76rp · 2 years
love this concept and really excited to app! were you previously the admin of other rp groups?
i am so glad to hear that! i cannot wait to see the amazing characters people write for this rp!
every once in a while i emerge back onto the scene to bring a limited run skeleton rp to life, so if the pages are seeming eeriely familiar that's because i just borrow them from my old rps! my most well-known rp is @retiredhq so that's probably where you recognize me from! but if you want to get to know me more as an admin you can check out my rpt @optimismrpt!
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kargothrps · 3 years
top five : characters you've written, characters you didn't write, videogames, old songs?
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
i’m giving this the caveat of recently because oh boy am i an indecisive bean, and these are in no particular order! under the cut because this got lengthy.
EDWARD: edie, my alien son. it was at once very strange and very fun to write a character who didn’t know how to connect on a human level, simply due to... not being human. i didn’t get to write him as often as i’d like to, given a lot of real life factors while retired was running, but i’m happy ( read: honestly kind of emo but satisfied ) with how his story turned out. the moment of bonding with dante after all those years? the confession to will that he’s been trying to be him for so long? the blue slushee left on eve’s doorstep before he left to go help somewhere else? i still think about all the little moments because they mean a lot to me.
CADELL: sometimes i like getting knee deep in lore and that was the case for cadell. i have loved the chronicles of prydain since i was a kid, so i this was true twice over. he fits into a mix of disney, alexander, and folklore canon and i had a lot of fun thinking about the implications of decaying magic on someone who was trying to live, as well as the relationship of power when tradition demands violent transitions. am i still mad about the fact that demilich means what it means when it should be called archlich? yes.
CHARLEY: charley is a character from a “ weird western ” dnd / written rpg hybrid i’m currently in ( it wasn’t intentionally so, but when you have a group of recent english major grads playing together sometimes the writing just... happens ). it’s set in a fantasy universe, with magic, but with the aesthetics of the old west, and charley is just.. honestly a gem. he’s a high wis / low int fighter who’s just trying his best to take care of his family, and is currently trying to deal with how he feels about discovering the fact that his sister is part of a notorious gang of bank robbers. 
ALIZEH: i’ve only just started playing alizeh, but i really love her? this is another instance of me really enjoying digging into the research part of writing a character i believe, as i enjoyed spending time trying to weave together her current story with the story of the god she is personifying. additionally though, i like trying to get insider her head as she, someone who’s always in control, watches as the world changes into something she was unprepared for. she’s going to have to adjust, but she’s so obsessed with her own narrative that i’m not sure she will. 
GREGOR: dr. adair really is a whole lot and i love him for it. i loved researching aliens and the related topics to play him, and i hope that he gets to a place where he’s more comfortable with himself soon.
KAEL’S ARTHUR: artie was fun, and sometimes that’s all a character really needs to be. however, kael did not stop there, because artie wasn’t just fun. it was very clear why artie was the way he was, and i just really appreciated that. pirates didn’t go as expected but artie was definetly a gem to come out of it.
KAY’S BETH: i wrote more with eve, but beth was so fascinating. the part that sticks with me is how you talked about what you expected beth to be, versus what she actually became, and i think she just felt very real because of it. 
ROZ’S TANGO: i don’t think i’d ever seen a character like tango in a group before, and i’m glad that roz was the one i saw do this. i think it would be incredibly easy to take this and turn it into a bit of a gimic but i... i just loved tango. the fact that i got emotionally attached is evidence enough, but i think the thought that clearly went into the character should be acknolwedged as well.
LILAH’S JACKIE: so jackie existed for all of two minutes anywhere except our discord server and i don’t care, i love this woman so much? that is all, thank you.
and the fifth spot goes to all the fantastic characters i’ve written with this year but that i lack the brain power to remember cause my memory is shit.
i’m not much of a videogame person, honestly! i pretty much exclusively play STARDEW VALLEY currently and not much else. i waste too much time on those idle phone games too. 
i wasn’t sure how we were qualifying old songs so i just did anything that was pre 2000!
THE PRETENDER by jackson browne
THE WANDERER by dion ( less for the song, but more for the fact that this past year i lived in an apartment with 7 people and one of the people there would always clean on saturday mornings and this song was on his playlist so i heard it a lot, and it’s like a nice memory of waking up to music playing, people being around, and the knowledge that we’d all be going to breakfast together soon. can you tell i miss social interaction? )
ANGEL FROM MONTGOMERY by bonnie raitt 
WATERLOO by abba
LAYLA by eric clapton ( specifically the mtv unplugged version )
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amiihans · 3 years
top five: old movies, hobbies, siken poems, & angsty rp moments?
TOP FIVE — old movies!
to be fair i don’t go for older movies, but the ones that i’ve seen are few and far between so here goes y’all !!
the breakfast club (1985) — it’s a classic american film which means i honestly saw it here way too late. i can understand why it’s iconic and tbh the archetypes are enjoyable, though the makeovers? at the end? i do not understand
heathers (1989) — okay to be honest i got to the musical first then the movie, but it was both hilarious and creepy and i loved it. still do !! i might watch it again tonight tbf now that i remember it!
scream (1996) — sue me this is old to me! but really neeve campbell? courtney cox? skeet ulrich and matthew lillard????? great cast and real campy horror considering what’s out there rn !!
sister act (1992) — catholic singing ?? whoopi goldberg ?? maggie smith ?? what’s not to like tbh !! hail holy queen and salve regina are great pieces of music n honestly i would b remiss not to add a musical here
maurice (1987) — okay so it was a nice movie and a lil heartwrenching like good romances are and it’s got a happy ending !! holy shit !! it’s good !! man, i love to see it. im frothing at the mouth thinking about it !!!!!
TOP FIVE — hobbies!
damn give me an existential crisis at 8 pm huh? mostly what i do when i got the free time is read a hilariously extensive amount of books, play dungeons and dragons (and other ttrpgs), write and mostly rp and maybe some poetry, veg out on video games, and love my motherfuckin friends!
TOP FIVE — siken poems!
i love me some siken and i credit y’all for my brainrot about this man’s poetry !! christ almighty siken sends me into a spiral sumtimes but hell it’s an enjoyable spiral at least
scheherazade — tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us. / these, our bodies possesed by light. / tell me we’ll never get used to it.
boot theory — your co-workers ask / if everythin’s okay and you tell them / you’re just tired. / and you’re trying to smile. and they’re trying to smile.
a primer for the small weird loves —you try to warn him, you tell him / you will want to get inside him, and ruin him / but he doesn’t listen. / you do this, you do. you take the things you love / and you tear them apart.
still life with skulls and bacon — we carve up the world / and crown it with numbers—lumens, ounces / decibels. all these things and what to do with them. we carve up the world all the time.
detail of the fire — who will master this love? love might be the wrong word. / let’s admit without apology, what we do to each other.
TOP FIVE — angsty rp moments!
listen i don’t remember much so i’ll list down what’s left of what i remember and try to squeeze it into the minutiae of the goddamn answer to the ask. what i do remember is Devastating to me, personally though.
will and damien drinking, preceded by his fight with beth — yeah well that did me in. i got so hung up on beth being so angry about keeping his kid from the team and the way damien broke down in front of will ?? masterpiece if i do say so m’self!
hawk’s confession — confessing to your oldest dearest friend that u love him ?? and gettgng rejected ??????????? slurp slurp we love this angst juice babes !! the fallout was delicious as fuck
the fall of hq — straight cinema shit my guy !! u love to see it !! i honestly thought that it was going to be hell to fight the monsters but we managed to run with the skin of our teeth so that was fun !!
damien’s letter — writing a goodbye letter to his kid in case he died? yeah, that’s big yikeroonies energy right there luv x
recuperating at the valentines’ — the mood? the aftermath? reeling from death and destruction ?? what could b more fun ??
but notice how all of these are retired related huh rly makes u think if there isn’t a common cause of all this gd angst ?? who knows !!
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dazzlingheights · 4 years
optimismrpt reblogged your post “so this is sort of an interest check but i’ve been playing around with some ideas and i wanted to see if anyone would...”
THANK U KAY!!!! your support means everything to me <3333
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exmusemyfrench · 5 years
optimismrpt replied to your post: Am I back? Not really. Do I want to write again?...
if you have an insta for your cosplay let me know and i’ll follow you!
Actually I do! It’s at valcosplays! I just started this Summer though so I’m still learning a lot :)
Also leaving this here if anyone else could be interested ^^
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mikcwhcclcr · 5 years
optimismrpt replied to your post “- why am I such a hoe for ex-fiance plots ?? Like you can guarantee...”
childhood best friends. every time.
Ooo fuck yes !! I’m always here for them getting “married” when they were like 6 or like having a tree house them and their fam built together and they still meet there sometimes, like it’s their place.
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princehcmlet · 5 years
@optimismrpt replied to your post “pwease, i hunger for some TV SHOW RECS. preferably things i can watch...”
if you haven't already seen russian doll i highly recommend it! but triggers warning galore (smoking, drinking, drugs, death, and more).
it’s been in my queue on netflix for quite some time! i might finally get around to watching it because of this suggestion, thank you.
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snoopyrps · 5 years
i need you to rank all of marina's albums please and thank you. this is for science.
send me albums so i can judge them from very best to best but the least best.
the family jewels:
1) mowgli’s road2) obsessions3) numb4) oh no!5) hollywood6) seventeen7) rootless8) hermit the frog9) the outsider10) guilty11) shampain12) girls13) the family jewels14) i am not a robotBONUS: sinful would be so high if it’d made it on to the album
electra heart:
1) buy the stars2) teen idle3) fear and loathing4) homewrecker5) sex yeah6) lonely hearts club7) primadonna8) starring role9) valley of the dolls10) lies11) the state of dreaming12) radioactive13) bubblegum bitch14) living dead15) power & control16) hypocratesBONUS: oh my god scab & plaster, miss y, and e.v.o.l would be so high if they’d made it onto the album
1) immortal2) savages3) froot4) blue5) happy6) solitaire7) i’m a ruin8) forget9) weeds10) can’t pin me down11) gold12) better than that
love (can’t wait for fear):
1) end of the earth2) to be human3) enjoy your life4) handmade heaven5) true6) orange trees7) superstar8) (i’m) baby
i just had the time of my life.
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howlscifer · 3 years
I would love to see gifs of Angel Coulby and Chiwetel Ejiofor in Dancing on The Edge! Thank you!
Ooo thank you for the suggestion, will check out when I get the chance!
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leiaofrph · 4 years
I would love it if you could make me a gif pack of Bree Turner in Grimm! Any season/episode! She's so pretty and she has so few resources!
If you can give me a couple of specific episodes that she looks the best in (you know what I mean, there’s always that one episode with a certain shirt or something that is just 10/10) I can look at doing those.
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lonelyharthq-blog · 4 years
( bree turner, cisfemale, she/her ) Welcome to Hart, [MARY PRICHARD] come and settle in at the diner. Word around here says you are a [FORTY] year old [WAITRESS] that [LIVES IN] Hart. Rumor is you are [LOVING] but also [DOWNTRODDEN]. Like most of us here in Hart, you’d planned on solitary holiday since it’s been like that for [TEN YEARS]. But at least you can think back on [ICE SKATING WITH HER SISTER]. ( rigby, pst, she/her )
ACCEPTED! Another lonely heart has arrived in town! Please send in your account within the next 48 hours!
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thalsrph · 5 years
7 & 16!
07 // are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
i’d say i’m a morning writer, but if i don’t do things in the morning there’s a high possibility i won’t do anything for the rest of the day or i do my replies at like 3am. 
16 // do you first get in the “zone” when writing, or do you start writing and “enter” it that way?
i think it’s a balance of the two? sometimes i need to put on the right music to get me into the mood of a character, so i can write something coherent. other times i’m just in the moment of writing and i’m like bAm there we go that’ll do -sends it off- 
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barze · 5 years
optimismrpt replied to your post: for my own curiosity and possible projects, what...
i usually take inspiration for mtbi or the twelve archetypes so that every character has a different personality!
that’s actually a really good idea! i’ll keep that in mind!
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lauriesrpt · 4 years
optimismrpt replied to your post: i started tumblr rping when i was 14 as well. back...
i did have one rough experience and literally that post listed five HUGE warning signs that i never thought to take into consideration when i was a young teenager!
same here!!!! one experience alone checked so many boxes off that list and this is so worrying and concerning!!!!! this should not be allowed! i’m very proud of you for overcoming this trauma, though!!
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davidcxrenswet · 5 years
how hot is: chris evans?
nope not my type / alright / cute / adorable / pretty /  gorgeous / lord take me now
is there anyone in the universe who doesn’t find chris evans insanely attractive?? if you don’t, you’re wrong y’all. 
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exmusemyfrench · 5 years
how hot is: lily james?
nope not my type / alright / cute / adorable / pretty /  gorgeous / lord take me now
Pretty sure I’ve only seen one of her movies but honestly, DAMN!
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