#oh yeah I ship takuya and Junpei so hard you have no idea
ran-orimoto · 1 year
I wanna know if possible: sexuality headcanons for the Uncle Frontier adults in your stories ? Izumi and Junpei are straight. The others? I want to know what they are like to the Kourantoto too. As uncles.
Hello, Anon! I don’t usually reply to these kinds of asks because I’m always afraid to be disrespectful about certain matters. Still, at the same time I don’t want to be rude and ignore an ask ahahha. So, I’ll try being very dry (a bit hard🤣q), but whatever….!
I’ll first talk about the sexualities!
• Takuya: Gay
I have been headcanoning he likes dudes since I watched the second Frontier episode and my thoughts intensified with the Tomoki’s nightmare episode. During these days I’ve been reminded writers didn’t keep themselves from giving both Takouji and Takunpei ✨ fantastic moments (yes, I ship both so hard, I’m not even sorry). They tried making him straight but they failed and it never worked before my eyes.
• Kouji: Bi
I believe he developed a preference over boys during the years, after having experimented dating girls (because in the drama it does sound like both him and Kouichi are popular among girls?). Like I’ve said many times, even if nowadays I ship Takunpei harder, I like headcanoning Kouji will get a little crush on Junpei in high school and it kinda lingers even after Kouji marries Takuya, then divorces him. Yet, Junpei only sees Kouji as a friend and also a brother at a certain extent, so…
• Tomoki: Ace
I used to see him as totally gay, but I frankly struggle to see Tomoki in any relationship somehow. Like, my most random ship ever is older Tomoki x Kouichi. It’s all due to some fanfictions really making it so nice to read about. Yet, I’ve landed on the ace territory for Tomoki, making him single and focused on his politician job like I think he would absolutely be.
• Kouichi: Het
Unlike Kouji, I headcanon him to absolutely prefer women over men, though. I’m not sure if he had a wife in my head before he died. Kouichi just gives me the vibes of someone who would get a perfect life as an adult, building his future very smoothly.
Yeah, maybe he definitely had a wife when he died.
-Switching to them as uncles (🤣🤣🤣 help me)
• Takuya is the cool uncle being a football star and making Kou get sparkles in his eyes. Kou wants to watch every football match featuring him and can get really sad whenever the teams Takuya is in lose. Takuya makes sure to send Kou lot of football gadgets whenever he can, from t-shirts to photos too, and I actually always draw Kou’s room to be full of football stuff. Not to forget Kou also plays football at school to be like Zio Takuya.
Still, I don’t think Takuya is the cool Uncle to Ran’s fantasies too. Ran can’t stand it when people treat Junpei badly, and let’s say Takuya and Junpei never lost their tendency to have intense brawls (now using italian swearing, why not🤣). Both have got their faults in the varied occasions, but Ran will always be convinced Papà has done nothing wrong and once she will also cry and shout at Takuya to leave Papà alone.
• Passing to Kouji, Ran is actually more affectionate to him than Kou, because Kou considers Kouji “lamer than Zio Takuya” , since he’s much calmer and isn’t that sociable at a first impact. Ran, instead, really loves listening to Kouji’s tales about his travels and Kouji will take a while to get used to her bursting curiousity. In truth, Kouji won’t find getting used to the kids that easy at first, despite having been a parent in the *cough* past (my Takouji having experiences🤣). He gets flustered at the kids being so excitable, so lively, so touchy, but Junpei and Izumi adore seeing Kouji melting a bit when it comes to them.
Junpei wants Kouji to understand they all are his family loving him despite him being such a free spirit. Kouji………….Kouji eventually gets attached to his uncle role in the depth of his heart. He just knows that if someone dares to touch the kids they will be doomed. Samurai Uncle🤣💕.
• Tomoki is kinda the too caring and fussy single uncle always coming up with pep-talks, and let’s say the kids aren’t that fond of that side of his, his baby homonymous, either. When Kou moves to Japan along with Izumi and Toto, Tomoki, who still lives there, starts visiting the family more often to get to know about how school is going for Kou. Since in his politician carreer he still deals with the issue of bully in Japan, he’s aware returnees have got no easy life. So, he wants to know everything about Kou’s new school experience, any detail, sometimes also instilling doubts in both Junpei’s and Izumi’s minds, making them wonder if Kou is really feeling that comfortable about the changes in his life.
When Kou gets involved with a circle of bullies, the kid gets so scared of the idea of just running into Tomoki. He knows what a calculating intelligence Uncle has got and it wouldn’t be nice, at all, if he got spotted pulling his pranks by him.
• Kouichi………… Kouichi dies of heart attack after having overworked himself during Covid period. He doesn’t get to know any kid, but Izumi and Junpei take the children to the cemetery sometimes, often telling them about their Kouichi uncle who has died as an unsung hero.
PSA: To me…Junpei could be bi, but the fact is that he has never got t explore his sexuality because of his crush on Izumi.
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