theworldatwar · 1 month
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A German soldier aims his Panzerschreck from the cover of a destroyed building - date and location unknown
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telogreika · 4 months
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落书き #6
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years
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‚ His Excellency Generalissimo Hold the line. Flanch, recover, putting in the work Dicki Bird Napoleons Eagle Major Richard Sharpe ‚ #Panzeranklopfgerät #Ofenrohr #Panzerschreck #Javelina #PericofürdieTruppe #Nato #ichhatteinenkameraden #ihadacomrade #Thelastpost #Militaryart #Militarypainting #Armyart #Schlachtengemälde #Mia #Earlyironcrosses #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Kingtiger #Leopard2 #warpainting #erbsentarn #Feldgrau #ichgingeinstamuferderdonauentlang #Abgänger #panthertank #panzergeneralforever #Awacs #topgunmaverick (hier: Casar De Talavera, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRQDHMIApS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Neat little emplaced anti-tank rocket launcher, a “raketenwerfer” in German. Using the same 8.8cm rockets as the Panzerschreck, the Raketernwerfer 43 was completely superfluous and pointless since it was realized that a simple hollow tube with an ignition device was all that was needed to launch the 8.8cm rocket, rather than an elaborate miniature artillery piece with carriage and breech.
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79 years ago this week [29AUG23], Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool set the standard for American tank commanders over the course of three days in the late summer of 1944. As commander of the M4A1(76)W medium tank nicknamed "In the Mood", Pool skillfully led his tank crew and the rest of I Company, 3rd Battalion, 32nd Armor Regiment through enemy held terrain. Starting in Braisne, France on the morning of 29 August, S/SGT Pool led a company advance against three defending German Panther tanks. Pool and his well-trained crew destroyed one of the Panthers with two rounds, forcing the remaining pair of enemy tanks to retreat. Pool continued to lead the American column in a flank attack over a low water crossing and into a German-held town that resulted in overwhelming and destroying the enemy with complete surprise. The next night on 30 August, Pool was leading I company once again into their bivouac positions when he came under fire from another German Panther. The incoming round ricocheted off the side of “In the Mood”, and Pool immediately actioned his tank onto the threat, causing the German crew to evacuate their tank after being hit. S/SGT Pool coordinated for the other tanks in his platoon to cover him as he moved “In the Mood” forward to destroy the Panther. As “In the Mood” set the German tank in flames, other German Panthers appeared as the sun set. Fighting in the dark, Pool ordered his gunner to engage the flashes of the enemy tank guns, while continually maneuvering his own tank to avoid incoming fire. After destroyer another Panther, the remaining German tanks withdrew. The next day on 31 August, “In the Mood” once again led the 3rd Armored Division, engaging and destroying two German anti-tank teams armed with Panzerschrecks (bazookas) and then destroying an anti-tank gun literally hiding in a haystack. After these engagements, Pool twice made contact with retreating German columns, destroying two more tanks, another anti-tank gun, dozens of lighter vehicles, and an untold number of enemy casualties. For his actions commanding “In the Mood”, Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Pool’s battalion commander, LTC Walter B. Richardson, attributed his success to his focus on training and developing his crew to strict standards. Today, Pool is looked at as the exemplar of the American tank commander. Crew of "In The Mood" 29-31 August: Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool-Tank Commander Corporal Willis Oller-Gunner Corporal Wilbert Richards-Driver Technician Fifth Grade Del Boggs-Loader Private First Class Bert Close-Assistant Driver/Bow Gun
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lboogie1906 · 11 days
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Sergeant Edward Allen Carter Jr. (May 26, 1916 – January 30, 1963) was an Army sergeant first class who was wounded in action during WWII. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military decoration for valor, for his actions on March 23, 1945, near Speyer, Germany.
He and six other African Americans who served in WWII were awarded the Medal of Honor on January 12, 1997. The seven recipients are the first and only African Americans to be awarded the Medal of Honor for WWII.
While in Shanghai in 1932, he ran away from home and joined the National Revolutionary Army fighting against the invading Japanese during the Shanghai Incident. After reaching the rank of Lieutenant, he had to leave when it was discovered that he lied about his age and he was 15 years old. He made his way to Spain and joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, an American volunteer unit supporting the Spanish Republicans in their fight against the Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War.
On March 23, 1945, he was a staff sergeant, was riding on a tank when it was hit by a Panzerschreck. Dismounted, he led three soldiers across an open field. In the process, two of the men were killed and the other was seriously wounded. He continued alone and was wounded five times before being forced to take cover.
Eight German soldiers tried to capture him, but he killed six and captured the remaining two. He used the two as human shields from enemy fire as he recrossed the field. His prisoners provided valuable information on enemy troop dispositions for his unit. For this, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross on October 4, 1945, and promoted to sergeant first class. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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abgael661 · 1 year
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German Grenadier with a Panzerschreck on a Position behind a King Tiger Tank
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leam1983 · 2 years
On Goncharov's Cycle
If some of us are digging into Goncharov's period-accurate reception and its place in the wider cultural canon, I think we should also expound on the inevitable remakes that would follow.
1985's Goncharov, directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, notably relocated the action to Moscow proper and refocused much of the story on the dialectic of mirrors, as noted by Borges in an earlier essay. It grasped how Anatoli's plight could effectively serve as a mirror to the anxieties of post-USSR Russians, and to the perils associated with existing in a literal liminal space, between two moments in History.
In 1996, Steven Soderberg produced something of a companion piece in Andrei's Army, which is effectively Goncharov if told from reversed perspectives. Light served as a primary visual cue throughout the movie, with Patriarch Grigori's constant presence in tones of blue suggesting the death - or the slow asphyxiation - of Andrei's Orthodox faith in the face of the vibrantly passionate Lyudmila's embrace of Sicilian Catholicism.
Of some note is Antoine Fuqua's 2020 opus, Love and Bullets, which is effectively Goncharov re-processed through Romeo and Juliet and then given an ample dose of John Woo tropes. The idea of giving Goncharov a Panzerschreck in order to oppose Anatoli's simple M1 Garand is intended to speak to the Russo-Italian need for compensation, but there's a clear lack of subtlety that doesn't really mesh well with the subject matter.
I've also heard rumblings about a potential PS5/PC adaptation in the form of a Management sim (think Gangsters 2, but set in Russia), but Dendrites & Data, the Chech developer responsible for the project, is remarkably tight-lipped on its progress. Danny O'Dwyer's been trying to get an interview with them for several months, now - to no avail.
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carbone14 · 2 years
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Soldats de la Wehrmacht avec un panzerschreck à Wilkowischken (Vilkaviškis) pendant l'offensive soviétique Kaunas – Opération Bagration – Lituanie – Août 1944
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jhlcolorizing · 2 years
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Finnish anti-tank soldier with German made anti-tank weapon Panzerfaust in Ihantala, June 30, 1944.
Panzerschrecks along with Panzerfausts helped Finns to achieve the defense victories during the summer of 1944. Many Panzerfausts were sold to Finland. Import includes two version of armor strikes, Panzerfaust 30 Klein and Panzerfaust 30. Weapons max. effective range was only 30 meters (98 feet).
Highest number of tanks destroyed with handheld weapons had Lance Corporal Ville Väisänen from 2nd Borderjaeger Battalion. He destroyed 8 tanks with Panzerfaust in one day. Later on same day he became MIA. Väisänen was awarded posthumously the Mannerheim Cross for bravery. •••••••• Panssarintorjuntamies nyrkkinsä kanssa Ihantalan maastossa Viipurin maalaiskunnassa, 30.6.1944.
Suomeen tuotiin kahta panssarinyrkin versiota, F1 (pikkunyrkki, Panzerfaust 30 Klein) kaliiperiltaan 100 mm ja F2 (isonyrkki, Panzerfaust 30), jonka kaliiperi oli 142 mm. Aseiden tehokas kantama oli vain noin 30 metriä, ase piti siis laukaista huomattavan läheltä.
Panssarinyrkillä oli yhdessä panssarikauhun kanssa merkittävä vaikutus puna-armeijan tankkien pysäyttämisessä Karjalan kannaksen torjuntataisteluissa kesällä 1944. Lähitorjunnan tapahtumakuvauksissa nousevatkin kerta toisensa jälkeen päärooliin tavalliset jalkaväkimiehet, jotka mukaan nappaamillaan panssarinyrkeillä pysäyttivät taistelun kannalta ratkaisevat vaunut.
Tiettävästi ennätyksen teki Rajajääkäripataljoona 2:n korpraali Ville Väisänen Ihantalajärven eteläpuolella Ruunakorvessa tuhoten kahdeksan vaunua yhden päivän aikana. Väisänen katosi samana päivänä, hän mahdollisesti räjähti kuoliaaksi panssarinyrkkikasaan osuneesta osumasta. Jälkeenpäin korpraali Väisänen nimitettiin Vapaudenristin 2. luokan Mannerheim-ristin ritariksi numerolla 145.
Väisäsen menestys perustui ilmeisen kovien hermojen ohella maaston tehokkaaseen hyödyntämiseen, mikä oli suomalaista lähitorjunnan taktiikkaa parhaimmillaan. •••••••• [sa-kuva | 155353 | Hedenström]
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Company Of Heroes Cheats
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 After adding it, click OK and launch the game. Remember to check where your tilde key is on your keyboard, as keyboard-layouts differ from country to country. You can download trainers for the game at cheathappens. The latest trainers at the site can be only downloaded by full members, which means having to pay for a subscription in order to get full access. However, there are free versions of the trainers for the early versions of the game, specifically up to patch 2. Re-read the section on how to enable the console in the game, if you need to, and bring up the console in-game. You can build emplacements with engineers at the beginning of the game, and the Howitzer is available by selecting the infantry company commander. The use of mules was quite rare in WW2, though not unknown, mainly for mobilising artillery i. The unit in the game is quite funny, available in the worldbuilder, consisting of a mule with a Panzerschreck which does incredible damage. You can also get the Eselschreck with the Cheatmod, which offers a number of Company of Heroes cheats unlimited resources, upgrades etc. Page content.
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theworldatwar · 1 year
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German soldiers of the Grossduetschland Division armed with a Panzerschreck keep watch for any sign of the enemy - Wilkowischken August 1944
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mediumten303 · 2 years
Bolt Action 2nd Edition Rulebook Pdf Download
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Files - Sorted By Date Bolt Action - BoardGameGeek.
Firefight Rules - Bolt Action.
Gaming Resources - Frostgrave & Stargrave - Osprey Publishing.
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Files - Sorted By Date Bolt Action - BoardGameGeek.
Sort by: best. You only need the 2nd Edition Germany Book all other books are valid/current. Thanks! It might actually be tricky since there are some discrepancies between the base rules and the national army books (my personal example deals with transport Bren Carriers supposedly also having recce in the base 2nd Ed. rulebook).
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Product Code: 409410009. Tags: / bolt-action / digital / eu / PDF / rules-books / us / warlord-games. Description. Customer Reviews. Shipping & Returns. We present the latest FAQ for Bolt Action. This PDF is the most up to date source for rulings and replaces any previous documents (most recent update- August 2021).
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. Bolt Action 2nd Edition Rulebook. $40.00 USD. Fallschirmjager (plastic box) $56.00 USD. Digital Black Powder II rulebook PDF (English) $32.00 USD. Waffen-SS Sniper, Flamethrower and Panzerschreck teams (1943-45) $22.50 USD.
Bolt Action 2 FAQ - Warlord Games Ltd.
An action with the press trait can be used only if you are currently affected by a multiple attack penalty. Some actions with the press trait also grant an effect on a failure. The effects that are added on a failure don't apply on a critical failure. If your press action succeeds, you can choose to apply the failure effect instead. All groups and messages.... Mar 31, 2022 · Download Or Read PDF Bolt Action: World War II Wargames Rules: Second Edition Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook. With more than 23,000 copies of the first edition sold, this second edition of the best-selling Bolt Action World War II Wargaming Ruleset from Osprey and Warlord Games presents streamlined and refined rules, incorporating all the FAQs and errata compiled over four years of.
Bolt Action rules summary / reference sheet - Flipbook by | FlipHTML5.
The 2nd edition offers the same fantastic World War II gameplay with its exciting order dice system and mixed armies of infantry, tanks and artillery. Key New Features Officers activate other units! Used cleverly, this creates a huge tactical shift as you can order multiple units to fire or advance in concert. An updated playsheet for second edition -- Currently there is no official playsheet for the 2nd edition of Bolt Action, so what I did was to take the one for the 1st edition and updated it so it can be used for the 2nd edition. I have added the specific changes found in the 2nd edition of Bolt Action. I haven’t loaded it on an Android phone, but I’m sure it is pretty comparable. If you buy it from Play Books, just download a copy and convert it to PDF. It will work fine on both the phone and the iPad.
Rules & Books – Warlord Games Ltd.
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Adventurers' action. Players roll dice to resolve whether their attacks hit or miss or whether their adventurers can scale a cliff, roll away from the strike of a magical lightning bolt, or pull off some other dangerous task. Anything is possible, but the dice make some outcomes more probable than others. Dungeon Master (DM): OK, one at a. Ability Modifiers. Alternative Method: Rolling Ability Scores. Step 1: Create a Concept. Step 2: Start Building Ability Scores. Step 3: Select an Ancestry. Step 4: Pick a Background. Step 5: Choose a Class. Step 6: Determine Ability Scores. Step 7: Record Class Details. Only 1 left in stock. Add to cart. Sold By: The Fifth Trooper. SKU: 6577 Categories: Bolt Action, Games. Description. Reviews (0) The 2nd edition offers the same fantastic World War II gameplay with its exciting order dice system and mixed armies of infantry, tanks and artillery.
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This new edition of the multi-award-winning fantasy skirmish wargame offers improved rules based on years of player feedback, a revised spell list, and a host of brand-new scenarios. It remains fully compatible with all previously published <i>Frostgrave</i> supplements, allowing players to revisit past adventures as well as face new challenges. Choose a wizard from one of ten schools of magic.. Digital Bolt Action 2nd Edition Rulebook PDF £20.99 The 2nd edition offers the same fantastic World War II gameplay with its exciting order dice system and mixed armies of infantry, tanks and artillery.
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A different game of Bolt Action, one that uses a more limited area and fewer models. Each model acts individually (i.e. it is a unit, as opposed to being part of a unit) and the scope is limited to infantry and soft-skin vehicles. Except for that, these rules can be treated as a light version of the full Bolt Action rules.” FIREFIGHT!.
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years
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‚ His Excellency Generalissimo Hold the line. Flanch, recover, putting in the work Dicki Bird Napoleons Eagle Major Richard Sharpe ‚ #Panzeranklopfgerät #Ofenrohr #Panzerschreck #Javelina #PericofürdieTruppe #Nato #ichhatteinenkameraden #ihadacomrade #Thelastpost #Militaryart #Militarypainting #Armyart #Schlachtengemälde #Mia #Earlyironcrosses #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Kingtiger #Leopard2 #warpainting #erbsentarn #Feldgrau #ichgingeinstamuferderdonauentlang #Abgänger #panthertank #panzergeneralforever #Awacs #topgunmaverick (hier: Casar De Talavera, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRQDHMIApS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Four German paratroopers hide behind a knocked out Sherman tank with the intent to ambush oncoming American armor. They are armed with a Panzerfaust and a Panzerschreck anti-tank weapons, 1944
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historicalfirearms · 3 years
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The Panzerfaust & Panzerschreck In The Rhineland
Earlier this year I had the pleasure of travelling to The Tank Museum in Bovington to film some segments for the new documentary on the Rhineland Campaign – ‘Rhineland 45‘. Not all of the segments I filmed discussing weapons could be included in the finished documentary – I filmed quite a few – so I’m pleased to share a couple here on the channel. This one looks at German infantry anti-tank weapons: the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck.
Check out the documentary here.
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