#paolini PLEASE
I've said it once and I'll say it again:
We deserve a book from Arya's POV
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insanity-all-the-time · 2 months
yall need to start drawing women uglier, i don't care if the author describes them as a perfect goddess, he's a man, real women don't look like that she's not a fucking barbie
she's not a barbie and that's hotter anyways
and women who are strong and battle hardened REALLY don't look like that- sorry your telling she's the most talented sword fighter in the realm and she has a perfectly hourglass figure, no scars and clear scarless skin
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glbtrx · 10 months
Children are said to be a blessing to the world. I do not share this widespread opinion. In my experience, children are just as cruel and vengeful as adults. They just don't have the strength to submit others to their will. - Galbatorix, Inheritance
I can't stop thinking about this. "In my experience"? What kind of unfortunate experience has Galbatorix had with children? What kind of child would've oppose him, or even try to "submit" him "to their will"? Who was he referring to? What child gave him such an opinion?
Maybe he did have children? That he wanted to get rid of at one point for some reason, for something they done? Or maybe was he talking about Murtagh, considering him just a child (let's not forget that Galbatorix was 134 years old and really arrogant), or Murtagh had actually done something -maybe not directly to Galbatorix, but to Morzan- when he was younger?
His affirmation has so much possibilities.
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modern-inheritance · 2 months
Swords and Glyphs post war
I think in the MIC post war Rhunön takes some sort of apprentice. Maybe one of Eragon’s 12 guards (not including the Trauma Twins) or someone else. Ooo, maybe Naela. She wants the Rider’s swords to continue on with the new order, start fresh again and this time with spells to prevent the spilling of innocent blood or some such. They don’t move their operation/forge to Mt Arngor, but the journey to Ellesméra for your final tests and Riders sword is a big deal.
When Arya and Firnen start taking students (probably 10-15 years after she and Firnen join Eragon, focusing on general teaching for a while and occasionally being official liaison to Alagaesia for the order during times of crisis since she’s used to that job) and they begin getting their first Riders swords at the end of their training (which, from what we know from IC canon, it seems to take multiple decades to be deemed fit for a Rider blade), Arya starts a new little thing.
Whenever her students successfully clear their trials and they name their swords with Rhunön and her apprentice and the glyph is added, Arya gets Rhunön to tattoo the glyph on her. Smallc probably somewhere like around her forearm, upper arm, etc. Arya and Firnen have an immense pride in their students and it’s a way to show them physically that the teacher isn’t the only one who leaves a mark, but the student does as well.
Eragon occasionally does the same, but he rarely has the time to take direct students. He does, however, with permission from the chieftains of course, accept the gift of tribal tattoos signifying friendship with the urgal clans on his upper arm from the first Urgal student.
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saphira-approves · 1 year
Coming to the realization that much of my favorite dragon media, both growing up and recently discovered, had some stealthily normalized queer rep, including but not limited to:
Memoirs of Lady Trent (some genderfluidity, an asexual character who experiments to determine for sure)
Temeraire (a canon queer couple and some Strong vibes for another) (if you know you know)
Seraphina (trans character, gay saints, a fairly central queer relationship)
Priory of the Orange Tree and its prequel (lesbians all the way down, queer rep all over the place)
Eon/a (technically my first introduction to the very concept of being transgender)
So now here I am, politely staring down Paolini, raising a gnarled finger and intoning in a dread voice, “YOURS NEXT—”
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allymack145 · 1 year
man I was hoping with the announcement of Murtagh and the 20th anniversary of Eragon, there'd be new content
where did all the Inheritance fans go 🥲🥲
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elysiuminfra · 1 year
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im ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! just sick........ please take these low effort doodles of characters from a book series i loved as a kid
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boymilf · 1 year
oouhgh my god christopher paolini posting just a photo of the book 2 cover which is a drawing of THORN .. SOON BEFORE HES ANNOUNCING TITLE AND COVER OF BOOK 5… not to mention the ending of the fork.. WELL i think book five will be about murtagh and thorn (spins around really fast)
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The Inheritance Cycle - FANCAST
Ok... time for a confession. Most of these have been gathering dust inside my brain for years, because I started the series before University and around the middle of Brisingr I kinda just... quit.
BUT, I have now resumed reading (which is putting some major strain on my memory) and I still love the series, so.
This is for The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
And since there are about a million characters, they will just kinda come along in whatever order I think fits best.
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- ARYA -
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- BROM -
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- ORIK -
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eliza-makepeace · 2 years
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So I was looking at some murtagh fan art on Reddit and there was one by Karvaos that was absolutely stunning. Paolini posted it on Instagram on one of his fanart friday things.
His response here is making me go feral "might be relevant sooner than you think"????? This was a year ago! Could this....could this mean...what I think it might?
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 years
everyone SHUT UP. murtagh inheritance cycle.
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glbtrx · 9 months
When Galbatorix learned that Eragon possessed Zar'roc, shouldn't he have wondered how? I guess he knew it was Brom who killed Morzan, so he should have thought how Eragon came into possession of it. There had to be a connection between Eragon and Brom. It certainly couldn't be a coincidence that Eragon had a Dragon Rider sword. Maybe he thought that Brom had left her to the Varden and they gave her to Eragon?- wait, Now that I think about it, it was said that Galbatorix believed Brom was dead, but when did he believe that happened? And how? Before Morzan' death? After that? But who could have killed him??
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What must it be like to be on a server with Doc? Every time he posts in the Hermitcraft Discord server must be absolutely insane.
Is anyone available to help me kill 3 wardens that got loose on the nether roof? Sorry actually it might be more like 20
Hey if it's not too much trouble, could no one log on for the next 30 minutes? I'm trying to transport an ender dragon I pulled into the overworld and loading chunks could mess it up
Anyone want to play a children's card game? I outsourced my deck building to a think tank made of hundreds of people and I want to absolutely destroy someone in a match
Does someone know a good rap artist to collab with? I want to make an anthem for the nation I founded in my massive hole of a base and Snoop Dog never got back to me
So we're not having a team meeting, just an informal brainstorming session? Cool, can I invite Christopher Paolini? Yeah the guy who wrote the Eragon books
If you see any ghasts flying over spawn town, I released like 30 of them as a prank. There should be like 2 left so don't kill them, they're an endangered species
Just a heads up guys, I'm inviting some Mojang devs on to the server so I can show them the cannon I made that can shoot an arrow through 3000 solid blocks in one tick and immediately destroys a full set of netherite armor
Grian was annoying me so I built a cannon that shoots charged creepers at his base with startling accuracy. Then he used it for his own gain so I build a goat mech that poops explosives to guard my base. What do you mean that's not how normal people handle disputes? He's clearly the unhinged one!
Be careful going into my base, I have a pet warden at the bottom of the perimeter. No, a PET. Yes it's there on purpose, his name is King
No one touch the chunk loader at spawn, I'm using it to transport items thousands of blocks instantly. No, of course it's not an intended feature but I still managed to pull it off in vanilla, didn't I?
How did the world eater go? Well I needed to use 3 minecraft accounts so it would run properly and at one point it was disrupted by solar flares, which I think might have been God trying to strike me down for my hubris. But other than that, yeah it went well!
Please note that these examples are ONLY FROM SEASON 9
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massiveladycat · 19 days
ha. ha. ha. so i just read eldest WHO THE FUCK. WAS NOT GOING TO WARN ME ABOUT THESE THINGS: 1. MURTAGH BEING ERAGON'S OLDER BROTHER HELLLOO?? 2. I THOUGHT MURTAGH WAS DEAD I WAS GRIEVING YOU CANT DO THAT TO ME PAOLINI 3. ERAGON STOP MAKING MOVES ON ARYA SHE'S THREE TIMES YOUR AGE 5. eragon makeover >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6. i wasnt planning on loving roran so much but YES STRONGHAMMER!!!!1111 (he immediately punched eragon upon seeing him) 7. im getting concerned about murtagh's situation 8. also eragon sweetheart no. being forced to be a rider under galbatorix doesnt mean betrayal 9. i still love eragon though ill be defending that boy until the day i die. if there are no more eragon lovers on earth ive been KILLED 10. the elves are so fun to read about 11. the book cover confused me at first because . . . hey, why isn't the dragon blue, isn't this saphira?? NO. IT'S THORN. IT'S MOTHERFUCKING THORN 12. please paolini don't kill off orik 13. garrow was more of a dad to eragon than morzan will ever be. 14. saphira is amazing i love her 15. its so funny when you realize eragon literally watched saphira hatch and then suddenly she's SEVERAL TIMES HIS SIZE and calls him "little one" and mothers him because selena wouldn't and also tells him 'you got to calm down little man' when eragon is trying to flirt with arya 16. speaking of that watching him try and flirt with her makes me crack up 17. but it also gives me second-hand embarrassment
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saphira-approves · 7 months
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darlingvernon · 1 year
you've got mail! | 03.
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Author: darlingvernon (prev nonrevblr)
Pairing: Chwe Hansol x Fem Reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, college au, penpal au
Rating: 18+
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 4,791
Description: The concept of Equivalent Exchange is not foreign to you, and since you need Jeonghan to participate in a Social Experiment for your Psych Thesis, you inevitably have to participate in his too. It isn’t the walk in the park you thought it would be, especially when your penpal Vernon keeps knocking down the walls that you’ve built; scratching an itch you couldn’t reach.
Author's Note: i'm so sorry this took so long! i had a couple of other projects before i could finish it. i am... not entirely happy with it because i was working another fic with a different writing concept so i think i lost the writing style near the end there. anyhow, i'm still putting it out because if i touch it anymore i'll end up scrapping it. hopefully, you guys enjoy it. please, let me know what you think! happy reading!
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This place is one of your absolute favourites. 
The hole-in-the-wall cafe, Casa Mia, is only a couple of blocks from campus and you stumbled upon it one day when you were out on a walk with Jeonghan. The exposed bricks paired with the mason jar pendant lights give it a rustic feel and with the added touch of mismatched tables and chairs, it nevers fails to make you feel at home and cosy.
On one end, the wall is lined up with shelves from the floor to the ceiling and filled with a random assortment of books from The Aneid by Virgil to Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The next book on your reading list is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, which is just on the shelf over from where you’re sitting. 
However, right now you’re balls deep into Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet instead, sitting across from Wonwoo and his thick rimmed glasses, nose buried in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The pair of you have been grouped together for your English Literature report on ‘Romance: Comedy vs Tragedy’ and this beautiful Friday morning, is one of the only days you both have available to meet up.
“Are you still reading?” Wonwoo questions, sitting back as he stretches his limbs. “Or have the words started to blend together to you, like they have for me?”
“Neither,” you answer truthfully. “I’ve been a little…”
“Distracted?” Wonwoo offers, smirking when your eyes go wide, like a deer caught in headlights. “You’ve been on the same page for some time now and your eyes keep drifting towards your laptop.”
Placing a hand on your chest, you feign offense. “Jeon Wonwoo, have you been watching me?” you ask, scandalised.
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, laughing at your antics. “Just watching to see if I’m going to be left to do all the work,” he jokingly accuses, and earns himself a smack on the arm. 
“I would never.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my plate with my stupid Psych Thesis,” you explain, but don’t divulge any further. It’s not a lie that your thesis is laborious, but he doesn’t need to know that the real reason you’re distracted is because you’re itching to see the reply from your penpal.
Wonwoo nods, accepting your answer. “I can imagine,” he hums, “Jeonghan seems to be stressed about it, too. He was complaining about having to go out on all of these blind dates. Though, he did come home with a little skip in his step last night.”
This piece of information perks you up but you try to be subtle about it, knowing Jeonghan would kick your ass if he finds out you’ve been prying about him behind his back. “Oh, really?” you ask, nonchalant. “Did he say anything about it last night?”
Just as Wonwoo’s about to answer, your phone vibrates incessantly on the table, interrupting him.
“It’s almost like he knows that we’re talking about him.” You shake your head, turning to face the phone towards Wonwoo so he can see that Jeonghan is ringing you. “What do you want, you heathen?” you answer the call.
“You ungrateful brat,” Jeonghan bristles on the other line. “Is this how you say thank you after I went on that date for you last night?”
You roll your eyes even though you know he can’t see you. “I’m pretty sure that you’re the one who’s meant to be thanking me,” you remark, snidely. “Wonwoo said— ow!” You shoot Wonwoo a glare after he lightly kicks you on the shin.
The other line goes quiet and you almost think that Jeonghan’s hung up until he quietly asks, “What did he say?”
Across from you, Wonwoo’s hand gestures closing the zip of his mouth, before joining his hands together in prayer, begging for you to spare him. Considering you still need him for your English Literature report, you do just that and throw yourself into Jeonghan’s hellfire instead. “If I shout coffee for the next two weeks, will you spare him?” You tempt the demon. “I need him to finish his end of this Shakespeare report before you off him.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Jeonghan smugly accepts your bribe and hangs up.
Slowly, you gather your belongings, shoving them in your bag as you prepare to make your way to the library to meet Jeonghan, making sure to kick Wonwoo in the shin as a payback.
“What was that for?” He glares, rubbing his aching leg.
“It’s your fault that I owe him,” you huff. “Don’t even think of making funeral arrangements until you’ve finished your share of our assignment.”
“My fault?!” Wonwoo’s mouth gapes at you. “You’re the one that almost sent me to an early grave. I haven’t even met the Hermia to my Lysander yet. I’m never sharing any more ammunition against Jeonghan with you ever again.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you challenge. “Don’t make me go Tybalt on your ass.”
Rolling his eyes, Wonwoo grabs your laptop for you. “How about a truce?” he suggests as he hands you the device. “We can both take Jeonghan down together.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You thank him. “I’ll send you my half of the report in a couple of days. See you later, Wonu.”
Waving in farewell, Wonwoo watches as you exit the cafe and head over to meet your doom.
Some might wonder why you would bother to go to Brew’d, the campus cafe, when you can easily purchase coffee at the cafe you were just at, but nobody knows Jeonghan as well as you do. Even though he only ever orders an Iced Americano, he swears only Brew’d makes it well and he’s sure to complain your ear off if you thought otherwise. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you here today,” Joshua comments as you approach the counter, punching in your usual order in the register.
With a sigh, you hand over the money required for the purchase. “I could say the same for you,” you reply, shoving your wallet back in your purse. “You don’t usually work Fridays, right?”
“Don’t get me started.” Joshua rolls his eyes and heads over to the coffee machine to start on your drinks, with you following. “I had to cover because someone called in. At least it’s a short shift and I finish in about half an hour.”
“I’m jealous.” You pout. “I have another couple of hours with Jeonghan and this stupid thesis before I go to work.”
“Eww.” Joshua wrinkles his nose in disgust. “Too bad we don’t sell any vodka here. I could’ve added some in your coffee to help.”
“Joshua, did I ever tell you that you are my favourite?” you declare, touched. “It’s the thought that counts. Also, don’t tell Jeonghan about you being my favourite.”
Joshua laughs as he hands you the drinks. “Of course, I have to tell him,” he scoffs. “That demon needs to be taken down a peg or two.”
“Okay, I take it back. You’re no longer my favourite.”
“No take backsies!”
Rolling his eyes, Joshua gently ushers you out of the cafe. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to be dressed up at your funeral,” he remarks, bidding you farewell from the door.
“I’m going to haunt you!” you yell, not bothering to look back to see his reaction as you quickly make your way to the library, hoping to have a few minutes to yourself before Jeonghan gets there to view your pen pal’s reply. 
Weaving your way expertly through the crowd, you reach your destination in no time, only to be disappointed when you find the hired study room still occupied. Lightly tapping on the glass to announce your arrival, the group of students give you an apologetic nod and start gathering their belongings.
“Well, you look like shit,” Jeonghan comments upon his arrival. 
“Is that what you said to yourself in the mirror this morning?” you retort. “Don’t make me throw your coffee in the trash.”
“Then I’d have to murder Wonwoo tonight. His blood will be on your hands, and the same goes for his part of the report.”
Rolling your eyes, you deliver the Iced Americano into his outstretched hand before entering the now empty study room. Sitting across from Jeonghan, you quickly unpack your belongings and get straight to the point. “So, how was last night?” you ask, voice ladened with genuine curiosity.
Jeonghan relaxes in his chair and contemplates your question for a moment. “I’ll give you the short version since you’ll get the long version in the report,” he starts, “but it was honestly a lot of fun. Stephanie was really sweet and adventurous and we went on almost every ride. That’s why we were late last night.”
“I did think you guys would get along,” you reveal. “I’m glad it worked out.”
Laughing, Jeonghan resumes his position with his laptop. “Same here.” He nods. “It would’ve put me off going into the other dates if it didn’t. Anyway, how did you go?”
“Surprisingly good,” you admit, knowing he would find out anyway. “Bands boy sure is interesting. Anything else you would like to clue me in about him?”
“Tsk tsk, _____,” Jeonghan teases and you want to lean forward and sock him straight in the face. “That isn’t how this works and you know it. Whatever you want to know about him, you can ask him yourself. I need this to be as organic as possible.”
Sighing, you turn your attention to your own laptop and bring it to life. “You’re no fun.”
“I’ll tell you everything you want to know once this social experiment is done,” he promises before adding, “if he hasn’t told you by then.”
Before you can utter a retort, the words ‘You’ve Got Mail!’ suddenly rings in the air. Without a care about what Jeonghan could be thinking right now, you open the email with haste, fingers fumbling over each other as you do so.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Your Turn 12:10AM>
i finished my essay woo!
your move, girl magnetic
x sweet dreams
“Damn.” Jeonghan whistles. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.”
“If you don’t shut the hell up,” you retort. “You’re the one lighting up this room brighter than the fluorescent light while you write that report.” Jeonghan is about to utter a comeback when you add, “By the way, I sorta promised to tell him the story behind Girl Magnetic and I wanted to ask you about it first because I wasn’t sure if it’s too much information.”
“Yes, it is,” Jeonghan agrees. “I’m sorry but you’ll have to offer him something else.”
Sighing, you nod in agreement and type out another apologetic reply. The sinking feeling in your gut of having to disappoint your pen pal is beyond unpleasant and you don’t want to make a habit of it. With a shake of your head, you rid yourself of the negative thoughts that are brewing in your mind, not wanting it to show in your message.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Your Turn 1:15pm>
nice work, bands boy! i’m super proud of you :) 
unfortunately i can’t tell you the story behind girl magnetic after all *siiiiiiigggghhhhhhh
jeonghan vetoed it. apparently it’ll reveal too much about me
but! he has given me permission to tell you all about it later on
i’m really sorry *cries
so in exchange, i’ll answer any other question (that doesn’t reveal too much about me) with no complaints! so hit me with your best shot!
regretfully, girl magnetic
You read through your letter once before sending it away, almost wishing you can reach through the screen just to take it back. The dread sets in and you sink down your chair, wanting the ground to swallow you up.
“God, stop being such a drama queen,” Jeonghan reprimands. “It’s just a delay in response, it’s really not a big deal. He won’t even bat an eye because you can still tell him something else.”
“Fuck you. Why do you have to be the voice of reason?”
“Isn’t that why I’m your best friend?” he asks rhetorically then proceeds to jab his index finger towards your laptop. “Now, hurry the fuck up because I need that report before you leave for work.”
Sitting up, you refer back to the blank document staring back at you and start writing your report, mumbling quietly to yourself about needing to find a new best friend. Jeonghan laughs and you know it’s because he thinks he’s a diamond in the rough and that you won’t find anyone else like him. Quite frankly, he’s right, but you won’t be the one to inflate his already huge ego.
Your allotted ‘thesis time’ concludes in a flash and you start gathering your belongings, preparing to make your way to your shift at the diner. Just like before, Jeonghan hands you a piece of paper, but this time it contains a question.
What is something you’re passionate about?
Staring at the piece of paper, you can’t help the laugh that escapes you. “Why is it so serious this time?” you question, a brow raised in confusion.
Jeonghan merely shrugs. “The topics will be a mixture of both easy and hard questions and will most likely alternate because I’m trying to see something. By the way, the reason I handed you the question this time is because I want you to initiate for this one.”
“Sounds good, I’ll get on it as soon as I get his reply,” you inform Jeonghan, shoving the note in your back pocket as you bid him farewell. “I’ll text you the details of your next date later!”
Meanwhile, Vernon lugs his tired body up the stairs of the frat house and deposits himself on the comforts of his bed. After a long day of classes, his plan was just to have a nap and relax for the rest of the night but unfortunately, his Music Theory professor had given his class another essay to complete. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he quickly orders himself some takeout and decides to start working on his essay as he waits for his food to arrive.
Turning his laptop on, he’s surprised to find a reply from you waiting for him in his inbox. Honestly, when he found none as he checked this morning, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. But, he quickly shut that down especially since he’s realised how busy you are. Nevertheless, seeing your pseudonym on his screen has given him the bout of energy he needs to get through his essay.
“Hansol, I’ve got your food,” Jeonghan calls out from the doorway, a plastic bag held hostage in his hand.
“Thanks,” Vernon replies as he walks towards the elder. “You here to give me the next question?”
Jeonghan shakes his head. “Nah, I want her to initiate this time because there’s something I’m trying to see. I’ve already given her the question and she’ll hit you up again after she finishes work.”
“Sounds good.” Vernon nods. “Is there anything else?”
“I vetoed her from telling you about Girl Magnetic” —Jeonghan rolls his eyes— “and before you start, I’m just delaying her from telling you. It’ll reveal too much and this experiment is just in its beginning stages! Instead, she’s giving you something else in return.”
“Fine.” Vernon pouts. “This all better be worth it.”
“Oh, trust me,” Jeonghan replies, smug. “You’ll be thanking me once this whole thing is done.”
Vernon watches as the elder retreats and shuts the door behind him none too gently. Only Jeonghan could walk into a room and suck all the happiness out of it. With a sigh, he opens your email, shoving pieces of chicken in his mouth as he reads through the words.
Your apologetic tone and regret is evident, even if you didn’t say so yourself. It makes Vernon want to forget the setback in your friendship, especially after speaking with Jeonghan, considering the matter is out of your hands. Besides, your counter offer is there, just as he was advised and it’s another offer that’s hard to pass up.
Taking a moment to himself, he sits back and tries to consider what question could give him as much satisfaction as the story behind Girl Magnetic would have given him. It doesn’t take him long to decide and he sends his reply back sooner rather than later since he’ll most likely be knee deep in his essay before long.
It’s well past dinner time by the time you arrive back in your dorm. Fridays are always the longest days on your schedule but you don’t mind it most of the time as it makes the weekend that much sweeter. Heading straight to the shower, you wash off the stress and tension in your body and prepare yourself for a relaxing night ahead.
It’s when you’re making yourself a cup of tea that your phone goes off with a notification from Jeonghan.
[9:00pm] thing 1: don’t forget to send me the details about my date tomorrow [9:00pm] thing 1: and don’t forget about your penpal
Sighing, you walk towards the couch where you unceremoniously threw your purse as soon as you arrived, fishing out the notepad that had the details of Jeonghan’s date on them.
[9:04pm] thing 2: you’re meeting patricia at mi casa for brunch at 11am [9:05pm] thing 2: and thanks for the reminder! [9:05pm] thing 2: i’ll get onto it now
Fetching your mug from the kitchen island, you make your way to the desk where the laptop is. Sighing, you take small sips of your tea, not in any hurry to read the email your pen pal has sent. Once you’ve finished the last drops of your drink, you know you can’t delay any further and opted to get the whole ordeal over and done with.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Your Turn 6:28pm>
don’t even sweat it! jeonghan explained everything to me. 
i don’t mind keeping the mystery about you for a bit longer, it’ll make getting to know you later even more interesting :)
another offer i can’t refuse? i think you’re spoiling me haha.
hm, well i’m plenty curious when it comes to you but let’s go with something easy.
what music are you into?
x bands boy
ps. jeonghan says you have the next question ready?
If you could describe your pen pal in one word, you would go with unpredictable. He never acts or reacts the way you expect him to and even his question is unexpected. But he’s right, it makes the whole thing rather interesting, and you find yourself plenty invested.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Passion 9:03pm>
hey, b! 
(i hope this is okay, having to type out our full usernames all the time is so tiring T-T)
thank you for going easy on me haha
i’m honestly into most music, but my playlist is usually filled with your typical punk/emo/indie rock music lol. it’s probably not what you expected right? but i’m definitely not opposed to some carly rae jepsen or avril lavigne lol.
and yes! jeonghan has given me the next question which i spoilt in the title of the email:
what is something you’re passionate about?
i’ll go first!
my passion is… writing. this is also probably unexpected huh?
i’ve always been super into reading and always found myself daydreaming and imagining other ways stories could have gone and one day decided to put my thoughts onto paper and i’ve never looked back.
i can’t wait to hear about yours!
waiting patiently, g
Biting your lip, you sit back and think about what just occurred. There’s not a lot of people who know that writing is what you’re truly passionate about and you’ve often held back on revealing that fact to anybody because of the sometimes negative reactions people have about the occupation. It surprises you that there was no sign of hesitation when it came to telling Bands Boy about it and you don’t know what to make of it.
Is it because you know that you have to be truthful, mostly anyway, for Jeonghan’s experiment to work? Or is it because Bands Boy is just somebody behind a screen, a complete stranger who you may never meet and therefore will never be able to tie this conversation back to you?
The only other possibility you can think of is that despite him being a stranger and despite the short amount of time you’ve known him, he’s managed to start breaking down the walls that you’ve carefully built around your heart. It’s scary to think about, especially with how careful you’ve been but you have too many things on your plate to worry about so you push it to the back of your mind.
It’s when Vernon was about to get up to grab a drink in the kitchen when his notification goes off, alerting him of your email. Desperate to quench his thirst for information more than his thirst for a drink, he settles back onto his gaming chair and opens your reply. The grin on his face grows at every line he reads and not wanting to waste a single moment, he chooses to write back to you straight away.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Passion 9:15pm>
hey there, g!
(oh, you’re so right! it’s a lot better to refer to ourselves like this)
wow, you never cease to amaze me
you’re right, i really did not expect any of those answers honestly
thank you for sharing them with me. i know that sometimes it isn’t easy to do so, especially with a complete stranger. so, i’m honoured that you’ve allowed yourself to be so open with me. i’ll make sure to thank you properly for your efforts and hope to return the favour soon!
so, writing huh? does this mean you actually want to become a professional writer? which field? journalism? novels? research?
and wow, it totally makes sense now as to why you’re doing psychology. 
hm, so what is something i’m passionate about?
mine is fairly simple: my passion lies with making music i enjoy
and when i say that, i truly mean it. i don’t make music to match the trend or to go against the grain so i stand out. the music i make isn’t always set in any particular genre. i just… want to make music that i like… if that makes sense? haha
now that i know you’re a writer, do you wanna… maybe… do a collab someday?
i am shocking when it comes to lyric writing haha
you wouldn’t mind helping me out with that right?
surprised, b
ps. what are you up to on this fine friday night?
You wouldn’t dare tell anyone how fast you ran to your laptop as soon as it notified you of Bands Boy’s response, almost tripping over your own foot and face planting on the floor. As your eyes glide through the words, you can’t seem to find yourself going past the first half of his email. Tears pool at the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over but you are able to compose yourself in time. 
Yet again, he’s managed to put your mind at ease and made sure that you didn’t regret opening yourself up to him. However, you don’t let yourself delve deeper into these uncertain feelings, forcing yourself to move on and read the rest of his message so that you can answer him.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Passion 9:37pm>
omg i am so down for a collab!!
i’ve never ventured into lyric writing before but i am up for the challenge
i promise not to let you down!!
yes, i want to become a professional writer. a novelist in fact.
and yes, that’s why i’m doing psychology. i’m hoping to gain a better understanding of people and why they are the way that they are so that i can use it to improve my characters :) 
you know, i think it’s really cool that you just want to do music that you enjoy. there’s so many musicians out there who just do whatever’s popular and are only in there to make money and not much else, so you’re a breath of fresh air. 
i can’t wait to hear all the songs you create, i’m sure they’ll be great!
especially with me writing your lyrics ;) haha
oh, and i’m not really doing anything tonight but resting. i’ve had a big day with classes and work on top of that so i’m ready to wrap myself in a blanket and sit on the couch for the rest of the night.
what about you? i hope you’re not doing another essay lol
ps. you can thank yourself for the reason that i was able to open up to you :) 
Grabbing your laptop, you carry it to the couch and place it on the coffee table as you reach for a cushion to bury your face and scream into.
Meanwhile, Vernon gingerly rubs at his shin after tripping over on the stairs and bashing it against a step, in his hurry to get back to his room. Your email announces its presence as soon as he walks in and he makes sure to lock the door behind him before settling himself back on his chair and reading your message.
The smile on his face is so big that he can barely hide it behind his hand. Taking a deep breath to try and keep his cool, Vernon wipes his clammy hands on his pants and nods to himself before replying.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Passion 9:52pm>
no take backs on that collab!! i’m gonna hold you to it!!
i’m so excited i’m literally buzzing with ideas already hahaha
i think it’s super cool that you’re working on your very own novel
how far have you gotten with it? is it already in the works?
if you ever need someone to make a soundtrack once your novel becomes a major motion picture, you know who to hit up ;)
damn, you had a full day that’s for sure
work huh? i guess you’re probably not allowed to tell me where lol
your guess is half correct… i’m technically not doing an essay but i’m already doing some research since it’s due on monday
in need of saving, b
ps. hopefully i can keep making you comfortable enough to continue opening up to me :) 
The smile on your face from receiving his reply eventually turns into a frown as you read it a second time, when you realise that it’s time to cut your conversation with him short once more.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Passion 10:06pm>
i’m still world building right now. i have a bunch of random pieces of writing here and there but don’t have anything concrete just yet
omg would you really? i’ll definitely have you make me a soundtrack either way!!
let me go ahead and write my workplace to the list of things i’ll be revealing to you once this experiment is over haha
and i can’t believe you have another essay to do. it’s like your prof doesn’t want me talking to you lol
you know what this means right?
feeling bad, g
Groaning, Vernon drops his head face down on his desk. Yes, he knows what it means. An obstacle towards getting to know you more has presented itself yet again. It does feel like fate is working against the both of you but he isn’t one to give up so easily. Besides, Jeonghan did promise him that he still has plenty of opportunities to find out more about you.
Especially once your anonymity is no longer a hurdle to him.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Passion 10:24pm>
i know what it means *sigh
i hope you know that nothing will stop me from getting to know more about you once your thesis is finished
not even these damn music theory essays *shakes fist
determined, b
His reply stuns you. Albeit, his forwardness always does. But, you appreciate it nonetheless because it leaves no room for confusion. At least not from his end. Now, the only thing you have left to wonder about is how you feel about him.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Passion 10:33pm>
i’m looking forward to it
waiting for that day, g xo 
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TAGLIST: @teapartydreams @aperson394 @cixrosie
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© darlingvernon
pls do not copy/repost my work
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