#oooh funky fresh.....
geronimomo-spd · 8 months
here is a list of what was in this show, and in what ways they updated/changed the pieces of music they played, and what they never played before. with a dash of commentery:
i am the doctor is the first track, neat, they did the Proms version, which combines the Pandorica speach theme right at the end
all the strange strange creatures, which yeah another Proms staple, it had a few touches of fresh violins in the end we did not hear before
they did a suite for the entire classic who themes they did play that night, apperently the two people behaind the rediophonic workshop were there to play it as well! that's neat, the 60s cyberman theme, (i love it dearly, got obsessed with it pretey recently lol), they also did some stuff that i would not know to recognize if there is anything new about them: the sea devils theme, the city of death, and the 5 doctors! the same classic who themes they played i the proms 2013, either way they sound very nice, the orchestra really nicely blends in with the syntonizer and it feels like a loving hug.
oooh and they have a mini interview with mark and peter from the radiophonic workshop!
Abigail's Song (Silence Is All You Know) is very neat as well, no changes but its very nice. and they dedicated the piece to Michael Gambon, that's sweet
omg Steven Moffet hello, i did not remember seeing him on the cast list. they are using the season 4 intro as like an in between piece to welcome guests on stage by the way, his interview in nice but short, mostly talking in short about his time as a show runner and the diffrence between Matt and Peter.
sylvester mcCoy is here in the audiance apperently!
This is Galiffray is next, pretty standard but again beutifully played
the long song is next, no child singer, the same singer as Abagail's song as well, but gosh!! they included in it the part of the theme of this song that played when 11 regenerated?? and the new singing then payerd over it. it is the same theme part that played when the actual speech of the long song played, in front of the living planet, but without the speech itself it really takes you back to his regeneration in my option, they then layerd the singing part over it in a very nice harmony that made me tear up 😭 . once again just like they did in the proms 2013, but this version feels very updated
the companions suite, they went Rose - Amy, which sad no clara, bill or any other companion, but its nice to hear those themes again, also Martha's theme got a little bit more Wind Instruments and violins then usual! which extended it a little and that was very nice. it also felt like Donna's theme was a little bit quieter then usual, they also combined Amy's theme little starting notes to fuze organicly into the theme itself, the xylophone very imbeded into the theme instead of it standing out like in earlier performances. and gave it a little bit of extra notes right at the end.
Emily Cook interview! she apperently played in the orcestra in the show as well with the saxophone. and talking about the doctor who lockdown project! (i cannot believe i never knew about this thing's existance??? holy shit,)
Doomsday, had a fancy and really funky gaiter solo, much similer to when it was preformed at the proms in 2008, but this time its very distinctive, not playing along singing at all, just pure gaiter goodness, really enjoyable
Vale Decem was really funky! nothing new but as bombastic as ever, screaming its way to your ears
Am i a good man!! very nice to see a Peter theme finally making its way to the fold, though a lot of them were preformed at Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular 2015, it was a much smaller scale as to the proms and this show is definitly bigger, god i used to be so obsessed with this themeee its not even funny, the version is very similer to there and you can reallly feel the drums punping at the start and its really energetic
omg twice upon a time?? damm, actual music released from something past season 9??? insane about this actually, oh i have never heard this before, its so gentle and remenicit of am i a good man in such a beautiful way, giving them theme a call back with emotinal and more action based end, it also adds the known and notable singer and some stuff from rtd era doctor theme?? and some funky violins from i am the doctor?? all leading to a fine finish?? i am in shock and aw. its like a finishing theme from Marry Gold to his era of the show. damm (if you are worried about The Shepherd's Boy, that will come later!)
a chris chibnall and Segun Akinola interview! Chris talking about the scrutiny he got for his era, and excitment about the whole thing, and Segun Akinola talking about the stress of the job and the freedom he got. THEY ARE ALL SO EXCITED FOR THE FACT THAT HIS THEMES FOR DOCTOR WHO ARE FOR THE FIRST TIME BEING PREFORMED AND I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT AS WELL HOLY SHIT
FINALLY the woman who fell to earth suite! confirmed to have: the woman who fell to earth, spyfall, power of the doctor, and a few suprises?? 👀 god i am once again becoming emotinal, i love 13's theme so much. the spyfall theme is so recognizable for its bond influence and so fun!! 13 era loves will know a lot more then me on the rest of it but god its so fun. DEMONS OF THE PUNJAB!! TRADITINAL INDIAN MUSIC WITH A FANTASTIC SINGER, god i wish we could watch this visualy. 13s regeneration theme is so GOOD IM CRYING, what can i even say, they didn't have the libraty of changes as this was the first and might be the only preformance of these themes, as little changes as possible for what i've noticed, but still, what a rollercoster of emotions
The Life of Sunday (Ruby's Theme) ...oh? piano? a lone and qiuet piano? a quiet and sad sounding theme? oh it expands! omg the slowely building violins?? the violins are truly the stars of this evening, and then the hopeful theme ends and now the violins are not celebrating the piano, they are moving towards a sad but nice main part. oh we are jumping forwad a little! oh wow, this is truly like a valce. the piano is the star but to what end? its slightly hopeful but very mournful existance
a lot of the versions had a little bit of a rytham change in most of the peices, little bits where you would think "oh is it out of rythem?" but no, its just a slight change in tempo, i guess to make the versions played here to stand out a little.
Marry Gold interview! hello! omg its so weird to hear his voice again. talking about his new era and coming back to who.
Fifteen, WHAT THE HELL THIS IS STARTING LIKE A SUPERHERO THEME?? oooh we are leading to an action based middle, the bassons are controling the theme! the trumpets!! its bloody danceable!! i am stimming all over the room! its fucking danceable!! it feels very action based very much like i am the doctor, a lot of rising violins, usually singeling hope, this feels like... such a fresh and new doctor. but it doesn;t sound... excited, it feels like a man on the run, it has a very clear dessperation going in, and i am neglecting to find any quiet moment if and they exist at all. the rising of the hope comes very sparadicly, much like Ruby's . it feels like they are contredicting each other simply by nature, but both of them are constantly searching for hope and i guess happines? accept he feels like he is searching for... quiet, peace, DAMM i gotta relisten to this to get more understanding of it
russel t interview! ok talking about his his history with who and coming back, mostly about appreciating the music in the show overoll
The Shepherd's Boy!!! FIRST TIME PREFORMING. god i am emotional once again, you can clearly hear the diffrent instruments individually at the start, the violins are lovely the chelos and everything else is really beautifully building up itself, the drums. the choir! all rising! they added the chior to the part right before the end!! added chior overoll andmakin it much more stand out as opposed to the soundtrack version. the drums were eceptinal!! in all of peter's era music. god its great
Doctor Who Theme (2023 version), lets go! the pianos! the quiet violins!! people have pointed out its similer to the movie middle eight and that's very true, the piano is truly the star of this theme and it shows!(edited) i am buzzing this was as great and better then i expected
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 2 months
My The Tortured Poets Department Initial Impressions
Fortnight: oh baby :(, quiet treason, okay!, oof, okay post harmony!, nice little beat, as you should!
The Tortured Poets Department: Very 80s-ish, that end of the chorus reminds me of Silver Springs a bit, me too honestly, 👀, ooh that tone is so pretty, urgh oof, bringing back the writing style of the early days
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys: ooh her voice that lower range!, ooh that’s fun, don’t make me mad, puzzle motif!!!!, really like this metaphor of her as a doll especially given how she’s compared fame to being a doll, why must men have commitment issues go get some help boys!, ken!, like the build and spiral
Down Bad: why does that first bit remind me of tinker bell?, :( oh baby :(, same old town motif!!, ooh that effect is cool, she’s catchy, ooh New Romantics parallel!!, we’re gonna burst, okay not as a big of a burst as I expected
So Long, London: oooh very pretty, very haunting reminds me of church bells and my tears ricochet, okay switch up!!!, oof, I like the driving beat, oof, not the cpr, she sounds so angry and hurt, ship again!, I like this build up out of the bridge, not the color motif…, this is so sad, that end is very hypnotizing
But Daddy I Love Him: ooh this is interesting, cages!!, feels old timey, ooh alliteration, precocious!, like the storytelling aspect, not the burning…, oooh oh alliteration!, little twang, nice switch up! classic swift, ooh nice in my right ear, okay papa don’t preach!
Fresh Out The Slammer: yee haw??? Let’s go!!, okay this is interesting, not the colors again, okay vocals, very melancholy end
Florida!!!: fun driving beat, ooh that vocal, ooh that’s fun, oh we’re letting Florence sing yay!, yeah that’s fun, I like this back and forth, I like the production reflecting the hit of the drug
Guilty As Sin?: Not the cage again, wolves!, oooh I like that little vocal bit, vault!, okay breathless tease!, *bonk* go to horny jail, okay ma’am 👀, I like that isolation, maze makes me think of Alice in Wonderland, why would you do that to me
Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?: ooh, fun vocals, oh this fun and dramatic, production kinda reminds me of “Blown Away” by Carrie Underwood, good name again, not the tame reference, this is like an even more unhinged “mad woman”
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can): very hypnotic, reminds me of “White Rabbit,” this is got a fun feel to it, very sultry, like the twist
loml: Piano!!!, ooh fire motif, stitch and youth again, she sings that so softly, not the quick love schemes and the why she disappeared of it all, ooof that’s a doozy of lyrics, not the counterfeit lyric, wizard of oz reference!, the fire is back again, there’s that switch, okay that one hurt
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart: okay mirrorball!!, like that it sounds like she’s getting ready to go on stage, me too honestly, ouch, evidence reminds me of hits different, I like the camera clicks in the production, :/
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived: not the sigh…, oof, get his ass, okay I like the build up as a reflection of her anger, that reminds me of betty
The Alchemy: funky beat, interesting child/youth theme, like the sports references, come on now, that was sweet
Clara Bow: ooh the roses are back!, ooh like the way she sings dazzling, Stevie!!, again the town reference, very the lucky one, so intrigued by the queen popping up throughout the album, beauty and the beast!!!, not the self name drop!!!
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oddogoblino · 5 months
oooh share your oc list? :D
Oo ooo okay!! ^^ Sorry I don't have images at the ready but I'll give basic summary of them tho. Sorry long post
Fnaf OCs:
The Galactical Prince (or just Prince for short), drawn him a few times, he's my theater oc. He's a comet with old poet and prince themed clothes & wears a star mask. Has never met anyone other than staff that don't want to talk before, legs are buggy from being unable to move often. Abandoned animatronic but happy to talk when he can.
My Stars- Spica, Tauri, and Orion. They're like Helpy but...for daycare training specifically. Spica represents the entitled, tantrum throwing, spiteful kinda bully kids. Tauri represents the more rambunctious, hard-to-keep-track-of, loud, kind of a wild child kid. Orion represents the more sensitive, easily overwhelmed, quick to spook/cry, kind of shy kid.
Dennis Drake, haven't posted them before but they're the arcade animatronic! They're a wingless dragon and talk like uh...Fresh from Undertale AUs to paint a picture of that. They watch over kids and make sure no one gets lost & confused or left without smth to do.
Sergio Hernandez- my nightguard oc, they're not necessarily lazy but he's always sleeping on the job bc he hardly ever gives himself a break. He's got a rough family but no real traumas, his only reason for working himself to exhaustion & avoiding home is so he can save up enough money for an apartment. Reason? Their last girlfriend told him no one wants to date a guy who lives with their family still. He's pretty chill overall, Monty, Moon, and Roxy find him annoying tho.
Sonic OCs:
Stickers the mountain goat , my just normal/general sonic oc, a background character hehe, very chill and kind of awkward but he likes wandering.
Cauli the Occult Lamb , a sonic boom oc so you can kinda get an idea of how he is. He's not mean but he's not nice either. He's a mute kid and ofc practices the dark arts.
Geode the Hedgehog, my sonadow tube child, very curious and a bit excitable. He just kinda wants company, but overall a surpsingly calm hedgehog considering his parents. He's named Geode for a reason and it's because his quills are funky colored under the dark quills.
Vega The Starprancer , a powerful hedgehog from a kingdom far out in mobius. He's the nephew of a powerful queen (in their region at least) who currently has sent him out on a quest to gather all the chaos emeralds and bring them home to finally defeat a rival kingdom that's gone too far. He doesn't talk much, he doesn't emote much, but he cares about his home and family more than anything and nothing will stop him from saving them. He has the ability to summon weapons and shields with his bare hands (one item at a time) and makes platforms to walk on with his paws.
Camp Camp OCs:
Nyx , Nocturnal camp kid who just seriously can't win at life but he's not losing completely either.
Mortimer, Taxidermy camp kid who has the perfect homelife yet is comedically, deeply into death and other dark things.
Callum, my camp counselor who is just kinda chilling there for the money, he's alright with kids but doesn't care much. He cares so little that he doesn't even react to many things tbh.
Griffin, my camp counselor who is way too proud of himself and only working there to prove he really is good at absolutely anything thrown at him. He likes to pick on David and Harrison especially...
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shslskaterboy · 7 months
rekira Amamarusu. Thats my favorite
Oooh okay slay I dig it, it’s fun and funky fresh, can’t go wrong with that
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robinpixels · 2 years
So, they're apparently working on HFW DLC. What do you hope they focus on for it?
OOOH DAAAAMN I have so many hopes but I am sooo trepidatious ahaa
First things first: I will be happy with ANYTHING character-centric: while I DO like the bare essentials of HFW's story, quite a lot actually!, I think it left a lot to be desired by shoving so much into it that there wasn't much time to focus on building characters or weaving interesting narratives/exploration. And I think there's a lot of opportunity to build there in a DLC. I feel spoiled rotten by Frozen Wilds in comparison, having played through it recently for the first time and adoring it.
I find myself primarily hoping that any DLC is like a bridging point between HFW and Horizon 3, since theres a lot of ground that could potentially be covered. I am cautiously optimistic this is the case as tbh HFW feels so full that there isnt any opportunity to slide something during it.
I'm always, ALWAYS gonna hope they focus more on Aloy and Beta's relationship: It was so damn weird to me that Varl and Beta were supposedly the most important to her growth but we didn't get ANY special character quests for either of them :// That we barely got screentime for Beta at all tbh in HFW, with as important a character she's supposed to be--forever kinda bitter about that tbh, there's so much there and I do hope they take advantage of what they built moving forward.
Anything that beefs up the teamwork and any NEMESIS prep is something I'm hoping for, too. I know the machine-fighting is always gonna be funky and fresh so tl;dr I am on my little jester knees pleading for story and character exploration ahfhshdsj
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alephnol · 11 months
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I am a western derg
oooh! Funky fresh!!!
I’m a sci-fi based alien derg! That’s why my arms aren’t technically attached to anything but an electric field!
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omegaplus · 2 years
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Omega Radio for October 24, 2022; #333.
Heather B: “If Headz Only Knew” + “I Get Wreck”
Da Youngsta’s: “Neighborhood Bully” + Who’s The Mic Wrecka’“
Cypress Hill: "Roll It up, Light It Up, Spark It Up” + Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk (RMX)
Da Bush Babees: “We Run Things (It’s Like That)”
Grand Puba: “Amazing”
Nice & Smooth: “Oooh Child” + “Harmonize”
Original Flavor: “Hit” + Can I Get Open"
Paris: “The Devil Made Me Do It”
Pudgee The Phat Bastard ft. The Notorious B.I.G. + Lord Tariq: “Think Big” + “On The Regular”
UMC’s, The: “Blue Cheese” + “One To Grow On”
Silky Black ft. Lord Finesse: “163rd”
Artifacts: “Come On Wit’ Da’ Git Down”
Lordz Of Brooklyn: “Lake Of Fire”
3rd Eye & Group Home: “Ease Up”
Slick Rick ft. Doug E. Fresh: “Sittin’ In My Car” + “It’s A Boy” (Large Professor RMX)
Rappin’ 4 Tay: “Problems” + “A Message For Your Mind”
Buju Banton ft. Dave Kelly & Heavy D: “Hotness”
Pharcyde: “I’m That Type Of…”
EPMD: “The Big Payback RMX”
O.C. & Organized Konfusion: “You Won’t Go Far”
Queen Latifah: “Latifah’s Had It Up To Here”
Erick Sermon: “Hittin’ Switches”
Just Ice ft. KRS-One: “Going Way Back”
Digital Underground: “Kiss You Back”
LL Cool J: “I Need Love”
Fu-Shnickens: “Sneakin’ Up On Ya’”
Ed O.G. & Da Bulldogs: “I’m Different”
Lord Finesse: “Hip 2 Da’ Game”
Lords Of The Underground: “Return Of The Funky Child”
Mobb Deep: “Temperature’s Rising”
Bonus Omega; golden era hip-hop and rap.
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
Helloooooo friend ^-^!! Got you some questions fresh off the ask game!
paper crowns, whiteboards, and lamps :]]]
paper crowns: if you were a color, what color would you be?
oooh idk! I think i might be a dark blue, since im a pretty easy goin person with not much goin on haha
whiteboards: old book smell or new book smell?
old book old book old book :)
lamps: what type of clothes do you like to wear?
i really like sweaters, and my overalls, and patterned shirts. my friends have described my style as "cartoon character base outfits" haha
funky asks
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omegaradiowusb · 2 years
OCTOBER 24, 2022 (#333)
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Heather B: "If Headz Only Knew" + "I Get Wreck" Da Youngsta's: "Neighborhood Bully" + Who's The Mic Wrecka'" Cypress Hill: "Roll It up, Light It Up, Spark It Up" + Stoned Is The Way Of The Walk (RMX) Da Bush Babees: "We Run Things (It's Like That)" Grand Puba: "Amazing" Nice & Smooth: "Oooh Child" + "Harmonize" Original Flavor: "Hit" + Can I Get Open" Paris: "The Devil Made Me Do It" Pudgee The Phat Bastard ft. The Notorious B.I.G. + Lord Tariq: "Think Big" + "On The Regular" UMC's, The: "Blue Cheese" + "One To Grow On" Silky Black ft. Lord Finesse: "163rd" Artifacts: "Come On Wit' Da' Git Down" Lordz Of Brooklyn: "Lake Of Fire" 3rd Eye & Group Home: "Ease Up" Slick Rick ft. Doug E. Fresh: "Sittin' In My Car" + "It's A Boy" (Large Professor RMX) Rappin' 4 Tay: "Problems" + "A Message For Your Mind" Buju Banton ft. Dave Kelly & Heavy D: "Hotness" Pharcyde: "I'm That Type Of..." EPMD: "The Big Payback RMX" O.C. & Organized Konfusion: "You Won't Go Far" Queen Latifah: "Latifah's Had It Up To Here" Erick Sermon: "Hittin' Switches" Just Ice ft. KRS-One: "Going Way Back" Digital Underground: "Kiss You Back" LL Cool J: "I Need Love" Fu-Shnickens: "Sneakin' Up On Ya'" Ed O.G. & Da Bulldogs: "I'm Different" Lord Finesse: "Hip 2 Da' Game" Lords Of Brooklyn: "Return Of The Funky Child" Mobb Deep: "Temperature's Rising"
Golden-era hip-hop is finally back after a summer absence. Omega Radio takes over for Purple Starlight for its 333rd broadcast and has its eyes on the prize for three solid bonus hours of the best ‘87-’95 rap money can buy.
Our final month of Year Ten is on the way and we still have some new, current, and recent sounds to play for all of our listeners. Thanks for following and supporting Omega and WUSB.
November 5, 2022 (10PM New York City): deluxe Omega
November 19, 2022 (10PM New York City): final Autumn Omega
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minty-playhouse · 1 year
Round 2 of Eurovision let's GO!
Same deal as last time, just worrying down my thoughts as I watch it hah
Really liking the Denmark song, yes yes! The energy is very good!
Also speaking of energy I'm very salty about Malta not making it to the finals like what the hell, they should have removed Croatia and put them!
Armenia is pretty OK. Just not really my kind of music I guess? It's not even bad but it didn't get me hype, sadly. The presentation is lit though.
Liking the Romania vibes already from the looks alone 👀
Wha- Not the song I was expecting but it was a pleasant surprise! Really like the different style of both song and presentation, hoping they make it to the finals!
Estonia is OK as well. Also not super my type of song, but I can see the merit.
Ah, no way Belgium is 100% gonna deliver, they already look cool!
YES I KNEW IT I WAS SO RIGHT!!! Those are some funky fresh vibes!!!! PLEASE SEND THEM TO THE FINALS LET'S GO LET'S GO!!!! We haven't had this type of music in a while, we should bring it back!
No way I love this so much, PLEASE I WANT BELGIUM TO WIN SO BAD!!!!!
Ah, that's where Graham is, can't wait to see him comment the finals!
I'm sorry Cyprus, this is not impressing me much after Belgium blew my fucking mind lol
OK now that Iceland didn't really hype me much, regardless of how I'm feeling for Belgium, this second round of semi finals is being much weaker than the first, I'm not really getting excited by many songs, which is a bummer because if Belgium doesn't make it I'm gonna side eye a lot of finalists lol
Alright I'm glad I waited to say something about Greece because I'm actually digging this, but it started a little weak. But I quite like the beat.
Yeah OK this song grew on me, good on you Greece!
SYNTHWAVE AESTHETICS??? Hey now, the song kinda slaps too. Really liking the early 2000's pop group vibe.
AH NO WAY THAT'S SOME PUSSYCAT DOLLS SHIT!! Very good, hope they make it to the finals too.
Really cute guy alert on the Slovenian group 👀 Also loving the looks specially the singer's shirt! And the song is pretty good too!! We need more rocking tunes on Eurovision! Please go to the finals!!!
OK I was proven wrong this round is now delivering some good content! Finally some good fucking food.
Was not prepared for that in the slightest! Really damn awesome presentation and the song is so unique, I like it! Rooting for Georgia as well! It's like Middle Eastern electronic music, what's not to love?
Yeah, damn this round isn't pulling any punches now!!
Honestly Eurovision is such a fun way to look back into fashion, music styles and styles from the ages they are from. It's a super fun time capsule of European vintage tastes.
Oooh, more rock boys with San Marino?? I'm listening!
OK, pretty cool, but the Slovenian boys were still a bit better, but that's because I liked their style more. But I really dig them visually! (and of course the weirdest guy in the group is the one playing the bass, it's always like that!) ((please know that I use the term weird affectionately because I too am weird but I can't play the bass.....))
Austria girlfriends????? 😮
NO WAY EDGAR ALAN POE BOPS???? ABOUT WRITING??? No way, easily my second favourite after Belgium, this is GENIUS!!!!
No way this song is too lit!!!! They didn't need to go so hard, and yet!
Albania's performance is looking and sounding top notch too, great job everyone! When everyone began singing together it was hella cool!
OK Albania just keeps getting better what the hell!
Lithuania's song just changing like that without warning! But it made it a little more interesting for me, I'll admit. The backing vocals are also a mice addition.
Woah, wait up, Australia bringing some fire too! Very cool song and presentation, I'm here for it! Hoping to see them in the finals!
KEYTAR?? NO WAY! That was really good!
Argh, no I will not narrate my reaction to the countries that make it to the finals because I will get angry, I can tell! So let me just post this!!!
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shopises · 2 years
Mini Air Purifier for Car
Mini Air Purifier for Car
Say goodbye to funky musk and stuffiness Like a stream of fresh air (without needing to roll down your car window), our Mini Air Purifier for Car injects a gust of “oooh, ahhh” into your vehicle. Just add H2O and go All you need to do is open up the purifier and add fresh, clean water into the water tank. Touch the power button and the mister will start to mist from a vaporizer hole. 180…
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foundfirstusa · 2 years
Mini Air Purifier for Car
Mini Air Purifier for Car
Say goodbye to funky musk and stuffiness Like a stream of fresh air (without needing to roll down your car window), our Mini Air Purifier for Car injects a gust of “oooh, ahhh” into your vehicle. Just add H2O and go All you need to do is open up the purifier and add fresh, clean water into the water tank. Touch the power button and the mister will start to mist from a vaporizer hole. 180…
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trollcafe · 3 years
Leo, what can you tell us about Magnus and Romune? Did you know them back then? What were they like?
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"Romune Iscatu did many things. I believe, most importantly, he did interrogations. He was incredibly skilled at getting information from trolls, aliens, what have you. He also was good at repairing and building things. It was from him that I got a start with tinkering."
"Romune occasionally went into the field. My first few missions were with him. I also did some with a man named Obsidian. But Romune served as a mentor of sorts. He was, occasionally, sent out for undercover. He was on an undercover mission of sorts when I last heard. I have not had any updates since as I would not wish to compromise his safety."
"I did not know Magnus that well. I knew his squadron. Maldov was a good friend. When Maldov was to be exterminated, I did everything I could to have him extracted. I believe he is on Alternia, living well. Magnus, however, I did not know well."
"I had several incidents where I needed to be extracted by Magnus' squadron. When my leg was injured, it was Magnus' squadron who performed the rescue. I am grateful for that."
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doccywhomst · 3 years
what your favorite doctor probably says about you (nice edition)
theta sigma: you're the most complex nerd imaginable and in the best way possible. you're a geek with a strong anti-authoritarian rebellious streak, and you've probably dealt with your fair share of terrible adults. you want to be truly known and loved, even if just for a little while - you're perfect, never change.
first doctor: you're a sucker for the enemies-to-friends/character development and found family tropes, and that's beautiful. you're always looking for ways to improve and be a good person, and that makes you a good person!
second doctor: i feel like 1 and 2 are just Yoda with extra steps - on the surface, you love that fantastic Goblin Energy™️, but you also have a special desire for close, deep friendships. never let social anxiety deter you from connecting with people and forming solid relationships.
third doctor: he's literally a science wizard who drives fast in cool cars, you're the sanest out of all of us. he's also capable, kind, motivated, and inspired, just like you!
fourth doctor: you're a bit spacey and impractical sometimes, and might be occasionally hard to work with, but it's because you have brilliant ideas and you're usually right. you're inherently fun to be around and have a lot of knowledge, experience, and love to give. never ever quit being you!!!
fifth doctor: you're fun and funky fresh, down with the kids, hip with the lingo, and also none of the above - you can be very trusting, and you usually have no idea what you're doing, but you do it with a smile and hope that helps. you can do anything that you put your mind to, and i believe in you! you're a wonderful person!!
sixth doctor: you're either a queer theater kid or someone with a heart of gold and a dramatic flair. you love his confidence, as you should. you also love his mad scientist/inventor nature, and how his personality can change in an instant - you're quick-witted, fluid, and up to any challenge!
seventh doctor: you love Ace. admit it. and you're bisexual. and you love the Kandyman. and Cheetah Master. and the Lungbarrow chaos. but I do too and I have a seventh doctor pin, and you're a wonderful person, I love everything about you!! seriously, you're brilliant
eighth doctor: you're adhd/autistic and/or queer, and this is from personal experience - if you didn't know already, this is your psa. also you're kind and romantic, and you deserve to have fulfilling friendships, and you're one of the sweetest and zaniest people I could ever meet! this is my favorite doctor, so I think we'd get along really well!
war doctor: ooh oh hooo... hee hee... OOOH hoo hoo hoo... you have lingering trauma that needs to be resolved, my friend, but it makes you kinder than anyone! you can be quiet sometimes, but there's a lot happening inside. you should try making art or poetry to get all that energy out.
shalka doctor: this is so big-brained honestly, he only has one piece of content and it's not even """canon""", you're so brave - you're into characters with soft, fun centers and harder exteriors, and you're probably the same way. you have a serious case of RBF but you'd do anything to help someone because you're a beautiful person! every doctor would vibe with you
ninth doctor: you're more on the quiet side, but when someone brings up The Thing You're Interested In, it's like a dam breaking - you're so smart and you have so much love pent up inside!!! you probably have anxiety or depression, but it's balanced by the hope you place in others and your dreams for a better future - value your friends. value your time here. value yourself. you deserve love.
tenth doctor: sure, he's space Casanova, he's a real charmer, but you love his sadder, raw moments just as much as his silly and flirty ones. you want to be as flippant and casual as him, and also as deep and profound, and good news, you are! you're extremely complex, intelligent, and funny, and I love you
eleventh doctor: you're a disaster mom friend - you're normally chaotic and disorganized, but when the shit hits the fan, you're the first one to rally the troops and get cracking. you don't always feel like a "real" adult, but you're more than capable! you're also quite supportive and very fun to be around - keep it up!
twelfth doctor: my other favorite doctor, for so many reasons. he reminds me of three and shalka - they're just a bunch of old chaos magician scientists trying to duct tape the universe together, and that's beautiful. you're kind but not always nice, which means you're honest and I would trust you with my life. there's also a strong likelihood of you being gay or asexual. i love you so much.
thirteenth doctor: oh, my sweet summer child. you're a 11 + 12 combo, which is a real whopper - a disaster mom friend RBF science magician. you genuinely care about other people and only want the best for them, but that can be hard to communicate. but it's okay! all that matters is that you try to bring light into everyone's lives, like thirteen, and everything else will fall into place! she makes friends easily and is never deterred by a challenge, and you share her best traits.
ruth!doctor: you're so fucking sexy oh my god, i don't even know where to begin. you're probably a simp for strong women with guns/swords, and so am i. your fashion sense is atrocious (complimentary) and your attitude is unbearable (complimentary), and I love you for it.
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agerefandom · 2 years
Hey sorry for the hiatus, I know I kind of dipped out suddenly!  In an odd space and feeling very far away from myself, including my regression, so I’ve felt odd about writing about it. But I also haven’t been able to get far enough from my own brain to write about fictional characters that aren’t very close to me and my experiences? 
In any case, I can’t make any promises about when I’ll be back, it’s just one of those headspaces I have to wait out. (But I do have a bunch of stuff ready to post when I can) 
I’m currently relistening to the Magnus Archives so I’ll probably come back with more ideas there. I’ve also been re-vibing on Homestuck but that might be a symptom of ‘needing characters that are close to my own brain’ and Homestuck has those more than any other media. I also rewatched the Hunger Games movies but oooh I have enough emotions about those that I don’t know if I could add regression emotions to them, even though it is a marvelous fit. 
Oh, and I watched Steven Universe Future! It was shorter than I expected. 
I think that’s all my media updates... got a little further in the new Critical Role campaign too. Loving the heck out of Fresh Cut Grass he’s just a funky little dude and he’s great. 
Okay, I gotta go eat some spaghetti now, but I just wanted to post an update so people know that I’m coming back once the vibes sort themselves out in my brain!! 
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twancingyunhao · 2 years
OH! A cute fun one, what "unusual" pets do you think each member would have? (no cats or dogs)
Oooh okay!
Joong send like he's have an aquarium with some nice fresh water fish. Real Mike, easier to take care of, but can still be extremely aesthetic
Seonghwa I think may have a hamster. Low-key, can play with them but not overly messy
Yunho honestly, a tarantula or 4. I think he'd see their eyes and their first feet and be stinking
Yeosang ... A snake. A hognose viper specifically
San would have a bunny or flying squirrel. Fun, energetic, and soft like him
Maybe q fish for Mingi, but he tends to be so scared of the funky animals I'm not sure
Woo would get a micro pig. And then as it kept getting bigger and bigger, he'd realize... NO REGRETS
I think jongho would also have a gangster. Just because he appreciates the resemblance
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