#ooh creepy
phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
In the possessed doll au, Bruce is definitely a creepy kid.
This is, after all, a haunted au.
He looks like a 'murdered victorian child' kid. Even before he watched his parents die.
Like, very big pale blue eyes. Significantly more striking /pos as a smiling adult than a perpetually blank faced unblinking child. He looks like he knows how you die. Pale skin, ink black hair traditionally styled, big dark lashes to frame those uncanny eyes. Just the hint of eye bags.
Alfred in any timeline has a spine of steel, but there must have been at least once when he was woken up in the night to a tiny shape staring unblinkingly deep into his eyes and thought 'I am going to die'. Normal kids are absolutely terrifying to wake up to, as any parent will attest, but imagine being an ex military spy now butler living alone on the most cursed land you've ever imagined, taking care of the only kid after your employers, his parents were brutally murdered, and suddenly you jolt awake in the middle of the night to see two enormous eyes less than a foot from your face, two engorged dots for pupils, staring, still as stone into your very soul.
Bruce, hushed because it's bedtime: Mr Alfred I threw up :(.
Alfred, trying to calm his thundering heart and not reflexively shoot his ward, dizzy from the sudden adrenaline from deep sleep rush, not letting himself freak out in front of the boy:.............................. Oh dear. That's not good.
Bruce, still not blinking or looking away: :(((
Wayne manor is a setting from a murder mystery at night, and it's not Bruce but Alfred that's the main character.
Perhaps, he thinks, it was always going to end this way. Not because of fate, but because the characters of the play would not know themselves to act otherwise.
@puppetmaster13u may I present?
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vanibear · 1 year
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creepyscritches · 1 month
My partner is taking me to a succulent bar tomorrow for my birthday :3c
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freshly-vegan · 19 days
I've seen the discussion of eating eggs from chickens you keep, and I think currently my thing is...well why do you keep them?
Like there's a difference between "I keep chickens because I just love chickens, and I figure I shouldn't leave the eggs around to rot etc" vs "I keep chickens to get fresh eggs because yum".
And I just don't believe most people with chickens are doing the former.
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befuddled-calico-whump · 11 months
Figuwhump: Day One
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(for more information, check out @figuwhump 's pinned post!)
Wildefire Masterlist
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abhainnwhump · 11 months
Whumper sends Whumpee a set of tapes through the mail as part of a hame. They seem happy enough at first, but they get . . . dark.
What starts off as a butterfly caring tutorial glitches into a long rotted garden.
Two friends shopping turns into a robbery by a third.
Friendly baking escalates into a dangerous house fire.
At the beginning and end of every tape, there's distorted words that are barely understandable.
Whumpee needs to put the words together to win Whumper's game. If they don't? Well, there's always round 2 . . .
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sequ0iart · 3 months
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Shoot for The Moon 🌙
Inspired by the Japanese and Mayan moon rabbit folklore, and the 1888 Flammarion engraving from the book L'atmosphère : météorologie populaire.
instagram | prints & merch
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outlawssweetheart · 7 months
I haven't seen Saltburn, but I have read the main spoilers and I've seen some clips, and here is my hot take:
Michael and Felix should've become boyfriends and ditched Oliver's bitch ass.
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emi-g · 2 years
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Encantober Day 20: "Prophecy" ⏳
"He told me my fish would die. The next day: dead!" Encanto (2021)
Had so much fun trying out black watercolor paper the past few days. My desk looks like a goth craft festival exploded on it.
I did end up with a lot of blooms in the background (used too much water!), but I think it kind of works? Totally going to do another one of these.
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annamariedarkholmes · 2 years
if marvel doesn’t let anna paquin and the other fox/sony women over 25 in on this lil multiverse 401k scheme all the men have going i swear
this woman let hbo bleach her hair into straw for eight years just so she could play a better version of rogue!! forget j*red l*to and his zodiac killer loot crates, that’s commitment
someone tell disney it’s activism to pay bisexual icon anna paquin to throw ryan reynolds into dumpsters
someone tell ryan reynolds it’s activism to pay anna paquin to throw ryan reynolds into dumpsters
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anna paquin
to throw
ryan reynolds
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
yayyy the shining! minotaur! labyrinth! house of leaves! running down impossible yellow-walled corridors! malevolent architecture!
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Still thinking about @cuppajj‘s Shattered Glass!Sentient Lost Light AU, so I wrote a part 2 to my first little drabble! Enjoy my second ever attempt at writing horror!
(also ft. a little nod to @dimorphodon-x‘s fic with SG!Starhawk!)
You feel the terror that had been gripping your frame ease up as you realize that there’s absolutely nothing in the bridge. Not to say that the place wasn’t a wreck, because of course it was. It almost looked like someone had been digging their servos into the walls and ripping out wires. It was suddenly comforting to know you were completely alone, if anything.
(Later, you would chastise yourself for jumping to that conclusion so quickly.)
You approach the seat of the former captain, noticing what looks to be energon dried on and around the chair. Unsettling as it is, it doesn’t really mean much to you. Perhaps there had been a scuffle in some time past. Pirates did happen to be a problem out here in space, after all. Maybe the Prime had been killed, or even kidnapped. There was no way to say for sure just based on some old stains on the floor. If anything, you could safely say the Lost Light was definitively not haunted.
…was it just you, or had the ship suddenly gone silent?
The feeling of a pair of optics boring into the back of your helm overcame you in the blink of an optic.
Holding down a shudder, you very slowly turn around and come face to face with a mech you didn’t hear approach. They look disheveled; their visor is cracked and they’re covered in dents and scrapes, but you can very clearly make out the Autobot symbol on their shoulder, the first of many signs that they were not to be trusted.
They seem almost… surprised to see you.
“You came back…” the bot says, their expression gradually shifting to one of delight. “Captain, you came back!”
You laugh nervously, but you’re barely able to get the words “I’m not” out of your mouth before the mystery mech interrupts you, getting closer.
“I was so worried, what with you being taken by that awful monster, but you’ve come back to me!” At this point, they were uncomfortably close to you, and you start moving backward to try and get some space between you and the stranger. “I knew you would, Captain. I kept you safe, after all.”
You manage to ask the mech who they are. Their expression falls.
“Captain, what do you mean?” They look you over for a few moments, then let out a sigh. “Of course. You’re not him. But you look so much like him, I was almost certain he had come back to me.” They reach out their servo towards your face. “I suppose I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.”
You stumble as you continue to try and distance yourself from the stranger, but you find yourself pressed against the captain’s chair. As they take your chin in their hand, a twisted smile crosses their face, making your energon run cold.
“I think you’ll do quite nicely in his place, however.”
You hear something shift above you, and as you look up, you’re suddenly ensnared by the cables that had emerged from the ceiling. You struggle to break free, cursing out the strange mech in front of you. They give you a sickeningly sweet smile.
“Hush now, Captain. I can’t let you leave me again.” they say, their form glitching ever so slightly. “I’ve been waiting for so long to have some company again.”
“W-Who are you?!” you manage to choke out through the cables strangling you, as well as the tears that you couldn’t stop from welling up in your optics. 
“You’ll learn in due time. After all, we have all of eternity to get to know one another.” they chuckle, vanishing. 
The cables drag you up into the internal workings of the ship, and as everything goes dark, you hear the Lost Light’s voice echo from all around you.
“Welcome home, Rodimus~”
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bodhrancomedy · 2 years
He’s a smol boy. An adorable boy. He’s pocket-sized 🥺🥺😭 just a smol little pick-him-up-and-put-him-in-your-pocket boy.
He’s a fully-grown-adult-with-a-growth disorder-and-several-disabilities-leading-to-people-disregarding-his-bodily-autonomy, placing-him-in-humiliating-and-sometimes-dangerous-situations-not-least-to-mention-how-the-infantilisation-has-affected-his-job-prospects-and-self-esteem-including-fucking-sexual-harassment-because-him-being-widdle-and-cute-is-apparently-grounds-to-touch-without-permission-and-think-it’s-funny-to-imagine-physically-taking-control-of-his-body-in-scenarios-that-are-genuinely-disturbing-to-read-even-if-they-exist-in-the-weird-fantastical-side-of-reality-and-make-him-fear-ever-being-taken-seriously-in-medical-or-legal-or-other-authority-related-places-boy.
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mushroom-for-art · 9 months
@eveeonaartz, here ya go! I like to imagine they're the same character lmao for the evils, but it's up to interpretation! Hope the sketch is okay!
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gamingofkenna · 11 months
Oxenfree 2 spoilers, re the 'final choice'
I played the whole game in a solid 7 hour chunk yesterday and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it, and I'll have to do another playthrough when I can, because there's so much of the way the characters are that seems based on your choices so I wanna see what happens when I make other choices
but I'm seeing that a lot of people let Olivia go through the portal at the end, and that everyone who didn't is saying those who did are monsters for letting this grief-stricken teenager kill herself
and. i don't think there is a 'right' choice at the end there in most circumstances. but i did let Olivia take the radio, because as awful as it felt I just kept thinking that I couldn't do that to Rex
especially since we just had a ghost moment of Rex telling Riley she has to keep fighting, even though she's going to keep failing? to follow that up with 'or you can just kill yourself now to save these kids'? like it is a horrible thing to do to Olivia but it's a horrible thing to do to Rex too?
honestly, based on my playthrough, the 'right' thing seems to be Jacob going through the portal. few players forced him to because apparently the only way for him to do it is if you force him - I didn't even let him come on the island with me. I saw the prompt that I could stop him and immediately knew that if I didn't he would die. Riley kept seeing visions of her future but Jacob never did. Jacob kept talking to me about how he feels he never did anything important in life, how he likes just chilling in his hometown, how he doesn't have any grand ambition but also wants to do something important and meaningful
when that prompt popped up I thought 'if I go to that island I'm getting sucked into this loop too and I'm not coming back; Jacob doesn't deserve that' and I made him stay. I'm curious now if there's a specific dialogue tree that leads to Jacob deciding, at the end, that him going through that portal and saving everyone by doing what he's always been doing is his way of being a hero. but that wasn't the option i'd been given. instead I had two suicidal people, who both had their whole lives in front of them
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sol-flo · 1 year
are there any (preferrably good) deep sea horror movies? i mean set entirely underwater. feels like there are many prominent games but i can't think of any movies. i guess they wouldn't work as well maybe
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