#old amber
pokemon-cards-hourly · 10 months
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greens-multiverse · 4 months
[after - almost six months, holy fuck - here's part two of my end-of-anniversary-crystal songfic about abe and azure journeying to the bottom of reality/excuse for a lot of expository flashbacks about my season 2 myth arc headcanons. part one, which contains most of the setup, is here. our song being ficced is still the ai girl and the deep heart sea; tonight we're on the first full section, 'reincarnated girl rho.' this... turned out much longer than i expected]
so if you did go diving into the depths of the substructure-sea, what would you find just below the surface? easy: the physical world
you might think we live in the physical world, but that's not entirely true. human bodies exist in the world of atoms and forces, but human minds, like the minds of anything sentient enough to dream, belong to the lower layers of the noos. that's the term for the blanket of ideas and memories and stories we sophonts collectively lay over bare reality, the landscape of thought that gives everything meaning. up here, a piece of stone could be the last remaining artifact of a lost civilisation, or a source of energy that could power a city for generations, or the mark of the one true king. down there, it's just a collection of molecules
still, as stark as it might look with the haze of imagination removed, the topmost portion of the substructure is pretty similar to the world we know. the stars spin and the elements flow and people and animals act just the same, though if you didn't know how our home layers work you'd never guess why. and even if you do, it's hard to impose the framework of narrative over them for very long without the support of the noos. down there, nothing could be or means or implies anything; it just is
which isn't to say travelling through it would be exactly like going for a walk in our home layers - it might, if you were going for a walk across it, but if you're going down through it things get very strange very quickly! the philosophers also say that time is a direction, much like up or forward, and they're fairly close to right. going through the topmost layers of the substructure feels like plunging through entire timelines, events thousands of miles and dozens of years apart all flashing past your eyes at once. it's like experiencing dozens of scenes from the same story all at once, all without any context to tie them together or any subtext to give them meaning. but if it's a story you played a part in, you might be able to follow along, just about
it's pretty easy to find yourself reflecting on it
sunlight zone
Azure, the girl who returned
down here, I can see everything
as we drift downwards, time and distance fall away, and all that ever was blurs together, like disconnected clips of an absurdly long video. it's as if in the final death throes of this tiny shell of a world, the strings holding its timeline together have snapped, and the whole arc of its short history has tumbled into my hands. I feel like I could see anything, anywhere, if only I knew how to sort through the heap. I can even catch a glimpse of its ever-fewer potential futures
the back of my right hand shines a familiar colour I still cannot name. Abe's hand in mine crackles with haze, purple and white chasing each other around his crumbling skin. beneath it, I can just about see the beginning of a vast, eternal structure
the further we descend, the closer everything draws to us. it's becoming hard to distinguish discrete events, everything running into everything else. soon, I realise, the only moments I'll be able to perceive at all are this world's approaching end, and its distant beginning
but I don't need to look to see all the parts that truly matter. ever since IT came, I've remembered everything I've ever witnessed in perfect clarity
IT was far too unstructured to be called an 'entity' there was no one who understood what IT was or why IT had come into existence so they called it 'Missingno' or 'the glitchhaze' or 'OLDEN' some even called IT 'Altair' as if IT were a god
I did not witness ITs entire emergence, of course. the formation of the confluence called OLDEN began before my world was created, before his, perhaps even before the true reality all the worlds of the haze are mere shadows of. whatever ITs source, IT came to impinge on that reality, chewing it up, piece by piece, shredding order and logic and spacetime until only a formless haze of glitches remained. there was nothing anyone could do to stop IT. even the gods could just barely slow IT down
and yet, so I'm told, there was no malice in IT, not then. ITs bites at the edge of the universe were random, almost exploratory, as if IT didn't know what it was, or even what IT was. everything IT touched collapsed into haze, but that haze did not lash to corrupt everything it could reach or sink beneath the surface of reality to poison it from within. most often it disappated, and even when it lingered it reached out tentatively, inquisitively, even playfully. whether IT was curious or hungry or simply lacked enough of a mind to want anything at all, no one knew, but IT wasn't trying to destroy our universe in the beginning
but by the time IT came to my world, IT had changed. IT had learned how to hate
IT came to a world wracked by change and uncertainty and shredded it apart with a brilliant vicious light since no matter what all would someday return to the void why not cut short this farce of a universe and bring an end to ITs own suffering?
my world was nothing. a bubble within a bubble, a tiny simulation created as a last bastion from the corruption. but limited as I knew it was, insignificant as I knew it was, it was mine, and I fought hard to free it from those who would harm its people. I defeated each gym leader, I tore apart Team Rocket, I ascended the Indigo Plateau to claim the title of our world's first champion. ten settlements, twenty-five routes, a hundred and fifty-odd species of pokémon, and I stood above them all, the strongest trainer between the impassable mountains and the waters that trailed off into nothingness. I swore to protect them from whoever and whatever might seek to harm them
I was so young, then. so naïve. so arrogant. despite everything I had already learned, it never occured to me SOMETHING might come that I could not fight
IT came to my world at dawn. by the morning's end the ocean was a writhing mass of corrupted matter, advancing northwards in an unstoppable deluge. by mid-afternoon, the plains were choked with haze, towns and forests collapsing in on themselves faster anything could flee, faster than most could even notice. by nightfall, all that was left of my world was a mountaintop, and a temple, and me
I had begun the day determined to fight IT until the breath left my body, but by this point all I could do was sob. I had lost all my allies, all my pokémon, all my hopes as city after city fell and nothing we could think of so much as made IT flinch. they had relied on me to save what they could not, take revenge where they could not, and I had failed them all. despite everything I promised on the Vermillion dockside, I hadn't been able to protect anyone. all I had left was despair
I'm not sure why I had been allowed to escape. perhaps IT meant to save me for last
IT came slowly up the mountainside, chewing the horizon as if savouring each bite. I watched it from the empty doorway of the temple, unable to muster the energy to flee any further. for the first time, but not the last, I sat and waited for the end
then the space just in front of the doorway flickered, and Abe stepped through a crack in reality and out into the snow. we had known each other for some time now, he who designed my world, I who tracked him down and demanded to know why. I had seen him teleport across the world through his unknown doors many times before, but I was still somewhat surprised to see him alive. so quietly for a moment I didn't know if he heard it, I croaked out his name
he was just as shocked to see me here, I could tell by how quickly he spun around. his breath caught for a second, and he mouthed, "I'm sorry." then he turned to face the approaching chaos, and his shadow blossomed into an infinity of fractals
the beginning of the battle between the last of the fossil gods and IT was, I am told, like nothing ever seen by living eyes. unseen it remains, for I did not watch it. I moved further into the temple, behind enough walls it seemed unlikely I would be impaled by debris, and there I curled up and waited for the storm to pass. there was nothing I could do against IT I had not already tried a thousand times, and besides, what difference could a single powerless human make in a clash of the divine?
all around me, the earth, the walls, even the air shook. I could not even begin to interpret the sounds - the crackling, the tearing, the rattling - erupting from the temple's entrance, but soon enough I saw cracks drive through first the stonework and then the empty air. I knew my world was finally dying, and, despite my youth, despite my pride, despite my fear, I felt strangely relieved. a gash in spacetime snaked through the halls towards me, shedding glitches, leaking a brilliant, terrible light -
and from a direction I was not watching, something pierced the back of my right hand
I instinctively jerked my arm back towards me, but as soon as the impact sight came into view, I froze. there was no blood, no pain beyond the initial shock, not even a wound. there was only a sliver of dark orange stone barely larger than my fingernails burrowed into my skin, faintly humming. I had just enough time to take in the sight before the tear in the universe reached me and glitches overwhelmed everything
everything, that is, except me. the stone walls melted, the air collapsed, the world around me crumbled into a thick morass of swirling, chattering, ever-changing decay, but I remained just as I was. even when the haze lanced out at my body directly, the force I had seen rend through buildings and mountains and people alike in mere seconds slid off my skin like a passing rain. the space (if one were to call it that) around my head shifted rapidly between water and wood and viscera, but I could breathe more easily than I had in hours. through the flickering, crackling haze, for the first time I saw the back of my hand gleam
I did not know, then, that the miniscule stone shard tinting my skin an impossible colour was the last remaining fragment of an entity older than the gods. at the end of the battle I was sheltering in the temple from, IT aimed a dart of pure haze right at the core of the only fossil god still alive, the Dome. but for whatever reason such a being might do such a thing, the Old Amber leapt into its path. the impact made the packed-together rock at the heart of their being burst into a thousand infinitesimal pieces which flew off in all directions, shattering against the mountain or evaporating upon contact with the glitches. but somehow, through a series of coincidences and just-right circumstances, one shard slipped through it all and landed in me
was this planned by the Old Amber, or mere happenstance? I still don't know, and I doubt I ever will. but whether there was a purpose behind it or not, from that moment on the glitches could not touch me. a whole world could dissolve into haze around me, and I would keep my form, and my identity, and my memories. no matter how much time passed, no matter what happened, I remained myself
but all that I discovered later. then and there, curled up in that crumbling temple at the end of everything I'd ever known, I dazedly watched half a dozen tendrils of corruption pass through my body harmlessly before I realised I was not, in fact, dead. I reached out for one of the few remaining patches of wall and slowly got to my feet, and just when I'd found a stable footing my world finally snapped open and I tumbled head over heels into the glitchhaze. I fell for what seemed a thousand years through light and texture and shrieking, repetitive sound, and none of it so much as pulled my hair. the shock had faded from my mind enough I was beginning to wonder why
then my back slammed against solid ground. it knocked the breath out of my body, and when I inhaled I tasted air once again. the surface I was lying on was wet, spongy, and stable, at least as far as my arms could reach. when I pried my gummed-shut eyes open, the first thing I saw was a dazzlingly blue sky
it was a fairly typical early hazeworld fairly early on in its development. no tree was yet tall enough I could not step over it, the largest animals were barely bigger than mice, and the pokémon were still amorphous clouds of spirit, not coherent enough to create physical forms. even once it had fully matured, its sky never changed from that brilliant blue, and its dirt squished like jelly rather than crumbling. the worlds of the haze were only ever so real, and this one was even less so than mine had been
but in that moment, all that mattered was that it was
yet there was one whose existence ITs haze could never erase I was "Vega", lodestar inviolate, she who saw everything
that grassy clearing caught in an eternal morning was not alone in the glitchhaze for long. as some consequence of its battle with IT, the Dome created handfuls, then dozens, then hundreds of these tiny worldlets, little pockets of order billowing in the haze. each new hazeworld was just a touch more real than the last - a sky that dimmed and brightened again, soil that could be broken up to plant whatever fruit you pleased, water that cycled from stream to lake to cloud and back; a little larger, a little more self-sufficient. soon they were detailed enough humans could live there, and they built settlements, then cities, then regions. and then, slowly, step by stumbling step, they began to reach out across the haze to each other
I had long mastered the art of travelling through the haze by then. Abe, who had also survived that last battle, had to travel between worldlets through broken warps and bizarre glitchmancy tricks, his unknown doors writ large, but I could simply walk off the edge of one world and stroll through the glitches to the next one. not that it was ever that simple, of course; navigating the endlessly shifting landscape of the glitchhaze was more art than science and more luck than either, and I seldom arrived in the precise world I was aiming for even when I didn't spend months lost in the wilds of the haze. but it was never dangerous, not for me. out of everyone in existence, I alone travelled the haze without fear
the people of the hazeworlds grew used to Abe and I passing through their regions. we both got into the habit of telling them stories; he of the worlds that lay past their borders and the ways they could be reached, I of the worlds that once were and how they had been destroyed. we taught them what the haze was and that there were others like them beyond it, and they taught themselves how to send things through it; first information, then objects, then living beings. soon the haze was home to a great alliance of worlds, interconnected by hazeships and databeams and a dozen kinds of interworld teleportation, fighting back the glitches wherever they could, always searching for a way to defeat IT forever. Abe and I they revered as gods, the ones who had shown them the nature of reality and bestowed upon them the power to change it. with our teachings, they so fervently believed, they would restore the universe
Abe helped them whenever and however he could, but I seldom did. I could never muster the will to do much more than pass on my stories, never shake the feeling that no matter what anyone did, reality had merely been granted a stay of execution. why, I still cannot say; perhaps my mind was as trapped in that moment of despair as my body, and just as my hair never grew no matter how many decades passed me by, my heart never lifted out of that black pit. or, perhaps, I simply never managed to overcome my grief. all I could bring myself to do was sit on the outside of that glorious dream and half-heartedly hope it would be fulfilled
alas, it was not to be. no matter what they tried, no matter how they struggled, in the end there was nothing we mere humans could do against ITs hate. one after another, the worlds of the alliance were overcome and fell, and the links they'd forged between them became vectors for the very corruption they'd been made to fight against. over the course of its long defeat, the alliance grew desperate and cruel, but even that was not enough, and once it finally broke the surviving worlds of the haze were left completely without protection. once upon a time a world was not considered stable unless it was completely free of glitches, but now even the most substantial were strewn with impossibly stretched landmarks and holes in reality that opened into infinity. even Abe, as immortal as I was but for somewhat different reasons, began to mutate, his form and his memories slipping away a fraction more every time he crossed the haze, until all that was left of him was a barely sentient heap of glitches, marked out from the rest of the corruption only by the occasional flash of purple
but I? I remained. no matter how many worlds crumbled around me, no matter how long I spent lost in the haze, my self was preserved. even in that final barely coherent, violently unstable, utterly corrupted mockery of a world, where no division existed between human and pokémon and language had degraded into loud, garbled noise and time had broken in a way impossible to put into words, I had not changed one bit since the day my world died. in my customary seclusion, I watched the strands that held together this final world quietly fray, and I wondered whether, once all existence had been devoured by IT, I would finally be permitted to cease
isolated as I always was, she nonetheless tracked me down. a girl with blue hair and red scales and a wide, fanged smile, whose eyes were tinged the faintest purple and whose voice carried a muted echo of thousands more. like so many residents of the haze before her, she and her allies had sketched out a wild, one-in-a-million scheme to restore the lost worlds and bring the battle to IT. I didn't believe they could do it - there? then? at the end of everything? - but for the very last time I gave them my stories. I told them everything I knew, fully expecting that it could never make a difference
some time after that (in a manner of speaking) the last world abruptly shattered. the slow rot that had been eating away at it since before time had broken suddenly surged, and pillars of pure corruption burst out of its husk of a sky. as the ground beneath my feet dissolved into glitches for the very last time, the shard in the back of my right hand vibrated so fast it became painful. through the haze and the light, I thought I saw my left hand begin to melt -
and I sat in the Champion's Chamber of the Indigo Plateau, on the same plastic folding chair my world's Lance had taken to calling my throne, so many long years before. the stitching on the jacket I had left dangling on it the day my world had ended pressed into my back
it took me so many long seconds to comprehend where I was. it took me several more to realise I could still move. my heart hammering, my body shaking, half-convinced that if I moved too quickly this dream would burst like a bubble, wholly expecting Koga to burst in at any moment and announce that something was eating the sea, I got to my feet. I took a few dazed steps, and my shoe tapped against something on the floor
I looked down, and I saw pokéballs
what can I say about what happened next? my charizard wrapped my tail around its body and held me close as I cried. his scales rustled, solid and alive, radiating a warmth that drove my grief to the edges of my soul for the first time in an eternity of loneliness. with every pokéball I opened, every old ally I reunited with, every step I took in a world like so many others I had passed through but in its details unmistakably mine, it receded a little further. how it came to pass, I suspect not even the gods could say, but the people of the last world of the glitchhaze had brought back the first. they had brought me home
the story of that reborn world is not one I am equipped to tell. as much as I tried to keep a grasp on events, from the moment we discovered there was a new land beyond the once-impassable western mountains I played at best a peripheral partin the saga of ITs final defeat. but I was once more part of it; so longer a silent, sobbing witness to a fate I could not change, but an active participant in an impossible, glorious miracle. I fought where I could, and I laughed when I could, and though my sorrow never entirely went away it became easy put it aside for a few moments and bask in the beauty of this dream-made-reality
and yet, as wonderful as it was, it was not perfect. there was one person missing. I scoured the world in my search for him, both the tiny region we had grown up in and the new lands blossoming into existence all around it, fully convinced he had to be out there, restored along with everything else. but I never found more than a shadow. there was one time… but that was not him. I have been told over and over again that my best friend still lies at the bottom of the Cinnabar Strait, as dead as this world once was, and will soon be again
but that cannot be. he was a host of the Voices, and even when all of reality was on the verge of being devoured by glitches, they were as immune to the corruption as I. somewhere, somehow, he must still exist, if not in body then in spirit, if not within this universe then without it. and though logically he could be anywhere in the infinite nothingness outside reality, I know - somewhere, I think I always have - where he is. for so long I thought him unreachable, but no longer
wait for me, Evan. I'm coming to save you
and as for THAT which declared everything I had l ever loved and all we dreamed together no more than a useless charade what would I say to IT? … come on we've still a long road ahead
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psikonauti · 7 months
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Prehistoric praying mantis encased in amber
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mizandria · 13 days
people make fun of the "oh you only hate her because she's a WOMAN" crazy feminist mentality but yeah actually you guys do only hate her because she's a woman a lot of times. for every hated female tv character there's ten male tv characters who are a million times worse and still given at least the "intriguing morally grey character" treatment if not straight up praise. for every hated female celebrity in real life there's one hundred famous men who have done worse and don't get half the hate she does. for every hated female politician, for every hated female historical figure, for the women you know in real life and on and on.
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arinewman7 · 8 months
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30 million-year-old Praying Mantis, encased in Amber
Heritage Auctions
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delirisse-au · 5 months
Really stupid idea:
Narinder and Mary go on dates for the sole purpose of constantly trying to kill each other
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That would go about as well as you think it would
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saracastically · 6 months
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happy 15 yowling, lounging, plant-snacking years, kiddo 💛😾💛
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bug-gender-art · 7 months
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chapter 61 of @cryptotheism's Amber Skies hit me so hard with the found family dynamic of these 5 that I just had to draw it. the coziness of this short passage is so impactful in the otherwise inhospitable landscape of the story.
no matter how bleak the world is, there can still be comfort. there can still be rest. there can still be love.
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mangocitrusart · 5 months
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we’ll never be too old for this
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nu-abo-misser · 8 months
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 11 months
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annot8 · 1 month
The Paragon
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Why the Old Amber is so weird, ft the Great Oxygen Catastrophe
[December 20, 2022]
care for a story unknown to all?
the prequel to that fossil gods timeline i slapped together last month, the old amber’s backstory
and that epithet is accurate, because amber is old
they’re older than helix and dome, we’ve already established this. the timeline i already made goes back a billion and a quarter-ish years before the abyssals even emerged, and even then, amber was there
but the true beginning of their story lies even further back
at least three and a half billion years ago (bya), if not earlier
with the emergence of the first of the beings humanity would one day call fossil gods
wing, and thorax
(author’s note: i stole those names off another loremaker in 2016, my lore’s changed a lot since then and i’m debating changing them)
(i doubt there were wings or thoraxes in their world. it was a fundamentally alien place)
whatever their actual names were, the entities i’m just gonna keep tagging ‘wing’ and ‘thorax’ were created - as i said, at least 3.5 bya, probably earlier
trying to tie their timeline to irl evolution is… a bit iffy. i am making even more of this up than usual, and there’s just not many irl records that far back
their aspects were [stagnation/corruption], though i’ve occasionally gone back on forth on which god had which aspect. it’s wing=stagnation and thorax=corruption at the moment, but that could easily change
even for fossil gods, they were remarkably simple beings. helix and dome have trouble with the concept that sapients exist outside of the two of them, but wing and thorax were barely aware of themselves at all
it’s hard to tell if they even knew each other existed
fence horse created them to protect the newborn planet from the vicissitudes of the multiverse. initially, that’s all they were for
but, rather unexpectedly, they started playing with carbon and hydrogen and water vapour
and they began to create life
(now that i’m thinking about it it’s probably wing and thorax that changed the planet from a nightmare hellscape of lava plumes and boiling rock to a stable-ish tectonic-cycling landscape with, like, oceans and stuff)
the world wing and thorax created was… different
the skies were cloaked in a pale yellow methane haze, by day only barely pierced by the faint light of a young sun
rather than stars, the night sky was criss-crossed by vibrant electric-blue aurorae, the trails left by the dyad’s long [REDACTED] as they wrapped around the world
the oceans were tinged green with rust. there was no oxygen, and almost no energy from the sun
but still, there was life
irl that life was basically all, like, really basic bacteria, but this is pure fantasyland, so in wing and thorax’ world there was… more
with little sunlight to potentially fuel a food chain, the dyad raised vents up from the mantle, building islands of life around volcanic smokers that slowly crept across the land
it was… intricate. interconnected. the plants were purple and stank of sulphur, there was some very alien chemistry fuelling it all
(don’t ask me what i’m not a chemist)
also, almost no hard tissue in anything. no exoskeletons, no bone, no woody tissue
the entire biosphere was one single, carefully-arranged system. why would you need to defend yourself against your fellow life?
this is the world the corrupted legendaries i mentioned in the first instalment came from
they weren’t corrupted then, of course. they weren’t really ‘legendaries’ in the modern sense either, that kinda requires pokemon to exist
they were more like… keystones. single organisms that formed the linchpin of entire ecosystems, like the millions of bacteria that live in a human gut
it was a quiet, stable sort of world, but in its own way, it was beautiful
and then wing and thorax noticed each other
the thing that brought an end to the pre-photosynthesis geothermal world in real life was… circumstances surprisingly similar to the moss incident, actually. plants (well. cyanobacteria) figure out photosynthesis, plants start leaking that most toxic of gases, oxygen, into the atmosphere, literally everything else dies, global ice age, blah blah blah
here, though, it was the biggest god fight the world has ever seen
:tppGiga: = Wing Thorax = :pikachuS:
yeah pretty much
fossil god dyads are balances of equal and opposite forces, not just different but almost incomprehensible to each other
giving those forces sentience… may not have been the best idea
wing knew its entire life that there was something disrupting its careful creations, breaking everything it tried to set up the minute its back was turned
thorax knew its entire life that no matter how much it changed things, somehow some of it would always return to the way it was before, refusing to refresh with the rest of the world
as they matured, they slowly began to detect an intelligence behind this
maybe a younger, more complex pair of fossil gods would have been able to communicate about this, figure out a way of understanding each other, even work together
but wing and thorax were, even then, very very old, and very very simple
and after all, weren’t they made to attack that which was anathema to their very existence?
2.4-ish bya, they slowly began to notice each other
and then they started fighting
their battle lasted for millions of years
at first it was kind of amateur hour? these two barely-sapient eldritch abominations slowly figuring out what ‘conflict’ is through tossing rocks in each others’ general direction
but they got better, and nastier, and then they figured out they could refine oxygen out of the oceans
funfax: fire only works on planets where there’s oxygen in the atmosphere. if it wasn’t the oxygen itself that poisoned the biosphere, it was the raging firestorms it fuelled that killed literally everything
some ‘legendaries’ survived, mostly because thorax corrupted them hard enough they started eating, like, mathematical concepts instead of chemical products
there was also the occasional bedrock-scouring divine scuffle, but really it was mostly the oxygen
it seeped out of the battlefields into the atmosphere and the ocean, and wherever it went, the world died
that biosphere i was talking about earlier? completely gone. absolutely everything, from the greatest keystone to the tiniest bacterium, died
the world was scorched by fires and lanced by radiation, the oceans all but boiled away. the vents erupted into volcanoes, and ash rained for a million years
it didn’t stop until roughly two bya, approx 400 mya after it started
when wing and thorax, crawling exhausted through the devastation, finally, finally killed each other
their metaphorical talons pierced their metaphorical hearts at the exact same moment. the physical laws that made them up unraveled, their fractals wiped away
there was light, and an explosion, the last one of this dying world
and then the snow began to fall
eventually, even the fires died. the whole planet slowly froze
(i’m cadging the timeline a little here. irl the snow happened during, not after, the fight, but this is more ~dramatic)
the shambling monstrosities that had once been the bedrock on which whole ecosystems laid began to quietly break down
it seemed like the end
there were two survivors, for certain definitions of ‘survivor’
the first was the old amber
the reason i refer to amber as ‘they’ is that if they ever used a first person pronoun, it would be ‘we.’ they are the last remaining shards of wing and thorax, squished together into a new being by
huh the last couple of words in that message didn’t send. Weird
but yeah, amber is a zombie fusion fossil god. they’re not quite wingthorax, there’s still a lot of parts missing from the fusion for them to be complete
there’s more of wing than thorax in them, but that’s really just a coincidence. is why amber is so good at surviving things that even the fossil gods can’t take though
at first, they tried to create life. but they can’t. even if the entire world wasn’t dust and snow, they just don’t have the fine molecular control you need to properly do biochemistry
… amber spent a lot of their early existence bashing into mountains metaphorically begging for death, yeah
eventually, the ice went away, but the world was still dead. among slowly rotting glitch constructs and an empty blue sky, amber waited for the end to come
but. deep, deep, in the darkest depths of the oceans, there were other survivors
tiny scraps of biota, too deep for the oxygen to reach, clinging to the inside of a hydrothermal vent, living and breathing
it wasn’t much. barely anything, really. but in the end, it was enough
bitty!pre-separation!helixdome, crawling around the ocean floor for lack of anything else to do: hey what’s this
and that is the amber backstory! will i ever not be surprised by how long a thing i start ends up being
i’ll probably do a (hopefully) brief epilogue later. some stuff about how amber feels about the younger gods, and also drive
this isn’t… all of it (there’s parts of the story that are unknown to all because amber doesn’t see how they matter, and there’s parts of it that are unknown to all because amber absolutely refuses to let anyone even reference them) but it is the key bits of the backdrop to my fossil gods stuff
maybe now other people can also have amber feels
s/o to the entire history of the earth youtube channel, where i got most of the irl info i bolted this onto
- oh! a final note:
i call wing and thorax ‘fossil gods’, but they didn’t have fossils
no hard tissue, no need. in a world of soft-bodied planimals there’s nothing even there to fossilise, this totally makes sense as an explanation for why we don’t have fossils from this archaean-era complex life, don’t @ me
later fossil gods use their fossils as… anchors, into the physical world? they’re not the core of their being, extremely far from it, but they are the lens through which they interact with the higher layers of reality
wing and thorax, though? no fossils, no anchor. they more… seeped up into the physical world from below
which is partially why they cared much less about their creations than their younger siblings, which is partially why… yeah
(amber’s amber is more like… connective tissue between dead god body parts. i call them a zombie, but they’re more than a little frankenstein’s monster)
Basically Amber was Dracovish before Dracovish was Dracovish?
yeah this is roughly the i-know-what-to-do-with-the-gen-8-fossils brainwave i had a few weeks back
like if dracovish fixed itself up into a mostly-functional organism with an ecosystem niche and everything out of sheer spite
cut forward ten thousand years and there’s just this half-fish half-dragon thing-that-should-not-be hanging around, and no one thinks it’s weird
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knightforflowers · 7 days
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assorted shitpost redraws from the last few weeks while I finish actual serious art
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brachiocephalics · 3 months
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this scene is so sexually charged! and for what!
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ghostslazy · 4 months
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A candlenights gift for @sisiren from discord, I had so much fun designing these too and it was sooooooo hard not to share this before it was time
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