#okami fic
basedropepilled · 8 months
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writing is going so well <3
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okamirayne · 1 month
Wait... There's more btb? What did I miss? Tell me more, please?
Hey there, luv! Not sure which parts you might have missed, so I'm posting all the links below for you. 💜 Here is the totality of BtB series so far:
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༺BtB Masterlist༻
In order from BtB through to HHU
Break to Breathe (BtB part 1) COMPLETE
BtB on ff.net Break to Breathe on AO3
On the Cusp (BtB part 2) COMPLETE
OtC on ff.net OtC on AO3
Requiem (BtB part 3) COMPLETE
Requiem on ff.net Requiem on AO3
Under These Scars (BtB part 4) COMPLETE
UtS on ff.net
Bonus series add-on:
Heaven Hold Us [Post War] WIP/ONGOING [Contination of BtB Series | Can be considered as part 5]
HHU on ff.net
FF.NET PROFILE LINK: Entire series posted here, HHU updated here.
AO3 PROFILE LINK: BtB parts 1 - 3 posted here.
Hope this helps! 💜
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sister-dear · 6 months
Silly tumblr reblog game: what if you tumblr icon (ammy, wolf goddess from Okami) and your discord icon (Ravio and mer!Link) meet?
Sister’s brain: oh heck I have to write it.
They were just settling in for some cuddles as long as Link’s gills would allow for when, from behind Ravio’s back, came a quiet, hopeful boof.
Link froze. Ravio froze.
Moving very, very carefully, Link leaned over until he could see around Ravio’s body.
That. Was not a wolf. It radiated so much magic he didn’t know how he’d missed its approach.
Mind racing, Link froze. Clawed fingers dug into the sand. If he were still in water in might not be such an issue, but he’d dragged himself as far up the shore as he dared in order to spend some quality time with his boyfriend, only a few trailing fins on the tip of his tail still dragging in the water, all but useless. Unless he could somehow entice the beast into ignoring Ravio and attacking him, roll them into the water…
With another boof that Link’s mind refused to categorize as playful, the beast flopped onto its side in the sand, rolling to expose one very fluffy white belly. Link wasn’t fooled, those red markings meant magic and lots of it, he just needed to get himself off of Ravio and hope his boyfriend could get himself to safety.
“Awww! Whose a good, um. Girl? Girl. Who’s a good girl!”
This was not the time for Ravio to display not a hint of his usual nervousness around things with claws and teeth.
“Ravio, don’t!” Link hissed, grabbing for him, regretting that in his distraction he’d missed Ravio turning around as well and being taken in by fluffy fur. Ravio slipped out from under him, managing to slither away from Link’s frantic grab. He crawled toward the beast and finally froze with one outstretched hand.
“You are a good girl? Aren’t you?”
The white tail thumped the sand. A pink tongue lolled. Even from behind, Link could see how Ravio melted.
Hissing, furious with himself and the situation as a whole, he dragged heavy, waterlogged fins a little further up the sand.
Ravio’s hand made contact.
“Oh! You’re so soft!” One careful pet turned to double handed, exuberant scritching. The tail kept wagging. Link kept dragging himself closer. If this thing hurt Ravio he’d tear out her throat with his teeth.
Were those flames, dancing off the shield at the beast’s back?
The wolf jumped up. Ravio reeled back, yelping. Link yelled. Something, he didn’t know what.
She licked Ravio’s face. Bounded up to Link and licked him too and dropped down, one quick playful bow he didn’t quite manage to take advantage of before she bounded past him, leaping down the sand to frolic in the waves.
Link turned to stare, incredulous. She barked, dropping again into that play-bow in the shallows before jumping up to frolic in water just deep enough for him to swim, not so far out that Ravio couldn’t wade in with them if he wished.
“Ravio!” Link yelled. “Help me get back in the water! I’m going to dunk that thing!”
Ravio only laughed.
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feliciadraws · 8 months
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I decided to make an anime-style key visual thingy for @bamboorocket for her heccin' AMAZING Waka fic, Journey of The Moon Prophet! Like I kiddeth thou not it is genuinely the best Waka fic I've probably ever read, and it's right here on Tumblr, so please for THE LOVE OF FRICK READ IT BECAUSE IT'S FREAKING AMAZING AND NEEDS A A LOT MORE ATTENTION OKAY?
I had a lot of fun with this one, especially with the glowy effects and Waka's hair! I hope you like it Bamboo!
You can read Journey of the Moon Prophet here!
Alternate version without the title under the cut!
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okami-zero · 11 months
Okay, listen, I need you to drop whatever you are doing right now (unless it involves something unstable, explosive or otherwise dangerous to do so) and check out this fic!
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If ever asked what got me into FFXIV, there are several fics/writers I will happily name and boost. This is one of those, from the wonderful @traveleorzea​.
Seriously, this is an absolutely wonderful fic, with amazing introspection on a few well-known NPCs (and some stellar OCs) and just... wow. This was an amazing rollercoaster and while it is long (80 chapters, babyyy!) that is not a detriment, but a feature (and Halone’s tits, the “Slow Burn” tag is not kidding, but the payoff....wooo!) But yes, go! Read! Win! xD
On a light tangent, as I said this is one of several fics that got me to actually play FFXIV, and I would like to thank every single one of those writers who got me sucked in with your amazing writing and OCs, and for the amazing writers and fellow WoL-gushers that I have found since. You all inspire me and sometimes rattle the stuff in my head loose so I can catch it on a page to share.
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Here have my HimiRao fics, first one its technically still updating I'm just coming up with like lil bits to write 👉👈
This one is a quick oneshot
Just the two meeting to spend time together at night 🥺
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arcane-star · 11 months
On one hand I hate how a good chunk of the Ōkami fics on AO3 are crossovers but on the other hand I just came across a fic that crosses over Ōkami with Smash Bros as well as my current fixation(Kirby) and I may or may look go and look for more fics like that
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makowo · 1 year
Ever played Okami where you play as a wolf with a cool magical paintbrush?
oh fuck yeah i did! it was one of my favorite games for a while, in fact. i'd have gotten the platinum trophy in it but christ, those memory puzzle blocks fucking sucked ass. the last bead i needed for the final weapon was locked behind one of those and my autistic ass could NOT do it :( otherwise swag game, i got it on switch again last year, gotta replay it
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This fic was written by my brilliant friend! I personally am not in the Star Wars fandom, but maybe you are? It is also in Russian so I don’t know how many people this would interest, but I thought it's worth the try. If you know anyone who would be interested feel free to share this amazing fic! 
I remember her telling me the plot of what she wants to write and if I remember correctly 15 chapters she's already written doesn't cover even an eighth of what she planned! She hasn't been very active about writing it lately, so if you could check this work out and leave a kudos I know she would be extremely happy (as I imagine any writer would) and be motivated to write the next chapter.
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nyx Okami/Ahsoka Tano Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CT-7567 | Rex, Tallisibeth "Scout" Enwandung-Esterhazy, Padmé Amidala, Asajj Ventress Additional Tags: Angst, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Psychological Drama, Dubious Morality, War, Friendship, Adaptation, Interspecies Romance, Betrayal, Secret Identity, Not Really Character Death, Death, Slow Burn, Identity Reveal, Established Relationship, Pale Romance | Moirallegiance, Русский | Russian Summary:
Когда весь мир летит к хаттам, розовые очки разбиваются вдребезги, а враги с друзьями внезапно меняются местами, Асока начинает сомневаться, есть ли в этом мире место для неё.
Когда ученица трагически погибает, брат резко становится чужаком, а любовь перестаёт быть столь слепой, Энакин задумывается о том, что дракон мёртвой звезды может быть прав.
Когда происходит переломный момент, что делит их жизни на до и после, все понимают: отныне ничего не будет идти так, как было задумано.
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klonoadreams · 2 months
Lol- Noticed a trait shared between Honey and Ginny.
They both love someone who is like, two times their height at the very least.
Honey takes after Mama Ginny in ways, much like Bonney, and Kuma will never not get emotional over that.
Honey might be small for a Buccaneer, but she is still on the tall side regardless and VERY stronk. Consider how much smaller she still is than Katakuri when in her active bunny state, cuz she's massive as a Lapahn, but still small compared to Katakuri and especially when compared to Kuma. :V
Still, dat height difference owo.
And somehow, Bon Bon is even tinier (give her time, the height stick WILL bonk her hard).
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unfortunately y'all are like maybe a week out from having a new corvid fic assuming that i don't get fully sidetracked again
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hannukahmatata · 7 months
Seriously considering archiving/orphaning most of the stuff on my AO3 account and starting over, because like... a lot of it I'm just never gonna finish, and I feel like My Brand has changed since I started it and I just don't think the tone I'm interested in now matches what I wrote then.
The transformers fic can stay, though.
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xxrottingpawsxx · 9 months
Stars I love writing fanfics for ships literally no one asked for
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feliciadraws · 7 months
Thinking about how Waka's trauma must affect his relationship with Mei very often has me like
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okami-zero · 4 months
I started watching The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic recently, and I am absolutely loving it! I know there are a LOT of isekai shows, but I am really liking this one.
The one niggling thing in my brain has to do with a fic idea that has been brewing in my brain for the last... well, a very, VERY VERY long time. ^_^; It started as a kind of fanfic-ish, thing, kind of isekai-ish before that was as huge and prolific as it is now. But they way one of the main protags gets to the point where he's able to do what he needs to do is... kind of similar to one of the protags in TWWTUHM. It's not exactly the same, the method is much different, but the outcome is. Not a huge deal, just something i need to keep in mind. If I ever write this thing that has been snippets and vignettes and songfics, there is SO MUCH STUFF I was poking at back then that has some parallel or similarity to stuff that is more mainstream now.
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Here's something based offa this picture I drew before cause I like fan fics heh
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Rao hummed her fingers absent-mindedly running through Himiko's hair as the other woman rested her chin against her muscular shoulder. The queen stared silently watching the shadows on the wall raised as the sun started higher into the sky, a heavy sigh left her lips Rao's hand pausing.
"Himiko? Are you alright?"
The taller woman pressed her cheek further against Rao's shoulder, avoiding her gaze as she looked over towards her. Her eyebrows pressed upwards noticing Himiko's change in demeanor.
The other woman cut in softly.
"Do you have...Do you have to leave...."
Rao sighed softly her expression saddening as Himiko stared away, clutching the other woman closer.
"I...I hate mornings...I hate when the sun rises...Because- Because I know it means you're going to leave. It means I won't see you for Gods knows how long...!"
Her voice cracked, her hands gripping Rao more tears burning the corner of her eyes. Rao rested her hand against Himiko's shoulder before pulling back kissing her forhead caressing carefully under her eyes wiping the tears away.
"I know Himiko....I....I loathe leaving...I hate being away from you for so long..."
Himiko pressed her cheek into Rao's palm holding her arm, looking away. Rao gently turned her head back towards her Himiko's eyes sadly staring at the other woman. The priestess leaned closer pressing their lips together pulling the queen closer. Both clinging to the other tightly.
Pulling back slightly Rao's lips brushed Himiko's softly.
"I....Can stay a bit longer..."
Himiko whispered softly.
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