a combination of loosely folded sheets made a sort of pillow and a cover for the cold metal base of the van. Everything smelled of mud and oil and antifreeze, but that was soon disguised by the smoke of the cigarettes Brasso rolled for them while Cassian wriggled out of his wet trousers. In the dark of the van he didn't bother hiding the fact he was watching Cassian, and Cassian didn't pretend not to notice. An ember-lit outline of sharp limbs, his eyes glittering and fathomless, Cassian sat there in his boxers and t-shirt, smirking around his fag at Brasso as he waited on the simply arranged square of bedding, his knees drawn up and his arms draped loosely around them.
Taking his time, Brasso dragged his eyes away from Cass and unlaced his boots. He left his socks on, but in an unspoken concession to Cass's continued shivering, to the goose-bumps on his legs and the way his body hair stuck out from each one, he pulled off his trousers and unbuttoned his shirt.
The cold air made his own hair stand on end and his nipples harden, but the light of their cigarettes was almost as warm as the looks they each cast across the cramped space.
"Budge up then," Brasso muttered, stubbing out his fag end against the metal roof and chucking the butt aside.
Cassian stubbed his own cigarette out and plunged them into darkness as Brasso shuffled in close beside him. He pulled his hi-vis over the both of them, though it left his legs cold, and tucked himself around Cass's back - bare chest against the still-damp fabric of his t-shirt, knees to the back of Cass's knees, and Cass's round little arse perched neatly against Brasso's crotch. Brasso dutifully buried his cheek against Cass's neck and closed his eyes - though it was so dark inside that he couldn't tell the difference if he opened them again.
The rain outside continued its dance on the flat metal roof, not thunderingly heavy, but in loud, fat drops that always seemed to come and jolt Brasso's eyes open just as he thought he was finally relaxing into sleep.
Then again, he didn't feel tired anymore. The nictotine buzz was coursing through him, and Cassian had warmed up in his arms - mostly, though ice-cold toes sometimes curled round to prod at Brasso's shins. It was obvious by his breathing that he wasn't asleep either, and with a contrived cough to clear his throat he pushed back against Brasso in a way that compelled Brasso to bite his lip.
It was always going to come to this from the minute his phone rang, Brasso knew. It happened off and on, the way Cassian came and went in and out of the lives of those around him. It had been happening off and on for some years now, actually. If Cass needed a favour, Brasso obliged when no one else would be soft or daft enough to do so; Cassian, perpetually broke and perennially aware of the effect his big brown eyes had on people, paid Brasso back in love bites and nail marks. It would have made Brasso feel like just another of Cass's lovelorn, disposable conquests -only with him, Cass did one thing he never did with the others - he kept coming back when he needed Brasso. By now they had both become quite good at knowing the steps that would ensure things continued this way and Cass would keep on coming back as long as Brasso kept on releasing him so he'd return again. It was a simple sort of dance with very little discussion involved and a lot of implicit assumptions - it needed to be, given the darkness of the back of the van.
Once more, Cassian wriggled against Brasso until he forced a grunt of acknowledgement from Brasso's lips. Brasso fidgeted in turn, trying to make sure nothing essential was trapped under Cass's bodyweight.
Cass twisted his head around, his messy hair catching in Brasso's nose and mouth. "You still awake?"
"Yes I'm still awake, you won't stay still for five seconds!"
Inevitably, with the pressure of Cass's arse against him, Brasso had already felt the first stirrings of heat in his groin. When Cass detected it too, he shuffled back against Brasso's twitching cock, ensuring it would harden between his arse cheeks. Again, Brasso bit his bottom lip and turned his face towards Cassian's neck. His arm tightened around Cass's body and he breathed in the smell at the nape of his neck - sweat and rain and cheap laundromat detergent, cigarette smoke and ground spice and something astringent: counterfeit ink? Cleaning fluid? Machine oil? Probably a palimpsest of all three.
Cass gripped onto the arm round him with one hand and reached behind him with the other, fingers questing for Brasso's arse to give it a squeeze and pull him closer.
Finally, Brasso let himself open his mouth against the back of Cass's neck and scrape his teeth over clammy skin, placing a kiss on each protruding vertebra he could reach, nuzzling his way down the back of Cass's t-shirt until he felt the vibration of a whine in Cass's chest beneath his arm.
When Cass moved with the kind of urgency that followed no force on earth could hold him - he shuffled his hips round and his arms snaked across Brasso's side and under his neck as Cass pressed close to him in the dark, his nose bumping against Brasso's cheek and his lips seeking out Brasso's lips. Salty flavouring from the crisps they'd shared and a hint of sugar from the energy drink coated his tongue as he thrust it into Brasso's mouth, kissing him hard and hungrily.
Brasso let himself be turned half onto his back by the attention, Cass pushing aggressively down on him, his hands clamping Brasso's jaw to hold him just how he wanted, before one restless set of fingers trailed down the open front of his shirt, raking through chest hair, carelessly catching at the ticklish curls on his belly and then plunging into the waistband of Brasso's boxers.
Brasso's hips bucked into the touch, but he could feel a rivet on the floor of the van's uneven surface digging into his shoulder blade, and it wasn't quite the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain that did it for him.
Cass didn't understand that from the sound Brasso made in his mouth though and redoubled his efforts down Brasso's underwear, fingers crooking deep under his balls and palm rubbing down on his cock. For a moment it did actually balance the pain in his shoulder quite well, and then Brasso managed to break free of the kisses, a hand gripping the back of Cassian's hair like he was dragging an overenthusiastic dog away from last night's takeaway on the street floor.
Cass bared his teeth in a similar way to a dog, too - Brasso knew because they dragged on his lip as he pried Cass away and shoved him over onto his back with a grunt.
Cass released his cock and dug fingernails into Brasso's chest instead, tangling in the thick dark hairs there and tugging so Brasso's skin prickled with sore heat.
Swearing as he kissed the squirming, sharp-toothed thing beneath him, Brasso fumbled for Cass's face in the dark, raking his own fingers through Cass's beard and hair. He dropped his hips heavily against Cass's and was in no doubt that the noise Cass made was a sign of appreciation at the rough handling. Brasso moved his grip from Cass's face to his hips and ground his body down against Cass's, groaning at the friction between his boner and the two layers of thin cloth separating it from Cass's equally hard cock.
It made Cass release another sound, and he didn't bother disentangling his fingers from Brasso's chest hair before ripping one hand away to yank the back of Brasso's boxers down and land an open-palmed slap on the arse cheek he exposed.
"Fuck!" Brasso muttered in surprise as the stinging sensation lingered while Cass's restless hand worked at pulling his boxers further down.
It just gave Cass another opportunity to clamp down on his lower lip and suck until it felt bruised, so Brasso relented and freed a hand to assist in the removal of his underwear.
The boxers were barely off his arse cheeks when Cass started wriggling away anew, slipping down beneath him towards the doors at the back of the van.
"What're you - ? Cass, where are you going?" Brasso had to hold still and listen to the hollow banging of Cassian's shoulders and arse squirming against the floor of the van as he shuffled beneath him.
The first indication he had of where Cass had ended up was the hair tickling his navel, then a breathy giggle against his stomach, followed by lips, teeth, lips, and a hand between his legs as Cass tried to manoeuvre the two of them so he could get Brasso's cock in his mouth.
It wasn't easy to prop himself up how Cass wanted without hitting his head on the roof of the van in the dark, and Brasso was only partially successful in the endeavour, but he wasn't going to spend long contemplating the bruise on the back of his head when Cass was insistently whining "Come on Brasso, fuck my mouth, I'm right here!" between swallowing as much as he could of Brasso's cock and tugging on his arse, trying to get a rhythm going.
Scrabbling in the pitch black for a hand hold, Brasso eventually found one of the straps for securing cargo and got his weight on his knees so he could thrust down into the darkness and the invisible, wet warmth of Cass's mouth. Without being able to see what was happening he could only concentrate on the sensation of tongue and pressure, sucking and - more often than he meant to cause it - gagging. Cass's fingers would tighten on his arse and he'd try to hold Brasso close even as he spluttered and choked. Brasso could feel the back of Cass's throat pulse defensively against the pressure of his cock and always slowed down afterwards, tried more measured movements, but Cass would crane his neck and bear down on him until he could dictate the angle of Brasso's hips - with just the softest threat of teeth as he did. The third time Brasso had to listen to him retching in the dark he pulled back and sat down heavily on what turned out to be his hi-vis jacket.
"Where'd you go?" Cassian said sulkily, but Brasso was already rummaging by touch for the pockets of the jacket. He found the lube and condoms first, then his lighter.
"Here," he flicked his thumb over the spark wheel and held the plate down, squinting past the little blue flame to meet Cassian's eyes.
His cheeks were flushed deep red and his lips were shining with spit. His hair was a wreck and his beard was tousled against its natural growth, his t-shirt was half shucked up and his boxers were peaked like a circus tent.
Brasso stifled a sigh at the sight of him, but Cassian didn't hide the flash of lust in his own eyes at whatever the light had revealed of Brasso himself. He ran his tongue over his lower lip and moved like he was about to pounce.
"Wait! Wait wait wait!" Brasso held a hand up with a condom held between his fingers and offered Cass the lighter.
He pulled a face and took the condom instead, raising the corner of the foil to his mouth.
"Don't you fucking rip it," Brasso held the lighter steady and glared at him, eyebrows raised in warning.
Cassian's own eyes widened - as if! - and he daintily tore the corner before opening the packet with his fingers. "Can't believe you don't trust I'm clean," he muttered around a smirk as he leaned forwards to fit the condom on top of Brasso's prominent boner.
"Like I even want to know where you've been," he answered, feeling his throat tighten with longing as he watched Cassian's fingers move nimbly down his cock, rolling the sheath over it. "Besides, you never even ask where I might have been."
Cassian looked up at him quickly, sharply, his lips hidden by his moustache and his eyes cast into uncanny darkness by the side-lighting of the little flame. He seemed so alien to Brasso when he looked like that, like a creature from another world entirely. "I can only imagine," Cassian purred, lavishing Brasso's cock with a series of firm strokes.
He leaned over then and blew out the flame of the lighter, which Brasso didn't bother holding onto and chucked aside into some hollow corner of the van.
His eyes were confused by the afterglow of the flame, but he knew where Cassian's pants were anyway and dived for them with both hands, pulling them away as Cass flailed his legs to speed up the process. It didn't really achieve the desired effect, just earned Brasso a fat lip from the knee he took to the chin, but with a crack of stitches stretching the offending item of clothing was removed and Brasso fell upon Cass guided by smell alone, following salt and sweat and musky warmth. He pushed his tongue into the base of Cass's cock and worked it against his balls, sucking the loose skin on them and then running his mouth up the taut underside of his cock.
Cass whined and squirmed and grasped at Brasso's hair, his shoulder, his arm, seeking the hand with the lube in it so he could take the bottle and open it. He poured it - mostly - on Brasso's fingers, though some dropped onto the skin of his hip and he wriggled and flinched as it trickled a cold track over his body.
Brasso felt his way between Cass's arse cheeks as he mouthed Cass's cock, probing the darkness for the place that gave way to him, eager and accommodating to the first finger, tighter around the second.
Cassian made a desperate sound and bucked his hips up into Brasso's touches. "Come on, come on..." he complained, then sucked in a sharp breath as Brasso pushed the pair of fingers deep inside him. Cass moaned, and the sound made Brasso feel like he'd been kicked in the solar plexus by a velvet boot. He made his own grunt of pleasure against Cass's nutsack and lowered his hips to the van floor, his knees bent and feet kicking absurdly in the air because he was too close to the door to lie down flat. The van floor was cold and hard under his cock and he squirmed his hips again and pushed his fingers inside Cass to help prop himself up.
Cass's body clenched round him and Cass let out a hoarse cry - "Oh, fuck, do that again!"
Brasso tried, but the pressure wasn't as great now he was stable, so he pulled his fingers out and slapped his hand on Cass's hip. "Lube - where is it?"
"Oh, do you have to? Just fuck me..." Cass's knees knocked against his sides and he tried to draw him closer with legs tangling around his torso.
"I think some would be a good idea, Cass."
"There was some on your fingers already. I threw it over by the lighter. It's not worth going looking, just come here," he got his ankles crossed behind Brasso and tugged him forwards until their stiff cocks were trapped together between them and Brasso's tongue was somewhere halfway down Cass's throat again.
He made the most of it while he was there, rolling his hips and rubbing against Cass until the sounds Cass was making in his mouth grew desperate and high-pitched.
Abruptly, ruthlessly, Brasso pulled away from him and grasped for the inside of his thighs, squeezing soft, sparsely haired flesh aside and pushing forwards with his cock. He released one of Cass's legs so he could guide his head up to Cass's hole and test the resistance of his body.
He was tight, but still keen, insisting he wanted Brasso to fuck him hard even as Brasso began to ease inside him.
He shuffled forwards on his knees as best he could, realising there was no packing sheet beneath him, wherever they'd ended up. His head and shoulders were bowed so he didn't knock the roof with his head again, and he braced himself with one hand against the roof and the other on Cass's hip, holding him steady as he pushed deeper in a careful, slow way that brought guttural sounds of impatience from the darkness where Cassian lay.
Once he was all the way in he heard Cass release a shaky breath and felt him bring his hips up towards Brasso's carefully.
"You good?" Brasso moved his body in a small pulse against Cassian's just to make sure he got a genuine response, feeling him clench and force himself to relax.
Cass whimpered, but it was lust more than discomfort that made his voice shake when he replied "Yes, fucking come on!"
Brasso grunted acknowledgement, like it made no odds to him, but he thrust carefully, in measured movements that would feel hard to Cass but kept much of Brasso's power in reserve for now. He got in as close as he could, his knees splayed to either side of Cass's body and Cass's cock held gently but firmly in his hand as he bucked his hips against him.
Bit by bit, Brasso let his hips and hand speed up and put more power into the cycle of his thrusts, and he felt Cass's body rock and slide beneath him, his attempts at getting purchase somewhere on his surroundings failing as Brasso's body pounded solidly against his. Cass's legs floundered at Brasso's sides, his knees knocking against his ribcage, and he struggled to assert any control over the pace or rhythm from where he was, caught and held by the movement of Brasso's body.
He was getting louder with each moment too, helpless sounds and the back of his throat turning to hoarse, choked repetitions of "Ah!" that got louder the harder Brasso managed to thrust inside him, the more in time he could make the pumping of his hips and of his hand on Cass's cock.
Brasso's eyes fell shut in the darkness as he focussed on the rhythm and the feeling of Cassian's insides, hot and tight, yielding yet strong around him. Behind closed eyes, Brasso imagined what he couldn't see in the dark: Cass's open mouth and his eyelids falling heavily over a heated gaze; his chest rising and falling intermittently as he gasped for breath, but jerking with each coming together of their bodies; his nipples showing hard through the threadbare fabric of his t-shirt and the hair on his belly starting to gleam with sweat where it appeared at the hemline.
Brasso's eyes were still closed when Cass came hot and gushing, spilling over Brasso's hand and spattering his belly and navel. The feeling of it - a surprise in the dark, no matter how inevitable it had been - made Brasso himself come, heat digging deep in the pit of his body and rolling up like a riptide, dragging him away from himself, rushing him into some abyss where he forgot, for a moment, that the back of the van was dark, and thought he'd gone blind with ecstasy.
He let himself lie against Cass for a while afterwards, and Cass held him tight too, his legs tangled around Brasso's and his fingers holding the back of Brasso's head like, Brasso imagined, he'd hold a man beneath water until he drowned.
Sleepily, Brasso mouthed kisses along Cassian's neck, and Cass ran fingers over Brasso's skull. Brasso fidgeted and wrung out the last remnants of pleasure from his hips with little movements that didn't do much more than allow his soft cock to slip out of Cass's arse. Cass moved his head to nose and chin Brasso's face aside until he could be kissed, now with less use of teeth, with more sweat in Cass's moustache, with even more left unsaid than went unsaid during foreplay. Brasso imagined it was the kind of kiss the heroes of cheap romance novels got at the end of the story, and, like them, he prepared for the closing of this little fantasy they shared - until the next time Cass needed him. For now they'd sleep well, wrapped round each other like weeds, and when they woke they'd finish the drive, maybe get breakfast somewhere and bitch about the morning headlines like nothing had happened, and Brasso would drop Cassian off, and they wouldn't meet again for weeks or months, and then they'd do it all over as and when they needed to.
This had been a particularly good encounter though, Brasso admitted to himself as he pulled the condom off and knotted it before slinging it away into the darkness. Probably meant it would be a while before they did this again, each one nervous of what it meant that the most satisfying fuck they knew was someone they'd never publicly acknowledge as more than a well-worn old friend. Really, Brasso thought with a degree of relief as he nuzzled his face into Cass's shoulder, it was a good job they didn't talk about this. He'd only go and say something stupid, after all, like telling Cass he'd leave the rest of the world to rot and serve no one but him if the self-sabotaging little bastard ever cared to ask.
He didn't need to though - that was the point. He already knew - didn't he?
Too sleepy to worry overly about this, Brasso fumbled around for the hi-vis again and swept it over their shoulders, shuffling until they lay brow to brow, shoulder to shoulder, their lower legs twisted one on top of the other. Cass's breath tickled his face, and Cass's wrists sandwiched the arm Brasso lay on protectively between them.
He didn't remember lying awake or agonising about a thing - next he knew there was a cool, silvery dawn light in his eyes and a cold breeze on his feet. The van's doors were open and voices sparred tetchily outside.
Brasso sat up and cast about for his boxers, pulling them on as he tried to pick up the words being spoken outside. His back and shoulders ached from sleeping on the hard, uneven bed of the van, and he longed for coffee and a cigarette to clear the fog in his mind and his mouth.
"I said come over here, you little poof! I've got a sausage bap right here for you!"
Brasso sighed at the sound of a trucker yelling across the layby and quickened his work as he pulled his boot laces tight. Peace had been nice while it lasted.
He didn't catch Cassian's reply to the provocation, but he did step out of the van in time to see him turn, quick as a snake, and, with a little hop for extra height, smash his forehead into the taller man's nose.
The first thing Brasso noticed was how filthy the back of Cassian's t-shirt was where he'd been pressed against the van floor last night. Then he admired the shape of Cass's arse in his thigh-hugging boxers and the expanse of wiry, muscled leg leading down to his bare ankles and loosely pulled on Docs, muddied yellow laces trailing. Then, belatedly, he caught himself and sauntered over to pull Cass back from the trucker by a fistful of that grotty t-shirt.
The other man wasn't about to come for more though - if Cass's Glasgow kiss hadn't dissuaded him the sight of Brasso would have done. He cupped his bleeding nose and looked at the pair of them incredulously. "Pervs," he snarled, stepping back.
"What did you do?" Brasso couldn't help but ask as Cassian turned back towards the van, chewing on the cuticle of a finger with no nail left to gnaw on.
"I was just having a pee behind the bin! I asked where to get breakfast round here," he huffed, grabbing after Brasso's hi-vis and looting the pockets for baccy and papers.
"There'll be somewhere at the next services," Brasso told him, sweeping up the discarded fag ends, used condom and some of the other detritus from the van and taking it to the overflowing bin in his cupped hands.
On reviewing the state of the van and of Cassian, he saw they'd missed the messy pile of packing sheets entirely, and Cass's t-shirt had rubbed a section of the floor nearly clean. The streaky patch of grot made it look like they'd dragged a corpse out of the back, and Brasso wondered whether his employers would prefer to hear that excuse rather than learn their van had been repurposed as a '70s style shagmobile.
He retrieved his lighter and his lube and chucked the hi-vis at Cassian. "For your dignity."
Cassian pulled a face but nestled himself inside the large jacket. Inside the cabin he arranged his socks and trousers across the over-worked air vents so they'd have a better hope of drying and sat in the passenger seat - all fluorescent orange and bare legs - smoking his way through Brasso's tobacco.
They agreed to skip the first few service stations they passed - there was a chain of diners further south that Brasso knew would feed them well enough to compensate for the lack of sleep. They probably wouldn't even ask Cass to put his trousers on either.
As it turned out, his trousers were dry enough to pull on by the time they stopped to eat, and Brasso watched Cass fall upon an obscenely stacked breakfast burger from over his vat of coffee, wondering where Cassian was putting the mountains of hash browns and black pudding that he guzzled down. It was for the best that they were both reasonably decent as the morning crowd included holidaying families, but Cass didn't modify his language when he flipped through a copy of the Sun someone had left on the table.
"Mum, what's 'scrote-faced misery pornographer'?" a young girl asked in the next booth after a particularly forceful outburst, so Brasso kicked Cassian's shins under the table.
"Can it! No one here cares what you think of the editorial."
Cass rolled his eyes and pointed again to the story that was vexing him - increased police powers, a change the paper wholeheartedly supported - and launched into a defence of his outburst, as if Brasso needed convincing of the argument against giving the pigs a free rein to stop and search at taser-point. He was thinking instead of how accurate his prediction for the morning had been, and how this was simultaneously reassuring and a little unnerving. It was like he'd already cut himself off from this time with Cass, and was just counting down until their next run in, however many weeks or days in the future it would be.
"Want me to drive?" Cassian asked him as they walked back to the van, the wind whipping his unkempt hair across his face and his smirk half-hidden by his moustache.
"You're not insured," Brasso rolled his eyes. He hadn't recovered from the last time he'd been in a vehicle with Cass at the wheel - the van was not made for the kind of ruthless speed Cass specialised in.
In any case, ten minutes down the road Cass was asleep in the passenger seat, head back against the seat and snoring lightly in a way that raised a fond smile to Brasso's lips. When he noticed himself smiling he rubbed his face and gave his cheek a tap or two, telling himself to snap out of it.
He drove straight to Sal's - it had probably been someone at the yard who had told Cassian he was up north on deliveries anyway.
Brasso drank too-hot instant coffee from a polystyrene cup in Sal's office and listened to the next itinerary. Sal wasn't mad, or surprised, that Brasso had turned up late with an extra passenger - Cassian was now rummaging through Sal's wares while Bix kept a close eye on him, making sure nothing pocketable got pocketed.
When he had his new list of addresses and orders, Brasso went out to hand it over to Bix for loading. "You want a lift somewhere?" he asked Cassian.
"First delivery of the day," Bix raised an eyebrow.
"I like to get the awkward ones out of the way first."
Cassian gazed coolly at the two of them, waiting for them to finish. "Apparently the Swede isn't pleased with the last job I did for him."
"He did not sound happy this morning," Bix confirmed, folding her arms and glancing at the perspex windows of Sal's office. "We could hear him bawling at Sal all the way at the far end of the yard."
"Guess I could stay at Maarva's storage unit for a bit," Cassian tore another strip of cuticle off between his teeth.
"Why don't you take him with you?" Bix looked over at Brasso, mischief in her dark eyes. Like Cassian, she could smirk without moving her lips at all.
"So when this pissed off Swedish guy goes looking for him, I get found too?"
Bix shrugged. "How will he know Cass is with you? Besides, you'll have a navigator and a hand with unloading."
Brasso eyed Cass and Cass eyed Brasso. Brasso wondered if Cassian was thinking the same thing as him - what if the time apart was necessary to the functioning of their benefit-heavy friendship?
But Bix punctured the seriousness of Brasso's considerations with a casual addition: "Maybe the whole of Sal's van will be clean by the time it's safe to come back."
Brasso looked at her in surprise, Cass looked casually at the inside of the van, and Bix shrugged.
With that secret not, apparently, a secret, maybe it was best to skip town for a while, Brasso conceded.
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clouseplayssims · 2 years
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It’s good to be back!!
Today we’re in Penrith with even more van Aalsburgs.
Graham is one of Mary and Asher’s many offspring, so he’s a full sibling with Marise Kenton, Brigham van Aalsburg, and more. Like practically everyone else in his family he took up the tradition of adopting and raising random kids that weren’t his, including his own sister after the war, along with one that is his but... well. We’ll get there.
Graham is pretty casual and aimless, but he does alright as one of the Penrith outcasts. It helps that his wife is pretty ambitious when it comes to having fun, and he lives to please. He’s actually working as an entertainer, traveling to nearby villages to sing and juggle. It’s not a bad life.
Hattie was originally a serf who grew up with no expectations of freedom... despite the fact that her entire family had banded together to save enough money to free her older sister, Alyce. But Hattie didn’t hold it against them or Alyce. Honestly, she had no real desire to rise in station, not even after the war when she was freed and had a decent shot at rising above her station. It was just sort of unappealing? She loves her husband, despite the age difference, and even loves their little blended family unit. Thankfully she’s got no sense of shame since there are some who judge them for taking in Breena.
After being orphaned during the war, Agnes Bear had a very uncertain fate. She was barely a toddler at the time and very easily could have been lost for good. Graham found her though and has raised Agnes as his own from the beginning. Trouble was, he had been a bachelor at the time with loose ideas on child raising, with a troublesome sister to also keep an eye on, so Agnes grew up to be... well. A Romance sim with some questionable behaviors. I’m very curious to see how she develops! (I need you to know she rolled a height of 6′ as an adult. I cannot WAIT.)
Now for Breena. Her mother is Azalea Siew, who actually works in the local brothel. She was raised there until she was 3 or so, when Azalea finally realized it wasn’t a good place for a child and asked Graham to take her, which he did without hesitation. Her early upbringing really impacted her though, to the point where she’s already a bit of a prude. It’ll only get worse as she ages, knowing the burden of her birth is hard to escape in such a tiny flyspeck village.
As the only boy in the house, you’d think Lucas would be fed up with having so many sisters forever hogging the tub and privy, but he’s a chip off the old block and just about as laid back as a sim can be. It helps to be a night owl so he doesn’t always deal with them during the day.
Little Nola is the newest member of the family, and she kind of terrifies me.
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kitchendecorate · 2 months
Evaluate Your Space With Innovative Kitchen Design In Penrith
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Are you looking to revamp your kitchen and create a space that seamlessly blends functionality with aesthetics? Look no further than vibrant kitchen design in Penrith, where innovation meets style to elevate your cooking experience.
The Importance of Thoughtful Kitchen Design
A well-designed kitchen is more than just a place to cook; it's the heart of your home, where family and friends gather to create lasting memories. With this city's diverse range of design options, you can tailor your kitchen to suit your lifestyle and preferences.
Maximising Space Efficiency
This city where space is at a premium, optimising every square inch of your kitchen is crucial. Innovative storage solutions, such as pull-out pantries, corner cabinets, and vertical shelving, ensure that no space goes to waste. This not only enhances functionality but also creates a clutter-free environment.
Trendsetting Designs for Modern Living
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends in kitchen design. From sleek minimalist styles to bold colour choices and mixed materials, The design experts can help you create a space that reflects your personality and taste. Incorporating smart technology, such as touchless faucets and integrated appliances, adds a modern touch to your kitchen.
Customisation for Your Unique Needs
No two kitchens are alike, and your design should reflect your unique needs and preferences. Whether you're a gourmet chef or a busy parent, customising your kitchen layout, countertops, and cabinetry ensures that it meets your specific requirements. Personalised touches like a dedicated coffee station or a built-in wine fridge add a touch of luxury to your daily routine.
Creating a Timeless Appeal
While trends come and go, timeless design elements never go out of style. Opting for classic materials like marble countertops, hardwood floors, and shaker-style cabinets ensures that your kitchen remains elegant and timeless for years to come. Pairing these with modern accents creates a harmonious blend of old-world charm and contemporary flair.
Professional Guidance for Seamless Execution
Embarking on a kitchen design project can be daunting, but with the right guidance, it becomes a seamless process. The experienced designers and contractors work closely with you from concept to completion, ensuring that every detail is executed to perfection. Their expertise and attention to detail result in a kitchen that not only looks stunning but also functions flawlessly.
In conclusion, kitchen design in Penrith offers a plethora of options to transform your space into a culinary masterpiece. By focusing on space efficiency, trendsetting designs, customisation, timeless appeal, and professional guidance, you can create a kitchen that not only meets your needs but also exceeds your expectations. Get ready to elevate your cooking experience and impress your guests with a beautifully designed kitchen in Penrith.
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joshuawithers · 4 months
14 ideas to build and grow a podcast network today
I recently had the opportunity to express my interest in a field I’ve never officially worked in, for a company I’d never worked for, in an industry I’ve been out of for over a decade: audio, more specifically, audio on-demand, or as we’ve called it for twenty years, podcasting.
I didn’t make it past expressing interest for the position but my application - in the form of audio on demand - was “one of the most creative submissions I’ve seen/heard” said an ABC staff member, which I sincerely appreciate, but my fire and passion for podcasting/audio on-demand has now been given oxygen - after over a decade of self-employment I applied for the job intending to get it.
So, I wanted to at least document my thoughts here on my blog, and then open source them, release my thoughts to the greater podcasting public.
May these gathered thoughts help or inspire you to succeed in the field, even if you got the job as Head of Audio on Demand for the ABC ;)
What I would do if I was the ABC’s Head of Audio on Demand
Create a role of tastemaker for the network. They’re the evangelist for the entire network of shows large and small. They themselves release a regular podcast but are also actively blogging and social media creating about episodes and shows. They’re the network’s number one fan and advocate.
Serve the niches to an extreme. Look for the small, weird, wonderful communities and interests. Niche passions are infectious, interesting, and lead to great audiences. Think Francis Bourgeois.
Serve local extremely well. The ABC already does this so well on every other medium, but the town of Esperance deserves a local daily podcast, as much as the region of Greater Sydney does along with Penrith. Every Australian should have a local podcast they MUST listen to, like it’s the gospel.
Up the metadata game. In radio we called the 1% of ultra-mad fans P1 fans, I was told it was because they had our station on preset one. P1 fans love the metadata that makes podcasts so more enjoyable, things like chapters for skipping to topics, unique and captivating album art per episode, and also album art to visually explain chapters. Like if a chart is mentioned, the chart is that album’s artwork. Metadata includes utilising all of the podcast specifications like categories, episode and season numbers, trailer identifiers, podcast:person tags, and show notes with links to things and people mentioned. Look at Podnews' How-To articles and podcasting2.org and get your CMS or software developers to build support for all the apps.
Album art like Mr Beast. YouTuber Mr Beast knows that the thumbnail of a video is almost more important than the content, it’s what brings people into the episode. Album art is a neglected wasteland in podcasting, up your game.
Unearthed for podcasting. I can still remember when Triple J Unearthed came to Mackay - my friend Leah even has video of me at the event {screen grab of the video to prove I was young once}. Over the past thirty years Unearthed has provided an amazing platform for the up and coming musical acts of Australia. I’m dreaming of a similar program for podcasters. An on ramping exercise to the wider network, developing talent, encouraging it, providing resources and assistance.
Success, how do we measure it? The Triton Digital Australian Podcast Ranker provides a nice big list of podcast success, but I would sincerely ask all stakeholders whether that listing defines our success or not. I just think of my own podcasting efforts as a wedding celebrant. I would have one of the least successful podcasts in the universe but I’m probably a top 1% earner because everyone that listens to my podcast books me to be their celebrant. No podcaster is getting that kind of return from each listener.
Expanding what audio on demand means. We all know what a podcast is supposed to look like today. A regular release, either daily, weekly, monthly, of a drop of audio. But if we look at audio like we do video, there’s feature films, short films, miniseries, documentaries, anthology series, reality TV, ‘straight to home video’ films. How can some of those storytelling mediums be transposed to audio, and could they be released from the “release date” that immediately dates a podcast when released?
Embracing the open web and our own platform. Anil Dash recently wrote this great piece, “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement, and I wholeheartedly will fight for the open web. The simple fact that you or I can publish a website or a podcast without needing permission from Zuckerberg, whoever is running Spotify, or Tim Cook. But then it also makes a lot of sense for a publisher to own its platform, like the ABC does with ABC Listen. So find the balance between the two.
Drop introductions for audio logos. Think of the Netflix Tudum or the Apple Macintosh or Windows XP startup sound. Instead of wasting precious seconds at the start and end of a podcast, employ an audio logo. The first seconds of a podcast are where the decisions to keep on listening are made, don’t waste it with lots of fancy talk about how we’re listening to another ABC Podcast.
Debate what we’re calling this. Before Ben Hammersly mashed together the words iPod and broadcast it was called audioblogging. Today we’re playing with the term “audio on-demand” but it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. My gripe is that people call videos on Youtube a podcast. The terminology is messy, and potentially there’s no fix, but somehow everyone agreed on what radio meant. Maybe the same can happen with recorded audio delivered on RSS or the web at your leisure?
Spread it far and wide with the wheel of content. I’m not going to make out like this is a Josh original, but I’ve been banging on about this since I worked at Southern Cross Austereo, 96five, 4BC and Fairfax radio, and everyone there looked at me like I was crazy. It’s my “Wheel of Content” idea. The simple idea is that a story enters the wheel at the hub (the middle), and then it works itself out through the different channels, audio, video, text, short form, longform, infographics, social media posts, all of it. Record the podcast, break it out into a number of blog posts, into smaller podcast episodes, into videos, tweets, posts, toots, whatever. Make that content work not just double time but 10x its usability. Get the story out of the mp3 file and run it far and wide.
Cross-guest. Introduce hosts and personalities from across the network as guests on other podcasts. Pretend like you’re not the only podcast in the network.
A big head with a long tail. This is my final thought that encapsulates all of them. Any one network can most likely only afford the social capital to market ten shows a year well. We’re talking large-scale marketing campaigns. But that same network should have 10x (at least) that number shows it is actively producing. This is not a new idea, Netflix and many streaming apps work the same way. Evangelism is a costly exercise, so evangelise the hits, and let the rest of the network ride off that network-effect of getting listeners interested in the rest of the shows. Build a big fat visible head of up to ten shows, and let that tail grow as long as you can resource.
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fabrelecelectrician · 5 months
Electrifying Homes with Quality: With Help From a Reliable Residential Electrician in Melbourne
Professionals with training and industry experience make up residential electrician in Melbourne. They are talented and know how to solve electrical issues successfully. It is far less expensive to hire household electricians than to keep calling the emergency number each time there is a power loss. You can feel secure knowing that the wiring in your house is secure and working properly if you hire a skilled residential electrician.
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Employ Experts Offering Usability and Efficiency Electric Services
EV owners may easily and conveniently refuel their cars with the help of an EV charger electrician. With an expanding network of charging stations, drivers can plan their trips with confidence, knowing that they will always be able to locate a place to charge. For effective EV charging station installation, choose a top electrical services supplier in the region.
Envision not having to worry about your electric car's battery running out while you drive it. You can now travel with confidence knowing that you can refuel your car thanks to the availability of e-charging stations throughout NSW, including important Penrith areas.
Safeguarding Persons and Assets
There are risks associated with electrical work. electricity shocks, fires, and other risks can result from faulty wiring, poor installations, and subpar repairs. The safety of the people you love and your property is your top priority when you choose a licenced electrician.
Licenced electricians follow tight safety guidelines, complete extensive training, and have a thorough understanding of electricity codes and regulations. Their knowledge reduces the possibility of mishaps and guarantees a dependable and secure electrical system.
How to Set Up a Modern Home EV Charger
Using one of our expert installation options is the best way to charge your electric vehicle as effectively as possible. Due to their specific power requirements, specially fitted units are the best option for charging an electric vehicle at home.
Although it may seem reasonable to charge your electric car using the same common socket on your property as you would a laptop, doing so is inefficient, slower, and may even cost more. Generally speaking, charging your electric vehicle on your home or business power system will overwork the network and jeopardise the fixtures and components that are attached to it.
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Installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charger is required for all EV owners. As the EV sector expands, additional charging facilities are being built in strategic areas. A home charging station can make life much easier for you because it saves you time and allows you to charge the vehicle whenever it is convenient for you. Below are some of the advantages of installing an EV charger at home.
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paulagnewart · 10 months
The World is 4ull of Stuff
It's time for another long-winded, attention-seeking post to remind myself social media exists, and keeping in the spirit of last month's venture into Saturday morning nostalgia, decided to look back on another turning point in Australian pop culture history from exactly 30 years ago. Yeesh, this had better not become habit forming.
While locals across the land counted down the remaining few days before they flocked to witness an adventure 65 million years in the making, another world of adventure opened its doors for the first time on 19th August 1993. A world gargantuan in scope bounding with flashy colours and near-limitless opportunities for youthful imagination. A world guaranteed to leave boys and girls' heads spinning with ranges and prices on a scale almost inconceivable. A world... 4 kids!
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This multimillion dollar project had been a long time coming for the Coles Myer group. And who could blame them? Their combined retail output at the time controlled a staggering 40 percent of all local toy sales, and with the nation slowly finding its feet after a crippling recession, saw an opportunity to cash in.
Such aspirations resulted in Coles Myer hitting hard and fast with intense production and marketing campaigns. Stores soon flowed with stock under long leases. Commercials and letterbox advertisements bombarded homes. They shamelessly boasted that unlike other stores, World 4 Kids was number one in a field of one. Oh sure people could visit other smaller chains like Casey's, Toyworld or Uncle Pete's, but this? This was an event. *The* toy store with *the* unbeatable prices and everything a kid could ever want under a single roof. Well, except for the ever elusive Thunderbirds Tracy Island playset and Grape Escape board game.
From that very day the first World 4 Kids opened its doors on the fourth level of Sydney's Chatswood Chase, a plethora of cherished memories would be forged. Be it running around with tiny trolleys or donating old toys for their in-store recycling program (both of which have since become the norm for a number of large retailers), many kids shouted with glee at the prospect of walking home with their first Nerf. First Barbie. First Biker Mice. First Cabbage Patch Kid. First Action Man. First Littlest Pet Shop. First video game.
But while ol' Globey greeted every shopper with a big green smile, the bean-counters gradually saw nothing but red. As the years rolled on, Coles Myer were hit by loss after loss, struggling to keep the franchise open. Perhaps they tried too hard? Or underestimated a frugal buying economy who preferred saving their spending until Christmas?
Or it was simply a case of envious corporate greed catching up after hoping to nip their former business partners and distinguished competition in the bud before they set up shop? Whatever the reason, World 4 Kids swiftly led to a near-decade long battle for the ages between two parties, with many independent stores caught in the crossfire.
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But that's a tale saved for another day. In the meantime however, how strange it feels to (quite literally) revisit a few of said memories. Indeed Chatswood Chase was the first store to open, but Coles Myer had initially planned to kick things off in Penrith of all places. Situated on the corner of High and Station Street, this outlet was poised, primed, ready to be their flagship store... until a last second decision by upper management wanted it somewhere closer to Sydney's CBD.
Having made the pilgrimge across the M4 on what turned out a rather mild weathered early Saturday morning, it's quite astounding the building remains intact to this day. Being separate from a shopping centre undoubtedly had its advantages. For exactly two years World 4 Kids called this little corner of the Riff home before moving to Riley Street opposite the back of Penrith Plaza. That particular site was lucky enough to be one of the final shops standing until 2002 when it eventually became a Supre outlet (with some of the original décor left intact) until Westfield demolished the whole block several years later to expand said Plaza. In its place is an outdoor fooderie.
As for this old site, it too has shared quite a coloured history. The instant World 4 Kids left the premises, Spotlight took over and expanded to both ground and lower levels complete with upper enclosed car park. They persevered for many years until a new shopping centre opened on Mulgoa Road saw them move by the late-2000's. Nobody wanted to lease the massive floor space, so they cut the lower level off and made it a separate business. Trade Secret eventually chose the top floor, and the bottom remained vacant until Paul's Warehouse stepped in by late 2013. Losing the overhead carpark by early 2017 came as a blow, and even Paul's expanding to include rejected goods from the US didn't help. Neither store made it to the decade's end.
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World 4 Kids may be long gone, its history stripped and buildings either renovated or destroyed, but for many Aussie kids and teens growing up in the 90's, was nothing short of paradise. It brought countless smiles and paved the way for some modern shopping experiences. It created memories to be proud of, even if none of us were aware of the tumultuous cavalcade of chaos behind the scenes.
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Licensed electricians are the only ones you should trust for electric vehicle charger installation in Sydney. Installing an EV charging station in your home should be done by a licensed electrician with experience. EV charging installation in Sydney can be done with the help of New Generation Electrical Solutions. 
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Choose Essential and Economical Towing Service
Everyone has seen how Tow Truck Penrith remove damaged vehicles from the scene of an accident. There are numerous upsides to hiring a towing service. No one can predict unforeseen situations, and if happens, you should have contact number of Emergency Roadside Towing to stay away from this condition.
The rising crime rate makes it unsettling to consider making a late-night stroll along an empty stretch of highway. When driving through remote areas, women and children are especially at risk. We would all prefer to be safe from both visible and concealed threats all the time, but that is not how the world works.
The assistance of a towing or tilt tray truck hire Sydney firm may be required at various points throughout one's life. Finding the closest towing business can be a problem if you are in any type of accident and your automobile sustains significant damage. It is possible that the company is too pricey for your budget. In some cases, the price of repairs at a garage will equal the price of having your car transported there.
A Car and Vehicle Towing services Sydney could be economical and useful if your car unexpectedly stops working. Vehicles and their components wear down with use and age. There are a lot of potential causes for a car breakdown, and it usually occurs when you are least expecting it. There might not be a service station conveniently located.
If your preferred mechanic is too far away, you will have to pay for the services of a towing company in addition to the cost of repairs. Roadside assistance plans of Emergency Roadside Towing Sydney that incorporate affordable towing might save you time and money in the event of a breakdown.
Many services are incorporated in the monthly charge for roadside assistance programs. The cost is fair, and it saves you from needing to come up with a large chunk of money all at once if an unexpected expense arises. In addition to towing, the charge covers a range of services, such as on-demand flat-tire repairs. In the event of a battery failure, you may count on us to ship you a replacement battery, among other perks.
The roadside assistance plan will get you out of most car trouble. They will assist you if you unexpectedly need gas or have difficulty getting out of your vehicle. You would have to pay a lot of money for lock smithing and towing services whenever something like this happens. If you are ever stranded with your automobile on the side of the road, you will be prepared for any eventuality. In the event of an unexpected car relocation, they will be there to assist you.
Think about the many different accidents and breakdowns that could occur, and keep in mind that anyone could end up in need of a towing service at any time. If you have a good roadside assistance plan, you can count on receiving assistance quickly and affordably.
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cd1984 · 1 year
Pubs on Lady Anne's Way
I walked Lady Anne's Way recently and had the opportunity to sample some more GBG pubs. Here they are
The Agricultural Hotel (Pub 39)
Unfortunately I learned that this pub is due to shut soon so it was good to visit while I can. It's a lovely historic pub near the station with a decent beer range and, what looked like, good food on offer.
The Fell Bar (Pub 40)
This is a micropub in the middle of town serving beers from the Fell Brewery. I haven't seen those anywhere else so a good place for some new check-ins. If I'm honest I was a little bit underwhelmed by the ale selection but the atmosphere was good.
Kirkby Stephen
The La'al Nook (Pub 41)
This pub is at one end of the long high street in Kirkby Stephen and definitely worth the trek. It has a good range of beers and a lovely atmosphere.
The Board Inn (Pub 42)
We stayed here in Hawes, which was very handy as it meant it was a short stagger to the room following the Old Peculier they were serving.
The Foresters Arms (Pub 43) - We also stayed here. They do draft Riggwelter which is all you really need to know. A great pub with a really buzzing atmosphere on the Saturday night that I was there.
The Beer Engine (Pub 44)
The Beer Engine is a deceptively large micropub in the middle of town that serves a good range of beers and has some lovely areas to enjoy them in.
The Narrowboat (Pub 45)
This large pub was quite quiet when I visited but I can imagine it gets quite lively. They have a good range of beer including a dark beer when I visited.
The Boat House (Pub 46)
A lovely setting by the canal with a very good beer range on show. The third of a pint of 9.5% Imperial Stout I had was certainly a good way to finish off my tour of Skipton's pubs.
Whitelocks (Pub 47)
This Leeds institution has been serving beer for hundreds of years. It's a great pub, if a little crowded, and serves a wide range of beer including Old Peculier always!
The Lamb and Flag (Pub 48)
This is a Leeds Brewery pub that has a wide range of beers on handpump (including two dark beers when I visited) and a lovely interior. I can also highly recommend the food.
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teaktty · 2 months
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Tall lady
Waiting for my friend! We're gonna make badges and crochet
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Sydney’s a great place and there’s always something going on…
Did you know, Fire and Rescue NSW places a strong emphasis on community engagement and education.
Many fire stations offer educational programs for schools and community groups, teaching people about fire safety and prevention. Additionally, the department regularly participates in community events, such as open days and charity fundraisers. So contact your local station for some info..
If you’re able to get your selves to Penrith, a great place to learn about fire safety is the Museum Of Fire. They put on a great experience for the little kids if you can get there mid week.. Fire engine rides run every Tuesday and Friday (subject to driver availability) not a bad idea for $3 each! See information below to learn more and perhaps book a ride!
7 days a week
Closed Good Friday and Christmas Day
1 Museum Drive
Penrith NSW 2750
(02) 4731 3000
Need help with your homes Smoke Alarms?
Give us a call! Visit the website for more details!
Replace Smoke Alarms Sydney
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clouseplayssims · 2 years
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We’re officially done with the Edirann sims!?!?!? Next up is Tenby/Penrith, and then we’re done with round 1! Last for Edirann is the merchant Gregg family, who have recently returned from living in hiding in Tenby. Jem has ties to the van Aalsburgs and felt it safest to get out of the kingdom when the chance presented itself.
Arndt has gone on record to say that those who resided in Tenby after the war will not receive any sort of punishment for siding with the Kentons, which is why the Greggs (who are merchants but potters and weavers at heart) have returned to what they have always felt is their true home.
As a young girl Jem was orphaned, heir to a wealthy business. The van Aalsburgs took her in and raised her until she was old enough to wed and chose another one of their wards - Johann - to be her husband. Both were satisfied with the arrangement and they’ve been together ever since.
Johann was also orphaned and raised by the van Aalsburgs, who are well-known for their open-hearts and willingness to take in those who need it most. He was not heir to a great fortune like Jem, but the family was sure to set him up so that he was on equal standing with his bride-to-be. He’s honestly a bit of a wildcard with some... well, unique traits...
Their oldest children are twins Nerissa and Siofra. Siofra is the older twin, a perfectionist who is a bit of an odd duck and not nearly as outgoing as her sister. She is excited by their change of location, though it does make her wonder what else is out there in the world.
Nerissa is more or less Regina George in my mind. Everyone really likes her and thinks she’s special, but she has her moments of being absolutely terrible when she thinks it’s warranted.
Lile is the middle child, and the only singlet of the brood, but believe me she makes herself heard. If I had a “loud” trait Lile would 100% have it. A lot of the Greggs really enjoy the outdoors, perhaps because of their time in Tenby, and Lile is no different. She’s very brave with a short-temper and already has a reputation for behaving in a manner that is often inappropriate for a girl of her station.
Another set of twins, Ailbhe and Aisling! Though Johann was happy with his girls, he could admit having a son was a relief, even if Ailbhe is a difficult boy. He’s begun training to learn about the family business but tends to throw tantrums if his baskets or pots aren’t perfect, sleeps very late unless dragged out of bed, and is a very messy child.
Aisling is also a bit of a slob, but she is very hard to corral indoors. This little daredevil spends all her free time (and not-so-free-time) fishing and doing things that give her mother panic attacks.
...I like the Greggs :)
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caravans-jgls · 2 years
“Gypsy Caravans”, 1940
ABOUT the early history and development of Gypsy caravans little or nothing is known . The Sulzer Zigeunerliste of 1790 mentions several wealthy Gypsies who travelled with ' coaches ' ¹ : but whether or how far they were fitted up as living - vans one cannot tell . A slightly earlier reference to th possession of a caravan ' by Gypsies in England fell in my way recently in the Reading Mercury for November 20 , 1786.' Saturday sennight , Mr. Simpson , cashier of the Aberdeen bank , passed thro ' Carlisle , having under his convoy a banditti of eight vagrants , men , women , and children , belonging to a gang of travelling tinkers , whose wives and children generally beg about the country . They were pursued into England for the purpose of recovering a part of 1600 1. of Scotch notes , which were lost in a pair of bags about two months ago , in Fifeshire ; and which were found by a beggarman ; but this gang coming up , claimed , and took possession of , the greatest part of the property . The man who found them is now at Glasgow gaol , and gave information against this party , who were taken at Preston , and money , notes , and goods to the amount of 900 1 . recovered . In their progress south , they changed their rags for finery ; purchased a caravan , and employed a hair - dresser at Penrith , where they purchased 160 1. worth of millenery [ sic ! ] goods , and before they left that place were quite metamorphosed , by their dressing in a superior stile ; during their stay at Penrith and in their journey , they behaved with the most liberal generosity , often refusing to take change . When taken , they were making merry over a large bowl of punch .Here there is really no question of any sort of properly fitted living - van . It was clearly a ready - made vehicle , which they bought ; and the consistent testimony of Gypsies that caravans only came into use towards the middle of the last century pre cludes the possibility of their finding any ready - made living - van at that date . What was then known as a caravan was a vehicle like the station bus , familiar to all who remember pre - motor days , with seats along the two sides and a flat top for carrying luggage . It may be noted that the next earliest reference to a caravan in use by Gypsies in England in 1833 describes them as capacious machines larger than a Paddington omnibus ' ( JGLS . ( 2 ) ii . 96 ) . This suggests that the ordinary type of caravan was a development from a bus , mainly a town vehicle , while the potter's cart or accommodation ' is pretty clearly derived from the tilted waggons used by carriers and carters in the country .(.".The 1786 party in their hurried flight must have used the van as they found it and slept on the seats and the floor ; but presumably the 1833 caravans were specially made and fitted . So far as I know there is no evidence as to whether the caravan as we know it was evolved at once or only piecemeal , proper beds being added first , and stoves ( for insta later . But there were certainly vans on the roads with the normal equip ment of the Gypsy caravan by 1840 , when Dickens describes Mrs. Jarley's van with its bed , stove , closet or larder and several chests ( Old Curiosity Shop , ch . xxvii . ) :.' One half of it ... was carpeted , and so partitioned off at the further end as to accommodate a sleeping - place , constructed after the fashion of a berth on board ship , which was shaded , like the windows , with fair white curtains . . . . The other half served for a kitchen , and was fitted up with a stove whose small chimney passed through the roof . It held also a closet or larder , several chests , a great pitcher of water , and a few cooking - utensils and articles of crockery . These latter necessaries hung upon the walls , which , in that portion of the establishment devoted to the lady of the caravan , were ornamented with such gayer and lighter decorations as a triangle and a couple of well - thumbed tambourines . '.Dickens himself unfortunately does not state where the door was : but Hablot Browne in chapter xxvi . depicts what would be better described as a picturesque ruin than a van , with a door in the centre of the side opening inwards , while at the end of chapter xxxvii . the same van is represented with a similar door on the other side . That is so manifestly impossible that it can only be due to the extraordinary carelessness as to detail which seems to afflict artists . Certainly some showmen's vans of a later period had a door at the side ; but they were long , clumsy vehicles , and not drawn by horses ; and I have always supposed they were a later development modelled on railway cars .Equally beloved of that unreliable person the artist is a van with a door at the back ; and there I feel a little uncertainty whether such were in use or not . If modelled on a bus , in which the door naturally is at the back , it is possible that that arrangement was taken over at first . That one such attempt at a caravan was produced by a carpenter at or near Lowestoft I can testify , as I had the misfortune to travel in it for some weeks thirty years ago with Messrs . Thompson and Atkinson , until it fell to pieces under us and had to be left stranded for the owner to get it home , if he could . But this was regarded and laughed at as the freakish attempt of an amateur van builder . Still it does show that others besides artists regard the back as the natural place for the door , forgetting that this arrangement makes communication between the driver and the people in the van very difficult . For that reason it is unlikely that it ever was at all common .Still more imaginary would be the van with ' sleeping places that lay parallel with each other on either side of the van which appears in ' The Gipsy Model : an Artist's story ' ( London Society , Christmas No. for 1870 , p . 39 ) , as , if the van had other fittings , it would have to be extraordinarily long to contain (Continue in page 116, Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, issue of 1940)
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