#or how comfortable thua is with kan at least
nongnaos · 2 years
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He's not wrong 😴😪💤
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saladbroth · 2 years
once again back to offer my questionable thoughts on the eclipse, ep6 edition
the kiss was not a traditionally romantic first kiss
now hear me out: i absolute adore akk & ayan. their first kiss was very sweet and soft and absolutely befitting them. however i don't think this was 'romantic' in the traditional sense. they clearly and obviously have romantic feelings for each other so every akkayan interaction is romantic to some degree, but they very rarely actively communicate their feelings it's clear to us and clear to them because these boys couldn't be more obvious if they tried (and aye is trying and winning at being cringefail smitten) and honestly i think they're both very in tune with each other already, to the degree that they're both very much aware of the other's affection
but like. this episode was very much about confrontation & comfort, for akk and ayan but also for wat, and thua and kan - the confrontation and subsequent comfort about akk perpetuation the curse, the comfort offered by sani to wat (praying this doesn't become creepy) and kanthua's confrontation with thua's dad and kan's attempts to (offer) comfort for thua afterwards.
both akk and kan are more and more forced to confront themselves and what they want as well, and aye plays a major part in both of those arcs, even though he doesn't even talk to kan directly. it's just very interesting how aye is the incindiary factor for so much in this, always sparking confrontations whether internal or external for the other characters and i'm getting off track so back to it
ayan spends basically the whole episode offering some kind of comfort to akk, and i think he pretends to be okay a lot, even though we know how important that diary is to him. i don't think aye expects to get anything back, really, and that's why he goes in so hard with the flirting and making jokes and being a brat, because he can't let himself think about the fact that his notebook is gone and he can't find it and he doesn't know if he can trust the boy he likes or not, andn then he has his nightmare
and akk not only tries to calm him down and offer saftey and strokes his shoulder, but he's holding his hand and kissing his cheek (?) and you can see the way aye takes it in, before kissing akk. the safety and unquestioning understanding and affection he's being offered in that moment. the fact that akk gives back what he received from ayan. the fact that he's still there
and like. of course he's been wanting to kiss akk for ages, he's the opposite of subtlety he's never even heard of that word, but to me ayan kissing akk felt less like the declarations/reiterations of "i love you/i care about you" that kisses tend to be, and more like he needed it to feel safe and at least the tiniest bit okay. like the kiss was one of the few things keeping him grounded and away from the traumatic hellscape of his nightmares, something that gave him at least a tiny bit of comfort after that awful dream
tldr; akkayan first kiss was incredibly sweet but i see it less as an "i really like you and i'm confessing that fact" and more as a "you're here and you make me feel safe and this does, too"
(further confirmed to me personally by the lack of smiling after it, of taking a break and catching a breath and looking into each other's eyes. this was like a hug only like. as a kiss)
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
So now we've come to the end of the road. I've deeply enjoyed this show and think it's going to be one of my highlights of the year. I really hope they apologize to The World Remembers this episode before we go.
We're only now involving the parents???
Oh, we get to hear the intro one final time!
Akk and Ayan playing out the Kan and Thua content was great.
This committee seems kinda BS. Where are their parents?
Wat set their kiss for the eclipse? The boy has style.
I really like Akk getting emotional and walking off the set. I like the messaging that accepting yourself as queer and facing a world that hates you is not an easy thing. It isn't as easy as BL sometimes makes it out to be.
Sani and Chadok continuing to operate within this system and demand it adjust makes sense as the final act of the older generations.
I'm glad Chadok is choosing to resign, but it's so sad that he's still desperate for validation from this principal.
Akk, Ayan, and Chadok going to the site of Dika's death is making me very emotional.
I'm glad Akk and Thua apologized to The World Remembers. I think it's fine that they didn't really react or say anything. They represent the protest movement, so the show should speak on their forgiveness or refusal.
I love Akk's parents.
Here Ayan go again pushing Akk again. I get it. This boy cannot stay in any kind of closet.
Oh good, we finally let First smile again.
First and Khaotung are so fun to watch when they're being flirty.
Akk is kissing him the way he was taught last episode. I'm going to implode.
Khaotung and First continue to give the gays everything they want.
Back-to-back Thai BLs insisting they go for a second round thos week. Time to blast.skme AC/DC
Akk: "What is this?" Obviously the fucking film! Keep up! Did Ayan lay it down so hard you forgot the plot?
Why the hell is a Namo using a calculator right now????
I really like the messaging that coming out also requires a community to care for and understand you. Coming out alone is so painful.
And now we're singing. At least we stopped Namo from counting.
I wonder if we'll see a Neo and Louis vehicle next year.
I also like them returning to school. They can't just roll over.
Aww, I also like the resolution with the World Remembers being that the best way to mend relationships with them is to join their efforts.
Unsurprisingly, Mes is not doing great post-Suppalo.
I don't know how I feel about Namo becoming a perfect at this point.
Even an olive branch from Teacher Waree. Maybe there is hope.
Boyfriend jackets!
I'm glad we can lay Dika to rest.
Love the pin as a comforting gesture for these two.
Akk has come so far. I've really loved his arc.
Final Verdict: 9.5 Recommended. I absolutely loved this experience. I deeply enjoyed the way this show challenged its audience to consider the way they even view their shows. I also liked the way this show approached internalized homophobia from so many different angles.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
For me, The Eclipse’s best moments were when they explored repression and self-knowledge.
Like, you have Akk: knowing deep down you are gay but repressing it so much you have almost forgotten... or at least, so far you don’t see how it has impacted your behaviour and relationships, while still being distantly aware of it every single day. Did the fact the previous head prefect was a cute boy have any bearing on Akk joining the prefects in the first place? We will never know and he probably will never know for sure either.
And Akk meets someone (Ayan) who is so fully not repressed when it comes to sexuality, so open and comfortable with himself. And the emotions this brings out in Akk: the fear, the longing, the terror.
Then there are those who know and repress constantly (Kan), who make the choice to distance themselves from certain people and situations because they do not want to Appear Gay because they know what Appearing Gay will do to you socially.
And then there are those who are living their lives, just normally, knowing themselves but not broadcasting it, who are nonetheless clocked since childhood (Thua). Those who are almost unable to realize these parts of themselves by themself before their peers pointed it out, those whose whole lives have been shaped by Being Gay.
Obviously, we can talk about Akk and Ayan all day, but I found KanThua a really interesting exploration of these themes. You have Thua, who could pretty much never hide in the close because everyone clocked him since he was little, and who lives in a weird purgatory where people now mostly leave him alone (he’s not getting hate crimed that often) but also, no one will be close to him because then they would be perceived as gay too. Then you have Kan, who used to be close friends with Thua but fully distanced himself because people were starting to think of Kan as gay too due to their proximity and relationship. All the while, Kan knows he is gay, and he is into Thua - and all the “my childhood bullies were RIGHT” emotions that come with that.
And now Kan and Thua are circumstantially spending more time together and Kan really likes him and wants to be closer, but he also knows what that will mean for him socially and doesn't want to deal with being called gay and having everything be suspect. He knows he needs to distance himself further from Thua, but now that Thua’s back in his life, Kan is torn because on one hand, social death, and on the other, he wants to spend time with Thua and be closer. And Thua knows the reason Kan distanced himself so thoroughly before, he knows that their peers were right on the money and Kan is gay, and he tells Kan this, not in a “this is a fine thing to do,” but in a “I know what you did and what you will be doing and why. I understand your motivations”. But Kan keeps finding ways for them to get close, like starting the Batman account so he can talk to Thua as much as he wants to but can’t with others around, and Thua is the one who sets boundaries (when Kan grabs his hand to take him somewhere and ther classmates look on suspiciously, Thua is the one who drops their hands). It is too late for Thua to not be a social outcast, but it isn’t too late for Kan and he knows how important that is to him.
All of this culminates during their friend group camp out. Both take turns watching the other as they lay there in the tent, surrounded by their sleeping friends. Both awake, but not realizing the other is. And Kan rolls closer and closer, until their lips and noses brush in a kiss, but a kiss with Plausible Deniability (“I just rolled over in my sleep”). And we the audience watch Thua open his eyes as Kan closes them, unsure if he meant to do that, and then we watch Kan open his eyes as Thua closes them, absolutely giddy with adrenaline. The dam has broken, Kan can’t hold back these feelings any more. But you need more than a Plausibly Deniable Sort-Of Kiss and someone who tucks and runs any time someone looks at them with knowing suspicion to build a relationship, so Kan and Thua only get there once Kan has owned up to the kiss and his feelings.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
how did ayan out thua to his mom? which part of his speech was about thua’s sexuality??
I wrote about it here when the episode aired - I scream. You scream. We all scream. and the importance of the queer inclusive cafe being the place of the meeting. I also wrote about straight passing here.
If you don't want to read the twenty-two novels I've written while spiraling into the black hole that is this show, let me ask you a quick question: Have you ever heard the phrase "he's a sensitive boy"?
If so, you heard coded language. Being sensitive in regards to manhood is a way for people to disguise stating someone is gay. Throughout the conversation between Ayan, Thua, and his mother, Thua's feelings and emotions are discussed. Ayan is worried that Thua has repressed his feelings while the mother continues to encourage Thua to express his feelings:
Thuaphu is always a helper. He really is a great man, but he likes to keep what he feels inside just to make other people comfortable. Thua, whatever you think or feel, you can talk to your mom. Ever since I got remarried, I've never seen you express any feelings.
We also see the stepfather in the next episode explicitly state that the reason Thua is bullied is because he is sensitive -> girlish. Later, the stepfather teases Thua that Kan is his boyfriend.
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I go into more detail in I scream. You scream. We all scream., but even if I'm crazy and Ayan wasn't outing Thua to his mother in a queer cafe, what was Ayan doing and why did he think he had a right to do it when Thua was clearly very uncomfortable about the conversation?
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This is the same look Akk has given Ayan when he outed him in front of his mother and the women on the beach while Ayan laughed.
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If Ayan is known for outing people and blackmailing them about their sexuality, wouldn't it seem plausible that he was outing Thua in that cafe?
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"But Ayan was joking each time! He knew it was safe to out Akk and he wouldn't have really blackmailed Akk" <- So he wasn't outing Thua, and even though he did OUT Akk and say he would blackmail him, it was harmless?!
I know this isn't the question you asked, but Ayan has outed Akk in situations where is was clear Akk was uncomfortable, and Akk has even told Ayan he is uncomfortable with vocalizing he likes a boy. We are extending a lot of grace to Ayan to ignore he was outing Thua as well.
"Ayan apologized for outing Thua in the cafe?" -> Ayan apologized to Thua's mother, not Thua. Thua apologized to Kan in the classroom after the incident. Apologies were made by both boys, to the wrong people.
Let me go on record that I'm not upset at any of these characters. I see the nuances of their development. However, we've seen Ayan out Akk at least twice. Even if he wasn't outing Thua in that cafe, he doesn't respect boundaries, so...
Thua was only following the rules established by Ayan to speak out and stand up.
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Eclipse ep11
Akk's face crumbles when aye mentions the school
Thua's done with all this shit and he won't stop (which i love but the outing was unnecessary, he's angry and he threw akk to the same wolves who have been making his (thua) life miserable, this story is about growth, it's fine, no reason for him not to fuck up and fix stuff too)
Wat's outing save 👌
Thua stirring the fire
One of, if not the best part about the show. They're not pretending it's not ugly, the fact that they become part of the system that hurts them they don't hide it, they don't demonize it, they don't ignore it.
I think the five of them in that room talking about what thua did and truth and all. Speechless, i have so many things to say and no words.
Τhis is getting very meta (short film)
Gotta love dealing with your shit and finding joy and just okay-ness after the bad stuff, one of my favourite kinds of storylines for real.
They're obviously not magically over everything but as i was watching part four i kept thinking about those "cloud of horrors"/"happiness and sunshine" memes because the first three parts wear black and part four absolutely needs colour in its wardrobe.
Eclipse doing romances so well, they just get better and better i cant believe it (edit: the tender stuff, the fun stuff, the support, they haven't stopped being there for each other since the beginning (akkaye), they understand each other so well (kanthua) , and just the dynamic as a dynamic: the panic aye mist feel seeing akk say he wished he could disappear and being there to remind him that it's not over they keep going they change, the way they help each other grow (both the discussion between akkaye and the way kan because of his own journey and thua's actions for honesty comes to value it so much)
I'll leave the stuff about kan's journey to honesty and comfort to the one who always articulates it the best, one of my best parts about the episode for real.
(edit: and the thua plot twist, was legit a plot twist , i hadn't really considered him for any of it and i love it, like i said that scene where they're talking about him and what he did, probably one of my favourites of the whole show, change requires sacrifice, thua my beloved, again leaving the articulation for at least some of this to someone else)
The short film thing is a good way for akk to not be outed and a akkaye to have great scenes and im leaving it at that, i think ive talked about how i feel on people speculating on actor's sexualities and shit (personal information) enough, im not bringing it in here, i haven't seen anyone else doing it , im just saying.
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superwholockian93 · 2 years
hii! this pi-erd :D
i've read your addition on my analysis and now that you'd explained it from the novel side, im even more convinced that all this chaos was commenced from the production team's planning instead of thua as a character. and maybe it's indeed that ayan was just there as a catalyst, not a group leader.
it's a relief tbh and disappointing at the same time cus as you said, the change they made in the series didn't do thua justice. instead, he looked more antagonistic rather than, idk, "heroic"? from your description abt novel-thua, he's generally more objective, but colder. more "merciless" than what louis projected in the series. it made more sense that thua became more radical at the end, as his patience reached the limit. like he's the guy walking safely between the student prefect and the rebel (this is from louis' interpretation in maya tv interview). but, damn, his portrayal of thua made him softer and like, more submissive and indecisive? so, it seems like we're seriously getting clowned by his innocent facade and then became greatly devastated when he became so extreme and seemed unapologetic and hypocrite.
i think, the series might've downplayed the tension in the book, so they could end it in 12 episodes. series-thua was absolutely more adorable and, despite not being so taken with kan, he def looked like he's more into this relationship with kan.
Oh hi! :D
To start of, it's nice that you like art and wish to analyse it. You don't need to have a degree for that! And art, as they say, is open to interpretation~
That said, sorry if I confused you but Thua isn't heroic in the novel. He's the "hero of the story". As in he's the one who uses the facts that are presented in front of him, applies logic, connects the dots and AGAINST HIS NATURE decides to fight/stands up for the people - the juniors - even though he did none of that for himself! That's what I mean by a hero. His character arc is of growth. There's a journey. In comparison, look at Ayan's. His priorities/morals sort of fly out of the window right when he's involved with Akk. The novel doesn't focus on romance that much actually so it's all character building.
Louis plays Thua really well. He's a muscular guy with baby like features who is very robotic because he's repressed and "shy" cuz he's been burned by the people around him for being different. He's on the sidelines and prefers to remain there because he's comfortable. Don't attract attention. Don't cause troubles. He's fine like that but he realises there are people - his classmate - who are actively feeding into the conspiracy and causing genuine harm. That disturbs him. That's what first raises his alarm. Then Ayan comes in who is so vocal about the school's oppression and for the first time it clicks to him Oh, not only what they're doing *is* wrong but one such as him *can* protest (At least, us Asian kids know how difficult that could be even when you're not part of the marginalised sections) against the school authorities. That's what triggers him and then his step dad he doesn't gel with also tells him how he was mistreated and wrongfully accused of things he hadn't committed. Thua notices the pattern with the juniors and realises now that the system will and has been perpetuating bullshit to suppress kids and they could harm the kids if so required.
That's what drives him to Do Something™ about it. He still doesn't do anything drastic. He puts little stuff into action - they differ in the series & the novel. Like, he manipulates Kan to burn the stuff while in the series he steals the diary.
And, he thinks Ayan will go on to help him when he discovers the truth except Ayan finds out and does nothing about it and helps Akk dodge it. Also, he uses him and Kan getting close as a means to keep an eye on Kan's friends. He does grow attached (& he maybe he had a little bit of feelings from the start but from what I had read I didn't feel that way; to me it had read like Thua only likes him later due to Kan's persistence) but he's willing to let go of it. He's acting in greater good. The thing I love the most is as he demands Akk to confess, Thua considers his own actions and wonders to achieve an end for the Greater Good if whatever means is required and if deviating from the path is required, if it is still justifiable. The difference is unlike Akk he was fully conscious of his actions and independently made them and was completely prepared for the consequences of his actions.
You get all of his POV only in the penultimate chapter so it comes as a complete shock to everyone and is an amazing moment to read.
He does get back with Kan later after a few days when they talk it out and Kan understands his POV.
The mistake the series does is A) they sensationalised the reveal by their choice of editing and shooting or whatever
B) They made Thua out the leads instead of using anonymous/background actors or the ones mentioned in the novel - people lose their objective right there instead of focusing on/listening to what is being said or shown; viewers, especially, International ones seem to be more interested in debating whether that was morally correct or not
3. They took away Wat's plot and turned it 180 on its head and make him the one who suggests the Bl movie and even then the progression/continuation in these scenes are laughable
4. There's also no consequence of the impending fight between Kan and Thua - they could have used what Kan told Akk in the novel to show US how they resolved the matters
*Now* it's weird because Thua was always bullied and he wanted to stand up except he has helped orchestrate all this AND out his bf 's best friend who also lied to his bf but this bf doesn't really care about any of that?
They undercut it so quick.
5. Like I once said before, 10 weeks of build up was resolved in 10 minutes with no actual consequence
6. They made Ayan call him the villain while simultaneously the show ended up framing him as one
It was such a thin line. Actions can easily be twisted and misconstrued. They had one job and they fucked it up. Most people I know who have read the novel applaud the author for Thua's character but the show's focus on romance is sometimes so much that it stumbles on the key message of the story.
Look, I know this is a bl and the team with the poorest budget and anti monarchy sentiments didn't hope to have any popularity or possibility of s2 but some resonance with the local audience n interest of the GMMTV/bl audience. So they wrapped it up with the most forced happy ending for Kanthua. I know they want to show queer characters who get a good ending but a good ending isn't always a happy ending. That too in a story so grounded in reality. Especially, one that comes at the cost of story telling.
Also, good ending is possible - it happens in the novel itself but with a slight change in their actions and the way they were framed I don't see how Kan and Thua could work in the series' universe.
I'm aware books and television series are different media and adaptations can vary a lot from the source material but if you read the novel and think 2 minutes on it you can tell they thought they were doing something impressive but the landing is just -
I love those scenes in the series because I love Louis's acting in those moments so I'll probably Rewatch them a lot but the series successfully, killed off my interest in series kanthua 😂
And, it also managed to bungle it so hard that most people are failing to see the point of the episode was that the corrupted, oppressive system is the villain and perpetuates its crime again and again and will continue to target people they can control and who will succumb to their web.
There's so much to write on that alone but here we are talking about why Thua is or isn't the villain when it should have been obvious to most if not everyone that that isn't the point of the story :)
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 6 Live Blogging
I have class from 10:10-11 while this show goes on from 9:40-10:40 so... is it better to just watch it all at 11 or start at 9:40, watch part 1 and maybe 2, then watch other parts at 11? Agh, why couldn’t this show be at 9 or my class at 11 T.T I need this show in my brain as soon as it releases
Sep 15 
Okay, I didn’t start watching it as it premiered, so am now watching the whole thing after my class ended (which ended 10 minutes later than scheduled </3). thankfully I’ve avoided spoilers so far hoho (except someone saying “wow they really turned the prefects club into a cult” so... that’s giving me some thoughts and someone else saying they were shaking while watching pt 4 lol)
bro absolutely incredible way of weaving in Akk’s initiation with the fire and his smile vs the fire and his expression now
oh wait is she not supposed to monitoring the school? Chadok seems surprised to see her at the office. Is she also investigating on her own?
No fucking way D: I really was hoping Akk hadn’t done the car to neutral thing because that really could hurt someone but he had ahh. Someone on MDL brought it up last week that in that scene 1) Akk was the first one to shout to move, how did he know when he’d just come onto the scene? 2) Maybe Akk chased Ayan because he thought Ayan knew. I’ll keep this in mind when I decide to rewatch the episodes ig
Anyway, also very interesting that Ayan knew the whole time that Akk did that... will keep that fact in mind too when I rewatch
I do love it when they show the fact that Akk’s doing what he’s doing not just because he loves the school but because of self-serving reasons as well, whether it be that he wants the college scholarship like he admitted in ep 5 or that he doesn’t want Suppalo’s reputation to be ruined while he’s the head of the prefects.  + the “You maintain peace and goodness by doing all those shitty things, Akk?”  
He says he doesn’t wanna hurt anybody, that’s why I was so hoping that he didn’t do the flower pot + car stints because those can certainly hurt someone
the direction of the conversation is slightly confusing to me like it’s adjacent to what needs to be said but now exactly? or maybe it is... the way to get through to Akk doing bad things selfishly is to reassure him that he doesn’t need to do all that instead of just saying why the fuck are you doing all that dumbass? Also, I guess Ayan already knew Akk was doing bad shit and liked him still, so he cares more about Akk than his deeds and wants to show that.
Ayan’s hand on Akk’s nape. Hah. okay. well. 
Okay, this conversation about Chadok and Ayan questioning him is what I thought would happen before the reassurance and caring stuff but I guess it was like “Ayan questioning him” -> “Ayan reassuring him just to show that he cares and also to let Akk know he can talk to him” -> “Ayan questioning him again”
I’m fine with teacher/student romances when I’m watching a show with like no damn morality but this one where we’re very concerned with people in power and how they use it, I hope they don’t go there and if they do, I wonder how they’d handle it. Although... I wonder if she isn’t just using Wat at this point to just more info on his group/Akk and perhaps Chadok in a roundabout way.
uhh was Not expecting Kan’s “Cause you’re always with Aye. I’m jealous.” goddamn how will you wiggle out of that one my guy. Ah yes, this is like the 50th BL that has used the worried/jealous sounding similar in Thai excuse lol also Thua’s smile ahhhhh
bruv this part took me forever to watch. This is what happens when I’m not watching during premier I guess
no way not the “are you guys just a ship or real?” i thought i would’ve avoided this shit in this show at least. I guess it’s fun to see Ayan enjoying and milking it though lol Ayan’s laugh is sooo cute here
Ayan called The World Remembers trio “the 3 Jums” what does that mean?
Thua has some meddling ass friends lmfao first Ayan telling his mom that Thua keeps things to himself + Kan’s audacity right here saying “If he does anything, tell me and I’ll deal with him” right in front of Thua’s stepdad like won’t that just make it worse for Thua? 
I’m so confused by this stepdad “if he’s your faen, admit it. we’re in a new age now. how’s school?” seems like something caring people would say but I guess it’s a way to make Thua lower his guards OR that he’s an alright dude most of the time but gets really angry really quickly and that’s when he’s abusive
KanThua “legendary boyfriends” so funny
a flashback to Kan and Thua before their falling out? Hal said that in the special ep, they said the two used to be friends before before Kan started avoiding Thua and has only just started getting close to him again
lol Akk’s walking into school after dark privileges (we’re gonna ignore how they both got in and left before in part 1 I guess)
in the thumbnail, Ayan has his hand around Akk’s head too while in bed, so that’s good because the teaser from last week was like “ooh Akk’s going in for the kiss while Ayan’s asleep”
Ayan’s so funny, just getting into bed with Akk with a smile. this whole bed sharing scene is sooo bl, so cute. 
I’m too nervous to continue watching ahh like 5 mins left
Aw, Ayan’s nightmare again :( Also the first time we saw it, we didn’t know much about the necklace but now we know for sure that it’s like current day Ayan with his necklace have a nightmare that he was there with Dika but couldn’t stop him
I heard a kiss sound but also could see Ayan’s uncovered lips, so cheek kiss?
okayy several kisses and cuddling afterwards. I liked the silence no bg-music kiss (tho ngl the heavy breathing after the kiss threw me off cuz I was like um??? but it was just Ayan getting a hold of himself I think). I also like that it’s a soft, comforting kiss; their chemistry and dynamic means that you kind of expect like an explosive kiss and I really hope we do get one later but their first ones being kinda unsure before going in again and being comforting is so good
I guess I won’t watch the preview but I suspect I’ll be spoiled about it anyway. 
Overall Episode Thoughts:
short episodes but we get to see everything: curse stuff, akk and ayan romantic and platonic progressions, akk character development, wat and teacher sani, kan and thua. even got glimpses of The World Remembers kids (and glad to know they’re liked and having fun outside of school), no prefect trio scenes but got Wat talking about them + kan and wat convo, got a glimpse of Chadok, no progress on the uncle but we saw him in the nightmare again, also spent time searching for the notebook even if we didn’t find it. 
Really enjoyed it, the show keeps getting better and better. I love how much things have started making sense retroactively now that we know that Akk is the curse and Ayan knew it too. This makes me hopeful that they’ll continue have a comprehensible and fun plot and reveals, as well as land the ending hopefully
Fave Scene:
The first and last scenes I think. I thought the production of the show thus far has been alright but not impressive but I loved how the first scene and the last scene were shot and edited a lot. 
The way the present and past scenes were weaved together was so good, connected by the fire but Akk’s expression as he’s initiated surrounded by people, including ones he adores vs his expression as he is about to set fire to the effigy really impacted me right at the start of the episode. 
For the last scene, I was surprised by this show which is obsessed with dramatic background music chose for it be silent. I think it was a very good choice, made me anticipate the characters’ reactions more and also portrayed the “they’re the only ones here” vibe well.
 + Khao’s laughter in that beachside food scene when the servers asked if they’re a ship or real 
Curse Culprit Suspects (Or the Notebook Thief): 
Well, seems like Akk is the only Curse Culprit. 
I actually don’t know how the Notebook Thief is other than people saying they didn’t see Kan or Thua in the scene. 
Also, I wonder when Namo’s gonna make an impact. Is he scheming something or is he just a red herring and he’s gonna be helpful in the end somehow? Or maybe turn against the students in the end but isn’t against them right now. 
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
6-1: 10k
6-2: 7.4k
6-3: 9.9k (this one started quite a few minutes after 6-2, so people could catch up)
6-4: 15k (damn, so did they fr kiss here instead of a sleeping peck. there was a tweet from gmmtv of khaofirst saying the ending of this episode will be flaming hot so 🤔)
lol me not watching the show, just seeing the numbers on the gmmtv website like wow i wish that was me. People watching in theatre with the cast even smh
omg went on discord for 1 sec and it popped up someone saying “I’m acc shaking rn” so alskdjak i had to leave discord immediately in case i get actually spoiled but i’m sooo curious oof it’s :41, 20 more minutes until i can start watching it D:
12 hours later
6-1: 440k
6-4: 450k (bc of the kiss lol)
Avg: 405k (bc parts 2 and 3 are closer to 350k)
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious):
Gonna get rid of the part 4 tracking and just do part 1 + average
5 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 1.55M (+130k)
Avg Ep 1: 1M (+40k)
4 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 1M (+70k) 
Avg Ep 2: 810k (+60k)
3 Weeks Later
Ep 3 - 1: 980 (+90k)
Avg Ep 3: 785k (+75k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 4 - 1: 1.05M (+85k)
Avg Ep 4: 815k (+95)
1 Week Later
Ep 5 - 1: 850k
Avg Ep 5: 710k
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