#ox container 30 liter
thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 7: 20-28. "The Left Hand."
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Ephraim "Branching Out."
Benjamin, the Right Hand is to be kind, Ephraim, the Left Hand is "to learn."
The verb פרר (parar) means to split, divide and usually make more, expand or multiply. This root belongs to an extended family that also contains פרץ (paras), to break (through), פרש (paras and parash), to spread out or declare, פרס (paras), to break in two or divide, and פאר (pa'ar) means to branch out or to glorify.
The Bible is not concerned with political goings on and only with the evolution of the wisdom tradition, and thus with the rise of information technology (from cave paintings to blockchain). That said: our word "science" comes from the Greek verb σξιζω (schizo), which means to split, divide and make more.
Verb פרה (para) means to bear fruit or be fruitful. Noun פרי (peri) means fruit in its broadest sense. Noun פר (par) means young bull and פרה (para) means young heifer. Note that the first letter א (aleph) is believed to denote an ox-head, while its name derives from the verb אלף (aleph), to learn or to produce thousands. The second letter, ב (beth) is also the word for house (or temple or stable). The familiar word "alphabet," therefore literally means "stable of bulls" or "house of divisions" or "temple of fruitful learning".
Noun פרא (para') is a word for wild donkey. The young bovines were probably known as fruits-of-the-herd, but donkeys in the Bible mostly symbolize lone wanderings and humility.
Noun פור (pur) means lot (hence the feast called Purim). Noun פורה (pura) denotes a winepress and פרור (parur) a cooking pot.
20 The descendants of Ephraim:
Shuthelah, Bered his son,
Shuthelah= to extract, to break free
שלל  שלה
There are two roots שלה (slh), and two roots שלל (sll), which all seem to relate a being extracted from bondage and restriction, and toil and turmoil.
שלה I
The verb שלה (shala I) means to be at rest (Job 3:26) or to prosper (Psalm 122:6, Jeremiah 12:1). Its derivatives are:
The masculine noun שלו (shalu), meaning prosperity (Psalm 30:7 only).
The adjective שלי (sheli), meaning quiet or private (2 Samuel 3:27 only).
The adjective שלו (shalew), meaning quiet or prosperous (Job 16:12, Zechariah 7:7).
The feminine noun שלוה (shalwa), meaning quietness or prosperity (Psalm 122:7, Proverbs 17:1).
שלה II
The verb שלה (shala II) means to draw out or extract. It's used only in Job 27:8, but it's obviously related to root שלל (shalal; see below). This root's sole derivative is the feminine noun שליה (shilya), meaning afterbirth (Deuteronomy 28:57 only).
שלל I
The verb שלל (shalal I) is obviously related to שלה (shala II) and means to draw out. It's used only in Ruth 2:16. Its sole derivative is the adjective שולל (sholal), meaning barefoot (Micah 1:8, Job 12:17 only).
שלל II
The verb שלל (shalal II) means to plunder, and this isn't far removed from the verbs שלה (shala II) and שלל (shalal I), meaning to draw out. This verb occurs fourteen times, in all expectable ways: to describe the plundering that goes on during a raid or after a battle (Isaiah 10:6, Jeremiah 50:10, Ezekiel 29:19).
This verb's sole derivative is the masculine noun שלל (shalal), meaning plunder (Genesis 49:27, Joshua 7:21, 1 Samuel 30:20).
Bered=hail, to make cold
Tahath his son, Eleadah his son,
The common noun, adverb and preposition תחת (tahat) means beneath or under, and often expresses a balance between a load and its support rather than a mere burden or lower position.
Adjective תחתון (tahton) means lower or lowest, and adjective and substantive תחתי (tahti) or תחתית (tahtit) means low, below or lowest.
Root עדד ('adad) describes a repeated passing by or over, or a repeated encountering. Noun עדה ('idda) describes any well-worn item.
Verb עדה ('ada I) means to advance or pass on. Nouns עד ('ad) and ועד (w'ad) describe the difficult concept of a future era advancing upon the now, or else the prey or booty upon which a predator advances. The conjunction עד ('ad) or עדי ('ady) means "as far as" or until.
The same verb, namely עדה ('ada II) is used to mean to adorn or ornament oneself — that is: to have items approach the canvas of one's bulk in order to testify of some social rank or perhaps the trade or order one belongs to. Noun עדי ('adi) means ornamentation: fancy or declarative things worn on one's body or clothes.
Verb יעד (ya'ad) means to meet, habitually and repeatedly rather than incidentally. Noun עדה ('eda) means congregation or some other joint collective. Nouns מועד (mo'ed), מועד (mo'ad) and מועדה (mu'ada) describe a place (or time) of meeting.
Verb עוד ('ud) means to return and repeat. Noun עוד ('od) denotes an addition, repetition or continuance.
Nouns עד ('ed), עדה ('eda), עדה ('eda), עדת ('edut), עדות ('edut) and תעודה (te'uda) all mean witness or testimony in various nuances, and verb עוד ('ud) means to bear witness.
Tahath his son, 21 Zabad his son and Shuthelah his son.
Tahath=to support from underneath
Zabad=the gift
Shuthelah= to break free
Ezer and Elead were killed by the native-born men of Gath, when they went down to seize their livestock.
Ezer= the covenant
Root עדד ('adad) describes a repeated passing by or over, or a repeated encountering. Noun עדה ('idda) describes any well-worn item.
Verb עדה ('ada I) means to advance or pass on. Nouns עד ('ad) and ועד (w'ad) describe the difficult concept of a future era advancing upon the now, or else the prey or booty upon which a predator advances. The conjunction עד ('ad) or עדי ('ady) means "as far as" or until.
The same verb, namely עדה ('ada II) is used to mean to adorn or ornament oneself — that is: to have items approach the canvas of one's bulk in order to testify of some social rank or perhaps the trade or order one belongs to. Noun עדי ('adi) means ornamentation: fancy or declarative things worn on one's body or clothes.
Verb יעד (ya'ad) means to meet, habitually and repeatedly rather than incidentally. Noun עדה ('eda) means congregation or some other joint collective. Nouns מועד (mo'ed), מועד (mo'ad) and מועדה (mu'ada) describe a place (or time) of meeting.
Verb עוד ('ud) means to return and repeat. Noun עוד ('od) denotes an addition, repetition or continuance. Nouns עד ('ed), עדה ('eda), עדה ('eda), עדת ('edut), עדות ('edut) and תעודה (te'uda) all mean witness or testimony in various nuances, and verb עוד ('ud) means to bear witness.
Gath= the winepress
"Ezer and Elead, the covenant and the testimony were actualized when the purpose became reality."
The Torah is the mind of G‑d. Has G‑d nothing better to think about than oxen goring cows? The "ox" the Torah speaks of is the supernal pnei shor ("face of the ox") which the prophet Ezekiel beheld in the Divine "chariot"; the "cow" is the feminine aspect of that lofty spiritual entity. It's a code, for the masses to study and memorize and for the enlightened to decipher.
You need to read it from the top down. Why must the Torah be either spiritual or actual? It can be, and is, both. Of course, its basic significance is spiritual. But the physical reality we inhabit derives from and is nurtured by the spiritual. So the spiritual truths contained in the Torah also translate into laws applicable to our physical lives. When the Torah describes the dynamics of spiritual "oxen," "loans" and "responsibility for damages," it can all be also applied to the physical analogues of these spiritual entities.
The Torah reads from the bottom up. The Torah is both a spiritual idea and a pragmatic rulebook, but it is first and foremost the latter.
The fourth approach is predicated on the concept that the physical world is the objective and focus of G‑d's creation, the arena in which the Creator's purpose is actualized. The spiritual creations are but a prelude to this world, and exist solely to serve it and enrich it. While the physical world receives sustenance from the spiritual, the spiritual worlds receive their significance, purpose and raison d'etre from the physical. So it is the spiritual that "derives" (in the ultimate sense) from the physical — not vice versa.
It is with the physical world that the mind of G‑d is most preoccupied; this is the world of which the Torah speaks. It also speaks of spiritual realities — because the spiritual mirrors the physical. Indeed, we can better understand and better apply the Torah's laws when we also study their spiritual significance, thereby "illuminating" the pragmatic law with its inner soul and supernal meaning. But the source and end of it all are the rules dealing with goring oxen, pregnant cows, monetary loans and stealthy thieves.
22 Their father Ephraim mourned for them many days, and his relatives came to comfort him. 23 Then he made love to his wife again, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. He named him Beriah,[c] because there had been misfortune in his family. 24 His daughter was Sheerah, who built Lower and Upper Beth Horon as well as Uzzen Sheerah.
Prefix ב (be) means in, within or by means of.
Most broadly, the root רעע (ra'a') describes compartmentalization: to break some continuum apart into separated elements. Human minds are designed to be nodes of a much greater network of exchange, and must continuously interact to maintain a liquidity of wisdom — hence the noun רע (rea'), meaning friend or companion (and hence too the story of the Tower of Babel).
All wealth requires liquidity and that requires units of economy to go around. This explains why "evil" — רע, ra', evil — is not the opposite of "good" but instrumental to it: hence the perfect Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the heart of perfect Paradise. Despite popular misconceptions, in the Bible, all רע (rea') comes from God (Isaiah 45:7) and has a specific and wonderful function in any naturally evolving system.
The verb שאר (sha'ar) means to remain, be a remnant, to be a small but perpetually surviving portion of a much larger original mass that was eliminated. Nouns שאר (she'ar) and שארית (she'erit) mean rest, residue, remnant, remainder and so on.
Noun שאר (she'er) means flesh (i.e. living muscle mass rather than butchered meat). It's often assumed that this noun comes from an identical second verb שאר (sha'ar) of unknown meaning, but flesh is obviously that what remains from food, when excrement and labor are subtracted. This word for flesh also signified family relations (one's flesh and blood), which too demonstrates this word's attachment to a perpetually maintained minority within a huge society of irrelevant strangers.
Lower Horon=Burning up, bringing the animal up to the level of the man.
Upper Horon= Burning down, bringing God down to the level of the Sentient Self within the bricks of the flesh.
Uzzen Sheerah= the flesh remnant that is left after all ignorance and delusion are exhausted after one hors.
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25 Rephah was his son, Resheph his son,[d]
The verb רפא (rapa') means to heal or rather to restore or even repair. Noun רפאה (repu'a) describes a remedy, and nouns רפאות (rip'ut), מרפא (marpe') and מרפה (marpe) mean a healing or a restoration.
Resheph=to leap up, to pierce like the tip of a pen, to scratch
The masculine noun צפיר (sapir), meaning he-goat. This noun occurs only in the later texts of the Bible (Daniel 8:5, 2 Chronicles 29:21, Ezra 8:35). The regular word for he-goat is שׂעיר (se'ir; see the name Seir).
The feminine noun צפרדע (separdea'), meaning frogs (Exodus 8:2, Psalm 78:45). BDB Theological Dictionary lists this unusually long word under root צפר (sapar V), which it reluctantly declares comparable to an Arabic verb meaning to leap. 
Telah his son, Tahan his son,
Telah= to fracture, to break
Tahan=to favor freely
The verb חנן (hanan) means to be gracious or to favor. Nouns חן (hen), חנינה (hanina), תחנה (tehinna) and תחנון (tahanun) mean favor or grace. Adverb חנם (hinnam) means freely or gratis, and adjective חנון (hannun) means gracious.
26 Ladan his son, Ammihud his son,
Elishama his son, 27 Nun his son and Joshua his son.
Elishama=the cry for salvation from oppression
שוע  ישע
The verb ישע (yasha') means to be unrestricted and thus to be free and thus to be saved (from restriction, from oppression and thus from ultimate demise). A doer of this verb is a savior. Nouns ישועה (yeshua), ישע (yesha') and תשועה (teshua) mean salvation. Adjective שוע (shoa') means (financially) independent, freed in an economic sense.
Verb שוע (shawa') means to cry out (for salvation). Nouns שוע (shua'), שוע (shoa') and שועה (shawa) mean a cry (for salvation).
The verb נון (nun) means to propagate or greatly increase. Noun נין (nin) means offspring or posterity.
Joshua=the name of God will save
28 Their lands and settlements included Bethel and its surrounding villages, Naaran to the east, Gezer and its villages to the west, and Shechem and its villages all the way to Ayyah and its villages. 29 Along the borders of Manasseh were Beth Shan, Taanach, Megiddo and Dor, together with their villages. The descendants of Joseph son of Israel lived in these towns.
Bethel=House of God
Naaran to the East= the place of youth
Gezer to the West="costly balsam"
Shechem all the way to Ayyah= "Responsibility all the way to ownership."
אוה  אי
There are four different verbs אוה ('wh), which all appear to express a desire or movement toward something. Noun אי ('i) means coast, which has been mankind's preferred place to settle since time immemorial. Nouns או ('aw), מאוי (ma'away), אוה ('awwa) and תאוה (ta'awa) all mean desire. The noun אות ('ot) means mark or sign, and humanity's earliest marks were not to assert private ownership but rather a collective identity: something to draw toward and gather around. Noun אי ('i) means jackal, and noun איה (ayya) means hawk or falcon. These creatures were possibly named after their supplicatory calls, or else their rapturous method of predation.
Along the Borders ...Beth Shan=
The noun בית (bayit) means house. It sometimes merely denotes a domestic building, but mostly it denotes the realm of authority of the house-father, or אב (ab). This ab is commonly the living alpha male of a household, but may very well be a founding ancestor (as in the familiar term the "house of Israel"). The אב (ab) may also be a deity, in which case the בית (bayit) is that which we know as a temple.
In the larger economy, a house interacts with other houses. These interactions are governed by the אב (ab), or "father" and executed by the בנים (benim), or "sons": those people living in the house, irrespective of any biological relation with the אב (ab). The "sons" combined add up to אם ('em), which means both "mother" and "tribe".
Taanach=Wandering through
Megidoo= invading the place of fortune
The verb גדד (gadad) describes making an invasive cut, mostly in order to expose something valuable. Noun גדוד (gedud) may describe an invasive band of raiders, or more general: a cutting, a furrow. Noun גדודה (geduda) means a furrow or cutting. Noun גד (gad) appears to describe the exposed treasure and may be used to describe a physical fortune, plain luck or a state of felicity.
Dor= to make a vow to create a period of freedom
The verb דרר (darar) means to flow freely. Noun דרור (deror) means freedom.
The verb נדר (nadar) means to vow, and noun נדר (neder) means a vow.
The verb דור (dur) means to heap or pile, also in the sense of concentrating one's activities, and thus: to dwell. Noun דור (dur) means circle, ball or heap. Noun דור (dor) or דר (dor) means period, age, generation or habitation. Noun מדורה (medura) means pile.
Joseph son of Israel= to go from prisoner to prince.
We must visualize ourselves and our civilization translating from one of livestock and farm persons into an airborn predator in search of spiritual fortunes.
This is what is meant by "branching out" which is really "burning up." The Torah and the Tanakh both say without a doubt, this must happen all at once even as it happens one at a time.
This is the cause and function of the Torah and the Temple itself, to kindle this urge to fly in young men, oxen and congregate them with grown men, falcons who have seen what happens when history is left to rigor humanity unchecked.
Times will change, its icons will go with them, but one must remain steadfast and maintain all that we know and do that is right.
To remain on the border with persons and traditions that have marked us all for death, will leave us behind as excrement is not in line with the expectations God makes of the Jew.
As the genealogy suggests, breaking away from our failing traditions will require walking through some unearhtly and ungodly situations. This is why it is said the cities in the West are made of a costly balsam. The effort it will take to wrest control of this world from those who are stubbornly determined to ruin it will be similar to processes needed to distill pure balsam from the resin.
Until the last cry for help, the last worry over oppression is gone, this is how it must be, and the People of Israel must always assume positions of power to ensure their freedom remains sacrosanct.
As for their oppressors...they simply cannot stay.
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desainn · 4 years
83 Mythical Creatures & Descriptions
This list does not include…
Sci-fi races (sullustian, eldar, sangheili, duros, etc.)
Half-breeds (half-orc, half-elf, etc.)
Sub species (Mirrodin vedalken, hill dwarf, mountain dwarf, etc.)
Types of giants (human giant, giant spider, giant worm, etc.)
Literally thousands of mythical or divine beings I did not think of
1. Saproling - A diverse race of plant entities that dwell in the forests of Dominaria.
2. Dwarf - There are two main races of dwarves (According to WoTC): hill dwarves, and mountain dwarves. They are fairly self-descriptive, however mountain dwarves have improved vision in dark environments. Dwarves are known for their metalworking abilities, short stature, and sturdy build. Some sources claim they can live for an average of 400 years.
3. Elf - A highly debated race prominent in tales ranging from Santa Claus, to MTG. Ignoring the idea of the tiny shoemaking elves of Earth, elves are human-height, thin, agile, stealthy, and in-tune with nature. Warriors of this species often use light swords, long bows, daggers, and staffs.
4. Vedalken - Tall, blue-skinned, knowledgeable beings from MTG and D&D, but most prominently the former. Vedalken have six fingers on each hand. Mirrodin Vedalken have four arms, but that trait is reserved to only members of the Vedalken race from that plane. Believing perfection to be inachievable, Vedalken. Jew progress as a never-ending march to a state of perfection that can never be achieved.
5. Merfolk/Merrow - Female merfolk are commonly known as mermaids- the aquatic (or sometimes amphibious) race of blue- or green-skinned humanoids with fish tails, and oceanic jewelry.
6. Elemental - A diverse group of magical beings centered around a specific element. These are most commonly fire, life, ice, water, and lightning.
7. Angel - Heavenly, winged humanoids. Disregarding Christian ideas of angels, they can be skilled healers, or marksmen. You already know about this one.
8. Demon - The unholy counterpart to angels. Often winged, demons pocess magic capabilities encompassing fire, death, and anger. These beasts reside in the underworld, or hell.
9. Specter - Cloaked figures armed with scythes, who ride undead beasts through the sky. Opposed to flesh, many specters are made of black mist enveloped in dark cloth.
10. Goblin - Thieves, hooligans, and mechanics. Goblins are often in the background committing some silly crime. They can be utilized as comic relief, or cannon fodder, whichever results in their death the quickest (because seriously, these dudes have the highest death rate of anything in this list)
11. Orc - Large, lean warriors wielding clubs, or other blunt weapons. Orcs are commonly portrayed with green skin, and two large stubs of teeth on their lower jaw, sticking out of their mouths.
12. Giant - A collection of large, clumsy humans, spiders, worms, or serpents.
13. Centaur - A mythical Greek idea of a man (or woman) made of a horse from the waist down. Skilled with a bow, or lance.
14. Siren - Two ideas. One: mermaids that sing to lure unwitting sailors into treaterous seas. Two: humans with light blue wings on their arms.
15. Nymph - Nymphs wander in forests, disguised a women. When a traveler approaches, sword sheathed, and shield lowered, the nymph allows its illusion to fade, revealing an evil monster beneath.
16. Minotaur - A bipedal bull with two arms, and two legs that runs around in mazes. “Minotaurs hate tar tar sauce. They’re deathly allergic to tar tar sauce”.
17. Screecher - A flying zombie-demon that screams as it glides.
18. Fairy - Tiny winged humans that flutter through forests. Often times, they will betray travelers, and loot them.
19. Pixie - A fairy that doesn’t lie about being evil, it just accepts that it is. Occasionally, pixies will catch something on fire.
20. Unicorn - A mystical white horse with a golden or ivory horn on its forehead, often bearing pink or blue tails and manes. They love to plunder their horns into tourist’s chests’.
21. Ogre - Either Shrek, or a dungeon-dwelling humanoid with ten blue tentacles, each wielding a different weapon.
22. Troll - A small, dirty man who will collect tolls for crossing bridges. Nothing a crossbow can’t fix.
23. Zombie - The reanimated corpses of lost ones through the use of magic.
24. Fomori - An advanced aquatic race, that builds beautiful cities under the sea. In addition this, they possess vast arsenals of explosives.
25. Stitcher - A zombie made from parts of many deceased creatures.
26. Djinn - Blue- or gray-skinned, mountain-dwelling monks with the ability to levitate themselves.
27. Thrull - A beast faintly resembling a gray-skinned, Balt ox with no horns. The Orzhov Syndicate of Ravnica utilized thrulls as pack animals for transport, and as a container for storing mana, until it would be sucked out of the creature.
28. Rendhorn - A cross between a rhino, and a wolf.
29. Arynx - A large wild cat.
30. Aven - Humanoid birds that live on Dominaria.
31. Semicore/Wierd - An artificial creature that contraditicts its own existence. For example, a membrane of water, and an interior of fire.
32. Naxie - Merfolk-like, semi-humanoid, aquatic and residing in unusually deep forest ponds and lakes, groups of naxies drag travelers stopping for a drink, into the water to eat them.
33. Dragon - A fire-breathing, reptilian beast with near-impenetrable scales. Dragons also boast wings, enabling them to fly.
34. Drake - Similar to a dragon, but leaner.
35. Draco - A serpent dragon that cannot breath fire.
36. Serpentine - A humanoid shake.
37. Truffle - A mushroom person.
38. Hydra - A three-headed dog from Hades.
39. Kobold - Small dragonic men from D&D.
40. God - Magnificent, holy, divine beings. No one knows for sure. Let’s keep it at that.
41. Ent - Tree-like golems that reside in forests. Some ents offer wisdom, others kill travelers.
42. Reaper - A cloaked, reanimated skeleton armed with a scythe, and wielding death magic.
43. Reanimated Skeleton - A skeleton made living through the use of necromancy. Can be destroyed with a hard push.
44. Golem - Living rock or metal creature, sometimes tasked with the defense of an area.
45. Gremlin - A red-skinned animal on Kaladesh with an appetite for Aether.
46. Cyclops - A one-eyes humanoid, sometimes appearing to be human, but other times as large as an orc.
47. Pegasus - A winged horse.
48. Titan - A god-like creature with great strength, and power. Not quite a god, but not a mortal either.
49. Ghoul - A ghost that retains some remnants of it’s past body.
50. Ghost - A spirit that escaped it’s body after death.
51. Phantom - A formless ghost that remains in the mortal realm.
52. Harpy - A colorful bird with a woman’s face.
53. Manticore - A powerful demon lion,
54. Werewolf - Werewolves are sometimes thought of as humans that morph into savage wolf humanoids, in the presence of a full moon. Other times, they remain wolf beings at all times.
55. Elephantine - Humanoid elephants.
56. Wyvern - A sky-dwelling dragon that resides on floating islands, that is sleek, white-, blue-, or green-skinned, and about a three-fourths the size of dragons.
57. Dragonborn - A powerful dragonic man, also called a half-dragon. Skilled with blades of all sorts.
58. Aetherborn - Aetherborn are gray-skinned, black-eyed humanoids spawned spontaneously as a byproduct of the Aether refinement process on Kaladesh. The Aether that makes up heir bodies is gradually returned to the Aethersphere, and in only 3 to 4 years, they have dissolved entirely. One adult human contains enough Aether to allow a single Aetherborn to survive 12 more days. Some members of this race with questionable morals (most notably Gonti) will kill humans in scores, to preserve their own lives.
59. Spirit - A shapeless ghost that retains the ability to communicate with the living.
60. Haunt - A spirit visible as a cloud of thin, black mist, a faintly glowing core, and often wearing a tattered gray cloth.
61. Mimic - Mimics hide in dungeons as chests, or doors. When an unwitting dungeoneer opens the mimic’s disguise, a purple-tongued, toothy beast attacks them. Chest mimics are able to hop around.
62. Vampire - Pale-skinned humans with two pointed fangs, yellow or red eyes, a black cloak, the ability to live forever, a fear of sunlight, and a thirst for blood. Some sources claim that humans bitten by vampires become vampires themselves, however this is unlikely. Weaknesses include silver, wooden stake to the heart, and garlic.
63. Humonculus - One-eyed, blue-gray skinned humanoids created artificially. Though stichers in a technical sense, Humonculus are alive.
64. Devil - Red-skinned, long-horned humanoids that explode upon death.
65. Skywhale - Long-finned whales that float through the atmosphere effortlessly.
66. Griffin - A lion with an eagle’s head, wings, and feet.
67. Abzan Hound - A humanoid dog, skilled with a bow.
68. Leviathan - A large sea serpent whose size is comparable to that of a whale.
69. Nice
70. Naga - A large snake with human arms and facial features near the head.
71. Slime - Gelatin creatures that bounce around. Slimes retain their shape as a flat gumdrop.
72. Horror - Mutant creatures merged together. Mutants have multiple of everything, are terribly boney, and are encased in a loose and thin sheet of skin.
73. Myr - Drones crested by the Mirrodin, that could do nothing but watch the corruption of their planet at the hands of the Phyrexians.
74. Chimera - A winged lion with an eagle’s head, and a snake for a tail.
75. Ooze - An acidic, shapeless slime.
76. Nim - A corrupted zombie reanimated without the use of magic.
77. Hobbit - Short humanoids somewhat resembling a cross between dwarves and humans. They live in houses built into the hillsides, in the Lord of The Rings.
79. Sky Manta - A stingray that flies in the sky.
80. Souleater - A demonic creature that comsumes souls opposed to organic matter.
81. Dementor - From the Harry Potter series, dementors have no legs, wrinkled gray skin, a circular mouth, and “look like something that decayed in water”. They guard the Azkaban Prison.
82. Eternal - A zombie transferred into an artificial body to make it stronger, live forever, and travel through planar gates.
83. My gf
Tell me anything I missed; it will only cause this list to grow stronger, much like any attempt at killing a semicore with pyromancy.
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mcatmemoranda · 5 years
Notes I took from a lecture on Fluids:
Mon, Sep 30, 3:45 PM
Lactate is converted to bicarbonate, so lactated ringers solution can cause alkalosis if used long enough. Not to be used with ceftriaxone, because it will precipitate. Not to be used in pts with liver failure because lactate is metabolized by the liver.
Dextrose D5W - may help in elderly pts who are NPO. Monitor BG in diabetics with finger sticks q4-6 hrs. Can cause hypokalemia because water goes towards sugar and body responds by holding onto Na+ and getting rid of K+.
Saline - monitor for hypernatremia.
1/2 Normal Saline (NS) shifts fluid into cells.
Hypertonic saline is used in severe hyponatremia.
4-2-1 rule.
For women add 40 to total ... I missed what he said :( But I posted about maintenance fluids before and how to calculate it.
Ins & outs = I&Os, oliguria, polyuria. If I&Os not matching, something is wrong.
Bolus = quick dose of saline. "Everyone can use a liter."
CHF = try to avoid a bolus; if needed, give half or 1/4 of a liter, monitor for crackles in lungs. Check pulse ox & vitals; check pt. Put order in for 1/2 bag. Cirrhosis - kidneys start failing, but no reason to give a liter because pt has low albumin, kidney damage. Give albumin, high protein diet, steroids to get liver functioning again. Peds - depends on weight; give dextrose w/ K+. AKI - kidney damage; do FeNa score, get urine sodium & potassium; less than 1 is pre-renal, greater than 1 is post renal. Anything between is intrinsic AKI. Basically (if I recall correctly) the fact that the fractional excretion of sodium in the urine is less than 1 means that the problem isn't with the kidneys themselves, since they're still able to reabsorb Na+ and thus there is less sodium in the urine. Ergo, the problem must be before the kidneys. If the kidneys are failing, they won't be able to reabsorb sodium, so there will be more sodium in the urine and thus the problem is intrinsic to the kidneys.
Hyponatremic - too much fluid. Know duration, severity, coexisting medical conditions. Chronic condition pts show fewer symptoms. Monitor for neurological sxs. Correct with 4 to 6 mEq/day. Correct chronic hyponatremia slowly. Serum and urine osmolarity, salt they're putting out. 600 (I'm assuming that's urine osmolality) means osmotic diuresis. Restrict fluids.
Mild hyponatremia (Na+ of 129 mEq/L), add urine sodium & K+ and divide by serum sodium. If ratio greater than 1, it's SIADH.
SIADH - small cell lung cancer can cause it, psych drugs cause it, brain damage, nicotine.
Most common cause of hypernatremia is dehydration; can also be due to DM or meds. D5W is given because it doesn't contain sodium.
Hypokalemia - tired, cramps, cardiac changes. Replete K+. PO is better than IV. IV K+ hurts/burns and messes up veins. When repleting K+, 10 mEq K+ raises serum K+ by 0.1 mEq.
Hyperkalemia - Salt substitute is KCl, so people using it get hyperkalemia. K+ likes to be inside the cells. It over polarizes the membrane when there is too much. Then you get cardiac problems. Calcium will help raise the threshold. Give insulin, Ca2+, hemodialysis. Beta agonists and insulin put K+ into cells. Insulin will take Na+ out of cells. Basically, insulin, NaHCO3, and beta-2 agonists make K+ go into the cells. Ca2+ is given if you see EKG changes in hyperkalemic pts (peaked T waves and widened QRS complexes). Ca2+ protects the heart and prevents dysrhythmias. But you also need to give something that will actually lower total body K+; you do that with furosemide, Kayexalate, or hemodialysis.
Hypomagnesemia is due to poor PO intake or GI loss of Mg2+. It causes torsades de pointes.
Hypermagnesemia-> weakness
Hypophosphatemia-> rickets
Refeeding syndrome - giving too much food too fast to someone who has been starving for a while--> insulin is released in too high an amount and then they get electrolyte abnormalities; particularly important to remember that refeeding syndrome causes hypophosphatemia.
Refeeding syndrome is precipitated by rapid refeeding. The hallmark electrolyte disturbance of refeeding syndrome is hypophosphatemia, which leads to widespread dysfunction of cellular processes. This can be characterized by cardiac instability leading to arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, acute respiratory failure, and even death. Other electrolytes are also deranged, including sodium and potassium, as well as thiamine, protein, glucose, and fat metabolism.
Hypocalcemia - use corrected calcium; sxs: twitch, tetany, Trousseau sign, Chvostek sign. When blood calcium is low, PTH is released-> bones break down.
Hypercalcemia - "stones, moans, groans, thrones, psychiatric overtones;" work up for malignancy (granulomatous diseases cause hypercalcemia).
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missguomeiyun · 5 years
dinner @ H-Mart
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Orion Chocopie (the original flavour) now has a 30-pack box?! Whattt?! Well, maybe it existed a while ago (ie: in Korea) but it was my 1st time seeing this in Edmonton. Omg...
I was looking around this aisle to see if they have the banana-flavoured Chocopie still, & it’s all gone. The tag & everything =( good thing I snatched a box the 1st time I came :P
Alrighty, let’s move on to the food I had for dinner last night! PS: I gotta stop hanging out with badminton best friend & his wife.. . I am so bad at being Asian in the sense that I am so bad at (sneakily &/or aggressively) getting the bill, darn it! It’s stressing me out >.< but I’ve learnt. In a food court setting, you need to get the spot that’s like right next to the card reader (so close that you’re literally blocking the other person bcos the person is likely doing the ordering), & then you tap. But if they also have their card out, you push their hand away (which may cause minor injuries) & then while you’re at it, STEAL their card! *gasp* it was bad. I was a failure :’(
In any case, the food was great~
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Ox bone soup. My coworker said it was bland & doesn’t have much in it... but it’s one of my fav soups so I had to try it. I like soups in general, but this is higher on my list than kimchi jjigae or deonjang jjigae; it’s almost shares #1/#2 spot with budae jjugae, which is kinda weird bcos they’re soooooo different! But I think that’s also the reason why; compared to budae jjigae, which has a lot of sausage/ham/bacon/instant noodles in a spicy broth, ox bone soup is very clean. It has a slightly milky appearance, & contains noodles & some beef slices (99% of the time topped with green onions). This H-Mart one had potato starch noodles, the one you have with japchae, which is a new experience for me bcos I’ve only had ox bone soup with regular white noodles. I prefer the white noodles, but potato starch noodles was alright too. Super home-ly dish, served with some banchan (kimchi & radish), a bowl of rice, & salt/pepper for seasoning.
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KFC: this was the secret sauce chicken, in cup portion. Cup portion turned out to be more like a bowl... haha chicken was juicy & batter wasn’t too thick. The sauce was spicy, but also had a strong tanginess to it. Almost like a 1:1 of the standard spicy KFC sauce & Chinese sweet & sour pork sauce. It was good!
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Best friend doesn’t eat chicken so we also got a tangsuyuk, which is the Korean-ified version of sweet & sour pork. Suuuuper zestayyyy haha the veggies that come with it (cucumber, that 1 piece of carrot, some onions) was pickled; not sure about the black fungus bcos I choose not to eat if I don’t have to. The pork pieces were of good size, meat was well-fried & nice amount of sauce as well. It wasn’t too much that the meat was swimming in the sauce; each piece had some contact with the sauce. Obviously when you get to the bottom, the remaining few pieces will be completely drenched.
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You can’t order tangsuyuk without its main... jjajangmyeon, aka black bean noodles! It’s so hard to see what’s in the sauce; however, I can tell you that there’s onion, small pork cubes, a minute amount of green onion & zucchini, & there’s 4 peas sitting on top. I’m not a fan of semi-cooked or raw onions, but the onion here was all cooked fully & was soft so I loved it. Flavour was good, not too salty & noodles were on the al dente side, which I also liked. So satisfying!
We also got a udon soup & a large ddeokbokki; both not photographed -.-” the udon soup was alright; I feel indifferent about it but liked the broth, bcos they use the same broth as the o-deng one. The udon comes in a bowl, with udon noodles, enoki mushrooms, & several pieces of fish cake. It’s all pre-portioned & then when you order it, they scoop soup in. The ddeokbokki was yummy! It was surprisingly mild spicy, bcos I thought they would make it like the ones in Korea, but I guess they need to mild it down for the non-Korean population here in Edmonton.
Overall, excellent meal~
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Interior Painting Tips
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- Purchase a quart first rather of a large amount in case you're not dedicated to the color. Paint a piece of foam board and move it around the space to see how the light impacts the color at different times of the day.
- Know the square video of the space you are painting before you head to the store. The pros advise one gallon for every single 400 square feet. Covering textured, rough or unprimed surface areas might require more.
- Do not apply latex on an oil finish and vice versa without first sanding the walls (keep in mind to wear a mask) and cleaning away the dust particles with a tack cloth. Use a primer of the same composition (oil or latex) of the designated overcoat. To tell whether your present wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub it on the wall (in an isolated area). If the paint softens and starts to move onto the fabric, it is water-based. If the alcohol does not remove any color, it is oil-based.
- Do not undervalue how long it'll take you to finish the job. Permit at least 24 hr to dry before bringing everything back into space. Enable 2 weeks to 30 days to cure before washing or cleaning.
- Paints have unpredictable natural chemicals (VOCs) that can launch hazardous gas into the air for many years after space has been painted. Buy eco-friendly paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs.- Paints with a green seal have a VOC of less than 50 grams/liter for flat and less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat.
You may also interesting in the Best Painters in Warner Robins
- Paint does not stick effectively to dirty walls, so tidy them with soap and water (or TSP) and wash with water when done. Let dry overnight.
- Clean ceilings before painting. There will be cobwebs and dust that you simply do not see. Utilize an old paintbrush or china bristle brush to dust baseboards, trim and crown molding before taping them off (use painter's tape with paper attached to protect the baseboards). Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to prevent seepage between pieces, and then seal the tape to the surface with your fingers or a rag.
- Don't cover the floorings with plastic as it can be extremely slippery. Usage ground cloth or old sheets to safeguard them from splatters and drips.
- The color mixer at the paint shop can create small variations from can to can. The last thing you desire is to have 2 shades of a color on the same wall. This can be fixed by blending all of the paint cans before you begin painting to guarantee you will have consistent color throughout the space.
- Fill holes with spackle utilizing a five-in-one tool or large blade and caulk where needed. Sand dry spackle smooth, and prime each area.
- Do not ignore the length of time it'll take you to get the job done. Allow a minimum of 24 hr to dry before bringing everything back into space. Enable two weeks to one month to cure before washing or wiping.
- Getting rid of outlet covers produces a much neater paint job. Tape the screws to the cover, and tape over the outlet or light switch to keep paint from getting on them.
Painting Ceilings:
- Scaffolding can be found in parts called "dollars" and "crossbucks". For a high ceiling, 4 bucks must suffice. Each dollar costs about $12 a day to lease. You'll likewise require: walk boards or planks to place along with the bucks, these lease for about $10 each per day. -Wheels rent independently for scaffolding. They are necessary because they permit you to move the scaffolding with ease. Four wheels lease for about $25 a day.
- When painting a textured ceiling, be sure to utilize a thick-nap roller to guarantee that you get full protection over the bumps and irregularities in the textured surface. For a smooth drywall ceiling, you can use a roller with a smooth or much shorter nap.
Time-Saving Options:
- Utilize an edger instead of painter's tape. Purchase a good quality edger (they're fairly affordable) and take your time in the corners so that you do not spend all the extra time taping off everything.
- A 2-inch angled-sash brush can likewise be used for cutting into corners.-Hold it like a pencil and paint a consistent line.
- If you take a break while painting, cover rollers in cling wrap and cool so that you do not need to clean them each time you stop.
- Think about skipping the paint trays and using a five-gallon container with a roller screen inside. This conserves time on filling and re-filling the container.
- Utilize a hammer and nail to poke holes in the rim of the paint can. It allows the paint to drip back inside the can after you put it out.
- Use a nylon-bristle brush for water-based paint and natural bristles for oil-based paint. Do not utilize natural bristles with water-based paint, the water can make the bristles limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as painting molding or window cases. These brushes normally last for only one usage since they're difficult to tidy and easy to tear.
- If your job requires oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are best since they hold paint better than artificial bristles.
- If you're utilizing latex paint, then nylon and polyester brushes are far better because they do not take in water like natural fibers.
- Great all-purpose brushes are flagged, indicating the bristles differ in length gradually concerning a peak in the middle of the brush. Flagged brushes provide a smooth, even, more accurate layer of paint.
- Utilize the best roller for the job. For smooth surface areas like wallboard and wood, utilize a roller with a 3/8-inch or less nap. For surfaces with heavy texture, larger naps can minimize the number of coats-- and the amount of time invested painting.
- Use soap and water to tidy latex paint off the brush immediately after painting. If the paint dries on the brush, you'll need unique solvents to remove it. If your house is on a public sewer system, you can clean up the brushes in your sink, however, take care not to dispose of paint in a location where it may permeate into the groundwater.
- For oil-based paints, you'll need a solvent such as paint thinner or mineral spirits. Put about 2 inches of thinner into a metal container and swirl the filthy brush in it up until the paint comes off.
- Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and sealed with a rubber band or aluminum foil. Hang brushes upside down to preserve their shape.
- Keep a stash of paint for touch-ups in a small plastic cup or glass jar, like margarine containers or infant food jars (completely cleaned up, obviously). Be sure to label each container with the color and brand name.
- A common problem is referred to as "husbanding" occurs when painters use a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to use the remainder of the paint, hence producing a various texture along with the ceiling and trim. To prevent husbanding, roll the paint as near to the cut-in locations as possible.
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kher4life-blog · 7 years
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My Stalker - My best friend - 0137 Part One: Introduction: 37, 73, 137 and Qabalah
ciphers names of godCiphers and Cryptography: A Very Brief Foundation
The use of ciphers and subtle allusions in mysticism, philosophy, literature and religion, though generally ignored or unknown in modernity (by and large), are indeed well-established practices (such as the three literary practices in Qabalah, all of which involve some form of cryptography: transpositioning; substitution; skip-codes; re-arrangements of text into columns, as with the 72 Names of God; interpretation as number; etc).
“Ciphers are hidden in the most subtle manner: they may be concealed in the watermark of the paper upon which a book is printed…bound into the covers of ancient books…hidden under imperfect pagination; they may be extracted from the first letters of words or the first words of sentences; they may be artfully concealed in mathematical equations or in apparently unintelligible characters…they may be word ciphers, letter ciphers…they may be discovered in the elaborately illuminated initial letters of early books or they may be revealed by a process of counting words or letters.” – Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 491.
Some of the more observant readers may have noticed in various books, films, TV shows and the like, a profound repetition of three distinct numbers: 37, 73 and 137. I offer the following examples:
Literature and Poetry: 1308-1870
Dante Alighieri’s Inferno (c. 1308-1321 AD): The 7th realm contains 3 spheres (this could be an allusion to the harmonic ratio 7:3) Jules Verne’s Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (1870): 37 and 73 are referenced no less than 7 times throughout (as is the Golden Section, no less than four times). For example: “Now, had it not been for the exceptional strength of the Moravian’s hull, she would have been shattered by the shock of collision and have gone down with all hands, plus the two hundred and thirty-seven passengers she was bringing home to Canada.” p. 16(It may be worth noting that the name Moravian could be read as the French “Mort a vient,” a grammatically flawed phrase yielding roughly “Death has come.” Jules Verne was French.) “In a smooth sea, with a favorable breeze, on the 13th of April, 1867, the Scotia, of the Cunard Company‘s line, was in 15º 12’ longitude and 45º 37′ latitude.” pp. 16-17 “It came, therefore, to $337,500…” p. 83 “About eleven o’clock in the morning the Tropic of Capricorn was crossed on the 37th meridian, and we sighted Cape Frio standing out to sea.”These are only in one book! Surely these numbers could not have been chosen at random, Jules Verne was a very intelligent, meticulous author that dedicated great effort to his work. Verne was almost undoubtedly initiated – as revealed by his novels, the two most obvious being The Green Ray and Robur the Conqueror (R.C., Rosae-Crucis). The company he kept also establish this connection quite conclusively (refer for example to Hetzel). Aside from these, examine his tombstone closely and you will see a definitively occult sculpture, showing him emerging from the grave with arm extended (not unlike Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam) shrugging off the veil of the material in aspiration. All quotes here given were taken from the Readers Digest edition (in English). Film and Media: 1984-2012
Eddie Murphy’s Beverly Hills Cop III (1994): In the beginning it reads “Tuesday, 1:37 AM.” The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon asks, “What is the best number? -By the way, there’s only one correct answer…The best number is 73…it is the 21st prime number. It’s mirror 37 is the 12th…” Significantly, this appears in episode 73: The Alien Parasite Hypothesis (S.4 e.10). Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing: Tim’s boss says: “…on page 37 of Tzun Tzu’s The Art of War…” 21 Jump Street (2012): The police officer mistakenly says near the beginning: “37 Jump Street. 22 Jump Street (2014):During the football game a player on the sidelines is wearing jersey #37 (approx. 1hr in, center-background).There are countless other examples, but these few should serve to illustrate the on-going obsession. Though some of these are more subtle than others, all are intentional. What makes these numbers so special? What are all of these directors, producers, actors, writers and poets -spanning over 600 years- pointing to? Creation
Gematria: Wisdom in Number
Gematria is a Qabalistic practice that involves assigning particular numerical values to certain letters. It is one of the three literary Qabalistic practices, the other two being Notarikon and Temurah. It is most commonly seen in Hebrew or Greek, though there is substantial evidence both Arabic and Sanskrit have been similarly employed. In fact, the Vedic Katapayadi System proves without doubt that our current chronology for the discovery of pi is wrong (more later). Many attempt to apply similar cryptographic techniques – i.e. Qabalistic permutations – to languages of the Latin alphabet such as English, albeit with little success. There are two systems most commonly employed: The Ordinal, which is simply the placement value of each letter (1-22); and The Standard, in which the 11th letter becomes 20 and the 21st becomes 300 (1-400). Typically, in Hebrew, Greek and Arabic gematria the latter system is used, while in Mayalana and Sanskrit katapayadi the former is most commonly seen.
(An easy way to remember the Standard Gematria values is to simply add the two numbers and put a zero on the end. For instance, Mem is the 13th Hebrew letter and it has a standard value of 40 [1+3=4, add a zero=40]. If it is 10s, add one zero; if it is 20s, add two [Tau=22, 2+2=4, add 2 zeros=400]. For
those who may have difficulty, this ‘rule’ works invariably for Hebrew.)
Before we continue, I feel that a comprehensive chart of the Hebrew alephbeit will help (we will only be focusing on Hebrew for now). The esoteric meaning is bracketed, while the literal is written plainly: (Ordinal) (Standard) PALEO-HEBREW CELESTIAL YETZIRATIC
A 1. Aleph = 1 = א = An Ox 1. Air 1 (Mother) (Father)
B / V 2. Beit = 2 = ב = House 2. Mercury 1 (Double)
G 3. Gimel = 3 = ג = Camel 3. Luna 2 (Double)
D 4. Dalet = 4 = ד = Door 4. Venus 3 (Double)
H 5. Hé = 5 = ה = Window 5. Aries 1 (Simple)
V 6. Vau = 6 = ו = Nail 6. Taurus 2 (Simple)
Z 7. Zain = 7 = ז = Weapon 7. Gemini 3 (Simple)
Kh / Ch 8. Cheit = 8 = ח = Fence 8. Cancer 4 (Simple)
T 9. Teit = 9 = ט = Serpent 9. Leo 5 (Simple)
I 10. Yod = 10 = י = Hand 10. Virgo 6 (Simple)
K 11. Kaph = 20 = כ = Palm 11. Jupiter 4 (Double)
L 12. Lamed = 30 = ל = Ox-Goad 12. Libra 7 (Simple)
M 13. Mem = 40 = מ = Water 13. Water 2 (Mother)
N 14. Nun = 50 = נ = Fish 14. Scorpio 8 (Simple)
S 15. Samekh = 60 = ס = Support 15. Sagittarius 9 (Simple)
O 16. Ayin = 70 = ע = Eye 16. Capricorn 10 (Simple)
P / F 17. Pé (fé) = 80 = פ = Mouth 17. Mars 5 (Double)
Tz 18. Tzaddi = 90 = צ = Fish-hook 18. Aquarius 11 (Simple)
Q 19. Qoph = 100 = ק = Back Head 19. Pisces 12 (Simple)
R 20. Resh = 200 = ר = Head 20. Sol 6 (Double)
Sh 21. Shin = 300 = ש = Tooth 21. Fire 3 (Mother)
(Sacred Fire)
T 22. Tau = 400 = ת = Cross 22. Saturn; 7 (Double)
(Synthesis) Earth Element
*Note: The English letters are meant to convey the pronunciation. The seemingly random arrangement of attributions (i.e. Simple, Double, Mother) is only apparent: when sorted according to the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation, the Elements emerge in the Three Mothers; the Planets in the Seven Doubles; and the Zodiac in the Twelve Simple or perhaps inappropriately named ‘Elemental’ letters. This arrangement was allegedly designed with the intent of mirroring the occurrence of God in Genesis: “God Made” 3 times, “God Saw” 7 times, and “God -” 12 times; “God said” 10 times, reflected in the 10 Sephiroth or Emanations of the Tree of Life.
(See: Adele Nozedar’s The Illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Frater Achad’s Q.B.L., and the Sepher Yetzirah for sources of these symbolic attributions.)
The word Chokmah, meaning Wisdom, has two values – one according to each of the systems mentioned above. It has an ordinal value of 37(ח כ מ ה = Cheit8 + Kaph11 + Mem13 +Hé5 = 37) and a standard value of 73 (8+20+40+5=73). The latter is “the best number” according to Chuck Lorre, while the former is a religious and literary favourite.
Threes and Sevens Everywhere According to the gospel accounts, Jesus Christ performed exactly 37 miracles in his lifetime. The average pregnancy lasts between 37 and 42 weeks (42 being “The answer to life, the universe, and everything in it” to Hitchiker’s fans), and 37º Celsius is the normal human body temperature. The name Elohim (Heb. Lord, Ruler, God, Power[s]) appears for the 37th time in Genesis 3:3:
“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”
To re-appropriate Revelation 13:18, “Here is wisdom.” How elegant that the verse containing the 37th occurrence of Elohim should be one with that which forbids man from eating the Fruit of Death! – This is indeed wise advice, as will be seen in a much later part (Part V).
Mathematically, 3 and 7 are the only two dimensions in which binary problems (i.e. defining vector products) may be solved. This in itself makes them incredibly useful numbers. 37 is the 12th prime number, while 73 is the 21st; 37 is the 3rd star number, while 73 is the 4th.
For those unaware, numbers are inherently capable of representing geometric forms: for example, 3, composed of 3 individual units [called counters] creates a triangle. 3 is technically the second [1+2=3], while 6 is the third [1+2+3=6] and 10 is the fourth [1+2+3+4=10]. The latter forms the Pythagorean Tetractys. There are squares, cubes, stars, indeed all manner of shapes, typically referred to as figurate numbers.)
If we add the star placement values of 37 and 73 (3+4=7), as well as their two prime-number placement values (12+21=33), we obtain the Days of Creation and the traditional lifespan of it’s Redeemer (many Christian traditions claim that this was the age of Christ at death, though Luke 3:23 states that he was “about 30”).
7 and 33
The Days of Creation and the age of Christ -derived from Chokmah- offer much wisdom. For one, 33-7=26, the gematria of Yahweh ( י ה ו ה = Yod10 + Hé5 + Vau6 + Hé5 = 26). Our modern week is exactly 7 days, and it takes exactly 33 years for the sun to rise a second time in the same spot over the Earth (this is the lifecycle of the Solar Man, partial key to 33 and its relevance to the so-called World Mystery – as Manly Hall puts it). There were 7 Classical Planets. The visible-light spectrum consists of precisely 7 colours (of which 3 are primary), the modern musical scale consists of 7 notes (do re mi fa so la ti; the second ‘do’ is the first octave [from Lat. Octavus, eighth], or double the first note), while there are 7 modes used in Western music (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian. Interestingly, in Carnatic or South Indian Classical Music, there are 72!). The frequency of 1:1, aka Unison or the C-note = 33 on a Harmonograph, and perhaps most importantly: the human head has 7 orifices and the human spinal cord has 33 discs (24 upper, 5 to the sacrum and 4 to the coccyx). These latter two are reflected in the Macrocosm of the ancients, the 7 Planets and the 33-Year Solar Journey. This surely would have been seen as profoundly significant. Shockingly, the ratio of Moon:Earth = 3:11. The median of these two numbers is 7, and their multiplied sum is 33 (it is quite likely that the ancients were aware of this ratio, as will be demonstrated in a much later segment).
There are 7 Chakras (from Sanskrit, meaning “wheel”), now believed to be the 7 major endocrine glands (there are also the parathyroid, hypothalamus and gastrointestinal tract -yielding a true total of 10-11, that are not considered part of the “major” endocrine glands). Surely a great many Vedic and Tantric sages would scoff at the notion that the whirling vortices of latent energy are material in nature; in many cases the body is used as an analogy to something non-material, as a Sacred Map of the ethereal realm. In any case their knowledge of human anatomy is certainly rather impressive.
(The Egyptians were similarly well-educated, performing incredibly daunting surgeries with tools still in use today. Herodotus and many other Greek historians have claimed that their knowledge was derived from that of Egypt, and there has been much speculation that the knowledge of Pythagoras was in fact Indian in origin. Take for example this quote from a 1775 letter written by Voltaire: “I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganga – Astronomy, Astrology, Spiritualism, etc.. It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganga to learn Geometry.” The former half of this statement is at least partially verified by Hadith Al-Halila – also referred to as the Islamic Tradition of the Myrobalan Fruit, or more recently, The Confutation of Atheism. In this text a Muslim preacher discourses with an Indian atheist physician, who describes that his people discovered and continue to practice Astrology – a science that is apparently unknown to the Imam. It is also known that Pythagoras had gone to Alexandria, but it is worth pointing out that the so-called ‘Pythagorean Theorem’ is seen in Baudhayana’s Shulba Sutra, a Vedic mathematical text that predates him by some two centuries.)
Note that the Kundalini Serpent resting in 3&1/2 coils in Muladhara (base), when awakened, traverses the 7 chakras along the 3 nadis: to the right, ida; the left, pingala; in the center lies Sushumna – Path of the Serpent of Awakening. Following a materialist line of thought, both ida and pingala may correspond to the spinal nerves that appear on each side (this would make Sushumna – the Serpent’s Path – the 33-disc spine in between). Here we see a Serpent traveling 33 discs along 3 nadis through 7 chakras.
In verse 2 of the Vedic Asya Vamasya (Riddle of the Sacrifice, Rig Veda 1.164), we read:
“Seven yoke the one-wheeled chariot drawn by one horse with seven names. All these creatures rest on the ageless and unstoppable wheel with three naves.”
The sum of all numbers in this verse equal 19, the number upon which both the Egyptian and the Mayan peoples based their mathematics (both used grids of 18:19; 18+19=37).
Given the omnipresence of 37 in so many religions (Jewish, Christian, Vedic), it should come as no surprise that, in the Buddhist Sambara-Mandala, we see exactly 37 goddesses – each being a personification of a particular characteristic or accessory to Enlightenment.
Illustration above: The 7 Major Endocrine Glands: 1 Pineal 2 Pituitary 3 Thyroid 4 Thymus 5 Adrenal 6 Pancreas 7 Ovary 8 Testis (from Wikipedia)
Illustration of chakras: The 7 Main Chakras (from top down): 1 Crown: Violet, Sahasrara; Pineal; 2 Third-Eye/Brow: Indigo, Anja; Pituitary; 3 Throat: Blue, Visuddha; Thyroid; 4 Heart: Green, Anahata; Thymus; 5 Solar-Plexus: Yellow, Manipura; Adrenal; 6 Spleen: Orange, Svadisthana; Pancreas; 7 Root/Base: Red [often with yellow root-square], Muladhara; Ovaries or Testes.
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faithfulnews · 4 years
The Rebellion and Restoration of Israel
By Dan & Brenda Cathcart
The video version of this teaching is at: https://youtu.be/s61lkuLX4dc
The Scripture reading is: Isaiah 1:1-27
The last few weeks we have been focusing and studying the life and prophecies of Jeremiah. Jeremiah lived in Judea and Jerusalem at the time of king Josiah and later through the destruction of Jerusalem, the first temple and the subsequent exile of most of the inhabitants of Judea to Babylon. This week Shabbat falls on the ninth day of the month of Av, the very day that Jewish history records that both the first and second Temples were destroyed.
As we finish out the remainder of the year leading up to The Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah, we will be reading exclusively from the prophet Isaiah.  The opening chapter of the book of Isaiah is a kind of preface or table of contents to the rest of the book. Isaiah introduces us to himself and outlines the overarching themes of his dissertation.
Isaiah 1:1-2 NKJV 1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the LORD has spoken: "I have nourished and brought up children, And they have rebelled against Me;
It all sounds so familiar. Although Isaiah lived some one hundred and thirty years prior to Jeremiah, the pattern is the same; rebellion against God, judgment, and restoration. On this ninth day of Av, the saddest day in history, there is still the hope of restoration.
In this Haftarah we are dealing with a very short passage of scripture, but it contains vitally important information about the state of Jerusalem and Judah. The entire scope of the book of Isaiah is about Judah’s rebellion and restoration and is summarized in this short reading. In it we will see the nature, the judgment, the remnant, and the cure of their rebellion along with their restoration.
Over the last several months and especially the last few weeks while studying the prophecies of Jeremiah, I have been amazed at how often the people of Israel and Judah, primarily the leadership, had repeated the pattern of sin against God and the amount of trouble it caused them. You would think they would learn!
Isaiah uses the term “rebel” or “rebellion” throughout his writings.  The Hebrew word is “paw-shah”, number 6586 in the Strong’s concordance meaning to break away, trespass, apostatize, or revolt. Israel, or in Isaiah’s situation, primarily Judah, was in a near constant state of rebellion.
In verse two Isaiah announces their rebellion to all of the heavens and earth. In verse three Isaiah indicates that even the ox and donkey know who their master is.
Isaiah 1:3 NKJV 3 The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master's crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider."
It might not be a good idea to open your argument by insulting the intelligence of your audience, but that is what Isaiah did by comparing them to oxen and donkeys. In calling on the witnesses of heaven and earth, Isaiah is reminding them of the covenant God made with them referring to some of the last words from God to the Children of Israel at the plain of Moab.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NKJV 19 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; 20 "that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."
Isaiah then launches into a listing of the specific rebellions that Judah did beginning with forsaking the LORD.
Isaiah 1:4 NKJV 4 Alas, sinful nation, A people laden with iniquity, A brood of evildoers, Children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the LORD, They have provoked to anger The Holy One of Israel, They have turned away backward.
Israel was intended to be called a holy nation, set apart for God among all the nations of the earth to be priests to the nations and an example. Isaiah now calls them a “sinful nation.” They have abandoned and turned away from God and have become like the other nations around them. The Hebrew verbs used by Isaiah make for a particularly strong rebuke against Israel. They have literally “turned away backwards” in their heart, actions and words.
The concept of the holiness or separateness of God is a driving theme throughout the book of Isaiah. The prophet refers to God by the title “The Holy One of Israel” no less than thirty-nine times. By invoking this title, Isaiah is undoubtedly reminding Israel of the nature of God and their unique relationship to the creator of heaven and earth!
In verse seven, Isaiah changes the tone of his oratory from a metaphorical presentation to a present tense. He speaks as if the physical judgment that is coming as a result of their rebellion has already happened or is happening as he is writing.
Isaiah 1:7 NKJV 7 Your country is desolate, Your cities are burned with fire; Strangers devour your land in your presence; And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
The next type of rebellion that Isaiah speaks of is their practice of an empty religion.
Isaiah 1:11-12 NKJV 11 "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?" Says the LORD. "I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, Or of lambs or goats. 12 "When you come to appear before Me, Who has required this from your hand, To trample My courts?
God was not telling them to abolish the sacrificial system, but that they were abusing the system God put in place and had created an empty religious ritual from it. Perhaps their thoughts were if one sin offering was a good thing then ten was certainly better!  They were also just going through the motions of celebrating the new moons and the appointed festivals as if they were merely the right thing to do in their culture without giving consideration as to what their purpose was.
Isaiah 1:13-14 NKJV 13 Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies-I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. 14 Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; They are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
These empty religious practices were going on for quite some time before Isaiah entered the picture. Many celebrations of the Feasts of the LORD are mentioned throughout the books of Kings and Chronicles, but by the time of Isaiah, they were practicing the appointed times in their own way, changing the very character, nature, and purpose of God’s Feast days and filling them with empty ritual.
In addition to the physical judgment because of their rebellion, they will experience a spiritual separation from God because of their empty religious practices.
Isaiah 1:15 NKJV 15 When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.
Isaiah goes on to point out their lack of justice toward each other and the most vulnerable in their society.
Isaiah 1:16-17 NKJV 16 "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, 17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.
The rulers and leaders of Judah and Jerusalem had become degenerate and corrupt.
Isaiah 1:21-23 NKJV 21 How the faithful city has become a harlot! It was full of justice; Righteousness lodged in it, But now murderers. 22 Your silver has become dross, Your wine mixed with water. 23 Your princes are rebellious, And companions of thieves; Everyone loves bribes, And follows after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless, Nor does the cause of the widow come before them.
We see some terrible consequences for their rebellion against the Holy One of Israel! We see the consequences of this rebellion throughout the book of Isaiah, but we also see the promise of healing. Chapter fifty-three, for example, in particular speaks volumes of the healing power of the Messiah and how He will minister to His people.
Isaiah 53:5-6 NKJV 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
The Hebrew word translated as “stripes” in fifty-three five is number 2250, khab-boo-raw, from the root word number 2266, khaw-bar meaning to couple together, to have fellowship with. Any healing from their rebellion can only be accomplished by entering into fellowship with Messiah, a personal relationship, not empty religious practices.
Back in chapter one verses eight and nine, Isaiah introduces us to the concept of a remnant.
Isaiah 1:8-9 NKJV 8 So the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, As a hut in a garden of cucumbers, As a besieged city. 9 Unless the LORD of hosts Had left to us a very small remnant, We would have become like Sodom, We would have been made like Gomorrah.
The image of the shelter in the vineyard and the watchman’s hut are like small islands of refuge in a sea of desolation and destruction. Sodom and Gomorrah did not have any righteous remnant left within them once Lot and his family were removed.  In chapter’s thirty-six through thirty-nine, Isaiah relates the story of the siege of Sennacharib during the reign of king Hezekiah where all of Judah was overrun and only Jerusalem remained. If it was not for the grace of God, Jerusalem would have been lost as well.
The existence of a remnant does not mean that God would not execute judgment on them for their unfaithfulness to the covenant. In verse ten, Isaiah addresses a warning to the remnant as if they were Sodom and Gomorrah.
Isaiah 1:10 NKJV 10 Hear the word of the LORD, You rulers of Sodom; Give ear to the law of our God, You people of Gomorrah:
The concept of a faithful remnant is seen throughout Isaiah. And we see that this remnant is a righteous remnant that owes its salvation and existence solely to the grace of God! We also see that this remnant is the preserved true believers and covenant keepers from Israel.
The apostle Paul also speaks of a remnant of those who were faithful and believed God’s word, at one point, quoting Isaiah.
Romans 9:27-29 NKJV 27 Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, The remnant will be saved. 28 For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, Because the LORD will make a short work upon the earth." 29 And as Isaiah said before: "Unless the LORD of Sabaoth had left us a seed, We would have become like Sodom, And we would have been made like Gomorrah."
So far in the opening chapter of Isaiah, we have read about the nature, judgment, and remnant of Judah’s rebellion. But there is more, there is hope! There is a cure for their iniquity and rebellion should they choose to accept it. Part of the cure we already read, but it deserves repeating. Isaiah presents the cure in verses sixteen through twenty.
Isaiah 1:16-20 NKJV 16 "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, 17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. 18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; 20 But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Isaiah tells Israel of the path to spiritual and ritual purity.  Their sickness can be cured, and they can be counted as the remnant. The first step is that they must wash themselves from the stain of their sin. The second step is they must do good. Doing good is the outward sign of true repentance. Living a life reflecting God’s righteous acts is a characteristic of repentance.
In verse seventeen, Isaiah tells them that they must learn to do good. Learning involves the study of the ways of God through His word. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is God’s instruction in righteous living. The apostle Paul spoke of this to Timothy.
2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Just learning God’s word on an intellectual level is not good enough.  The people Isaiah and the other prophets address were primarily the leaders, priests, and kings. They had come to know the words, the forms, and the rituals, but little else beyond that. Their religious practices had little substance. If the leadership is practicing an empty religion, how can they properly teach the people the ways of the LORD?
Isaiah puts some emphasis behind his words when he says that doing good means physically practicing justice for the vulnerable and less fortunate of their society.
In verse eighteen of our Haftarah, Isaiah indicates that the stain of their sin can be washed away, and the curse removed. Their sin is a crimson stain that can be made white again.  This is exactly what John referred to in Revelation
Revelation 1:5 NKJV 5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,
In verses nineteen and twenty, Isaiah reminds Israel of the benefits of repentance and returning to covenant faithfulness. Isaiah restates the conditions recorded in Deuteronomy. The wording that Isaiah chooses emphasizes that obedience will bring blessings and disobedience, disaster.  But the important thing to remember is that nowhere, in Isiah’s prophecies or anywhere else is there ever a dissolution of the covenant God made with the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai!
At the close of the Haftarah reading, Isaiah finishes with stating the things that God alone will do. He gives a hint to the Messianic Age yet to come!
Isaiah 1:24-27 NKJV 24 Therefore the Lord says, The LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, "Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries, And take vengeance on My enemies. 25 I will turn My hand against you, And thoroughly purge away your dross, And take away all your alloy. 26 I will restore your judges as at the first, And your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city." 27 Zion shall be redeemed with justice, And her penitents with righteousness.
Ultimately all these things will only happen in their fullness when Messiah returns to rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem. God declares that He will redeem Jerusalem with justice and put an end to all His enemies. At the same time God’s judgment will fall on the unfaithful and unrepentant.
What we see in this opening chapter of Isaiah is a hint at the central, overarching theme of his entire book: the coming of Messiah and His atonement for His people! What is clear from Isaiah is that God alone is the only one able to redeem Israel. The righteousness of Messiah Yeshua and His atoning blood is the only path to the ultimate salvation of Israel. And it is that salvation through Messiah, which is open to all who call upon the LORD God of Israel!
Study Questions:
1. Discuss the connection of this teaching to the Torah Portion Devarim, Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22.
2. Isaiah describes the leadership of Judah and Jerusalem as being apostates practicing a dead or empty religion. Describe the problem they had with their religious practices. Discuss how they fell into this state and how we too can be trapped in empty ritual. Share personal experience if you wish.
3. What is the remnant described by Isaiah? How does this remnant affect the rest of the nation?
4. What are the possible ways to understand verse 1:18?  What is your interpretation and why?
5. What is the difference between the ways God judges the ungodly nations and the way he judges His own people?
6. What new insight did you gain from this teaching? How do you respond to this new insight? How will you realign your life based on this new understanding?
© 2019 Moed Ministries International. All rights reserved.
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i-topinarabic-blog · 6 years
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elliotkzjq975-blog · 6 years
Detailed Notes On Alex Trend Painters
Investing in: - Buy a quart first as opposed to http://alextrendpainters.ie a huge amount in case you're not dedicated to the shade. Painting an item of foam board and relocate around the space to see exactly how the light influences the shade at various times of the day. - Know the square footage of the space you are painting prior to you go to the shop. The pros suggest one gallon for each 400 square feet. Covering textured, unprimed or harsh surface areas might need even more. To inform whether your present wall surface shade is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with scrubing alcohol and rub it on the wall (in an isolated area). If the paint softens and begins to transfer onto the towel, it is water based. - Don't take too lightly for how long it'll take you to obtain the task done. Allow a minimum of 24 hrs to dry prior to bringing whatever back into the area. Enable 2 weeks to 30 days to heal prior to cleaning or cleaning. - Paints have volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that could release hazardous gas into the air for years after an area has actually been repainted. Buy eco-friendly paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs.- Paints with a green seal have a VOC of less than 50 grams/liter for flat and less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat. Preparation: - Paint doesn't stick very well to filthy walls, so tidy them with soap and water (or TSP) and wash with water when done. Let dry over night. - Clean ceilings prior to painting. There will certainly be webs and dust that you simply do not see. Make use of an old paintbrush or china bristle brush to dirt baseboards, trim and crown molding prior to taping them off (usage painter's tape with paper affixed to secure the walls). Overlap the tape joints by a minimum of an inch to stay clear of infiltration in between items, and then secure the tape to the surface with your fingers or a rag. - Don't cover the floors with plastic as it can be really slippery. Use drop cloths or old sheets to shield them from drips and splatters. - The color mixer at the paint shop could produce mild variations from could to can. The last point you want is to have 2 shades of a shade on the same wall surface. This can be remedied by blending every one of the paint cans together prior to you start painting to ensure you will certainly have constant color throughout the space. - Fill holes with spackle using a five-in-one device or wide blade and caulk where needed. Sand completely dry spackle smooth, and prime each spot. - Don't underestimate how much time it'll take you to obtain the task done. Permit at least 24 hours to completely dry before bringing everything back into the room. Allow two weeks to 30 days to treat before washing or wiping. - Removing outlet covers creates a much neater paint job. Tape the screws to the cover, and tape over the electrical outlet or light switch to keep paint from getting on them. Painting Ceilings: Each buck costs regarding $12 a day to rent out. You'll likewise need: stroll boards or slabs to place along the dollars, these lease for concerning $10 each per day. They are important because they enable you to move the scaffolding with convenience. - When painting a textured ceiling, make certain to use a thick-nap roller to guarantee that you get full coverage over the bumps and abnormalities in the distinctive surface. For a smooth drywall ceiling, you could make use of a roller with a smooth or shorter snooze. Time-Saving Options: - Use an edger instead of painter's tape. Acquire a top quality edger (they're rather low-cost) and take your time in the corners so that you do not spend all the added time taping off everything. - A 2-inch angled-sash brush can additionally be made use of for cutting into corners.-Hold it like a pencil and painting a consistent line. - If you relax while painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and cool to make sure that you do not need to cleanse them every time you stop. - Consider skipping the paint trays and making use of a five-gallon pail with a roller screen inside. This conserves time on loading and re-filling the pail. - Use a hammer and nail to poke holes in the edge of the paint can. It permits the paint to trickle back inside the could after you pour it out. Tools: - Use a nylon-bristle brush for water-based paint and all-natural bristles for oil-based paint. Do not make use of all-natural bristles with water-- based paint, the water could make the bristles limp. Foam brushes benefit complex work such as painting molding or window casings. These brushes normally last for just one use because they're hard to clean and very easy to tear. - If your project requires oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect since they hold paint much better compared to synthetic bristles. - If you're utilizing latex paint, after that nylon and polyester brushes are much better because they don't absorb water like natural fibers. - Good all-purpose brushes are flagged, implying the bristles vary in length progressively pertaining to a height in the middle of the brush. Flagged brushes give a smooth, also, much more specific layer of paint. - Use the appropriate roller for the work. For smooth surface areas like wallboard and timber, make use of a roller with a 3/8-inch or much less snooze. For surface areas with hefty structure, larger naps could lower the variety of coats-- and the amount of time invested painting. Clean Up: - Use soap and water to clean latex paint off http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=Painters and Decorators the brush right away after painting. You'll require unique solvents to remove it if the paint dries out on the brush. If your residence is on a public drain system, you could clean up the brushes in your sink, but beware not to throw away paint in an area where it could permeate right into the groundwater. - For oil-based paints, you'll need a solvent such as paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour concerning two inches of thinner right into a metal container and swirl the filthy brush in it until the paint comes off. - Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and sealed with a rubber band or aluminum foil. Hang brushes upside down to preserve their form. - Keep a stock of paint for touch-ups in a small plastic cup or glass container, like margarine containers or child food containers (thoroughly cleaned, certainly). Make certain to classify each container with the color and brand. - A common trouble called "hatbanding" takes place when painters make use of a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to use the rest of the paint, therefore creating a various structure along the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as near to the cut-in areas as possible. - Paints have unstable organic chemicals (VOCs) that can launch toxic gas into the air for years after a room has been painted.- Use a nylon-bristle brush for water-based paint and all-natural bristles for oil-based paint. Do not use all-natural bristles with water-- based paint, the water could make the bristles limp.- Use soap and water to clean latex paint off the brush quickly after painting. If your home is on a public sewer system, you could cleanse the brushes in your sink, but be cautious not to dispose of paint in an area where it may leak into the groundwater.
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
The angels
1. Your nature.
The angels are:
(a) Creatures, that is, created beings. They were made out of nothing by the power of God. We do not know the exact time of its creation, but we know that before man appeared, they had existed for a long time, and that the rebellion of those under Satan had been registered, leaving two classes - the good angels and the bad angels. Being creatures, they refuse worship (Rev. 19:10; 22: 8, 9) and man, for his part, is forbidden to worship them. (Gal. 2:18)
(b) Spirits. Angels are described as spirits because, unlike men, they are not limited to natural and physical conditions. They appear and disappear at will, and move with inconceivable speed without using natural means. Although they are purely spirits, they have the power to assume the form of human bodies in order to make their presence visible to the senses of man. (Gen. 19: 1-3.)
(c) Immortals, that is, are not subject to death. In Luke 20: 34-36, Jesus explains to the Sadducees that the resurrected saints will be like angels in the sense that they can no longer die.
(d) Numerous. The Scriptures teach us that their number is very large. "Thousands of thousands served him, and millions of millions" (Dan. 7:10). "More than twelve legions of angels" (Matt. 26:53). "Multitude of heavenly armies" (Luke 2:13). "And to the many thousands of angels" (Heb. 12:22). Therefore, its Creator and Master is described as the "Lord of hosts".
(e) Without sex. Angels are always described as men, but in reality they have no sex; they do not propagate their species. (Luc. 20:34, 35.)
2. Your rating.
Seen as "order is the first of the laws of heaven", it is to be expected that angels are classified according to their rank and activity. Such classification is implicit in 1Ped. 3:22, where we read: "the angels, the authorities, and the powers". (See Col. 1:16; Ephesians 1:20, 21.)
(a) Angel of the Lord. The way in which the "Angel of the Lord" is described, distinguishes it from any other angel. He is given the power to forgive or retain sins, as the Old Testament says. God's name is on it. (Ex. 23: 20-23.) Exo. 32:34 it is said, "My angel will go before you"; in Exo. 33:14 there is this variation: "My presence (literally, 'my face') will go with you to rest you." The two expressions are combined in Isa. 63: 9; "In all their distress he was afflicted, and the angel on his face saved them." Two important things are said about this angel: first, that the name of Jehovah, that is, his revealed character, is in him; second, that he is the face of Jehovah, or rather, the face of Jehovah can be seen in him. That is why it has the power to save (Isa. 63: 9); to refuse forgiveness (Ex. 23:21). See also Jacob's identification of the angel with God Himself. (Gen. 32:30; 48:16.) The conclusion cannot be avoided that this mysterious Angel is none other than the Son of God, the Messiah, the Deliverer of Israel, and what would be the Savior of the world. Therefore, the Angel of the Lord is really an uncreated being.
(b) Archangel. Michael is mentioned as the archangel, the main angel. (Jud. 9; Rev. 12: 7; see 1 Thess. 4:16.) He appears as the protective angel of the Israelite nation. (Dan. 12: 1.) The way in which Gabriel is mentioned, also indicates that he is of a very high class. He is before the presence of God (Luke 1:19) and he is entrusted with the most important messages regarding the kingdom of God. (Dan. 8:16; 9:21.)
(c) Elected angels are likely to be those who remained faithful to God during Satan's rebellion, (1 Tim. 5:21; Matt. 25:41.)
(d) Angels of the nations. Dan. 10:13, 20 seems to teach that each nation has its protective angel, who is interested in her welfare. It was time for the Jews to return from captivity (Dan. 9: 1, 2), and Daniel dedicated himself to praying and fasting for his return. After three weeks, an angel appeared to him and gave as a reason for the delay the fact that the prince, or angel of Persia, had opposed the return of the Jews. The reason, perhaps, was that he did not wish to lose their influence in Persia.
The angel told him that his petition for the return of the Jews had no support except that of Michael, the prince of the Hebrew nation. (Dan. 10:21.) The prince of the Greeks was also not inclined to favor the return of the Jews. (Dan. 10:20.) The New Testament word "principalities" can refer to these angelic princes of the nations; and the term is used for both good and bad angels. (Ephesians 3:10; Gal. 2:15; Ephesians 6:12.)
(e) The cherubim appear to be of a high class of angels related to the retributive (Gen. 3:24) and redemptive (Ex. 25:22) purposes of God, to man. They are described as having the faces of a lion, a man, an ox and an eagle, and this suggests that they represent a perfection of creatures - lion strength, man's intelligence, quickness of guide, and service similar to what the ox provides. This composition of forms and their approach to God ensure that "creation itself will be freed from the bondage of corruption" (Rom. 8:21, V.B.).
(f) Seraphim is mentioned in Isaiah, chapter 6. We know little about them. A certain writer believes that they constitute the highest order of angels and that the characteristic that distinguishes them is an ardent love for God. The word seraphim literally means "fiery".
3. Your character.
(a) Obedient. They fulfill their duties without questioning or wavering. That is why we pray: "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10; see Ps. 103: 20; Jud. 6; 1 Pet. 3:22).
(b) Reverent. Its highest activity is the worship of God. (Ne. 9: 6; Phil. 2: 9-11; Heb. 1: 6.)
(c) Wise. "Like an angel ... to discern good from evil," was a proverbial expression in Israel. (2 Sam. 14:17.) The intelligence of angels exceeds that of men in this life, but it is necessarily finite. Angels cannot directly discern our thoughts (1 Kings 8:39) and their knowledge of the mysteries of grace is limited, (1 Pet. 1:12.) As one writer says: angel has a broader understanding than ours; that a single image in the angelic mind contains more details than a lifetime of study could provide here. "
(d) Meek. they do not harbor personal resentments, nor do they injure their opponents. (2 Pet. 2:11; Jud. 9.) (e) Powerful. They are "magnificent in power" (Ps. 103: 20).
(f) Santos. Being separated by God and for God, they are "holy angels" (Rev. 14:10).
4. Your work.
(a) Agents of God. They are mentioned as executors of God's pronouncements. (Gen. 3:24; Num. 22: 22-27; Mat. 13: 39,41,49; 16:27; 24:31; Mar. 13:27; Gen. 19: 1; 2 Sam. 24: 16; 2 Kings 19:35; Acts 12:23.)
(b) Messengers from God. (Angel literally means "messenger".) Through the angels God sends: (1) Annunciations (Luke 1: 11-20; Matt. 1:20, 21). (2) Warnings (Matt. 2:13; Heb. 2: 2). (3) Instruction (Matt. 28: 2-6; Acts 10: 3; Dan. 4: 13-17). (4) Encouragement (Acts 27:23; Gen. 28:12). (5) Revelation (Acts 7:53; Gal. 3:19; Heb. 2: 2; Dan. 9: 21-27; Rev. 1: 1).
(c) Servants of God. "Aren't they all ministering spirits, sent to serve for those who will inherit salvation?" (Heb. 1:14). Angels are sent to support (Matt. 4:11; Luc. 22:43; 1 Kings 19: 5); to preserve (Gen. 16: 7; 24: 7; Ex. 23:20; Rev. 7: 1); to rescue (Num. 20:16; Ps. 34: 7; 91:11; Isa. 63: 9; Dan. 6:22; Gen. 48:16; Matt. 26:53); to intercede (Zac. 1:12; Rev. 8: 3,4); to serve the righteous after death (Luke 16:22).
Reading the verses quoted above in the light of the words of our Lord in Matt. 18:10, some formed the doctrine of "Protecting Angels", which teaches that each believer has a special angel assigned to guard and protect him during the life. They claim that the words in Acts 12:15 imply that early Christians understood the Lord's words in this way. We cannot be dogmatic about it; however, the promises of help from the angels are sufficiently numerous and clear to provide a source of encouragement for all Christians. .. Os Anjos
1. Sua natureza.
Os anjos são:
(a) Criaturas, isto é, seres criados. Foram feitos do nada pelo poder de Deus. Não conhecemos a época exata de sua criação, porém sabemos que antes que aparecesse o homem, já eles existiam havia muito tempo, e que a rebelião desse sob Satanás se havia registrado, deixando duas classes - os anjos bons e os anjos maus. Sendo eles criaturas, recusam a adoração (Apoc. 19:10; 22: 8, 9) e ao homem, por sua parte, é proibido adorá-los. (Gal. 2:18)
(b) Espíritos. Os anjos são bons como espíritos, porque, diferentes dos homens, eles não estão incluídos às condições naturais e físicas. Aparecem e desaparecem à vontade, and movimentam-se com uma rapidez inconcebível sem usar meios naturais. Apesar de serem puramente espíritos, têm o poder de assumir a forma de corpos humanos a fim de tornar visível sua presença aos sentidos do homem. (Gên. 19: 1-3.)
(c) Imortais, isto é, não estão sujeitos à morte. Em Lucas 20: 34-36, Jesus explica aos saduceus que os santos ressuscitados serão como os anjos no sentido de que não podem mais morrer.
(d) Numerosos. As Escrituras nos ensinam que seu número é muito grande. “Milhares de milhares o serviam, e milhões de milhões” (Dan. 7:10). "Mais de doze legiões de anjos" (Mat. 26:53). “Multidão dos exércitos celestiais” (Luc. 2:13). “E aos muitos milhares de anjos” (Hb 12,22). Portanto, seu Criador e Mestre é descrito como "Senhor dos exércitos".
(e) Sem sexo. Os anjos sempre são bons como varões, porém na realidade não têm sexo; não propagam a sua espécie. (Luc. 20:34, 35.)
2. Sua classificação.
Visto como "a ordem é a primeira das leis do céu", é de esperar que os anjos selecionados segundo o seu posto e atividade. Tal classificação é implícita em 1Ped. 3:22, onde lemos: "os anjos, as autoridades, e as potências". (Vide Col. 1:16; Efés. 1:20, 21.)
(a) Anjo do Senhor. A maneira pela qual o "Anjo do Senhor" é descrita, distinguue-o de qualquer outro anjo. É-lhe atribuído o poder de perdoar ou reter pecados, conforme diz o Antigo Testamento. O nome de Deus está nele. (Êxo. 23: 20-23.) Em Êxo. 32:34 se diz: "Meu anjo irá adiante de ti"; em Êxo. 33:14 há esta variação: "Minha presença (literalmente, 'meu rosto') irá contigo para te fazer descansar." As duas expressões são combinadas em Isa. 63: 9; "Em toda a angústia deles foi ele angustiado, e o anjo da sua face os salvou." Duas coisas importantes são ditas acerca desse anjo: primeiro, que o nome de Jeová, isto é, seu caráter revelado, está nele; segundo, que ele é o rosto de Jeová, ou melhor, o rosto de Jeová pode-se ver nele. Por isso tem o poder de salvar (Is 63: 9); de recusar o perdão (Êxo. 23:21). Veja- se também a identificação que Jacó fez do anjo com o próprio Deus. (Gên. 32:30; 48:16.) Não se pode evitar a conclusão de que este Anjo misterioso não é outro senão o Filho de Deus, o Messias, o Libertador de Israel, e o que seria o Salvador do mundo. Portanto, o Anjo do Senhor é realmente um ser incriado.
(b) Arcanjo. Miguel é comercial como o arcanjo, o anjo principal. (Jud. 9; Apoc. 12: 7; vide 1 Tess. 4:16.) Ele aparece como o anjo protetor da nação israelita. (Dan. 12: 1.) A maneira pela qual Gabriel é locado, também indica que ele é de uma classe muito elevada. Ele está diante da presença de Deus (Luc. 1:19) e a ele são confiadas como mensagens de mais elevada importância em relação ao reino de Deus. (Dan. 8:16; 9:21.)
(c) Anjos eleitos são provavelmente aqueles que permanecerão fiéis a Deus durante a rebelião de Satanás, (1 Tim. 5:21; Mat. 25:41.)
(d) Anjos das nações. Dan. 10:13, 20 parece usar que cada nação tem seu anjo protetor, o qual se interessa pelo bemestar dela. Era tempo de os imagens regressarem do cativeiro (Dan. 9: 1, 2), e Daniel se dedicou a orar e a jejuar pela sua volta. Depois de três semanas, um anjo apareceu-lhe e deu como da demora o fato de que o príncipe, ou anjo da Pérsia, havia-se oposto ao retorno dos dados. A razão talvez fosse por não desejar perder a perda deles na Pérsia.
O anjo lhe disse que a sua petição para o regresso dos estudos não tinha apoio a não ser o de Miguel, o príncipe da nação hebraica. (Dan. 10:21.) O príncipe dos gregos também não estava inclinado a favorecer a volta dos padrões. (Dan. 10:20.) A palavra do Novo Testamento "principados" pode referir-se a esses príncipes angélicos das nações; e o termo é usado tanto para os anjos bons como para os maus. (Efés. 3:10; Gal. 2:15; Efés. 6:12.)
(e) Os querubins parecem ser de uma classe elevada de anjos relacionados com os propósitos retributivos (Gên. 3:24) e redentores (Êxo. 25:22) de Deus, para com o homem. Eles são como tendo rostos de leão de homem, de boi e de águia, e isto necessariamente que representam uma perfeição de criaturas - força de leão, inteligência de homem, rapidez de guia, e serviço semelhante ao que o boi presta. Essa composição de formas e sua aproximação de Deus asseguram que "a própria criação será libertada do cativeiro da corrupção" (Rom. 8:21, V.B.).
(f) Os serafins são conhecidos em Isaías, capítulo 6. Pouco sabemos acerca deles. Certo escritor crê que eles seguem a ordem mais elevada de anjos e que a característica que os distinguue é um ardente amor a Deus. A palavra serafins significa literalmente "ardentes".
3. Seu caráter.
(a) Obedientes. Eles cumprem os seus encargos sem questionar ou vacilar. Por isso oramos: "Seja feita a tua vontade, assim na terra como no céu" (Mat. 6:10; vide Sal. 103: 20; Jud. 6; 1 Ped. 3:22).
(b) Reverentes. Sua atividade mais elevada é a adoração a Deus. (Nee. 9: 6; Fil. 2: 9-11; Heb. 1: 6.)
(c) Sábios. "Como um anjo ... para discernir o bem do mal", era uma expressão proverbial em Israel. (2 Sam. 14:17.) A inteligência dos anjos excede a dos homens nesta vida, porém é necessariamente finita. Os anjos não podem diretamente discernir os nossos pensamentos (1 Reis 8:39) e os seus conhecimentos dos mistérios da graça são conhecidos, (1 Ped. 1:12.) Como diz certo escritor: "Imagina-se que a capacidade intelectual dum anjo tenha uma compreensão mais vasta do que a nossa; que uma só imagem na mente angelical contenha mais detalhes do que uma vida toda de estudos poderia proporcionar aqui. "
(d) Mansos. não abrigam ressentimentos pessoais, nem injuriam os seus opositores. (2 Ped. 2:11; Jud. 9.) (e) Poderosos. São "magníficos em poder" (Sal. 103: 20).
(f) Santos. Sendo separados por Deus e para Deus, são "santos anjos" (Apoc. 14:10).
4. Sua obra.
(a) Agentes de Deus. São mencionados como os executores dos pronunciamentos de Deus. (Gên. 3:24; Num. 22: 22-27; Mat. 13: 39,41,49; 16:27; 24:31; Mar. 13:27; Gên. 19: 1; 2 Sam. 24: 16; 2 Reis 19:35; Atos 12:23.)
(b) Mensageiros de Deus. (Anjo significa literalmente "mensageiro".) Por meio dos anjos Deus envia: (1) Anunciações (Luc. 1: 11-20; Mat. 1:20, 21). (2) Advertências (Mat. 2:13; Heb. 2: 2). (3) Instrução (Mat. 28: 2-6; Atos 10: 3; Dan. 4: 13-17). (4) Encorajamento (Atos 27:23; Gên. 28:12). (5) Revelação (Atos 7:53; Gál. 3:19; Heb. 2: 2; Dan. 9: 21-27; Apoc. 1: 1).
(c) Servos de Deus. "não são porventura todos eles espíritos ministradores, enviados para servir a favor daqueles que hão de herdar a salvação?" (Heb. 1:14). Os anjos são enviados para sustentar (Mat. 4:11; Luc. 22:43; 1 Reis 19: 5); para preservar (Gên. 16: 7; 24: 7; Êxo. 23:20; Apoc. 7: 1); para resgatar (Núm. 20:16; Sal. 34: 7; 91:11; Isa. 63: 9; Dan. 6:22; Gên. 48:16; Mat. 26:53); para interceder (Zac. 1:12; Apoc. 8: 3,4); para servir aos justos depois da morte (Luc. 16:22).
Lendo os versículos acima citados à luz das palavras de nosso Senhor em Mat. 18:10, alguns formaram a doutrina de "Anjos Protetores", a qual ensina que cada crente tem um anjo especial designado para guardá-lo e protegê-lo durante a vida. Eles afirmam que as palavras em Atos 12:15 implicam que os cristãos primitivos entendem dessa maneira como as palavras do Senhor. Não podemos ser dogmáticos sobre o assunto; entretanto, como promessas de ajuda por parte dos anjos são suficientemente numerosas e claras para proverem uma fonte de animo para todos os cristãos.
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globalworship · 6 years
Christmas Story Art from India (Jyoti Sahi)
Jyoti Sahi (born 1944) is one of the most important Christian artist alive today in India, and has been called ‘the theologian with the brush.’ In addition to writing multiple books on art, theology, and culture, his prodigious oeuvre includes painting, carving, wood-block printing, and architecture, having designed numerous chapels and churches. He lives near Bangalore, where he founded an Art Ashram in 1972. http://indiaartsmovement.org/2015/09/30/jyoti-sahi/
I look forward to finally meeting him in person in a few weeks!
Mary as the Dalit Mother. Oil on Canvas. Methodist Collection, Westminster College, Oxford. U.K.
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This was the first painting I ever saw by Jyoti Sahi, long before I knew his name or anything about him. It was featured on the cover of the CD album ‘Amrit Vani’ by Aradhna in 2007.
It’s posted on Jyoti’s website at https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2007/10/ashramas-of-jesus.html
These insightful comments about the painting are at the UK website:
This image echoes the Indian folk symbol of the grinding stone, found in every traditional home.  This has two parts. The larger “Mother Stone” is fixed and stable, whilst the smaller “Baby Stone” moves to grind food stuffs on the Mother Stone.  Relating Mary and Jesus to this symbol links the bond between them to the preparation of daily bread on the grinding stone so we can think of it when saying “Give us this day our daily bread”. “Dalit” means broken (sometimes used by those in South Asia traditionally regarded as low caste or ‘untouchable’). Breaking items on the grinding stone is necessary to create wholesome food for the family. The suffering in the relationship of Jesus and Mary is necessary to create life and hope.
Painting from the Methodist Modern Art Collection, © TMCP, used with permission
Notice this pose carefully, because Jyoti poses Mary and infant Jesus in very similar poses in 5 other paintings below.
Here is his painting ‘Nativity in a Cave’ followed by the text he wrote about it.
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Mary has to travel to Bethlehem, but on the way her time for giving birth to the child comes. According to one Gospel narrative (the Gospel of James), Jesus is born in a cave. This cave reminds us of the "Guha" or secret place where the Divine is discovered in the heart of Mother Earth. In the countryside caves are sometimes used to keep animals. So the cave is also a place where the Ox and the Ass find shelter. According to the prophetic tradition, these animals were the first to recognize the incarnation, and offer their adoration to God. In many Indian stories animals like the Nandi (bull) are considered to be disciples of God, and to be the vehicles on which the Divine is carried. https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2007/10/nativity-in-cave.html
A sketch of a manger scene
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A sketch of Mary as the Theotokos
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The Child Jesus is born into the world and is received into the womb of Mother Mary. This womb is like the space of Creation, because as the Liturgy expresses it, that Reality which the whole of the Cosmos could not contain, was contained in the womb of the Mother Mary. It is this process of birthing, that is at the heart of the Creative process. Sometimes people ask when the religious artist sets time apart for prayer. But the art of making an image, is itself what prayer is about. Prayer is not just a matter of asking for something. Rather it is what happens when we are open, and receive the image of the Lord into our hearts.
Jesus as the Seed in His Mother
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Mother Mary is portrayed as a Dalit woman - the lowest class within the lowest caste of India - previously called ‘Untouchables.’
Jyoti writes,  ‘Dalit’ is taken to mean broken, torn apart, trodden down, crushed. ‘Mother of Dalits’ is a term now applied to Mary. Though taken for granted, her greatness not recognised, she has become the ‘vessel’ of a new hope for humanity, especially for those trodden on and crushed. She is ‘humble’ and homely. Yet she is the bearer of a new wisdom, a new wholeness, a potential fulness of being.“ https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2007/10/jesus-seed-in-lap-of-his-mother.html
In the title of his blog post (at the link above), Jyoti describes this painting as “Jesus in the Lap of His Mother.” In this perspective, Jesus is a small boy nestled within the curves of the sari worn by his mother. He is the ‘boy-sized seed’ that will grow into the adult Messiah; all of his adult ministry and acts of salvation and teachings are within the ‘boy-sized seed’ even now. Many of his acts and teachings are concerned with marginalized people - like the Dalits of India today.
We can also interpret the painting as representing Jesus as the Spirit-Planted Holy Seed within his mother - referencing the Incarnation before birth. In this perspective, the nearly-born boy is the seed of the redemption of the world - literally born to die for the salvation of all who see and perceive the Truth. The Incarnation of Christ was the seed leading to the flowering of the Passion of Christ. The birth of Christ was the seed leading to the death of Christ. And at his birth, the apparent poverty of his parents put the family among the marginalized of the society (’Dalit’).
Earth Mother https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2007/07/earth-mother.html
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Pots with Mary
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Jyoti writes,
The vessel has been an elemental icon in many cultures. In India the pot containing water has been a folk symbol of the presence of life within the context of the home. The body itself is related to the vessel. The fruit like the pomegranate, which from ancient times was associated with fertility. The earthen vessel, or the fruit represent the womb from which all life flows.
In this painting we find a guiding Star, pots of water to be turned into wine, fish to be multiplied - all symbols of the miracles to be performed by Mary’s Son.
Bird with Mother https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2011/06/mother-as-vessel.html
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Again we see the stack of pots, the row of fish, the flourishing plant in front of her. It’s harder for me to clearly see the ‘bird’ of the painting’s title; I suppose it’s the large blue thing above her and to the right, it may represent the Holy Spirit that “overshadowed” Mary to “plant the Jesus seed” inside Mary the chosen vessel.
Pomegranate Mother
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Jyoti writes,
The vessel has been an elemental icon in many cultures. In India the pot containing water has been a folk symbol of the presence of life within the context of the home. The body itself is related to the vessel. The fruit like the pomegranate, which from ancient times was associated with fertility. The earthen vessel, or the fruit represent the womb from which all life flows.
Again we see a Star at top left, a bird (Holy Spirit?) at top right, and fish at the bottom of the painting. Since the painting overtly references fertility (including the ‘spiritual new life’ made possible through Christ’s incarnation), the visual form referencing female genitalia must be purposeful, pointing to the “new Birth” that is from Christ and to Christ.
Adivasi Mother “Adivasi is the collective term for the indigenous peoples of mainland South Asia. Adivasi make up 8.6% of India's population, or 104 million people, according to the 2011 census, and a large percentage of the Nepalese population. They comprise a substantial indigenous minority of the population of India and Nepal.“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adivasi
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The infant Jesus is being held atop the grinding stone, with chickens and fish bones nearby. And yet again, the water pots stacked up to the left, and the top one holds the flourishing plant.
Dalit Mary
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Jyoti writes,
Caring implies enclosure, and the Mother figure is perhaps the oldest image of caring. The Mother also symbolizes the earth, and this idea of caring has a cosmic dimension. Caring is an important aspect of compassion, and leads to a sense of caring for nature. Ecological ideas can be expressed visually, by showing that underlying the forms of nature, is the structure of the enclosing space, like that of an egg. This is also the image of the home, which protects, and also nurtures.
Nativity/Birthing in a Cave
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The following meditation on this painting was written by Jane Sahi.
The house was cave-like in its darkness, and in the gloom it was a little time before I could distinguish the various shadowy forms of the earthenware pots piled high in one corner, the worn plough resting on the rafters overhead and the battered tin trunk which the family had to protect their few belongings. Then I was pushed forward by the women relatives and there in the corner was the young woman who had just a few hours before delivered her first child. She lay on piles of fresh straw with only torn saree pieces as a cover, but her head was firmly wrapped in the "palla" of her saree to protect her from cold. Beside her was the tiny sleeping baby nestling within the winnowing basket which had hastily been laid with straw and lined with old torn cloth pieces. The mother seemed weary but content as she looked to the child. The child, so perfect and delicate in form, lay naked. No one had thought it auspicious to prepare clothes, hang a cot or choose a name for the new born baby, and the baby lay careless to the surrounding poverty, wrapped in the tenderness of his mother's joy and the gentle strength of nature. The child had come as simply as the passing seasons--as full of grace and beauty as the rising sun or the first rains after the red heat of summer. The birth had the freshness of the spring green of the growing paddy and all the fullness of the ripened grain. My anxieties and fears concerning the harsh starkness, faded in the face of this pure acceptance of the mystery of birth, and a hope in the fragility but clear strength in Creation. (From a diary note of Jane Sahi) https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2007/07/birthing-in-cave.html
One more painting of ‘Madonna & Child’ by Jyoti fits the theme of this blog post, but since the commentary on the symbolism is complex and lengthy, I’ve featured it in a separate blog post at http://globalworship.tumblr.com/post/169002958515/mother-of-the-cosmosmary-as-olive-branch-india
Here’s the painting itself:
‘Mother of the Cosmos’
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A later addition to this post is the painting ‘Incarnation in the Anthill’[termite mound].’ https://artandtheology.org/2019/12/08/he-comes-comes-ever-comes/
Learn about the painting, and see a video where Jyoti talks about it, in this blog post by my friend Victoria Emily Jones at the link above.
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Jyoti Sahi (Indian, 1944–), Incarnation within the Anthill, 2019. Mixed media on canvas, 28 × 10 1/2 in. (71.1 × 26.7 cm). Collection of Victoria Emily Jones.
In 1091, Jyoti published a small booklet of woodcuts and poems titled ‘Signs of Hope.’ Here is the final woodcut in that booklet, a Madonna and Child image which also contains Ying & Yang.
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For the poem corresponding to this woodcut, with themes of Incarnation and Apocalypse, see https://globalworship.tumblr.com/post/190880295170/mary-in-the-storm-incarnationapocalypse-art
A Dalit Madonna & Child from 2002 https://jyotiartashram.blogspot.com/2010/10/image-of-mary-in-asian-art.html
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A Simple Key For Painter Dublin Unveiled
Purchasing: - Buy a quart first http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Painters And Decorators instead of a large quantity in case you're not dedicated to the color. Paint a sheet of foam board and move it across the area to see how the light affects the colour at different times of the day. - Know the square footage of the room you're painting before you head into the shop. The experts recommend 1 gallon for each 400 square feet. Covering textured, rough or unprimed surfaces may need more. - Don't apply latex on an oil end and vice versa without first sanding the walls (remember to put on a mask) Painting And Decorating Dublin and wiping away the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (latex or oil) of the intended topcoat. To tell if your current wall color is warm- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and then rub it on the wall (within an out-of-the-way spot). If the paint dries and starts to transfer onto the fabric, it is water based. If the alcohol doesn't get rid of any shade, it's oil-based. - Don't underestimate how long it'll take you to get the job finished. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing. - Paints have volatile organic compounds (VOCs ) that could release toxic gas into the air for many years after an area has been painted. Paint with zero-VOCs or low-VOCs. -Paints using a seal possess a VOC of less than 50 grams/liter for flat and less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat. Prep: - Paint does not stick very well to filthy walls, so clean them with water and soap (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry. - Clean ceilings before painting. There will be dust and cobwebs which you don't see. Utilize an old paintbrush or china bristle brush to dust baseboards, trim and crown molding before taping off them (use painter's tape using paper attached to protect the baseboards). Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and then seal the tape. - Do not cover the floors with vinyl as it can be very slippery. Use drop cloths or sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
- The colour mixer at the paint shop can create slight variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have two shades of a color on the exact same wall. This can be remedied by blending the paint cans all together before you begin painting to make certain you will have consistent color. Sand dry spackle smooth, and deepest each spot. anonymous - Do not underestimate how much time it is going to take you to get the job done. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before washing or wiping. - Eliminating Learn here socket covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape the screws into the cover , and tape over the light or socket switch to keep paint. Painting Ceilings: - Scaffolding comes in components called "dollars" and "cross bucks". For a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice. Each dollar prices about $12 per day to rent. You'll also need: walk planks or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 each per day. -for scaffolding Wheels rent. They are significant because they allow the scaffolding to move . Four wheels rent for approximately $25 per day. - When painting a textured ceiling, make certain to use a thick-nap roller to make certain you get full coverage over the bumps and irregularities in the textured surface. To get a drywall ceiling that is smooth, you may use a roller. DSEQ507_how-to-waterproof-cinderblock_s4x3 Buy a good excellent edger (they're fairly cheap) and take your time in the corners so that you don't spend all the excess time taping off everything. - If you take a rest while painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don't need to wash them every time you stop. - Consider skipping the paint trays and using a five-gallon bucket with a roller display inside. This saves time on filling and re-filling the bucket. - Use a hammer and nail to poke holes in the rim of the paint can. It enables the paint. Do not use bristles with water--based paint, the water may make the limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work like window casings or painting molding. These brushes last for only one use because they're hard to clean and easy to tear. - If your job requires oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect since they hold paint better than artificial bristles. - If you're using latex paint, then nylon and polyester brushes are a lot better because they don't absorb water like natural fibers. - Good all-purpose brushes are flagged, meaning the bristles vary in length gradually coming to a peak in the center of the brush. Brushes offer a smooth, even, more exact coating of paint. - Utilize the right roller for the job. For surfaces that are smooth like wood and wallboard, use a roller using a rest. For surfaces with texture that is heavy, bigger sticks can lessen the number of coatings -- and the period of time spent painting. Clean Up: - Use soap and water to wash latex paint off the brush immediately after painting. You'll need solvents to get rid of it if the paint dries on the brush. If your house is on a sewer system, you are able to clean the brushes but be cautious to not eliminate paint in an area where it might seep into the groundwater. - To oil-based paints, so you are going to require a solvent such as paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about two inches of thinner into a metal container until the paint comes off and then swirl the brush that is filthy inside. - Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and coated with a rubber band or aluminum foil. Hang brushes upside down to maintain their shape. Be sure to label Painters Dublin each container with the color and brand name. - A common problem called "hatbanding" occurs when painters use a paintbrush for clipping in and a roller to apply the remaining portion of the paint, so producing another texture across the ceiling Informative post and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as close to the cut-in regions as possible.
0 notes
shaniakaley · 7 years
Interior House Painting Advice
– Purchase a quart first instead of a massive quantity in the event you’re not dedicated to the color. Paint a sheet of foam board and move it around the area to determine how the colour is affected by the light . The pros recommend one gallon for every 400 square feet. Covering rough textured or unprimed surfaces may require more.
– Don’t apply latex on an oil end and vice versa without first sanding the walls (make sure to put on a mask) and wiping away the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (latex or oil) of the planned topcoat. To tell if your current wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub it on the wall (in an out-of-the-way spot). If the paint softens and starts to move onto the cloth, it is water based. If the alcohol doesn’t remove any color, it is oil-based.
– Do not underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the job done. review Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing.
– Paints have volatile organic compounds (VOCs ) that can release toxic gas to the air for many years after a room has been painted. Paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs. -Paints with a green seal possess a VOC of less than 50 grams/liter for apartment and less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat.
– Paint does not stick very well to filthy walls, so clean them with water and soap (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry overnight.
– sterile ceilings before painting.
There’ll be cobwebs and dust which you don’t see. Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and after that seal the tape into the face with your fingers or a rag.
– Don’t cover the floors with plastic as it can be very slippery. Use drop cloths or sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
– The colour mixer in the paint shop can create small variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have 2 shades of a color on the exact same wall. This may be remedied by blending the paint cans all before you begin painting to make certain you will have consistent color.
– Fill holes with spackle with a five-in-one tool or broad blade and caulk where necessary. Sand dry spackle each spot.
– Don’t underestimate how long it is going to take you to get the job finished. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before washing or draining.
– Eliminating outlet covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape the screws into the cover , and tape over the light or outlet switch to keep paint from getting on them.
Painting Ceilings:
– Scaffolding comes in components called “dollars” and “cross dollars”. For a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice. Each dollar prices about $12 a day to lease. You’ll also want: walk boards or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 every per day. -Wheels rent separately. They are important because they enable the scaffolding to move . Four wheels rent for approximately $25 per day.
– When painting a textured ceiling, then be sure to use a thick-nap roller to ensure that you get full coverage over the bumps and irregularities in the textured surface. To get a smooth drywall ceiling, you can use a roller having a rest.
Time-Saving Options: Buy a good quality edger (they’re fairly inexpensive) and take your time at the corners so that you don’t spend all the extra time taping off everything.
– If you take a break whilst painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don’t have to wash them every time you stop.
– Consider skipping the paint trays and utilizing a five-gallon bucket using a roller display indoors. This saves time on filling and re-filling the bucket.
– Use a hammer and nail to poke holes in the rim of the paint can. It enables the paint.
Tools: Don’t use bristlesbased paint, the water can make the bristles limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as window casings or painting molding. These brushes normally last for only one use because they’re hard to clean and easy to tear.
– If your job requires oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect because they hold paint better than artificial bristles.
– If you are using latex paint, then polyester and nylon brushes are a lot better since they do not absorb water like normal fibers.
– Great all-purpose brushes are flagged, meaning that the bristles vary in length slowly coming to a peak in the middle of the brush. Brushes offer a smooth, even, more precise coating of paint.
– Utilize the right roller for the job. For smooth surfaces such as wallboard and wood, use a roller using a 3/8-inch or less nap. For surfaces with feel, larger naps can reduce the number of coatings — and the amount of time spent painting.
Clean Up: If the paint dries on the brush, you’ll need special solvents to remove it. If your residence is on a sewer system, you are able to wash the brushes but be careful to not eliminate paint in a region where it might seep into the groundwater.
– For oil-based paints, so you’ll need a solvent like paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about two inches of thinner into a metal container until the paint comes off and then swirl the brush that is filthy inside.
– Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and sealed with a rubber band or aluminum foil. Hang brushes down to maintain their shape. Be sure to label each container with the color and manufacturer name.
– A common issue called “hatbanding” takes place when painters use a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to apply the remaining portion of the paint, thus producing another texture across the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as areas as possible.
from https://papapaintingtv.wordpress.com/2017/10/06/interior-house-painting-advice/ from https://papapainting.tumblr.com/post/166109354760
0 notes
vipcarpetcleaning · 7 years
Interior House Painting Advice
– Purchase a quart first instead of a massive quantity in the event you’re not dedicated to the color. Paint a sheet of foam board and move it around the area to determine how the colour is affected by the light . The pros recommend one gallon for every 400 square feet. Covering rough textured or unprimed surfaces may require more.
– Don’t apply latex on an oil end and vice versa without first sanding the walls (make sure to put on a mask) and wiping away the dust particles using a tack cloth. Employ a primer of the identical composition (latex or oil) of the planned topcoat. To tell if your current wall color is water- or oil-based, douse a white cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub it on the wall (in an out-of-the-way spot). If the paint softens and starts to move onto the cloth, it is water based. If the alcohol doesn’t remove any color, it is oil-based.
– Do not underestimate how long it’ll take you to find the job done. review Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before wiping or washing.
– Paints have volatile organic compounds (VOCs ) that can release toxic gas to the air for many years after a room has been painted. Paint with low-VOCs or zero-VOCs. -Paints with a green seal possess a VOC of less than 50 grams/liter for apartment and less than 150 grams/liter of non-flat.
– Paint does not stick very well to filthy walls, so clean them with water and soap (or TSP) and wash with water once done. Let dry overnight.
– sterile ceilings before painting.
There’ll be cobwebs and dust which you don’t see. Overlap the tape seams by at least an inch to avoid seepage between pieces, and after that seal the tape into the face with your fingers or a rag.
– Don’t cover the floors with plastic as it can be very slippery. Use drop cloths or sheets to protect them from drips and splatters.
– The colour mixer in the paint shop can create small variations from can to can. The last thing you want is to have 2 shades of a color on the exact same wall. This may be remedied by blending the paint cans all before you begin painting to make certain you will have consistent color.
– Fill holes with spackle with a five-in-one tool or broad blade and caulk where necessary. Sand dry spackle each spot.
– Don’t underestimate how long it is going to take you to get the job finished. Allow two weeks to 30 days to cure before washing or draining.
– Eliminating outlet covers makes for a much neater paint job. Tape the screws into the cover , and tape over the light or outlet switch to keep paint from getting on them.
Painting Ceilings:
– Scaffolding comes in components called “dollars” and “cross dollars”. For a high ceiling, 4 bucks should suffice. Each dollar prices about $12 a day to lease. You’ll also want: walk boards or boards to place along the bucks, these rent for about $10 every per day. -Wheels rent separately. They are important because they enable the scaffolding to move . Four wheels rent for approximately $25 per day.
– When painting a textured ceiling, then be sure to use a thick-nap roller to ensure that you get full coverage over the bumps and irregularities in the textured surface. To get a smooth drywall ceiling, you can use a roller having a rest.
Time-Saving Options: Buy a good quality edger (they’re fairly inexpensive) and take your time at the corners so that you don’t spend all the extra time taping off everything.
– If you take a break whilst painting, cover rollers in plastic wrap and refrigerate so that you don’t have to wash them every time you stop.
– Consider skipping the paint trays and utilizing a five-gallon bucket using a roller display indoors. This saves time on filling and re-filling the bucket.
– Use a hammer and nail to poke holes in the rim of the paint can. It enables the paint.
Tools: Don’t use bristlesbased paint, the water can make the bristles limp. Foam brushes are good for intricate work such as window casings or painting molding. These brushes normally last for only one use because they’re hard to clean and easy to tear.
– If your job requires oil-based paint, natural bristles like ox or hog hair are perfect because they hold paint better than artificial bristles.
– If you are using latex paint, then polyester and nylon brushes are a lot better since they do not absorb water like normal fibers.
– Great all-purpose brushes are flagged, meaning that the bristles vary in length slowly coming to a peak in the middle of the brush. Brushes offer a smooth, even, more precise coating of paint.
– Utilize the right roller for the job. For smooth surfaces such as wallboard and wood, use a roller using a 3/8-inch or less nap. For surfaces with feel, larger naps can reduce the number of coatings — and the amount of time spent painting.
Clean Up: If the paint dries on the brush, you’ll need special solvents to remove it. If your residence is on a sewer system, you are able to wash the brushes but be careful to not eliminate paint in a region where it might seep into the groundwater.
– For oil-based paints, so you’ll need a solvent like paint thinner or mineral spirits. Pour about two inches of thinner into a metal container until the paint comes off and then swirl the brush that is filthy inside.
– Moist paintbrushes can be wrapped in plastic or waxed paper and sealed with a rubber band or aluminum foil. Hang brushes down to maintain their shape. Be sure to label each container with the color and manufacturer name.
– A common issue called “hatbanding” takes place when painters use a paintbrush for cutting in and a roller to apply the remaining portion of the paint, thus producing another texture across the ceiling and trim. To prevent hatbanding, roll the paint as areas as possible.
From http://ift.tt/2wBcPpu
source http://ift.tt/2xWZonU
0 notes
faithfulnews · 4 years
The Rebellion and Restoration of Israel
By Dan & Brenda Cathcart
The video version of this teaching is at: https://youtu.be/s61lkuLX4dc
The Scripture reading is: Isaiah 1:1-27
The last few weeks we have been focusing and studying the life and prophecies of Jeremiah. Jeremiah lived in Judea and Jerusalem at the time of king Josiah and later through the destruction of Jerusalem, the first temple and the subsequent exile of most of the inhabitants of Judea to Babylon. This week Shabbat falls on the ninth day of the month of Av, the very day that Jewish history records that both the first and second Temples were destroyed.
As we finish out the remainder of the year leading up to The Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah, we will be reading exclusively from the prophet Isaiah.  The opening chapter of the book of Isaiah is a kind of preface or table of contents to the rest of the book. Isaiah introduces us to himself and outlines the overarching themes of his dissertation.
Isaiah 1:1-2 NKJV 1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. 2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the LORD has spoken: "I have nourished and brought up children, And they have rebelled against Me;
It all sounds so familiar. Although Isaiah lived some one hundred and thirty years prior to Jeremiah, the pattern is the same; rebellion against God, judgment, and restoration. On this ninth day of Av, the saddest day in history, there is still the hope of restoration.
In this Haftarah we are dealing with a very short passage of scripture, but it contains vitally important information about the state of Jerusalem and Judah. The entire scope of the book of Isaiah is about Judah’s rebellion and restoration and is summarized in this short reading. In it we will see the nature, the judgment, the remnant, and the cure of their rebellion along with their restoration.
Over the last several months and especially the last few weeks while studying the prophecies of Jeremiah, I have been amazed at how often the people of Israel and Judah, primarily the leadership, had repeated the pattern of sin against God and the amount of trouble it caused them. You would think they would learn!
Isaiah uses the term “rebel” or “rebellion” throughout his writings.  The Hebrew word is “paw-shah”, number 6586 in the Strong’s concordance meaning to break away, trespass, apostatize, or revolt. Israel, or in Isaiah’s situation, primarily Judah, was in a near constant state of rebellion.
In verse two Isaiah announces their rebellion to all of the heavens and earth. In verse three Isaiah indicates that even the ox and donkey know who their master is.
Isaiah 1:3 NKJV 3 The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master's crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider."
It might not be a good idea to open your argument by insulting the intelligence of your audience, but that is what Isaiah did by comparing them to oxen and donkeys. In calling on the witnesses of heaven and earth, Isaiah is reminding them of the covenant God made with them referring to some of the last words from God to the Children of Israel at the plain of Moab.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NKJV 19 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; 20 "that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."
Isaiah then launches into a listing of the specific rebellions that Judah did beginning with forsaking the LORD.
Isaiah 1:4 NKJV 4 Alas, sinful nation, A people laden with iniquity, A brood of evildoers, Children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the LORD, They have provoked to anger The Holy One of Israel, They have turned away backward.
Israel was intended to be called a holy nation, set apart for God among all the nations of the earth to be priests to the nations and an example. Isaiah now calls them a “sinful nation.” They have abandoned and turned away from God and have become like the other nations around them. The Hebrew verbs used by Isaiah make for a particularly strong rebuke against Israel. They have literally “turned away backwards” in their heart, actions and words.
The concept of the holiness or separateness of God is a driving theme throughout the book of Isaiah. The prophet refers to God by the title “The Holy One of Israel” no less than thirty-nine times. By invoking this title, Isaiah is undoubtedly reminding Israel of the nature of God and their unique relationship to the creator of heaven and earth!
In verse seven, Isaiah changes the tone of his oratory from a metaphorical presentation to a present tense. He speaks as if the physical judgment that is coming as a result of their rebellion has already happened or is happening as he is writing.
Isaiah 1:7 NKJV 7 Your country is desolate, Your cities are burned with fire; Strangers devour your land in your presence; And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
The next type of rebellion that Isaiah speaks of is their practice of an empty religion.
Isaiah 1:11-12 NKJV 11 "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?" Says the LORD. "I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fed cattle. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, Or of lambs or goats. 12 "When you come to appear before Me, Who has required this from your hand, To trample My courts?
God was not telling them to abolish the sacrificial system, but that they were abusing the system God put in place and had created an empty religious ritual from it. Perhaps their thoughts were if one sin offering was a good thing then ten was certainly better!  They were also just going through the motions of celebrating the new moons and the appointed festivals as if they were merely the right thing to do in their culture without giving consideration as to what their purpose was.
Isaiah 1:13-14 NKJV 13 Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies-I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. 14 Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; They are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
These empty religious practices were going on for quite some time before Isaiah entered the picture. Many celebrations of the Feasts of the LORD are mentioned throughout the books of Kings and Chronicles, but by the time of Isaiah, they were practicing the appointed times in their own way, changing the very character, nature, and purpose of God’s Feast days and filling them with empty ritual.
In addition to the physical judgment because of their rebellion, they will experience a spiritual separation from God because of their empty religious practices.
Isaiah 1:15 NKJV 15 When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.
Isaiah goes on to point out their lack of justice toward each other and the most vulnerable in their society.
Isaiah 1:16-17 NKJV 16 "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, 17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.
The rulers and leaders of Judah and Jerusalem had become degenerate and corrupt.
Isaiah 1:21-23 NKJV 21 How the faithful city has become a harlot! It was full of justice; Righteousness lodged in it, But now murderers. 22 Your silver has become dross, Your wine mixed with water. 23 Your princes are rebellious, And companions of thieves; Everyone loves bribes, And follows after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless, Nor does the cause of the widow come before them.
We see some terrible consequences for their rebellion against the Holy One of Israel! We see the consequences of this rebellion throughout the book of Isaiah, but we also see the promise of healing. Chapter fifty-three, for example, in particular speaks volumes of the healing power of the Messiah and how He will minister to His people.
Isaiah 53:5-6 NKJV 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
The Hebrew word translated as “stripes” in fifty-three five is number 2250, khab-boo-raw, from the root word number 2266, khaw-bar meaning to couple together, to have fellowship with. Any healing from their rebellion can only be accomplished by entering into fellowship with Messiah, a personal relationship, not empty religious practices.
Back in chapter one verses eight and nine, Isaiah introduces us to the concept of a remnant.
Isaiah 1:8-9 NKJV 8 So the daughter of Zion is left as a booth in a vineyard, As a hut in a garden of cucumbers, As a besieged city. 9 Unless the LORD of hosts Had left to us a very small remnant, We would have become like Sodom, We would have been made like Gomorrah.
The image of the shelter in the vineyard and the watchman’s hut are like small islands of refuge in a sea of desolation and destruction. Sodom and Gomorrah did not have any righteous remnant left within them once Lot and his family were removed.  In chapter’s thirty-six through thirty-nine, Isaiah relates the story of the siege of Sennacharib during the reign of king Hezekiah where all of Judah was overrun and only Jerusalem remained. If it was not for the grace of God, Jerusalem would have been lost as well.
The existence of a remnant does not mean that God would not execute judgment on them for their unfaithfulness to the covenant. In verse ten, Isaiah addresses a warning to the remnant as if they were Sodom and Gomorrah.
Isaiah 1:10 NKJV 10 Hear the word of the LORD, You rulers of Sodom; Give ear to the law of our God, You people of Gomorrah:
The concept of a faithful remnant is seen throughout Isaiah. And we see that this remnant is a righteous remnant that owes its salvation and existence solely to the grace of God! We also see that this remnant is the preserved true believers and covenant keepers from Israel.
The apostle Paul also speaks of a remnant of those who were faithful and believed God’s word, at one point, quoting Isaiah.
Romans 9:27-29 NKJV 27 Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: "Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, The remnant will be saved. 28 For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, Because the LORD will make a short work upon the earth." 29 And as Isaiah said before: "Unless the LORD of Sabaoth had left us a seed, We would have become like Sodom, And we would have been made like Gomorrah."
So far in the opening chapter of Isaiah, we have read about the nature, judgment, and remnant of Judah’s rebellion. But there is more, there is hope! There is a cure for their iniquity and rebellion should they choose to accept it. Part of the cure we already read, but it deserves repeating. Isaiah presents the cure in verses sixteen through twenty.
Isaiah 1:16-20 NKJV 16 "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, 17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. 18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; 20 But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Isaiah tells Israel of the path to spiritual and ritual purity.  Their sickness can be cured, and they can be counted as the remnant. The first step is that they must wash themselves from the stain of their sin. The second step is they must do good. Doing good is the outward sign of true repentance. Living a life reflecting God’s righteous acts is a characteristic of repentance.
In verse seventeen, Isaiah tells them that they must learn to do good. Learning involves the study of the ways of God through His word. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is God’s instruction in righteous living. The apostle Paul spoke of this to Timothy.
2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Just learning God’s word on an intellectual level is not good enough.  The people Isaiah and the other prophets address were primarily the leaders, priests, and kings. They had come to know the words, the forms, and the rituals, but little else beyond that. Their religious practices had little substance. If the leadership is practicing an empty religion, how can they properly teach the people the ways of the LORD?
Isaiah puts some emphasis behind his words when he says that doing good means physically practicing justice for the vulnerable and less fortunate of their society.
In verse eighteen of our Haftarah, Isaiah indicates that the stain of their sin can be washed away, and the curse removed. Their sin is a crimson stain that can be made white again.  This is exactly what John referred to in Revelation
Revelation 1:5 NKJV 5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,
In verses nineteen and twenty, Isaiah reminds Israel of the benefits of repentance and returning to covenant faithfulness. Isaiah restates the conditions recorded in Deuteronomy. The wording that Isaiah chooses emphasizes that obedience will bring blessings and disobedience, disaster.  But the important thing to remember is that nowhere, in Isiah’s prophecies or anywhere else is there ever a dissolution of the covenant God made with the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai!
At the close of the Haftarah reading, Isaiah finishes with stating the things that God alone will do. He gives a hint to the Messianic Age yet to come!
Isaiah 1:24-27 NKJV 24 Therefore the Lord says, The LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, "Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries, And take vengeance on My enemies. 25 I will turn My hand against you, And thoroughly purge away your dross, And take away all your alloy. 26 I will restore your judges as at the first, And your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city." 27 Zion shall be redeemed with justice, And her penitents with righteousness.
Ultimately all these things will only happen in their fullness when Messiah returns to rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem. God declares that He will redeem Jerusalem with justice and put an end to all His enemies. At the same time God’s judgment will fall on the unfaithful and unrepentant.
What we see in this opening chapter of Isaiah is a hint at the central, overarching theme of his entire book: the coming of Messiah and His atonement for His people! What is clear from Isaiah is that God alone is the only one able to redeem Israel. The righteousness of Messiah Yeshua and His atoning blood is the only path to the ultimate salvation of Israel. And it is that salvation through Messiah, which is open to all who call upon the LORD God of Israel!
Study Questions:
1. Discuss the connection of this teaching to the Torah Portion Devarim, Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22.
2. Isaiah describes the leadership of Judah and Jerusalem as being apostates practicing a dead or empty religion. Describe the problem they had with their religious practices. Discuss how they fell into this state and how we too can be trapped in empty ritual. Share personal experience if you wish.
3. What is the remnant described by Isaiah? How does this remnant affect the rest of the nation?
4. What are the possible ways to understand verse 1:18?  What is your interpretation and why?
5. What is the difference between the ways God judges the ungodly nations and the way he judges His own people?
6. What new insight did you gain from this teaching? How do you respond to this new insight? How will you realign your life based on this new understanding?
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