mrabcl · 1 month
I Used to Be a Tired Old Git - Now I'm Conquering Mountains (Thanks Emperor's Vigor Tonic!)
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Feeling Your Age? Don't Settle for It!
I'll admit it - I was starting to feel my age. Getting out of bed each morning felt like a monumental effort, and by lunchtime, my energy levels would be flagging. Don't even get me started on those weekend DIY projects - they seemed to take forever, and I'd be knackered after just a few minutes. I felt like a grumpy old git, constantly moaning about being tired.
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed (Especially When They Recommend Emperor's Vigor Tonic)
One day, while reminiscing about our youth with a mate from the pub, I mentioned how exhausted I felt all the time. He chuckled and said, "Don't be daft, John! You just need a bit of Emperor's Vigor Tonic in your life." Now, I'll be honest - I wasn't overly convinced at first. These so-called revitalising tonics always seemed like a load of old cobblers. But seeing my mate's twinkle in his eye and his youthful zest for life (despite being a couple of years older than me!), I figured it couldn't hurt.
Taking the Plunge (and Experiencing a Surge!)
I ordered a bottle of Emperor's Vigor Tonic online that very evening. It arrived a couple of days later, and I started taking it religiously as directed. Let me tell you, folks, within a week, I noticed a difference. That dreaded morning lethargy started to fade, replaced by a surprising spring in my step. I wasn't just getting through the day - I was actually looking forward to it!
Weekend Warrior Status Regained!
Those DIY projects that once seemed daunting? No problem anymore. I tackled them with newfound vigour, finishing them in half the time it used to take. My wife was gobsmacked! She kept asking what had gotten into me, and I couldn't help but grin and say, "It's the Emperor's Vigor Tonic, love! The secret to my newfound youthfulness!"
More Than Just Physical Energy - A Renewed Zest for Life!
But it wasn't just about physical energy, though that was certainly a welcome change. I felt a general improvement in my mood and well-being. I started making plans again, things I'd put on hold because I thought I was too old or tired. Weekend walks became hikes, pub nights turned into dancing the night away (well, maybe not all night!), and I even booked a trip to go trekking in Nepal! My wife is still trying to wrap her head around the new and improved me, but she loves it.
Don't Let Age Hold You Back - Take Back Your Life with Emperor's Vigor Tonic!
Look, I'm not saying Emperor's Vigor Tonic is a miracle cure. But for me, it's been a game-changer. It's given me back my energy, my zest for life, and my sense of adventure. If you're feeling a bit worn down by age, like I was, I urge you to give it a try. You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve!
So there you have it, folks. If you're looking to recapture your youthful vigour and get back to living life to the fullest, then Emperor's Vigor Tonic is definitely worth a try. It's done wonders for me, and I have a feeling it could do the same for you!
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kathiowen · 10 months
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Take charge of your life with Kathie Owen’s Fitness for over 50. It is about embracing an active lifestyle to enhance physical health, vitality, and overall well-being. Tailored exercises, balanced nutrition, and proper self-care are essential to maintaining strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. It's never too late to start, so let's embark on a fitness journey that celebrates longevity and empowers you to live life to the fullest!
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stay-healthy-org · 1 year
5 Fitness Habits To Avoid After 50
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5 Fitness Habits To Avoid After 50 - The older we get the more we realize that exercise is essential for maintaining good health as we age. However, not all exercise routines are equally beneficial. Especially as we get older. Some types of exercise are more effective than others when it comes to maximizing our health-span, longevity, and independence. So, today, we'll explore five of the worst exercise habits that can potentially harm your body after 50, and we'll discuss how to avoid them.
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Research shows that proper exercise programs, particularly resistance training, can help reduce or even reverse some common effects of aging, such as loss of muscle mass, bone density, balance, and mobility. Therefore, it's crucial to pay attention to your exercise habits to delay or prevent these issues throughout your lifespan. However, even if you can't follow these recommendations for any reason, you should still try to exercise in some form.
Avoiding the weight room
One common mistake that many people make is avoiding the weight room. Lifting weights is a crucial part of any fitness program designed to slow or reverse the aging process. It's essential to lift weights that are challenging for a low number of repetitions, and they should feel heavy relative to your current strength. We recommend that people over 50 perform sets of six to 12 repetitions using a weight that leaves one to repetitions "in the tank" after the first set.
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Avoiding the weights is a big mistake after 50
5 Fitness Habits To Avoid After 50
Skipping mobility work
Another mistake that people make is skipping mobility work. Mobility is a vital component of reducing injury and ensuring that your joints maintain a normal, functional range of motion. Mobility exercises can include activities like yoga, massage, foam rolling, stretching, and any other activities that incorporate some form of stretching or elongation of the muscles. Active forms of stretching, such as yoga, are usually better than passive stretching, but both have benefits. We recommend incorporating 30 to 60 minutes of mobility activities three times per week in conjunction with your weight training for maximum benefits.
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Never skip mobility exercises
Focusing too much on isolation exercises
Focusing too much on isolation movements is another mistake that many people make. Many clients focus on isolation exercises like biceps curls, triceps extensions, and leg extensions, which have a place in training, but the focus should be on compound movements that load multiple muscles and joints. Weighted movements like squats or deadlift variations that load the spine vertically provide the most benefit in terms of bones, muscle, and performance improvements.
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Compound movements are more important than isolating muscles
Only walking on stable surfaces
Only walking on stable surfaces is another common mistake that can harm your body after 50. While walking is an excellent addition to weight and mobility training, if you only walk on paved surfaces, you're missing out on some significant benefits. Walking on uneven surfaces such as sand, trails, rocky terrain, and other unpaved surfaces helps improve your balance and ankle strength while reducing the impact on your joints.
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Hike over uneven surfaces, mountain trails
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Skipping exercise altogether
Finally, the absolute worst thing you can do is skip exercise altogether. Even if you can't follow the above recommendations, doing anything is better than doing nothing. Short walks, cardio machines, taking the stairs, and other activities are still worth shooting for, even if weight training, yoga, and other methods are off the table. Take a walk and do some stretches at the very minimum. Your body will thank you now and later.
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Movement, not lack of it, is key Remember, exercise is crucial for maintaining good health as we age, and it's essential to pay attention to our exercise habits to delay or prevent common effects of aging. Avoiding the weight room, skipping mobility work, focusing too much on isolation movements, only walking on stable surfaces, and skipping exercise altogether are some of the worst exercise habits that can harm your body after 50. By following the above recommendations, you can maximize your health-span, longevity, and independence, and enjoy the multitude of benefits that exercise has to offer when properly programmed. Read the full article
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kukkakarlireviews · 1 year
Project 2023: To Get Fit : January Diary
Photo by Athena on Pexels.com Not me So I finally put a battery in the bathroom scales and weighed myself after a long time. It was not too bad, but it could be better. It seems at my age (53), you have to switch things up a bit to achieve to your weight goals, all all sorts of strange new body problem areas start to develop if you are not careful. The things you did when you were a little…
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hscottfitch · 1 year
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NOT SURE what limitations are... Ever said "I could never do that" ? I used to say it more often, but lately I've been saying "I've never done that...YET" Fitness is a weird kind of freedom... It frees you from the discipline and regime of staying unhealthy...eating bad quick food, being tired, having little energy or zest for life to... The discipline and regime of what YOU choose...so you will be Alert, light, lean, strong , energetic and full of life! Once you conquor your fitness goals, the same habits you develop will help you in every area of your life. Encouraging you to get started TODAY or if you have started KEEP GOING If you are a MAN OVER 50 with 50 or more Lbs to lose...that's my specialty and I can help you personally...just DM me "INFO" Happy #flexfriday Scott #mickeymouse #motivation #over50 #over50fitness https://www.instagram.com/p/CnoxOngu-89/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aspieandme · 1 year
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Today was one of those days my day didn’t go to plan as far as the gym was concerned. I had planned to do a good hour. I barely lasted 30 minutes With my handstand training, it’s not as easy as it might be for you, because with my disability, my arms, my arms don’t bend at the elbow as they would do for a normal person. Also what you might not notice is me raising my butt as my hands are on the ground. Just trying to improvise on different movements. The movements on the aerial naira might look quite easy. Believe you me they are very much a cardio exercise I will have a worn out in no time at all as they teach me. Nicely, I did a short walk out on the @thecoremaster Master, just like @danvarga @thecoremaster had told me. Then it was a case of getting outside into the trees. Now I wouldn’t be able to climb. As it was too dangerous with the ground to waterlogged. Trying to find the ideal treat you do this inverted satchel exercises is by no means an easy feat as losing grip it’s much easier and one 💭 Lastly, I ended my workout by doing a couple of sprints back to my car. #handstandtraining #aeriallyrahoop #aerialhooptraining #invertedfitness #alwayschallengeyourself #nevermakeexcuses #invertedexercises #treeexercises #tarzan_movement #animalmovement #keepmoving #over50fitness #over60fitness #armfitness #sealfitness #thecoremaster (at Enfield, Enfield, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7QwnIjrDx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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midlifemagick · 2 years
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freelancershahin · 8 hours
Winning Workouts Simple Aerobic Exercise with a Stability Ball Ron Hen...
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placidaacheru · 1 year
You can't beat the #confidence of this #gocycle #cyclist. #shortsvideo #over50fitness by Rebranding Me
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muscletrainermike · 3 years
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I turned 55 yesterday.
The best compliment recently was from my 23 year old bikini competitor who thought I was 41. I think to look young you have to think and feel young. I feel many get too caught up in what a 40 or 50 or even 60 year old has to be or according to society should be. Far too many have given up on themselves and I believe that the people who have discovered the #fitnesslifestyle have a responsibility to pay it forward and encourage others to discover what we have.
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themeissenman · 3 years
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This is a Laurel I sprinted up together with one of my training trees 🌳 where immense forearm strength is required. I’m beginning to wonder if I climb up a tree faster than a monkey. Some of u may think seriously crazy & fit. The point I want 2 make if you want success in anything you need to apply 100% commitment. Now that there is a bit of a dry spell I begun training for my hundred tree climb ultramarathon I plan to do in October supporting Greenpeace. With this video getting me sponsorship. trees are vital to our mental physical and spiritual health. without trees humans won’t survive. you don’t have to be as extreme but you can use trees to stimulate your fitness by simply getting out to the woods or forest near you and breathing fantastic healthy air even if the air is bad around the woods in the forest. Trees will absorb the bad air and give you back what’s your lungs cherish. I have only been working at climbing trees since the spring of 2019. In the process I’ve built up superior grip. What this means at any age you have the ability to restart your fitness journey. . After my third sprint up the tree my mind was trying to tell me I do not have enough energy to complete but I said to my mind you have at least 40% more. I could’ve gone beyond the sevens climbs but safety is my prime concern. If you choose to climb trees as I do safety has to be no 1 precaution and be careful it takes a lot of dedication to build up the type of fitness that enables me to climb trees in the manner I do #bekindtoyourself #sprintingupatree #speedclimbingtree #fitnessjourney #fitman #over60andfit #monkeyman aa#speedclimbingupatree #rocketman #aborialskills #treeclimbingskills #treeclimber #mentalhealththerapy #freeclimber #freeestyleclimbing #missionimpossible #mensfitness #menshealth #sastraining #over50fitness #pullups #forearmstrength #legstrength #handgripstrengthtraining #parkourgenerations #parkour #movementanimal #mentalhealthfix #treesoflondon #ourparks https://www.instagram.com/p/CTCRGaEjoEm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cynthialachina · 3 years
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Monday Workout: Shoulder & Arms. 30-day fitness challenge paired with meal plan and clean eating by Coach Madalene Aponte. @cynthialachina @madaleneaponte #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitover50 #over50andfabulous #50 #over50women #over50fitness https://www.instagram.com/p/CL442_Xp4C1/?igshid=oxq0rd7mbvv5
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diegogallardoch · 5 years
EL SECRETO PARA UNA RELACIÓN DE PAREJA DURADERA, en 11 segundos, aunque el tardó más de 22 años en aprenderla 💪 ➡ DiegoGallardo.com 💪 ➡ www.DiegoGallardo.coach💪 #Nutrilite #Fitspo #FitFam #GymLife #instaBodybuilding #NoPainNoGain #FitLife #GetStrong #Workout #CampusDeJerez #TrainHard #Physiquefreak #Fitness #Bodybuilding #Yoga #CrossFit #MatureFit #MatureFitness #Over40fitness #Over50fitness #Instarunners #Gym #XsCoach #NutriliteCoach #diegogallardo #InstaFitness https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Jg68uoau6/?igshid=1sxc0c8hkyyaj
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vickitlee-blog1 · 5 years
PERFECTLY POSITIVE? IS anyone? An IGrammer said she took down a post where someone said she was being negative. I don't know the details and introvert that I am, I refuse to waste all my energy trying to prove that no one is positive all the time. (Negative? Ok.) But I commend everyone, myself included, who aspires to be positive, even while moaning about their circumstances, or wishing the earth would swallow the person who did them wrong. We're humans. Not robots. MEANWHILE, I held that plank for 60 seconds! YESSSSS! I wasn't sure I could do it! 😜😜😜 * * * * * #positivethinking #positivevibes #motivation #negativethinking #negativity #inspiration #over50fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #myfitnessjourney #progress #50plusandhealthy #begentlewithyourself #bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #fitnessgoals https://www.instagram.com/p/B19b0FVnv6V/?igshid=1x39kfiqdll5l
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hscottfitch · 2 years
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👶Like my baby weights? 👨‍🦳Lookit...Imma Grandpa over 50. 🪶Yep I lift a litle light...but i squeeze those muscles HARD and Focus on Form and Guess What? THEY GROW! 🤢Sick for 3 days felt so good to be back at @athletickulture Why am I so serious? maybe I should smile more when I lift! ❓Over 50 Want a SIMPLE way to BLAST BELLY FAT and keep if off for LIFE? (I'm 70 pounds down atm) ❌Don't wait til January to NOT do it again. Get YOURSELF a Christmas present and START now! ✅You can dm me "Start" or even CALL ME LOL Live Long, Lean and Strong Scott ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #outerthighs #over50fitness #over50health #over50style #over50women #overheadpress #personaltrainer #pilatesmat #pilatesworkout #plantbased #powerlifting #resistanceband #resistancebands #resistancebandsworkout #resistancetraining #run #running #silversisters #squat #squats (at Barrie, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpPyQbuX8i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aspieandme · 1 year
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Just by chance I found a Calisthenics gym a stone throw away from me. Although small it has most of the bars I could want as well as accessories like the heavy Iron chains you see me donning. I’ve probably well over estimated the weight of the chains. Video 1: I’m testing my strength after my bout with Covid and felt it wasn’t quite as strong as I wanted. My pre-meal was also nine hours before and my only bag of nourishment I brought along was unhealthy liquorice Assorts. From today onwards zero tolerance to anything unhealthy while at home. Video 2: wearing chain weights I tire quickly. Video3 : added weight makes my 8 leg raises reps quite sluggish. Video 4: I’m impressed I manage hanging with extra weight for a minute Video5: my arms are stretched to their limit barely able to grasp the horizontal bars that are outside of the vertical bars. Video 6: Look closely at my hand grips; this is my first ever attempt at gripping gym rings and hanging in a LSit holding only by my middle finger of each hand Video 7 can I hang from my bad shoulder holding on by middle fingers on weaker left hand #weightedexercises #weightedbodyweight #weightedhangs #chainweights #bodyweightexercises #singlefingerhang #over60fitness #over50fit#over40fit (at Enfield, Enfield, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClzHAR8jGF1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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