#outlast 2 theories
alexisyoko · 1 year
Please check this video if you’re an Outlast 2 fan! Happy Holidays and stay tuned for my new cosplay pictures! YA BOY IS NOT VERY ACTIVE HERE! PLEASE VISIT ME ON DEVIANTART, YOUTUBE, INSTAGRAM AND PINTEREST!
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arogustus · 1 month
Splatband Analysis - Chirpy Chips
(Disclaimer: This analysis is based on what I get out of looking into the character descriptions we have of the splatband characters. If you disagree with what I say, that is fine, we are all beheld to our opinions. Just don't be a jerk about it.)
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Splatband Analysis - Chirpy Chips
It’s the autism and ADHD squad! The chiptune chippers, Marie’s and Nintendo’s favorite band and the only one to survive Nine years together without drama (bar that one time), it’s the Chirpy Chips! Love these dudes.
Now, before we go into this, let’s address the Harmony in the room. Specifically that she has a room, in-game, where she exists in the polygonal flesh to interact with as a shopkeeper. Her autistic swag made her popular enough to be the first Splatband character to show up in the games, which means we actually know her and how she behaves. So, I’m gonna leave her for last and go about her like this: First, I’ll look into what we used to know before Splatoon 3 about her, and then we’ll compare that to her appearance in-game to see if it matches up. See if she was done right by the game. Now let’s meet these chips!
The Band
The Chirpy Chips debuted after Squid Squad all the way back in Splatoon 1, nine years ago (God). Dominating the charts thanks to their chiptune rock style, made with the help of multiple Nintendo machines (Gamers), this band has managed to outlast Squid Squad without disbanding all the way to Splatoon 3!.. Ok, actually that’s not true. According to a Famitsu Interview for Splatoon 2, the Chirpy Chips actually disbanded ever so briefly! No word as to why, but they reformed shortly after and wrote and performed Blitz It during the high of joining back. After that they’ve stuck together ever since, only really going on break because Harmony started working at Hotlantis. 
Don’t site that NoA post for Chirpy Chips Splat 3 that said there was drama by the way. The band was just on break, they are fine and NoA is just trying to stir up fake drama. It’s just like real life!
All of these guys are autistic. Like, that’s not a theory, but a fact. None of their descriptions make them sound neurotypical, that’s for sure. The band just seems to vibe perfectly with each other despite some of their issues, and they all go at their own pace. Turns out the secret to surviving in the music industry all along was to make neurodivergent friends. 
One of their performance tricks that they do is to glow in sync during songs. It’s a super cool visual to imagine, though probably done through artificial means, at least for Orion and Sid. As far as I know, there aren’t any bioluminescent crabs or flapjack octopi. Anemone and squid on the other hand do have glowing members, but it doesn’t confirm if they do it naturally or are using artificial means too. Either way these guys are a colorful bunch. And also none of them know how to dance, emphasizing further that these four are all dorks.
Noiji is the hyperactive guitarist of the band, a stark contrast to the significantly less energetic rest of the band. He’s described as uncontrollable and bright, with a sunny disposition and an irresistible urge to run up and down slopes. He sounds overwhelming, and maybe impulsive if that slope running thing can be applied to other actions, but somehow he manages to get along well with the others. What is his secret? Also to keep with the neurodivergenceness, he has a special interest for vending machines. He would have loved them in Side Order, that’s for sure. Honestly I love vending machines too, they’re really cool, but just too expensive for someone of my income level (for now, anyway).
He used to be a part of a punk band called BariBari before he joined the Chirpy Chips.Surprising considering his colorfulness, but he seems to either formerly be, or still is, a punk. No word why he left the band though or what happened to it, but during that point he met and befriended Orion and formed the Chirpy Chips with them. They’re described to be on good terms with each other, which makes sense since, again, they knew each other before the rest joined up. 
The band's bassist and composer, a shy flapjack octopus. Yeah, despite being an octopus, they’re not an octoling, likely because of the fact the flapjack doesn’t naturally produce ink. They must be classified as something different to the inkfish, but what that is is something I don’t know. They’re an introvert, they don’t enjoy standing out or performing in front of crowds, and the compositions they upload independent of the band are done quietly. Makes one wonder how exactly someone like them made friends with Noiji. They’re an intellectual, geeky type, with a taste for outdated and strange subjects, as well as a preference for chiptune that they ensure the bands music keeps to. 
Surprising us all, Orion also got actual dialogue of sorts in the Splatoon 3 Chill Season 2023 update! Specifically in the form of Harmony reading a letter written by them. As Harmony herself describes, they talk the way they play the bass, EXTRA. Mostly in the form of excited statements and jokes about the band's lack of dancing ability. Kind of a stark difference from what we know of them, either because they’re doing this via text without having to face anyone, or because they’ve become more outgoing over the years. Either way an honor. Also canon they/them! Good for they.
The band's drummer, and the eldest among them. They’ve been drumming for a while, having performed for several other bands before joining the Chips, and they have a strong reputation in the community because of it. It seems that because of this, they’ve taken something of a silent mentor role to the others, supporting them in the background without ever taking the lead. Sort of a big brother style relationship going on. 
They’re described as easygoing, but with a hidden temper that only ever surfaces once a year, where they become way crabbier. To me it says that they don’t really express their frustrations often, just letting them simmer before they snap and vent it out. And even then they don’t draw a lot of attention that way. 
Harmony (and fish)
The anemone of the hour, the band’s vocalist and visual designer. As said above, I’ll first go over the info we knew of her before her appearance in Splatoon 3, and then compare it to what we’ve learned now to see if it was faithful to her character. 
She’s described as relaxed and going at her own pace, but to the point of being unmotivated. She’s frequently late for practice, and considering the state of her fish, who is “dying” of neglect (quote marks there cause the little guy is still alive somehow), it sounds a lot like executive dysfunction. I would know, I’m like her sometimes. Her singing voice is mentioned to also have been pretty flat and listless, but it seems years of performance has made it change to a much livelier tone in the intervening two years. She talks loosely and moves peculiarly, something the fans secretly enjoy. Why secretly? Is there a stigma against it? Her listless singing is mentioned to be a hot topic, so it might be the case.
We see in the bands’ album art for Splatoon 2 that she’s the one who mixes the chiptune music on nintendo consoles. Easy to say that she’s the pre-requisite in-universe Nintendo fan for this game. There’s one in pretty much every franchise. Skipping to “3” a bit, we can also assume she’s the one who edited the trailer, which shows off a lot of fun visuals and jokes, as well as her just goofing off like the dork that she is. For how reserved she comes off, she’s got an eccentric, goofy side hidden under there.
But now we’ve actually met her as Hotlantis’ shopkeeper! She’s a fan of the place, so despite the threat of having to work retail, she’s staying in the area in the actual manager’s place while he’s gone. She’s a fan of the store and all its useless knick knacks. As for herself as a person, it’s safe to say it all matches what we used to know of her. She’s pretty self-paced and blunt, commenting on your achievements out loud no matter how rude it sounds. She admits to it too if she beats you at tableturf, she doesn’t really know how else to talk. Her lack of motivation shows up anytime she needs to recite something Barry told her to do. She just plain doesn’t want to do any of it. She still does the work she’s willingly doing, she’s just going at her own pace. 
The fish is a fish, no telling what is up with them. Though according to some artbook information in “3” (correct me if I’m wrong), the reason they’re so sick is actually because Harmony’s hair isn’t protecting it very well. They’re still sticking around anyway, granted we’re not sure how clownfish do without an anemone, but it still seems like they’re staying of their own volition.
Harmony’s, and later Dedf1shes inclusion, gives us all hope we can see more of our favorite obscure characters in the games themselves. And looking at Harmony, we don’t have to worry too much about them being out of character, since she’s pretty accurate to the info we know.
I love these weird goobers. They should continue showing up. But now we are in the finale. Ω-3 is all that’s left now. See ya next time!
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lmskitty · 4 months
Hi again......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
1. Jujutsu Kaisen
2. Gorillaz
3. Sailor Moon
4. Outlast
5. The Last Binding Series by Freya Marske
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion
7. FMA Brotherhood
8. The Magnus Archives
9. Fake (manga series)
10. Digimon
1. It brought me joy and fandom and friendship again and made me feel like myself after a very long time. I know the narrative can be traumatic but it also has these incredible moments that just feel you with awe (like Todo turning up to help Yuji fight or seeing Gojo do hollow purple for the first time) it just reminded me of everything I love about anime.
2. My first real fandom, the first thing I wrote proper fanfiction for. The lore and the music and the animation just amazed me when I saw it when I was 11 and I've not been happy with decisions they've made recently (overpriced merch in a cost of living crisis, NFTs to celebrate Plastic Beach?!?) I'll still always love them and be excited for new content.
3. First anime love, first time seeing a relationship with two women helping me to identify as bi (now I'd say pan) I grew up believing that to be a strong woman you had to disregard femininity and seeing Usagi be the strongest with her bunny drawings and her focus on friendship and love just rewired my brain.
4. I love horror, I was brought up with it but for a very long time nothing has scared me and I found horror media repetitive. Outlast genuinely scared me and I was SO happy and I love reading the character notes and comics.
5. I've talked about this series a bunch but A Marvellous Light was the first book I'd read in years that made me cry and just stayed in my head for ages. Everything I'd loved about harry potter but done properly.
6. I was at a sleepover at a friend's and someone stuck this on and everyone was talking and I was just glued to the screen because what the FUCK WAS THIS?!?!? I've watched it since with my husband and it still hits me so hard every time. It's such a powerful portrayal of depression and nihilism and how relationships can fuck you up. It's beautiful and I think it's one of the best anime's of all time.
7. The opposite of neon Genesis lol. Love and family and forgiveness and what it means to sacrifice for the people you care about. Devoured brotherhood with my husband and we were both in tears by the end of it. I'd also been told I couldn't have kids and we had struggled with a miscarriage and Izumi and Sig just hit me so hard. (I have a bub now tho it came out ok in the end) but the characters still feel so real and there's so many amazing moments.
8. I listened to all of this and played Minecraft with my husband till like 6 am on weekends. We would discuss at length our theories and it just holds a special place in my heart. It's perfect horror and John and Martin's relationship just means a lot to me. I related a LOT to Martin and loved the series and I've super been enjoying the Magnus Protocol too! Also that first fucking recording of Nikola Orsinov?!?!? We both sat still staring at each other genuinely freaked the fuck out and we still quote it at each other! "I mean, you can if you really want to, but you’re not going to like it." CHILLS EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!
9. I read a lot of BL manga with my friends (*old lady voice* back in my day we called it Yaoi!!!) And so many of them had terrible tropes and big hands. This was the first one I ever read that I still adore that had an amazing love story and plot. It was revolutionary to see an LGBTQ story not just about them being gay or coming out but it had real detective cases and murders etc and I still wish we could get a tv show of it.
10. When Gojo talked about Digimon I fell even further in love. It's the fucking best. I wanted to be Mimi so BAD as a kid my mum made me a Halloween costume of her and I thought I was so cool. My next tattoo is gonna be Lilymon. I grew up with it in the dub and it established my sense of humour for better or worse. The Digimon film is still my comfort film of choice. Matt was such a big crush I had when I was little and I wrote little stories about being one of the digidestined.
Those are my top 10!!!!
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lif3isstrange · 10 months
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Ask gameeeeeee 🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖 (for research purposes this emoji needed to be used 🧐)
1. 14 and it sucked because of all the stigma around autism. People make it seem like this awful thing and that you’re just a fancy word for dumb, then I moved on but got upset because I felt like I was being a burden on everyone with my picky eating and sensory meltdowns but my psychiatrist said ‘don’t be angry at yourself for the way you are, be angry with the world, it’s the worlds fault for not fitting with you, not the other way around’. I was like damn she’s worth the money 🥳
2. I am in the people I live with so they all just think I bring up autism as an excuse and I’m really just a ‘spoiled brat’ 😍 my mum refuses to learn anything about autism at all and my sister said stimming was disgusting and sounded ‘sexual’ ?! My dads quite sus tho with the autism symptoms but doesn’t know how to deal with it🤨
3. I have adhd aswell so they both love to conflict 🥰, my autism thrives in routine but my adhd loves chaos, my autism wants to be quiet and focused and my adhd wants to look at how the tree kinda looks like that one from two years ago and loudly blab about something uninteresting to others 😟 it’s a lot to handle but I wouldn’t be as cool without em both so 😎
4. Yes but extremely confused and can’t be bothered to figure it out 🤩
5. That it isn’t our fault and we don’t do destructive things on purpose, we do it to try and display our feelings because we can’t really be verbal and calmly talk about them when we’re focused on how bright the lights are and how horrible and itchy our clothes start to feel. We need more time to adjust with change and so people need patience etc. many people even parents fail to understand what asd is like 🫡
6. Yes but only with another autistic so they got the sensory meltdowns but they were a bad person and liked their computer a lot more than me 💀 I love relationships as I am a very loving person and feel the need to share it but relationships are hard and extremely emotionally challenging plus I don’t trust men much anymore 😵‍💫
7. The adhd tends to come in clutch so I think it’s more my town lacks personality than me. I have a very analytical way where I will find something we are both passionate about and then ramble on about it with them then keep trying to find other things in common and go on etc. I basically treat befriending like a fun cia operation 🥸
8. My special interests aren’t as strong as other peoples but I love the game outlast 2 and the lore of it. There was so much work put into the game and theories how the speakers throughout the game were put a certain hz to brainwash the citizens into the religious insanity and the story behind the entire thing is just chefs kiss 🤌
9. Idk if this counts but probably Jacqueline Wilson books 😭 I bought and read every single book she wrote (my favourite was rose rivers) some of those books were so insane to read but I was such a bookworm. I bought every magazine she put out aswell and collected all the free gifts in them 🤭
10. Kill ur father and don’t listen to anyone bc they’re all evil 😭 I let everyone treat me like garbage and was such a sensitive little baby 😖 if I could go back I’d tell her to set everyone straight and not let anyone mess with me plus to stop being a weirdo 🤓
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autisticsupervillain · 6 months
FTF: Isekai Invasion
The show where we take a character and drop them into a different franchise at a random location to see if they can conquer the world.
This Episode....
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Mary Jane Watson invades Mount Massive Asylum!
Insomniac Games's Mary Jane
MJ as of Spider-Man 2 with all her associated equipment.
MJ will be replacing Miles Upshur in the plot of the original Outlast with all the same goals. If she can escape the Asylum alive with all the evidence needed to bring Murkoff to justice, that will count as a win.
MJ cannot call in the Spider-Men or anyone else for help.
The same set up as Outlast but with MJ replacing Miles Upshur. Mary Jane Watson, reporter for the Daily Bugle, gets an anonymous email from a burner account about the atrocities being committed by Murkoff at Mount Massive and goes in to investigate. MJ speculates that the building has a jammer when she mysteriously losses all signal after getting in range, but she pushes on regardless. It is only after MJ can no longer get out the way she came in that she realizes the building has been overrun, leaving her no choice but to push in deeper.
Invader: MJ
Mary Jane Watson. One of the most iconic damsels and love interests in comic book history. Though iconic for her role as damsel in distress in the Rami movies, Insomniac's Mary Jane is more in line with her comic counterpart. She's a freelance reporter capable of kicking as much ass as her superhuman boyfriend sometimes and she'll do anything to unbury the truth.
She's surprisingly an expert in stealth and infiltration. She's snuck into the compounds of crime lords like Tombstone and Hammerhead, snuck past the international mercenaries of Silver Sable and her men, and avoided capture by Kraven the Hunter's mercenaries. Using her boyfriend's Spider Lures as a distraction, she's even managed to break into the Oscorp undetected.
While writing a book on the country of Symkaria, MJ got some self defense training from Silver Sable herself, as well as a fancy new taser that can drop a goon in one shook. She later upgraded this taser gun with Peter's gadgets, allowing it to shoot webs and shoot sonic blasts loud enough to ward off a symbiote behemoth. With these tools, she's able to take down Kraven's hunters, who are strong enough to kick down steel doors with a single kick snd survive rpg rockets exploding in their face. These are the same rockets that usually explode with an energy equivalent to 650 kilojoules.
What's more, MJ is fast enough to dodge arrows from a hunter's crossbow, which csn travel up to 350 feet per second or 106.68 meters per second.
Honestly, Mary Jane Watson is kind of a badass. She's escaped from being captured by Kraven's hunters, fought her way through a symbiote hive, outrun a Symbiote controlled Spider-Man trying to kill her, and managed to fight off the control of the Scream Symbiote, with some help from Peter.
This MJ is a far cry from the damsel in distress she's stereotyped as and she's just as vital a member of Spider-Man's team as the Spider-Men themselves.
Invaded: Mount Massive
The Murkoff Corporation could never be said to have had a sterling reputation. The company had an unofficial history of human experimentation and exploitation. Never on American soil, of course. Never anywhere that the American public would actually care about. Not until they bought out Mount Massive Asylum.
Because if there's one group that Americans care about less than foreigners, it's the mentally ill.
Murkoff wanted to exploit the theories of the retired Nazi Dr. Wernicke by diving into dream theory. The enlisted him in their Morphogenic Engine program, hoping to summon, empower, and control the nanotechnological ghost known only as the Walrider. To this end, the experimented on the mentally ill, physically and psychologically torturing them. Turning the compatible into human engines so their nightmares could fuel the god they wished to enslave while leaving the incompatible to rot and die. Even loyal members of the company, like executive Richard Trager and Father Martin Archimbaud, were used as test subjects at the earliest convenience. The variants, as they were called, begain to mutate and deform. Tumors formed over their bodies, clogging their mouths and block their eyes. Their hair begain to fall out and they emancipated into borderline skeletons.
The variants pre-existing conditions worsened. At best, they became catatonic and unresponsive to the outside world. At worst, they became violent and murderous.
And then they found a subject fully compatible with the Walrider. Able to sustain it, control it, and survive as its host. Billy Hope. As soon as he was in control, all hell broke loose. The Variants broke out and happily took their revenge on their tormentors. Scientists and security alike were butched like pigs, heavily armed soldiers were impaled on pikes. And the Walrider was set free.
Notable Variants include the likes of Eddie Glusken, a misogynistic serial killer who was only made worse by the Morphogenic Engine. Granted superhuman strength by the treatments, he was now strong enough to lift a full grown man off the ground with one arm. "Doctor" Richard Trager was now strong enough to cut off limbs, decapitate his victims, and cut open the gates to the elevator with his giant scissors. And every varienty in the build was now strong enough to bash down doors and kill reporter Miles Upshur, who survived a massive explosion that blew him out a window. An explosion thst generated an energy equivalent to 11,840 kilojoules.
But the most dangerous Variant in the entire building was Chris Walker. Once a simple war veteran suffering from severe PTSD, Chis became a killing machine with an enhanced sense of smell, hearing, and sight that could let him track down his victims even in the dark. Obsessed with containing the threat of the Walrider, Chris's judo skills and military training make him a veritable beast, capable of easily ripping Miles's head clean off with one hand and bashing down reinforced steel doors.
But even he is still just a man next to the Walrider. A futuristic marvel of nanotechnology that feeds off the dreams of its host to survive, the Walrider can fly, go through walls, go through your pores and rip you apart from the inside, and is nigh-invisible to the naked eye, only complely visible on night vision cameras or during the day.
The only issue, however, is that the Walrider is completely submissive to the will of its perfect host, reliant on them to survive. And if its host is not perfect, as Miles Upshur turned out to be, they will be reduced to a walking corpse overtime by the possession.
Mount Massive Asylum represents one of the biggest atrocities committed in the name of corporate greed. A warcrime that even drew the digust of the Nazi forced to work on it. No one cares about "a building full of forgotten lunatics". Let it burn, I say.
Throwdown Breakdown:
The stats on this one are rather interesting. Miles Upshur is 11x more durable than the goons MJ can one-shot, meaning every single thug in the building is going to be strong enough to rip MJ apart if they get their hands on her, seeing how Miles is almost completely helpless against them.
But, none of the Variants have ever demonstrated superhuman speed, meaning they're absolutely never catching MJ, who can move fast enough to dodge subsonic projectiles. Sure, Chris Walker is fast, but MJ is faster than a speeding car. If he doesn't get the drop on her or corner her, he's not getting his hands on her.
Then there's MJ's other gadgets. Her sonic blasts will likely have no effect, as they're specifically designed to fight Symbiotes and ordinary humans are unaffected. At most, I could see them potentially stunning Chris Walker due to his advanced hearing. MJ's noise devices could be a good distraction, but her taser could likely be tanked due to how much stronger the Variants are. On the flipside, I don't see any of the varients breaking free of her webbing. This is the exact same webbing Peter regular uses to lift cars and restrain his supervillains. That's a bit out of the league of most Variants. Meaning she could probably skip Trager's whole segment by webbing him to the wall, which is admittedly funny.
This is compounded by MJ's far superior stealth. Walker might be a military veteran, but MJ's snuck past some of the best international mercenaries on the planet. It's no contest on that front, even with Chris's enhanced senses.
It's with the Walrider that this becomes tricky.
The Walrider isn't invisible or intangible in the same way, say, a ghost is. It's basically a cloud of microscopic nanites. It's difficult to spot and touch because it's a very thin cloud. For most people in most circumstances, it's difficult to spot until it's basically right in front of you, at which point it's too late to escape. This means that I'm pretty confident in it getting through MJ's webs, even if some of its components get stuck.
The issue is how damn fast MJ is. The second it appears in her face, she's gone halfway down the hall. It doesn't help that it prefers to throw its victims around before killing them, which would only give MJ the opportunity to escape.
I think the Walrider could easily end MJ's run if it got the drop on her. Which it very well could. It got the drop on Miles several times and he actually has the means to see it coming in less than optimal conditions, something MJ wouldn't without a night vision camera.
But, this is where MJ's superior stealth comes into play. With a sneaking ability far superior to Miles and a speed that the Walrider can't keep up with, MJ could avoid getting ambushed by the Walrider by never getting found by it in the first place.
There are plenty of scenarios where MJ gets ripped apart or, worse, possessed by the Walrider. But there are more where MJ uses her superior stealth and speed to avoid it long enough to complete her mission. And once she kills Billy Hope, whose sitting helpless in a tube at this point, the Walrider wouldn't be able to make her a new host to survive due to her just being too fast for it to catch.
Overall, I think Ms. Watson has all the skills she needs to get the scope she's after.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Mary Jane Watson!
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saltyyetbland · 6 months
assuming that those animals are like the team mascots, we will have 11 teams with 4 people in each team. based on this and the new elimination events details that we've learned, I don't think they are doing the same system as before where a team wins the day when they have the highest percentage of points cause i don't think there is a point system in purgatory 2.
from my perspective, i think it is just going to be based around elimination and the events themselves. if you can outlast, survive or win the event before everyone else, you move on to the next day.
but if this theory is true then the meta will be so different in comparison to purgatory 1 cause the general structure of the game itself has changed.
but idk but this is my idea of what is to possibly happen during purgatory 2 structure wise
also like not structure related but i have no idea how team composition will work with purgatory 2 cause at least with purgatory 1 everyone knew each other already and were close. this time, besides like people who are already friends with each other which is mainly like people who speak the same language, they do not know each other at all. so it will be very interesting to see these strangers try and work together in a team based environment, being pushed to their absolute limits cause purgatory.
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foxieflower · 1 year
I like the headcanons of Gluskin already knew Waylon from before, maybe they interacted once which is why he said he knows Waylon can stops it
Though others said he is projecting and is a parallel to his mother "mother, you can stop these rapists". Playing outlast 2 I feel bad for eddie's potential visions
I've honestly never heard the projecting theory and honestly that's somehow even more heartbreaking that what I just initially pictured.
I often believe Eddie is coherent before he's placed into the engine and he either has seen Waylon around that facility before or he can simply tell that the one man not in a suit or doctor's gear with a scared look on his face is obviously someone worth trusting over everything else he's dealing with
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randomvarious · 6 months
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Today's mix:
Past Lessons / Future Theories by Slam 2000 Tech-House / Techno / House / Deep House
Oh, hell yes, folks. Today, we've got an exquisite turn-of-the-millennium double-disc mix, courtesy of Glasgow's greatest techno DJ pair to ever do it, Slam. Back in the early 90s, these guys were part of the group that was responsible for co-founding the terrific Soma Quality Recordings label—also based out of Glasgow—and these days they play sets all across the globe, have their very own festival, and host one of techno's most popular weekly podcasts too: Slam Radio. Needless to say, in a genre whose overall ephemerality tends to be so key, and with so many acts who debuted in the early 90s having naturally fallen by the wayside, the fact that these two have managed to become, and still remain, an institution in this space is such a commendably rare feat in and of itself 👏. And a mix like this serves as a stellar example as to why they've managed to stick around and stay in the top echelon of techno DJs for so long. Past Lessons / Future Theories certainly doesn't catch Slam in their earliest days, but it's still only the second mix of theirs to ever be released commercially, and the first since 1996's Psychotrance 4, on Moonshine Music. And while the first disc is the far chiller of the two and sees them tying to shy away from dropping the straight-up techno jams, it's the second disc where they decide to really channel their true, uninhibited inner selves, and get down to brass tacks 😤.
Now, while most mixes tend to have names that you really shouldn't read too much into, I think there's a meaning behind this one's in particular, and that it's really exemplified by a single track: Josh Wink and Lil' Louis' "How's Your Evening So Far?" Real house heads who know their history are already undoubtedly familiar with the name Lil' Louis, as he's the guy who made one of the biggest ever house tunes of the 1980s, with the warm and chuggingly sensual "French Kiss." But with this track from 2000 here, Philadelphia's Josh Wink manages to revive that classic while simultaneously cozily wrapping it in his own techno knowhow, yielding a total banger that, over 20 years later, still satisfies plentifully 😌. So, if Past Lessons / Future Theories means taking what you've already learned and then building something new and lasting directly on top of it, then Wink really knocked that whole concept out of the damn park with this song here.
And also, while this second disc largely seems to run a slightly dark, yet eclectic contemporary techno gamut of sorts, I still definitely gotta give it up especially for Mad Mike Banks' "String Mix" of The Aztec Mystic's "Jaguar." This is a tune that builds itself in anticipation to a boiling point with its very prominent, sharp, and dramatic orchestral string work, with those strings eventually transitioning into creakily seesawing Hitchcockian stabs when the drumbeat finally comes in at the end. Such a phenomenal track!
So, in all honesty, after listening to this album's first disc, I was starting to get ready to conclude that while Slam had been trusted veteran DJs for a good while by the year 2000, this release itself didn't actually have the transcendent 'wow' factor that you might expect. But evidently, these guys were just saving up all their magic for disc 2. Disc 1 isn't a total skipper by any means, but that second one really shows you what these Glasgow legends are capable of weaving together, and to that end, why they've managed to outlast almost all of their peers as well.
Listen to CD1 here. Listen to CD2 here.
E-Dancer - "Heavenly (Juan Atkins Remix)" Flunky - "Love Song (Dub)" Sueño Latino - Sueno Latino (Bushwacka! Tek Mix)" Mark Flash - "Timbales Calientes" Silicone Soul - "Right On, Right On"
Bushwacka! - "Healer (House Mix)" Hipp-E & Eric Davenport - "Jesus Loves 2000" Valentino Kanzyani - "Fever" Trevor Rockcliffe - "A Sound Called House" Samuel L. Session - "Tribe Cut" Death In Vegas - "Dirge (Slam Mix)" Josh Wink & Lil' Louis - "How's Your Evening So Far?" Black Odyssey - "The Stand" Gaetano Parisio - "1999" Slam - "Positive Education" The Aztec Mystic - "Jaguar (Mad Mike String Mix)"
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matchup incoming <3 ->
What song are you fixated on at the moment:
NYE by joseph! second verse in particular ^^
im a 2!!
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
yes!!!! i love deep dive videos on internet culture from early 2000s. i also really like film analysis videos
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
i liked chronicles of narnia a lot when i was little and i definitely played with imaginary aslan and lots of other talking animals
What is your go-to way to fall asleep:
smushed into just so many pillows and blankets that are good for holding with music/podcast/asmr playing and my cat snuggled up with me
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why:
if i were to change my name i’d probably pick a family name since my name now doesn’t have any connections to anyone else. birdie was a family name that i think is rlly cute :3
favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why:
currently i think the david camping audio is my favorite. very soft and quiet and calm.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why:
probably marcus. while i do think he is an interesting and well written character, i don’t see the appeal the way i do for some of the other more morally grey boys.
that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
peter pan!!!
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to:
asher is so bestie vibes to me i need to carry him around in my pocket at all times. i care him so much <3
go-to thing you ramble about:
i’m kind of a known rambler if given the opportunity so i’ll start going on about anatomy, work gossip, film theories, the games i play, anything really if someone offers to listen ^^
favorite playlist:
my favorite playlist has all my fav 50s and 60s music bc i am a hopeless romantic. big band songs to slow dance in the kitchen to type of theme going on.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are:
i think im pretty hardworking and i spend a lot of time taking care of other people (probably a good time to mention the extreme eldest daughter syndrome).
in my free time i love baking and cooking. i can play a tiny bit of guitar and piano but most of my musical talent lies in singing.
that’s all i can think of :0
Tumblr media
It’s the little things with this entry. All the little, small, sweet things that make a life together, that you have in common, that make me think you’d be a really lovely fit for Camelopardalis.
Like, I can see Cam being a huge fan of the Chronicles of Narnia? (I think he loves all the classics, like the Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien and Lewis were contemporaries, so that works together.) He’d love smooth, crooning classic 50’s music; Cam plays it in a record player but not in a hipster way, in a “this is technically an antique” way. He’d love the leisurely, methodical routine of cooking.
Most of all, he’d love you. Twos are often categorized by a caring, giving nature and a desire to love and be loved. (Geordi, for example, would be a Two.) I think Cam is a good match for that, as he strikes me as the type of partner who’d be very open, communicative, and giving with his affection and in receiving it.
A heart that's true and longs for you/ Is all I have to give/ All my love belongs to you/ As long as I may live
Camelopardalis seems, to me, as the kind of man-shaped being who doesn’t fall first but falls extremely hard when he finally does. You would be a once in a very long lifetime kind of event for him, and his love would outlast you, the sun, every star in the sky.
I also like Gavin for a Type Two. There’s something about the way he talks about his feelings that’s so effusive and raw that appeals to me for someone with the basic wants and fears of that Enneagram. Ollie, I’d pair with you because of the way his hardworking nature would complement yours. Ollie is dedicated but balanced, and I think he’d make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
Note: thank you for your patience! I really appreciate you waiting 💙
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LGBT (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: February 11th, 2024
part one
Bedroom Activities (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/calum T, 2k asexual!michael
Summary: Michael thinks that Calum’s bed is his favorite location in the entire house.
Or: Michael comes out to Calum.
Chrysalis (ao3) - jbhmalum michael/calum T, 49k asexual!calum, trans!michael
Summary: When Michael breaks up with him without an explanation, Calum is left confused as he tries to pick up the pieces. He just doesn’t realise they’re not meant to be put back together the same way.
Comment, Like, Subscribe My Heart (ao3) - thesoulsailor michael/luke N/R, 54k nonbinary!luke, cis!michael
Summary: Youtube!AU in which Luke is a non-binary beauty guru, Michael is the lead singer of Ashton’s cover band and Calum thinks gender roles are overrated anyways.
drag the lake and bring me home again (ao3) - younggod michael/luke T, 2k nonbinary!luke, cis!michael
Summary: the one where michael is dating luke and luke is nonbinary and wants to feel safe and michael thinks he can help him with that
For a Good Time, Call (ao3) - xdistorted_cliffordx michael/calum M, 40k gay!michael
Summary: Michael was looking for a good time, not a relationship.
i'd still choose you (ao3) - IWillNotBeSilenced michael/luke T, 541 bisexual!luke
Summary: 'I think I'm bisexual.' 'Okay. That's okay, Luke.'
In which Luke comes out, and his feelings are more important than Michael's Playstation.
I’m Back in My Body (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/ashton M, 3k nonbinary!luke
Summary: Luke has a conversation with KayKay that pushes him to re-consider his own gender identity.
Not Just a Stupid Game (ao3) - coffeemuke michael/luke E, 2k bisexual!luke, bisexual!michael
Summary: A game of truth or dare leads to Michael following through on a dare.
Outlast the Ignorance (ao3) - not_just_dreamers ot4 M, 8k trans!luke, nonbinary!calum, agender!michael, genderqueer!ashton
Summary: ' Eventually, the girl left, and Ashton's roommate turned around, dragging his suitcase into the room. The first thing Ashton noticed was that the boy was pretty. Not handsome, definitely pretty. Plump pink lips and long eyelashes- Ashton soon realised the boy was wearing makeup.
The boy’s eyes met his own, as if daring Ashton to comment, and Ashton looked at the floor.
"Hi. I'm- I'm Ashton," he cursed the way his voice gave away his nerves, and he quickly glanced up to meet the other boy's eyes again. He looked kind, but wary.
"I'm Calum. I'm gonna say this right away: I'm non-binary, and I use they/them pronouns. If you have an issue with that, you can talk to the RA."
Ashton's brows furrowed in confusion, "non-binary? What's that?" '
Parade (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton N/R, 1k pansexual!ashton
Summary: It was June 26, marked on the calendars as the day same-sex marriage was legal nationwide in America. Everyone went out to celebrate, and as a proud pansexual Ashton went too. He surely wasn’t expecting to get lost and meet a cute blond along the way.
Partner Steps (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/ashton T, 18k asexual!ashton
Summary: Ashton Irwin wants to release his second album. He hires Michael Clifford to choreograph the video for the lead single.
Stars in your eyes - @vasattope (vasattope (rachelsheart)) luke/ashton M, 5k bisexual!luke
Summary: Or, Luke figures out his sexuality and makes Ashton doubt everything he thought he knew about himself in the process.
the One About the Pride Parade (ao3) - twinkylukey luke/ashton N/R, 3k pansexual!calum
Summary: basically, ashton and luke meet at pride and fuck.
tie me to your fingertip (don't let me float away) (ao3) - diets0dasociety michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 21k pansexual!calum, pansexual!ashton
Summary: Soulmate.
The world alone is enough to make Calum wretch. It’s a fine enough idea, sure – that somewhere out there is a person, just as oblivious as you, who’s destined to waltz into your life and make you happy forever – but it’s just an idea. A theory. Nobody knows how it works; nobody understands the tattoos. It’s just fate.
And, well, fate and Calum Hood aren’t exactly on good terms.
or, the malum soulmate fic nobody was waiting for in which Calum and Ashton are sort of brothers and Luke and Michael keep popping up.
up to your mouth, feeling it out (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke, luke/ashton E, 9k bisexual!michael
Summary: Ashton’s the one who suggested it; after all, he would know how well Luke would do in the industry, since he spent most Friday nights with his best friend’s lips around his cock. Luke, on the other hand, didn’t know he would end up fluffing for a record-breaking pornstar who is like, really really hot, and definitely his type.
or, Luke is broke and has a talented mouth (and a tongue piercing).
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alexisyoko · 3 months
Analysis, theories, thoughts :
(I'll add more)
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) :
Black Butler Facts People Rarely Talk About
Who is Undertaker?
What happened to the shinigamis?
Grell as trans representation (a trans guy's opinion)
Something concerning about Grell and my theory about Charles Grey
William and what his pigeons may symbolize
Does Lizzy know Sebastian is a demon? (and other Black Butler theories)
Seeing the humanity in Sebastian Michaelis
Ludger is amazing and underrated
This made me love William even more!
No, Grell is NOT a predator! (defending Grell)
Analyzing Grell's sexual and romantic behavior
William is one of the first people to respect Grell's identity (my headcanon)
Is Undertaker good or evil?
Outlast 2 :
Analyzing the character of Val
Fear and Huger :
Defending Enki the misanthrope
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ucw-forever · 1 year
Universal Cross Wrestling (Year 1, Month 2)
UCW's first official pay-per-view goes live in a sold out arena hailing within Philadelphia, and begins with the first round in the UCW Tag Team Championship tournament; pitting Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory of The Way up against Wes Lee and Nash Carter of MSK. All four competitors showcase their fast paced and strike centric style of wrestling which sets them at a stalemate until the closing moments--seeing Gargano and Theory defeat the young stars in convincing fashion.
Next up, Pete Dunne and Antonio Cesaro threaten to tear the house down with a long and intense submission match that pushes both men as far as they can take themselves until one of them is champion. Though Cesaro has a higher level of prowess in the vein of strikes and longevity, Dunne is able to both outpower and outlast his opponent until he puts him to sleep with a dragon sleeper; crowning himself as UCW's first ever Submission Champion.
Karrion Kross makes his presence known leading into the third match of the night, calling out anybody and everybody currently in the locker room to come face him for his Openweight Championship. The person who answers his challenge? Raubahn; conqueror of the beast and leader of the Immortal Flames. Both Raubahn and Kross truck through each other with neither of them showing any signs of stopping, putting everything they have into their fists and heads while trading brutal blows from beginning to end.
Eventually, Kross is able to tire out Raubahn and uses his overwhelming strength to beat the man down to a definitive pinfall--retaining the Openweight Championship at his first pay-per-view showing. After the bout however, Brock Lesnar emerges with fire in his eyes and brutally attacks Raubahn after the match; putting him through not one, but two announcers tables with two consecutive F-5's and shelving him with two broken ribs.
Bianca Belair and Y'shtola Rhul meet in the ring ahead of their contest, giving everyone in attendance the clear cut match of the night in a 30 minute clinic for the Women's Championship. Both women showcase their varying styles of wrestling in the time they have, and in that time, Bianca is able to defeat Y'shtola by pinfall and remains champion--shaking her hand and congratulating her as well after the fact.
Roman Reigns and Ardbert put everything on the line heading into the 5th match of the pay-per-view, both men tearing each other apart from bell to bell in a ruthless showing of their absolute power. From kendo sticks to chairs to tables to straps to brass knuckles, the Tribal Chief and the Warrior of Darkness bludgeon each other in a brutal contest lasting upwards to 20 minutes; ending with Roman Reigns spearing Ardbert through a barricade and defeating him by way of referee stoppage.
With Triple H and William Regal watching by ringside, AJ Styles and Kevin Owens face off in an absolute classic to crown UCW's first ever Undisputed Champion. Reminiscent of their matches in the past, Kevin's style of brawling and stiff strikes mixed with AJ's natural athleticism puts them at odds in a 20 minute ringer with AJ ultimately coming out as the victor and new UCW Undisputed Champion.
Finally, to end the pay-per-view and decide the fate of the UCW World Championship, Nene and Hank face off in a historic bout that pushes the both of them to their very limits clocking in at just under a half hour. When it seems like Nene is on the cusp of having that title in her hands though, Sanford and Deimos assist their friend from behind the referee's back and help Hank defeat the girl in a convincing but unfair fashion. It is then that Sky appears from out of nowhere and lays waste to the three of them easily, attacking Nene as well before escaping through the crowd to end the night.
Two days after UCW's first official pay-per-view, UCW Blackout's 2nd full month goes live in Brooklyn with the first show of the month being just 48 hours removed from an eventful and epic Starrcade. The show begins with a championship coronation held by Triple H and William Regal that sees AJ Styles, Pete Dunne, and Karrion Kross all come down to the ring and celebrate their championship wins and defenses amongst the General Managers.
Hank is then called down to end the ceremony with a direct announcement as to who his next opponent for the World Championship will be; that being the newly debuting but very well known superstar of Adam Cole. However, Nene also makes her presence known with demands for a rematch against the World Champion--prompting Triple H to book a match between her and Adam Cole to decide a number #1 contender on the go-home show before UCW's next pay-per-view, No Mercy.
Sky is seen backstage speaking to Tricky on the topic of her arrival in UCW. The two lament on their friendship and the fact that the both of them-one from Hank and the other from Nene-have targets on their backs that have completely changed their lives for better and for worse.
Sky speaks on how when she first appeared in the Newgrounds universe, she was seen as nothing more than an obsessive waste of space by everyone besides Tricky who genuinely made an effort to be her friend, and when she decided to leave to try and reevaluate herself, she saw how people like Whitty, Zardy, and Ruv had grown be known as pioneers and megastars solely through their own dominating strength while away.
Sky then decided to take it upon herself to follow in their footsteps, and despite going against Tricky's warnings, seeks to use her own newfound strength to cut a path through UCW and show the world what she's capable of--starting with Nene and ending with the UCW champion.
The second round of the UCW Tag Team Championship tournament gets underway as reDRagon faces off against the debuting FTR to decide who will face The Way in the tournaments semi-finals. Between FTR's old school and physicality based style and reDRagon's more strike oriented and fast paced wrestling, reDRagon are able to outsmart the Revolt and come out on top to advance in the tournament.
The Tag Team Championship tournament's third round pits Black Void against the Usos to determine who faces either the Street Profits or Top Guys in the semi-finals. Though they are easily outmatched in power by Top Guys, the Usos use their synergy and teamwork to put them away in the end; sending the brothers further into the second half of the tournament.
William Regal announces that a Battle Royal will be held to decide who will face Bianca Belair at No Mercy for the UCW Women's Championship. The BR itself introduces new and old icons of women's wrestling to the crowd, and ends with both Io Shirai and Toni Storm hitting the outside at the exact same time--prompting Regal to make the match at No Mercy a triple threat match for the Women's Championship.
Roman Reigns cuts a promo from a dimly lit room backstage that details his history as a leader; from his time in NXT as a dough-rolling businessman to one of the three hounds of justice that made up the Shield, he reflects on his time in the limelight amongst those who followed him and compares those times to that of Ardbert's achievements. A supposed hero across two separate worlds that still failed to put him away is no hero at all in Roman's own words, and with the Warrior of Darkness himself out of action because of Roman Reigns, the Tribal Chief opts to turn his attention to someone who reminds him of himself--Karrion Kross and the Openweight Championship. Kross accepts this challenge later in the show, and Triple H makes it official for No Mercy.
Pete Dunne has a sit-down interview with ring announcer Justin Roberts following his win over Cesaro, an interview in which the bruiserweight claims to Triple H that the only people in UCW who have any prowess as submission specialists are either gone or have been already beaten by him. He states that he knows that his run as Submission Champion is just beginning, but by the look of UCW's roster and the names that catch his eye, Pete only sees one man who would even come close to his level and acknowledges that he isn't here either; that is until the man himself, Daniel Bryan, comes face to face with Dunne and throws out the challenge right there, which Dunne accepts.
———— Mid-Month Break ————
A Six Pack Challenge is held to determine who will face AJ Styles for the Undisputed Championship at No Mercy. This match consists of G'raha Tia, Tricky, Drew McIntyre, Papalymo, Thancred, Pico, and Darnell. Though the match goes on for an over-the-top and chaotic 20 minutes, the winner is decided when Darnell assists Pico in pinning Thancred to win an opportunity at AJ Styles. As for Darnell himself, he states to his friend that this is an opportunity made for Pico--Darnell has his own business to take care of.
The fourth round of the UCW Tag Team Championship tournament sees the Street Profits go two-on-two against Top Guys to see which of the two teams will face the Usos in the semi-finals. In the end, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins use their mixture of high flying and heavy hitting wrestling styles to outpower and outspeed Top Guys to a victory and a match against the Usos.
The UCW Tag Team Championship tournament's fifth round takes the tourney into its semi-final bracket, opening up with The Way facing off against reDRagon in an extremely technical and fast-paced clinic of a match. After 20 minutes of a consistently back and forth contest, The Way are able to use their resilience to run reDRagon dry of energy and defeat them to move on to the finals.
The sixth round in the Tag Team Championship tournament pits The Usos against the Street Profits in a match that blows the entire tournament out of the water. A nearly 30 minute instant classic of high-octane never slowing down action that sees both teams give their all in the vein of teamwork, synergy, and heart for a chance at the titles, the Usos are just narrowly capable of defeating the Profits and securing their spot in the finals.
The UCW Tag Team Championship tournament finishes with a bang: a 20 minute, always moving spot-fest between the Usos and The Way that sees both teams push themselves to their absolute limits both in desperation and courage for a shot at the Tag Team titles. Despite the efforts of the Way, however, the Usos defeat Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory in convincing fashion and come face to face with Sanford and Deimos as their match and title shot are locked in for No Mercy. By request of the Tag Team champions though, that match will take place as UCW's first ever ladder match for the Championships.
On the last episode of Blackout before No Mercy, Adam Cole makes his in-ring debut against Nene in a #1 Contender's match for Hank's UCW World Championship. The two of them absolutely bludgeon each other in a half hour long showcase of Cole's patented wrestling ability and Nene's hunger for another chance at the title. Sanford and Deimos make an attempt to get involved on the behalf of Hank late in the match, but are stopped by Darnell who even gets into a scuffle with Sky on the entrance ramp once the Tag Team champions are taken care of.
Darnell's involvement however throws Nene off just enough for Adam Cole to take advantage, spiking Nene with a Panama Sunrise and finishing her off with the Last Shot to secure a match with Hank in the main event of No Mercy. As a result, Nene demands a match against Sky at No Mercy from Regal and has her wish granted; stating that if Sky has a hit list all to show the world that she means business, then she better be prepared for her newly found enemies to fire back in the match that will be, by Nene's request, an Ironman match.
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depths-of-books · 2 years
Myths about a baby’s sex
Myths about a baby’s sex Several myths are based on the Shettles Method, developed by Landrum Shettles in the 1960s. He built his theories on the fact that the sperm carrying the Y chromosome, which conceives a baby boy (XY), is lighter and faster but less durable than the sperm carrying the X chromosome that results in a girl (XX). Several myths about conception stem from this theory. Myth 1: Have intercourse closer to ovulation allows the lighter, faster Y-chromosome sperm to reach the egg first. Intercourse further from ovulation enables the stronger, more durable X-chromosome sperm to outlast the Y-chromosome sperm. Dr. Austin says “Intercourse two days prior to ovulation is good timing,” but she adds this would only increase the likelihood of conception, and would not affect what sex your baby would be. Myth 2: Shettles suggests that having deeper intercourse helps the faster Y-chromosome sperms get to the egg first. Having deeper intercourse, Dr. Austin says. “would not alter delivery of sperm to the egg at all.” Myth 3: To increase likelihood for a boy, women should increase potassium in their diet. One study indicated that there was an association between potassium and having a male baby, but offered only minimal proof that this was a reliable method. In fact, there was only a 5% change in the number of women in the study who ended up having a boy, according to Dr. Vij. Myth 4: Women who use an expectorant (like cough syrup) can increase the fluidity of their cervical mucus to lubricate the way for Y-chromosome sperm. To which Dr. Vij replies: “That’s another old wives’ tale.” Myth 5: Changing the pH factor in the vagina can help. If you make the vagina more acidic by using a vinegar douche, it favors a girl. If you make it more alkaline by using a baking soda and water douche, it favors a boy. “Baking soda douches won’t change odds for sex,” Dr. Austin says, adding: “It can be very harmful to the woman, too, especially the baking soda, so we do not recommend these techniques.” The only way to guarantee a boy or girl? Currently, the only way to guarantee sex is a technique called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), where a single sperm is implanted in the egg in a type of in vitro fertilization called ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). A cell of the developing embryo is tested to determine sex prior to placement in the uterus of the mother. But Dr. Austin clarifies: “Even with genetic testing, the sex cannot be 100% guaranteed,” she says.
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charlezarrd · 2 years
First Impressions: Sanitarium (1998)
Ok, i wanted to do this instead of liveblogging it, or waiting til i’m done.
This is gonna be on the style of my more idiotic rambly posts, like the one about Devil May Cry, or the one about Nyanners, so I’m putting it under the cut so nobody has to scroll forever through it.
Sanitarium is a point-&-click style horror game from 1998. You’re thrown directly into the action with only the help of a short cutscene showing a car crash to show you what’s going on.
Your dude then wakes up in a poorly-kept and falling apart insane asylum, with bandages on his head. He doesn’t know who he is, how he got there, or anything prior to this moment. He does seem to have a relatively level head on his shoulders, though. Especially in contrast to the… other patients. One of whom pulls off his pants and jumps to his death when you approach him.
For anyone familiar with this game, I have gotten as far as chapter 2, and opened the school building.
This game is… Fucking weird. It’s completely disjointed, and bizarre. There’s no sense of internal logic. Or. There is, but it’s entirely localized to each conversation you have, each room you go in. It’s like Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, but wrong. At the same time, there… Are a few through-threads. Thematically at least. So far, i’m seeing Religion, Stained Glass, and… Pumpkins?
At the same time! I know how stories work, i’ve spent a fair amount of time on TVTropes. I would consider this my field of expertise if nothing else. I can tell when a story is poorly put together. I like to think I have a good instinct for that.
And so far? None of my trope senses are going off. Even with the patients, nothing raised any alarm bells. The other patients are delusional, sure, but none of them are harmful or threatening. (Which is refreshing given that mental health is a serious topic, and having played Outlast, where it was just like “oh god crazy people how scary!”, i was a little apprehensive about this game too.)
So far, the typical “crazy person” beats are… Weirdly absent. Nobody’s mentioned Aliens or Conspiracy theories. So I think… Maybe this is all somehow relevant.
On another note, the art style and voice acting lends itself to being weird to. Granted, this game’s from 1998, so neither are going to be amazing, for a 2.5d-sometimes-3d, fully voice acted point-&-click game. But what strikes me is not… That it’s bad, neccisarily. Well, ok, the voice acting is bad, don’t get me wrong. But it’s not so bad as to be bothersome and more just… Feels off.
In short. This is gonna be interesting, one way or another.
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market-news-24 · 18 days
I spent a week using the iPad Pro 2024 as a laptop, and the results were just as I anticipated. Find out how this tech experiment turned out in my candid review. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Apple recently released the iPad Pro 2024, sparking discussions on whether it can truly replace the best laptops in the Market. With its powerful Apple M4 chip, redesigned Magic Keyboard, and impressive OLED display, the iPad Pro seems like a strong contender. In our tests, it even outlasted many Windows laptops in battery life. However, after using the iPad Pro as a laptop replacement for a week, it became clear that the best MacBooks have nothing to fear. While the iPad Pro is a fantastic tablet, it still lacks the capabilities to deliver a true laptop experience. One major factor is the limitations of iPadOS for productivity. Despite its user-friendly interface, iPadOS falls short when it comes to multitasking and working with productivity apps. Basic tasks like switching between Google apps can be cumbersome on iPadOS compared to a traditional laptop browser. The iPad Pro's Stage Manager feature, while helpful in theory, can be restrictive when trying to use split-screen view. Many users have expressed the idea of putting macOS on iPads with M-series chips to enhance productivity. However, this solution may blur the lines between tablet and laptop, creating confusion for users. Another aspect to consider is the price. The iPad Pro, combined with the essential Magic Keyboard, can cost more than some MacBook models. For example, the 13-inch MacBook Air M2 offers a more affordable option with similar performance capabilities. In conclusion, while the iPad Pro continues to evolve, it still falls short of being a practical laptop replacement. Until iPadOS improves its productivity features or Apple explores other OS options, the MacBook remains a superior choice for those seeking a laptop-like experience. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Can the iPad Pro 2024 replace a laptop? Yes, the iPad Pro 2024 can be used as a laptop replacement for many tasks. 2. Is the iPad Pro 2024 easy to use like a laptop? The iPad Pro 2024 is designed to be user-friendly and can perform most tasks that a laptop can. 3. Can I type documents and emails on the iPad Pro 2024? Yes, you can use the iPad Pro 2024 to type documents and emails using a keyboard or the touchscreen. 4. Can I run multiple apps at the same time on the iPad Pro 2024? The iPad Pro 2024 supports multitasking, allowing you to run multiple apps simultaneously. 5. Is the iPad Pro 2024 a good option for work and productivity? Many users find the iPad Pro 2024 to be a great tool for work and productivity due to its powerful features and compatibility with various apps. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds
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0 notes
magnus-sm-writes · 19 days
May 10k Update 2
Keeping with the theme of “Magnus is an absolute machine when it comes to hitting word count”, this is the next 10k upd8! (Yes, that is the document title; no, I will not be acknowledging the Homestuck reference after this.)
I wrote around 5,000 words in two days, which is… nigh unheard of. I haven’t recorded hitting numbers like this since 2020. Admittedly, I don’t think I’ve been recording my frantic rewrites like this since 2020, but, you know, specifics. It turns out that keeping meticulous track of everything I write (other than fanfiction, but I would like to say that it would double my word count, as it is my “low pressure” work) motivates me more than pretty much anything else. My Aries (AuDHD) brain loves concrete markers of my achievements. What is more concrete than a number of everything I write? 
The reason I’ve been “frantically rewriting” is because there’s a pretty promising sci-fi themed anthology I wanted to submit to that had a due date of May 15. Mind you, this rewrite started on May 7. I gave myself five days to finish, polish, name, and overall perfect this story. And then I found out I misread the entry in Author’s Publish and the submission window actually opened on May 15.
This story, which I’ve been posting snippets of to my Instagram story (magnus_sm.writes, shameless self-promo, just the way I like it), was originally unnamed when I began the rewrite. After carefully combing through the list of potential names for future works I keep (of mild to intense slappage), I finally decided to name it “Certain Boundaries” instead of just calling it “The AI Story”.
I’ve mentioned “Certain Boundaries” before, briefly. It’s a story that uses the fear of the doppelgänger. I was inspired by Ex Machina, all the doppelgänger theory I had to read for my capstone project, and the uncanny valley, which I also had to research for my capstone project.
(I could speak for hours about the uncanny valley. It doesn’t really work on me, because I’m face blind. I can’t really recognize when a face is “wrong” because I have a pretty loose grasp of what a face should look like. The uncanny valley only works on me with movement. When something moves wrong, I can identify it. Otherwise, I’m left confused as to why others are uncomfortable.)
Honestly, “Certain Boundaries” is a bit like a more sci-fi version of my capstone project, Body. I absolutely adore that. There are certain themes that pop up a lot in my work, and the doppelgänger is one of them.
In “Certain Boundaries”, we follow Basil, a programmer who is at a fancy event, and completely not into it. When he meets a perfect double of himself in his boss’ house, he’s left terrified by the implication.
Basil is a strange combination of Caleb from Ex Machina, Mark Zuckerberg from The Social Network, myself, and Waylon Park from Outlast: Whistleblower. He’s nervous, autistic, socially-inept. Dare I say he’s similar to me at my worst. 
Iskos is similar to Basil. He’s meant to be. I’d compare him to Data from Star Trek (my beloved), Ash from that episode of Black Mirror, and every person I mentioned in Basil’s section. I love Iskos for how much of himself that Basil sees in him, for how strange he is compared to Basil, how their bodies contrast. 
When they stand together, Basil and Iskos look like twins. Better than twins; perfect doubles. It’s uncanny. Ha.
Here’s a little excerpt from the beginning:
Diana has dressed up her Hawiian shirt with a blazer and matching slacks. She zeroes in on him with a smile. An errant fingerprint on her glasses smudges one of her eyes. “Basil, so nice to see you’ve attended tonight. We can’t do this without our junior-senior programmer.” It's a weird joke between them, the junior-senior thing. Basil is the most junior of the senior programmers.
I spent a lot of time writing various introductions for my blog. May has been a month of retrospection for me. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on my work this year just because I’m really trying to focus on publication and understanding my own work. That, and I’m an attention whore. I mean, hello, I have two different social medias where I pretty much exclusively talk about my reading and writing. What screams “attention whore” like that?
I began to write an introduction for Experiment #24. Experiment #24, or X, is the character I mention the most. He began as a D&D character, because again, I am nothing if not predictable. Regardless of that, X is my son. He’s me. 
I’ve also got some introductions for the rest of the Greenest boys, Penny and Mavuto from Double-Trickery, and Double-Trickery itself. 
Mostly, I’m trying to understand my characters so I can better describe them. I can get a little confused with character arcs and whether they feel natural, and I think this is a good way for me to reflect on that. And, of course, to share them with the world!
Yesterday, though, I was working toward one of my goals for the month: writing for Greenest. Greenest does have an introduction up (shameless self-promo part 2).
The hardest part of writing Greenest for me is getting Valor’s character down. He’s so different from how he is in Of Valor & Honor. This Valor has Seen Some Shit, and it’s difficult to write that in the early chapters of Greenest before Experiment #24 comes along. Valor has a lot of trauma responses that are very different from how I deal with trauma (oversharing) that make it hard to write for him. He doesn’t share what’s wrong; he keeps it all inside. In addition to that, he’s got a lot of strange habits from being a soldier and then a mercenary that I have to keep balanced.
In conclusion, Valor is a tough guy, and I am objectively not that. 
Most of my male characters are very much like myself: open, emotional, chatty. Sigma and Mavuto are prime examples of that. Sigma was socialized around only women, so he has a lot of traits (emotionality, communication) that reflect that upbringing. Mavuto has spent half of his life around faeries, who don’t really have a concept of hiding their emotions unless they’re manipulating someone. 
Valor isn’t like that. He’s very Classically Masculine™, and with that includes an element of repressing himself. Not in the same way that Penny represses himself, either, because it’s far easier to get into Penny’s head. I think it’s because Penny has someone to open up to that makes him easier to write than Valor. Valor has nobody. He purposefully isolates himself from everyone. Classic.
Regardless of that issue I had, I think I portrayed Sigma’s childlike joy about being able to see the outside world well. Here’s one of my favorite moments from the scene!
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They come closer to the heart of the village. Instead of the heart of a living being, the core of the village thrums with different smells and people. Painted wooden signs hang from buildings advertising their wares. The air smells of fire from crackling hearths, bread from a nearby bakery, bodies mingling.
I’ve nearly met my goal of writing four poems this month. One of them is a haiku about spring, because I was quite happy to see all the flowers this month. The next was a sort of sad poem called “Father, I am sorry”, a companion poem to “Mother, I am sorry”. Because I’m full of guilt.
Then I got really excited thinking about Greenland sharks and how cool they are, because Greenland sharks kick major ass. 10/10, excellent shark, no notes. Miniskirt Mag is considering doing a shark week issue, so if that happens, you know I’m submitting my ode to the Greenland shark. And even if they don’t end up with that theme, I hope my poem can find a home elsewhere. It brought me a lot of joy to write.
I’ve currently borrowed a couple poetry books from the library with the hopes that they absolutely slap and give me the power to write more poetry myself. 
I have rewritten two short stories so far: “Certain Boundaries” and “The Boy & the Hag Stone”. I’m thrilled about that, personally. Those do add to my word count, as those are rewrites. 
One thing I can’t add to my word count, though, is my current line edit of “Plastic Fangs”. Most of the time, line editing subtracts words, as I’m making the story tighter. I’m already down about a hundred words so far. Fingers crossed that this round of edits is the final one!
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