hey, it's owhda. how have you been? it's a little bit sad to see no updates on tumblr from you(I mean any, even just a talk) but that just mean there's something else going on in your life and I sincerely hope it's something good. I didn't really know you much but I really thought that you could be a good friend to have. So.. could we get a glimpse into your life? How's your work? What are you interested in right now?
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Hello, hello! It's so nice to see some familiar faces still hanging around this dusty blog! I've missed interacting with you both and Tumblr in general, it's very humbling to know people are reminded of me from time to time. I guess now is as good a time as any to post a little update on what's been going on in my life, how that's affected my writing and what I've got planned for the blog in the coming future. For those who wish to skip the chatter, tldr; I'm hanging on, this will blog will remain online and I do have plans to continue writing.
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Let’s see… where do I even begin? Shortly after May, I’ve received an exciting notice - I was promoted! It’s a goal I’ve been working on for some time so it was quite satisfying to hear the news. Since then it’s been a whirlwind of activities - trying to juggle my new responsibilities and manage my own team took some time getting used to. I’ve worked solo for so long it was difficult to be the ‘leader’. In fact - I still am uncomfortable being one, but I’m starting to get the grasp of it.
I’ve been traveling for work as well and in these few months have been to Japan and UK. Both trips where I fell severely ill because my weak body can’t cross countries without making complaints and making me feel my age. Oh. And I finally got Covid in November which really laid me low for at least 2 weeks. 
I realise my health’s been taking a hit lately. Perhaps its the stress of having more work on my plate and being in a new position but I’ve been getting sick more easily. I’m currently recovering from a throat infection that I got from my UK trip as I write this - so fun times.
So yeah.. it’s been a lot of paperwork, electronic work, a lot of self reflection and remoulding of myself to my real life that really put writing on the back burner. I always wrote at night after work but nowadays I don’t even have the energy for that. If I’m not dead asleep by the time I’m done with work then some infection, flu or cold will get me. 
…and the longer I don’t touch my writing the less I wish to open my WIPs because I have a silly, irrational fear that I no longer write the same way I use to - either I’ve deteriorated or my style’s changed. It’s silly. 
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Good news is that, I think I’ve finally found my pace, my new position is no longer ‘new’ but the norm and I’m slowly finding ways to carve out my own personal time in my new schedule. Which is why I’ve decided to tackle this issue today. To be honest, it’s been a while since I wrote anything fictional, but I’m planning on slowly working through the writing blocks that have built up due to my neglect. I’ve bought 2 new books during my trip in UK so that’s a step in the right direction right?
As some of my older followers would know and recognise by now, I do tend to go through highs and lows when it comes to activity on this blog. It often reflects what’s going on in my personal life haha. But lately, the creative bug that has been out of energy seemed to have been slightly rejuvenated - my habits of hyperfixating on creative mediums is rearing its head again so I know it’ll only be a matter of time before I’m itching to write again. 
About what..? TCF is still on my mind but not as much as before since it’s been some time since I last read its chapters. Lately I’ve been reading Absolute Sword Sense and am keeping up with its chapters so far. I’ve yet to get the newest Fire Emblem game and have been doing great avoiding any and all spoilers so far - but I’m pretty sure it’ll be going on my list of series I’ll write for in the future.
My health issues are to be tackled another day because I’m frankly, quite tired of taking meds. 
As for where I wish to take the blog… hmm.. that’s really a tough decision because I’ve never really had a clear goal in mind when it comes to this blog. It was just a great space to share my thoughts on fandoms and interact with likeminded people. I don’t think I’ll be opening requests for a while since I’ve got a huge backlog of WIPs to work on. I suppose I could attempt to keep the blog less.. dead? Not sure how I’ll go about it though.
Anyways.. that’s about it. Terribly sorry for the word vomit, I hope everyone's been doing well and enjoying your life! If it seems I'm a bit dead without updates, it's usually because there aren't any chatter related inboxes haha. So is this illu's call for random stories to be dropped in their mail? Yes.
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نكت مغربية 2015 جديدة nokat nokta https://ift.tt/2zHiAWx نكت عربية
 nokat nokta2019
هذا الليل ولا النهار هادو واحد جوج مبوقين واهد تيقول ليل و لاخر تيقول نهار مشاو سولو واحد كتر منهم كالوليه ساط وش هادا الليل او لا نهار كاليهم لا اخويا كاعما ساكن هنا
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citron galik hada wa7d ftr otghda ot3cha bl7amd n3s omnin fa9 galt dik l7z9a chwips غالك واحد الحمار مشا عند صاحبو البيت وهو اشوف تصويرة ديال العود غالو شكون هدا , جاوبو صاحبو انا فيامات الحديد . زاد شويا اهو اشوف تصويرة ديال الحمار الوحشي . غالو شكون هادا, جاوبو هدا خويا لي تايلعب فالجفونتيس
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); roman, bitstream charter, times, serif;">مسابقة عالمية للاذكياء مسابقة عالمية للاذكياء جمعوا فيها نابغة ياباني واخر مغربي ,,الياباني عبارة عن روبوت والمغربي انسان عادي ,,, المهم الروبوت هرب من المسابقة وخرج كيغوت مشاو عندو الصحفين قالو لو ياك لباس شنو واقع ؟ قال لهم بعدوا مني هدك المغربي من الصباح وهو كيقول ليا شنو كيجيك جرندايز grandaizer الله يجعل كلشي مبارك ومسعود galik hada wahed khouna mdayr fiha 3ay9 li kaytla9a m3ah kaygoulih ana wlh assidi makankhaf men jnoun kaygoulo lih n3al chitan assidi kaygoulihom walo makankhafch menhom ou howa ygoulih wa7ed siyed meli makatkhafch asidi ghadi temchi nhar 27 fi remdan ou ghadi tekhwi lma tayb fi toillete ma3lina dar hadak chi ouhowa ydorbo jen safi meli bda kaysra3 fih lf9ih galih malek m3a had siyed galih rani kent mdayr far7 lbenti ou howa yekhwi 3lina lma tayb fertek lina lfar7 safi ma3lina siyed wela ghi finma yedkhol l toillete ylh kaydir ah kaygoul lah ij3al kolchi mbarek ou mes3oud sem7o lina sem7o l3ilat lhadgat أضافه نكتة (لم يتم التحقق) في خميس, 11/20/2014 - 21:47 hadi wahd lmra 3robia owhda nsrania kolla whda 3andha wld wld l3robia khrj kayl3b blkora o howa yji wld nsrania khda kort wldl 3robia o mcha l3nd mmo o howa ygol liha: mmi mmi wld nsrania khda lia korti o hia tmchi l3nd nsrania d9at 3liha o hia thl nsrania lbab o hia tgol liha kis kis ppas o hia tgol l3robia makayn lakas wala kskas 3tini kort 3bbas walla n3ti lmmok 3la rras. حكموا عليه بالاعدام قال واحد ليبي راح لسوريا سالوه في المطار واش رايك في الاسد قالهم حيوان مفترس حكموا عليه 5 سنوات سجن بعد طلاق سراحه من السجن راح لسعودية سالوه واش رايك في الفهد قالهم حيوان مفترس يعيش في الصحراء حكموا عليه 7 سنوات سجن من بعد رجع للبيا قالولو واش رايك في القدافي قالهم سامحوني ما نعرف حتى حيوان بهذا الاسم حكموا عليه بالاعدام أخيب موقف أخيب موقف: هو منين يصيفطوك داركم تقلب على الخبز نهار العيد الهروب من الحبس 3أغبياء بغاو يهربو من الحبس. دارو خطة باش يضربو الحارس ويخرجو . خرجوا ملقاوش الحارس، وهو يقول ليهم الرئيس : فشلت الخطة ادراري .. يالله نرجعو أفضل لحضات حياتي إمام مسجد حاول الترفيه عن المصلين الدين يحضرون الدرس في المسجد فقال : إن أفضل لحضات حياتي قضيتها في حضن إمرأه غير زوجتي!! إنصدم الحضور من كلامه؟ فأكمل بعدها قائلا : نعم لقد كانت في حضن أمي... فكبّرَ الجميع و بعضهم ذمعت عيناه... فذهب أحد المصلين الى بيته ، فأراد ان. ينسخ ما سمعه في المسجد. فقال لزوجته وهي تحضر له العشاء: إن أجمل لحضات حياتي كانت في حضن إمرأة غير زوجتي !! يقول الدكتور في مستشفى محمد الخامس : أن العملية ناجحة و إ ستغرقت 10 ساعات لفصل الصحن عن الجمجمة مع الحروق من الدرجة الثالث واعرة بزاف Verbe "Dire" au présent احد الاستاذ قال لواحد التلميذ: صرف Verbe "Dire" au présent de l'indicatif الولد ماعرفش الجواب وبقى ساكت قال ليه الاستاذ: أنا نعاونك في الاولى، و انت كمل Je dis الدري تفتحو عينيه من الفرحة و بدا (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Vendredi Samedi Dimanche laf9ih ou la3das gallak hada wa7ad laf9ih dial wahad dowwar nasha 9tlouh bla3das laftor bla3das laghda bla3das o wahad nhar galhom rah la3das 7armo llah ohoma mata9ohch o jarraw 3lih jabo wa7d a5or ogalolo rah gallina laf9ih lli kan 9ablak la3ds haram ogalhom lae rah kdab 3likom hh sbar chi aiiam wb9aw kai3tiwlo fla3das ohwa igollihom sabro rah 3ad ki wsalt dik nssora lli fiha la3dass 7ram taklakhe hado wahad joj mkalkhin kaynin falhabse wahde nhar taf9o bache idarbo l3asas wiharbo mani kharjo mal9awe l3asas ogalso itsanawh
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2zHiAWx via IFTTT
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illusionsofdreaming · 2 years
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I’ve always wanted to do this for the new years but I’ve never had time to do it on time. Thankfully this day is also a perfect day to really reflect and say my thanks because the blog has been through many changes after a year and it’s really group effort at this point.
Because miscellaneous stats make me happy this is all TCF focused and excludes stats from other fandoms. I mean. I’m also lazy and can’t be bothered to math too much. Anyways let’s take a rewind and see what shit I’ve been up to-
October 4, 2020 was the first time I contemplated writing for TCF. I’ve just been exposed to TCF and craving for reader content, alas, there weren’t many. See I could write a bit but since there weren’t many reader fics back then, I wanted to check if anyone’s as desperate for reader content like me...
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But it wasn’t until January 28, 2021 did I finally dip my toes into TCF writing with my very first offering to the community “TCF Relationship Headcanons”. Not long after, my first TCF x Reader imagine “Lay Down your Ghosts” was posted and the rest was history after that!
As of to date, I’ve written 59 TCF pieces, 39 of which were headcanons posts and 20 were imagines posts (not counting pieces written for may’s challenge).
Most popular Headcanon: Weak but always getting into trouble reader
Most popular Imagine: Imagining you in a Wedding Dress
The character most often requested and written for is unsurprisingly, Cale leading with 80% frequency, Alberu at second place with 47% and Choi Han at third with 44%. 
Characters I’d like to write more for in the future would include: Rosalyn, Toonka and Beacrox
Currently, I have 54 requests left in my inbox and... 32 WIPs in my drafts.
Fun fact: there are 2 short imagines that I’ve written but have not included in the masterlist or imagines tag, yet people still keep finding them somehow. So they’ve turned into something like the blog’s easter eggs. If you know which posts I’m referring to, then you know ☆⌒(≧▽° ) 
It’s been a year and a bit more since my first contribution to TCF fandom and I’ve met many good friends and nonnies alike who’ve supported me. I can’t stress how much it means for me to have people sticking around to read and join in my shenanigans. I’m not a frequent poster and I’m always grateful everyone’s been so accepting of my procrastination, my English messups and my general outdatedness. For everyone who’s been there from the start, many who’ve met in the middle and people who’ve just recently joined me on this journey, for whatever reason you’ve decided to stick along, from the bottom of my heart,
Thank you❤️.
Many thanks to the support from:
just-a-sleepy-person, owhda, mikachu, @angelus1590, @asteriaevelyn, @bonnienoir, @awanauria, @seikouryuu, @midlightart, @fluffabutt, @raritygold, @calesleftboob, @calehenituse-brainrot, @theseagullsscreamat6am,  @cecilisthebest, @rosae-lia, @strawberrymilkyum, @mortiferumsomnum, @tocalehenitusethatmf, @murasaki-cha, @sandwitchofsands, @madebytinypals, @nindeer24,  @luthefriendlywitch, @mintyice777, @taliahallow, @halluvic, @tokinosoda, @astridevelynn, @slackerlife0811, @marxjio, @hakuroren, @herthoughtswandered, @ainakamura73, @miallurk, @messedupmoon, @i-am-a-simp632, @peculiarphantomphoenix​, @weirdsht​, @raon4life, @vara02, @wearetherealarm, @rinxxciel​, @aigoocale-nim​ + all the lovely nonnies, all the lurkers and many, many more that I’ve missed because I’m terrible at keeping track and I really should keep a list...
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
here i am to once again appreciate your writing. cuz i always get so happy when i see new posts from you! thanks. really. they just make my day ;; so I finally got some courage to ask for some fluff hcs: what kind of parents Eruhaben, Rosalyn, and Bud would've been? no need for s/o. just old dragon/tour master/mercenary king as a parent. i hope it will be fun to write! (btw child can be adopted - it's up to you)
Notes: <3 Thank you darling, I'm always so happy to see you returning for more ;u; I hope you'll like the following headcanons!
Ft: Eruhaben, Rosalyn, Bud, Toonka
If he was younger, he’d be the proud and bragging dad who’d let his child ride on his shoulder and show them the world
“See child, all this belongs to us. We could easily destroy the world with a snap of a finger-“ “Eruhaben.” “Ahem, of course we would not do that because we are merciful.”
It doesn’t matter if they’re a dragon or not, he’ll be so excited to teach them dragon magic - they might turn into one of the most OP non-dragon
Dragons are prideful creatures so rebellious teenage phases will be especially rough on the whole family
Clashes can get so bad the child might move out for a while
Depending on how bad the argument was, it might take several years before they reconcile but it’ll be done
because in the end, Eruhaben is a softie and he loves his child a lot even if they’re still a little shitty, ungrateful brat
current Eruhaben has mellowed out and is too tired for the rambunctiousness of young ones
he’ll be the perfect grandpa who’s job is to dote and spoil the children
and once he’s had enough, he’ll chuck them off to the parents, skedaddle scot-free to enjoy his retirement life
he loves sharing stories of his experiences and especially so when he sees how impressed the children are
may get a bit theatrical during story time but it’s all fun and games
think: CEO working mother
Rosalyn is the epitome of someone who manages both work and family life perfectly
she has her strict standards to follow as Tower Master but once she returns home she’s the most gentle, loving mother to her children
loves hugging her children and receiving hugs from them makes her heart squeeze with love
magic is her life’s passion so of course there’ll be plenty of magic sessions
she coddles her kids but she’ll also be stern when necessary
she’ll sit her kids down and give them a lecture, explaining why that was wrong and how they should’ve handled it better
the kids might grow up living the cushy life but Rosalyn will make sure they won’t let it get to their heads
just because of they have royal blood running through their veins doesn’t mean they should take things for granted
equal treatment with all kids - no favorites
He’s proud to name a heir to the mercenary business and he’d be so excited to show them the workings of the guild
But if they’re not interested in the Mercenary Empire t-that’s alright, h-he’ll survive the blow
He’ll have to sulk a bit, since the Mercenaries Guild and being the Mercenary King is his pride and joy
But in the end he’ll be supportive of his child’s ambitions no matter where it leads them
His job leads to all kinds of places and his kid will grow up travelling around the country with him
A super resourceful dad
Impressing his child will stroke his ego x50000, will grab every chance there is to show-off his strengths and talents to his kid
Unfortunately for Glenn because there are more people who’ll bully him
+ Bonus that no one asked for:
Chaotic dad who can’t be left unsupervised with young children because they’ll be getting in all sorts of dangerous mischiefs
all for that hands-off and YOLO lifestyle
the stunts he pulls with the kids gives everyone heart attacks
you know those “Do/Do Not with Baby” memes? He’s the bad examples.
He likes showing off his child to anyone who cares to listen
Think: Lion King opening scene of Rafiki and baby Simba “showing off”
Yet despite his chaotic parenting, the children are never hurt
“Your child punched Bob in class today for taking their eraser.” “Hahaha! Tell me they knocked the sucker out!” proceeds to teach his child how to properly fist fight others
his s/o will need to help balance out all the chaos, else the kids will grow up and turn into human disasters
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
if you were a character, esp. from tcf
(lets just imagine okie)
you would've been someone with SANITY and GOOD BIG HEART
it's really hard to tell which character exactly you are since there isn't many... you know... of those who still have their sanity kept...
but I'll still give it a try
and.. i think you give me strong older brother/sister vibes so..
rosalyn/choi jung soo
other than that..
zhongli/ jean(genshin) / xie lan(tgcf) / arthur(fgo) /
yoo sangah(orv) / kaworu (evangelion) and—
should i keep going?
bold of you to think I was sane to begin with KEKEKE
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aww thank you... actually, the older sibling vibe might be because in reality I am the middle child so I am both the older and younger sibling in the family.
aaaa Rosalyn senpai again I see ;'> it's ironic because Rosalyn is perhaps one of the characters I'm least familiar with. Perhaps I should spend some time exploring her character now then.
All those other characters definitely give an older sibling vibe and it makes me very fuzzy to know I seem to present such a presence? or am I just old? 
thank you for sharing your opinion ;’3 ‘twas an eye opening experience
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
Yeah yeah u give off big brother/sister vibes
That's probably why you reminded me of Rosalyn
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So should I have everyone address me as hyung/oppa/noona/unnie now?
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
thanks to @mikazukitamaki for tagging me and here’s my results:
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I realise why everything sounds a bit familiar until I realise the results are based off on MBTI personalities haha I didn’t get the MBTI personality I actually am, so I’m not surprised the predictions’ only about half half.
@oliviasslut @owhda @just-a-sleepy-person @awanauria @astridevelynn @bluish-dawn @notreallyadecentperson @asteriaevelyn​ ... and anyone else who wants to try this!
link below:
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