#otaku lance
corpocookie · 1 year
Archived Memories #3 - Johnny's Passion
"V! Look, V!" Johnny tugs at her sleeve. "You see this grafitti?"
She nods, admiring it. Looks like an oni mask, drawn in hot red. The paint drips off here and there, but the linework is solid. Good vandalism in the name of Samurai.
"See, I knew I rubbed off on you, V." "What?" "You'n 'saka are tangled for life, yet you don't know jack shit about the Japanese — you didn't know what an oni was before we met. Talk about bein' uncultured. No wonder they booted your ass." "...That was somethin' else. You don't need'ta know Japanese to work at Arasaka." "No, but look at this! Tell me how you say hi." "Konnichiwa." "There you go. We're off to a good start." "Didn't know you spoke Japanese." "V, 'least half of fucking Night City watches anime BDs. Don't tell me you chose dubs?" "Yup." "Christ."
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The top two characters will be eligible for entry into the bracket!
Propaganda under the cut.
Vriska Serket:
People love her! People hate her! People want to fuck her! People want her dead! It’s Vriska fucking Serket bby! No introduction needed.
she did nothing wrong but i guess you could bring up that time she mind controlled one of her friends to jump off a cliff permanently paralysing him and then later stabbed him through the chest with his own lance or that time she killed one of her other friends by mind controlling one of her friends or that time she blinded her best friend because said best friend blew up her magic artifact causing her to lose an arm and an eye. said best friend would later kill her and then thousands of pages later rework the timeline to not kill her. and then they kissed. shes also a mentally ill neurodivergent gay teenager living on murder death planet who was forced to murder lest her spider mom eat her for breakfast, basing her entire personality off her singular role model who was a fucked up pirate who lived a longass time ago. she has a redemption arc after dying and genuinely begins to heal from her traumas and work towards being a healthier and better person and then an alternate version of her gets created by aforementioned timeline reworking and shouts at her and steals her girlfriend. she did nothing wrong. she created so much discourse. i love her immensely. shes even vriska (vriska)
It's vriska. Need i say more?
It’s Vriska.
She had her own discourse tag (Vriscourse) due to all the crimes she did. These include murder (of enemies, friends, and strangers), a revenge sprial that led to her paralyzing one friend and blinding another, and literal mind control. She was one of the protagonists. Also one of the biggest problems that needed solving. A deeply hurt and desperate teenager, she tricked a lot of her team and a lot of the fanbase into thinking she was a shallow violent "spider8itch." She earned every last bit of vitriol she got. She was a scared lonely teenage girl. Her best friend (the one she blinded) murdered her. It was declared both a just and heroic death. It had to be undone with time travel because it was impossible to suceed without her. She had so much love to give. She delivered needless pain instead. She was a result of her society and unbringing. Her friends were not nearly as brutal as her. She's like if Azula ATLA had a sense of humor and was allowed to say fuck.
vriska serket ... she is still so controversial - hence the moral ambiguity yes she does do terrible things but consider: she has an evil spidermom that needs to be fed children and she lives on the imperialist militaristic kill planet ... is it any wonder she is so morally dubious ?
Damara Megido:
Damara lives in a caste based society where blood colour is tied to lifespan. She is of the lowest colour and thus she’s already on the bottom of society. She speaks a language not widely understood by her acquaintances, except for her eventual boyfriend, Rufioh. Her boyfriend cheated on her, so she paralyzed him and he was turned into a head on a robot horse body by Horuss, the guy he was cheating on Damara with. He then feels awkward around Horuss. She was also bullied relentlessly throughout her youth by literal royalty. She killed her tormenting bully, Meenah, the lowest caste kills the highest caste. She becomes so estranged from her “friends” that it’s suggested she has entered into the service of the literal destroyer of the universe. At the same time, when interacting with “friends” she portrays herself in a very sexual, horny otaku fashion, and pretends not to understand people when they talk to her. Tragic girlboss to herself.
Rose Lalonde:
this is my... twelth or thirteenth submission? i think. and not going to lie its all blurring together for me but rose is my ultimate blorbo of all time. shes a lesbian nerd with a degree in wikipedia psychoanalysis she uses to call her friends gay. she ends up involved in the end of the world and makes a plan to destroy the main villain which involves her own death. she consorts with eldritch beings and succumbs to their grimdark influence. she is shtity to her friends and is very self important. she cares deeply for them. she is a flighty broad and she has a lot of snarky horseshit. said grimdark episode is after her mom dies. she gets stuck on a meteor for three years and ends up becoming a teenage alcoholic. she goes on her first date unsure its a date and totally wasted. she flies around blowing up the structures of innocent turtles and consorting with dark cosmic entities. she gets stabbed through the chest. she dies three times over the course of the comic. she even gets gay married. shes such a girlboss and look its homestuck of course shes problematic. ultimate blorbo ever. vote rose
Terezi Pyrope was submitted without propaganda, but I am familiar enough with Homestuck to attempt to write some myself. Here we go:
She dreams of becoming her alien society's equivalent to a prosecutor, whose job is basically just to murder criminals with little to no evidence. She gets involved in a huge revenge spiral between all her friends. She fucks over one of the main human characters and ends up creating one of the worst timelines because of it. Despite all that, she ends up working for good in the end, and helps that same main human character rewrite the entire history of three universes to create a more favorable result.
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keroradio · 2 months
It's here! (^.^) I'm not sure why this story is split into several parts when none of the others are, but this format works really well for uploads like this, a little like how the radio dramas that inspired CD ones were broadcast in several parts with each episode leading into the next.
I also really enjoy the character banter in this specific part (^.^) it's so much fun
K66: Pekopon invasion CD, number two:
723: Natsumi, 1/18th scale plan
K66: Yes sir!
N: About 15 minutes from now, your ears will feel like they're leaving your body for a world of fear.
(door creaks open)
723: I'm home!
723 (on screen): Ah! Stupid frog! Again, he left the cleaning tools out!
K66: Gero, gero, gero, gero, Natsumi-dono has returned from school, yes sir
966: Ku ku ku, according to plan
TMM: Is it alright? Going ahead with a plan while keeping it secret from Corporal Giroro & Lance Corporal Dororo?
966: If we told them, they'd oppose it
K66: Tamama, you must especially keep it secret from that red daruma. This time's "1/18th scale Natsumi" plan is-
G66: What is a secret?
K66: Corporal Giroro! When did you get here?
G66: I just got here now
K66: I-Is that right, sir? (If he'd heard, yee! It'd be really bad!)
G66: Then, what is this "1/18th scale Natsumi" plan?
K66: Gero! You heard it, then?
G66: What kind of pointless plan did you think of?
K66: Right, right, it's too trivial a plan for you to bother with
TMM: No it's not! This time, Mr Sergeant's plan is completely different from all the dumb plans before it
K66: Dumb?
TMM: It's seriously great! We're going to use the "When the bell rings, your size changes spoon" device Sgt Major Kururu invented to shrink Nacchi to 1/18th her size
G66: What?!
966: He said it
K66: P-Private Tamama, don't say-
TMM: Let me talk, Mr Sergeant!
K66: Uh~
TMM: We expect that if Nacchi is reduced to 1/18th her size her power will also become 1/18th. And if that happens, even Mr Sergeant could easily win single-handedly, and once he has dominance of this house in his hand, it'll be a stepping stone for the invasion of Pekopon. Well, it's a nice plan, right?
G66: (rage sounds)
K66: Tamama-kun, that was supposed to be a secret from Corporal Giroro
TMM: I'm sorry Mr Sergeant! Then, I'll definitely keep it a secret how you plan to turn the shrunk Nacchi into a living figure, and enter her into the space Wonder Festival!
966: Ku ku ku, since among space otaku, even one Pekoponian living figure commands a high price.
G66: (More serious rage sounds)
K66: Gero!
G66: That's moronic! I swear all this has filled your head with flab!
K66: Even if what you're saying is true-
966: Ku ku ku ku, It's too late now
G66: What!?
(Natsumi humming on screen)
966: Natsumi is now in the kitchen, where there's a single spoon on the table, and that spoon is really...ku ku ku, the "when the bell rings, your size changes spoon" device
G66: What was that!?
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tempo-tales · 1 year
"-That hurt! What's wrong with that woman?
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Robogirl notices Schoolboy trying to get into the house from the window.
-What nonsense are you doing?!
-That place is fascinating. I will go to convince Cartoonist Animated and I will participate with them.
-Huh? You're otaku?
-No, it's just an interest in these types of things...umm...I love oriental cartoons...
-Do you love to draw?
-Umm, yes...
-Wow, so how about you draw me? Like one of your...
Lance appears before the children, as if by magic.
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-Woah!!! Lance! You scared me!
-Cartoonist's reaction worried left me. I know this place is wonderful, but children are prohibited.
-What?! It just can't be! Schoolboy, say something!
-Mmmm...that's why I noticed that there were only adults, even the sculptures, paintings and canvases are all adults.
-And that's why I'll take them to their stages."
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libr4sc · 2 months
Siempre me ha gustado escribir. Recuerdo mucho cuando en transición me emocionaba escribir frases completas, tanto así, que aun recuerdo la primera frase dictada de largo que escribí, fue algo tipo "La paloma vuela alto", algo así, había una paloma. Desde entonces no hacía más que escribirle cartas a mi mamá del estilo "Mami te amo con todo mi corazón", que sabía terminarían pegadas en la puerta de su cuarto. Mi mamá siempre ha sido mi fan #1, así como yo la de ella.
Mi primer intento de cuento, por allá como a los 6-7 años, tenía como protagonistas a las hadas de las películas de Tinkerbell pues eran mis películas favoritas, no recuerdo nada de la trama pero sí todo el esfuerzo que puse en la cartilla de papel en que la escribía, con stickers y todo. Para quinto de primaria ya me gustaba escribir historias un poco más maduras, recuerdo mucho una en específico en la que un vagabundo y un ladrón se hacían amigos, conseguían trabajo en una panadería y se iban a vivir juntos (and they were roommates). En este universo alterno existía una crisis de salud pública crítica, por lo que médicos y científicos, abotinados en protesta contra los gobiernos del mundo, empezaron a experimentar con humanos bajo su propia ética anti-ética, secuestrando personas en estado de vulnerabilidad para ello. En resumen, los dos amigos (especiales) terminan siendo víctimas de esta problemática, siendo secuestrados por un grupo de científicos armados los cuales inyectan químicos en su cerebro, conduciendolos a un estado de trance alucinatorio en común donde experimentan una realidad en la que son contratados como espías del gobierno para salvar el mundo. El plot twist de la historia es revelado al final, donde se desmantela como todas sus aventuras como espías fueron solo alucinaciones producto de la experimentación. Como último, mueren, y el destino del mundo queda al azar.
El mismo año, y con el propósito audiovisual de hacer el mejor corto jamás escrito y grabado en la historia de los colegios bogotanos femeninos del norte, escribí "En busca de mi hermana perdida", la historia de dos hermanas que, por circunstancias de la vida, ya entrando en la adolescencia, terminan por tomar caminos distintos en la vida y jamás vuelven a tener contacto a pesar de todo el amor y admiración que sentían mutuamente. Años después, el mundo (dividido en 5 reinos, el del agua, fuego, tierra, aire y hielo) entra en guerra, y al enlistarse en las tropas guerreras de su reino correspondiente, las hermanas terminan por encontrarse en pleno campo de batalla, donde la menor descubre que la persona a la que acaba de clavarle una lanza en el pecho, es su hermana, a la que llevaba buscando tanto tiempo. Esta historia la escribí en guión, la imprimí y puse a todo el parche de 5A a aprenderlo mientras yo dirigía y grababa, todo en los descansos, en un tipo de castillo de piedra perfecto para el aura de la historia.
Cuando entré a 7mo en 2016 ocurrió el milagro de mi vida y conocí a las amigas que me acompañarían toda la adolescencia y los primeros pasos de la adultez. Este fue el año en donde la promoción descubrió Wattpad y de repente estábamos todas haciendo venting de nuestros traumas en supuestos libros con supuestos personajes que no eran más que todas nosotras tratando de sacar lo que ahora nos perseguía en el inconsciente. Y yo no era la excepción, ese fue el año en que empecé a indagar y descubrir dentro de mi propia identidad y orientación sexual, y claro, lo que correspondía era escribir una historia homoromántica entre dos chicos que para nada me representaban a mí y a la chica que entonces me había hecho dudar de mi propia sexualidad. Dalas y Lance eran los protagonistas de 2 A.M, los cuales eran vecinos y casualmente se conocían en la carrera de derecho. Dalas, que era yo, tenia el pelo de colores, era skater y vivía solo con sus amigos, con los cuales tenía una banda de lo que ahora sería indie rock alternativo otaku aesthetic, mientras que Lance era un niño de casa, con el pelo blanco y los ojos verdes, que tocaba el piano y vivía con su padre y su hermana a la cual odiaba. Los dos querían dedicarse a la música pero por motivos familiares terminaron en la casualidad de conocerse en un aula de clase así, destinados a enamorarse y dedicarse los dos al final a su pasión y aquello que amaban. 2 A.M no tenía muchas vistas pero todas mis amigas estaban al pendiente, lo cual llenaba mi alma escritora y me sentía sagradamente cada 2 días a escribir aunque fueran 2000 palabras.
Empecé a escribir poemas, a leer poesía, a comprar libros con la plata que me daban mis padrinos de cumpleaños. Empecé a leer a Murakami, a Pizarnik y cantidades absurdas de fanfics Vkook en Wattpad, la trilogía de Daughter siempre vivirá dentro de mi. Nunca dejé de escribir, y con el tiempo los poemas se hicieron canciones, las tristezas se hicieron textos y los cumpleaños de mis amigas la excusa perfecta para dar todo de mi en las palabras más hermosas que pudiera escribir. Escribí alguna vez para un trabajo de español una historia sobre cómo el cielo (Yoongi) y el sol (Jimin) se enamoraban y solo podrían estar juntos si el sol atraviesa el mar para por fin descansar con su amado. Escribí mil décimas y presenté mis primeros textos largos al profesor de español alto, delgado, vegano y calvo que tenía un tipo de fe muy especial en mi. Para 2019 escribí mi primera obra de teatro (la cual terminó en desastre) y publiqué mi primer libro de poemas y cositas en Wattpad. A día de hoy aun me llegan notificaciones de gente guardando esos libros de intento de poesía en sus listas de lectura y releyendo todo aquello, me sigue gustando un montón. Mi favorito habla de los amantes, “El momento”, donde hablo de como me es, desde siempre, necesario morir de amor. A veces más que textos eran cartas así que eso hice desde entonces, escribir siempre en una carta.
Creo que le he escrito una carta a cada persona que he amado, y que he odiado, y que me ha dado igual. He profesado mi amor, mi odio y mi perdón. Escribir se hizo para mi el medio por el que expreso lo que creo que soy, lo que creo que siento, lo que creo que pienso. Todo lo que no me sale de la boca me sale de las manos cuando escribo esto, todo lo que no digo lo escribo, escribir se ha hecho necesario para mi mente, para mi corazón y mi alma; no puedo parar de escribir, pareciera que tengo mucho por decir. Solo escribiendo aclaro mi mente, tomo decisiones y saco de mi todo lo que hay por sacar. Escribo amor, tristeza y todo lo que se pueda sentir. Amo los poemas de poetas argentinas en los 50’s, la poesía de notas del celular, los tuits retuitibles, los libros espirituales, a Borges, las canciones de November Ultra y todo lo que exprese con las palabras exactas eso de lo que mi cuerpo huye sentir.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Eternal eclipse - Klance Month Week 4
I have no idea where I was going with this but it happened, so yeah. I do wanna redo week 2 of @monthlyklance at some point, but I’ve got a mer bang to finish, so don’t be too surprised if the last prompt for this week is late. Enjoy I guess. Eclipse/Victory
“I’m the sun and your the moon.”
“What does that even mean?”
“We’re apart, but an eclipse is a moment worth watching.”
Keith burst into laughter. “That made no sense.”
“Yes it does!”
“No it doesn’t.”
Crappy webcams couldn’t distort the pout on Lance’s lips.
“What I mean is when they do get to pass each other, it’s one of the world greatest wonders and us being reunited would be the airport’s greatest wonder. Or at least, me getting to see you would be mine.”
While the analogy made no sense what so ever, knowing that he was Lance’s always put a smile on his face. Even when they were miles apart.
He and Lance met at a convention and had a slight competition over who had the better mecha lion cosplay from their shared favourite show, Space Warriors. Keith wouldn’t admit it then, but Lance had won with his Blue Lion cosplay, seeing as the people he came with were engineers and had made the moving pieces of their costumes. Lance himself, despite being a professional stage manager, was able to create the light up weapons they used. Keith made his Red Lion cosplay with hard work and long nights but he was willing to wave the white flag, if Lance hadn’t been so smug about it. In the 3 days of the convention, they always seemed to bump into each other, competing over the smallest things, like who could get a better score in the game room or who could find the better deal on a plush in the dealer’s hall. Even though they spent a good amount of time arguing, Lance had given him his number and told him to call if he ever wanted to admit Lance was better.
Keith was mostly never planning but he was working on a cosplay and the top didn’t look right and he had no other friends who liked cosplay, so he texted Lance.
‘Ah, so you admit I am the better cosplayer. it’s fine, no need to send a voice memo saying so. By the way, the shirt is the wrong colour if that’s the character your going for. You can actually order to correct colour from Jo Anne’s if you want to make it yourself. Check H&M or Forever 21 for similar looking shirts in the correct colour.’
While he rolled his eyes at how utterly smug the guy sounded, he took his advice. It was easier to get the shirt and fix it up himself and it was actually surprising how close to the real thing he needed was. Their relationship continued in asking for advice on cosplays or line ups for conventions and then he happened to find Lance’s Instagram.
Keith kept his cosplays and personal life separate, but Lance combined everything. Pictures of his cat, pictures of the beach, pictures of his friends as they lounged around, somewhat professional pictures as Lance worked, even though Keith knew enough about theatre to know Lance should be completely in the dark in the booth. So, Keith started asking questions about his life, Lance asked about his and they started to become friends. Lance could still be as snooty about his cosplay skills as possible but he was always helpful when it came to offering advice. Somehow it took finding a small fandom they both liked to make them closer.
“Whoa, wait a second. You like Kirarin Revolution?”
“Yeah?” Keith had been playing his usual cosplay making focus playlist and the second opening had come on and Lance heard it over the phone.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to find someone who likes that anime? Almost no one knows it! I’ve been trying to find someone to be my Hiroto to my Seiji for a cosplay. What convention are you going to next?”
“Um, Galaxy Con?”
“Prefect, text me your sizes. we’re doing a cosplay together.”
“Wait, my size?”
“How else am I suppose to make your cosplay?”
“Wait what?”
Lance would not be swayed and when he arrived at his hotel on badge pick up day, like a hound dog, Lance found him and put him in his cosplay to do finishing touches. He even styled his wig for him.
“Why don’t we do this more?” Lance asked as he fixed the feathered pieces for the coat.
“Because you live in LA and I live in Texas.”
Despite Lance claiming not a lot of people knew the anime, they had made quite a hit at the convention. He became good friends with Hunk and Pidge and got to see another side to Lance that wasn’t hidden in smugness. Lance was actually a pretty nice guy and once they had separated again, they still kept that closeness they gained during that convention. They had even started to stream animes together, texting each other on everything.
Even with the distance between and the fact that they didn’t always go to the same convention and see each other, they kept getting closer and closer. One day, they were video chatting and Lance had been falling asleep on himself. His cat had joined him and was asleep herself and looking at him with his face squished by his hand, his half awake eyes and how he was all cosied up, Keith couldn’t help thinking he looked really cute.
He might not of been one for relationships, but was he even considering doing a relationship when your significant other lived so far away. Ok, maybe not that far, but long distance was hard. There was a reason it had such a stigma around it, even if people claimed it could work out.
Keith broached the subject and while ecstatic that Lance felt the same, he’d been as worried as Lance was. They were such good friends, what if this relationship didn’t work?
It took a lot of communication to make it work. Keith tended to keep things inside, including his nerves about how to act around Lance when they could meet at conventions. Lance was always nervous he’d be too clingy. There was a good moment where they stopped talking because not talking meant things couldn’t change or get worse. It was miserable and if it hadn’t been for Shiro – and Hunk on Lance’s side – it would of kept up. Once they talked everything through, it got better. It wasn’t like they’d go ages without seeing each other. Keith always saved up his vacation days at the Fire Station for conventions and he was always working so often anyway that the guys kept insisting he take more time off. Plus they loved teasing him about Lance, trying to sneak into the background of any video calls.
Lance would talk to Keith during shows that he knew the cues for like the back of his hand. He considered it worth getting in trouble for. he’d always count down to the next convention they’d meet at, somehow always knowing where he’d bump into Keith. they’d been doing it for a year now. There were long periods were they couldn’t  see each other at conventions, maybe due to flight issues or work and the distance, while manageable, did hurt. Keith didn’t know why he didn’t just take a random week off when the theatre Lance worked with was in the dark and just spend the week with him. Maybe the fear that without conventions, they’d fall apart. Not a healthy way to live, which was why he was sure Lance announced on this very chat he was coming to visit him. Which kinda lead to their discussion on eclipses. When Lance was in town, in between actually hanging out and not sticking to a convention schedule, he wanted to make a couples cosplay with him. they’d been bouncing back ideas, almost going with Zuko and Sokka from ATLA (even though Keith knew he was more into Zuko and Katara), when Keith went on a tangent about the BNHA manga.
“You know I rarely read manga half the time.” Lance complained.
“I think you’ll like this one. The artist made this little drawing moon Todoroki and Sun Izuku and tododeku shippers have been going insane. it’s a whole huge thing now. I mean, everyone already says things like ‘oh the moon and sun get to kiss each other during an eclipse’. I must of seen 1000 fan arts of those two getting their kiss.”
“Oh! We should do that! it’ll be like us!”
which then lead back into their current conversation.
“Lance, when I get to see you, it’s not going to be a one time thing to kiss you. If it’s up to me, I wouldn’t stop. We might not even get any cosplay work done because I’ll be too busy kissing you.”
“Ooh, eternal eclipse. Kinda like the final battle with the Dead Moon Circus.”
Keith furrowed his brow. “What?”
“Sailor Moon? My god Keith, we might not be doing any cosplay stuff if I have to school you on essential anime.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “It’s not essential.”
“Keith, it’s changed the whole game. it’s essential.”
Keith could put up being school with ‘essential anime’, as long as he got Lance with it.
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lancelazorofficial · 2 years
What you're hearing is Rel CV English! It's a computer program known as UTAU. It's a program that allows you to take a list of prerecorded sounds and vocal snaps and blend them together via the software to make the illusion of someone singing! That's what Lance Lazor is! [Character and voice] CV banks are a series of consonent vowel sounds, because each bank type has a different type of sound recordings!
This is a preview of Lance Lazors Rel Cv English Bank! The software can be used to make your own, use someone else's, produce music and have these banks sing in virtually any lang! Each bank comes with terms of use and a personified character which is what Lance is!
Video credits: and Restune-P for songs preview. Songs are: Antivenin and Little Reaper Boy
Art by Mophea, Video Adam Snowflake
Download here
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blossomhime · 5 years
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Few pops and Voltron comics I’ve brought over the last few weeks yesterday I finally got Venom!
The pops I’ve got now are Riku, Allura, & Lance I still need to get Sora, Hunk, & Pidge there is so many pops I want I also did enjoy watching Venom last night I could see all the hype was about really pumped for a sequel 😍💙💓🖤💛
As for the Voltron comics it was Allura & Hunk’s story I’ve got all the paladin’s story now just need the story arc story’s !
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observer-xx · 6 years
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first post. i did a thing.
ιɴѕтαɢrαм: мαɴιαcαllycoѕplαy
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starry-eyed-klance · 6 years
Yo, real shit, I’m not ready for the new season of voltron that’s coming up because that means either Klance will be canon and I’ll cry tears of joy or Klance won’t be canon and I’ll cry tears of sadness so either way I’ll be crying dhdhdjsjjsjdhsjdjkaj
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jessiebulby · 6 years
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Hi guys!! I went to the Otakuthon today in Montreal and it was awesome :D I saw so much Voltron art and bought a couple of stuff! The Otaku I am was freaking out honestly!! I also met @r-i-v-e-r and bought the lovely Lance keychain on the pic (next to the Genji keychain I bought from another artist) :) If I could've, I would've bought even more stuff from her, she's a really good artist and every *respectful* voltron fan should follow her! Anyway, this was a great day, and now I can't wait for the next season of Voltron! Only 5 days to go!! :D
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cucumbermeat · 7 years
I would like the zero people who will see this to know that I was having a super shitty day and I thought about klance and victurri and pure love and I was instantly squealing in my calc class and was much happier so in case you thought the fandom was being stupid and shitty just know that it does good things.
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Plus Ive been seeing alot of negative things about the fandom so I wanted to remind people why we are here <3 
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yumikocosplay · 7 years
Lance: *hanging upside down during the voltron show, being flexible as fuck with the splits*
Keith: *in the far off distance* what that body can do tho ;));))));))
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blf19 · 7 years
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Please let me have this.
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dopekartist · 6 years
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Well it's done. . probably my somehow the best experiment with pencil colour and water effect... It's Itachi Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden.... Hope you all like it.... #illustration #sketch #prismacolor #originalcharacter #oc #coloredpencil #traditionalart #traditional #mangagirl #animegirl #sketchbook #instaanime #instaart #kawaiicredits #animeworld #animelife #animelove #animefreak #animelover #animekawaii #kawaiianime #animeforever #animeotaku #otaku #voltron #klance #lance #ladybug #chatnoir #namIkazedrawings (at Cafe Coffee Day)
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