#ooooooh my god. oh my GOD.
lizstiel · 11 months
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madame-mongoose · 5 months
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you aren’t safe btw. you WILL look at these again
its 2am. my back hurts. my leg is alseep. im sweating fucking bullets. and my mind is screaming. this is worse than bees. this is like. fucking rabid dogs ripping and tearing at my brain flesh. im beinf torn apart inside. screaming. inside my head. this is so fucked up. this is so fucked up of you. im going to look at these all night. im going to make these doodles my personality. i loev yourt art so much this is killing me. car accidebt
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woundlingus · 1 month
What the fuck is up with alarm clock anxiety it’s actually the worst. New job, new people, I’ve been out for like five years with disability in the prime of my youth so I’m a little awkward. I don’t care about ANY of that. My alarm clock scary, tummy hurt, oooooh alarm gonna yell at me in the morning better wake up ten times in the night just incase I can wake a minute before hand and not have it yell at me I don’t likey :( cause I’m just a little guy ooooh don’t yell at meeeeee :(
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beatcroc · 5 months
having a category 4 monsterfucking crisis
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earlywintermourning · 7 months
if the new aftg is indeed about jerejean i will go insane bonkers crazy btw. jerejean is like My Ship if i was bad abt them 2 years ago imagine me now
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jump-the-turnstile · 1 year
my moms fucking wedding. i am SCREAMING
the world mr fruit intended
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onewingedangels · 1 year
i can't focus on anything right now i'm literally looking over at my kitten every second, having the best sleep rn on his new bed, he is so 🥹💕💖💕💖
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steelycunt · 1 month
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waywardsalt · 6 months
this has been a good year for new games for me, ironically bc i had a shit time with totk and was able to better recognize what i like. totk is a game i have not touched since beating it, while every other game i have played this year have be considerably better and just. idk good experiences
so some reflection on the games i played for the first time this year that i really liked!
i played fire emblem engage this year- i literally forgot that that happened this year, i've only been counting games since totk, and i've played some good fuckin games after totk, but i honestly had a good silly time with fe engage. the music is great, the story is a bit flat and hammy at times but was still engaging (hah) and i was pleasantly surprised by the development of the main character, and it was pretty hard even on an easy difficulty, which each map sometimes taking an hour to get through as the story progressed. plus i can't deny that the referneces to other fe games with the emblem rings was a cool selling point, i'm not too familiar with the other fe games and it was interesting to see some of the characters from them. loading into lucina's paralogue and instantly recognizing the map layout and music got to me pretty good as someone who was introduced into the series by awakening. it was great!
i played persona 5 royal after totk and. what a fucking palette cleanser it's one of the best games i have ever played and i've... somewhat liveblogged my first playthrough and snippets of my second, it's fantastic (not flawless tbf) and just a lot of fun. the music is great holy shit and it was also just a great story to experience, with some interesting messaging throughout with the confidant stuff and the things brought up by the third semester. i didn't even initally get persona 5 with the intention to play it myself, it was for my sibling, who played it once and put it down and hasn't touched it since while i picked it up on a whim and was hooked by the music and style and gameplay and... holy shit it's so good. i don't even mind okumura's palace too much.
i managed to get myself a copy of kid icarus uprising (and also got the guide book by accident, don't ask, it's helpful anyways), and... they sure did make a third person shooter on the 3ds and it sure does. Handle. in all honestly the controls are kind of a mess but the game feels really good to play when you get a handle on them, even if i keep accidentally sending pit falling to his death in the ground segments because just moving him is a bit rough. the game is also surprisingly hard, and i wouldn't just chalk it up to the controls, and the music (esp the tracks for the air segments and the way its timed to the game events... ugh) is fantastic, and what i've seen of the story and characters so far is charming! i have only gotten up to past chapter 9 out of... 30? because each chapter is fairly long and... those controls. it's great!
i also managed to get my hands on shin megami tensei iv! i first found it through the fantastic soundtrack, played the first through hours after it failing to boot a few times and getting fucking destroyed by the earliest enemies because holy shit this game will beat you into the ground if you try, and was like 'hm i wonder why they went with that specific sound for a lot of the ost' and then got to fucking tokyo and i. i do not know a lot abt smt iv's story and i'm grateful. getting to tokyo was a bit internal 'holy SHIT' moment and i am so desperate to figure out what the fuck is going on with this story and world it's really fascinating. i haven't progressed the story in a while even through i know where to go just because i'm trying to level flynn and my demons and do side quests because i am not going to underestimate any new encounter ever it's fantastic.
did i start playing clangen this year? i might have. it's good. it's fun. i've played it on voice call with my friend a few times. i'm currently hooked on starting with 1 apprentice and 1 kit like a lot of people are doing on here, building cool stories based on it. it's neat.
that's (probably) all of the new games i've played (and enjoyed) this year so far, but i found out that fallout: new vegas is ten fucking dollars on steam (20 with all of the dlc) and i might have to give that a shot after tracking down a bunch of mods to keep it from crashing, and just from what i've seen of people talking about it, it sounds like a game i really need to try either this year or sometime next year. i'm mostly still just floored that it's less than thirty dollars.
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
So sorry for what my demons are making me draw
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leofrith · 8 months
i am not cut out for this gardening shit i fear
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1spooky-dad · 9 months
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Minecraft roleplay is fun and everyone has a good time and the server never gets shut down due to parents unplugging computers
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zouisexo · 11 months
god pasta is sooo yummy i love it soo bad yumyumyumyum
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druckers · 1 year
nature of pentiment is that half of my favorite characters die. im coming to terms with that
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solipsisticest · 2 years
Akiangel pocky challenge Akiangel pocky challenge Akiang
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after 8 entire months of growing it out, my hair is!!! FINALLY!!! long enough that i feel fully myself again!!! I LOVE IT HERE
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