ban-joey · 7 months
sending laser beams to my professor with my mind. kenneth you said midterm grades would b up by this afternoon. it is officially TONIGHT and guess what? kenneth i would love to not be clenching my teeth in my sleep tonight. kenneth i will be sending you a bill in the mail. yes i know its probably a TAs responsibility but i blame you personally. i hate school
#i dont im having a lot of fun (genuinely) but it is often pretty stressful#did find out there are a few folks adjacent to my program doing zoonoses & climate change research so im very excited to chat w them next w#possibly directing my thesis towards one health. social epi gradually becoming less interesting#plus i think my strengths do lie in applying epi to biological concepts so. one health works there#my brain continually trying to get back to lyme disease :( sometimes i really do miss the east coast tbh!#not lying actually i think the number one thing i miss is the amt of vector borne disease research LMFAO#i do unfortunately kind of have a crush on a classmate so that's fine but whatever. grad school. men are nice to me and i lose my mind ig#need to go make out w a hot trans person i think that would solve my problems rn#but also it's nice to be so excited about someone deciding to sit next to me in every class :)#like wow how isolated have i been the last 3 years to be so delighted by like. active signs i have Officially Made Friends.#even if he does live like a block away from my dad and jokes every goddamn day like 'so i saw your dad yesterday' no you DIDNT shut UP#idk yesterday he sat right next to me in a class he usually sits w other people in and it sort of sent my brain off the edge and now im jus#yeah. sitting with this one. it's fine like it's normal. but wowie i do think it's my first time having a Big Ol Crush since (redacted)#a little scary for my animal brain i think but it's okay!#im 25 in like 3 ish weeks and i still get embarrassed about this stuff somehow? stupid.#he's just really nice and always really fun to talk to! i think i had to officially Sit With Myself today bc epi is doing a holiday party#and there's a baking contest and we were talking abt it in class and i was indecisive abt whether i want to participate#and he like fully cut me off and was like oh you should bake something so i can have some :)#and. well fuck now i have to lmao. IM SO EASY IT'S SO EMBARRASSING#good evening everyone. guess this is my journal now. anyway ken rice you owe me twenty dollars and i aim to COLLECT
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
her father would be sooooo disappointed in her [complement]
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no-i-will-not-shut-up · 7 months
back on my random manga binging and the hot take of the day is that grimgar loses all its charm once maria shows up
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
If Angel IS a shoes off in the house person, does [REDACTED] take his big ol boots off when he breaks in?
I mean it's only polite to do so. /silly
✦゜ANSWERED: Yes, [REDACTED] always leaves them by the fire escape window (and sometimes there's a rat sleeping inside one of his boots once they return) /silly
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mymelloii · 2 months
Random Ren/Redacted HCs
---Minors/Ageless blogs DNI---
CW: Mentions of gore and stalking
Ren has his eyes and mind on you 24/7, on the days you stay home so does he. Whenever you go out, whether it's with friends or to run errands he's always trailing close behind; far enough not to be noticed, but close enough to protect his angel.
-If you ever have the misfortune of coming across a creep during one of your walks, he'll promptly drag them into an ally way and give them the ass whopping of a lifetime before they can do any harm towards you. Typically he wouldn't even allow those types of people to approach you, let alone gaze at you, but on the rare occasion that someone does cat call you or even tries to touch you he'll bash their head into some good ol' concrete; without you noticing of course.
On the days you stay home are probably his favourites, he gets to watch you all day, doing your morning routine, while you busy yourself with your hobbies, or better yet watch tv/your preferred streaming service. As you lounge on your couch Ren is watches you through the camera he installed in your living room. Meticulously watching each and everyone of your reactions. Whenever you laugh so does he, if you start to cry or tear up, so will he. His emotions are practically interconnected with yours.
-His PC setup isn't anything notable, despite the fact he has 3 monitors, the first one capturing you, the one next to it being all open tabs of all your social media accounts, and the last one being work related or his screen saver of you. He has a simple wooden desk with a gaming chair, no RGB- though, he might have one of those mouse pads with a character that eerily resembles you.
Whenever he works, he loves having you on his main monitor; it truly makes him feel like your there with him. If he's alone, which is most of the time he is, he'll find himself talking to himself. Each topic of conversation is always about you, he's either commenting about how amazing you look today, or praising you for the littlest things. In his eyes everything you do is nothing less than perfection.
-Although he has a playlist of his own he loves listening to any and all of your favourite songs, doesn't matter what genre it may be he's all up on that shi. Extra points if it's romantic. He'll go on a daydream about you, imaging you, how whenever you listen to the song you can't help but to think about him and how your chest tightens up at the mere thought of him; as he feels with you. He knows every song in your playlist and all the lyrics to your favourite songs. Maybe one day you'll notice him and make a playlist just for him.
This one is less serious but as mentioned before on the 14DaysWithYou blog Ren had a red room phase. Though it was short lived I like to image that while he was selling the parts he obtained totally humanely that he often added a thank you note and one of those cute freebies you get whenever you buy from an Etsy shop. The note reading "Thank you for supporting my small business. Your patronage means everything to me! (*^_^*)" ITS SO DUMB DJKSDUVI
-In canon, he is extremely apathetic towards everyone with the exception of you. Which also makes him extremely accommodating towards your needs, he knows all your struggles even if you haven't voiced them to him yet. He accepts you and your struggles, no matter how big they may be; he'll always find a way to help you. This could be helping you with work, making or ordering special meals for you or simply listening to you vent. Whether it's mental or physical to him your health and happiness is his main priority.
Which leads me to that while he may be exceptionally caring, he's also remarkably jealous, towards everyone and everything that catches your attention. Now, he would never do anything that will harm you, but he's not above harming or black mailing others that get closer than he's comfortable with. Could be a coworker or a friend that is getting a bit too friendly with you which will enable him to scour every crevice of the internet to find any dubious rumors or photos including them. He'll also hack into their phone and go through their internet history and photos for more evidence against them. He'll then DM them through one of his burner accounts and present everything he found and threaten to leak all their information on multiple threads. Moth watch out 😨
-If the subject of your affection happens to be an animal or a stuffed animal he obviously can't go through those lengths. Although he would get jealous if he sees you cuddling with your pet instead of him he knows that the affection you feel is different and will opt to plopping himself next to you and proceed to get extremely clingy. He doesn't mind sharing you with any of your non-human companions as long as he stays yours.
I haven't wrote in a while so srry if there's any run-on sentences + it's late so SPARE ME. Again these are all headcanons and if you wish to find canon content of 14DYW visit here, as well as to remember and respect the creators wishes and boundaries ^^
Side note I plan on writing more so if you have any suggestions please let me know! I haven't made a list of my do's and don'ts but please don't get offended if I don't take your suggestion!
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sugoi-and-spice · 22 days
My actual prediction for [REDACTED's] fate at the end of MHA, and just my big ol' meta on the whole situation.
Sadly, I don't think Shigaraki is coming back to life. I really fucking hope he does, but I can't believe it for two weeks and then watch it not happen, I will break . Yeah Horikoshi loves his fake out deaths... But idk, Shigaraki 's body is pretty damn gone. And he tends to pull his punches less when it comes to villains (Twice anyone?!)
I truthfully think the best chance we have of seeing him again is through One for All.
Shigaraki 100% transferred OFA back to Deku with that last bloody fist bump. That moment was a huge part of Horikoshi’s original ending with Bakugo, and I wouldn’t be surprised (or mad) if he decided to try to work it into this new version of his ending.
I think we probably will see Shigaraki again and get some more of that context and closure that we’re looking for, but it will be as a vestige within OFA. That’s my prediction, that’s the best direction that I can imagine this ending going in my little lizard writer brain. And I don’t think I’ll be mad about that. (But idk man, talk to me again in like 2 weeks lol).
I’ve always had a hard time believing that Shigaraki was going to make it out of this series alive. Of course, I’ve always wanted Horikoshi to find a clever way for him to do so without totally betraying his character -- I never believed that Shigaraki should fully join the side of the heroes. It’s just so antithetical to his mission and the message of MHA, nor could he ever just… live a normal life with every crime he committed, and him spending his life in prison would be just as miserable as him dying like this imo, no fucking freedom there. Sure, the simp in me wanted an ending where he got a redemption and life, but I certainly wasn’t optimistic. It would be a HARD fucking thing to do. I certainly don’t know how I would do it if I was in Horikoshi’s shoes, as a fellow professional writer (not just of romance either. I write and edit YA action fiction in my normie job, fun fact). I had hoped Horikoshi would figure it out, and a part of me is obviously hoping that Kurogiri managed to pull some hijinks and somehow warp him away, then he and his friends go on to live like little rats the way they have for the majority of the series, forever, buuuut-
I did always have a feeling he was probably going to go the Vader route.
Honestly, him dying beating the shit out of All for One is a pretty great exit for his character, feels more true than him sacrificing himself for the heroes’ side or humanity’s sake. It is the quickness with which this all occurred, the off-screen rescuing he had by Nana Shimura, and the lack of bodily autonomy in his death that I think is pissing people off. (It’s certainly what’s pissing me off). If we had even just gotten a moment of him having full control of his body again, looking up to the sky and seeing his friends waiting for him as he decayed away – or you know, just a death that lasted longer then two damn pages – I think the reactions wouldn’t be so visceral.
That being said. Horikoshi is a master chef, particularly when it comes to stories of recovering from trauma and getting closure, as well as tying up loose threads imo (remember when everyone though that he FORGOT the traitor plotline? Boy was that an embarrassing time for the fandom lmao),  and this man has been cooking for a while now. MHA has been the best it has ever been in this Final Saga and I don’t think he’s done with this dish just yet, nor do I think he’s done with Shigaraki. Physically? Probably. But everything that Shigaraki represents and stands for in this series, no I don’t think this is the end of that. Just because we didn’t see those moments we wanted in this last chapter, doesn’t mean we won’t see them in the next.
So as shell-shocked as I am right now to see my ultimate comfort character (who I have a tattoo of by the way lol) fade away into dust, I’m gonna trust the process and Horikoshi for now.
It ain’t over til it’s over, as it were.
(And all that being said, I probably will still write a fix it fanfic where he lives instead, regardless of how this is handled lmao)
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redactedgender · 3 months
songs i associate with redacted audio characters - speaker edition
this is gonna be exactly what it says on the tin. there'll be some explanations under the cut for what im doing w this!
to keep it brief, im giving each of the characters under the cut three songs from my playlists of them, and go into a little detail on why i chose them/have them in their playlists. sounds simple, right? i'll also be including links to the songs if you want to add them to your own playlists!
with that, let me explain what the fuck is up shjdkfdsh
so a bit of context: i grew up writing karaoke fanfics on wattpad, which if you don't know, were reader-submitted requests for specific characters to sing songs within a short story, mainly in a group setting at karaoke. this has made me extremely specific with music and assigning them to characters, along with finding "singing voice-claims" for characters. so, i have some credentials when it comes to this stuff fjdhsgshjgd
with that explanation out of the way, onto the fun! one of the songs listed for each of them will be their svc (singing voice-claim), except for gavin, because i'm still working on finding his svc (i am leaning towards dpr ian for him though because... don't go insane. yeah)
if that all makes sense...
let's go!
horns - bryce fox
; so this is the song i used as the title for my big ol' gaviant smut i wrote (shameless plug shhhhh). this song is just so gavin, especially season one gavin. the sex appeal that oozes from it, the way the singer wants the subject so badly even if he knows she's bad for him. like, s1!gavin wasn't a bad guy, but he was kind of morally ambiguous in a way that could be read as toxic. however, as freelancer's relationship with him deepened, we learn that he values consent and being authentic, something other concubi don't. what can i say, i like good character growth.
human - dodie
; this was one of the first songs i put on his playlist, and for good reason. this song, to me, is freelancer singing this about and to gavin. it's about connection, it's about wanting to see what the other person is like under the persona they've created. this song is what happened when freelancer began learning about gavin past the "sex daemon" persona, but its also what happened when gavin learned about freelancer and how they were more than a "jack-of-a-trades mess of a human". listen i love the two of them so much.
sweet tooth - scott helman
; a more recent addition to my playlist, this one also makes a lot of sense to me. this song is about addiction, and while gavin like, literally needs feelings of desire to live, it also can be said that he probably has had an unhealthy relationship with sex in the past. i also just really like this song. but i think gavin has healed a lot of his attitudes towards his fellow concubi, with freelancer's help and of his own personal efforts.
dream boy - waterparks
; we have reached our first official svc! awsten knight of waterparks is my elliott svc. does this is really match my face claim for him? kinda? i had this svc waaay before i had josh hutcherson as elliott actually. but, to talk abt the song itself, i mean. c'mon now. it's literally elliott to sunshine. the vision in my brain is that elliott sings this at karaoke before he and sunshine get together, but are definitely both pining hardcore for each other. there's something about the playful flirty energy of this song that reminds me of elliott in the best way imaginable. he's just a little dorky, what can i say!
wasted summers - juju
; i like some angst! im not all fluff and humor and smut. i appreciate a good angst now and then. my brand of angst is just kind of specific. you'll see that in a sec. but this song just reminds me of elliott and aaron for obvious reasons. how aaron grew up too fast cuz of their parents, how aaron felt jealous and angry over elliott telling him and their mom about magic, how elliott told sunshine he's the protective type because of how he grew up (side note i have many thoughts abt elliott & blake and protection vs possession if anyone would be interested lmao). their relationship just makes me go a bit insane /pos.
still got it - troye sivan
; ALRIGHT THIS REQUIRES A BIT OF AN EXPLANATION. so i basically have a whole mv planned in my big ol' brain around this song, and around the concept of: what if scorpius' memory erasing worked for longer? what if elliott genuinely thought, for a bit, that he and sunshine had a bad breakup, but that he still loved them? and still "wanted them back"? only to then have the memories, the real ones, come back in a flood of sensory overload and horrible realizations? see? i like angst. :]
brutus - the buttress
; first things first, i dont support this band due to their transphobic comments. that being said, this song is incredibly porter-coded. "my whole life you were a teacher and friend to me / please know my actions are not motivated only by envy" - like this is just about will and vincent. i don't have to explain further.
we don’t have to dance - andy black
; porter's svc! i liked this song for him cuz i imagine treasure is the first person in a loooong time that porter has actually wanted to stay around, even though he's so used to these one night stands and passionate scenes. and even though he really likes treasure, he still goes back to the old him: offering just to dance, just to fuck, just for this to be casual.
car lights - james marriott
; so i have a little headcanon that porter's maker was someone that porter was dating in secret because he (maker) was the kind of guy who would say homophobic things in front of others, but would end the night with his tongue down porter's throat (or something like that). this song is about that kind of experience: worried you're about to be caught despite it feeling so fucking good. also, this song just kinda slaps.
stutter - marianas trench
; this song just makes sense, not just in the fact that lasko stammers and stutters a lot when talking (especially when he's excited, god hes adorable) but also in that lasko is basically a hyperverbal autistic/auDHD person who constantly talks even when they don't have the energy to do so (totally not projecting what) and i think that's representation we don't always see. also, imagine him finding this song and dancing to it? yeah.
eraser - ricky montgomery
; lasko's svc! does this surprise anyone? actually it might. i love ricky montgomery so much, his debut album is one of my favorite pieces of music out there and i think he's such a talented artist. his range and subject matter in his songs always screamed lasko to me, and ricky's vocals just match lasko so much. this song is about being socially awkward, which like. yeah. i have like four or five ricky songs on my lasko playlist which is really funny actually hgjkfdhsdh!
my mother wants me dead - carolesdaughter
; lasko "mommy issues" moore anyone? yeah this song is that. i know i could have gone for the mitski mommy issues, but something about lasko tells me his mommy issues are like rage. like, as much rage as lasko can have towards a person. the damn fam and their mommy issues. this song also plays into my hc that lasko used to smoke before starting at D.A.M.N., picking it up after the inversion, and then quitting again once he started healing and met coworker.
fallin’ for you - r5
; as you all know by now, ross lynch is my guy faceclaim. and while i love the driver era (a kiss is also on my guy playlist, it is in fact the best tde song), ross' voice during the r5 era actually suits guy a little more to me if im being honest. also, its a hc of mine that guy's family did music, but guy had a really bad falling out with his parents and it kinds ruined things for a while. r5!ross's vocals are higher than now, since this was during the disney era, but this song is just too perfect to me not to use for guy.
30/90 from tick…tick…BOOM!
; i mentioned this in my face claim post, but i had andrew garfield as my guy face claim because of this song from the movie. it's just like literally guy tho. we know guy's a writer, we know how writers are. as a writer myself (not professionally), "30/90" is more than just representation of someone wanting to peak before their past "the right age"; this is about creatives wanting to make something that will last longer than their life, and that just screams guy to me. i don't think he wants to be famous, but i think he wants to have a legacy of media he creates last longer than himself.
honey - troye sivan
; listen. "something to give each other" is my favorite album from 2023, and most of those songs remind me of one redacted character or another, so if there's a lot of songs in my playlists from this album, shush. anyways, this song is an obvious choice for guy since it's titled "honey", but if you listen to it, it actually is a pretty sweet (eh? eh??) song. it's about falling for someone and wanting to be with them, and since its a fandom wide hc that guy probably fell in love with honey upon first meeting them, this plays into that idea. look i just love how much of a simp guy is for honey, what can i say?
if i have any more energy to do more of these i will, but my spring break ends soon so we'll see. also, i managed to make height charts for redacted audio characters & listeners if anyone would wanna see those (they would include my listener oc's). also, if you have any songs you think fit the bois, i may open my asks again if you want to send those to me :0
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gorbalsvampire · 2 months
Do you have any thoughts, feelings, dismissive or derisive or intrigued or speculative noises you'd be willing to share about the "Kupala is an Earthbound" theory, please?
My dear mutual, it's like you knew I'd read Transylvania by Night recently! Beyond that, I've actually used Kupala in my long-ago Gehenna chronicle; the PCs essentially unleashed the demon to stop Tremere (the person and the clan) from winning the Eternal Struggle through a curse loophole. Good times.
Unfortunately, my thoughts on the Earthbound bit specifically tend towards the... not dismissive, but indifferent? I'm not a big Demon or Werewolf guy, and either of the "OMG Kupala is really THIS" revelations mostly serve to enable crossovers with those lines. Like: Kupala exists, it's a thing, it's in the soil in Transylvania, and how it got there and what exactly it is don't really matter in terms of the stories I want to tell.
Additionally - and this is my most unpopular opinion, so be warned - I find the Tzimisce deeply overwritten. There's too much convoluted comic-book "and then and then and then" worldbuilding around the clan. "They're bound to their ancestral soil because their Antediluvian made a pact with a demon of the primordial world" is a perfectly fine thing, but it has to coexist with too many other big things in the main, like "their Antediluvian has become a disease and is capable of affecting the entire biosphere" or "one of their bloodlines rejects Kupala and koldunism but it's not the same one that rejects Vicissitude so they're all still fucked" or [redacted because it's the stupidest bit of Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand] or the whole "two Antediluvian bodies" thing or playing Find The Lady with the worm in the box in Vienna. None of those ideas have room to breathe because they're all crammed in and treated as true at once.
The Tzimisce really need someone like Matthew Dawkins to work them over, the way he did the Hecata in Cults of the Blood Gods, establish a new normal with a coherent context rather than bits jabbing up through various books by various authors. If I ever write up my notes on V5: the Dark Ages, I'm going to try and do that job (since a lot of their bullshit originates in or before the Dark Ages setting).
HOWEVER. Kupala is kinda my favourite of the Tzmisce lore strands. It feels like the easiest to separate out from the others, and gives them a closer tie to the Tremere ("Kupala keeps encouraging sorcery in clans, wonder why?"). I think, when I first ran that Gehenna game, I was under the impression that Vicissitude somehow came from Kupala as well - that it was the Eldest's payoff for unbinding the demon/god.
So. Kupala. I like it, but I don't necessarily think attaching the "Earthbound from Demon: the Fallen" or "big ol' Bane from Werewolf: the Apocalypse" is necessary.
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tri-pofdeath · 11 months
I have lots of little things I wanted to talk about from Vol 4 this week for bookclub instead of Something Larger so, here we go
LOTS OF PICS and ramblings under the cut
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First off, I really love all of the fun moody shots in this one. Almost feels like there should be some moody dour jazz playing, perhaps ....heavily featuring a saxophone...teehee I could definitely point to more panels that I feel like contribute to the vibe but I really like the environmental shots in particular since the heavily populated city look really isn't something we see Anywhere Else in No Man's Land. The look of this volume is really distinct to me and I was excited to revisit it :)
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i am absolutely Enchanted by this surprised expression from Hoppered. the big ol eyes..... Hoppered has def grown on me since I first read this and also I am delighted by his and Midvalleys...friendship??? maybe not friends persay but i feel like they're the only GHG's that aren't .5 seconds from strangling one another, so, yknow
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Saxophone Creature
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I always interpreted this panel as Knives laughing, but i've seen lots of folks talking about him yawning. I suppose it doesn't make Much difference, since either way the effect of dismissing Legato is still very much there, but I'm interested to know if anyone that knows some kanji could weigh in! I'm Curious
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GHG's riding in style..... I am so glad so much of their gear has big ol skull motifs. it is so silly and it brings me joy
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CLOWNS!!!!!!!! THE LOT OF THEM !! I especially love the top right Vash and the big ol eyelash'd eyes on Zazie's giant sandworm. the little "oopsy!" Incredible.
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YEAAAHHH YIPPPEEEEE... apologies in advance from here on out i'm going to be annoying about her she's my favorite <3 ik my url/icon are [redacted] but elendira has a deathgrip on me currently
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albatris · 1 year
Hemlo I was on the bus today and was wondering about how darling Alexis was turned into a vampire can you shed some light on this perhaps maybe :)???
Ya absolutely I can shed some light on this! But I'm afraid it's a pretty depressing series of events :c poor sweet darling Alexis Anders
Here is a short but tragic answer, and then a lil about what immediately follows, tw for brief talk of suicidality, coercion and animal death -
Alex was turned entirely by accident. wrong place wrong time :c
When it was 17 it was attacked by a starving vampire, one who was confused and alone n had been struggling not to hurt anyone, a schoolteacher named Amanda Fies. There was no thought behind the attack, it was just a total loss of control
A hunter stepped in before Amanda could drain Alex (Zeke's old mentor - hi Niamh!) and killed Amanda thus "saving" Alex. Truth be told, she was absolutely about to move on to killing Alex next, knowing it would turn due to its injuries. However, people showed up before she could finish the job and were all like "aaa we heard screaming oh my god that child is bleeding someone call an ambulance", so Alex was whisked away to hospital instead to deal with its blood loss and wounds
Alex dealt with the usual onset of symptoms - sunlight sensitivity, intrusive thoughts, paranoia, isolation, sensory overload, sudden bloodlust - and turned around a week later, when it accidentally killed [REDACTED] who it considered a friend and mentor and who was only there to try and help :c Whole thing is very sad and awful, Alex had a big ol' crisis about it of course and carries a severe amount of guilt, it was a terrible thing to have to go through
Alex spends its early vampire days confused and alone, all the while Niamh is attempting to track down this mystery kid she didn't get a chance to kill. She eventually catches up with Alex a few weeks later, after it had spent some time feeding on animals to try and keep from harming humans
Niamh sits and talks with Alex for a bit, and gently explains that while it can subsist on animal blood for a while, it can't survive solely on animal blood and eventually it will cave to its thirst and kill a human, and it doesn't want that, right? After all, the fact that it's even trying to live off animal blood and is willing to sit and have a civil conversation with a hunter proves it's one of the Good Ones, anyone can see that, smile? Doesn't it want to be a good person and not a monster? Doesn't it understand the only good and moral and kind thing it can do is die? Come on, it won't hurt at all, Niamh is very good with a knife, and this is The Only Right Thing To Do, Alex Knows That, Right?
So um. Yes Niamh very politely but VERY aggressively tries to persuade Alex to just peacefully let her murder it and Alex very nearly listens to her, but its nerve breaks at the last minute, possibly due to its heightened vampiric instinct for self-preservation kicking into overdrive, or possibly just because Alex is a frightened confused kid who doesn't want to die, n Alex bolts
Alex more or less abandons its entire life and skips town shortly after, scared of being tracked down by Niamh again or hurting the ones it loves. Vanishes without a trace as best it can. Then we reach the parts of Alex's story that I've already talked about, where it hops from place to place and attempts to only feed on Bad People and Criminals (and struggles with this because hardly any of the humans Alex can actually access are Bad and Criminals for funsies :c), then it goes to the wilderness for a while and tries to fight god, then it meets Quinn, yada yada
But uhhh yeah!!! yeah the tale of Alex turning is not a fun one unfortunately :(((
But!!! Of course 30-year-old Alex is in a much better place!! even if it still has a lot of work to do with its mental health!! Young Alex has a rough go of it but it's not all doom and gloom I promise
I will let the lad be happy <3333
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veggiefritters · 4 months
eh, whatever, ill cut this one off. for mine and everyone elses sanity
nothings for my benifit and im starting to realise that. i should have picked up on it sooner, but i just trust people a bit too easy i think.
e dot g dot you need to come up and visit for your sisters benefit. hello yeah hi so uh i get that and all but how about my benifit
now not to sound like a dick because yes im worried and shit its my own sister but also shes been unconscious for a week. i have not and have witnessed every part of her "healing journey" (wild. why dont i get one...)
another e dot g dot is welcome to [REDACTED] we are here to help you work through your issues with [REDACTED 2] and then, funny this. so funny. the having to engage with this makes it all worse. i dont wanna think about that shit, ok. dont make me :( big ol sad and sobbing at that
totes unrelated actually but erm some of the shit ive been subjected to would have anyone who didnt use 7 vpns tor browser and a stolen laptop on a government watch list. have you heard of run the gauntlet. do not google it. do not engage with it. ive been made to see (most of?) that shit (and similar) and fuckin hell man it aint fun! i would rather taste my own piss. slash ess are ess.
this was also. ummmmm hang on mathsing. 3 years and maybe 2ish months ago so youd think it could stop being a parasite but nope apparently it doesnt work like that i. hm. weird!
i may have ptsd
not self diagnosing the doctor did say that perhaps a year and a half ago perhaps more recently i cant fucking remember!
is it still ptsd if its multiple somewhat related things or is that cptsd. im genuinely curious how do i google this
how the fuck do i get off topic im talking to myself
this is a soliloquy yall im shakespearing the shit outta myself its great
lady macbeth /hj
i think i will shut the fuck up now. sorry to anyone and everyone ive hurt cause of this sheeat sincirely i think about it a lot
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missamyrisa2 · 4 months
Oh miss Aaaaaaamy
I'm back with more workplace tickle stories, though this one doesn't include me, sadly.
But, I'm now acutely aware a coworker I work with a lot is a big ol mean ler by the following one sided conversation I overheard while she was on the phone.
"Are you ticklish?"
"I said, are you ticklish Mr. *name redacted*"
*fake gasp*
"You are?"
*mock sympathy* "Awwwe."
"Awesome. Good~"
*cue me internally dying and trying so hard not to combust*
Why do I always end up surround by evil t-word fiends 😫
~ Faithful Purply Forgetful 💜
nnhhahaaaaa~ ohh my gosh that's amazing and I looooove at how blushyyyy wigglyyy I'm sure that made youuu my handsome darling~~ alll bashfullll hearing those teasing words and tonessss just vicariously being sooo teasedd~ you're like a lovely magnet drawing in the ticklyyy people from all over~ whyyy, I think you drew me after all~ and I sooooo love making my purply forgetful a niiice shade of pink in the cheeks tooo ~ just a little bashful blushyyy color to youu~
And I mmmh can sooo relate and this makes me so wiggly too~! Not just for that tingling dialogue and banter but alsooo~ and I think I've told this story ~ but I once was having an idle conversation with a receptionist at work and was starting to drift into my usual tickly thoughts when all of a sudden I was stopped dead because she was talking about a particular team in the building~
"and then there's miss [name], you know she's like the worst of them all and she always wears those white button up shirts but she never wears like a cami or anything so it's like I can totally see her bellybutton and I swear one of these days I'm gonna stick my finger in there and be like tickle tickle!! you know stick my finger in there (wiggles her finger) and tickle her, y'know?"
my face probably burned into some deep deep shade of blush instantly as I tried to respool my ears to confirm what she'd said ~ because it was like oooh that's sooo not just an idle comment and soo not something from someone who isn't at the very least a little bit of a tickler~! But maybe nottt and y'know maybe you and I, we're just destined to be teasedd at that extra level where normal people get tickly for like one moment and then never again and we're just left with our little tickle timeloops teasing our minds forever~~<3
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
The conundrum of the Notre Dame AU: Who’s Esmeralda??
All right, I’m back with more Hunchback AU stuff. This time, it’s about Esmeralda and what in the world am I supposed to do with her??
It’s a two-sided problem here. First: I have no idea who exactly should be her, since I’ve got three candidates for entirely different reasons. They are all probably unconventional picks, to be sure, but they all fit for different reasons.
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There is a chance of Vanessa being Phoebus instead of [REDACTED DUE TO POTENTIAL SPOILERS], which could help streamline the process. We’ll see if Ruin helps me figure this out any further.
And the second side is:
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Yeahhh, I don’t think there’ll be a romance side plot for Agonia. He’s already been married once long before any of this mess (man doesn’t believe in “til death do we part methinks). And, considering the Mimic’s apparent obsession with getting his childhood friend back and/or recreating his “mentor’s” lifelong work, I have a feeling it isn’t lust fueling Judge Glitch later. ..Unless there’s a loophole somewhere I’m not seeing..
This means the big ol’ Frollo song would get a huge retool regardless. I mean, there is Roxanne Wolf as one final choice for Esmeralda, but that wolf has her own concerns..
At least I know who’d be Clopin, but I’ll save that for later. Right now, I need to cool down and come back to this later.
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handsome-john · 1 year
So I've got this new SCP idea! You see there's this anomaly and it has huge ███████! I mean some serious [Redacted]! A real set of [Data Expunged]! Big ol' Level Five Clearance Required!
What happens next!?
Well this other anomaly manifests one day with even bigger [Hyperlink Blocked]! Humongous [SYSTEM ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED. PLEASE SEE A NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR FOR MORE DETAILS]!
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frenchiefitzhere · 10 months
💕💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕💕
This has been sitting in my ask box for a week now and I was having a hard time deciding between all my individual works, so today I'm going to talk about... ✨a collection✨ In terms of songs, I was pretty happy with this, making 7 songs (plus a few bonuses, with one still to be released...oop) for Winter Solstice Week based on a prompt list from a friend. Meeting deadlines is very satisfying. (Don't tell that to my unfinished virtual choir project that I meant to have done before the channelversary 😅) There was a prompt for each day of the week, but you could choose which Redacted characters went with each day. So I did... 1) "Avior's Winter Dreamscape" (Prompt: Wonderland). I think this one turned out sooooo pretty. 2) "Hearth Song" for Damien and Huxley (Prompt: Hearth) **P.S. I would LOVE for someone(s) to cover this so it doesn't just sound like me pretending to be two dudes. Like, I can kinda do voices but it's harder when you're singing lol. Seriously, though, if you want the backing track, I'll send it.**
3) "This Winter's Gonna Bite" for Vega (Prompt: Snow). This might be one of my favorite songs I've ever done. The instrumentation tickles me. Big ol' Christmas bells while Vega sings about what a dick he is and how happy that makes him. 4) "Cookies for My Empathy Daemon" (Prompt: Holiday). In the style of 'I want a hippopotamus for Christmas' and 'Dominic the Donkey', this was a silly song and one of the first I finished. The idea is that Santa doesn't actually eat the cookies left out for him; somebody else does. 5) "As Long As I Share It With You" (Prompt: Dinner). Something soft and romantic for the vampire cowboy and his culinarily-inept werewolf lover.
6) "A Healer's New Year" (Prompt: Family). Okay, so I had to do one song as Marie. And 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' is one of my favorites (I love a little bitter with my sweet, what can I say?) 7) "Frenchie's Christmas Wish" (Free space on the prompt list!). This is a meta-song about my little journey through making creative content and sharing it online. And it's a love letter to the fandom. 😘 BONUS TRACKS: "Baby, Mind If I Move in Closer?" inspired by the surprise return of Ivan. This is more a vignette than a full song. A little moment. All the lyrics, except for one, I either ripped (with credit) from 'Baby It's Cold Outside' or the actual script for the audio. It's meant to be a bit dark. Like Ivan. "There's Snow Way I'm Gonna Let You Go" for Regulus. Around the same time of the WSW prompt list, I signed up for a fic/gift exchange, and a jazzy little yandere number is what I came up with for that. STILL TO COME: I have a 'Blake and Bestie snuggling with hot cocoa' song finished, but I'm very blocked in terms of production. It'll happen.
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liberalfartsdegree · 8 months
got accepted to the biggest conference in my subfield on a panel with only TT faculty with stuff from my first chapter. in some ways this is a big ol' fuck you to the department who undervalues my work to the point of paying me an unlivable amount this year while i'm still like, one of the best people there. in a bigger and more serious way this is a big fuck you to myself, who now has to figure out how to attend a conference in [redacted] on my unlivable wage
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