#op 987
wurm-food · 11 months
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Going insane about this panel btw. I just…. ahhhh
One Piece - #987
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princeoftheeternalbog · 3 months
idk how else to do this bc for SOME REASON i dont think u can send videos on here? crazy 😻 but @juinewasbonker here's u go shnookems
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I remember Frobin shippers absolutely losing their minds when this color spread came out. Good for them.
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actuelekamers · 5 months
  Prijs: 987 per maand oms... #Limburg #Weert https://actuelekamers.nl/appartement-in-weert-987-eur-2/?feed_id=102336&_unique_id=65701c9c025ca
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第24週 Player Of the Week 発表!Jose Altuve, Matt Olson が受賞
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rausule · 8 months
Silvestro II
Die Koninkryk van Frankryk, 'n groot problematiese werklikheid van die oomblik, het die dood van koning Lothair in 986 gesien. Vir die troonopvolging het 'n dispuut ontstaan ​​tussen die Karolingiër Louis V, seun van Louis IV, en Hugh Capet. Na 'n jaar van bewind van Louis V (wat in 987 gesterf het), het Gerbert die troonbestyging van Hugh Capet bevoordeel, vol vertroue dat hy in ruil daarvoor die aartsbiskopsamp van Reims sou hê, wat vakant geword het na die dood van Adalberone in 987. Hugh Capet het egter nie aan daardie verwagtinge voldoen nie en het in 989 as aartsbiskop van Reims, Arnolfo, aangestel as bastaard van die Karolingiese Louis. Hugh se bedoeling was om die antieke dispuut te genees deur 'n Karolingiese afstammeling te erken as 'n openbare mag van groot beeld wat beslis weerspieël sou word in die konsolidasie van die Kapiese monargie wat nou in harmonie met die geestelikes regeer. Dus, nadat hy sekretaris van Adalberone van Reims en van koning Hugh Capet was, het Gerbert sekretaris van Arnulf geword, wat egter 'n moeilike gespreksgenoot was en, asof hy koning Hugh se omgesig teenoor Gerbert teruggekeer het, het hy 'n politieke rigting aangeneem. wat geneig was om Karolingiese aansprake op die kroon teen Hugh Capet te beroep ten gunste van sy oom Charles van Lorraine, broer van wyle koning Lothair. Nadat 'n eerste raad, wat in Augustus 990 in Senlis gehou is, om die ongunstige posisie van die Arnulf van Reims-Charles van Lorraine-duo te evalueer, het Hugh Capet, die heersende koning, in Junie 991 in Saint-Basel vergader, 'n tweede raad byeengeroep. sonder die goedkeuring van Pous Johannes XV (985-986). Die abdij van Saint-Basle, in Verzy, het dus die vergadering van 'n raad gesien wie se Acta Gerbert die opsteller was, maar ook die inspirator van 'n paar openlike ingrypings teen Arnulf van Reims: onder andere die sterk veroordeling van biskop Arnulf van Orléans, wat beslis van Gerbert se kultuur gebruik gemaak vir sy eie argumente. Die deelname van baie biskoppe van die geestelikes van Frankryk het die Saint-Basel-debat die eerste oomblik van 'Gallicanism' gemaak: die Kerk van Frankryk was gekant teen die gesindhede van Rome. Hierdie raad het die veroordeling uitgereik vir Arnulf van Reims, vir Karel van Lorraine en die verkiesing van Gerbert van Aurillac tot die aartsbiskop van Remens goedgekeur. Brief No. 180 is Gerbert se professio fidei voor sy broers, 'n geheel en al teologiese professio waar die uniekheid van God, die konsubstantiewe aard van die Drie-eenheid, die menswording van die Seun, die verlossing van sondes deur die doop, gemeenskap met versoende Christene, die seën van die huwelik, toestemming dierevleis te eet. 'n Beroep waaruit die teologiese en ekklesiologiese geskille gelek het wat in die jare van Gerbert aanleiding gegee het tot diepgaande skeuring en die opkoms van dwaalleer rondom die teenwoordigheid van die liggaam van Christus in die Eucharistie
Dr De Beer
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newsvoice420 · 11 months
大谷翔平が2試合ぶり特大21号2ラン!本塁打王争いで2位ジャッジに2本差つけ独走態勢に(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース #最新ニュース
大谷翔平が2試合ぶり特大21号2ラン!本塁打王争いで2位ジャッジに2本差つけ独走態勢に(日刊スポーツ) – Yahoo!ニュース – Yahoo!ニュース 大谷翔平が2試合ぶり特大21号2ラン!本塁打王争いで2位ジャッジに2本差つけ独走態勢に(日刊スポーツ) – Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース 大谷翔平が特大21号2ラン、9回の第5打席で左中間2階席、キング独走へ 16日二刀流先発/詳細 – MLB  ニッカンスポーツ 大谷翔平の価値「10年910億円」と予想 米MLB専門局公式YouTubeで動画公開 (2023年6月15日掲載)  livedoor 大谷21号2ラン リーグトップ独走 – Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース 大谷21号!OPS・987でリーグ1位浮上 186キロ弾は左打者による逆方向最速本塁打  スポニチアネックス Sponichi…
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djdejong · 2 years
Hieperdepiep onze auto is jarig op dag 987
Hieperdepiep onze auto is jarig op dag 987
Al weer 9 ons trouwe plastic met ijzeren ros.. en hij staat ook zo leuk op plekje P9
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krablord · 3 years
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on one hand, confirmation that killer has pretty lips before being Kamazou and didn’t just put on lipstick for that. 
on the other hand this weird face silhouette and actually seeing him throw his helmet feels so uncomfortable maan
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magikee1 · 4 years
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wurm-food · 11 months
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One Piece - #987 | Vassals of Glory
First color spread with Jimbei with the crew!! I’m also living for the certified Frobin moment happening.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
What are your thoughts on Kiku's strength? apparently some folks are crying fowl at kiku being able to cut kaido like that because as kinemon's apprentice she should be weaker than him, and i'm like.... a) was kiku ever established as explicitly kin's apprentice?! and b) when does being someone apprentice mean u have to be weaker than them??? her intro was literally luffy and zoro both being suspicious about her acting weak because they felt she must be strong, right? and she just solo'd kanjuro
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everykawamatsu · 2 years
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“Oddly enough,” you say?
Now wait until you hear this alliance started because 1) Doffy killed his brother 13 years ago, 2) Momo somehow ended up on Caesar’s ship, 3) Law is a Doctor™ and didn’t outright kill Kin, and finally 4) Luffy thinks sea being on fire is cool
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strawberrypiratenin · 4 years
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He went ahead and did it.
This bastard.
I love him.
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goingsunnies-moved · 4 years
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my exact visual reaction
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frobin · 4 years
Why Oda didn’t “betray” anyone
Hey everyone, 
if you are a vivid FRobin shipper you are probably aware of the stirring the recent Colorspread caused in the whole of the One Piece fandom. 
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Suddenly people realised that “Holy shit! FRobin is a thing?! Franky and Robin together?!!! Who would have thought?!” and if you are a indeed a FRobin shipper you would have probably reacted along the lines of “Yeah, well there have been hundred of hints but better late than never, right?” 
It’s been there since the Sea-Train. 
Of course it might not be obvious to anyone because while reading something the focus is different for everyone and even more so if you ship something with all your might. 
When I read a new chapter I’ll put my focus on every interaction Franky and Robin have because I hope for new hints towards my OTP. Almost every interaction will be analysed if they fit my picture of the relationship I imagine for them. 
But I still read the rest too. Because focusing on only two characters of a story as big as One Piece would be a waste of time. 
So, it does not matter if and which characters will get together in the end. Because that is not what the story is about and even if I - personally - think that if characters A and B don’t end up together, will be a shitty decision, I’ll still accept it. 
Just because I - personally - misinterpreted whatever Oda was showing that does not mean he was wrong. 
In the end, all creative decisions are the authors to make and even if they are wrong - in my personal opinion - I still have to accept them. Because the author owes me nothing. They don’t even know me. Why should they care what I - personally - want out of this story when there are millions not agreeing with me or hope for a completely different outcome? 
Yes I put time and money in the franchise. I followed the characters on their adventure but that was my decision. I can criticize and cry and curse the creator of any kind of media. And it’s okay because grieving over something that was a huge part of my life makes sense and is healthy. But in the end of everything comes acceptance. The story is finished and told and I have to accept that the canon is as it is. And maybe a huge part of the fans are even happy with it? Who am I to demand that they have to suffer instead of me? 
It’s not the authors fault. 
People create headcanons and theories because they read a story a certain way and maybe one of them will prove to be canon. Maybe not.  For example, despite all of the theories about her, will Luffy only have one biological mother. Which one that will be decided by the author.
Being extremely passionate about a fandom or a ship is an amazing experience and a dangerous one. It can consume you. It’s sometimes a thin line to tread. So, be careful that it won’t become an obsession. 
Don’t become obsessed with something trivial like a ship so that it’s the only thing that keeps you in a fandom! 
In conclusion: an author owes you nothing. The way you read and understand things is not necessarily correct. A creator can change opinions or how they see their own characters. Something said and done five or ten years ago may be answered different today. 
And most importantly, don’t forget fanart and fanfiction exist. If you don’t like the outcome of something a lot of people (not all) will agree with you and write and draw their own versions. Create your own little world and ignore the canon. No one can take that from you.  
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