#orionist chapters
swordoforion · 3 years
Orion Digest №47 - Chapters and Community Organization
While the scale of eco-socialist federalism is global, there are significant disadvantages to tackling issues primarily on the largest levels. To the average civilian, a global movement in name only is something they may see online or on the news, earning maybe a few minutes of their attention, but disappearing from their attention soon after. It is not something that, for most people, will earn significant support, nor continuous attention, unless you constantly find some way to recapture it. This is not simply apathy; the world today is so full of changing sights and distractions that one cannot expect every person to become stuck on a mere passerby attraction.
A majority of the mission will end up as a bid for attention and awareness, and though it may sound like a popularity contest, it is not out of vanity that we seek this. At the end of the day, politics is about how many people you can convince to do what needs to be done, whether inside or outside the confines of a legal system. Inside is typically easier and more streamlined, but if the system proves insufficient, the difficult task of maneuvering outside the law becomes necessary. Either way, it's an avenue where strategy will only carry you so far without numbers. We seek a combination of inside and outside support, and for both cases, we need to convince people to join or support us, our allies, and our cause.
However, simply inflating one's appearance to appear in mainstream media, while somewhat helpful, is not a sure fire solution, especially for a task set upon us so large and with so little time. The world needs to be aware that our planet is on the brink of collapse, and that the structure of society that we have become so stuck to and dependent on needs a major overhaul if we are to survive. We don't need to just accept a truth; we need to break illusion after illusion and assemble together as a species swiftly. We don't need a passing thought or recognition; we need a collective drive to change, dedication to fixing our mistakes that could consume the lifetimes of a generation, for the sake of our increasingly potential future.
The true answer to grabbing people's attention lies on a much smaller scale. The simulated world through media is a large part of our lives, but it is often still so distant from ourselves, only semi-realistic. On the other hand, the people around us, the neighborhood and locale where we reside - that has a far greater impact on the individual, and if we are to capture the minds and hearts of the world, that is precisely where we need to start. Community involvement may affect only a small area, but it is far more meaningful and impactful to those within the area then any voice on the TV screen.
Massive organizations and movements in the past saw people join not because of sensationalist stories on newspapers or from stories, but from that neighbor down the block who talked you into it. The rally in the park, the meeting at a community center, the posters on the street. The image of the movement is much larger than the community, but your involvement with it will still be contained to the area you live, simply ensuring that the goals are accomplished in your sphere of influence. The simple seed of an idea, planted over and over again in select locales, could result in many small chapters that added up to one large widespread movement, hard to pin down or find the center of. For better or worse, these movements have proved effective in the past.
Such is a similar idea with the idea of Orion's chapters. Barring Museion, a chapter will feature elements of the other two branches - the Sword and Liberius - centered specifically on contributing and aiding to their respective communities and regions. Whereas the online element of branches focuses on ESF theory and progressivism in general, a chapter will focus on how it applies and relates to the people around them. Your town is not a federation, sure, but it could always work on being greener, on providing aid to those in need and beneficial job opportunities. The people of your town could always show support for the cause, and work on self-improvement to be more accepting and respectful of underrepresented groups inside and outside of the community. In some ways, a chapter would be a miniature Orion, contained within its own little sphere.
Just like past movements, it would merely take a 'seed', or in this case, one member in an area willing and able to make their own chapter of Orion. With time, I hope to make more reading material and online resources available to streamline this process, but with the structure, theory, and philosophy laid out, my hope is that future members can apply this model to their surroundings, and build their own chapters for the improvement of their community. In such dark times, it is good to focus on accomplishing a simple task and making at least one pocket of the world a bit more hopeful. However, when done many times, in many chapters, across many parts of the world, it can add up. Democratic structure exists for coordination, so that Orionist communities can come together and work through voting and organization for larger impact.
Community interaction is not merely about asking people for support and membership. It is about giving to and helping the community with no expectation or requirement for reciprocation, merely the intent on bettering the area and all who live within it. Exactly how this will happen will depend on the region and culture itself, but the advantage there is that whoever starts the chapter will know better than I do how to approach their community. The chapter's Sword team can point out and make people aware of issues and how to fix them, while members of Liberius can provide teaching, assistance, and guidance to people on practical methods of improvement (i.e. growing food, medical aid, self defense, mental health practices, et cetera). With time, being a beneficial presence in the community will do more to build a reputation with people than a 30 second ad on television ever will.
The elephant in the room is the fact that we have little time to make change before it is too late in the grand scheme of things. The threat of climate change always hangs upon us, and the combination of government and economy only serve to worsen that threat. It is best not to put all eggs in one basket, and mere community-centric change is only one part of the structure. Orion is designed to cater to a small scale while still organizing online to fight on a large scale, and constant pressure from us and allies must be kept upon national governments to be more firm on environmental regulation, to reform the structure of the United Nations, to revamp economic systems of ownership and standardize stricter definitions of human rights and freedoms. If anything the two scales feed off and benefit one another - the more Orionist communities there are, the larger a base for online support, and the larger an online influence, the more seeds that can be planted for further communities.
A key part of the experience that I intend is for future members and chapters to fill the gaps in the human experience that I am unable to. I do not know the specific struggles of your area, nor how to fully approach them. I do not fully know the depths of the human experience when it comes to people of different identity than myself. I have not been in each house, spoken each language, or walked the same paths you might have walked. However, I believe firmly in the model lain out, that the world should be greener, united, and geared towards the benefit of humanity. I believe in helping other people not for gain but out of solidarity and kindness. I believe that, if we pull together and learn from our past, we can survive and do great things. And I believe certainly that there are people out in the world willing to make change in their city, their neighborhood, or at the very least, in their own home, and because of that belief, I entrust that these ideals can be applied by chapters to help in the way that only they know how.
More over, it cannot be stated enough that the world and its various nations are not composed of their governments and owners; they are composed of its people. The most important voice is not that of a leader, but rather the combined voice of those that follow. It is not some castle or office that holds the most importance in a nation; it is all the land and homes that belong to the people. The world is in a crisis right now, and this is only the beginning. We need to be there for the people around us, and the only way we can pull through this is together.
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ka-za-ri · 7 years
What are some of the things a person in your ship(s) would do unconsciously or unaware that has the other being reminded how much they love them?
Hello anon! I wasn’t sure if you were talking about my friend-ships or if you were talking about my OTPs... sooo uhhh. I guess we’re going with friend-ships because why the hell not, I always love a chance to wax poetic about mah frands. LOL Tags to @orionist @gorou-chan @mrsiwatatakanori @hypaalicious
More under the cut because again, I wrote too much. 
Limato: The way the daughter of the moon tucks her hair behind her ears to hear his words clearer brings a light into Naoto’s eyes that rivals that of the brightest stars. He adored the way she leaned in just slightly whenever they talked to each other, as if being closer to him could stretch their time together a little longer. At times, he’d speak quieter than usual so she would have to lean in even closer, until he felt the warmth of her skin brush against his own. Moments like those, he remembered that no matter how brightly the sun shone, nothing was warmer and more inviting than the softness of his moon. 
Keijing: She always did her best, that was what he loved most about her. He could always tell when she was concentrating, the way her brows would furrow just slightly as she worked. At times, Keiji could tell how tense her shoulders would get from being hunched over her desk. He finds himself wandering over to her, gently working out the tension and stress there, reminding her that no matter how heavy the burden she bore was, he would always be at her side to help ease the load. 
Gunly:She reads signs and billboards out loud as they pass on the long road trip to everywhere and no where at the same time. Her voice keeps him awake as the miles fly by and the wind caresses their hair. He keeps a tally of each thing she reads an the closest mile marker they pass. Each one, a pinpoint on a mental map he creates which writes yet another chapter of their life together. Her voice punctuates the monotony of the drive, reminding him that it’s the little surprises in the journey that keeps life feeling beautiful. 
Hylly: She keeps love locked in her phone, cached in words written for others. He reads them on occasion, noting similarities to real life and her fictions. He’d never tell her, but he adores her colored creativity and that boldly speaks of her personality. He loved her words, as silent as the were and hoped that one day, he could translate his kisses into lines of poetry for her so that she could understand how he felt about her. His adoration is quiet, so that he could hear the clicking of her typing while she wrapped herself in a world that was so brightly her own and filled with a love made of silence. 
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sylphs-talks · 3 years
Hey all! I started a new minecraft series, hosted by my friend @orionist! I believe there are also several other people planning on recording the series. I apologise for the nasty keyboard sounds, Ill change keyboard for next episode haha.
The series is called A New Chapter, I hope you enjoy us playing some minecraft! 
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swordoforion · 3 years
The Orionist Model; an Essay by DKTC-FL
The Orionist Model is the baseline for Orion. It defines our goal, our ideals, and our composition - how, why, and what we do. This is why, above all else, the Model is so essential, because without a clear reason for what we do, without a unified vision of how we bring about improvement, and without a cohesive system for organizing, Orion would tear itself apart in disagreement and confusion. 
It is composed of three parts - THEORY, PHILOSOPHY, and STRUCTURE. Theory defines the mission to which we are dedicated, philosophy defines the ideals for which we stand, and structure defines the method by which we organize and act. It must stand upon all three legs, as if you are to remove one, the other two are worse off for it. Without theory, the intent of Orion might prove unsuccessful. Without philosophy, change is pursued with no moral center to ground it. Without structure, we are but a loose collection of believers with no path forward. 
But together, we are given a goal, a reason to pursue it, and the means to accomplish it. How we get from this foundation to the end result is up to the ones who make use of this tool; in this way, the Orionist Model is only half the solution. The rest is up to how it is used - the creativity and ingenuity of the members and founders who create their own chapters and teach their own communities, as well as the leaders who they elect to direct the collective. We stand with the Model as the hammer in our hands above the metal to be fashioned, and yet, it is the mind of the smith that determines what shape it will take, and how well it will be crafted. 
There is no one way to follow the Model, as it was designed to be interpretative. What is laid down is basic truths, but the finer details are vague, for while Orion was created amidst chaotic times, it was not created solely for those times. It was created to serve its goal for as long as it is able, no matter what shape the world around it takes. After all, its central concepts are universal and timeless - society is most efficient when it benefits the people, and our shared experiences give us cause to foster kindness. The structure, too, is simple yet effective - while having a centralized focus and command, the chapter system allows for autonomy and specialization according to region. 
We begin with theory, which posits that society is composed of four fundamental factors - economy, government, socialization, and the relationship with the environment. Society, of course, is a construct created by humanity to streamline the process by which our physical and psychological needs are fulfilled. The most efficient model of human society is that which fulfills its objective - achieving maximum fulfillment with minimum input - and so the improvement of society to reach this ideal is our goal. Socialism and world federalism provide the most stable models of economy and government, and a more environmentalist approach to balancing society with the natural world is best for life in general. Because of this, Orionist political theory is called eco-socialist federalism. 
Eco-socialist federalism, or ESF theory, is not merely a collection of theories, but a synthesis. It can be best summarized as “a democratic federation of socialist nation-states formed with the express purpose of standardizing human rights and environmental protections.” In the interests of both the survival and prosperity of all humanity, there are certain qualities that must be made universal across the nations of the world, to ensure that all people, no matter what they look like, who they love, where they come from, or who they are, are given the same opportunities and freedoms. In addition, if we neglect to take a careful approach to our own growth and presence, we will not only endanger other life on Earth, but ourselves as well. Something of this scale touches every part of our lives, and thus, it will require not only a legal shift, but a sociological one, as we train ourselves to be kinder and wiser as a species.
Philosophy dictates five levels of realization about the self and its connection with the wider world, and the responsibility we hold as Orionists to better the world for ourselves and others. We first realize that no matter your conclusion, everyone finds meaning in the world by observing beauty, and determining the self in relation to the rest of the universe. Following from that, if everyone searches for some form of satisfaction and the fulfillment of their needs, we can relate and understand each other as humans. If we can relate, we can understand the apprehension towards suffering, and thus it follows that we should provide the helping hand that we would want in our time of need, for we can see ourselves in the lives of others. To accomplish this, however, requires discipline - as so many people let our differences divide us, it requires a temperance of our more negative emotions to hone our passions and give us strength. Finally, dedication to this mission requires a degree of sacrifice - a kinder world cannot come about spontaneously, and we must be willing to work for it so that our dreams can be fulfilled by those around us, and those that come afterwards. 
Philosophy and theory both tie into the idea of the Mission - the enduring and unending goal of Orion. The mission, simply, is to uphold the survival and prosperity of humanity, from now until our last member falls. Everything we do is about not only ensuring that the human race survives what could be our potential extinction, but that it learns, evolves, and flourishes equally. Survival alone is not the goal - for people could live full lives in bondage and suffering, and that would be a truly terrible existence. People could live forced down and treated as less than human, given a lesser lot in life for factors outside their control. Thus, prosperity is also important - to be given the chance to live a happy and satisfying life, not without struggle, but without unjust struggle.
Structure is divided between the chapters, the most basic element of Orionist organization, and the command structure, which is divided between executive and representative authority. A chapter consists of at least a Service Officer, a Research Officer, a Communications Officer, and a Chapter Head. The three officers and their respective teams represent the three branches of Orion - the Sword of Orion, our media and communications branch, Liberius, our service and activism branch, and the Museion Institute, our research and development branch. Chapters themselves are divided into geographic regions, with a regional command chapter, or REGCOM, at the head of each region. The head of a REGCOM is a Flagbearer, elected by the members of their region, and the various Flagbearers of Orion form the representative house of command, the Council of Flagbearers. 
REGCOMs act as a hub for Sword and Liberius operations in their region, while Museion is centralized into the titular institute, as well as any necessary secondary locations. The branches themselves are overseen by Branch Heads, appointed officials who serve on the council of Sword COMMAND, the executive house of command. While Flagbearers are only elected by a regional vote, Sword COMMAND’s head, the Instruist, is elected by an organization-wide vote, and the rest of the staff is selected for appointment by the Instruist themselves, with the Council of Flagbearers’ vote of approval. These staff members include the individual heads of each branch, a Financier (who handles financial matters) and a Parliamentarian (who handles record-keeping), each with their own offices, as well as the Instruist and a Lieutenant, who acts as an Instruist in training. In the event of the death or resignation of the Instruist, the Lieutenant will hold office until an election can be run, where they will run against a candidate of the people. If the Lieutenant wins, they will become the new Instruist, while if the people’s candidate wins, then the Lieutenant will continue to serve their position, and act as a guide and informant for the new Instruist. 
It is a simple and yet endlessly important idea that people, as complicated as they can be, deserve the opportunity to live their lives and express themselves freely, and if they fall by the wayside, to be given a chance to learn, grow, and recover. No one is perfect, because if we were perfect, we would not truly be alive. Life is that quest, through good times and bad, to understand oneself, and it takes some trial and error. Yet, with all this talk of freedom, we must not allow the mistakes of some to hurt others so seriously as they have in the past. The ability to live life comes hand in hand with the inability to outright deny it to others, and it is that balance we find ourselves charged to protect. 
To protect something so fundamental, and to seek change to monumental, may seem like an impossible task. What we seek is nothing less than a complete revolution in the way we live, the way we think, in the way we conduct ourselves, and in the way we see the world. To achieve peace and to undo our past mistakes will require unlearning what we have learned, understanding those we think far distant from us, and dismantling structures we deem so essential. But there is a strength we hold that surpasses the difficulty of our mission. We are not alone. You are not alone. 
I know as I write this that there are many others out there, who wish for a better world, who dream of a land untainted by bids for power and cycles of revenge, where two people from distant lands can stand hand in hand, united by what they share. Whatever drives them - hope, fear, love, guilt - there are those off on missions of their own, and with this, I take comfort, for as long as there is hope, my fire shall never die. With the Orionist Model in mind, no matter how big of an impact you make, know that you have a place among us, and that there is always room for new friends and faces in our ranks. The more who are willing to work so that others may be given hope, the closer the dream becomes to reality. 
And yet, even when federation is established, the world is reformed and the climate is saved, the mission will not conclude there. It may never end, for the role of an Orionist is twofold. We seek to protect that great journey of life, true, but it is equally as important to partake in it. To appreciate the value of life, one must learn to appreciate their own, and as the world moves towards the future and towards the stars, we will be right there with them, ready to help and guide whenever we are needed, but ready as well to experience the joy of discovery firsthand. That is what the Model means, that is what the Mission means, and that is what Orion means. 
Respice ad futurum, respice ad astra.
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swordoforion · 3 years
Orion Digest №45 - Alternate Models of ESF: What is Essential?
Eco-socialist federalism was founded on, and still relies upon, its central tenets. Regardless of the method by which it is implemented, it is important to understand that the nations of Earth must be united under one federation, that economy cannot serve the people adequately unless the means of production are available to public use, and until the system created is focused upon the preservation of Earth's ecosystem to allow humanity's continued survival. Everything else, much of what has been introduced in past issues, is merely models and suggestions on how this much could realistically be achieved.
I stand firm on the idea that the basic description listed above is true and necessary, but I also understand that the methods previously disclosed could be susceptible to my personal biases or lapses in my knowledge. Many have tried to implement the above concepts and met with some degree of failure, though the ideals are not to blame; simply the way they were handled. Similarly, I intend to keep writing and proposing more details on eco-socialist federalism as I envision it, but at the same time I am entirely welcome to alternate interpretations and approaches to the application of ESF to the world's political systems, as well as suggestions for improvement upon my own models.
It is not that I consider what I have written incorrect, but one person's perspective on such an issue might not compare to the perspectives of many. The two may align, but I find that the insights and experiences of others can make a collaborative piece of theory or art all the greater, and the juxtaposition of two differing perspective on an issue can prove a great testing ground for the merits of an individual theory. I believe that there are multiple ways that eco-socialist federalism can be achieved, and that different models can be more effective at accomplishing the goals of Orion.
While our membership leaves us currently unable for such a democratic assembly, the aim is to spread across the world and accumulate members that can reach a consensus on a strategy forward, and when the time comes, I am prepared to make my case not just through essays, but to members of Orion from every region, in hopes that I will find a majority that is in agreement with my plan. At the same time, to not leave my strategy up to democratic review would be a disservice to the spirit of the mission - we aim to build a world that serves the people, and if it is found that my judgement is lacking, and that current ESF models are inefficient in putting people and progress first, I am welcome to new and fresh ideas.
Similarly, when the time comes where Orion's structure has been filled out and established, I intend not to continue to serve as Instruist (as derived from the Esperanto word 'instruisto', the elected chair of Sword COMMAND, the executive house of Orion's command structure - represented by the office's seal, DKTC) until properly and democratically re-elected by such an assembly. My intent is to lay down the foundations of Orionist theory, philosophy and structure, as well as to propose my own approach to them, and leave it up to future members of this organization as to what path they shall choose to take.
So then, how might other models differ? While a federation must remain democratic, the structure of Parliament, the Judiciary, and the Executive Bureaucracy are not set in stone, let alone are the presence of such houses assured. Models that still allow for citizens to have a say in every level of government still accomplish the basic purpose. An economy can still be socialist while ridding itself of the market, so long as every citizen that falls beneath the livable threshold is provided for, and that the means of production are accountable and available to the public, rather than to private ownership. Finally, while de-escalation is one proposed strategy for environmental revitalization, there could exist both more and less extreme alternatives to save the ecosystem, especially as more and more advanced technology is developed.
It is important to understand that these models may need to change with the passage of time due to the unpredictability of the future. Certain circumstances may arise that require Orion to adapt and change, whether political, social, or environmental. For example, should the federation established one day be distorted into the antithesis of its ideals, it would be foolhardy to simply try once more with the same exact strategy; it is of vital importance that Orion can learn and grow with time. Just as a federation may be fallible, it is important for each member to understand that so too could the organization become doggedly stuck on an incorrect path, and as a member, it is important to stand up and fight even their fellow members on issues of importance to the organization and the world.
Outside of eco-socialist federalism, the other two primary components essential to Orionist thought are those of philosophy and structure, both of which have been laid out. Digest No. 41 detailed the basics of Orionist philosophy - the five levels (beauty, empathy, responsibility, discipline, and sacrifice) that detail the duty to fight so that the people of the world can truly appreciate the world around them and find greater meaning in their lives. Structure is listed already in several places - the two house command structure of Orion (Sword COMMAND, of which the Instruist is elected and the other positions are appointed; and the Council of Flagbearers, of which regions elect their own representatives), as well as the three branches (Sword of Orion, Liberius, Museion Institute) and their respective chapters.
Beyond this, I anticipate that over the course of Orion's existence, the words and theories written down in the Digest may be subject to change and evolution, and while I may find myself in disagreement, I am open to the idea of being proved wrong. However, it is vital that the theory, philosophy, and structure remain essential. We cannot forget that people deserve to enjoy the world, and that we owe it to each other to be kind and work together. We cannot neglect the precious balance between us and our natural habitat. We must make sure that our society is one that is united and puts accountability in the hands of both the individual and the community. Finally, as long as there are those who are willing to strive for these ideals, Orion must fight for the survival and prosperity of humanity, and for that unending pursuit of beauty and knowledge.
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swordoforion · 3 years
Orion Digest №43 - The Danger of Appeasement
It is important to understand the strategy by which the elites within a democracy operate. They do not simply oppose the will of progressives outright - to do so would garner them less support. Rather, they want to reach as much of a voting crowd as possible, and so they respond not with indifference but in small nods - enough to lower the standards of the masses to where they will accept ultimately meaningless victories. We are taught to believe that meaningful change is "too hopeful" or "too much, too fast," and that we risk angering those in power by ever asking for more. It is a strategy employed to breed weakness in a progressive audience, and must not be taken too seriously.
Our situation could be likened to a leaky hose. Every time a hole bursts on some part of the hose, we rush to fix it, and expend effort trying to patch up the hose, and feel contented once the hole is gone, no matter how much water we lost and what damage has been done. The hose is fixed now, and even if we'd like the hose not to break, it's too much to ask for the hose to be completely hole-proof, right? At the very least, we can be gentler, and hopefully, that will be the last time, we say before the hose breaks again. We expend so much effort and in the end, lose so much water when the simplest solution is simply to replace the hose. We fear what will happen if we do, because to fail will mean a large loss in water, and we might not know how to even use the new hose. But failing to rip off the band-aid will only result in more pains over time.
Just like with the hose analogy, injustice will spread and people will expend all their time and resources just trying to convince the indifferent elites to fix one problem at a time. It will be dangled over the heads of the crowds, and when they finally receive it, the damage will be done and the masses will simply be told to be thankful for what they got. Soon enough, the time will come again when the cycle repeats, and though people will still be angry, it's the best they can do, right? Their new leader may be unhelpful, but at least they were the lesser of two evils. It could always be worse. These are the kinds of thoughts that keep a people in submission, and they must not be fooled.
Think back to the violent deaths of the past year in the United States, where a man was choked to death with a knee on his neck for the world to watch. All the outrage, and yet the true problem - lack of accountability and thorough vetting within law enforcement - is hardly touched, with only a few memorials and arrests made to make the public feel that some semblance of justice has been served. People hope so fervently for gradual change, that if they go through the democratic process, a better world will come about eventually, but in this war, for every move that progressives make, the opposition makes a hundred, and gave the progressives allowance of that one move so that they would not get too wise.
This does not change the fact that in many situations, the 'holes' cannot be abided by while large scale reform is sought. To fight and fix problems one at a time is not exactly something we can avoid, because to do so would be to abandon those in need, to go against our express purpose. If there is a city in the summer experiencing electrical outages, the true cause may be a faulty power system, but the immediate concern is still preventing citizens from suffering heat stroke. People come first - that is the primary concern of change, and if at all possible, it is our responsibility to assist those in need. We are torn between two responsibilities - the endless fight for small victories is a distraction, but we cannot stop fighting, for if we do, it will spell opportunity for those that would take advantage as soon as we lay down our weapon.
There are two paths that we must take if we are to overcome this dilemma. The first lies in grassroots organization. Not simply the creation of grassroots movements and political funds, but the unity and coordination of different movements for achieving shared goals. There are a thousand different causes in the world, all aiming towards some kind of problem that must be fixed. Anti-war movements, anti-child trafficking movements, pro-choice, anti-gun, environmentalism, socialist, federalist, human rights activists, etc. Many are small and have limited reach, but they still have some reach. With common ground, activists could have more of a front to dig in their heels and push for greater recognition, and if they succeed, we are one step closer to our goal, and if they fail, then the appeasers have shown their hands for the world to see, as sympathetic only to money and power.
The second is an emphasis on community aid and benefit. Civilization is organized on various levels, and while we have become more connected to the rest of the world than ever, we must not forget that the people around us - on our street, in our town, at our school - are some of the people we interact closely, and we must remember to care for them. A community can be a family, and when people are in need, it should be the responsibility of all within it to solve problems when systems of government and economy cannot. If large chains and businesses prove unwilling to offer suitable wages, support local businesses and offer a helping hand to those struggling. Get to know people, and if you want to see a problem fixed, talk to them, convince them. If there are those in your neighborhood who feel unsafe, take action and put in the work to understand why and make your community more welcoming. A community pulling together is no easy task, but it is a small change that is worthwhile, for if the practice becomes widespread, it will garner a large impact.
People fear asking authority for anything more than they have been given, and even the worst of desperation only leads to a dangling prize on a string, an appeasement to keep the anger of the public at bay. As always, ignorance and fear are our true enemies, and we must do well to combat them by relying on and trusting each other. A united front will keep pressure on the political side, earning gradual change wherever they can, while people work to fight and help on a local level, within their own homes and neighborhoods, providing what security and aid they can where larger institutions prove incapable. The more we are able to help those in need get by, the more credence our argument for foundational reform will have with them. Likewise, the more we learn to lean on each other, whether between organizations or between neighbors, the better we can come to an understanding in the future. At every level, we must be willing to recognize the problems of others, and extend a hand to help them, or else when we fall, there will be no one to catch us.
Orionist structure is built on this strategy. Both through the model of a Civilian World Parliament and through communications, the Sword of Orion is intended to communicate and coordinate with relevant organizations to push for certain agendas - livable wages, healthcare, welfare, climate action, international peace and unity, etc. Meanwhile, Liberius is intended to interact, organize, and bring aid to individual communities - wherever there is a chapter, its members will seek to offer guidance and assistance wherever it is needed. However, both of these functions are not operating on the assumption that doing so will bring about the change we seek. Rather, they are to supplement absent and necessary functions as best as we can, while working towards our true goal of federation.
Only when democracy exists from top to bottom, only when the market is balanced, only when we put long term investment in our climate at the highest priority, and only when we live and work together as a united world will the tide be turned. While we must remain on guard and expend effort to ensure the safety of others, we cannot settle at baby steps. The ultimate plan must be to permanently change the structure of the system, not to rely on it. Until then, it is a matter of spreading knowledge and tiding the world by with the help of each other.
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