#only one person should be forced to put up with akutagawa I truly believe this and I say it with huge vats of love also
rotisseries · 4 months
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higuchi could use some better taste. respectfully
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aja154ever · 3 years
BSD STAGE Dead Apple Spoilers
Mainly a report on the additional scenes or scenes that hugely differ from the movie
Tag spoiler posts, Credit as necessary 
All photos come from the official press release
Please read these points before proceeding! ↓ ↓ ↓
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Summary of the BSD Stage Dead Apple Synopsis
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Under the cut for Spoilers!
The play starts with Atsushi looking for Dazai (as tasked by Kunikida to attend the ADA mtg) Differing from the movie, he doesn't find him. 
Atsushi meets Shibusawa on the street instead when Shibusawa saved an elderly crossing the street, making him think that Shibusawa is a kind person.
Atsushi thinks that they have met somewhere before but can't remember it exactly.
Kyouka then meets Atsushi about the Ability Users Suicide Case.
▼Akutagawa pursues Shibusawa
Chuuya and Akutagawa are talking on the phone. Akutagawa is tasked to pursue Shibusawa as the perpetrator of the Dragon Head Conflict. 
However, Akutagawa was physically attacked by Dazai from behind - he snapped Aku’s neck, then stepped on him - causing him to lose consciousness (though he recognizes Dazai before passing out).
Dazai then comes with Shibusawa.
▼Chuuya and Akutagawa scene
The day when Dazai took Akutagawa to the Port Mafia is shown. Akutagawa wakes up from the dream and remembers Dazai attacked him.
An Ability user suddenly comes out of nowhere. Akutagawa fights him and realizes that he can't use Rashomon.
Chuuya comes to save him. Apparently, it's an Ability that got separated from its user.
Chuuya then explains Shibusawa's Ability and says that the mist engulfing Yokohama is actually the breath of a dragon.
Akutagawa then asks why Chuuya's Ability doesn't separate from him.
Chuuya answers that his Ability is quite special and isn't something small that can be taken easily by this fog. And if his Ability happens to separate from him, it will be the end of Yokohama.
Chuuya gives Akutagawa a new mission - to kill Dazai, because he's the one who took Shibusawa to Yokohama.
Akutagawa laughs, saying that he doesn't believe that because the Dazai now wants peace in Yokohama.
Chuuya laughs at him. He says that he's known Dazai for 7 years and were once partners so he knows Dazai - he knows that no one can tell what Dazai is thinking. There's a monster inside Dazai that no one can understand.
Aku claims that he can understand Dazai so Chuuya asks him why Dazai left the Mafia, but Aku couldn't answer. Chuuya says that he doesn't care if Aku looks up to Dazai but as for him, he's never looked up to Dazai even once. He then tells him to his face that Aku going all "Dazai-san, Dazai-san" and accepting everything he says - is probably the reason why Dazai doesn't approve of him.
Aku gets mad and attacks him to no avail. Chuuya taunts him further saying that if he doesn't do something about this mist, he'll remain weak.
Rashomon appears in the background. Chuuya says that Rashomon is just looking at him and not attacking him as if putting Aku to a test.
Chuuya says that without his Ability, Aku can never land a single punch at him.
Aku accepts the mission and says that he will beat Chuuya right after.
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▼White Trio at Mukurotoride
Dazai walks to the center. There's a voice-over of Oda when he told Dazai that the good or bad side doesn't make much difference to him.
Shibusawa arrives.
Dazai says he's happy working with him.
Fyodor arrives saying that Shibusawa shouldn't believe Dazai. (Fyodor does a mini violin performance, talk about grand entrance lol)
It seems that Dazai didn't know beforehand that Fyodor is part of the plan.
Fyodor says that he's just a rat on the side that will help a bit.
Dazai realizes that Fyodor's role is to keep him in check.
Shibusawa says that he can actually accomplish all his plans on his own without them, but it would be boring.
Dazai agrees that it indeed wouldn't be boring because no one knows who will betray who.
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▼Atsushi, Aku, Kyouka in the Mafia passage
Atsushi argues with Aku on the way, saying things that it's his fault that Kyouka suffered in the Mafia. He told them that he should never come close to Kyouka ever and talk as if he knows her.
Aku then retorts back asking Atsushi what he actually knows about Kyouka.
Atsushi says that he knows a lot stating things like Kyouka likes tofu and bunnies, and hates lightning.
Aku asks him about her past but Atsushi wasn't able to answer. Aku narrates that Kyouka's parents were killed by Demon Snow and she was picked up by the Mafia, and was then trained by a Port Mafia Executive known as the best Assassin in the world (in reference to Verlaine).
Aku then adds that he also knows that Kyouka hates flies and dogs, and likes ghosts and hydrangeas. He knows more about Kyouka so it's his win.
Unable to come up with other things about Kyouka, Atsushi resorts to bickering.
Atsushi: You're a sore loser!
Aku: Orphanage castaway!
Sushi, visibly hurt from Aku's comeback: You don't change clothes!
Aku, visibly hurt from Sushi's comeback:  I wash it every time!
Sushi: Huh? Do you also wear that when sleeping?
Aku: I'm gonna kill you!
They were then stopped by Kyouka.
Before they go out of the passageway, Kyouka attempts to check if her phone can connect somewhere. 
Aku gently stops her telling her that that phone is the one used to control her Ability and would be bad if it connects. 
Kyouka says that there's nothing to worry about because there's no signal. 
Kyouka asks him if Aku tried the Mafia's communication device and Aku says that it can't connect too.
(Note: When Aku talks to Kyouka his voice is calm and softer than usual)
Atsushi, feeling out of place, silently watches them from the side. "You two, you actually get along well, huh..." 
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▼Demon Snow Battle
The trio go back outside the streets and comes to face Demon Snow. They ran back to the Mafia passageway but Demon Snow just follows them and slices the door. Byakko then also appears.
Kyouka's phone rings. When she answers it, the scene flashbacks to the time when her parents died (same scene with the manga) with her mom explaining what truly happened, and then advises Kyouka how to control Demon Snow.
They were able to beat Demon Snow after and the Ability goes back to Kyouka.
▼More Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka
Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka continue to walk in the mist-covered street. Atsushi suggests to Kyouka that they should hold hands so they don't get separated. Kyouka agreed and held out her hand, but then asked Atsushi about Aku.
Sushi: Eh?
Sushi: Eh?
Kyouka: Should I hold his hand?
Sushi: No way!
Kyouka: Then you should hold his hand
Sushi: Ehhhh, t-there's no way I would... i-it's Akutagawa...
Sushi: Aahh, there are no other hands in here so fine!
Atsushi settles to offer the dangling part of his belt for Aku to hold on to (lol he's pointing his ass in the process because the belt is on his back like a tail). Aku reaches for it, but was taken away by Rashomon before Atsushi and Kyouka can see him
▼Aku vs Rashomon Battle
Aku uses his gun to fight against Rashomon. Just when he thought he won, he is then caught and pierced by Rashomon. At first Aku thought that Rashomon is fighting him to test if he's worth it as Rashomon's "owner", but then realized that Rashomon is actually filled with wrath - Aku's wrath towards his weak self.
Scenes flashback to Chuuya telling Aku why Dazai doesn't approve of him, of Atsushi telling him that he lost against him and is still not recognized by Dazai, and of Dazai telling him that his new subordinate is better and he doesn't need Aku.
Aku makes Rashomon remember all these, of what they went through, of what they are mad about, of what they both desire. If Aku doesn't beat Rashomon then he will be a part of Shibusawa's collection and will never get what they desire.
Before Rashomon ends Aku, he sets the bomb off and beats him eventually.
Aku returns to Atsushi and Kyouka thereafter, and Atsushi was surprised to see him covered in bruises.
▼White Trio Betrayal Scene
Fyodor sees Dazai suspiciously trying to enter the Draconia room. They went inside after Fyodor tells him that Shibusawa is not there. Dazai reveals his motives to Fyodor, and Fyodor hands him the crystals. Before Dazai can touch them Shibusawa stabs him from behind. Dazai dies. (scenes are almost the same as the movie)
After Dazai dies, Shibusawa also kills Fyodor, grabbing him on the top of his head, lifting him up, and then breaking his neck.
Shibusawa laughs (like a villain) saying that his plans succeeded.
▼More Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka
Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka are riding an elevator, standing side by side. Because the ride is taking quite long, Atsushi tries to make small talk to relieve the awkward atmosphere.
Sushi: Your Ability has returned to you, right? How does it feel?
Aku: None of your business.
Sushi: Looking from this angle, your nose looks nice. (literally "you have a high-bridged nose" used as a compliment in Jp)
Sushi: Aahh, with this three the talk is going nowhere..
Kyouka: *tries to narrate Momotaro (a popular Jp folklore)*
Sushi: Ah, I'm sorry Kyouka-chan, I didn't mean to force you
▼Chuuya at the Special Ability Dept
Chuuya arrives at the Special Ability Department Office. He is stopped by the guards but Chuuya beats them all (fight scenes were shown).
Chuuya arrives at the main office, but Ango is only showing up in the scene via a video screen. Tsujimura is in the office btw.
Chuuya and Ango talk about the government's involvement with Shibusawa (same with the movie).
Chuuya threatens Ango that he will kill the people in the office if Ango doesn't tell him about the case of Shibusawa now.
▼White Trio
Shibusawa takes Dazai's Ability crystal, but realizes that it is not the one he's been looking for.
Fyodor suddenly appears from his back, shooting Shibusawa with a gun.
Apparently, the one Shibusawa killed earlier was not Fyodor himself, but his separated Ability.
Fyodor then kills Shibusawa with a knife, making him remember his death (same with the movie).
▼Dragon Appears
Fyodor does his poetry speech about the dragon lol
The dragon appears as animation in the background.
Deadly Drive plays as bg music after!
Ango asks Chuuya to fight the dragon, believing that only his Ability can do it just as when they fought Guivre in the past.
Chuuya complains that the government just always does nothing but order people around while not getting their hands dirty.
He accepts the mission and asks Ango's life in return.
▼Chuuya vs Dragon
Plane scene with Tsujimura is almost the same as the movie. Chuuya throws his gloves and activates Corruption.
This scene involves his actor Uechan flying in a harness, where he did flips a few times. On his background is an animation of the levitated rubbles and the building he used to throw at the dragon.
Bless Uechan's throat for all the screaming
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▼Soukoku scene
Chuuya shouts Dazai's name, and punches him waking him up. Dazai touches his cheek to deactivate Corruption. (Same lines with the movie, yes Dazai is still Snow White)
Chuuya asks him to let go but Dazai refuses saying that the place they are in is where the mist is the most concentrated and Arahabaki will end up separating from him.
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▼Atsushi reflection with Byakko
Atsushi realizes that the orphanage director must have known that he killed Shibusawa, but wondered why he never told him.
The orphanage director appears at the end saying that he hid the truth from Atsushi because he thought Atsushi wouldn't be able to accept it and would be crushed (mentally) once he knew about himself.
Bokura plays in the bg
Aku leaves
Dazai arrives saying that Atsushi was saved because of them
Atsushi butts in saying that Dazai was the one who did
(same lines with the movie)
After Atsushi says the "more beautiful" line, Oda's voice-over plays when he told Dazai to go to the side that saves people because that's a little bit more beautiful.
▼Aftermath Chuuya
Ango calls Chuuya saying that the battle is finished thanks to them, and now he's ready to give his life in return.
Chuuya just laughs at him saying that his life isn't enough to pay for this. He also tells him that he understands that Ango was just a small fry in the government six years ago so wasn't able to do anything about the Shibusawa case. Ango thanks him but still tries to insist but Chuuya hangs up.
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Akutagawa shows up, but he doesn't bow at Chuuya (unlike in the movie) and just continues walking after Chuuya told him that Dazai is alive. Chuuya calls him to lend his shoulder because he can't move and gestures him to come closer.
Aku does and Chuuya laughs at how unwilling he looks and asks if Aku is still mad that Chuuya called him weak. Aku says that he's not bothered at all.
Chuuya tells him that he shouldn't worry because they're both included in Dazai's plans, which means that Dazai thinks that they are essential in beating Shibusawa.
Aku remains silent. Chuuya then tells him that as Dazai's ex-partner, he's gonna say it - that Dazai approves of Aku. At the very least, Chuuya does approve of him too.
Aku just says that he's nothing compared to Chuuya.
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▼Days after
Atsushi and Kyouka are back at the Agency, where they wave off to everyone as they go on a new mission.
Voice-overs of the ADA stage play cast were played sending them off.
Tanizaki: Take care!
Naomi: Stay safe!
Kunikida: Don't forget your report after.
Ranpo: Get me sweets on your way home!
Yosano: If possible, go back here with injuries, okay?
Kenji: Let's eat some gyudon later!
Fukuzawa: Atsushi, Kyouka, take care and come back safely.
Chuuya talks to Mori on the phone, reporting that the mission has been accomplished. 
However, he gets instructed to do the send-off or the farewell greeting to the fans on the stage.
Chuuya, angrily to the audience: What are you looking at, huh? 
Send-off? *takes a sit elegantly and stares at the crowd*
Ugh, okay,, *stands up*
Be careful not to be engulfed by the mist when you go home, okay? See ya.
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Thanks for reading! Please support the official accounts and releases as much as possible!
I’m no longer active on tumblr nowadays, so you may follow me on twitter instead @harukaja15
My translations on tumblr are compiled under the tag #bsd translation and #my works
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vampire-food · 3 years
Akutagawa’s Day Off
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What does one of the most feared members of the Port Mafia do on his day off?
- slight implied Dazai/Akutagawa
Working for the Port Mafia was a strenuous job. Day in and day out of grueling missions leaves little to no room for relaxing and the stress and fatigue quickly build up. While Akutagawa was on a mission he nearly passed out from exhaustion, he despised how weak it made him feel. Once word got out Chuuya immediately forced him to spend at least one day at home. Of course, Akutagawa rejected this immediately; it wasn’t until it was a direct order that he reluctantly agreed. Akutagawa usually gets about 5 hours of sleep a night. The constant threats of danger from his childhood conditioned him to only sleep when absolutely necessary. He woke up to find out that Gin had already gone out for the day assuming that she was busy with missions.
The first thing he did was go into the bathroom to brush his teeth. His reflection in the mirror showed off his bedhead which wasn’t too different from the norm. Akutagawa never really fussed over his looks as he deemed it a waste of time. The only thing he ever needed with him was his signature black trenchcoat. He was still wearing his pajamas but put on his trenchcoat just in case an ambush occurred. He figured he would pass the time by scrolling on Twitter. He secretly made an account but doesn’t really get it all he does is post pictures of flowers he sees on his walks from missions. Gin was the one to introduce him to Twitter and actually helped him follow some aesthetic accounts.
At about Twelve he started to feel peckish so he decided to cook something. His cooking skills weren’t the greatest but they were passable. The easiest dish he could think of was to make an omelet. He opened the fridge to search for the eggs and was surprised to find that Gin had cut some figs for him. A note was attached, “I know relaxing is a hard thing for you to do but I hope you enjoy your day regardless and get plenty of rest big brother.” Akutagawa with a soft expression smiled for a brief second. After he ate he slowly was starting to run out of ideas to keep himself entertained. He already wasted time on his phone and watched a bit of tv. Wasting precious hours that could go into more training was dreadful. The only thing that was keeping him going at this point was the thought of Gin worrying over her big brother. He didn’t want to disappoint her so he tried his hardest to relax, that was before the doorbell rang. He answered the door to be face to face with Higuchi.
Akutagawa rolled his eyes and sighed, “Shut up Higuchi.”
“R-right I’m sorry… It’s just that I was so worried I mean n-not only me but everyone!” muttered Higuchi so quickly that it was almost incomprehensible.
“Why are you here, Higuchi don’t you have work today?”
“Well um yes about that I left briefly because I was worried about y- I mean everyone was worried about you! Like I said before I bought medicine for you!” Higuchi then proceeded to shove multiple huge bags into Akutagawa’s arms. The pile was so high you could barely see his face.
An irritated Akutagawa dropped all of the bags onto the floor and slammed the door and screamed, “SHUT UP AND LEAVE HIGUCHI!”
A muffled panic from the other side of the door replied, “OF COURSE I’M SORRY TO DISTURB YOU AKUTAGAWA-SENPAI.”
Akutagawa couldn’t believe how difficult it was to have a relaxing day. He had one last attempt and that was to go on a walk and appreciate the flora of Yokohama. He properly got dressed in his signature outfit before heading out. The flora around Yokohama truly was most beautiful around sunset. The cool sea breeze enticed him near the port that once displayed the scene of Moby Dick falling into the sea. As he faced the sea he closed his eyes and remembered how Dazai praised him that day and began to blush. He wanted nothing more than to prove himself to the one person he cared about most.
“I never knew you were a one for scenery.”
Akutagawa snapped his head in the direction of the man’s voice in shock. He recognized his voice in seconds. “Why was Dazai here?” He thought to himself. He hadn’t seen Dazai since he had fainted in front of him. He internally panicked.
“Don’t worry my adorable ex subordinate I’m not here to cause trouble I just wanted to reminisce.” assured Dazai.
Akutagawa thought for a moment to challenge Dazai to battle to further prove his strength but then he thought of Gin scolding him for fighting on his day off so instead he asked him, “What things do you reminisce about Dazai-san?”
A shocked Dazai replied, “I think of a past friend.” and with a subtle regretful expression he spoke, “and the person I hurt the most." He paused. "Honestly I’m surprised you asked me that. I was definitely waiting for you to challenge me.” laughed Dazai.
Honestly, Akutagawa wasn’t sure what to do. How could he prove himself to Dazai without fighting? How could he prove he was better than Atsushi?
“To be honest I was going to challenge you but I promised someone I would rest today.”
“Oh? In that case, why don’t we switch things up? I'll be the one to propose a challenge.” An intrigued Akutagawa nodded.
“We both have to answer a question. Honestly.”
“That’s not much of a challenge Dazai-san.” replied Akutagawa.
“Telling the truth shows a person’s strength too, you know. Anyway here's the question, What part of me do you hate the most?”
Dazai had a puzzled look on his face. “I tortured you for years and you don’t hate me? I find that hard to believe.” chuckled Dazai.
“You made me stronger and for that, I will always respect you. When you decided to make me your subordinate you saved me from an abysmal useless life in the slums.” Akutagawa turned to Dazai and looked him in the eyes. “I’ll always respect you Dazai-san. I could never hate you. I just want you to see me as a man who is worthy of your praise.”
Dazai wore a soft smile. He reached for Akutagawa’s head and pet him. Akutagawa caught off guard looked down to hide his blush.
“Now I believe it's my turn to ask you a question.” interjected Akutagawa returning to his usual serious self. “Did you have any regrets leaving the mafia behind?”
“I actually do.” replied Dazai as he turned his gaze from Akutagawa to the sunset. “I left behind someone I should’ve cared for.”
“Who were they?” questioned Akutagawa.
“Ah, nope. We only get one question each and I answered yours. Anyways it’s getting late we should head home.”
Akutagawa bowed and went home. He opened the door to be greeted by Gin waiting at the dinner table with Akutagawa’s favorite meal.
“I’m surprised you went out big brother. What did you do?”
“I went on a walk to see the flowers and left with more questions.”
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 2: Twisted (Part 1)
Warnings: violence
Author notes: let’s start chapter 2! Do you think there is not enough warnings...? That’s because it’s only the beginning...
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My arm was trembling and my vision was blurred, results of my tiring way of life and days spent without being able to sleep while training to become a proper mafioso. Never had I been so exhausted, even when living in the slums. As a consequence, I could barely see the target in front of me, and lamely missed the last bullet of my gun — my last chance to be rewarded by the executive Dazai Osamu. When I heard his footsteps coming toward me, I already knew what would happen, and braced myself for the upcoming pain. As expected, his hand flew fast and hit my cheek without holding back. The strength of the blow made me lose my balance and sent me to the ground like a lifeless chiffon doll. I felt heat coming from my swelling flesh, and rubbed my cheek in a desperate attempt to calm the pain down, my head spinning and making my fatigue much worse. The coldness of my fingers did appease the burning sensation of the bruise, but they soon were not enough anymore. That was the recurrent ending of my training everyday.
"Don't expect to survive if you can't even bear this slap." Dazai-san curtly said, looking down at me "Now, stand up. Quick. And do it again."
The wall was the best support I could find to lean on my trembling legs. How long...? How long could I endure this training without dying...?
When I had arrived in the Port Mafia, after willingly following Dazai-san, that day, I had been given everything. With his playful smile, he had shown me the shabby room I would use as an apartment, saying it was just a temporary situation, and had even bothered taking my measurements to provide me with new clothes. Noting I was hungry, he had offered me a meal, before showing me around the headquarters so I could familiarise with my new surroundings. The first night, he had even offered to cancel my ability, thinking I could perhaps have my first taste of sleep if the thoughts haunting my mind could quieten. He had touched my shoulder, and I had fallen asleep a minute after. He had been nice to me. So nice I had completely dropped my guard and had not predicted the hellish situation I would find myself into the very next day.
"It is simple." Had he declared with a grin "If I consider your training successful, I'll reward you with sleep. But if you disappoint me the slightest... I don't need to tell you about your condition, do I~?"
I had thought, perhaps, that with some training, I could easily shoot an immobile target. I had already killed two people with a gun, and he had told me I had potential. However, his training involved fighting against him, and he was unbeatable. Perhaps with more strength and more rest I could at least throw my fists toward his chest, but in my state, it was pointless. It appeared more like a punishment than a training, and instead of truly focusing on my skills, I would end up suffering from his kicks and strikes endlessly, wishing he would end our session. I thus failed training every day, and had not gotten any sleep since I had entered the organisation. Sometimes, I wondered what utility he could find in mercilessly sending me to the ground. Was there a reason? There had to be, I always convinced myself, without much conviction. I believed he resembled a child cruelly torturing an insect for the sake of playing, except I was the insect and Dazai-san was a child prodigy of the underworld.
An implied rule, a silent precept of the underground organisation was putting any pride aside as soon as one became a member. Mafiosi were dogs serving the interests of the Boss, replaceable pawns he could move on his chessboard and sacrifice any time he saw fit. The only ones worthy of being respected as human beings were the five executives assisting the Boss in his decisions, counselling him, but still obeying his every orders. Their power, in terms of politics, equalled the parliament's; they reigned upon the world of mafias and illicit trading. I had that luck that many newbies did not have, which was working under direct orders of an executive. In that sense, I was not a mafioso, but Dazai-san's protege, a person who had some importance in the organisation, which granted me protection against being used as mere cannon fodder. I had heard he had another protege named Akutagawa, but I had never seen him... Did he suffer as much as I did? Even so, despite fearing him and resenting him for making me suffer so unjustly, I could not help respecting my superior, for it could not be denied that he had both strength and intelligent. He was incredibly manipulative, easily read people's intentions and established strategies which never failed, and that, in a way, forced my admiration for him. I was conflicted. I wanted to hate him, because who would not detest a ruthless man who looked down onto his subordinates' lives? His dearest wish, I had come to understand it, was to die. He was bored of the world, tired of living and absolutely annoyed by human beings, whom he toyed with all too easily. I had already taken part of his torture sessions with prisoners, and had been completely taken aback by his efficiency. He never used any tool, and never dirtied his hands. Instead, his best weapon was his tongue, which he cleverly employed to make his victim confess, in less than ten minutes. Psychological torture... I believed it was worse than physical one.
I was barely stable on my legs, but a powerful kick sent me back toward the wall. This time, I did not have any willpower to stand up anymore. I was exhausted, my whole body hurt, and this headache had come back despite my pain relievers and other pills I took every time to relieve my suffering. It was enough. Why did he not kill me, so we could end this game of torture...?
"There is something I hate." He crushed my shoulder, earning a wince from me "Being wrong. When I foresee one's potential, I like for that person not to disappoint me. You are a letdown, and you frustrate me. I should just send you back to the auctions."
"I... I cannot..." I coughed.
Dazai-san grabbed my collar, pulling me toward him forcefully, and I was obliged to stare at his single, menacing eyes. He was terrifying. My instinct recognised him as a threat, and I yearned to run away from him.
"Stand up. Face me. That target has not suffered a single damage since the beginning of the training, and it has been four damn hours!" He barked aggressively "What are you here for?!"
"I... I..." Tears started swelling in my eyes "Will..."
He dropped me harshly on the ground, sending me his deadliest glare.
"Tomorrow, I will leave for a mission. You'd better improve during this week without me." He threatened, turning around.
"Yes Dazai-sa —"
I was interrupted by a powerful cough. Whatever the cause was, I doubted it came from the training; my executive was rough, but he had never caused any internal haemorrhage — for now. Actually, my cough was different from anything I could have experienced before; it felt as though my lungs were coming out, along with my other organs. And I could not stop. Months spent in the shallows had, without a doubt, altered my health, but... Why did it feel as though my body was rejecting itself...? Why did it feel as though it was casting my life away...? I took a deep breath, trying to calm down and regain composure, but the blood on my palm was enough to alarm me. Why...? I had done a checkup when arriving at the headquarters, and I was not sick...
"Ogawa-kun?" He glanced back at me.
I hid my hand behind my back, raising my eyes at him.
"Yes, Dazai-san...?"
"Nothing. I'll see you in a week." He left.
I sighed, wiping the blood away from my hand with a tissue. I would not want him to take advantage of this new weakness, would I?
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
Hewwo! I read Chapter 83 of Bungou Stray dogs, and I have no words. I'm rather surprised by the identity of the mastermind and I wonder what's going to happen now. So I was wondering, with the reveal of the mastermind, what's your opinion on chapter 83? :)). Thank you and stay safe!
Hello anon!
I am very happy about the reveal! It actually makes the whole arc and especially the last couple of chapters even more enjoyable!
As a matter of fact, even if I liked the latest chapters, it seemed to me as if the arc was becoming a little bit too fragmented. By this I mean that the arc had been mostly driven by the conflict not only with the Decay of Angels, but also with the Hunting Dogs. However, the latest twists seemed to suggest the dogs would have become allies of the ADA. Even if I am not against it per se, I would have liked for it to happen after the conflict between the two organizations had been settled in a meaningful way. In particular, I want the arc to make full use of the Hunting Dogs thematically. I have discussed here some ideas about this group:
In short,  the HD are imperfect humans just like everybody else and they have  found a reason of living in their organization just like the members of  the ADA and of the mafia did.
This is also why they are so easily  manipulated. It is because in order to truly think about “right” and  “wrong” in a constructive way, they should let go of the labels they use  to read the world. However, they can’t because if they did they could  very well lose themselves.
In the end the HD are foils of the detectives just like the mafiosi, but they are so in a different way.
The  mafiosi are who the detectives could become if they were to completely  lose themselves in their most violent and darkest parts, while the HD are who the detectives could become if they were to embrace simplicistic  ideals over people. This is also why this arc has been particularly  hard on Kunikida since among the members of the ADA he is the one who  risks to do so the most.
In short, having the HD simply work with the ADA after all the time they spent after the protagonists and after they have almost killed them would have been a little cheap. To be more specific, it would not have led to any growth in the HD whose  modus operandi (follow the rules and Fukichi’s orders) would not have been challenged at all. Thanks to Fukichi being the mastermind, instead, all the themes introduced since the beginning of the arc are strengthened and all the characters can be challenged.
-Fukuzawa will be forced to face his old friend. What is more, this whole ordeal marks another step in Ranpo’s growth. As a matter of fact, as I have written here, the arc starts with Ranpo disagreeing with Fukuzawa. Facts proved him right. What is more, in chapter 80:
I  think that Ranpo’s behaviour in chapter 80 might tie to what is satetd  above. On one hand, in the past, Fukuzawa used to be the one protecting  and saving Ranpo. On the other hand we have seen Ranpo trying to save  Fukuzawa at all costs in Cannibalism. However, in that arc, Ranpo  ultimaley fails. What is more, his wish to save Fukuzawa in that  situation puts the whole Yokohama in danger adn goes against what Fukuzawa himself wants.
However, in chapter 80 we see Ranpo   successfully saving Fukuzawa and the other ADA’s members. He does so by taking action by himself with the help of a connection he himself made (Poe). At the beginning of the arc, he showed to have a better grasping  of the situation when compared to Fukuzawa and in chapter 80 he manages  to save his father-figure on his own. To me, it seems that Ranpo might  have already reached a point where he does not need Fukusawa’s guidance  anymore. However, he still chooses to depend on him, as seen when he  asks for Fukuzawa’s order as if Ranpo himself doesn’t perfectly know  what is better to do.
Despite all of this, once Ranpo takes Fukuzawa back, he immediately goes back to completely rely on him and on his judgement. If Ranpo had immediately used his analytical skills to deduce who Kamui is, he would have avoided finding himself in the current pinch. However, Ranpo preferred to follow Fukuzawa’s orders and to trust the person Fukuzawa trusted. This dependence led to the current situation.
-The Hunting Dogs will have to face their shortcomings. As I have written in the meta linked above:
The HD are proud because they see themselves as heroes of  justice. They are not stray dogs, but dogs selected and adopted by a  master (aka the governement) and this makes them better than others. At  least, this is probably what they force themselves to believe.
The ironic thing is of course that all of them are portrayed with attributes society would consider problematic.
Teruko  is sadistic and violent, while Jouno enjoys psychologically torturing people. Finally Tachihara is in the HD simply because he wants to find a  place to belong.
All in all, among the four subordinates, Tecchou  is the one who probably genuinely believes in justice, but his idea is  simplicistic and naive as it was explained in point one.
The Hunting Dogs are basically Stray Dogs who are made feel “special” by the government. They work for the government and for Fukichi who is the greatest hero of the world, so they are heroes as well, right? They wil soon have to face that their leader is not only the leader of a bunch of policemen, but also the leader of a terrorist group.
It will be especially interesting to see how Teruko and Tecchou will react. As a matter of fact both have shown to genuinely believe in “justice” even if they are cruel in their pursue of it. That said, there might be a difference between the two of them and the current twist might make it more obvious. As a matter of fact, among the dogs, Teruko is the one who believes in Fukichi the most. She is fond of him and is never shown to dislike anything about him (differently from the others who are annoyed by Fukichi’s behaviours). So I think that it will be especially challenging for her to face the truth. Tecchou is instead the person who, among the dogs, seems to me to embody justice the most, so I wonder how he will react when he discovers he has been helping terrorists all along.
When it comes to Jouno, he is the one who has always fitted the least among the HD to the point that I wonder if he knows about his boss’s real identity or not. Whatever the case his reaction is bound to be interesting.
Finally there is Tachihara who has already started to move past his role as a HD thanks to his experiences in the mafia:
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Tachihara being able to break the book’s spell because of his ties with the members of the mafia is symbolic of how he has managed to develop more empathy for criminals because of his relationships with some of them. Tachihara is different from the other HD who do not see criminals as people because he got to personally know and to grow closer to some of them.
-This leads us to the fact that I expect the mafia to get involved pretty soon. After all, Tanizaki and Kenji are still under the mafia’s protection and the mafia is the shadow of the detective agency:
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All in all, BSD is a story which deals with the concept of jungian shadow a lot. The abilities of the characters are nothing, but repressed parts of them and the the same can be said of the mafia as a group. This is why Dazai and Atsushi are both escaping from what the mafia represents for them. For Dazai the mafia is proof of his criminal past, while for Atsushi it is a reminder of who he could have become. The strong link between these two organizations is why they are often fighting, but also why they are so strong when they unite. It is because the ADA can’t let its shadow take over (so it can’t let itself be destroyed by the mafia and must criticize their violent methods), but at the same time the agency can’t ignore the mafia or that the people in there are similar to them under many aspects. Because of this, now that an alliance with the HD seems more difficult to realize, I wonder if we will soon see the mafia or not. In particular, it has been a while since we have seen Akutagawa, so I wonder if he will once again team up with Atsushi towards the end of the arc.
Finally, this reveal makes Fukichi himself much more interesting as a character. In a sense, it is as if he embodies the dychotomy explored in this arc between justice and terrorism, laws and anarchy. Apparently, the two enemy organizations represent these two opposite concepts. The HD are justice and enforcers of the law, while the DoA are terrorists who want to destroy all laws and to rewrite the world. However, the reveal shows that the leader of both organizations is the same person. So Fukichi comes to embody both concepts. He embodies “justice”, but also the that feeling that justice is deep down unfair. Hence why it is necessary to act outside of it. In a sense, it is as if Fukichi, as a person, is prisoner between two roles. On one hand there is the legendary general (Fukichi’s persona aka the image he projects of himself and what others see about him). On the other hand there is Kamui (Fukichi’s shadow aka his hidden desires to act outside the law and in an unheroic way). However, the person “Fukichi Ochi” is kind of lost between these two big characters:
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Fukuzawa mentions how Fukichi was jealous because he had found his path in life before Fukichi himself. This means that his career as a soldier is not something which gives happiness to Fukichi. He probably feels that he lacks something and his current actions are very likely an attempt to fill this sense of void. At the same time, I would not be surprised if he has targeted the Agency because of the envy he feels for Fukuzawa who has become happy.
In conclusion, the fact that “Kamui” means God reminds me of this:
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If the world is chaos and unjust, then I will become the God who fixes it. I wonder if Fukichi’s line of thought is similar to Fyodor’s. If that is the case, then it will become obvious why the symbol of justice has also become a terrorist. It would not just be a contradiction, but a natural evolution of an ideal which twists itself in its pursue of righteousness. After all, when ideals forget about people, they often become rigid ideologies and end up embodying what they were fighting. I wonder if something similar happened with Fukichi as well.
Thank you for the ask!
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crow-writes-stuff · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Izumi Kyouka & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), possible Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Chuuya joins the ADA, Chuuya is basically a big brother for Kyouka, Protective Izumi Kyouka, in a cute way, Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Stressed Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya gets a hug, from Kyouka, Future Armed Detective Agency Member Nakahara Chuuya, Caring Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya-Typical Swearing, Light Angst Series: Part 2 of Affirmation Summary:
Chuuya is awaiting the decision of the ADA's president. At least Kyouka is happy to see him.
Sequel to Death Sentence
Everyone is staring at him. Chuuya has to force every muscle in his body to stay still, do not fidget. He wants to tell them all to stop looking at him. He can't.
Dazai left him with the rest of the Armed Detective Agency to talk with the president in private. Chuuya feels like he's been thrown to the wolves. And he can't fucking do anything about it! He can't tell them to fuck off, he can't threaten them. Because for some fucking reason, Dazai thinks he should join them.
Someone moves. Chuuya doesn't react. It costs him almost everything, but he doesn't move.
"Chuuya-san." Kyouka. It's Kyouka who moved, standing now in front of him. Chuuya relaxes. He can deal with Kyouka. She's one of his. Not in the sense of belonging to the Port Mafia (or not anymore). She is one of his just like the Akutagawa siblings are. People to take care of.
She looks so serious. "Are you alright, Chuuya-san?" He smiles at her. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." She nods and lowers her eyes. She's fidgeting with her phone. "Really, it's okay," Chuuya adds. "What about you? How are you doing?"
He's still painfully aware of all the eyes watching him. But he can focus on Kyouka. Even if it's just to distract them both.
There is a moment of more fidgeting before Kyouka looks up. "I like it here." Chuuya nods. He understands what she's trying to say. "That's good to hear."
Kyouka suddenly dashes forward, wrapping her arms around him. Chuuya has to take a step back in surprise, before hugging her in return. He isn't sure what this is about, but he's not going to push her away.
Before she can explain, the door to the president's office opens. Because, of course, it does. Chuuya wonders if Dazai planned this timing. He couldn't have, right? It's Dazai. Of course, he could.
Kyouka scrambles to let go of him but doesn't move farther away. Chuuya finds himself silently grateful for at least one person not being horribly suspicious of him. Not that he can blame anyone. He'd be doing the exact same thing in their place.
He straightens his back and turns to look at the president. Dazai is standing right behind him, with an easy smile on his face. That's a good sign, Chuuya supposes.
It's also Dazai who speaks first: "Kyouka-chan, I have a question for you since you're already here." Kyouka visibly stiffens, and Chuuya has the urge to tell Dazai off. She shouldn't be pulled into this. Dazai continues undisturbed: "If you had to choose right now, between Chuuya and me, who would you want to stay?" This time, Chuuya can't hold back. "Dazai," he warns lowly. But Kyouka surprises him. She pushes her chin out and looks at Dazai defiantly. "Chuuya-san."
Chuuya looks at her, amazed. There are some murmurs behind them, but he ignores them. Dazai just keeps smiling. "Thank you." Kyouka nods stiffly and moves minimally closer to Chuuya. He's going to have to ask her how Dazai's been treating her. Chuuya is not above kicking Dazai's ass, even now.
"Nakahara-kun," the president finally speaks. The room goes absolutely silent. Chuuya can feel his own muscles grow rigid as he looks at the man. To be perfectly honest, he has no idea what to expect. His previous interactions with the man didn't exactly paint Chuuya in the best light. He would not blame him for just sending him away right now. If it wasn't for Dazai, Chuuya wouldn't even have tried talking to anyone here. "Dazai has made the proposition of you joining the Armed Detective Agency. I am going to be honest: I was and still am sceptical."
No shit. Chuuya glances over to Dazai. He's still smiling. Alright then.
"However," the president continues, "Dazai has made several good points." It's Dazai, he could argue for almost anything, and most people would start believing him. But Chuuya doesn't think the president that foolish.
"I have agreed to let you stay for now." Chuuya stares at him. "With a few conditions." Of course. "You will stay with Dazai at all times until we have determined if you truly are suitable to join us. You will follow any orders you are given by the Agency members. And, though I hope this is a given, you will refrain from killing anyone."
That... That's it?
Chuuya blinks. "Okay," he says because he has no idea what else to do. Dazai grins at him. Kyouka's hand finds his, and he looks down at her to find her smiling as well. The president nods at him and turns to leave.
"Uh, thanks," Chuuya adds lamely. Dazai's grin turns amused, and Chuuya glares at him. The president nods again and returns to his office, the door closing behind him.
Chuuya continues staring at it until he feels a tuck on his hand. Kyouka is looking at him, worry written all over her face. "Chuuya-san, do you need to sit down?" "I don't know," he answers honestly. This day is so far removed from anything he had expected to happen. He has no idea what he's supposed to do or how to feel.
Dazai appears next to him, puts a hand on his back, grounding him. Chuuya looks at him. "What the hell did you say to him?" he finally chokes out. Dazai's smile turns soft, and something twists inside Chuuya. "Just the truth." Chuuya's eyes widen, and Dazai is quick to add: "Nothing too personal, of course." They both know exactly what he's referring to, and Chuuya finds himself surprisingly grateful. Grateful for Dazai. Not a thought he expected today either.
"Alright," a voice interrupts. "Dazai, care to explain what is going on here?" It's Dazai's new partner. Kunikida, if Chuuya remembers correctly. He looks justifiably pissed off. Though more at Dazai than Chuuya, to his surprise.
Dazai grins at him. "Isn't it obvious?" This causes Kunikida to start yelling at Dazai that, no, it is not, explain, dammit. Chuuya feels a weird kinship with the man. It is undeniable that he has been working with Dazai for a while. Dazai sighs in that infuriating way of his, only it's not directed at Chuuya. "Fine, fine. Short version: Mori wanted to get rid of Chuuya, preferably by him dying. Chuuya said no and left, and I suggested he join the Agency. And the president agreed to let him stay, as you just witnessed. It's really not that complicated, Kunikida." The man is fuming at this point.
Kyouka pulls gently on Chuuya's hand. She leads them to a small couch and sits down, Chuuya following. Dazai is still being yelled at. He clearly doesn't care in the slightest, only causing Kunikida to shout even louder. It's awfully familiar.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Agency, clearly used to this sort of thing, move closer towards Chuuya and Kyouka. The tiger boy, Atsushi, Chuuya reminds himself, is the first to speak up: "So, uh, welcome to the Agency, I suppose." He clearly tries to sound cheerful, but his nervousness is painfully apparent. "He hasn't really joined yet," interjects the detective. Edogawa Ranpo. Chuuya is not particularly fond of him. For obvious reasons. "But he's staying, so we should all be nice to him!" That's the farm boy, Kenji. Chuuya likes him. They didn't get to seriously fight but what he saw was impressive. Also, the kid's too genuine to dislike.
Dazai grins at him from where he's still getting yelled at. The bastard knows Chuuya has a soft spot for children. Speaking of children, Kyouka is silently glaring at Ranpo. Chuuya almost laughs. Instead, he just squeezes her hand slightly. She still hasn't let go of him. She blushes and looks away.
The doctor, who up to this point has been silently watching, steps forward. "I'm just going to say this once: If you hurt anyone in the Agency, I will personally rip you piece to piece, skin you alive and then do it all over again." Chuuya nods at her. "Good." This seems to take not only her by surprise. Chuuya shrugs. "What? I wouldn't trust me either if I was in your place. It could all just be a trick, as far as you know." "Is it?" The detective looks at him. "What?" "Is it a trick?" Chuuya looks back, just as intently. "Not as far as I'm aware." "What's that supposed to mean?" The doctor glares at him, but the detective nods. Chuuya is self-aware enough to know he's intellectually not on par with Mori. This could all be part of some kind of convoluted plan. He doubts it, be he can't discard the possibility. The detective understands. And so does Dazai, he's sure.
"Well, Dazai's going to keep an eye on him, so I'm honestly not too worried," says a new voice. "I'm Tanizaki Junchirou, by the way." Chuuya nods. The one with the illusion ability. "And this is my sister Naomi." The girl clinging to his arm smiles adoringly before turning a far colder look towards Chuuya. She's clearly not impressed. He can live with that.
Finally, after having yelled enough at an uncaring Dazai, Kunikida also stalks over. He stabs a finger towards Chuuya. "I will also keep an eye on you, and if you do anything suspicious, I will not hesitate to end your life." Chuuya is honestly a bit surprised by all of their confidence that they could hurt him so easily. That said, they do have Dazai on their side. And as much as he hates to admit it, the detective also successfully tricked him before. So, Chuuya nods. "Got it."
Somehow, now that everyone that wanted got their threats out, the atmosphere seems to relax. Dazai joins them finally and lets himself fall down on the couch next to Chuuya. He throws one arm around his shoulder and grins at him. "Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency, Chuuya."
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*◞❀.❁⤻ Dazai Osamu - Backstory and Headcanons (Part 1/2)
     Hey there ! Before I start this post, I want to get a few things out of the way ! First off, while I do headcanon/portray my Dazai as being a victim of abuse, that does not mean I will use that to try and justify or excuse his actions against other characters. Do I attempt to portray my Dazai as a sympathetic character ? In some ways, yes. However, I do want people to know that my Dazai has done some things that should not and will not be forgiven (the way he trained Akutagawa, manipulating people over and over again without showing any signs of sympathy, and whatever else comes to mind).
     Second of all, if you are sensitive to anything related to suicide, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse, use of improper pronouns, drug and alcohol addictions, and murder, I’d highly advise reading this while in the right mindset or not reading it at all so that you stay safe and happy. If something triggers you in this post, just shoot me a dm and I’ll add it to the trigger list and tags !
     And lastly, if I mention a character in here that you have as a muse, please don’t feel obligated to restrict yourself to my headcanons and backstory here if we interact ! I’m always open to working something else out ! Alright, enough of me talking. Here’s the beginning of Dazai’s backstory.
Age 14: On the night of Dazai Osamu’s 14th birthday, his parents, former Port Mafia members who defected once their son was born, catch wind that the Port Mafia has found them and is sending over a squad to kill the family. Terrified of what would happen if they were all captured, Dazai’s parents plan to have both of them and Dazai attempt to commit suicide together in an attempt to not be taken in. Although his parents succeed, Dazai is unsuccessful and is eventually found by Ogai Mori on the brink of death. Seeing the child clinging onto life and not wanting to die, Mori takes him in as his patient and helps him, only asking that Dazai help him in return. Dazai reluctantly agrees. That very same night, Mori takes Dazai with him and has the child act as a witness to the death of the former Port Mafia boss, successfully trapping Dazai in the Port Mafia and stating that this was the payment for saving Dazai’s life. This and future events eventually cause Dazai to develop the same mindset his parents had the night they took their own lives: either be free from the Port Mafia or die trying.
Age 15: Dazai continues to act as Mori’s ward and protege, learning the ins and outs of the mafia while not actually being a part of the Port Mafia himself. During this time, Mori begins administering certain drugs into Dazai to make the child build an immunity to them. While Dazai is under the influence, Mori treats Dazai as a doll, dressing the boy up and posing him. On some occasions, he even allows Elise to play with Dazai as if he were a life-sized doll, reminding her “ to be gentle with it ”. It is these events that eventually lead to the start of Dazai’s drug addiction, specifically synthetic analgesic drugs like oxycodone and morphine. Once Dazai turns 15, he’s officially accepted into the Port Mafia and is tasked with finding the King of the Sheep. The events of the Blue Era/Fifteen occur. After failing to have Chuuya be his potential friend dog due to the other boy placing himself under Kouyou, Dazai meets Odasaku, eventually growing fond of the older man and even considering him a friend.
Age 16: Life continues onward with both Dazai and Chuuya climbing up the ranks rather quickly for their age. Although they occasionally see each other and do missions together, their interactions usually end in sharp jabs, rude remarks, and the odd injury here and there. The events of the Dragon’s Head Conflict then occur. Around this time, Dazai and Oda eventually meet Ango, starting the beginning of a friendship between the three of them. On day 70 of the conflict, Chuuya goes to find Dazai so that they can go to a meeting between the higher-ups. Instead of following Chuuya and going to the meeting, Dazai instead informs Chuuya of a more pressing matter at hand: the death of an Executive known only as the ‘Colonel’ and how due to that, there is now a vacant seat in the Five Executives. After Chuuya storms away from the conversation, informing Dazai that he doesn’t care about the position and only wants to stop this war, Dazai begins formulating a plan to both end the war and secure his position as the new Executive, knowing that if he doesn’t act now, a majority of the Port Mafia would support Chuuya as the better candidate for the Executive position due to his actions, something Mori himself couldn’t ignore. Dazai then confronts Shibusawa himself, intending to kill him, but is instead caught off guard and captured, forcing him to wait to be declared missing so that his backup plan (Chuuya finding the microscope, rescuing him, and putting an end to the conflict) can commence. His backup plan then goes into action and in the aftermath, Double Black is born.
Age 17: After the Dragon Head Conflict, Dazai is finally given an Executive position and recruits the Akutagawa siblings into the Port Mafia. He is also put in joint training sessions with Chuuya by Mori, the older man planing to mold the two teens into an unbeatable weapon. While these training sessions did focus on the basics (martial arts, basic self-defense, weapons training, etc.), the majority of the time was spent using the skills they learned on each other at Mori’s request, him justifying his actions by stating that it would make them stronger and that the pain they shared together would make them better partners. Notable training sessions include Dazai torturing Chuuya for three days straight, Chuuya beating up Dazai to the point of him vomiting and falling unconscious, and Dazai waiting for a certain amount of time before using his ability on Chuuya while he was using Corruption. While the two of them have never really spoken about what went on behind closed doors, there is a certain understanding between them that those events will never be spoken about, the fear of being seen as weak or being pitied shared between them. Once Mori’s training sessions are over and done with, the man claiming that their partnership was practically perfect, Dazai and Chuuya continue to train with each other, pushing the limits of their abilities, namely Chuuya’s and how it reacted to Dazai’s. An important thing to note here is that around this time, Dazai truly begins to both fear and hate Mori with his entire being, having plans in the back of his mind the involved Mori’s death and Dazai taking his place as head of the Port Mafia. These feelings also cause Dazai to begin building up a reputation as the most deadly member of the Port Mafia so that no one would question him if he did take over, leading him to give Akutagawa Spartan-like training with his ability, becoming a specialist in torture, and drenching himself in bloodshed. This marks the beginning of Dazai becoming what one could call less than human.
Age 18: While becoming the demon prodigy, Dazai still continues to hang out and drink with Oda and Ango, considering the few interactions he has with the two of them the one bright spot in his life. Around this time, the dangers of Q’s ability are discovered and not wanting to cause another event with such a heavy death toll again, Dazai orders Q to be locked up until they have control over their ability. The events of the Dark Era then occur. One major thing to note here is that many of the actions Dazai does and the words Dazai says are lies or only partial truths. For example, while he did know that Ango was a triple spy, he is still upset at Ango’s actions and wishes things could have been different. He also doesn’t blame Ango for Oda’s death, at least, not anymore. Eventually, the knowledge that the death of Oda and the subtle manipulation of Ango from the sidelines were caused by Mori himself despite all of Dazai’s carefully laid traps and Oda’s last words push Dazai into leaving the Port Mafia for good. One day, Dazai is the Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia. The next, he’s gone. From there, Dazai tracks down Santouka and requests his help in finding a job where he can help people. After being instructed to lie low for two years while his past is cleansed, Dazai then goes into hiding, waiting for the two years to pass by with nothing but alcohol and drugs to accompany him.
The best way to describe the way Dazai acts is “ a human being acting like someone who is not human acting like a human being ”. It’s this phrase that best describes a lot of my Dazai’s actions. While he can show compassion and care towards his colleagues and close friends, he can also be brutal and downright sadistic in the same breath. While many would assume this to be evidence that Dazai is simply pretending to be human, the reality is that it has taken a lot of work for Dazai to get his act perfect. However, that doesn’t mean that he’s a good person; he may be attempting to become better now, but he still falls off the wagon and should be held accountable.
As far as my Dazai is concerned, the Doll Sessions he had with Mori are not abuse. While he does believe the training sessions he had with Chuuya were abuse, he can’t bring himself to acknowledge that the act of Mori forcing drugs into his system, dressing him up, and treating him as an object is also abuse. In fact, he never intends to bring it up. The only reason it was brought up was due to Yosano questioning him about his drug addiction and him explaining how he became dependent. So far, the only people who know about the Doll Sessions are Ranpo, Yosano, and Fukuzawa. In regards to his drug addiction, those three plus Kunikida are the only ones aware of it.
If Natsume Soseki had not stepped in during the Cannibalism Arc, Dazi would have killed Mori and taken over the Port Mafia to preserve both organizations. It’s something he’s not afraid to admit and he’s even mentioned how he will kill Mori if he needs to.
Dazai still considers Ango and Chuuya as friends. Although he doesn’t believe he can act like their friend and as a result does terrible things to them (leaving Chuuya in a forest alone after letting him use Corruption for too long and tampering with Ango’s airbag), he still considers them important and would be upset if either of them died.
Dazai isn’t sure if he should apologize to Akutagawa. As much as he knows how an apology is in order, he also knows that a lot of Akutagawa’s drive comes from wanting his approval and to be seen as strong. As silly as it sounds, Dazai is nervous of Akutagawa not remaining as deadly and powerful as he is now if he ever learned that Dazai already considers him strong enough and is sorry for how he acted. He’s also terrified that Akutagawa would do the worst thing and forgive Dazai for how he treated him. In an attempt to avoid that situation, Dazai continues to try and pair Akutagawa and Atsushi together, hoping that Atsushi will show Akutagawa that he doesn’t need Dazai’s approval so that he can one day apologize.
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masked-buffoon · 3 years
Chapter 8: The withering flower (Part 3)
Warnings: violence
Author notes: some interaction with Akutagawa...! What do you think will happen?
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Akutagawa had demanded me to meet at the river. I had been given treatment in the headquarters of the Port Mafia and had been summoned as soon as the wound had been stitched, requiring me to go out once again. That man was not even on time, I wondered what could be so important for making me wait so long. Casually, I leaned onto the bridge, staring at the flowing river beneath my feet. I did not want to die yet, but the world would surely be grateful if my breath were to stop before the end of the day. Whatever... There was no point in committing suicide, since my ability would take care of the job very soon.
"There you are." I did not honour him with a glance as he approached "It's rude to be late, were you not taught properly?"
"I have no lesson to receive from someone who lost her entire team because of her incompetence." Akutagawa hissed, getting closer to me.
"Did you call me only to scold me?" I raised an eyebrow, shoving a hand into my pocket "You'll waste your breath."
"You...!" He groaned "I've not come to lecture you. A weak pawn will merely stay a weak pawn, whatever I can say. But I judged you had to know; we have recorded moves from Dazai-san."
"Dazai...? You found him...?" My eyes widened.
"To be exact, he was seen around the town, but he is skilled at hiding his presence. It is a matter of time before we put our hands onto him." He shrugged "That's all."
"Why, thank you for telling me..." I frowned, surprised there was nothing more "But, Akutagawa..."
I dared grab his collar to pull him closer to me, glaring at him with renewed fierceness.
"I won't let you interfere in this person's life..." I threatened "He chose to leave on his own volition, forcing him back would be disrespecting his choice."
"Are you the one saying that?" He got rid of my grip annoyingly "He left you. He left us! He never answered the message I sent him! Do you think he cares about you...?!"
"He doesn't..." I conceded, looking away "He doesn't care about me... As to your message, I believe it is not the one he would have wanted you to send..."
"What the heck...?! He wanted me to be strong! I showed him I was, so —"
"You are strong!" I cut him "You are strong, the strongest of the Port Mafia, but you are so impulsive! Why could you never understand that Dazai had long ago acknowledged your strength...?"
"He didn't! Whereas, to you... He tried to kill me! He even ordered you to shoot me! Whereas he tried to keep you alive! Why...?! Even when you were called a disposable pawn, he kept you!!" He yelled, holding my shoulder so tightly I thought he would break my joint "Why?!"
"Because we are not the same!" I defended, pushing him away "He wanted you to become stronger, he never intended to kill you...! I am weak, very weak, perhaps too weak... I could not become stronger if he broke me down, that's why... In a way, he valued you a lot, Akutagawa..."
"But he never said it!!" He denied my words "How would you know something he didn't say?! You —"
"He said it!"
He became silent, and he backed a few steps from me, holding onto the railway of the bridge.
"He told me..." I admitted "He said you'd become the strongest asset of the Port Mafia if you could control your strength and be calmer... He also added that you were a blade in need for a sheath... That's why, that day, when you were fighting at the Art Museum, Odasaku came to help you, because Dazai valued you..."
"He never told me... He never complimented me!!" He argued "That doesn't mean anything if those words are not directed to me...! And he left me anyway!"
"Then make him say them, the words you yearn to hear!" I challenged him "Prove him you can become someone worth his praises...! Show him that you —"
"I don't need your advice!!"
Everything happened quickly; his brutal move made me bump into the railway and the loss of my balance was enough to make me fall backwards. His hand never grabbed mine in time. Within seconds, I fell down into the river, back hitting the water harshly.
The world under the water was dark and the light barely crossed the surface toward my eyes. I lacked air, and my tired lungs could not hold my breath in much longer. I closed my eyes to give up; I had been forsaken by the world, and it was getting rid of me so simply, without even waiting for The Sweet Appeals to end me. I wondered if Akutagawa had purposely pushed me, but I did not want to think so; he had been genuinely shaken by my words and I had seen him reaching out to me at the last moment. Somehow, although I despised and hated him, I hoped he would grow and try to understand how to keep control of his emotions, mostly his constant rage. He was still a child, he needed guidance... In a way, I would have wanted to provide him that guidance as well... I should have talked to Nakahara-san about this matter...
My lungs burnt as air entered them again and I coughed to evacuate the water which had invaded them. I was back to the surface and lied on the riverbank. Carefully, I sat up and looked for the person who had saved me. Akutagawa? No, he would not have gone to such extents for me. Then...
"I did not know suicide was your thing, too."
This voice... I turned around, eyes widening toward the one who had jumped in the river to keep me alive. This face, those eyes, this hair... I pursed my lips, and lowered my eyes at the grass.
"It is not... It has never been..." I shook my head "I don't need it to let go of the world."
"Letting go of the world...?" He tilted his head to the side, letting the late rays of sun dry him off "You...?"
"Why..." I stood up "What did you expect by depriving me of your ability, Dazai? That I would miraculously start controlling it? If that is what you expected, I'm afraid your plans were a failure. Now, thank you very much for rescuing me. And farewell."
I walked away from him. I had been imagining this encounter with him. I had rehearsed the words I would tell him, countless times, if I were given to see him again. I had prepared answers for each of his questions. I had been willing to understand the fact he had left me for the better, so he could move on for himself. Finally, frustration and resentment took the better of me and I was the one to leave him behind, this time. All this time... Had he ever cared about me the least...? To be aware of my condition and removing my sole treatment... How cruel could this man be?
"Ogawa…" He grabbed my wrist "I don't want you to go… Let's talk a bit…"
"Let go of me…" I brushed his hand away "We might have met today, but it was pure coincidence. Did I interrupt your suicide attempt? If so, my apologies. Goodbye, now."
You didn't interrupt anything…! In fact, I've come to take you back, you whom I lost... I've been thinking, recently, and —"
I shot him a glare.
"I... Am not a furniture nor a piece of cloth you forgot when you moved to another place, Dazai... This time, you did not lose me. You left me, which is fairly different if you want my opinion." I retorted "Don't try to make me believe your 'care' was genuine... I'm not falling for that ever again..."
"Please..." He tried to hold me back once more "Please listen to me... There was not a single day I did not regret leaving without you, there was not a single day I did not think about seeing you, but I could not..."
"Wait for me..." I remembered, pulling the soaked piece of paper out of my coat pocket "I've waited. Days, weeks, months. And you weren't coming. So I gave up. I stopped waiting. I stopped hoping."
I shoved the paper against his chest, upset. I had never wanted to be so aggressive toward him, but I could not hold back those feelings I had kept for myself so long.
"I'm sorry —"
"Sorry is unnecessary if you don't mean it..." I cracked a smile "At least, I hope that you respected Odasaku's last wish and became a better man... No, I really do think you did it, because Odasaku was someone you truly cared about."
"I had to hide for two years...!" He told me "I could not be involved with the Mafia, I could not —"
"If you had taken me with you, instead of leaving me wounded in the middle of that mission, you would never have needed to think about such matters…! Besides, was there ever a time you fully respected the rules? The truth is, you care as much about me as you care about other people. You used me and my loyalty. You used my trust for your own interest, and when the pawn became disposable, you lost interest in it. I don't want to be hurt believing in you again." I stated "I... Have always tried to convince myself you had reasons for abandoning me... That I was a burden, that you did not want to be reminded of Odasaku, of the Mafia... But I came to think that if those were the reasons, then there was never a time you truly cared about me. And it hurts... A lot... To think the promise I made you was so meaningless you broke it for me..."
"I'm sorry... I mean it..." He grabbed my shoulders "Please do not cry... I'm sorry... I did not want to leave you behind... I truly thought that I would be able to barge in your room soon after leaving the Mafia, to take you with me... But I could not... The government ordered me to stay hidden two whole years, and I immediately regretted I did not leave with you..."
"You took the time to bomb Nakahara-san's car..." I frowned.
"I had set the bomb days ago..." He chuckled slightly "I would have wanted to come sooner..."
"Do you know..." I looked up at him, cheeks strained by tears "Do you know what hurts most...? It's that I can't stop trusting you... No matter what you did, no matter how you made me suffer, I will always keep believing you, because you are Dazai, because I, for one, care about you... But understand that you betrayed this trust...! I fear that if I give in again, you will take these feelings and wreck them another time... Understand that I wish not to be in pain...!"
"I understand... Your feelings are human, after all..." Dazai looked down "I cannot force you to stay by my side again if it hurts you..."
"I simply do not want to believe you sincerely are concerned about me anymore..." My voice became a whisper "I do not want to be deceived... You should know this sensation, shouldn't you? The fear of being deceived by the ones you care about..."
"I really wish to take your hand and run away with you, away from the Port Mafia... But somehow, being far from you avoids me from being so accurately in pain..." I backed away from him "If you were to abandon me again... I might not survive..."
"I —"
Akutagawa appeared in my field of view. Had he been looking for me...? It was impossible, he had surely been attracted by Dazai's tall silhouette. But even so… The boy approached us and stood right in front of his mentor, eyes filled with a tint of hatred and a lot of admiration. It made me flinch. The former executive had never been tender toward him, yet Akutagawa was ineluctably drawn toward him. He had guided him for two years, after all, although he had been tough and ruthless.
"Dazai-san..." He repeated, voice so low, almost broken "You came back?"
"I did not come back, nor did I come for you." Dazai stared at him, brows raised smugly "I came for her."
I wondered if he was aware he was literally sending me to death by saying such a meaningful sentence.
"N-No..." I wanted to protest "He —"
A powerful hand tightened around my neck, choking me and depriving me from any way to breathe. I gasped, trying to pry his fingers away from me, but I was too weak compared to him and could not do much against his powerful limbs.
"You...! You thought you could trap me with your honeyed words...! Whereas you were just waiting for the opportunity to go with him...!!" He yelled, pressing against my trachea.
"I... Did not..." I could hardly talk.
I started feeling dizzy, yet my ability, constantly working, would not allow me to peacefully lose consciousness. Instead, it made me suffer from the pain around my throat.
"Let her go."
The order was firm and accompanied by a gun pointed onto the boy's head.
"To think you'd ever menace me for someone..." Akutagawa let go of me.
I was dropped on the grass and immediately held onto my bruised neck, inhaling as much air as my body needed to recover from hypoxia. Then, out of reflex, I pulled out my box of pills and shoved ten of them in my mouth, hoping they would relieve the pain from the sudden attack. What was Dazai doing, while we were arguing...?
"Stand up, Ogawa." He demanded.
Rashōmon wrapped around my body, helping me up, but instead of retracting afterwards, the ribbons of energy tightened around my arm and forced me to pull out a gun, to point it onto Dazai.
"You cannot die because of my ability..." He grumbled "So die by the hands of the one you came for...!!"
"Stop it..." I paled "Don't do that...!"
I resisted so much against the restraints that the joints of my shoulder dislocated itself, but it did not stop Akutagawa from using me like a puppet.
"Relax...! If you bring his head back to the Boss, you won't be called a disposable pawn anymore." He huffed "And you could be transferred under Nakahara-san. Wouldn't that make you happy, worthless tool...?!"
"No...!" I shook my head, struggling not to press the trigger "I would rather die than killing Dazai...!!"
"Then I'll kill you right after." He shrugged "Now..."
Bam. The bullet left the pistol as my finger's bones snapped and it pressed the trigger without any resistance. I gasped, closing my eyes, unwilling to see how I had killed the one I cared about the most, my only reason to live, whom I had finally met again after all this time longing to see him alive. I was too weak... I was incompetent, so much I could not even protect the people I cherished... Akutagawa was right... Why was I even alive...? If I had died years ago, perhaps Dazai would still be living and smiling at someone who would not be me. If we had never met...
"Please..." I sobbed "Kill me... Kill me, Akutagawa..."
"Hoh~ I really thought I would die~"
"You are tough..." His former protege commented, clicking his tongue.
"This kind of poor aim would never hit me." He mocked "The bullet went way past my head. If you had let Ogawa do it herself, I might not have survived~"
"Then, I'll have to kill you myself...!!" He barked, crouching down to take the gun I had dropped.
Something clicked into my mind, a forgotten instinct I had not used for years. My body was moved by a strange impulse, and I jumped onto Akutagawa, gripping him with all my strength despite how painful my shoulder felt, and we both fell on the floor. Then, I took the opportunity that he was too astounded by my behaviour to punch his face, once only, for he was quick to regain composure and absorb the shock with his ability.
"Weapons are for the weak..." I gritted my teeth as he hit my jaw "Don't you always say that...?!"
"You..." He growled "Useless pawn...!"
"Ogawa —"
"Your inner desire..." I struggled against him with a strength I was not aware I possessed "Your inner desire is to earn praise from Dazai... You want to be told that you are strong... Because, in fact, you think you are the one being worthless...! You are afraid to be abandoned...!"
"That's untrue...! What do you know of that?!"
"I don't even need to use my ability to see you're just a brat who lacks affection...!" I snapped.
"Stop it, you two!" Dazai shouted behind us "Akutagawa, don't —"
Blood splashed onto Akutagawa's face and my grip loosened onto his body. I coughed, blood, and my eyes fell onto the strange ribbon of dark energy wiggling in my chest. I collapsed on the grass, energy leaving my body, suddenly feeling exhausted. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open.
"Now... You've done it, Akutagawa..." I found a way to laugh despite the overwhelming fatigue taking over my body "Finally..."
"I didn't mean to... I didn't want..." He frowned, backing away from me "Dazai-san... He won't forgive me..."
I heard his footsteps getting away quickly from the scene, and deduced he had run away from us. It did not matter, anyway...
"Ogawa...!!" Dazai crouched down "Why... You idiot... Throwing yourself onto him like that..."
"I..." I cracked a poor smile, putting a bloody hand onto his cheek "Lied, earlier..."
"Don't talk... I'll bring you to a doctor...!"
"I... Was really happy... To see you again..." I confessed "I... Knew you couldn't do anything against a gun... That's why..."
"You fool..." He brought me close to him "Idiot... You are my friend, how could you sacrifice yourself for me...?"
"Your... friend...?" I looked at him "How...?"
"A friend..." He repeated, picking me up "A friend I have hurt and left behind... But... I'm definitely not going to let that happen ever again..."
I coughed, sensing my whole body going numb thanks to his ability. I nuzzled my cheek against his shoulder, finding the tempting spot comfortable, and closed my eyes, exhaling slowly.
"I'm going to take a nap..." I breathed out "It's been a while..."
"Please, don't die..."
"How could I, when I finally get to see you...? But I need to close my eyes a moment..." I told him "I can't believe... You're doing all of that for me..."
"That's because, you too, are a person whom I deeply care about, Ogawa..."
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