#pendulam readings
tonberry-yoda · 1 year
AAAA I HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE HELLO- I’ve requested some stuff from you anonymously for a while and you’re one of my inspirations for branching out starting on tumblr so thank you! Your writing brings me a lot of serotonin in tough times so I appreciate you very much! (Also now having the guts to not ask on anon for the first time too)
I’d like a romantic JJBA Part 3 matchup please! (Crusaders only if possible)
No preference on name
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Im very curious and kind, i’m kind of shy at first when meeting someone new but when I get to know the person more and feel comfortable I can become very fun and energetic! According to my friends (and parents included..) I have a psychopathic laugh thats contagious LMAO (I think its cool) A lot of times. A lot of times I can be very hard on myself and give up easily, but when reminded of my strengths (especially by someone I deeply care for) my confidence and motivation sky rockets sometimes lmao. I have a huge witch aesthetic going on right now, so things like tarot, palm readings, crystal pendulams and jaring herbs and stuff are very fun and pleasing to me! Some fun facts: Im always cold (hence why I dress cozy all the time) when im holding something while trying to sleep (like a pillow) i’ll doze off instantly! And my favorite colors are orange, green, burgundy and black!
Hobbies include!: Studying tarot! (I give fortune readings to family members and to myself) Videogames, teaching myself how to knit, taking care of my cat Ivy, and also studying plants to one day have a nice garden 🪴 I also love listening to music, I actually like all kinds of music and I like to spread out and listen to different things, however Phonk, Pop and Rock are my top 3 favs. When im just chilling and vibing in my room i’ll put on Lo-fi or calming/serene meditation music.
The way I present myself is relatively simple, I love long and baggy clothes, hoodies, sweaters, turtle necks, just a LOT of comfy and cozy vibes. I dont like wearing short skirts but I LOVE wearing long dresses to just flow around in. However one day I’d really really like to wear a fancy sparkly suit 🥹 As for color schemes, def on the darker tone! But every now and then i’ll rock something bright!
What i’d what in the relationship is mainly just someone being there and present for me, its not about being alone but just more of just KNOWING someone is there for me physically or not. Kind gestures that are even super small to most will literally make me melt. I also LOVE being able to take care of my partner, making them dinner/coffee/tea, you name it. If they got hurt? Im patching them up, nightmare? Im comforting them the moment they wake up. Getting them water, a coat, you name it. I also love giving gifts that I made, i’d also spoil them rotten with store bought gifts but they can expect a LOT of handmade crafts and DIYs LOL
I hope this is enough and again, thank you so so much for taking the time out of your day to read this! Sorry if it was really long 💀
OH MY GOODNESS YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME!! everyone has been so kind about my writing i cant believe there was a time where i didnt share my fics. bonkers. but seriously, thank you so much for the kind words!! you are so sweet and it is so nice to see you off of anon! :) i have the PERFECT character for you!! i really hope you'll agree!
the character I chose for you is...
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like tarot reading?!??! SAY NO MORE
this man's life is literally tarot
you do readings for him and he does reading for you
he also will teach you new stuff too
this man will boost your confidence
like he will always remind you how amazing and beautiful you are
ALWAYS COLD YOU SAY?!??!???! this man has got you 100% expect warm hugs and just warmth whenever you're by his side :)
uh oh i guess you got to hold him now when you sleep so you can have some amazing sleep... that's too bad 👀👀👀
please knit him things he will love you forever and ever
your cat loves him
like will not stop sitting on his lap whenever he is over lmaooo
will help you plan for your future garden
will hang out with you and just listen to music in peace while you plan or while he helps you learn some more fortune teller tricks
thinks you look BEAUTIFUL in dresses and skirts frrrr like it is his favorite style. will 100% buy you some skirts and dresses from egypt
he will buy you that sparkly suit because you would rock it
he will also get himself a sparkly suit so you match
he is always there for you, whether his arm is around you or you know that he is always supporting you
he will blush when you bring him nice things or do nice acts for him
he appreciates it, but tells you that you dont need to do all that for him, but you do it anyway lol
spoil him rotten and he will be a blushy baby boy about it
matchup rules --- pinned post
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vankaar · 2 years
I’ve seen that amazing (awesome, breathtaking!! *___*)!art of Steve in ancient roman’s clothes while my hormones were wackos and I consequently fell into the superfun rabbit hole of ancient roman’s swear words and this drabble happened. Sorry for the English and bad latin (I bet my archeologists friends -who actually knows latin- would wack me with a newspaper if they ever read this xD ) no beta, we die like Julius Caesar.
Futuo, he was screwed. If they would catch him he was totally dead or worse, they’ll send him off to the mines.
Edyrn looked around frantically, dark eyes wide in the dim light of the cave, searching for a place to hide.
Nope, nothing.
So he grabbed the bigger piece of broken terrracotta he could see on the ground and lounged.
The man looked surprised by his attack, his wind momentarily knocked out of him as his back hit the cave’s wall, Edyrn putting all his body weight into pinning him, sharp piece of pottery, trembling near the pale throat.
“Edyrn! Stop!” Shouted the familiar voice of one of his little friends.
What was the little menace doing here? Wonderful, the rest of the gang were gawking behind him.
“It’s me, it’s Drustanus,” he said with the tone one uses to calm a spooked horse. “This is Stephanus, he’s not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m cool, comes! I’m cool” said the man putting his hands up in a placating gesture. To Edyrn total bafflement, he didn’t seem to be putting up any fight. Weird, everyone in the polis knew that Stephanus was a skilled fighter.
He squinted, trying to read into those pretty hazel eyes if the other was being sincere or if it was all some rich peoples’ plot at his expense.
Edyrn knew the little parvulus were there to help him but what in Hades’ realm was that patrician son of a scortor doing with them?
Looking at his plush, pomegranate lips, slightly parted from the fright, he remembered the first time he saw him.
It was a evening, one of the good ones, when his master let him play the pandura to entertain the guests. Edyrn had just finished to tune the instrument as the Invictus family made his entrance, father first, looking around like everyone was shit, the other family members after him weren’t better off with their noses held hight.
What a bunch of hateful pendulam, he thought to himself.
Luckily no one was paying him attention at the moment, so none noticed him glare at a patrician. In those last, hard years he learned to bite his tongue and keep his opinions to himself, but his too expressive face sometimes still betrayed him, even if he was careful not to show his disdain. He really didn’t wish to have another close up encounter with the flagellum.
Everything stopped, it felt like Chronos was holding his breath as Edyrn lifted his gaze from the lute’s keys some moment after thats, and saw the most stunning being in existence.
The young man was between a group of giggling, finely-dressed, ladies but he was looking at straight at him.
Fair skin, strong arms, a golden laurel crown on his shiny hair… the first unhinged thought that popped in his brain was that Apollo himself has came down from mount Olympus to mingle with the humans and Edryn was more than happy to kneel and worship him with his undeserving mortal mouth.
“That’s Stephanus Invictus,” whispered Rianne, while poking the bony elbow of the arm not holding her aulos, into his ribs “I can introduce you to him if you stop gawking like a sturnus!”
“Hey!!” He turned to glare at her “I wasn’t —gawking, tks! That’s just another patrician dick. He’s not even that pretty,” it wasn’t a lie, the man wasn’t pretty he was downright gorgeous but sure as death Edyrn wasn’t making Rianne privy to that particular info.
“Yeah right, and you totally aren’t drooling all over his strong thighs,” she deadpanned with a raised eyebrow.
Damn, he was caught. “Still a patrician dick,” he said faintly as his eyes fell on those sinfully muscled thighs.
“You’re wrong, he’s not a dick, he’s quite decent and brave,” she smiled challenging at the unimpressed face he made. “Now shut up and play.”
He stuck out his tongue at her in an impressive show of maturity and self restraint, and was rewarded with the funny sound of her snorting into her aulos.
Hours later, when the banquet was in full swing and Edyrn was tasked with wine service. He was sweating from the damp hotness in the cramped room and more than fed up of old, sweaty men feeling him up while he was trying not to spill red wine on the white tablecloths. The damned things were hard to wash clean without the bloody wine stains.
On clue a boisterous, balding patrician spilled his entire goblet.
Eryn couldn’t quite contain the eye roll, than took a better look at the man. This was the same filthy being that hit one of the younger servants the las time. He felt the fury growing in his chest. The Parcae lend him a chance as just then the man got up from his triclinium, more out of instinct that reasoning, Edyrn put his foot in front of him, sending the inepte man sprawling on the tiled floor with a satisfying thud.
The other servants nearby scrambled to help him, Edyrn kept up with his tasks of refilling empty goblets. A small satisfied smirk dancing in the corner of his lip until he stopped, horrified, as he saw the beautiful man from before, looking directly at him with an amused smile.
Oh no. No, no, no.
Merda! From the angle he sat he must’ve saw him.
Stephanus gestured with his goblet and Edyrn had no choice as to go to him and serve the wine. He kept his gaze on the ruby liquid so it looked he was caught up into not spill any but the truth was that his insides were cold and leaden and he was terrified because his fate was gonna be sealed the moment those pretty lips opened.
A finger under his chin made him turn to look directly into the young patrician’s face.
Edyrn took all his courage and looked at him straight in the eyes, daring him to made his move. The man inclined his head slightly, his smile growing “he deserved it, anyway,” he wispered with a wink and with a light pat onto Edyrn butt he sent him over to the next guest in need of some of Dionysius’ nectar.
What did just happened? Edyrn went to the motion in autopilot, his brain was mush and sure as fate the warm he felt at the tip of his ears were from the overcrowded room and he definitely didn’t kept sneaking glances at the pretty patrician for the rest of the evening.
Edyrn looked at him now, he wore no golden crown of laurel this time, a simple white tunic decorated with a couple of dark yellow stripe, instead of a toga but he looked breathtaking nonetheless, especially up close..
“Why are you here?” He asked roughly.
“To help you,” said Drustanus, eyes begging to believe him.
He turns again to Stephanusand with a last heated look at those kissable lips Edyrn backed away, mentally saying goodbye to the solid warm body he was pressing on the cave wall.
Homicides and monsters sure forge strange alliances.
Futuo - fuck
Polis - city
Comes - man/bro
Parvulus - children
Hades’s realm - hell
Patrician - nobleman
Scortus - bitch
Pandura - lute
Pendulam - dick
Flagellum - whip
Chornos - God of time
Apollo - God of the sun and music
Mount Olympus - the place were gods live
Aulos - double flute
Parcae - goddesses of fate
Inepte - dumb
Merda - shit (fun fact in italians it’s still used Merda)
Dionysius - God of wine and intoxication
Toga - formal Ancient Rome’s clothes
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beewitched-blr · 7 months
Hi ✨ may i have a pendulam reading please?
Aries sun 💫 i was wondering if i'll ever see C again?
Thank you so much!
Hello, lovely~
Yes, you most likely will indeed see C again; however, it won't be for long and there will be no further progression with your relationship.
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julyourwitch · 7 months
Hii dear i dont know if ur giving pendulam readings i want to get one
Will i pass my exam on 30th sep
I do with one card pull and pendulum for confirmation!
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reikisthan · 11 months
Full Moon Reiki | Purnima |Full Moon
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#fullmoon #purnima #guidedmeditation #fullmoonreadings Full moon meditation is a practice that involves using the energy of the full moon to enhance your meditation experience and promote spiritual growth. The full moon is believed to have a potent energetic influence, and many people find it beneficial to align their meditation practice with its energy. but every cannot do meditation so I am giving full moonr eiki healing . and in comment guided meditation link of 12 month MY products,books and courses Reiki Tips Paid courses and Cards and my books Portal energy Full moon meditations Switch mantra series Meditation classes Chakra Amavas Affirmation Angel therapy Zibu symbols workshop Manifestation Twin Flame Healing course Pendulam dowsing class Free Attunements Free Healing (karmic,money,and more) source Read the full article
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yourwitchmama · 1 year
Hii dear i want to get a pendulam reading from u
Does f e (libra) like me back
Will i be rich in future
Thanks in advance
You got a no and a weak yes. For your weak yes, you won’t be dripping in wealth, but you will definitely have enough to go on vacation, get a nice car, a nice house, etc.
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homestuck-kinhelp · 3 years
oh also request for a pendulam reading if its not too much to ask was the dream i had last night with the sketchbook a new tl? and is it humanstuck tl? or a normal ol game tl -TG
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Dr Vishnu Modi Astrologer | Vastu | Best Astrologer in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai | Astrology | Numerology | Palmist | Face reader | Pendulam Dowsing ... from Google Alert - Numerology https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.drvishnumodiastrologer.com/latest-update/crystal-ball-reading/1326&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjcwZDI0MTZhMWNlZTk0ODI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNH0YIZ6c44GSi7I5x0ibfEK75Ie9A via IFTTT
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1.pendulam type of exercise gives more benefits This type of exercise is more important for shoulder pain and its gives instant relieve for shoulder pain. to do the pendulam exercise , supporting your non-injured arm with the help of table or chair. at the time of exercise, your injured arm will be straight down direction and then draw easily circles in the air. dut in the case of pandulam exercise, your circles should be small. and your exercise should be reverse direction also. repete this type of exercise 10 to 15 times in one day. please follow this type of exercise because this is very important and more beneficial exercise for shoulder pain. Blogger.com (read more) click on link
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ndzsv · 7 years
@riallasheng reblogged this post and added: 
@indezaisive  It could be that the OP meant well and it simply came across poorly via text?  Although some of the points ARE very judgmental, I will not argue that.
I’ve been reading and writing fanfic for over 30 years and there are somethings that… well, the name may change but what the THING is does not.  There are also reoccurring, or neverending, trends in every fandom and all fandoms.
And most things that doesn’t seem to make sense to a modern reader DO make sense if you look at the history of it/what was happening at the TIME… or to use other examples terms that meant originally VERY NARROW definitions (headcanon, mary sue) that have had their definitions made so broad that people tend to use it for anything/everything
Agreed on demanding reviews being a bit ‘ehhhhhh’.  There’s a reason that I never DID (and still don’t do) that.  But I could, and do, UNDERSTAND why it’s done
I also agree with there being as much ‘dross’ today as there was before.  It is possible that fanfic trends that the OP likes are currently more common in the ebb and flow of trends and tropes, but that has less to do with the site and time and more to do with the pendulam effect or ‘tides’ effect.  however that doesn’t mean that ‘fanfics are better’… it just means ‘things that person A likes are more common’.
But I still LOVE how AO3 is set up predominantly around the AUTHOR rather than the reader…  that is something VERY awesome that I am so very glad to see, and I hope we see more of it moving forward
It’s entirely possible that OP was well-meaning!! I wasn’t trying to take shots at their character; that’s why I said they were “being an ass” on that particular post, haha. But regardless of intent, a lot of it came across entitled, a lot of it seemed kind of clueless to the trends and shifts in fanfiction/fandom culture, and a lot of it was just kind of obnoxious. But hey, most normal folks don’t ruminate on how polite our tone sounds when ranting on tumblr, so while I maintain they were an ass on that post, I don’t think they were doing it intentionally. 
One of the things that sets AO3 apart from ff.net (apart from way more aesthetically pleasing interface) is the fact that it’s author-centered. But personally?? I never really had a problem with ff.net being more about the readers. I think each fanfic author has their own view of their readership-- some feel beholden to them, some appreciate them and live for their approval, and some enjoy the good stuff but don’t care much either way. I fell more into the third category when I wrote consistently. I do know lots of people who are d e v a s t a t e d when they don’t get as many reviews/kudos/hits/whatever as they feel they deserve, and I know people who insist that it’s nbd but actually fanfic klout is their ~lifeblood~. But that’s a topic we could go into without putting in the context of fanfiction alone, much less narrowing it to a pissing contest between AO3 and ff.net!! 
The main thing that frustrates me is how quickly people forget what things were like a decade ago. I can only imagine what fandom and fanfiction was like pre-Harry Potter, since I was either too young for fandom or little more than an oocyte. AO3 fics seem to reflect fandom culture and interest today, while ff.net was always more chaotic and less homogenous. But ff.net was also the birthplace (for me at least, but please remember I’m 23 so my experience is only a little over a decade) of many of the norms we see, not just in fanfiction, but in rp, meta, AU, etc. And since the ff.net interface is kinda inefficient, the ff.net norms stayed on ff.net, which makes them seem out of date now that we have multiple platforms for fandom. AO3 streamlined the fanfiction aspect. Since many of the people that are apparently quite taken with AO3 are around my age, it is reasonable to conclude that they are either ignorant of or unwilling to learn the context behind why ff.net is the way it is. Those who started reading fanfic around 10 like me seem to have short memories, and those who started reading in their teens and adulthood sort of missed that whole ff.net phenomenon. 
Anyway, I agree with you on the whole citrus gradation, and some of the terms ff.net brought about. And I certainly agree with you on your bit about how OP probably likes the current trends of fanfics, which is reflected in what they read on AO3. I just am frustrated when people insist that “x-new-thing” is soooo much better than its predecessor, when both New Thing and Predecessor have many of the same pros and cons. The wheel wasn’t reinvented; it just.... got new rims. 
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saturns-bae · 6 years
Cam I get a pendulam reading? Should I start flirting with my crush (A.B), does my crush know who I am, and am I well enough to start a relationship? My initials are V.F!
you got NO, YES and NO
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Do you want to know how pendulam works with board and answers your queston? then you can watch this video to get your answer-:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg8yMBe8FZc Online Psychic Readings|Video
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beewitched-blr · 8 months
Hello, thank you v much for the pendulam reading! Sending good vibes your way!
Ive been getting the death card a lot and my intuition is telling me its getting closer & closer
Is the death card ive been getting going to be sad for me when the time comes?
No problem, gorgeous! Thank you and I'm sending them right back!
It seems as though it will be a little sad for whatever the death card is predicting will end in your life. Nothing overly upsetting but something that will still be a little negative for you.
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