#outter banks jj
pinkydevil16 · 1 year
JJ Maybank x reader 18+
"This isn't healthy." Y/n said as JJ handed her another whiskey, a smirk on her face as she downed it, JJ copying her as he pulled a face and poured them both a drink.
"We're pogues, we survive everything." Y/n laughed looking around at the party, everyone dancing and drunk whilst the pair sat off on a sun bed watching. 
"Do you wanna go for a swim?" JJ nodded helping Y/n up, the pair both more drunk than they thought as their heads swam, stripping off as they ran down to the water laughing, JJ pulling Y/n in with him. The two laughing as they splashed at each other, the party background noise as they jumped into the waves and play fought, JJ picking Y/n up before dropping them both into the water, resurfacing as he held her close and pushed her hair out her face. Admiring her laugh, her smile, everything he could as he stopped laughing as just stared at her making Y/n stop as the pair stared. 
"We should..." Y/n began, JJ nodding as he moved closer to her.
"Yeah?" JJ waited for her to speak, Y/n instead pulling him down and kissing him, moaning into his mouth as he picked her up, pressing her against him as he grabbed at the flesh of her butt.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" JJ panicked almost dropping Y/n as she jumped, letting go of him as the two fell into the sea, resurfacing as they saw John B, her brother storming towards JJ as he tried to get out the water and away from his best friend.
"Shit, JB it's not, fuck." JJ fell over as John B grabbed his leg, Y/n now fighting to get to them as Pope, Ki and Sarah watched, Y/n pushing over her brother as JJ hid his head.
"Jesus christ it was just a kiss! It's not like i sucked his dick fucking hell." Y/n shouted, pushing her brother over as he stood back up, his body shaking as he looked down at JJ and back up to Y/n as he pushed his hair back.
"Don't say that kinda shit! That's my best friend, you're my sister he knows you're off limits." Y/n's eyes widened before turning into slits as she pushed him again, John b pushing her back as they fought like children.
"I'm not your damn property, i can do whoever and whatever i want! You're macking a damn kook and you have a problem with me kissing him? He's the only one i trust on this damn island that isn't related to me." Pope tried not to be offended as Y/n quickly turned to him apologising as John B tackled her, the pair continuing their childish fight as everyone watched before JJ piped up trying to be helpful.
"Yeah and it's not my fault she's hot, i mean look at her dude you've been telling me off since we were 13- argh." John B tackled JJ, Y/n rolling in the sand as she squeezed her hand where her brother had given her a chinese burn, cursing about it not being fair as JJ and John B rolled around wrestling.
"We made a pact, no family macking! You told me you were over her!" Y/n just stood off to the side with a sigh as she watched, arms crossed and annoyed before she finally had enough.
"You also said kooks were off limits and you changed that rule. It was just a kiss, i didn't propose god damn it. Ow that's my eye." Y/n and Ki walked over, Y/n grabbing her brother's ear and Ki grabbed JJ's pulling them apart and pushing them to sit down.
"You can't put me as off limit, i'm my own person and if i wanna go out and kiss a kook, a touran or JJ i will!" JJ looked offended until he was mentioned, smirking at John B until Ki smacked his head, Y/n sighing as she dropped onto the sand and stared at the stars. 
"Don't touch her JJ, i'm being serious." Y/n sitting up and smacking her brother on the head as she glared at him.
"If you don't shut the fuck up i'm gonna go do something you're gonna get actually mad at. John!" Y/n knew she was pushing him but JJ and her had been dancing around each other since they were kids and one harmless kiss wouldn't affect the group unless her brother was acting like a spoilt brat. 
"Yeah what are ya gonna do? Fuck JJ?" Y/n went red, she'd only had sex a handful of times compared to what most of the island did, mainly because she liked JJ so much she didn't find anyone else as fun so dates didn't go much further than a second one since they weren't funny. 
"Maybe i will!" Y/n shouted, slamming her hand into the sand as she spoke, storming over and grabbing JJ's hand who was too shocked to say anything as she pulled him up and ran towards the twinkie, the keys in the engine as she grabbed them and locked them both inside as John B began banging on the door.
"Don't you fucking dare JJ! Y/n get your ungrateful ass out here right now before i break this door...no Pope i'm not gonna break your damn van." Y/n pushed JJ to sit down as he tried whispering at her but she only put her hand over his mouth and grinned.
"Oh fuck, shit, fuck JJ...right there...just like that, oh fuck. JJ your TONGUE!" Y/n fake moaned, hearing the banging get louder as her brother shouted threats, the moans so clearly fake but JJ was blushing as Y/n held her hand over his mouth and faked the noises and faces stopping every few seconds to giggle.
"Don't take off the rings. Yes baby, where did you learn that? Give me that dick JJ." JJ started laughing as he held her hand over his mouth, the noises she made no longer even fake just shouting and loud panting as she grinned at him. John B soon giving up as he shouted.
"You're so gross! Stop making those god damn noises!" Y/n in turn making a loud moaning noise and shouting JJ's name as he moved and started rocking the van joining in.
"Damn Y/n you're soooo flexible! Oh fuck yeah! How did you get your leg up there!" Y/n holding a hand over her mouth as she quickly made more fake moans as the pair shook the van. 
"JJ, wait, right there oh oh JJ!." JJ's eyes widened slightly at the last moan, the fake orgasm sounding a little too convincing compared to the others that had sounded so fake it was funny, that one, that one made him gulp and shake his head before moaning himself.
"Inside? You're sure? Damn gonna have some little JJ's running around." Y/n burst out laughing just as the door slammed open, the two of them stood with their arms on either side of the van red faced from laughing as John B and Pope stood in the doorway red faced from anger.
"Oh fuck." JJ laughed as he pushed past them, Y/n's arm in his hand as he pulled her out the van and began running away whilst they both laughed. Sarah grabbed John B as she laughed shaking her head at him, the four getting in the van as John B refused to sit in the back even though they hadn't done anything he didn't want to touch it. 
JJ and Y/n didn't get back to the chateau until hours later, sneaking in through JJ's window just incase someone stuck around waiting for them, the pair tumbling in before laughing as they each put their hands over their mouth to keep quiet making them both laugh louder in their hands. 
"Shuush." JJ moved to place his hand over her mouth leaning over her as he did, grabbing his weed box before leaning back and removing his hand. Noticing Y/n had gone quiet as she looked at him, her cheeks red and eyes blown before blinked and returned to normal sitting up, JJ pretending he hadn't seen it even though it was engrained in his memory. 
Ki sat with Y/n as they talked about her plan for helping the environment, JJ and John B sat near them on the sofa as JJ smoked passing it to everyone, Pope doing some maths in the corner.
"We need to save the turtles, we have a beautiful island and everyone wants to destroy it." Ki said as she took a hit of the joint before passing it to Y/n.
"Burn your bras." JJ said with a laugh as John B and Pope laughed agreeing, Ki's eyes lighting up as she turned to Y/n, Sarah having not arrived yet couldn't be looped in.
"Lets do it!" Y/n looked at her with wide eyes before turning to JJ and sticking up her middle finger.
"Babes, i love you, you're great but we don't really wear bras anyway and the ones i have i'm not burning until someone has ripped them off me. Lets burn the boys underwear or something." JJ's eyes lit up only to be jabbed by John B who glared at him, JJ pretending like he was nodding along to whatever Ki was saying when i reality he wanted to know what bras she did have. 
"Come on, atleast one bra! For me?" Y/n groaned, getting up off the floor and walking into her room, coming back a few minutes later with a red bra, chucking it at Ki before flopping next to her. 
"How is burning that good for the environment? Also this just feels like i'm wasting a cute bra...on second thoughts give me it back i have a date tomorrow!" Y/n went to grab her bra, Ki throwing it to Pope who panicked and threw it to John B who cringed and chucked it to JJ. JJ smirked as he ran the lacy material between his fingers, looking up at Y/n as she held out her hand.
"This doesn't seem like the right size." JJ said in a teasing voice, pulling it out of her reach as Y/n went to grab her bra back.
"That's the whole point! Pushes the girls up now give it back." JJ's eyes dropped to her chest, the blue bikini underneath her white top also made her tits looks great in his eyes but he now wanted to see what they looked like squeezed by the bra. His focus gone Y/n grabbed the bra and cheered as she held it against her chest pretending to push her boobs up as she winked at JJ. 
"Y/n!" John B shouted as he pushed JJ back making him fall off the sofa, Y/n rushing to look over, her bra falling next to JJ as he grabbed it with a grin shoving it in his shorts before running off. Y/n huffing as she glared at his figure, getting ready to chase after his when John B grabbed her and pushed her onto the sofa, throwing his legs over her and lounging.
"Stop flirting with hiiim!" John B sung as he looked at his sister, giving her a serious look as he took a gulp of his beer, JJ coming in a few minutes later shirtless with Y/n's bra on. Y/n's jaw dropping as she shoved John's legs off her and got up, JJ fighting her off before throwing her over his shoulder with a laugh. John B glaring at JJ as he held onto Y/n's upper thighs, her bikini barely covering her as Y/n laughed and pinged the bra on his back making him yelp out. 
"Hey! Don't touch my bra." Y/n gasped and hit his back as everyone watched JJ's hands, Pope and John B sharing a look at how JJ's hands gripped onto Y/n's inner thighs, Ki laughing at the boys. JJ spinning Y/n round before dramatically dropping her onto the sofa where he then flopped next to her as they kept laughing. Sarah walking through the door a few minutes later and raising an eyebrow at the pair on the sofa before John B was up and kissing her as she waved at everyone and followed him to his bedroom. Ki and Y/n going out the back to talk about Ki's project as Pope moved to sit next to JJ.
"You're going to make him have a heart attack. You two are becoming more and more like a couple everyday." Pope said as he looked at JJ, the blonde pushing back his hair with a grin as he looked towards the door where Y/n had left.
"Yeah well, i've liked her since we were 13 and then we kissed and since then she's been like a drug to me. I just can't get her out my head man." Pope nodded thinking about Ki, looking where JJ watched the girls put the back door, both smiling to themselves before looking towards each other.
"He'll kill you though, like seriously i thought he was going to drown you in the sea when he caught you kissing her." JJ laughed as he pushed back his hair, his hand coming to the bra as he pulled it off, the band stretched and almost broken from where he'd forced it on but he didn't care. As long as someone couldn't see her in it he didn't care.
"Yeah...yeah i know." JJ said as he chucked the bra onto the table, trying not to think about her being a on date tomorrow, he didn't know why she'd said yes but he was determined to ruin it. JJ and Pope soon got up moving to the back where Y/n and Ki sat, Y/n now watching one of her bras burn with a pout as Ki chucked her current bra on the burning pile. 
"Did we miss sexy bra time?" JJ said as he sat next to Y/n who continued to pout at the fire, glaring at JJ before looking back at the fire.
"I've now lost two of my bras today because of you Mr Maybank, just you wait until i burn all your underwear." JJ laughed looking at the burning bra, Ki and Pope talking quietly the other side. 
"You can have them, i prefer commando anyway, lets the breeze in." Y/n scrunched up her face and pushed JJ.
"You're gross." JJ grinning as he leaned as close as possible, their noses touching, watching Y/n blush and her eyes go wide before dropping his gaze to her lips. 
"You love it." JJ whispered, flicking his eyes back to hers before dropping them to her lips once more, licking his as he moved to kiss her. His hand coming up to hold her cheek as hers rest on his thighs, almost about to touch her lips when Pope threw an empty can at JJ.
"Dude! Do you have a death wish?" JJ stared at Y/n for a moment before giving her a grin and turning to Pope, winking quickly and kissing Y/n. Almost knocking her back at the intensity as she tried to hold onto his arms, his whole body pressing against her before he pulled away and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. 
"Kinda." JJ replied to Pope as he turned back to Y/n as she stared at him, her lips pink to match her cheeks, his hand rubbing along her cheek as he admired her. 
"Now you're all in on the dirty secret so if you tell JB then he'll be mad you didn't tell him before or stop me." JJ gave them a cheeky grin as he turned to Y/n and pulled her into another kiss, Ki and Pope looking at each other.
"Did he seriously just make us accomplices in him macking Y/n?" Ki said as Pop sighed and dropped back onto the ground shaking his head, Ki joining him with a grimace seeing JJ pull Y/n into his lap. Pope announcing he was taking Ki home, which JJ gave them a quick thumbs up as he pulled Y/n back to him when she tried to get up and say goodbye, her laughter echoing as he ran his hands through her hair and held onto her head. Looking into her eyes with a grin, her lips red from his kisses and he wanted so badly to mark up her neck for everyone to see.
"Don't go on that date tomorrow." JJ whispered, one of his hands moving to her waist so he could drag her closer, grinding her lightly against him as she bit her lip.
"Is someone jealous?" Y/n teased, running her hands along his arms until they looped around his neck, tilting her head with a mischievous grin. JJ grinning as he moved and placed a kiss on her neck, lightly biting leaving a small red mark which would clear by the morning.
"Maybe, you could always go on a date with me instead, show off those bras." Y/n giggled, her head tilting to the side as JJ rocked her against him, kissing along her neck until he lightly bit down making her moan, nails digging into his arms.
"JJ, he'll see them and then you'll get beat up." JJ shook his head against her neck, kissing back up to her lips as he claimed them once more, his grip on her waist and head tightening as he turned them over, laying ontop of her. His hand moving from her waist to her upper thigh, pulling her legs upwards around his waist, continuing to kiss her neck and chest, dragging off her top so he could gain more access. Y/n whining as he ground into her, her mind focused on him as he supported himself on one arm and began palming at her chest. Her bikini shifting with each grab until he could leave a dark hickey just above her nipple, hidden by the bikini when he pulled it back into place with a smirk, her lip stuck between her teeth as she tried to hide her moans.
"JJ, that's not fair." Y/n tried to sound serious but her words were breathless as he ran his thumb over her nipple, staring at her face as he did.
"You said he'll see, i'm pretty sure i'll be the only one able to see those. Now be a good girl and try to stay quiet for me." Y/n nodding as he kissed down her body, looking up at her every now and then as she had a hand over her mouth to stop the whimpers. His hands ghosting over her bikini bottoms before grasping her thighs, pushing them further apart as his teeth grazed along her hip, pinging the string of her bikini making her gasp and her legs try to close. Pushed back apart with a small tut, a bite to her hip making her moan into her hand, hips bucking against him and back arching as his hands ran up and down her inner thigh slowly getting closer to her bikini. 
"JJ please." Y/n whispered, looking down at him as he placed a kiss to her pussy over the bikini, licking a stripe over the fabric to tease her as she dropped her head, one hand over her mouth and the other finding his hair. JJ untying the sides as he kissed her hips, pulling the bikini away from her body as he sucked a dark hickey where her thigh met her hips which would just be coveted by her bikini. Y/n's nails scraping along his skull as she wiggled her hips, his hand coming to hold her down as he grinned against her thigh, lightly biting as he moved and licked a stripe along her soaked folds making her moan against her hand. Looking up at her as her chest moved up and down with each breath, his tongue finding her clit as he watched her, entranced as he flicked his tongue, her back arching and pushing her hips into his hand. 
"Gonna look so pretty all fucked out from my tongue." JJ spoke before flicking his tongue again, quicker this time as Y/n whined into her hand trying not to moan as he moved his hand along her thigh to run through her folds, his eyes dropped to his fingers mesmerised as he pushed the tip of two of his fingers in and out of her, barely enough for her to feel but enough for her to want more. Y/n trying to grind against his fingers as she tugged on his hair, JJ looking up as she gave him pleading eyes, a grin taking over his face as he moved his hand from her waist to grab at her chest then pushed her back. Sitting up over her body as he pushed his fingers into her, pulling her hand from her mouth as he kissed her swallowing the loud moan she let out as he set the pace pulling back to watch her before dropping back to his knees between her legs. His hand moving as his tongue met her clit, her hand clamping back over her mouth as she let out a sob at the pleasure, his tongue flicking back and forth in time with his fingers as he held her down, her legs trying to close around his head as she felt the pressure build up. Her other hand in his hair tugging him closer as she felt tears in her eyes, his hand holding her down in a bruising hold as she tried to move away. His lips encompassing her clit as he sucked, her head hitting the ground hard as she arched her back and moaned his name, cursing against her hand as she tried to push his head away, legs shaking. 
"You can do it baby, soak my fingers and tongue. Give it to me." JJ said, moaning as he kept going, feeling her clench around his fingers and body squirming against his tongue as he thrust harder into her, curling his fingers as she moaned loudly and gripped his hair. Smirking against her clit as he knew he'd found the perfect spot, continuing as he sucked on her clit until Y/n let out a choked sob and came. Her whole body squirming as she tugged on his hair, her thighs tightening as he pressed into her slowing his fingers but flicking his tongue back and forth until she whimpered.
"Can't, can't, please JJ." JJ finally pulled away, licking his fingers as he looked down at her, kissing her once and dropping back as he licked a stripe along her cum soaked pussy, Y/n whining his name as she tried to push him away too overstimulated to be touched. JJ laughing as he sat up, her arms coming around his neck as she pulled him into a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue making her moan. Y/n reaching for him shorts before his hands grabbed them, JJ shaking his head.
"Not today, i think i'll bust before you even touch me if we do that today. You looked so hot i almost came in my shorts just now." Y/n's eyes widened as she nodded, licking her lips, JJ grinning before kissing her again. Pulling back and grabbing her bikini, helping her into it as he looked over his work, hickeys just hidden but little finger bruises starting to appear on her thighs and hips which he didn't care about. They surfed everyday, bruises wouldn't spark any interest, helping Y/n to stand as she stumbled feeling her cum soak her bikini as she looked at JJ. 
"Good job staying quiet." Y/n gave him a grin, hitting his chest before he helped her inside, wanting to throw her over his shoulder but he didn't think he'd be able to stop himself from pushing her bikini to the side and finger fucking her whilst she held onto his back unable to stop him. The two climbed into her bed, JJ pulling her into his chest and kissing her head, her arms wrapped tightly around him.
"Thank you." Y/n mumbled as she drifted off to sleep, JJ smiling as he closed his eyes.
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ladytargtower · 3 months
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Ummmm JJ looking extra ….cute hot sexy
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ayowhatnah · 1 year
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sitting on jj maybank's lap
fandom- Outter Banks
pairing(s)- jj maybank
a/n: just before we get in, that collage of icons belongs to @forevermoreharrington from this post so check that out :) favourite blondie. warning, i have never written smthn like dis or this fandom so be nice please. and tysm for requesting, p.s requests are open love you, thai :)
requested- yes
warnings- deep loneliness
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JJ Maybank, a.k.a the simp. the literal definition of heart eyes when you walk about, my boy is pudding. ofcourse he wouldn't want anyone else to know that but maybank was a sucker at keeping secrets.
"i'm never nervous." he shamelessly lies, flipping his tiny braids fondly which you ended up doing in his hair with pretty bands and butterfly clps
it wasn't true, everyone knew that but the little bitch was good at hiding it. you and JJ were in John B's tightly packed bedroom as he sought of to go who knows where leaving you two alone past midnight fully alive and maybe slightly high.
you don't know what made you do it. was it coke? the alcohol? maybe the thrill or just the infuriating face of JJ?
you pulled yourself up from the floor placing the stolen cap on the nightstand as you slipped onto JJ's lap and put an arm on his neck. he breath had hitched and probably his heart stopped too.
"omgomgomgomgogmg" were the only thoughts running around his head as a warmth blossomed in him.
He maintained eye contact as rested his head to the wall to look up at you, adjusting his hps here and there
"is that so baby? do you like this position?" your hands were on his jaw tilting it up to meet you eyes and an arm of his coiled around your waist and the left distinctively on your ass as his angelic smile took over his face.
"yes ma'am"
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boyesthetics · 4 years
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 3 years
Not me finally watching Outter Banks and immediately developing a soft spot for JJ and him becoming my favorite
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Outter Banks
otp/5s: jj x kie, v polyam john b x sarah x jj & kie x sarah & jj x kie x pope lowkey otps: john b x sarah, jj x pope ships you wish more people shipped: jj x sarah!! ships you think are cute: john b x sarah, jj x kie, kie x sarah, jj x pope ships you see the appeal of but don’t ship: i don't really like kie x pope ships that are usually brotp but can be otp: john b x jj, jj x pope, kie x sarah ships you don’t care about: kie x pope, john b x kie ships you dislike: john b x kie, i prefer them as bffs!! ships you hate: none crossover ships: jj x carla (elite), sarah x christian (elite) ot3s: jj x kie x pope
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pinkydevil16 · 1 year
JJ Maybank x reader part 3
part 1 part 2
"Why are we here Ki?" Pope whispered, Y/n and JJ holding hands as the three panicked seeing Rafe, Topper and Kelce drinking behind them, Ki giving them confused looks as she sits down.
"To watch a movie, you guys all agreed and John B already ditched so sit your asses down." The boys nodding as Y/n looked behind them, Topper glaring at the pogues before JJ pulled her into his lap, his arms protectively around her as they tried to pay attention. Ki getting up and walking to the drinks area as they all tried to keep her there, Ki giving them an odd look and leaving as JJ and Pope turned around.
"Shit they know." Pope said as Y/n pulled them both back to stare at Ki, Rafe walking up to her whilst JJ and Pope whisper argued.
"They don't know! Remember, deny deny deny." Y/n mumbling it to herself as Ki walked back, handing the three idiots pepsis as she gave them a weird look and sat down, leaning towards them.
"Why did Rafe just tell me they know what you did?" JJ and Pope looking at each other as Y/n lightly gripped JJ's thigh, Pope coming up with a quick lie that Y/n and JJ nodded along to.
The movie was almost half way when Pope turned to JJ, fear in his eyes as he spoke.
"I need to pee." JJ looking behind them to see the kooks were in the way of the bathroom, JJ shaking his head.
"Nope, you can hold it, they're in front of the toilets." Y/n biting her lip, pulling at the skin as she looked at the kooks, Topper downing his drink as he stared at them, turning back around Y/n gulped.
"Do not go pee." Y/n whispered, JJ moving her off his lap as he and Pope made their way to the trees, Y/n hissing their names as they left her and Ki, Y/n snapping her head to where the kooks were now getting up.
"Shit, shit, shit." Y/n repeated, crouching as she saw them getting grabbed, barely seeing them be dragged behind the movie screen as Y/n got up, apologising to the kook families as her and Ki ran over. Y/n not taking a second to think as she jumped onto Rafe's back, Ki yanking Topper off Pope as Y/n hit Rafe's back. JJ now punching Kelce when he saw Rafe throw Y/n off his back, a yelp coming from her as she rolled over trying to catch her breath as she held her side wincing.
"Mother fucker." Y/n groaned, Ki falling next to her as they saw Topper now squeezing Pope's neck and Rafe beating the crap out of JJ, Y/n getting up as Ki got out her lighter setting fire to the movie screen. Y/n jumping back on Rafe's back, wrapping her arms around his neck and dropping her weight back so he fell to the ground, Y/n groaning at his weight on top of her. Her legs around his waist as she began wrestling him, trying to pin him to the ground but Rafe was stronger and quicker, standing up as she barely hung on, his hands pushing her hips until she fell back. All of them staring wide eyed as the fire spread, the kooks running off as JJ ran over to Y/n, pulling her up as he checked her over. Y/n wiping the blood off his lip as Ki checked on Pope, the two girls giving each other a grin before pulling the boys away. 
Ki stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at the three of them as she waited for an explanation, Y/n swinging her hands and looking away as she pointed at the sky.
"Oh hey look, a turtle." Ki not even looking away as Y/n pursed her lips and stared at her hands, picking at her skin as JJ went to talk but Ki held up her hand.
"Don't even try it. Tell me now." JJ doing the same as Y/n as he put his hand to his chin and looked behind her.
"Is that John B?" Ki turning as JJ grabbed Y/n's arm and ran, Pope looking at them with wide eyes.
"Deny deny deny or run!" JJ shouted, Ki grabbing Pope as he went to run, meeting her angry eyes as he gave her a nervous smile. 
The pogues except John B all sat around, talking about what to do since John B was MIA when Shoupe knocked, Heyward walking in confused with the deputy behind him holding a picture. JJ and Pope looking at Y/n worried as Shoupe began talking.
"Pope Heyward, i'm arresting you on destruction of property, you do not have to say anything but whatever you say may harm your defense." Pope could barely hear as he was pulled towards the police car, Ki shouting at Shoupe as JJ tried to defend Pope, Y/n holding onto Heyward as he went to yank his son out the officers hands. 
"I did it!" JJ shouted, everyone stopping as Y/n moved grabbing JJ's arm, JJ shaking her off as he held out his arms.
"I did it, Topper and Rafe beat the crap out of Pope and threatened Y/n so i lost it and sunk his boat. They told me not to, they tried to get the plug off me and i threw it into the ocean and made them promise not to tell." Y/n had tears streaming down her face as Shoupe uncuffed Pope, his dad grabbing him as Shoupe handcuffed JJ, turning to Y/n.
"Get in the car we both know you're going to be shouting at the station when we get there." Y/n nodding as she climbed in next to JJ, Shoupe sighing as he got in, driving off as Y/n began asking a hundred questions each one becoming more aggressive until she was being dragged out by another cop.
"Ma'am if you cannot be calm then you will be detained." Y/n shook her hands off her, glaring at the cop as she stood outside the interrogation room, Peterkin exiting and entering a few times before finally opening the door and letting Y/n in. JJ feeling her fall into his arms as she looked him over, clutching his face as he showed her the pictures.
"The goons that attacked us, they're dead." Y/n gulping as she looked it over, feeling ill at the amount of wounds, turning back to JJ as she pushed his hair out his face. A small sad smile on his lips as he dropped his head to her chest, letting out a shakey breath as he spoke.
"My dad's on his way in." Y/n nodded knowing he couldn't see her as she ran her hand through his hair, looking at the door, this was serious this time. 
"You need to go okay? I'm sure Shoupe's called your dad aswell." Y/n shook her head, crouching down as she looked at JJ, she knew that look, knew what would happen when his dad left the station and she'd be damned if she left him.
"My dad can wait. I'm not leaving you." JJ gave her a smile, pulling her into a kiss as Y/n felt a tear escape her eye, JJ wiping it away before calling out to Peterkin. The sheriff coming in as she looked at Y/n, sighing as she nodded at JJ, pulling Y/n out the room as she shouted.
"Hey! Get off me, i haven't done shit!" Y/n was ready to smack the sheriff, her dad standing in the station looking tired, JJ's dad stood next to him as they spoke. Both probably together getting high except her dad still held down his job and didn't lose his temper the same way. Y/n glaring at Luke as her dad sighed seeing her, Luke giving her a tight lipped smile as he kept up appearances in the station, Y/n going to say something when her dad pulled her arm.
"Dad, i need to stay with JJ." Her dad shaking his head, pulling her out the station, all the cops looking at each other before going back to their work, JJ being brought out minutes later as his dad signed the paperwork. Y/n locked in her dad's car as he forced her seatbelt onto her, sighing to himself as she fought ripping it off and trying to open the door as JJ and his dad walked out.
"Stop!" Y/n's dad shouted, doing up her seatbelt and driving by as Y/n saw Luke's car shake, crying as she banged on the window, desperately trying to get out as she screamed at her dad. Turning as she tried to see what was happening when her dad pushed her back into her chair losing his patience, he'd been called just as he'd gotten his drugs for the day and was already irritable.
"I'm being serious Y/n fucking stay still and shut up." Y/n shoving his hand off and tucking her legs up as she pushed her hands through her hair, trying to not think about how aggressively Luke had been beating JJ. 
"You know, you know what he does to him. You hang out with a guy who beats his fucking child." Y/n spat, not looking up as she heard her dad's hands tighten on the steering wheel. 
"Don't swear at me you little shit. It's not like that. Don't start on me because your boyfriend cost Luke 25k alright? You don't understand shit." Y/n shook her head as she stayed silent, turning her head to look out the window as she cried, her dad sighing and rubbing his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Y/n shrugging him off as he rolled his eyes and concentrated on driving. 
JJ held his head as his dad began shouting at him, turning his music louder as he punched the wall, he needed to see Y/n, he needed to hold her and feel her body against his as she held him. 
"Fuck!" JJ punched the wall, standing as he shook, trying to find his phone in a panic so he could atleast call Y/n, instead finding the gun, holding it in his hand before opening the door. Luke passed out as JJ walked forward, putting the gun against his head as he began to shake, willing himself to pull the trigger but all he wanted was his dad's love. The tears flowed down his face as he pulled back the gun, shoving it in his bag and leaving the house, he had to get to John B so Shoupe wouldn't get to him first. Running through the neighbourhood JJ ran to Y/n's house, he could see her arguing with her dad before she slammed her door and threw a pillow at it, turning around as she saw JJ outside her bedroom window. A choked sob coming from her as she threw open her window, climbing out and into his arms as she held him tightly, crying out his name as he gripped her, pushing his head into her neck. Pulling back as she touched his face, tears in her eyes as he winced at her light touch, Y/n pulling him down for a crushing kiss as she whispered against his lips.
"I love you so much JJ, don't ever do that again." JJ nodding as he kissed her back, wanting to savour it but they needed to find John B, parting as he pulled her along towards the chateau. 
JJ grabbed John B, the two wrestling for a moment before Y/n grabbed John B, the two of them looking at her as she shushed them. JJ explaining what happened before the three of them walked through the water, bags on their heads as they climbed into the hms pogue and drove off as quietly as possible, John B leaning back as he pushed his hair out his face.
"Jesus christ, okay, i know what we need to do." Y/n listened to John B's plan, JJ sneaking into his house and grabbing his waiter clothes as Y/n did the same, the plan pretty simple. It was dark as they arrived, Y/n dressed in a white shirt and black skirt matching JJ as John B put the tie on JJ, Y/n grinning to herself as JJ winked at her.
"Don't give me that look baby, we're on a secret mission. We don't have time to fuck in the posh bathrooms." Y/n rolling her eyes and pushing him as John B handed him a note.
"Okay get this to her, Y/n you keep a look out and tell Ki the plan." Y/n nodding as JJ looked at the note.
"So you're macking Sarah Cameron? Can i read this?" John B groaned, watching Y/n peak over JJ's shoulder as she scrunched her nose.
"Whose Vlad?" Y/n asked John B pushing them both towards the mansion as he snuck around the back to meet Sarah.
"I mean if they're gonna be kinky that's fine but Vlad?" JJ said, resisting the urge to wrap Y/n in his arm as they collected glasses, each walking in different entrances as they snuck in. Y/n finding Ki quickly as JJ tried to find Sarah, Ki hugging her as she asked how JJ was, Y/n pointing to where Pope and JJ were talking. 
"He owes 25k so we need to find this gold. Meet us at the fire pit." Y/n whispered, Ki nodding as they watched JJ hand Sarah a note, Y/n walking over to him as he put his finger to his mouth, turning around and bumping into Rafe as his eyes widened. Y/n pushing through the crowd as JJ began running, a large group of kooks following him as Y/n grabbed a security guard.
"Excuse me, some guy grabbed my ass and ran that way, i can point him out if you help me?" The security guard nodding as he followed her, Y/n pushing open the bathroom door as JJ turned, his shirt being held by Rafe before they let him go. 
"Is that him?" The security guard asked Y/n, said girl turning to him with a small smile.
"No but i don't think he should be in here." Y/n gave JJ a look as he nodded, putting out his hands.
"You are right princess, i am completely in the wrong, breaking and entering, disorderly conduct and just so much more. You should take me away." Y/n sighing as the security guard pulled him, JJ making a few comments.
"You should fix that tie son, you powerpuff girls have fun." Y/n holding his arm as he grinned down at her.
"You look pretty good for a pogue Y/n." JJ spinning around so fast she barely saw him as he ran at Rafe, the security guard pulling him out as Y/n glared at Rafe.
"Kiss my ass." Y/n spat, following JJ has he made a big show.
"Ahh i see you and your wife got your drinks? I'll just take them, here you go beautiful." Y/n grinned as he handed her a Champaign, the two of them downing the drinks as security kicked them out, John B cheering as he shouted out to Pope and Ki. Both of them running towards the group as John B sent a wink to Sarah, Y/n spinning in JJ's arms as she stuck her middle fingers up at Rafe's group.
"Losers!" Y/n shouted, her and JJ being pulled along as everyone made it to the fire pit, John B explaining everything he found out.
"Give me a map." Pope said, working out where the gold was stashed as Ki was concentrating on him bring with Sarah Cameron.
"You spent the day with Sarah Cameron?" John B nodded, his hand on his neck as he tried to avoid the conversation, Y/n and JJ cuddled up by the fire as they roasted marshmellows. 
"Okay what is your problem with her?" John B asked, annoying his friends weren't happy for him.
"She's a bitch! You could use anyone else for information."  Ki said, both of them getting annoyed as they dropped the subject, Pope interrupting them as he figured it out.
"I know where it is!" Everyone shouting as they fell next to Pope, explaining where it was as John B and JJ highfived. JJ kissing Y/n as he laid between his legs, his head on hers as they all grinned forgetting about the argument a few minutes ago. 
Y/n stood with JJ, staring at the Crain wall as Pope helped Ki over, uncrossing her arms as she sighed.
"I hate climbing." Y/n mumbled, JJ grinning as he bent down, her foot stepping onto his hands as he launched her over, her hand meeting the wall as she dropped over. JJ following seconds after as he crouched next to her, Y/n grinning back at him as Pope and John B dropped next to them.
"You looked hot." JJ said before he was pulled away by John B, Y/n rolling her eyes as she followed, all of them creeping around as Ki started telling ghost stories.
"Her daughter was my babysitter, told me all kinds of things." JJ said, going on to explain everything when they heard a noise, Y/n standing by the basement entrance as she looked in, looking back at them with a wave.
"Doesn't like climbing but will happily break into an axe murderers house." JJ said as he followed his girlfriend, the rest of the pogues agreeing with him as they searched the basement, until Pope found a well. All of them staring down at it when Y/n threw a rock, Pope counting how long it took until it hit something.
"That's atleast 30 feet." John B nodding as they looked around, no rope in sight as they all thought.
"Okay we'll come back tomorrow, i need to meet with Sarah." Ki making a noise as they all left, being careful as they hopped back over the wall and scurried back to the car. All of them panting as they looked around, excited as they made a plan, John B piping up.
"We'll all meet at the chateau tomorrow, i'll bring Sarah." The van going quiet before Ki started arguing with John B but Y/n was the loudest.
"CAN YOU SHUT UP!" She'd had a long hard day and just wanted to curl up with JJ, all but John B looking at her as he drove.
"Can we do this argument tomorrow please? I'm tired and my head hurts." JJ kissing her head as they all nodded, Ki sending John B a dirty look as he dropped them all off. JJ and Y/n climbing back through her window before she checked on her dad, drugs around him as he was passed out, sighing Y/n closed the door and laid in JJ's arms.
"He's out for the count." JJ nodding as he pulled her closer, kissing her head as they passed out from exhaustion. 
Y/n wanted to bang her head against the wall as John B sat next to Sarah and Ki stood across from them, Y/n, Pope and JJ sat on the sofa hiding from them.
John B called a meeting, his arm in a cast as he tried to explain to everyone the plan but Sarah and Ki couldn't stop arguing.
"Because you're a liar?" Ki said, Sarah finally snapping. 
"No because you're a bitch." Y/n wincing as JJ got out a $5 bill betting on Ki, Y/n glaring as she grabbed the money and stood.
"Come on guys, Ki there's no need to choose okay? You're a pogue and Sarah is his first girlfriend it's not fair to make him choose." Ki looked at Y/n like she'd kill her making Y/n back down and sit back on JJ's lap as he tapped her leg.
"Nice try babe." 
"You said you were only using her for information." JJ and Pope went silent as John B stuttered, Sarah looking at him with a hurt expression.
"Did you say that?" Y/n cringed as John B tried to get out of it, Sarah and Ki soon storming out as Y/n followed after Ki trying to calm down her best friend as JJ and Pope ran away inside. 
"That didn't go well." John B said, hoping the guys would back him up as JJ shrugged.
"We're with Ki, well i'm with Y/n and Y/n chooses Ki so..." Pope agreeing but John B was set on making sure Sarah got her cut aswell.
"We would have never found the gold without her. We need her." JJ pulling a face as Pope thought it over.
"Then they need to get on, and there's only one way to force them to get on." JJ smirking as he listened until Pope mentioned Y/n.
"Wait why does she have to be stuck with them?" John B rolled his eyes as JJ's childish tone.
"Because she also needs to get on with Sarah, plus they need a mediator and she's the only neutral party." JJ pouting as he agreed.
"If i lose sex privileges again because of you guys then i'm gonna be pissed." John B and Pope laughing as they remembered when Y/n had revoked all of JJ's privileges when he'd done something so dumb they couldn't remember.
"That's your own problem not a pogue one." JJ pushing John B as they started concocting the plan, knowing they had to get it perfect to get Y/n, Ki and Sarah onto the boat without seeing each other. 
Y/n grinned as JJ pressed her against the side of the boat, his mouth leaving kisses along her neck as she moaned, his leg slotted between hers as he moaned her name. Pulling back and kissing her deeply, Y/n melting against him, JJ had already given her half a joint to relax her as he held her face, Y/n biting her lip as she looked at him with blown eyes.
"I love you, don't be mad at me." Y/n getting confused as he took off running, Y/n's eyes widening as she ran after him, finding Ki stood at the front of the boat as John B and JJ jumped off the boat. Y/n shouting at him as Ki opened the hatch, Sarah climbing out as the two began stripping.
"You guys need to work it out! We left food and drinks, and JJ rolled a blunt! Sorry Y/n!" John B shouted as he watched the girls strip angrily.
"Are you serious JJ! Get your ass back here or i'm taking away sex privileges." Y/n shouted, throwing off her shorts as she jumped over board starting to swim towards the boat as JJ panicked slapping Pope, Sarah following Y/n before the boat left.
"Love you guys!" JJ shouted as they started moving.
"They're not coming back for you." Ki shouted at Sarah, Y/n splashing angrily before she heard a yelp, turning to see Sarah holding her side as a jellyfish passed by, Y/n swimming over and helping Sarah back to the boat as she sat against the side.
"Those assholes." Y/n stormed off, ignoring the two girls as they argued, finding her phone as she rung JJ, getting more annoyed as he waited to answer, finally caving as he spoke in a sweet voice.
"Hey baby." JJ could tell she was mad, probably more mad than Sarah and Ki since he'd tricked her in the worst way, by making her horny.
"Hey JJ. Just thought i'd call you really quickly, i forgot to tell you something before you abandoned me." JJ gulping as he held the phone, Y/n knew she was on speaker since the boys would want an update.
"You haven't just lost sex privileges, you've lost blow job, hand job and watching privileges and i just brought a new toy from that shop so i'll be fine without you for the next i don't know, month! But you, oh you sweet innocent bastard are going to be in a worse state than no nut november!" Before hanging up, groaning as she went searching for some booze, coming back to find Ki and Sarah smoking the blunt, Y/n snatching it off Ki as she took a deep inhale and leaned against the side of the boat.
"How did you get stuck here?" Ki said, the two of them hearing Y/n shout at JJ before she came back with a bottle of beer for each of them. 
"JJ lured me out here promising to have a might filled with weed and sex, so far all i've got is weed." Y/n grumbling as she handed the blunt back to Ki, Sarah blushing as she looked down, Ki grinning to herself that Y/n had also been left.
"I'm not even involved in this shit, you two figure it out because i really need to break JJ. Like i'm going to make him beg on his damn knees for forgiveness." Y/n kept mumbling to herself, Sarah handing her back the blunt as she gave her a quick smile and took a deep breath in, breathing out with no problems before opening her beer and chugging it. 
"We should make them all pay." Ki said, Sarah agreeing as Y/n went inside finding blankets and one of JJ's jumpers which she threw on since he'd stolen her shirt when he'd pressed her against the boat. 
Y/n listened to Ki and Sarah talk, texting on her phone as she sent JJ a picture she'd taken the other day, his shirt barely covering her chest and showing her black lace underwear underneath, telling him he'd messed up badly. 
"I'm sorry for not inviting you, i just, when people get close to me i get scared. And i cut them off and blame them." Sarah finally spoke, her eyes full of tears as her and Ki had a soft moment, Y/n typing furiously at her phone as she told JJ all the things she'd planned to do with him. Knowing he was probably sat drinking with the guys whining about how their plan cost him the best night of his life as she sent the text, watching as he read it instantly but decided to turn her phone off so he'd feel guilty. 
"Promise me you won't drop John B, he really cares about you." Y/n looked over at the pair as Sarah and Ki spoke in soft voices, Y/n lightly kicking Sarah.
"You have to promise." Sarah nodding as she took a deep breath.
"I promise guys honestly, i really like John B. More than anyone else." Y/n nodding her head as Ki and Sarah closed their eyes.
"Did you ever bone Topper?" Y/n suddenly asked making it go silent before they all laughed, Sarah sitting up and hitting Y/n on the arm as she kept laughing.
"No! Oh god no." Sarah said laughing as she shook her head and laid back down, Y/n thinking for a moment as she grinned to herself.
"I bet it's like really small. Like if you put my pinky next to it i'd be considered big." All three of them laughing as Y/n kept going until Ki threw a blanket at her.
"Stop! You're obsessed." Y/n laughing as she curled up, the three of them calming down as they fell asleep. 
Y/n woke up first, the sun in her eyes as she stretched, sorting out everything as she potted about waiting for the other two to wake up, Ki nudging Sarah as they moved to sit next to Y/n on the side of the boat, the sun beating down on them as they saw the hms pogue come into sight. 
"They can't know this worked." Ki said, Sarah nodding whilst Y/n moved to stand with her arms crossed, leaning against the side where Ki and Sarah sat. 
"Wow look at you guys." John B started, Ki already climbing in as she glared at them, Sarah following but Y/n stayed put, JJ giving her a nervous smile as she stared at him.
"I'm not getting on the boat." All the boys looked at each other, not sure what to do as they looked towards JJ, JJ in turn looking behind him before he realised he had to deal with it. Y/n raising an eyebrow as he went to climb in, her hand pushing him back as he almost fell into the water, Pope grabbing him as they all looked at Y/n.
"Apologise." They all looked at one another, once again almost like their brains couldn't comprehend Y/n being unhappy with them, Ki hiding her grin behind her hand as Sarah looked away pretending to be angry.
"Okay, we're sorry." John B started until Y/n snapped her head and glared at him.
"On your knees. All three of you. Apologise and mean it. Do you know how mad my dad is? He's been calling me all night and threatened to call the cops." The boys eyes widened as they panicked, JJ moving to get onto the boat, Pope turning off the boat as John B joined JJ knowing Y/n was serious. Y/n looking at Pope as she raised her eyebrow, Pope nodding as he rushed to get on the boat. Y/n pointing to the other side as she turned her back to the hms pogue. 
"Baby, we're sorry okay, it was just meant to help." JJ spoke, moving to pull her into a hug as Y/n's eyes turned into slits making him back away with his hands in the air surrendering. Y/n watching as they all stood against the other side of the boat, getting on their knees ready to apologise when Y/n jumped over the side of the boat, turning the  hms pogue on and driving further down before stopping. All the boys running to the front as Y/n grinned at them, the girls now having their revenge.
"Swim." Y/n said, her eyes locking onto JJ as he shook his head laughing, happy she wasn't actually in trouble with her dad as he put a hand to his chest.
"Jesus Princess, you scared the shit out of us." The boys all laughing with relief as they dove in, getting close to the boat when Y/n made it move further away, all three of them stopping as she did it.
"Why aren't you swimming?" Ki taunted, her and Sarah highfiving as Y/n blew JJ a kiss, all the boys now swimming as fast as they could to get to the boat, Y/n moving it forward whilst laughing before JJ managed to grab the side. Launching himself up and grabbing Y/n round the waist as he stopped the boat, John B grabbing Sarah and Pope going for Ki as she threatened him.
"Don't even think about it POPE!" The boys pulling them overboard as they all resurfaced laughing, Y/n grabbing at JJ as they began play fighting, JJ pulling her into his arms as he tried to kiss her. Y/n pushing him away as she tried to get back onto the boat, Ki now climbing in as Pope and Sarah joined her, John B struggling with his cast as JJ pulled Y/n back.
"Nope! You're not going anywhere until i get a kiss." JJ teased, Y/n splashing him as she tried to leave again, laughing as how he was acting, his hand dragging her back as he pushed her hair out her face.
"I'm mad at you." Y/n said, grinning at JJ as he pouted, tapping his lips as Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed his head under the water giving her an opportunity to get back to the boat but JJ was quicker, picking her up as she held onto the side. Her laughter making her let go as both of them fell back under, resurfacing as JJ pulled her face into his, kissing her as he grinned against her lips. 
"You're the worst." Y/n laughed, pushing him away as she climbed back on the boat, Jj following her as he fell next to her, grinning widely as he looked her up and down.
"Were you being serious about the privileges because when we get back to the chateau i have big plans." 
"Okay! Lets all go home okay?" Ki said, interrupting the couple as JJ tried pawing at Y/n, her hand coming to slap him as she leaned forward, running her hand up his thigh teasingly before giving him an evil grin.
"Deadly serious sweetcheeks. Hope you and your fist are ready to become besties." JJ groaning as he dropped his head back, sitting up and pointing at John B and Pope.
"You two better not get any until i do, i mean it this is a full pogue boys punishment now!" Sarah flushing red as Y/n pushed JJ's head, grinning at Ki as she rolled her eyes. 
so some of the plot is out of order ngl, my brain couldn't figure out which went where, hope you guys like this
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ladytargtower · 3 months
Ummmmm ngl kinda turned on by this
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49 notes · View notes
ladytargtower · 3 months
Some JJ….
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31 notes · View notes
ladytargtower · 2 months
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Is this an invitation?
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ladytargtower · 3 months
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Trap JJ can like get it . Sir pin me against a wall
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ladytargtower · 3 months
My husbands at our wedding
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ladytargtower · 3 months
My type
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Last two gifs credit @aegonx
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ladytargtower · 3 months
Idk what this look is but it’s making me hot
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ladytargtower · 2 months
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