#or yk marvel wanted to write him out because god forbid tommy have a story
batcavescolony · 4 months
I saw a comment awhile back about Tommy Shepherd and how they didn't understand why Tommy didn't stay with the Kaplan's. they're such nice, kind people, and they felt it was wrong that Tommy didn't stay. but I can't help thinking that that was the problem. They were kind, they were nice, and they were everything Tommy didn't get.
Imagine finding out you're the reincarnated child of the Scarlet Witch, and your brother got reincarnated too! But you got shitty parents who don't care about you and didn't fight for you when you were being turned into a human weapon. Then you meet your soul twins parents, and they are kind and loving to everyone, even you, and you just can't help but wonder. Why did my twin get kind, accepting parents, and I got ones that couldn't care less? What did I do to deserve what I got? So I think the Kaplan's were nice and kind and loving, and everything that Tommy didn't get was just too much.
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