#our minho man just gets more handsome by the day <33
herewegobebe · 2 years
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He just gets more handsome by the day 🥺💞💞💞
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The Unknown - Chapter 33. Sacrifice [Minho x Reader]
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Title: The Unknown - Chapter 33. Sacrifice  ➔ Chapter 34. Here! Pairing: Minho x Female!Reader Published: 4 June, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore The Unknown Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Guard!" I shouted to the man standing outside in completely black cloths. "I want to talk to the doctors." I heard him talking over his radio, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I didn't have to wait for long, before he unlocked my door, grabbed my arm and started leading me towards the lab. The corridor walls were white, with a blue horizontal line crossing on the middle. The ceiling had bright long lights laying across it, making the white paint turn into a bluish colour. People were walking around in lab coats with plastic boards and test papers in their hands almost bumping into each other as they were deeply lost in their thoughts. 
As we were walking further I was looking through the windows of each of the rooms. They kept all the children separately to test their newest theories of... of... "I couldn't remember". The kids I saw in the rooms were not even human anymore. They were skinny, weak and barely alive. I remembered how I was just like them 591 days ago. Yes, I was counting the days indeed. I wanted to be with Minho and the fact that I couldn't, made me desperate. I promised him to stay alive and get stronger. And so I did. That's why it was so hard to look at the kids suffering. They had no determination, no goal to survive anymore. But I have had.
"Good morning." One of the doctors greeted me as we stepped inside the lab, but he didn't even look up from his paperwork. "How can I help you, Y/N?" He was short and chubby with a moustache and beard. A thick brown framed glass was sitting across his cheeks. He was going bold, but he was trying to hide it with a very obvious toupee which didn't even match his own hair colour.
"I want to go to the Maze. I want to do the trial." I stated simply. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows and a curious look in his eyes.
"And may I ask why is that?" He asked adjusting his glasses on his crooked nose.
"Because I want to." I replied mysteriously.
"And would you explain to me why you made this decision?" He asked elbowing on his notes.
"You let Minho go instead of me. Now let me go too." My voice never sounded so powerful before.
"Yes, indeed but that was an exception. After such recovery which you have showed us, why would we want to send you for the trials? Keeping you here is beneficial for our tests." He explained. "Give me one good reason to let you go into the Maze. And don't even try to use Minho as an excuse. You know very well that your memories are going to be wiped out. You will not remember him and he already forgot about you. You will be a nobody to him." He smirked at his brilliance.
"Yes, I will be a nobody. But I rather suffer through years of not knowing who I am, then to stay here. And you know very well, that I will sabotage your tests, just as I have been doing it in the past couple of weeks. I was only beginning to show my true colour. You've seen nothing so far. You can keep me here while I will be demonstrating how someone desperate can destroy years of work, or you can let me go and test me as you wish there." The look on his face was of serious thoughts. He was well aware of my test results in the last couple of days. I have made sure to get useless readings each time, this way they had no use of me.
"You know, with the chip we will be able to control your mind, right?" He asked trying to threaten me.
"I don't care." I shook my head.
"Fine. Let it be. You will be sent up soon." He nodded and turned back to his paperwork. The guard grabbed my arm again and started pulling me back to my room. I wanted to feel happy, I wanted to feel the victory, but somehow I just couldn't. I was relieved that I could see Minho again, even if we wouldn't recognise each other. But I was scared about what the future was holding for us.
When I woke up, I realised the sun was still up. Or was it up again? My head was throbbing and I felt hot. I was once again worked up about a new dream and I was getting tired of them. I felt like never wanting to sleep again. I couldn't understand why I was getting all these imaginations. I couldn't believe that it could have been reality. I was just trying to push them to the back of my mind.
As I dressed up and walked out of my room, I saw some familiar faces lazing around. Their change of clothes made me realise that I indeed slept through the day. I didn't even have to question it when my stomach loudly growled at me. I felt like I was doing nothing but eating and sleeping lately and I didn't fancy such a lazy, useless life-style. I walked to the Kitchen and grabbed some food to satisfy the beast, in other words my stomach.
As I finished my food, I walked out of the kitchen and fixated my eyes on a very handsome view. The sun was strong and bright and I just couldn't take my eyes off of how the drops of sweat were reflecting the sun's powerful light as they were rolling down his toned half-naked body. He was exercising to keep himself in shape, but he was also doing so, to get rid of his unneeded energy. As he turned around still sternly continuing his exercise, I saw something. Something that I was hoping my mind created only. Something that I was wishing not to be true.
I started walking up to Minho, almost in a daze. I completely lost control of my body. My mind was leading me as if it wanted to get a confirmation. Minho stopped his exercising as I was getting closer to him. I saw the confusion on his face when I stopped in front of him with a blank expression.
"When did you get this?" I asked him while pulling my finger across the scar on his shoulder. He looked down to understand what I was talking about.
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"Oh, that. I am not really sure." He replied. "I already had it when I arrived." My eyes widened and the only thing I could think of was the dream I had about Minho getting shot. It looked just like a scar left after a gunshot.
"No." I whispered. I looked back up at him to see an utterly confused expression in his eyes. I didn't have the energy to explain or to understand completely. I just wanted to forget all the dreams I had. I was afraid to remember or to know more. I knew if such a key part of my dreams were to be true, than all of them had to be. It scared me too much. I shook my head and whispering 'headache' I walked back to my room and laid across my bed. I just needed some rest. Yes, that will solve all this mess. I needed some dreamless sleep.
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)
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alittletournesol · 5 years
Kingdom Of Jinju {MinKey} part 28/33
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Chapter 28 : Invasion
Night had surrounded the palace after the long and tough day combining a tumultuous council and a rather expected trial. The rest of the afternoon had been even busier, the King and Prince immediately laughing preparations for their now essential leaving to Mongje ; they couldn’t wait as much as they wanted, for it would mean to risk their life for even a longer time.
The further interrogation of the spy after her trial, in the snugness of her cell, had told more and more interesting details of her mission. She had been in town for a few weeks to quietly investigate the people, learning as much as she could about her target ; it had been a chance for her to be around the south side when soldiers had come to fetch every endangered person during that storm… it had been an open door to the palace for her, although she had still waited before trying to put her plan into action.
She had almost succeeded, the only flaw in this long thought plan being the unexpected presence of no one else than the Prince in the King’s quarters. She could have got rid of him in a flash too… killing both sovereigns on her own, something which had never been done before. A first time in the Five Kingdoms’ history.
Recalling these events, Jinki was lying on his back but even the softness of his mattress couldn’t sooth his tensed muscles. He felt as if he had failed his duty, his promise to defend his best friend at the risk of his own life ; he knew he hadn’t, yet it hadn’t been thanks to him. The day had been so hectic that he was only realizing at that exact moment that he had almost died, he had never been this close to death. 
Even when he had almost been buried alive under the school’s ruins because of the storm didn’t feel like the scariest moment to reminisce. No, this time, it had really been a matter of seconds before his throat could have been slit, giving him only a few seconds to resist before dying, just enough to perhaps witness Minho’s murder. Would have he been strong enough to survive a bit more, to see Kibum die as well ? And Jonghyun, who had been there too ?
Although they were all out of danger for the time being, he still felt the weight of failure on his shoulders. Now he was surrounded by worries regarding their upcoming journey of the Prince’s hometown. He might be the General, but his appointment wasn’t distant ; an invasion needed solid leadership qualities, which he knew he had. Yet, never had he led an entire army, appointed lieutenants to represent him when his place was always as close to the King as possible. 
It was an important organisation that required an utmost sense of strategy, and he was overwhelmed by this simple idea. Added to this, the young girl’s revelation itself was still resounding in his head and it was like voices were yelling all potential consequences at him… from the security of two persons he was attached to, to the safety of an entire kingdom if the invasion didn’t come as intended. After all…
“Jinki.” A gentle voice was calling him, but he couldn’t tell for how long. “Hey, baby, come back to me.”
Blinking a few times, the soldier got a grip and the blurred scenery around him started to clear until he distinguished the face above him, with its familiar sharp features and affectionate eyes. He frowned, noticing the glint of incomprehension in the usually bright irises he liked to look into until he felt at ease. Jonghyun’s blonde eyebrows were slightly furrowed, a disturbing curved line forming between them. 
”Jonghyun…” He whispered before shaking a bit his head. “I’m sorry, I spaced out.”
“I noticed, it was like you didn’t hear me anymore.” The teacher replied, the corner of his lips suddenly raising a tiny bit. “Neither were you feeling me.”
“Feeling you…?”
Before he was in a position to ponder these last words, Jinki got hit by where he was at that exact moment and what he was doing before he had got carried away. He was completely naked, his legs up in the air with his thighs pressed around a just as naked, tanned body. Kneeling between them, Jonghyun was overhanging him with his palms facing the mattress on either side of his partner’s waist. And when the soldier made a slight move, the sudden stinging sensation he felt finished to wake him up.
“By the…” He choked and hid his face with both his hands after a quick look at the man staring at him. “I’m so… Don’t tell me I fell asleep.”
“I don’t know if it would have been better or worse, but no.” The teacher ended up smiling, holding himself on one palm to softly free his lover’s face with his other hand and look at him. “As you said, you just spaced out.”
“I’m so sorry, it’s not about you, I’m sure you were wonderful but I… I’m…”
“You are troubled, your mind is somewhere else.”
“Did you… finish…?”
“Of course not, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I kept making love to you while you don’t even realise it ?”
“Just… Forget about it, I’m ready, let’s do it.”
Saying this and without expecting an answer, Jinki cleared his throat and let his head and arms fall back on the bed. And he waited. 
“Jinki.” The blonde man giggled. “We can’t.”
“Of course we can, my mind is here now and I’ll keep it here, I promise.” The other answered, using his heels to pull his lover towards him. “Come on.”
“No, I mean… you’re not hard anymore, it’s been five good minutes already.”
“What ?”
His eyes widening, the soldier lowered his head to watch his own crotch, gaping when he realized than he was indeed not responding anymore to Jonghyun’s efforts. That was a first time for him, and he was sure he had been hard when they had started… of course he had, otherwise his lover wouldn’t currently be inside him. A sort of shame invaded his already busy mind as his face turned red, and he quickly grabbed the free pillow to cover his whole head.
The teacher couldn’t help but laugh, although he wasn’t making fun of Jinki, this quite new situation for the latter being unfortunately amusing. His reaction was such a contrast with his usual way to handle whatever clumsy things happened to him… he was cute, and Jonghyun could fall for this over and over again. With an extreme delicateness, he moved backwards to free his own member and took a short moment to clean it before he walked on his knees to sit next to the other man.
“Why are you hiding ?” He asked, his hand reaching under the pillow to softly caress the soldier’s cheek with the side of one finger. “Won’t you show me your face ?”
“It’s… humph… shame…” A muffled voice just mumbled in return, making the other smile.
“You know, I remember a day, a few years ago, when I couldn’t get an erection although I was with one of the most handsome young men of Mongje’s nobility. We tried everything but I never got hard… so I told him to go away and I hid for the whole night and next day in my room. I even avoided him afterwards, because I believed he might think he wasn’t good enough for me to want him. Which would have been so wrong, actually, I was the most disappointed man in this story. Such a shame I couldn’t jump on that delicious creature that day.”
Jinki quietly listened to the blonde man’s story, which he told with such ease that he suddenly felt like a kid. At least, he had managed to get hard in a first place… was it really a good thing to compare them and benefit from it ? Slowly, the General pushed down the pillow and looked at his boyfriend, who was still waiting to see him with a smile on his face.
“He really didn’t reproach you with it ?” He asked, and his genuine curiosity just made him even cuter to Jonghyun’s so privileged eyes.
“Of course not, our body doesn’t always react the way we would want it to.” The younger answered, not ceasing his little touch on the other’s cheek. “Three days later, he begged me to stop after I made him come three times.”
“And now, you’re lying.”
“I admit, but at least it made you smile.”
When he was given a quick wink, Jinki laughed and relaxed, staring at the ceiling. The things he would do for this man… he couldn’t even list them. 
“So, will you tell me what is burdening you that much ?” The teacher wondered as his fingers ran through the dark hair, starting to braid three thin strands without even realizing it. “It’s not good to keep it inside.”
“It’s just… everything that fell on us so fast.” The soldier sighed. “I don’t know what to think about it, it’s all so sudden and it’s quite a huge responsibility on my shoulders.”
“And these shoulders are stronger than you think. Nevertheless, it’s your very first invasion and it’s a consequential one. You’re scared ?”
“Not scared, rather confused about how to organise myself. And it’s not only about it, I mean… a war can occur. The Prince’s father attempted to murder our King, twice, and he almost succeeded the second time. We have proofs of Mongje being involved, and the girl confessed, she said his name. What if he doesn’t admit ? What if he refuses to submit ? We will have to besiege the manor, the town around, maybe the whole province… Is it really safe, is it— ”
“Alright, that’s enough, you’re going to pop a vein. I hear your worries, and they’re reasonable. But you’re far from being alone in all this situation, you don’t have to lock yourself and try to resolve everything by yourself.”
“What do you mean ? Everyone is so busy already, they don’t need to hear me whining while they’re getting prepared themselves. They’re even more affected than I am.”
“Yes, but there is someone you tend to forget when he’s the certainly the best person to consult when you need military and strategy advices. Tomorrow morning would be the good time, before you drown in your worries.”
“Who ?”
“Aren’t you the son of a man who used to be in your place ? And if I know my history well, a man whose own father besieged Dongjeo on behalf of his sovereign for a bit less than a year ?”
The soldier blinked a few times. It took him a few seconds to remember that indeed, his grandfather had led a siege during a one year long war that had opposed Jinju and the kingdom of the Gods’ Mountain… and he had brought his wife and children with him at that time. His youngest son later became a General in his turn for the late King Minhyuk. Jinki’s father.
“What time is it ?” He bluntly asked, unsettling Jonghyun for a moment. “It’s not that late, right ?”
“I would say one in the morning, sun sets pretty late during summer and night had been here for a bit more than an hour.” The other man replied, frowning. “Why ?”
“Father used to sleep early when he was on duty, but now that he’s retired… he might still be awake.”
“Wait, you’re not planning to visit him now ?”
“I won’t sleep if I don’t speak with him now. You’re right, the answer was just before my eyes, I can’t let it pass me by.”
Saying this, the General jumped out of his bed and grabbed his shirt to put it on quickly. In no time, he had his sword in hand and was running outside the room.
“Jinki, come back !” The teacher called him as he stoop up in his turn to reach the door, bringing the sheet with him to cover his naked body. “Lee Jinki ! Your trousers !”
* * * * *
The next morning, it was under a bright sun that the spy was taken out of her cell by two soldiers, her arms firmly held to prevent her from escaping. What they didn’t know, or didn’t want to admit, was that she definitely didn’t want to run away, for that prison was actually safer, more comfortable than the small room in which she had been living with her fellows for years. 
Although she had acted tough during her trial, she couldn’t deny how she had eventually broken down when that guy with blonde hair had uncovered her secret so easily… was he even human ? Sure he had been present during her first questioning, right after she had woken up from the hit on her head. But he had remained quiet, all questions coming from the mouth of the one with a soldier attire — a high status, she had guessed.
She was still dumbfounded at how her deepest secret had been revealed in such a short time, but after a quite good night’s sleep, she could see her way through it. It seemed to be a good thing for her to be kept here, since she wasn’t destined for death despite what she had tried to do. It was still surprising, coming from the King himself, but now she felt like she owed him her life, when she had been the one almost taking his. 
However, she didn’t want to hope some royal forgiveness or anything ; she was still an assassin, a spy for a province who wanted the death of the most powerful person in all the realm. She might be young, but she wasn’t stupid enough to blindly expect her life to suddenly smile to her. Nothing would bring her family back and she didn’t have anything to do in this world anymore. 
As she was taken inside the palace, she couldn’t help but stand gaping at the inside architecture, the colors and decorations ; never had she had the honor to visit such a beautiful place. Her family wasn’t poor, yet they weren’t wealthy either, and it had been the reason behind their unfair slaughter. Not poor enough, not rich enough. She snorted alone. She was in between, she wasn’t part of a side of this society, and it felt worse than being forced to beg for food in the streets.
She was so lost in her negative thoughts that she kept her head lowered when both soldiers made her stop in a new room. She just heard footsteps here and there, the sound of chests and cases being put down and of rustling parchment. The almost imperceptible grazing noise on the paper was clear enough to let her guess it was the tip of a quality brush. 
“Guards, let her go.” A voice interrupted her quiet study, but she didn’t look up for all that. “She can stand on her own, please leave us.”
Both men obeyed immediately and the girl almost sighed with relief when the strong pressure on her arms ceased. She heard them leave and close the door behind them, but it was evident that they were guarding it from outside. Still, it was one pressure less. As she rubbed her left arm with her fingers, she let her eyes wander to the side of the room, discovering a charming wallpaper with flowers. It looked so modest she wondered is she really was in the palace of the great King…
“You must be hungry.” The voice from earlier spoke again, this time drawing her attention and curiosity enough to make her look towards its owner. “I asked for fruits to be brought, please serve yourself.”
The young woman cocked an eyebrow as she eventually put a familiar face on the voice, which she eventually recognized as well. The Prince of Jinju himself was standing a few meters away from her, leaning on a long table covered with rolled out scrolls and maps. He wasn’t even looking at her but it didn’t feel rude, she could sense it wasn’t his intention ; he was just extremely busy, considering his status and the considerable packing that was happening in the room.
Every here and then, a houseboy or housemaid entered by a second door, either joining forces to carry a big chest or bringing smaller cases one by one. It was like a ritual, their sovereign would put his own paper work aside to take a close look at the contents of each box. He then told the servants if there was something missing, or something too much, and would draw a tick on one of the lists spread on the table. As soon as a package was announced ready, it would be brought elsewhere to make space to more.
A journey was definitely being prepared, and quite an important one, the girl thought. She didn’t understand why she had been led here though, for she wasn’t of any use.
“Tell me about yourself.” Kibum gently asked, gesturing to a maid at the same time and making her present the basket of fruits to the girl. “You’re tough today, but I suppose you were not as much before. It interests me.”
“I… Hum, I was just a child.” She replied after a long moment not knowing what to say nor do, while she accepted a peach and nervously started to peal it with her nails. “There isn’t much to say tho, it’s kinda boring.”
The way some servants looked at her with surprise in their eyes startled her, making her think she had said something wrong. They were staring at her, then at the Prince and her again… it was quite strange. However, she relaxed a bit when the raven haired man giggled and finally looked at her ; his eyes were gentle, he didn’t want to harm her in any way. He was sincere.
“Have you ever mixed with nobles ?” He genuinely asked. “My servants are surprised by the way you addressed me.”
“Oh, no I didn’t…” She stuttered, understanding the issue although she didn’t change her way of speaking. “I’m not a noble and they don’t really mix with us.”
“That is why you never learned how to speak formally. I will not mind it, after all, I do not talk this way in private either.”
“I can make an effort, your… Highness ?”
“Your Grace is enough for me, my dear, Highness will be for the King. Where were we ? Why would your life be too boring for me to hear it ?”
“As I said, I am no noble, your Grace. My parents lived from their farm and field, it was quite big but still not enough to make us rise a bit more. We never had a real status.”
“Yes, Mongje tends to be unfair in terms of status, that leaves a lot of people like your family and you hanging between the people and the nobility… I know that, unfortunately. You were a farmer, then. What were you doing to help your family ?”
Once he asked this question, a houseboy brought a new box and the Prince had to take care of it, yet he notified the girl that he was listening. She hesitated at first, not prepared to tell so many things about herself… but the man had a reassuring aura around him.
“It will sound weird but I was in charge of our field’s harvest.” She said, slowly eating her fruit between two sentences. “My father had back pain so he couldn’t lean on, and my mother… she suffered a gangrene because of an infection years before and a doctor cut half of her leg. They couldn’t do it.”
“It is a chance your mother survived an amputation.” Kibum commented before he realized what he had said. “Oh… my apologies, this was not the best thing to say.”
“It is… fine, I suppose ? My siblings were too young to do it so I was the only one.”
“You had siblings ?”
“Yes, a sister and twin brothers. They were younger than me, ten and six years old.”
“I presume your sister looked like you ?”
“Not really, but my brothers had my face. It was funny when we were he three of us sitting next to each other, my parents wondered whether I looked like a boy or they looked like girls.”
“The same happened with my older sister, we looked alike a lot. She had thiner features, though, so it was me who apparently looked like a girl.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister, your Grace.”
“I had one, indeed. She passed away last year.”
“I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s fine, now you know I can partially understand your pain. Shall we talk more ?”
The smile on the Prince’s lips was encouraging, but not pressuring, and the girl eventually returned it. As she watched him being kept busy with all these chests and boxes, tracing lines on maps with his fingers, she answered his questions about her and her family, her previous life. The more she talked, the more relaxed and at ease she felt, and she dropped her guard for the first time in years.
Kibum carefully listened and made sure to ask proper questions that wouldn’t invade her privacy too much. He was just curious about this young woman whose life had got destroyed so fast, so soon. He wanted to help her, or at least to give her a sympathetic ear, because he knew it could really have a positive effect on someone who had suffered as much as she had.
As time passed, he learned that her name was Siyeon and that she was just thirteen when her family had been killed by his father’s soldiers. The weather hadn’t been clement for a few months, which had resulted in less gatherings ; even the extra livestock they had decided to give up on hadn’t been enough to give her a proper income. They had barely received enough to eat, and when the tax levy had occurred, they had been unable to pay theirs. 
The officer had been generous enough to grant them a delay, but purposely made it too short. When he had come back to claim the due money, a few armed soldiers were accompanying him ; Siyeon wasn’t home at that moment, for she was visiting a friend with the authorization of her father. The Prince felt a lump in his throat when he realized the poor girl had come home without knowing anything, and discovered her family slaughtered in their own house. 
As she had told everyone during the trial, she had discovered it was the work of Lord Taehyun’s soldiers, thanks to the piece of parchment nailed on her door : unpaid taxes. These were the words that caused the death of two parents and their three children. She had mourned them for months, after burying them with the help of her neighbors ; although she had refused to depend on them when they had proposed her, they would still kindly brought her food when she would lack it.
The way she had become a spy had been pure chance : she had witnessed one of them during his mission, and he was almost as young as her, barely two years older. He hadn’t had the strength to kill her, for his investigation in the village to find his target had led him to learn about the slaughtered family. However, she had begged him to kill her so she could join her loved ones. He had refused, and instead, had brought her to the spies’ hideout. He had pretended that her natural skills with blades had almost had him killed, and she had been accepted in the order.
Trained, accommodated, fed… and paid, once her missions had started. Killing hadn’t been part of her job before her twelfth mission ; to assassinate the King of Jinju had been the sixteenth. The first spy who had failed this mission was the elder brother of the young boy who had brought her. She had failed too.
“But now that I think about it…” She ended up saying. “I feel relieved.”
“Because you failed ?” Kibum smiled. “Me too.”
“Will I stay in the dungeon forever, then ?”
“My husband is still thinking of a way for you to be free, but you understand we cannot release you into the wild.”
“I understand.”
“Speaking of the devil and he shall appear.”
Frowning, Siyeon got the allusion when the doors opened and she saw the King enter, his stately bearing being so impressive she couldn’t look at him for too long. He was so tall than she felt even shorter than she already was, and a bit overwhelmed. He was accompanied by three soldiers who stood by his side and startled the young woman as they grabbed hold of their weapon when they noticed her. However, she got reassured by the way the sovereign didn’t look at her and addressed the Prince, his voice soft and his tone gentle.
“Do they keep you busy, my Prince ?” He asked with a smile, his hand placed on the other man’s back. “You should take a rest. I was about to take a light meal, will you join me ?”
“With great delight, my King.” Kibum replied, not even pushing his husband away when feeling him so close in front of people. “But ask your question first.”
“My— you will have to teach me how to anticipate one’s intentions the way you do with me.”
“Perhaps, or perhaps not. What is it ?”
“I have not seen my General since yesterday evening, I might get worried if he does not show up soon. Is he with…?”
“No, he is not. But Sir Jonghyun told me he left his quarters really late at night to go find his father.”
“Did he ? I will send a soldier to him. I see you have company ?”
“Indeed, may I introduce you properly ? Her name is Lee Siyeon, and we talked a bit about her interests and life.”
The girl swallowed with difficulty as she didn’t know how to greet a King, but a quick glance at the three soldiers helped her. One of them was looking rather young and indulgent, and he quickly showed her a proper bow. Immediately imitating him, she kept looking at him, as he was lowering his hand to let her know how much she had to lean on. When he stopped, she stayed like this for a few seconds before standing up.
“It is a pleasure, Siyeon.” Minho said while Kibum showed a thumb up to the young soldier behind them — certainly a friend of his ? “I discussed your case with my private council : you will know soon about our decision, but you can already unwind. You will not go back to the dungeon.”
“Really, your Highness ?” She asked, maybe a bit too loud.
“Yes, we just have to make sure of some things more. Will you be patient ?”
“Yes, yes your Highness.”
“Good. Dear, could your maids perhaps give this young woman more decent clothes for the time being ?”
“Naturally.” The Prince replied before clapping his hands to call three young girls inside. “Sweethearts, I will need your help. Can you help our guest and find her some better clothes ? Also, please find a way to cover a bit the hole that was made in her hair… I do not want her to feel uneasy.”
As they obeyed, the three maids approached Siyeon and kindly gestured her towards the door. With one last look at her hosts, the former spy made sure she would be safe, and the Prince’s nod in her direction reassured her. When she left, both husbands looked at each other and quietly agreed to leave too. For his safety, the King couldn’t command the three soldiers to let him in peace, so he led Kibum to a private room ; once Taemin, Jongin and Wonsik made sure the room itself was safe, they went out and guarded the closed door.
The sovereigns sighed and let themselves fall on the couch, Minho placing his hand on his husband’s thigh while the latter rested his head on the strong shoulder. They remained quiet for a moment, until a few knocks at the door announced a houseboy who brought them some tea and things to eat. As soon as they were alone again, each savoring their snack, they eventually broke the silence.
“I see you took good care of her.” The younger started. “She seemed less terrifying, standing here shyly.”
“I made her comfortable, it wasn’t easy at first but I managed to make her talk more and more.” Kibum answered with a smile. “She really went through a horrible situation, she had very young siblings and she was helping her parents with so much care… I feel really guilty on behalf of my father.”
“Please don’t, it’s not your fault. We will protect her now.”
“How did the private council go ? Did they accept not to let her rot in the dungeons ? She’s so young, we must help her repair her mistake, have a new life…”
“I agree, that’s why I didn’t let them a choice. I asked them for advices about how to hire this young woman.”
“Hire her ? Minho, she might have been a farmer once, but she spent three years working as a spy, a very good one. You can’t make a common maid of her, it would be a very harsh sanction.”
“Listen before sermonizing me. Do you remember your lessons the ancient kingdom of Silla ?”
“Please, it was only a few centuries ago so it’s not that ancient. Of course I remember, with the reign of King Jinheung. He might be the one I know most things about. Why so ?”
“You must already know about the class of Hwarangs, then. But before them, he created a similar class of warriors. They were chosen according to the same criteria, beauty and skills, but the difference was that they were all women.”
“Minho, are you talking about Wonhwas ? We both know how they ended, two leaders of a group of female warriors, one murdering the other over jealousy, the class being abolished… What are you even thinking about, bringing it back ?”
“No, this would be a mistake to try recreating the past exactly as it was. But Wonhwas’ duty was to ensure the royal family’s safety, they were skilled warriors. And I think it would be a great position for Siyeon, considering her skills. I mean she almost killed us !”
“It’s not a bad idea, but it deserves more consideration than just one private council. Be reasonable, this really is an important decision to assign someone as a… a new version of Wonhwas. Can it wait until our return ?”
“I guess it can. Then, I was thinking of letting her come with us, after all, she knows things and we promised her to punish your father for what he did to her family. We could kill two birds with one rock. What do you say ?”
“I say this sounds reasonable, it will certainly trouble my father to see her by our side and not his anymore. And we will keep an eye on her that way. Leave me the task to tell her about this, she seems to slowly trust me so I have to go on.”
The King nodded and praised his husband about how involved he was about this girl despite the reason of her presence in the palace. He trusted him, Kibum had become enough of a cautious man to take right decisions ; his communicating and phrasing skills were also a precious asset, that couldn’t be ignored. 
Once this was settled, they took a moment to quietly enjoy their tea, staying close to each other and playing with each other’s hand. Minho looked at their fingers and smiled at the thought they seemed to have been created to be interlaced, their respective phalanxes fitting perfectly between the other’s… however, they looked so empty. The King was wondering if he could change that, maybe by commanding the blacksmith to forge similar rings ?
He was so lost in these pleasant thoughts, playing with his husband’s fingers, that he got startled when the latter stood up.
“We should go back.” Kibum said. “I still have to study the maps and you must find Jinki to get our army prepared.”
“You’re so attractive when you tell me what to do…” Minho said with his deep voice, unable to refrain himself from pulling the other man against him, holding his waist. “I don’t like it when we barely see each other in a whole day.”
“I spoil you too much. Be an adult, my King.”
“You will regret asking me this.”
With a smile, the tallest of them captured his elder’s lips with his, ravishing his mouth with that passion that was never sleeping in him. Slightly laughing, Kibum didn’t refuse the kiss and even intensified it by sliding his hands under his love’s collar, caressing the warm skin of his neck. It was too short, but they couldn’t ignore their obligations in such a time…
“Now, let’s go.” The Prince said when he broke the kiss. “I will meet you tonight.”
“My bed always longs for your body.” Minho replied, brushing his nose against the other man’s. “To think we will be forced to sleep separately again, and for how long…”
“I was thinking… my parents used my taste for the male sex against me, in a way. It’s a fair game if we present ourselves as what we are. The royal couple of Jinju. After all, we will besiege them so we can do what pleases us…”
“I like this idea. Almost everyone in this palace knows about you and me since yesterday so why pretending the opposite any longer ?”
“I agree. Shall we, then ?”
“Yes, I will be honored to introduce you to my parents-in-law as my beloved husband.”
Laughing, Kibum stole one last kiss to the man he loved with all his heart, and they pressed their foreheads together for a few long seconds. 
“When will we leave…?” He eventually asked Minho.
“In two days, at dawn.”
Mongje’s walls appeared in sight after a few days of travelling, the great convoy surrounded and protected by hundreds of soldiers, if not thousands. A still considerable number of them had remained in Jinju to keep the kingdom and palace safe, while the Queen Mother was assuring the regency for as long as her son and son-in-law would be away. It was far from something new to her and Minho had faith in her, the decision had been taken with no hesitation.
The sky was a bit clouded, the soft smell of light rain perfuming the air, everything around feeling humid after the surprising shower. Feeble rays of sunlight were starting to pierce through the clouds, and Kibum was busy appreciating the returned warmth against the skin of his face. He was standing alone after requesting a moment with himself, and observed the place he had spent his whole life in, from afar. 
Behind him, he could hear the murmuring of a river combined to both the King and General’s commands. The great organisation had started, the entire army being separated and their placements revised ; a few squadrons had already left an hour before, each led by two lieutenants appointed by their superior. They would soon positioning themselves in a way to surround the enemy’s territory, allowing the King, Prince and their personal army to start a diplomatic invasion.
From where he stood, the raven haired man could distinguish his parents’ manor, the off-white bricks and light brown roof presuming a welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps it was, he couldn’t know how all these noble guests had felt when attending an audience or a reception. Him, on the other side, had never felt welcomed in this home and didn’t remember most of his childhood. It was like his mind had protected him from bad memories by making him conceal three quarters of the young Kibum’s life.
Only remained the few happy moments he had spent with his sister or with some of his mother’s maids who had been surprisingly kinder to him that his own genitor. He smiled at the remembrance of the nanny who had literally raised Haneul and him, offering them an affection he would never forget. His elder had received love from both their parents, Lady Eungyu taking care of her, teaching her ladies’ manners with passion and sparkles in her eyes ; she used to be so proud of her first born.
This, until his birth. He still didn’t know why his mother never showed him as much love as to his sister. She acknowledged him, at the very least, but never had she hugged him when he would cry, hurt himself or just need reassurance. It was like all her maternal instinct had been given to her daughter, and there wasn’t any more for her son ; he never resented Haneul for it, because despite being manifestly the favorite child, she had always showered him with love.
She had replaced his mother, somehow, teaching him a lot of things when she was barely two years older than him. He remembered her being so mature for her age, willing to satisfy everyone around her ; her happiness rested upon others’ happiness, and it started with her younger brother’s. She had wiped his tears, taken him to their nanny when he would fall and scratch his knees, even secretly brought him pastries filled with red bean paste a young cook would bake just for them. Their taste invaded his mouth and Kibum licked his lower lip ; he would give anything to have one again, to share it with her.
But he was about to go home and find no one who loved him. The only reason that would have encouraged him to return to this place would have been his sister’s presence. And when he looked at this bright, beautiful manor, it looked sad and unwelcoming to him. He felt a knot in his stomach and gritted his teeth, his head lowering by itself and his eyes staring at his fingers. Mechanically, he started scratching the thin skin around his thumb’s nail, an old habit of his.
He got drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of footsteps joining him on the grass, and a small hand he knew too well covered his. As he looked up, he met Taemin’s sweet smile although his own eyes were emotional as well at the thought of going back there. If the Prince thought his life had been hard in Mongje, he couldn’t even imagine how his young friend was still looking so contented after all he had been through.
“You didn’t expect it to hit you like that, right ?” The young soldier asked, keeping his elder’s hand in his and looking at Mongje with him. “It feels like years.”
“Though, it’s only been six months since we left.” Kibum commented. “Did you expect so many things to happen within only half a year ? I’m a Prince, you’re a soldier… we’re not children anymore.”
“I don’t really miss my childhood, I prefer to leave it in the past. My future looks much brighter now, and so does yours. They sent a son, and today they will welcome the Prince consort.”
“Yes… Mother will have a heart attack when she will see you wearing this outfit, you know ?”
“She always hated me, I bet she would have liked me to remain a useless boy all my life, nobody. I’m more stressed about your father…”
“He never really showed his emotions, so don’t expect too much. He might look at us blankly until we announce the reason of our visit. Then, he might explode.”
“Do you remember when you would stand in front of me, to protect me when he was about to hit me ? Now, it’s me who will protect you.”
“You’re brave. You’ve always been, you didn’t need my protection back then.”
“I don’t think you need mine either today. But I’ll be there.”
“Me too.”
Looking at his best friend, the Prince smiled and pulled him into the kind of embraces brothers exchanged. It was strong, filled with emotions that didn’t needed words to be conveyed. It was a quiet way for them to give each other enough strength to face a place they would no longer call home, neither of them. They had a home, and had left it a few days ago to pay a visit elsewhere. They weren’t coming back as the Lord’s son and the half-adopted orphan ; now they were the Prince of Jinju and an elite soldier of the King’s army. 
They wouldn’t fear anyone anymore.
“Can I join ?” A soothing voice interrupted their hug and made them turn towards its source. “Sorry to interrupt you.”
“Hyung…” Kibum smiled, approaching the blonde teacher and affectionately putting his hand around his nape. “You should have interrupted us sooner.”
“Both of you looked like you needed time alone to reminisce the past. I can sense you’re apprehensive of going back, am I right ?”
“Maybe we were, but I think we settled things.” Taemin nodded. “We’re different now, and Mongje isn’t our home anymore. But you…?”
“Me ? My home is wherever both of you are.”
“And the General, right ?” The Prince teased him. “I’m kidding. Will you stay by our side during the invasion ?”
“Of course. I will just take a moment to visit my parents, I think my mother has some things about royal blood to tell me. Mongje is too stuffed with secrets, it’s time for us to uncover them.”
The three of them sighed all together and turned their head towards the view, remaining quiet for a few seconds before Jonghyun took place between his two favorite students and held their back. Back to the beginning, he thought. They had gained ground since their departure, six months before, they had found themselves in Jinju and would now have to face the most difficult part of one’s growth : the past. It was up to each of them to let it take them back or to affront it, pushing it away for good.
The clouds were still covering the sky but it was less dark than a few minutes before ; the blonde man smiled alone as he saw a pleasant metaphor here. A town clouded by its secrets, but the sun was eventually making its way through them and enlightening a new place. 
“Your Grace ?” Minho’s voice brought a halt to the three men’s observation, all of them turning around to look at him. “If you need more time…”
“It’s fine.” Kibum answered, exchanging a stare with his friends before slowly walking to his husband, a smile on his lips. “Is it time already ?”
“Yes, our troops must be positioned now. Do you still want to blow them away ?”
“Were you scared that I might change my mind ? My parents must see who I became and who they’ll be dealing with from now on.”
“Then, let’s get changed. We’ll be leaving in half an hour.”
* * * * * 
Here and there, between the few houses and barns, both adults and children were keeping themselves busy. While men were making their respective livestock go back inside for the upcoming evening, women were already calling their children from the house’s door for bath and dinner. It was the end of another tough day for Mongje’s commoners, as they were called by the upper society.
They were living at the border of the town, with only a low wall made of white stones separating both areas. However, the people wasn’t disallowed to enter the nobility’s part of the province : they only had to walk along the wall until its end, which made a turning point to a whole new world. The more they walk to the North, the bigger the town got. Homes were built with higher walls, reinforced with stones and large beams ; between two opposite houses were hung a thick thread where a few paper lanterns were tied.
Although the sun was still far from completely setting, around six persons were wandering the streets with a stepladder and a long stick. It was a long process to light all lanterns up, but that maybe was the most charming thing in the town — at least, the only charming thing to Kibum’s eyes, who used to watch the show from his sister’s window when night would come. 
At that moment of the day, dinner was starting to get prepared and it was a matter of around two hours before the sky would darken. The surroundings were quiet and peaceful, until a particular noise startled all people that were still outside. It was a dull and cadenced sound that went louder by minutes passing ; at some point, it stirred up curiosity and more and more persons went out to find the source of that surprisingly pleasant din.
They didn’t get disappointed.
It took a few moments before a silhouette became visible, followed by another one, two more, until dozens were walking towards them. The origin of the sound was revealed in two huge drums, each held by a man wearing a military attire ; they were hitting it once, hard, one after another to maintain a same solemn rhythm. When they reached the first commoners, the latter frowned as they wondered who they were… and found themselves even more taken aback by the sudden squadron of soldiers following them in perfect rows.
It was like a formal parade, but they weren’t wearing Mongje’s colors and symbol. Whispers rose in the growing crowd, and only grew louder when one recognized the well known pearl on the banners. Their guess was confirmed when the rows gradually separated to make space to what could be seen as the most impressive means of transportation the people had ever seen.
Entirely built from the strongest wood in all the realm, an imposing sedan chair was being held by at least a dozen of porters, followed by a few litters which were certainly transporting maids and houseboys. Although it was almost all covered by a pure white silk sheet, it was noticeable that the carrying poles placed on the men’s shoulders were made of carved gold. But what did impress everyone around was the whole new style of chair in front of their eyes. It wasn’t a cabin for royalty and nobles where only one person could sit, thus hidden from curtain-twitchers. 
It was a whole banquette with not a single wooden wall to keep it inside ; twice larger, it could welcome two persons and, obviously, way more porters. As if the transportation wasn’t incredible enough, all got their breath taken away when there wasn’t any more doubt about their sudden visitors. There, sitting high on the seat and holding themselves upright with the utmost dignity, the Royal Couple of Jinju was being carried through the streets.
Surrounded by two good hundreds of soldiers to ensure their safety, they were inspiring power and respect. But the presence of the Prince, who was already known around here as the young Lord, was even a bigger surprise. He wasn’t the young man they had caught a brief glimpse at in the past, he was a whole different person. Still looking the same, with his thin features and his long almond-shaped eyes ; but his aura gave off more self confidence.
Without saying a single word, he glanced at every face he recognized from the time he would walk in town with his sister. It felt so weird to see familiar features after a period that had seemed way longer than six short months. Despite all his willing, he swallowed with difficulty when he saw a man look at him and immediately whispered to his wife’s ear. Sitting by his side, Minho’s sixth sense when he came to his husband made him aware of how he tensed up in no time.
Discreetly, he moved his arm to let his hand slide on the silk of his attire until it found the other man’s. Startled at first, Kibum almost removed his hand by instinct but remembered what they were ; before being a Prince, he wanted the world to know he was a husband. So he accepted the touch, slowly interlacing their fingers and appreciating the soothing pressure. If he was stressing out in front of the people, he would clearly pass out in front of his parents.
Getting a grip on himself, he let the porters carry them all along the low wall until the town, where the nobles had already gathered by hearing the parade coming their way. This time, there was even more people recognizing him, and he held his head high to avoid any stare ; not everyone here accepted the way he had been betrothed to the most powerful man in the real, him, a young man who didn’t care about governing. It was for the best not to show anything for now, they would see how worth and value later, by themselves.
Unexpectedly, the parade felt way shorter than their wedding’s one and less uncomfortable. The young Prince wondered if he had become used to all these traditions and show-off stuff… but this time, compared to his very first time he got carried that way around a town, he felt like he had found his niche. He was ten times more confident about his status and he could thank Minho for trusting him so blindly throughout the months.
However, he felt a small lump in his throat when they arrived at the gates of the manor and stopped. From afar, he saw Jinki step forwards and command Mongje’s sentries to open the doors to let his Royal Highnesses enter. The guards seemed perplexed, for this visit hadn’t been announced and manifestly wasn’t amicable. Not with such an escort. But he couldn’t refuse anything the General of the King asked ; he shouted to his fellows and the way to the manor opened.
“Send a page tell your masters that the King and Prince of Jinju have come for an audience.” Jinki told a sentry. “They will meet them immediately, by order of his Highness.”
Without protesting, the command was obeyed and in no time, the convoy walked forwards again, inside the manor’s frond yard. The latter was quite long, for the first independent rulers of Mongje had wanted to live far from the lively noises of population. It took them a few minutes to reach the small staircase that led to the house’s door, which opened almost at the same moment they arrived before it. 
Kibum flinched when his parents went out on the door step, obviously in a rush considering the announcement that had just been made. His mother was as austere as he had left her, still wearing her usual mourning clothes and her face betraying her shock to see her son again. However, the Prince didn’t recognize his father ; it was like he had grown ten years older, his features were drawn and his eyes tired. His salt-and-pepper hair were now almost completely grey, his usual presence vanished.
“My Lady, my Lord.” Jinki said loudly. “Show your respects to the Royal Couple of Jinju.”
Once he said these words, Kibum’s parents stood gain for a few seconds before respectfully bowing. When they straightened up, the porters put the chair on the floor and one of them helped Minho to step down first. This time, he had enhanced his usual royal attire with a cape that fell on his back until his ankles ; the inside was a slightly darker shade of red than his clothes, but the outside was gold, reflecting the sun behind him in a way that his head seemed surrounded by a halo of light. 
To his husband’s delight, he had refused the formal hat he was supposed to wear, to let his brown hair free, and the movement of his thick front bangs revealing the large yet subtle golden diadem encircling his head. For the first time in all his public appearances, he was wearing earrings that fell from his lobes to his jaw, golden as well but encrusted with thinly carved pearls that made his kingdom’s wealth and renown. Finally, around his right middle finger was a shining signet ring with the royal seal engraved in gold.
He hadn’t made more effort, for he knew he didn’t need more things to be recognized and respected, whatever the kingdom he visited. And more than that, he wanted to leave the spot for his husband to shine, especially here in Mongje ; Kibum had asked him to pull out all the stops, and the King hadn’t only accepted, he also had let him know he wouldn’t let him hidden in his shadow. He would let his Prince show himself as outstanding as he could be.
Still holding his head high and not sparing his parents-in-law a look for the time being, Minho skirted the chair and placed the footboard himself in front of his husband’s side of the transportation. With his habitual gallantry, he offered his hand to the still sitting man, who smiled to him before he slid his long fingers on the warm, soft palm. The King held them with care and started stepping backwards to lead his partner out of the chair, down the footboard until the bare ground. 
Once Kibum was standing on his two feet, two maids who had left their carriage walked to him and arranged his outfit. And indeed, he totally stole Minho’s spotlight when he came forwards to stand by his side, his hand still held by the other man at waist level between them. The look in his parents’ eyes changed, from their first shock to utmost surprise when they eventually considered him after staring at the King since their entrance. 
This time, the young Prince had had no intention to honor their host’s place by wearing its colours. He had chosen to wear what suited him best, bringing his own extra yet elegant touch to already rich clothes. He had brought his dark hair and light complexion out with an  all emerald green attire, for he knew it was the perfect colour for him to wear — and the one his husband preferred. Yet, this time, he had used their short three days of preparation to make it better.
The royal tailor had meticulously sewn golden filigree designs all along the outfit, curved lines with their ends drawing the pearls of Jinju. It looked simple at first sight, but one more thing had been sewn on the shoulders : a cape, way longer than the King’s, so long that it was falling like a river of emeralds and graciously ending like a train. But that wasn’t all : the cape itself was embroidered with countless tiny pearls that made it scintillate under the luminous shine of the setting sun.
To make sure this sumptuous part of his attire would remain visible, he had asked advices to the Queen Mother herself about how to wear his hair in a magnificent way that wouldn’t make him look like he was just copying a queen. That was why she had sent her two maids who were responsible for most of her formal hairstyles, to accompany him and honor her by dress her son-in-law’s hair. Thus, he had them styled in an extremely complexed chignon, ornamented with very special jewels that were made of small golden pins joined together by thin golden chains. 
As a surprise to honor his husband’s wish to show himself majestic, Minho had hired the royal blacksmith’s first apprentice to forge a golden tired, encrusted with pure emeralds shaped as diamonds. Kibum was wearing it in a way it was decorating the base of his chignon. To make a set, he was also wearing golden earrings with a tiny green stone on their exact center. And as his own final touch, the Prince had emphasized his long almond-shaped eyes with a thin trait of kohl.
He was transcendant, to the point he noticed his mother step forward to look at him as if she wanted to make sure such a magnificent person was her son. But he haughtily ignored her and looked at his father instead… almost getting startled by the sad smile he made out on the man’s lips. Never had Lord Taehyun of Mongje smiled at his only son, his strong charisma had always rested upon his undeniable authority and wish for perfection. Although that day, he seemed resigned. 
“Your Highness, this is a surprise.” Lady Eungyu eventually spoke as she bowed. “A pleasant surprise, naturally, to receive you in our humble house. Had I known about your visit, I would have arranged our most luxurious quarters to suit your Highness.”
“Your willing is appreciated, my Lady.” Minho replied. “However, our visit has nothing to do with pure courtesy from a son and a son-in-law to their parents. Your Grace ?”
“Our unexpected visit rests upon a politic matter that we should discuss immediately, without letting you consult your few ministers beforehand.” The Prince pursued. “Would you please escort us to the room where you grant audiences, for we do not want to waste our time with excessive and unnecessary compliments.”
As she threw daggers at her husband, Kibum’s mother cleared her throat and clapped her hands for a group of pages to lead the way to both sovereigns. The latter didn’t need to be asked twice as they entered the manor, side by side and Minho always stopping everyone with his arm to allow his partner to enter another room first, following him right after. In no time, they reach a quite large room that only had two huge chairs facing a tea table on a stage, and pillows on the floor for visitors to kneel or sit while asking their requests.
Naturally, both King and Prince ignored them and walked straight towards the seats, taking  their legitimate place. Swallowing with difficulty, Lady Eungyu stood straight with her husband next to her, both looking at these two figures of power and apprehending what would come next. Seeing their own son manifesting so much magnificence was troubling them, the woman seeming to be fuming.
“My Lord, my Lady.” Minho started, his voice loud and inspiring submission. “We will not beat around the bush : we have come unexpectedly to give you a chance to answer for a monstrous crime against the crown.”
“What are you saying, your Highness ?” His mother-in-law immediately choked. “A crime ?”
“Two, to be specific. I suffered two assassination attempts very recently, and if the first one was meant to raise our wrong suspicion about Baemyeong, we discovered through a thoughtful investigation that both assassins have been sent by order of Mongje.”
“With all due respect, your Highness, this can only be a mistake. We are ruling an independent province that is starting to financially struggle, due to the willing help we offered to your kingdom. We would definitely not have ways to pay anyone enough to murder someone as powerful as you.”
“So, you deny your implication in this extremely serious issue despite the proofs I could bring ?”
“Yes, your Highness. Mongje is innocent of any crime it is accused.”
“Dear ?”
“Certainly, my King.” Kibum hid a smile as he stood up, raising his hands towards the door to make Jinki and four soldiers lead Siyeon inside while protecting her. “Please let me introduce you to Lee Siyeon, the skilled young assassin who failed to assassinate both my husband and I a few nights ago.”
Lady Eungyu’s eyes became filled with a growing anger as she saw the girl, and she bit the inside of her cheeks when turning around to face the sovereigns again.
“She is an impostor, your Highness, we have never seen her before.” She affirmed. “Will you believe a commoner’s daughter instead of two persons from nobility ?”
“Are you sure you have never seen her before ?” The King repeated, his tone obviously implying that he had smelled a contradiction. 
“Yes, I swear it is the first time I see her. We receive commoners often here for random requests, so we tend to know everyone by now.”
“Then how do you know she is the daughter of a commoner ?”
The woman stuttered as she started to answer, looking around her at Siyeon, the guards, then the King and Prince again. When she saw the smile on her son’s lips, she couldn’t help but burst out.
“Say something !” She yelled at her husband. “Will you remain quiet while we’re being accused of attempted murder ?!”
“You suddenly seem in need of support, Mother.” Kibum calmly commented.
“What wife wouldn’t need a husband’s support ?! This is fraud ! You, just talk, by the Gods !”
“Do you think it is reasonable to shout that way in front of our sovereigns ?” Lord Taehyun eventually answered. “Do you think their suspicions will reduce by looking at you losing your temper ?”
“How dare you ! It was you, right ? You sent those assassins because all you care about is power ! Power, power, and always power !”
“Your Highness, your Grace.” The man ignored his wife and looked straight into the eyes of his son. “We will show ourselves law abiding about all your questions regarding these crimes. However, we would like, according to our rights, to request for a trial as tomorrow’s first thing.”
“Very well, my Lord.” The King agreed. “Still, this trial will happen in the way I decide : starting this moment, the manor and Mongje are under my authority. For the time you will be accused of attempted murder, you will have no right to communicate with your wife or with anyone else. You will thus be confined in your respective quarters, guarded by my own soldiers until the trial. Do you agree with this ?”
“Yes, your Highness.”
“What ?! Taehyun !”
Before Kibum’s mother could throw a stronger outburst of anger, Lord Taehyun bowed to Minho and Kibum, and turned away to let the royal guards escort him to his quarters as announced. Lady Eungyu protested at first, screaming to imposture and scheme. When they were both out of sight, the Prince allowed himself to sigh deeply and lean on to take his face in his hand. Looking at him, Minho smiled and caressed his back.
“You know when you’re a teenager and your parents scold you in front of a friend of yours ?” The oldest man asked. “You feel ashamed, right ?”
“Sure, the biggest shame ever.” His husband replied.
“Well, it’s nothing next to the shame I’m feeling right now. She rarely throws fits like this but when she does… you saw.”
“I was surprised, though. She was really aggressive and even shouted at your father, but him… he was calm and quiet.”
“Yes, Father was… different. In a general way, I mean. It’s like he lost all his presence, all his power. How old do you think he is ?”
“Looking at him today, I would say sixty.”
“He’s turning forty-eight in five months.”
“You’re kidding ?”
“I wish I was. There is something wrong, he’s not the father I used to live with. We haven’t been in good terms all my life but this… this is not normal.”
Minho looked at his husband, not knowing what to answer. He could clearly see how Kibum seemed troubled by his father’s attitude, which was so different from everything he had seen throughout his childhood and teenage years. When they had exchanged about each other’s lives and families, both sovereigns had mentioned their respective parents’ behaviour and personality, and the King remembered how he had learned about the Lord of Mongje being someone virulent and with a certain attraction for power.
But he had found himself dumbfounded when seeing such a quiet person, almost reserved and looking quite submissive to his wife. The latter was his complete opposite and fit more the description the Prince had given from his dad… this sudden turnaround was bringing a new light on this issue. But they would have to wait for the trial to verify their thoughts.
A few hours later, Minho was walking in the manor with Jinki, who was reporting to him about the confinement of his parents-in-law. Although Lady Eungyu had shown herself vehement at first, she had eventually accepted the command and was now in her quarters with no one else but a maid — the King couldn’t refuse that. On the other side, Lord Taehyun had almost left his escort behind by heading to his room voluntarily and without being asked twice.
It was now time for the sovereign of Jinju to take a good rest after both a long journey and the audience right after their arrival. Their goal had been reached : they had hit their mark with their clothes and presence, and Kibum had shown his parents how he had reborn since his leaving. The General notified his friend than before going to visit his family, Jonghyun had confessed to him that he had never seen such expression in the Lord and Lady’s eyes when looking at their son before.
If there was admiration, the woman had still a glint of frustration shining in her irises, for it wasn’t this child of hers that she would have liked to see in such a position. Her husband, though, was giving the teacher a hard time ; he couldn’t figure him out as easily as usual, with this quite surprising attitude. Minho took notes of this information, assuming that if both his Prince and the blonde man struggled to recognize Lord Taehyun in the person they had had before their eyes earlier, there must definitely be a mystery to resolve.
As he wished a good night to his General, the King asked guards if they had seen his husband somewhere around or if he had gone to sleep already. He was immediately guided to the back yard which was made of the manor’s gardens and the vault where Kibum’s late ancestors were lying. Thanking his informers, the tall man headed to the shown direction and noticed how a tiny part of the garden was full of Kibum’s favorite flowers — surprising, why would his mother grow them, considering her lack of affection for her son ?
He was about to enter the vault when he caught a glimpse of an emerald train behind it. Frowning, he skirted the monument and found his husband offering him his back, standing with his hands on his stomach, head lowered and eyes closed. Slowly, Minho approached him and stood by his side without disturbing him ; the Prince was communing with himself before a recent tomb, beautifully covered with different sorts of white flowers.
It could only be his sister’s grave.
Without a word, he let the other man peacefully reminisce this close member of his family while himself looked at the tea table placed in front of the tomb. Incense sticks were slowly burning in a bowl, resting next to a portrait of Kim Haneul. The more he observed her well drawn features, the more he understood why his husband always said he looked like a less perfect version of his older sister.
She was as beautiful as him, though her features were thiner, but their eyes and lips were shaped exactly the same way. It was surprising but sent a strangely familiar impression that tended to warm Minho’s heart. 
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she ?” Kibum’s voice drew him out of his reflection.
“Yes, really beautiful.” The other man replied with honesty. “You look alike so much it startled me.”
“Our faces are almost the same, yes, though I’ve always been considered the less pretty. Only our nanny didn’t make us compete about our looks like our mother did. I remember she felt sad that I was always told that my sister was more beautiful than me, and she invented a bedtime story for me to never feel unworthy despite the harsh words I could hear.”
“She created a story just for you ? She’s sweet.”
“Yes, she was the sweetest woman, after Haneul. The story she told me was about a female duck who laid seven eggs, but when the little duckings escape their shell, one of them didn’t look like the other. It was all grey, with tousled feathers and clumsy feet, it really was an ugly ducking. Its mother and siblings still took it with them but they weren’t really affectionate, and the poor thing kept being rejected, even by other birds that sometimes hit it with their beak.”
“A strange story.”
“It’s not over. The ugly ducking was unhappy, it felt awfully different and was resigned that he wouldn’t find its place in the world. This was until a storm happened and it got separated from its family, the river’s flow taking it away. The next morning, when rain stopped, it was alone on the bank and felt even sadder… but its cries lured a splendid swan that immediately embraced it when finding it. It happened that the ugly ducking was in reality a baby swan, its egg had been moved from its nest to the duck’s. As soon as it found its real family again, it realized his worth and grew up to become the most beautiful swan of the area.”
“That’s beautiful, and to think she created only for you to not think you were an ugly ducking is lovely.”
“Yes… I was thinking about it right now because my sister loved it as well, although it wasn’t for her. And somehow, I have the feeling that the ugly ducking I once felt I was, has become a swan by staying by your side.”
“The most gracious and gentle swan ever.”
With a smile, Minho pressed his lips against his husband’s temple, the latter smiling in return and nestling against the other man’s chest. They remained a few minutes before the grave, Kibum comfortably telling some stories about his sister and him, when they were interrupted by a soldier. As they turned around to look at him, they got startled by the man accompanying him : Lord Taehyun.
“How did you escape my guards’ surveillance ?” The King frowned. “You shouldn’t be here, you showed yourself willing to respect my rules earlier and here I find you outside your quarters by night.”
“I know my own house better than your guards, your Highness.” The man replied, his tone still as calm as during the audience. “Be reassured, they have no idea that I am not in my quarters anymore.”
“A secret passage…” The Prince whispered before raising his voice. “Why are you here, Father ?”
“I wanted to do something good for once in my life, because I am tired.”
Kibum’s eyebrows furrowed and he observed his father’s features, widening his eyes with surprise when he noticed this sad smile again… and tired, shining eyes.
“My son, you grew up well.” Lord Taehyun said. “It is not thanks to me, and I came to regret it as soon as I watched you leave home, a few months ago. But from what I saw, you became an even more impressive person than I thought you would.”
“Father…” The Prince stuttered. “Why are you saying this now ? If it’s a way to move me before your trial, it won’t work. I’m not as weak with my emotions as before.”
“My intentions are pure, son, and I feel beyond apologetic that you had to come with such news for me to realise my wrong actions as a father. I’ve been a wrong parent to you, but I want you to know that it was all against my will.”
“I beg your pardon ?”
With a sigh, the elder man joined his hands together on his chest before he approached his son. Instinctively, Minho stepped forwards but his husband raised his hand to stop him, staring at his father.
“Explain yourself.” He commanded. “Enough of lies.”
“Yes, enough of lies.” His father replied, meeting his eyes. “I would never lie to you while standing before my daughter’s grave.”
“Please, talk…”
“I owe you the truth, and I wanted to say it before the trial but not in your mother’s presence. It is a good thing that I find your with his Highness, because there are too many lies remaining in this place… and I’m tired of carrying their weight alone on my shoulders, I can’t handle them anymore.”
“I am listening, my Lord.” The King nodded, even more troubled than before as he could sense the other man’s sincerity in his wish to confess so many things.
“I am not the descendant of Mongje’s rulers’s line.” Taehyun sighed again and looked at his son. “We made everyone believe it at the time, but the truth is, I have been raised by your grandfather like his own son.”
“My grandfather ?” Kibum repeated. “But I only have one, Mother’s father. You told me your parents had died.”
“Yes, they had, when I was a young boy. But they were your grandparents’ closest friends, members of the highest family in our province… the real heiress is your mother, and our wedding had been arranged before we could even walk.”
“What does it mean…”
“It means that all the power I was pretending to chase, all that violence I showed to base my authority… it wasn’t my choice. But your mother wanted to grow her power as the heiress in silence. At first she didn’t care about all of this, it changed when your sister was born : she had given birth to another heiress, that’s when she started seeking for even more power through me.”
“What changed ?” Minho asked, feeling that a plot twist was about to happen.
“Kibum’s birth. According to Mongje’s laws, if the ruling family has only one child, they will rule whatever their sex is. But as long as there is a son, eldest or not, he becomes the heir. And your mother didn’t accept that, she wanted Haneul to be the next ruler, not you.”
“But mother never stuck her nose in Mongje’s affairs…” The Prince protested, dumbfounded. “She hated politics, she was always leaving everything to you, to the point you never had time for us ! And the few moments we spent together, you were… you weren’t a gentle father. What is the reason behind that, then ?”
“I would have loved to be that gentle father you wanted, Kibum. But… I made a mistake that gave your mother enough control over me to use me as her muppet. I was threatened.”
“What did she use against you, my Lord ?” The King asked. “It could be a real proof in our own issue.”
“I will tell this in good time, tomorrow during the trial. I’ve seen my son on a throne today, and the strength, the courage he showed made me feel ridiculous, a coward. That’s what I’ve been for so many years, a coward that has fallen into an evil woman’s clutches. She has done everything in secret, she had hidden so many things from you… and I will be able to prove later that she is the perpetrator of your attempted assassination, your Highness.”
“Then, why coming now if you are going to reveal everything tomorrow ? It makes no sense.” 
“Because… because I wanted to show you something, something I don’t want to hide anymore. That’s the only secret I have, the only one I managed to keep from your mother. Something she doesn’t know, and that will help you tomorrow to show her real self. I hid it from her instead of getting rid of it like she commanded me to.”
“Show us immediately.”
The tension in the back yard was growing, but Lord Taehyun didn’t need to be asked twice ; he asked the sovereigns to follow him and even told them to bring as many guards as they want to prove his good faith. He then led them to the front door, heading out of the manor’s area to walk through the town’s streets. Fortunately, no soul could be seen at that hour, and their late walk went unnoticed.
After a few minutes, they stopped in front of a small house that seemed completely common. Minho and Kibum looked at the elder man while the latter approached the door and hit four times against the wood… with an original rhythm. It was a code, as to notify the person living here that it was him coming and no one else. This already looked quite strange and only made the atmosphere grow more tensed. After a few seconds of silence, the door was opened to reveal a familiar silhouette, that made Kibum gasp.
“Nanny ?” He asked, in disbelief when he recognized the gentle features of the now sexagenarian woman. “I thought you had left the province years ago ? What is all of this ?”
“I did, my boy…” The old woman replied. “Look at how grown up you are… I am so relieved to see you healthy after so many years.”
“Son, your nanny indeed left, but I made her come back.” Lord Taehyun explained. “I needed her because she took good care of your sister and you, and she has my full trust.”
“Is it the day, my Lord…?” 
“Yes, it has come. Can we enter ?”
“Naturally, please come.”
Despite their heart urging them to run inside and discover what was being hidden from them, both Minho and Kibum waited for their elders to enter and followed them inside. When the door was closed behind them, the nanny led them through the living space, until a small room without any door, the inside only hidden with a thick curtain.
“I must warn you, she’s asleep for now and we shouldn’t wake her up.”
The woman’s words achieved to kill the Prince’s last ounce of patience ; as soon as she lifted the curtain, he headed inside first, followed by his husband and father. And what he saw rooted him to the spot. There, in the obscurity of the small room, was a crib. Because fo the silence that had fallen on them, they could all hear the almost imperceptible breathing of the small being that was fast asleep with a sheet on the tiny body.
A baby.
“Who… Who is that ?” Kibum managed to ask although his voice didn’t leave his throat, his words coming out in a whisper.
“That, my son…” his father answered, “is your niece. She came to this world on the day your sister left it.”
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