#oh neopets by beloved
pokemon-go-for-it · 2 years
Starting playing Temtem yesterday and now that I’m used to it it’s really fun! Been keeping an eye on it for a while but was trying to avoid spoilers for the critters and plot so I’m almost going in blind. The tems really do remind me of Neopets though
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groovenians · 1 year
i have cleaned my room AND most of my closet. i also did laundry, dishes, plus some other stuff. i am god's strongest warrior.
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specialsummon · 2 years
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Today, I like so many others woke to the news of Kazuki Takahashi’s passing. It took a while for it to sink in. 4:30am is not a time fit for man or beast to absorb information after two hours of sleep as they shuffle around getting ready for an opening shift at work. (Thank you, beloved cat, for knocking over my nightstand and startling me awake long before my alarm went off.) But sink in the news did, eventually, and in the lull periods at work I found myself tearing up. I still am. I try not to get personal on this blog - it is a resource blog, after all - but today I am making an exception. Today’s cap post will go up as scheduled, I promise. I was in middle school when the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime began airing in the US. I was not very interested in it at first. The character designs looked weird (anime was still a very ‘new’ thing to me) and it was too much of a hassle to get Kids WB to come through clear on the analog TV antenna my family had at the time. I brushed it off while flipping through magazines in the grocery store, looking for topics relevant to my interests. It would not be until our annual summer vacation that I would be exposed to Yu-Gi-Oh! proper, thanks to the cable TV in our hotel room. I watched an episode out of sheer boredom, as the TV only got five channels. I could not tell you what episode it was now, just that it was Duelist Kingdom. I was instantly hooked. In the years that followed Yu-Gi-Oh! would become a bright spot in an otherwise turbulent and often stressful time in my life. High school was not kind to me, and my world was so very small. But Yu-Gi-Oh! and a newly installed dial-up internet connection brought me comfort and joy amidst the struggle. I made new friends though Neopets message boards and AIM because of this series. In the offline world I deepened already established friendships through a mutual love of both the series and the card game. It was a huge, important part of my life, and I loved it dearly. The series finale even aired the same morning I graduated high school! I was salty about having to go sit out in the sun to receive a piece of paper instead of being able to watch the finale live; thankfully, I made triple sure to record the episode on VHS before I left the house. And I cried, both because the finale was emotional when I finally got to sit down and watch it, and because two chapters of my life closed that day. I will never forget the impact Yu-Gi-Oh! has had on my life. Friendships forged through it are still going strong all these years later, both online and off. It gave me something to look forward to each week at a time where there was little else and made the hard times just a little bit easier. It has made the last two years so much more bearable. Thank you, Mr. Takahashi, for everything you gave us with this series. The life lessons, the connections that made our worlds open up to people we may have never met otherwise. Thank you for everything that you gave me. Rest well. - Copper
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hakuryuu · 8 months
11 18 23 :-)
11 (anything from your childhood you've held onto): oh, so much....many of the Things i had were lost but the books i read still live word for word in my head, knighthood, the sweet-smelling cigar box i found on the street and filled with precious things. my neopets account. my baby blanket...
18 (boba/tea order): i LOOOOVE a thai iced tea with extra boba. i also love just a classic milk tea, and also jasmine milk tea. dewicious
23 (do you wear jewelry): MUCH OF IT... 3 hoops 1 stud in the ears (gonna get my thirds soon + reopen my helix piercing after it closed over when i was doing that brain study), a septum ring, a manaia pendant i got at a hot spring in taupo, a ring from katie (it hangs on the pendant now because i gained weight and its a weird in between size on my fingers), a friendship bracelet from my beloved cin, and a beaded bracelet that my best friend made for me when she went to the eras tour concert! i used to have matching anklets with my mom but tragically im too rough on them and they always break LOL
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dani-the-toad · 2 years
5,12,27,32 oc of your choice
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
for a science guy, milo is the most cluttered person in existence. given the chance he will wear cargo pants and end up with a dozen pens, notes on scraps of paper, at least 2 pocket knives, and a pack of needles and syringes just incase. this is not counting his phone, wallet, keys, or the two pistols he carries on top of that.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
oh maddy. ohhhh madison my beloved. when she killed her parents. calm might not be the most accurate word for it, more like she shut down completely and felt a sense of nothing wash over her but she sure did stop being angry! blinkie on the other hand was freaking out because his best friend just killed two people and was now covered in blood and is STILL ON THE CRIME SCENE..
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
bad. dario deals with it bad. he cant lie but he will try so hard he will try sooooo hard to act like everythings fine and good but if you press hard enough he becomes the bitchiest person in existence like. hes a master of dodging questions, cant lie, press and you meet a bitch. he sucks 💕
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
blinkie cannot be called a ghost. he will have a whole fit. he isnt a person hes never been a person he isnt he isnt he isnt. hes a computer program thats just a little special and cool not a ghost haunting a neopets account nooo no he was never alive so stop saying it guys. also any situation involving water he is distressed
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alba-saoirse · 3 years
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Strawb gnorb
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im-the-punk-who · 3 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @myrmidryad​ <3 <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
40, which seems...low. lmao. but mostly because i never end up posting things i write LMAO
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
     96,197! which....is hilarious considering one of my eternal WIPS also jut hit 90k last week woops.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3:
Black Sails (20)
Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) (11)
Captain America (Movies) (5)
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (2)
Kingdom Hearts (Video Games) (1)
The Umbrella Academy (TV) (1)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (1)
On ff.net/LJ i had more Harry Potter stuff and i know there is still some Zim fanfic on my DA....
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Memories, Like Water, Can Be Tainted or Distilled; Sometimes Will Evaporate
is unfortunately always going to be first because it was written at the height of Stucky fandom and you just don’t recover from those sort of numbers xD
The Trouble With Jersey (Working title) - same deal. CapFam/Stucky fic at the height of CapFandom whoops
Between Breath and Love, I Choose Him - Okay I’m actually pretty happy this is number three because Black Sails fans are sluts and I love that journey for them <3 Also choking kink my beloved. <3
The Corner Booth - Drarry fic (antagonistic). what else is there to say.
Play, Boys - oh, abandoned WIP, my beloved. You deserved better but alas the hyperfixation wants what she wants.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ohhhhh god i don’t know. I know the angstiest ending I ever *planned* was for I Couldn't Get The Boy To Kill Me but I never posted the rest of that. Hmm, otherwise maybe the On Purpose series, which is a Black Sails post London series about Miranda and James so like. Angst angst angst angst.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Bold of you to assume I’ve written an ending to any of my fics. Okay well, Tying Rockets To Shoe Strings  is going to have a happy ending if it kills me. Most of my one shots end ...fairly happily....? I think....?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t only because if I don’t hyperfixate on something the brain simply Turns Off.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA almost exclusively. BUT I am very very into kink smut and D/s, A/B/O fic(although I don’t think I’ve ever posted any...) ot so much into the more vanilla smut - most of my explicit fics will have some level of light kink even if it’s just a little bit of choking play or like. Brat Michael.
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Oh god. You know how you go ‘I will do this when the Brain Returns From War’ ? Yeah. I do try to respond to comments but I’m....so bad at it. If I didn’t respond to your comment it’s not because I don’t appreciate it, it is that The Brain Turned That Function Off.
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
You know what I actually don’t think so which is weird but maybe I’m just not popular enough to receive that kind of attention. xD Although I have gotten plenty of hate on meta I’ve written so maybe that balances it out?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God Bless if I have.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I had co-written or started co-writing a couple things but they never got published for one reason or another. I would really love to, though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship to write for?
I don’t think i could ever pick a favorite but honestly Axel/Roxas will always get me. But Malex is right now the favorite child.
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Did You Mean, All Of Them? I am notoriously so bad at long fics that I feel like this is All Of Them but the one I absolutely know I will never finish is Play, Boys (Umbrella Academy) and I Couldn't Get The Boy To Kill Me (Captain America)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I think? Also I think I’m pretty good at writing smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing my goddamn fics, honestly. I also tend to be not great at keeping a consistent verb tense and...if I let myself go on an internal character monologue I *will* ramble for one thousand words without any physical indicators.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I LOVE it, i love it i love it i love it, although same as Gin, because I’m not *reaaaally* fluent in anything but french and english i haven’t written much actual dialogue. Although in Doubting Thomas I play around with how the language barrier affects the communication and such by using other indicators other than typing out hte dialogue, which has been a really fun process. (Although none of that part is posted because.....see ‘weaknesses’ LMAO
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Neopets. I said what I said. (actually it was probably Sailor Moon or Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Small series.)
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
God okay listen I love all my children equally but honestly Doubting Thomas   and Tying Rockets To Shoe Strings, the parts i’m working on right now are just REALLY GOOD okay i know i’m never probably going to post them but they’re SO GOOD. Posted, I am actually REALLY please with how Sound Garden turned out, and Sometimes A Family and Into The Blinding Sun both just HIT that found family vibe that sets me off. Special shoutout to Hand In Unloveable Hand   and Some Boys Do for being my own personal comfort fics <3
UHHH TAGGING???? YOU WANT ME TO TAG???? PEOPLE???? lmao @queer-crusader, @angrycowboy, @ladynox, @bydayornight, UHHHHH literally anyone in the black sails discord please i know none of your tumblr handles but I know you’re all fantastic writers. @haloud IDK EVERYONE?????
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selkra-souza · 4 years
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@laggysoldier​ Oh boy what virtual pet website don’t I like?
Allow me to introduce to y’all my pixel babies:
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My Neopets. They run a cosmetics & candle company. Janraye owns and manages the business, he’s desperately trying (and repetitively failing) to get his shop to be an official npc shop. Zoudiaq (pronounced “zodiac”) goes out into the wildernesses across Neopia to discover exotic plant ingredients to use as fragrance, she’s on an endless and fruitless quest to find Lutari Island. Qinia breeds plant samples Zoudiaq brings in the garden and has a rustic lab in an old barn for making essential oils and stuff, but she sucks at growing plants and secretly had to make a pack with dark faeries in order to grow anything. Sqwone (pronounced “squown”) just owns the house they all live in. He’s a slacker who secretly raids Meridell villages at night for fun.
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My Marapets. They’re a witch coven living in a leaning, run-down tower within their beloved evil sorceress queen’s (Queen Eleka’s) castle complex. They’re the youngest coven in the queen’s magical army, thus very inexperienced, but enthusiastic to help their queen take over the world of Marada. Unltraviolet is the leader, she’s a warlock and the strongest physically in battle. Belindabee is a J-pop inspired lolita-dressed musical celebrity who tours the world singing performances that have subliminal messaging that brainwashes the masses into swearing allegiance to Queen Eleka. Sayri is a Nightmare witch who’s physically frail, but can fall asleep on demand to astral project her much more powerfully heavy-hitting spirit, and can invoke nightmares into her opponents (think Darkrai from Pokemon). Seolfor is made of cheese right now but I plan on turning him into a candle. He’s the only coven member who isn’t at all sinister, he’s naively fun loving, likes carnivals and is an amateur clown who practices illusionary magic (think pulling rabbits out of hats, that stuff). Cebolinha (pronouced “Se-bowl-leen-ha)” is the only non-coven member in the household, he’s a (permanent) house guest with nowhere else to live, and he’s a journalist who reports on world politics, particularly the world leaders (Queen Eleka, King Baspinar, The Sultan, a guy in a jelly castle after world domination, etc.)
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My Subeta pets. They live in a rural cottage in a temperate pine forest called Veta and basically just live my cottagecore dreams. Xew owns the property, he maintains a huge garden of veggies and flowers, and keeps a shrine in a shed for rabbit spirits that visit the garden. Everyone else are people whom came to live in later. Hydrero spends most of the year working onboard a cargo ship called the Freyalise, making an income for the family. Floffy is a sarcastic and deadpan amateur inventor and junk food junkie. Gius is a vaporwave loving, cassette tape collecting, pulpy horror watching 80s nerd who’s super lonely, and she uses dark love magic to try to summon a girlfriend. Aescula is an urban explorer who films and photographs abandoned or decaying places that’s anywhere from dead malls in Centropolis to underground towns populated by zombies. Avoir is from the Rift, a 4th dimensional realm (my headcannon), and won’t shut up about how great that place is, he makes paintings and zines about the Rift, and nags at people at how “primitive” the 3rd dimension is (think the Sphere from Flatland).
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My Verpets. All live in an abandoned district of a metropolis city that’s decaying and overgrown. Amaranth is a old fashioned Mickey Mouse-type cheery guy and a herbalist, Ishnu is a sea witch who has no touch with reality because she insists on drinking sea water regularly thinking it’ll give her the powers of the SEA. Macrauchenia is an urban witch (have you noticed I like witches?) who grew up on the tough downtown streets of the district before it depopulated, she likes rap music and cheesy 2000s pop songs like Darude Sandstorm and gets rough and tumble with any intruders stumbling into the district. They all primarily live the old apartment Mac grew up in, but have set up bases and hideouts all around the ghost town of a city district.
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My Ichumon. Currently has no personality because Ichumon is boring.
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My Rescreatu. Whom are all dead because they can actually die really easily and because Rescreatu is even more boring. But back in the day they were basically a feral clan of warriors that was a carbon copy of the Warriors cat series, even being called Bloodclan haha. If I ever revive any of them they’re going to need a complete character redesign, and I’m not interested in doing so now (possibly never).
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[EDIT] I nearly forgot my Misticpets! They’re both partners in crime who are constantly on the run, traveling all over the world. Rickochet is the Eddy-from-Ed,Edd and Eddy-type “mastermind” who swindles passerbys out of their money, and he loves jewelry. Cocody is the nearly mute manger of the duo’s funds and treasures, and is a expert on tax evasion, also they like to doodle in a nature journal throughout the duo’s travels.
Then there’s a bunch of other sites I’ve played like as a kid like NeuroGalaxy and Zetapets and Teripets and Cenopets but those are long gone now.
So yeah, I invest a lot in my virtual pets, and if I had infinite time I’d post comics and shitposts about all these characters and I’d have finished their pet profiles by now.
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soujun-arts · 6 years
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Yume - Maxime’s petpet.
(( And yes, best friends do wear the same clothes. He had that mini scarf made just for Yume. ))
Entry for the petpet spotlight :
I have always been special, at least, that's what my best friend told me. My name is Yume and I am a simple white weewoo. I was but a tiny chick when I first met him. I was sitting with my brothers and sisters inside of our enclosure in Neovia's most finest petpetshop. We had left the care of our darling mother just a few days ago, and we were all eager to be able to find a new family, go on awesome adventures and so on ! As days passed, I saw my beloved siblings get adopted up to the very last of them, until I was the only one left in our enclosure. I couldn't understand why I was overlooked and why all the Neopets that came in the shop all looked surprised when they were glancing at me. Why was I still there when my siblings and friends all got to be adopted by a bunch of different Neopets, living a new and exciting life ?
As I was sulking, burying my beak inside of the feathers of my chest, I saw him. Well, heard him would be a more accurate term actually. A young darigan Gelert, holding the hand of a beautiful Xweetok, who I assumed to be his mother. He looked so cheerful as they both sang a catchy song. I have always loved music, and at that instant, I wanted to be part of it. I only had a few seconds to think, so in hope of catching the attention of either of them, I launched myself on the window that was facing the street. It hurt but it had worked as both of them were now looking at me.
The young boy stuck his face and his little hands on the window, genuinely interested.
"Look, Mother ! I think he is fine ... Can we go inside to check on him please ?" "Sure, sweetheart, we have a bit of time ahead of us." the Xweetok said softly.
The shopkeeper, a young Cybunny welcomed them in.
"May we check on this Weewoo chick ?" asked the Xweetok lady. "Oh, yes, of course! You are the first ones to show interest in him..." she said, an embarrassed expression on her face. "How come ? He's very cute!" asked the young boy, his ears rising up in surprise. "Well.... You see... Weewoos are wingless petpets but this one ... To put it simply, this one was born with wings. There's a saying that winged Weewoos bring back luck. So we have little hope to see him find a new home."
My mind went blank. Was this the whole reason I was still here ?  Because I had the audacity to be born with wings I wasn't supposed to have ? I knew my dream to sing with that young boy was crushed only a few minutes after it had formed. He was looking at me, his big bright green eyes locked on mine.
"Mother, as you know my birthday is coming up. I know I said I didn't know what I wanted but I think I do now! Please, can I have this petpet for my birthday ?" "I don't know darling... Are you sure you don't want another critter ? Look, they have some cute warves and even a meowclops over there." "Yes, Mother ! I'm sure ! I want this Weewoo an no other petpet will do !" "Well... I don't know Maxime... Maybe we should discuss this with your Father." "You know as well as I do that Father doesn't care about such things." He pouted.
My heart started to race as he gently picked me up in his hands. "We're going to be the best of friends, alright Yume ?" he quickly said, his smile brightening the room.
As we exited the petpetshop, myself gently tucked in his hands against his chest, he began to whistle the same melody he was singing a while ago. Eager, I let the voice of my heart out, hearing it so clearly for the time, mixing perfectly with my new friend's voice. Yes, this was meant to be.
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subetaspeaks · 7 years
RE: CW WL Trading
So... I'm one of the persons you all love to hate, sadly. And I have been debating if I should or shouldn't reply here because... well, I don't feel like I'm a bad person and I didn't want to be the target of everyone else hate. Mostly because I adore to death a lot of the users who commented on that post. You're all my fellow game companions. And some of you I can even call my "friends", why not? You've been bearing with me through so much.
But... I need to be honest with my feelings. I need to say what I think now, before I regret, and face all the possible consequences, including having everyone else hate. Because otherwise, I would be heartbroken for not being honest with myself and standing for what I am or what I believe.
I was talking to Ursa about this post, because she commented that: "im just passing by to say that i thiiink voltage and varsna’s stories seem to be about the same person (tho i have no clue who it is) and i giggled when i read" and well... I believe I'm the person VOLTAGE was talking about, but I wasn't the one who Varsna spoke about. So I messaged her to say that she was wrong about her statement and I decided to vent.
I will copy what I said to her here. I hope you can... well, respect me and my point of view, maybe? Make an effort to not hate me to death? Please.
To Ursa: "It's somewhat sad, you know? I can totally understand everyone's anger. I've missed slotting on stuff I wanted before... tons of times, actually. I just don't blame other people, that are just trying to pursue their own interests and 'happiness' (even considering that this is an online game!). I honestly don't see why the wish of certain person of having a particular item is better than the wish of someone else to get items out of their WL, for an example. In the end, everyone is just pursuing their own interests, plain and simple. The whole problem isn't caused because people are "greedy"; the main problem is that the market is shrinking and the items are becoming more and more ultra-limited because most people cannot fill slots easily. And the blessed ones, owners of popular releasers, are afraid of rising their batch caps and their beloved items ended up turning common and not filling slots easily as almost every other stuff around. Of course, there're exceptions. There are people who actually just want their items to be rarities after all. People are somewhat quitting Subeta and the CW game for multiple reasons. And the problem is a non-stopping circle. The old rarer popular items will become "trade only" and the new popular items will have tons of slotters that are mainly interested on using them for trading purposes. In the end, all items will be on the hands of people who genuinely like them a ton. But people will still hate each other for silly reasons like "this person has lots of popular stuff that I want but she doesn't accept CSC, I hate her, that [insert bad names here, tons of them]". This is plain stupid and it should stop. Why on Earth is the other person, who is just searching for whatever their want to, is any worse than you that's also searching for stuff you want to? Why the other person is "greedy, egoist" and you're not? I'm failing to see this at all. But.. tell me one thing. Does anything makes you more happy than doing your art? You might find a list of some things, but... isn't it something you love to death? Making your art, I mean? And how do you feel when people start with that bullshit of "you should make your art because you love it, not for money" or "making art isn't a proper job"? And things like that. Everyone that works with art already felt this venom before. The venom of the idiots who can't recognize the value of your job because they don't have interest, talent or simple doesn't know how much you WORK (and you work hard!) to make art properly. Let me introduce myself, then. Four years of Economic college; graduating next May. Will try to get a Master degree whenever I finally set down from moving, I'm going to live in a different city soon. Business courses in accounting and external relations. Six years studing custom laws, especially in terms of taxation and importation rules. Seven years of work with importations and general reselling; two non-official (regular person who buys and sell stuff) and five as a legalized importer/small company. And you know what's the poison I get from society? "Being a reseller/merchant/working with commerce in general isn't a proper job, you're just a greedy parasite of society! You're winning money by extorting others! Your capitalist pig!" Subeta is basically a real life economic/market simulator and that was why I got so interested on it (and on Neopets, previously). The CW market is not very different from the real market. There are the producers (artists), the distribuitors (releasers), the retailers or resellers or the "evil within" as people sometimes name us (in this case, the people who slot on popular stuff for trading purposes or maybe to resell for a little bit more) and........... the customers. The main difference is that in real life you have the government, tons of taxes to pay and rules to follow. Here, things are simple but the prejudice is basically the same. But in the end, you'll still need to rely in your ability to differentiate a bad from a good deal. And you'll be also needing to "be on the right place at the right time" to grab the good opportunities, which isn't not always a matter of luck as people say. I would say that a good part of the times it's a matter of effort. You can be "lucky" to be online in the exact time of a certain ping, but if you want to be there for most of them... you'll have to be updating Subeta's page on your phone at every few minutes (even while doing other things) to check pings. And this is effort, not luck. The same applies to CWs, as well. Slotting is a part of the business game. You'll have to be quick to differentiate a good from a bad deal. Some deals are obviously good, while others aren't that easy to identify. You'll need to observe a lot to see what is trendy, what would be possible trendy and in the end... make a bet. Will you be able to get a trade for that item that the releaser is offering (if you don't want it for yourself)? Or you'll end up giving up and reselling for slot price? Or will you fail completely and end up having to sell the item for even less than slot? That isn't very different from the things I do for a living. The main difference is that when I "bet" here, I might end up losing $5 or so per item (doing the CSC-real money conversion) and in real life, when I bet on the wrong product, I end up with a loss of $5000 and tons of boxes of repeated things that I don't have where to store anymore. My office is small and I don't even have a room in my house anymore. It pretty much looks like a deposit. There are boxes everywhere and I barely can even walk inside of it. xD I believe I have made the house looks like a secondary deposit, honestly. LOL That isn't, in the end, any different from what I do. It's just a matter of scale and the fact that Subeta is a game. That isn't any different from my job. That isn't any different from the only thing I have devoted my life to study. That isn't any different from the only thing that I'm, apparently, good at. That isn't any different from the only thing I really love doing, above anything else. And this kind of judgement that people do hurts, even after all these years. I'm here to have fun as everyone else. I already face enough judgement on real life. I wish I could be free from judgement here, at least. It saddens me so badly that people think that the only thing I am decent at (and love above all) is garbage, an unworthy work. I've been in-and-out depression for years because of that. One day, I hope the society poison doesn't affect me anymore and I can be 100% happy with what I do. One day, I hope that my heart turns into a skyscraper business building, with glassy walls fully sound-proof, so I will not be affected by the opinions of others. For now, I'll have to content myself with being in my small office, opening the windows and trying to breath some fresh, not poisoned air. ^^ Sorry for the huge venting. I should probably have written on Subeta Speaks instead but... I don't want to be the witch during inquisition again. Seriously, I already have to interpret that character a lot. If I have to be the evil on the life storyline, I hope I can at least be that villain that people sympathize with... you know? I hope I can be at least that kind of villain, after all.
You're an artist and I'm a merchant. We've different kinds of poison that we've to face. Can we put them in bowls and have a little toast? To success and good riddance! ^^ "
Oh, Voltage!! I forgot mentioning. The milkshake is still with me, in case you're curious to know where it went. I've put it UFT in my trades and then a lightining striked me: "Well, this one was 4 batches anyway and my WL is at a beyond-hell level of difficulty anyway so... I think that it's time for me to finally keep one of those! Yay!" So I snuggled it and put it back into the Wardrobe. In case you're still curious about where are the other copies that I slotted on, they're with close friends of mine and have found their forever homes. Don't worry.
It's not that I don't like them. I honestly do, a lot. I swear. And I like you too, a lot, I hope you know that. The problem is that while I have 100+ CW wigs that I like in my Wardrobe, I barely even have 30 chest/body/outfits that I like to use. I'm picky with those (or to express myself better: I have bad taste and layering troubles!) and the ones that I don't own and like are "trade only" so.... yep. I hope you're not angry with me anymore. ;-;
Not that the most fun part of the CW game itself, at least for me, isn't the hunt to get slots/selling/buying/trading/haggling thing. It's. In the end, owning the CWs that I like is just a consequence of playing the CW market game correctly.
And the game is fun on itself. As my job is. The fun part isn't in making a huge amount of money, no. It comes from the happiness I feel when I find out that I have chose the right product among many. The profit is just a happy consequence... and hell, losses happen a lot too. But I don't wanna talk about those, please. Let's talk about something else. HAHAHAHA ;_;
And mmmm.... again, I'm sorry everyone. I hope you can understand.
(and sorry for the suck'ish English too, I think it's very clear that it's not my main language after all :P)
I suck. Please love me anyway.
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grandschemed · 7 years
☾ ( any of them !! ) ✫ ✽ & ▲!
☾ - favorite moment from my muse’s canon + why: ok so this is for chrom and everyone makes fun of chrom for it but u know how chrom gets married like right after chapter 11 or something i can’t remember the exact number but listen i saw this piece of fanart once w/ a bloody chrom, battle-heavy and tired, as he proposes??? and that piece has stuck w/ me ever since and i really like the fact that chrom basically proposes right after his sister dies, after he’s seemingly lost all hope + morale even though he knows he has to keep pressing forward to make his sister’s sacrifice worth while... idk if it’s my favorite moment of chrom’s, but i really like... that darkness behind it i guess for lack of a better word haha... kind of puts a damper on the marriage?? but i rly like the idea that his wife ( or husband who knows!!! ) helps chrom through those dark times and I KNOW ITS A TIME SKIP BUT LISTEN i still love it.. chrom who’s distant and faraway at first despite his proposal and not at all like the positive prince you first meet in those fields and he slowly warms up to his beloved??? i dig that give me that i’m laughing because this is more or less headcanon inspired by canon but you know!!! that’s good enough for me!!!
✫ - why i began roleplaying: oh man... i started roleplaying on neopets when i was 9?? considering i’m 23 now i’ve been roleplaying for a super long time!!  but u know i’m not actually sure what got me into roleplaying... i think i just eyed those boards for a while, thinking how cool it was that people got to write stories essentially with other people??? laughs i really can’t remember!!  it’s been so long!!  but i’m sure it was something close
✽ - favorite season: summer hands down!! i mean yeah it’s hot + every kind of bug from hell decides to rear their ugly heads collectively as one but i live in the midwest and half the year is winter and i hate winter more than anything!!! pls give me all the sun i yearn for blue skies + warm weather so i can actually leave the house and do things w/o feeling like my face is going to burn off from how cold it is
▲ - zodiac sign: i’m a pisces in reference to western astrology + a dog via chinese zodiac!  so.... a mermaid dog.  essentially.
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