#oh medea probably wears shoes at least most of the time
artemissoteira · 2 years
Do 10 50s!!!!!! (Any questions you want)
thanks casey ily for enabling me <3 (d&d ask meme here) this is, obviously, a long post bc of who I am as a person. you're all welcome.
6: Which of your d&d characters has been the least like you?
Honestly, probably Medea! And even she has slipped so much towards me lmao. Girlboss is not really my vibe but has been so so fun to play. I don't think I could have found her without Isaac's Sphinx to play off of because I don't have to feel bad about being mean to him sfdsdf and she needs an outlet for that. I'm not a person who carries much guilt or bitterness so that has been really interesting to poke at.
12: Have you ever fought a beholder?
Yes, an undead one, in a oneshot @brogendered ran! iirc we fucked up trying to get into the house over the wall instead of through the door and dropped right into a deadly encounter. we scooped a magic sword and fled back over the wall but left the beholder in some AOE damage spell, then took a short rest, and by the time we came back it was fully dead lmao. Extremely scary surprise encounter to start off the oneshot and extremely kind of jake to let us cheese it that way instead of killing us immediately which we probably had earned.
16. What is your favorite D&D pod/vodcast?
Anything by the Streampunks (Twitter here; most of their shows & others currently hosted on Queuetimes on YT/Twitch). Most of their stuff isn't in the D&D but all of it makes me cry. I started with Callisto 6 back on Geek & Sundry as my first ttrpg foray outside of CR and have never looked back. Strongest of recommendations to anyone interested in superheroes in dystopian cyberpunk Los Angeles 2119 combatting megacorporations with the power of eternal gay love and direct radical action, with a ton of loving care put into worldbuilding and rooting their characters in specific neighborhoods of the city.
It's a story about deliberate compassion and the enduring connection of communities in an unkind capitalistic world, with a storyteller who knows and takes care of his players by giving them every chance to explore what choosing kindness means and to reclaim agency for their own characters, allies, and antagonists alike. Fundamentally changed my understanding of ttrpgs as storytelling you can do, on purpose, with everyone throwing themselves wholeheartedly into a shared story with a deliberate commitment to theme. I think genuinely every single character made me cry at least once, including the ones I originally didn't connect with who ultimately had such powerful arcs that revealed the actors had been paying real damn attention the whole time.
Also has my favorite gay flirting via mechanically suboptimal combat choices that I've ever seen. I simply can't get into it here because I WILL scream but my jaw dropped. gina devivo’s mind. if you want even more longform gay yelling from me send me questions about callisto 6 or other streampunks shows lmao.
watch the first 2 seasons (24 eps) of callisto 6 on youtube. season 3 currently only available on geek and sundry's twitch archive, which you can access for a month for $5 and binge all 12 episodes.
14. Have you ever had a romance with an NPC or another PC?
Casey I will love you forever for turning my sheer lesbian energy and chronic Support Women syndrome into an actual romance for Medea and Medusa. Galaxy brain. I think that's the only romance I've dealt with, unless we count Tony wingmanning Tuck by strongly implying she'd fucked a lot of giants, which we shouldn't, even if it was iconic.
18. Do you use props/minis/terrain in your game?
using this as an excuse to say Roll20 my beloved. still extremely proud of the first oneshot I made from scratch last spring, when I taught myself javascript in order to code puzzles into the Roll20 API. I made: pressure plates that trigger walls to move up and down to allow water to flow; an automatically rotating lantern puzzle that revealed hidden text on the walls and featured actually climbable lanterns that I could hook character tokens to; and most importantly a secret button to change the icon of the goose barbarian, Duck Duck the Goose, from the standard Untitled Goose holding a knife into an edited version of the icon with "then perish" laser eyes.
Oh also a secret pressure plate trap that would only trigger when the bard stepped on it, played a magical sound effect and teleported him to another page where he had to solve a penis nonogram puzzle to be sent back to the party.
Aaand a magic electrical spark that worked as a laser pointer to guide a kitten around the map, complete with both the spark and the kitten’s icons switching orientations as they moved depending on whether they were above/below and left/right of each other.
20. If you run a homebrew game, give an out of context spoiler.
The rats don't like weasels.
21. Drop a picture of a mini you painted (if applicable).
No physical minis, but in the dark ages before heroforge had color options I manually recolored this mini of Tetra using fake photoshop by isolating each part of her body and fucking around with hue filters until I liked it.
tetra with hat dot png:
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[ID: a purple merfolk mini from heroforge with webbed ears, an orange-tinted vest, a bright green kelp skirt, gold leather armbands, a large pink shell on one shoulder, a green kelp headpiece and orange flames rising from one hand. a clipart image of a purple propeller hat covered in gold stars has been edited onto her head. end ID]
yes the propeller hat image is from club penguin. yes i added the stars myself. yes I am this sexy and correct all the time and yes it is exhausting.
32. Most memorable NPC you've encountered in a game you played in.
There's so many, but I've periodically heard Najiba's voice in my head saying "Ithren, are you crazy? Like, you're a little bit crazy, right?" for weeks. her voice is so lyrical I want to listen to her talk for hours.
Ithren doesn't get her at all, but they like when she asks them questions bc it makes them feel like they are doing something useful by answering, even if their answers are completely incomprehensible to the party. I love that after every big thing that happens she goes, "Um, was that okay? That we did that? Like is that a good thing or did we do something bad here?" & makes everyone give their opinions. queen of nosiness.
34. Favorite accent to do for characters?
I've only found one accent I can do reliably so far and it's, like, surfer bro frat boy himbo burnout. Instant hit with the children and got my hapless bandit captive adopted by the party so quickly and now he's in charge of their horses. I love him so much.
all my other NPCs inevitably slide towards vaguely british snooty woman or gruff gravelly uncle no matter what I try to start them as. the two genders etc etc.
36. What was your first d&d character you made?
Tony the Tabaxi, my beloved. Orange tabaxi thembo swashbuckler rogue. The name is a fakeout for Tony the Tiger; they're actually named after Antonio Banderas who voices Puss in Boots. They’re just Puss in Boots. Thought I was gonna have to do something funky for the build but swashbucklers literally get the Panache ability at level 9 that is a free non-magical charm that works perfectly for Puss's big sad cat eyes. Love them so much.
Shrek 2 isn't on Netflix (or wasn't at the time) so for character research I watched Puss In Boots (2011) as well as "Puss In Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale", which is a choose your own adventure interactive special?? And a few episodes of The Adventures of Puss in Boots which (spoilers) takes place in the town of San Lorenzo which puss protects for years until the bloodwolf gets summoned and puss & friends get sucked into a dimensional portal (?) and Puss has to choose to have his friends' memories of him erased in order to correct the timeline, but carries them with him always. From what I recall. He adopts some piglets I think.
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
It’s not Thursday, but I feel that I must ask a question. Perhaps multiple. I have been devouring your Kingdom Come posts, and have a strong urge to add my illustration skills (slim as they are) to your beautiful world. What do your favorites look like? What do they wear? What lovely sun-bathed situation are we likely to find them in?
First off, please always feel complete freedom to ask questions any day of the week! I, unfortunately, only have times to answer them on Thursdays more often than not. But anyone can shoot me an ask or a message whenever they want to!
Secondly, oh my goodness yes please that would make my entire life!!! Seriously, I saw this message after a very overwhelming day and the thought that someone would want to make art for something I’ve written about? That’s a dream come true, and it couldn’t have been a more timely encouragement to me. So thank you, thank you, thank you for even considering doing so! I’m beyond grateful that you’ve been enjoying all that I’ve been releasing about Kingdom Come, and even more thankful that you’d wish to bring it to life.
Full disclosure: I…kind of suck at character descriptions. Weird, right? For whatever reason, I just am not good at designing what a character looks like, despite my own love of fashion. I spent the night you sent me this making an (admittedly jumbled) list of ideas I had for five out of my seven protagonists, since those were the ones I had the clearest vision on. Feel free to include or exclude whatever details you so choose! I don’t mind you taking any artistic liberties you feel so inclined to take. Draw whatever, whoever and however you like!
Royan: Being born and raised in the frigid North, he has pale skin, often chapped or calloused from spending days outside in training or on missions. Royan might be reluctant to admit it, but Oeden’s all too eager to out Royan as a pretty boy. Thus, he spends a good chunk of time every morning fluffing his hair, golden blonde like his mother. It’s about medium-length, often brushed back - you know, typical male model style. As the temperatures in Aeonor are oftentimes below freezing, he has to bundle up. Probably a fancy tunic, a fur cape (a trophy from the first hunt he and his father, Kaiser Magnus, went on together - sewn from the hide of his prize, by the hands of his sister, Eirys), with a brooch clasping it together in the shape of a wolf. He’s a little lanky, still fully growing into the form of a man, but starting to at least work out with his muscles - mostly to impress people. Lightly toned muscularly, generally skinny, with soft, rounded features. Always wearing a goofy smile. Keeps his longsword at his side more often than not, but conveniently “forgets” to wear his crown - a silver circlet than encircles his head (and makes his head itch). His color scheme primarily sticks with grey bases and accents of purple and blue. On his right hand is the symbol of life.
Medea: Medea has surprisingly strong facial features. She has a pronounced chin, full lips, and, while not chubby by any means, has a healthy amount of meat on her bones. She has a full head of wavy black hair that falls to her chest, often adorned with a golden crown. As is customary for the Al-Hassian people, she has dark skin, burnt by the desert (think more Arabian, not African). Medea’s primary colors are ruby red and gold. Her most iconic outfit would be the red ballroom gown she wears to the Feast of the Five Kings, complete with a chunky golden necklace featuring a set of rubies in the center. She wears a more casual version of this outfit with a flowign red robe under a black undershirt and pants, and a golden sash. For shoes, she prefers heels, but can be found in cozy yellow slippers when lounging about, too. When showing off or in combat, Medea wears a golden gauntlet with a pauldron like a roaring lion at the left shoulder. On her left hand is the symbol of death. Often wearing an obnoxious amount of bangles and rings. Not for any magical purpose, just because she’s gaudy and likes everyone to know it.
Kasumi: Somehow, Kasumi manages to be even paler than Royan. Although her nation’s people can range from light-skinned to lightly-tanned, her time spent almost exclusively in the shadows has made her seem viable to disappear at any moment. Kasumi has not cut her hair in years, leaving it floor-length when not tied back. Her hair, however, is incurably straight and a bit frizzy. Kasumi keeps her hair up in a bun or in braids when working, but lets her hair down when she’s comfortable…which is only when she’s alone in her room. On the job, Kasumi wears a mask, as is customary for the Shadows. Her mask takes the form of a butterfly (akin to Lucina’s from Fire Emblem Awakening), but outlined in gold and the metal is painted in hues of violet, lavender, etc. She is almost always seen wearing her work uniform (think typical espionage-esque clothing). She feels horribly uncomfortable in the patterned dresses she needs to wear to formal events when she is a royal instead of a soldier. She is shockingly muscular underneath all of her armor, but most people wouldn’t see it, and rather flat-chested (…is that weird for me to say?). The most striking feature about her would be the litany of runic tattoos running up her right arm - both alphabetical symbols and images.
Oeden: Unlike Royan, Oeden does not feel the need to be noticeable. He feels as though he attracts enough attention with the rumors circulating around the castle about him, and as such, prefers to remain as invisible as possible. The first thing he puts on every morning is a set of leather gloves - a gift from his father, Knight Commander Elyk - to protect against accidental prophecies from making contact with people. He wears a simple tunic and trousers along with boots that are always laced loosely (he wishes he could wear sandals, but it’s not worth the frostbite). Having been born with vitiligo, he hides a majority of his skin with a cloak around his body. He used to wear a poorly-sewn grey one, but he alternates between a golden one sewn by Eirys for his birthday or a fur robe his mother, Nadielle, bought for him. His color scheme consists of more neutral colors, primarily white, with earthy accents like brown and gold. Being the offspring of a Northern man and a Southern woman, Oeden bears a mixture of their unique features. He has his mother’s sharp bone structure, but inherited his hair from his father’s genes. Thus, the curly orange mop. He doesn’t bother styling it unless it interferes with his sight - who does he have to impress? Can be seen accessorizing only with a number of lucky charms handcrafted by his mother, a surprisingly superstitious woman. The only other thing to note are the shackles eternally wound round his ankles - a symbol of the sacrifice of his freedom to the Sealed God. The sound of the chains rattling against the cathedral’s stone floors precedes his entrance.
Carmila: Here’s the thing with Carmila: she would want to dress differently than how she does now. She wants to look like all those highfalutin nobles, when in actuality, she’s stuck trekking through the mud like a hot mess of poverty and ill-begotten bullheadedness. I’ve always envisioned her in heeled boots, ones she would helplessly attempt to scrape the mud of the swamps off of day and night. She typically wears a brown bodice with a puffy white undershirt, complimented by a faded pink peasant skirt. The jewelry she wears is all fake - fool’s gold necklace, lapis lazuli instead of sapphires in her earrings, etc. She’s a little on the chubbier side (a fact which the noble girls make fun of her for, and her fiancee loves her for), having big-bonedness run in the family. She has dark brown hair tied in a ponytail at the side. She almost never lets her hair down. Her natural hair is curly, but she straightens it to match the Southern noble style, much to Emerico’s dismay.
There you have it! I hope that all made sense? Feel free to ask for any further clarification - I know my late night thoughts were jumbled. I hope that’s enough to work with!
Also, if by “sun-bathed situation”, you mean “can I draw them as if the cast went to on a trip in some sort of anime filler episode to the beach?” then the answer is heck yes you can! There’s a whole lot of beaches in Via Evelis to choose from where they could kick back and relax together in some alternate, probably happier, universe. Just, y’know…keep it classy. I got a family-friendly blog to run here LOL
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steffancockrell · 5 years
The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!
Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn't check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I'm BACK! And I want to feel like I'm back with running too so I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let's run down the BEST parts of last year.
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Here's a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.
(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it's super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)
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I don't really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really 'off' year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.
But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That's SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I've run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!
Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn't run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!
And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?
That's not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn't have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??
I didn't realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven't been myself for a long time.
Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It's fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…
So yeah, this year I didn't accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn't take up any super self-destructive habits, didn't lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.
Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn't do – let's talk about what I did…
I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn't recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There's no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)
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  Miles I ran last year: 2,536*
Calories I burned: 272,234
Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544
*Note: At least 1 race isn't recorded in this total but there may be more. I'm not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn't show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I've run more and not less so I don't feel like I'm cheating myself on this.
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Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.
Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.
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  Overall I'm just super grateful for so many things. That's what I want to focus on as I look back on last year's running.
I'm grateful for…
The miles I ran.
You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.
My body. I didn't get injured this year!
Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!
My family and friend. I'm able to do this because they've always supported me.
My education. If not my ability to create RunEatRepeat.com and RER on social media – I wouldn't be able to do this.
Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.
California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.
This time. I'm glad I live in a time and place where it's safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.
I'm just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I'm very blessed.
  Let's move on to the highlights and recaps!!
I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.
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Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:
Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.
Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.
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PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 
OC Half Marathon race recap – I don't even remember this one! That's why I have this blog – to be my memory.
My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!
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The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.
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Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.
Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as 'Strip at Night' is a blast!
What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it's a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.
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Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!
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And now for my Running Goals for This Year…
1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I'm doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.
2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.
3. … I'm not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I'm open to finding another goal.
What are your goals?
Oh, and because I love 'em… here are some funny New Year's Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.
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    Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?
Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I'm most proud of! And also I'm glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!
If you're not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!
The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
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steffancockrell · 5 years
The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!
Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn't check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I'm BACK! And I want to feel like I'm back with running too so I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let's run down the BEST parts of last year.
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Here's a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.
(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it's super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)
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I don't really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really 'off' year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.
But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That's SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I've run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!
Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn't run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!
And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?
That's not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn't have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??
I didn't realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven't been myself for a long time.
Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It's fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…
So yeah, this year I didn't accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn't take up any super self-destructive habits, didn't lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.
Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn't do – let's talk about what I did…
I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn't recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There's no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)
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  Miles I ran last year: 2,536*
Calories I burned: 272,234
Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544
*Note: At least 1 race isn't recorded in this total but there may be more. I'm not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn't show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I've run more and not less so I don't feel like I'm cheating myself on this.
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Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.
Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.
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  Overall I'm just super grateful for so many things. That's what I want to focus on as I look back on last year's running.
I'm grateful for…
The miles I ran.
You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.
My body. I didn't get injured this year!
Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!
My family and friend. I'm able to do this because they've always supported me.
My education. If not my ability to create RunEatRepeat.com and RER on social media – I wouldn't be able to do this.
Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.
California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.
This time. I'm glad I live in a time and place where it's safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.
I'm just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I'm very blessed.
  Let's move on to the highlights and recaps!!
I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.
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Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:
Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.
Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.
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PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 
OC Half Marathon race recap – I don't even remember this one! That's why I have this blog – to be my memory.
My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!
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The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.
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Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.
Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as 'Strip at Night' is a blast!
What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it's a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.
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Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!
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And now for my Running Goals for This Year…
1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I'm doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.
2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.
3. … I'm not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I'm open to finding another goal.
What are your goals?
Oh, and because I love 'em… here are some funny New Year's Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.
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    Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?
Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I'm most proud of! And also I'm glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!
If you're not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!
The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
0 notes
steffancockrell · 5 years
The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!
Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn't check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I'm BACK! And I want to feel like I'm back with running too so I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let's run down the BEST parts of last year.
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Here's a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.
(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it's super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)
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I don't really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really 'off' year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.
But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That's SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I've run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!
Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn't run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!
And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?
That's not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn't have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??
I didn't realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven't been myself for a long time.
Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It's fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…
So yeah, this year I didn't accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn't take up any super self-destructive habits, didn't lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.
Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn't do – let's talk about what I did…
I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn't recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There's no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)
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  Miles I ran last year: 2,536*
Calories I burned: 272,234
Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544
*Note: At least 1 race isn't recorded in this total but there may be more. I'm not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn't show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I've run more and not less so I don't feel like I'm cheating myself on this.
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Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.
Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.
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  Overall I'm just super grateful for so many things. That's what I want to focus on as I look back on last year's running.
I'm grateful for…
The miles I ran.
You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.
My body. I didn't get injured this year!
Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!
My family and friend. I'm able to do this because they've always supported me.
My education. If not my ability to create RunEatRepeat.com and RER on social media – I wouldn't be able to do this.
Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.
California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.
This time. I'm glad I live in a time and place where it's safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.
I'm just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I'm very blessed.
  Let's move on to the highlights and recaps!!
I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.
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Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:
Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.
Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.
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PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 
OC Half Marathon race recap – I don't even remember this one! That's why I have this blog – to be my memory.
My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!
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The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.
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Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.
Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as 'Strip at Night' is a blast!
What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it's a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.
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Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!
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And now for my Running Goals for This Year…
1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I'm doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.
2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.
3. … I'm not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I'm open to finding another goal.
What are your goals?
Oh, and because I love 'em… here are some funny New Year's Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.
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    Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?
Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I'm most proud of! And also I'm glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!
If you're not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!
The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
0 notes
steffancockrell · 5 years
The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!
Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn't check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I'm BACK! And I want to feel like I'm back with running too so I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let's run down the BEST parts of last year.
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Here's a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.
(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it's super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)
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I don't really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really 'off' year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.
But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That's SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I've run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!
Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn't run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!
And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?
That's not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn't have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??
I didn't realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven't been myself for a long time.
Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It's fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…
So yeah, this year I didn't accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn't take up any super self-destructive habits, didn't lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.
Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn't do – let's talk about what I did…
I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn't recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There's no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)
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  Miles I ran last year: 2,536*
Calories I burned: 272,234
Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544
*Note: At least 1 race isn't recorded in this total but there may be more. I'm not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn't show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I've run more and not less so I don't feel like I'm cheating myself on this.
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Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.
Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.
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  Overall I'm just super grateful for so many things. That's what I want to focus on as I look back on last year's running.
I'm grateful for…
The miles I ran.
You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.
My body. I didn't get injured this year!
Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!
My family and friend. I'm able to do this because they've always supported me.
My education. If not my ability to create RunEatRepeat.com and RER on social media – I wouldn't be able to do this.
Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.
California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.
This time. I'm glad I live in a time and place where it's safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.
I'm just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I'm very blessed.
  Let's move on to the highlights and recaps!!
I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.
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Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:
Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.
Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.
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PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 
OC Half Marathon race recap – I don't even remember this one! That's why I have this blog – to be my memory.
My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!
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The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.
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Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.
Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as 'Strip at Night' is a blast!
What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it's a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.
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Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!
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And now for my Running Goals for This Year…
1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I'm doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.
2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.
3. … I'm not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I'm open to finding another goal.
What are your goals?
Oh, and because I love 'em… here are some funny New Year's Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.
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    Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?
Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I'm most proud of! And also I'm glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!
If you're not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!
The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
0 notes
steffancockrell · 5 years
The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!
Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn't check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I'm BACK! And I want to feel like I'm back with running too so I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let's run down the BEST parts of last year.
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Here's a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.
(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it's super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)
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I don't really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really 'off' year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.
But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That's SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I've run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!
Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn't run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!
And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?
That's not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn't have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??
I didn't realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven't been myself for a long time.
Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It's fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…
So yeah, this year I didn't accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn't take up any super self-destructive habits, didn't lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.
Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn't do – let's talk about what I did…
I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn't recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There's no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)
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  Miles I ran last year: 2,536*
Calories I burned: 272,234
Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544
*Note: At least 1 race isn't recorded in this total but there may be more. I'm not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn't show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I've run more and not less so I don't feel like I'm cheating myself on this.
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Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.
Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.
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  Overall I'm just super grateful for so many things. That's what I want to focus on as I look back on last year's running.
I'm grateful for…
The miles I ran.
You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.
My body. I didn't get injured this year!
Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!
My family and friend. I'm able to do this because they've always supported me.
My education. If not my ability to create RunEatRepeat.com and RER on social media – I wouldn't be able to do this.
Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.
California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.
This time. I'm glad I live in a time and place where it's safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.
I'm just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I'm very blessed.
  Let's move on to the highlights and recaps!!
I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.
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Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:
Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.
Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.
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PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 
OC Half Marathon race recap – I don't even remember this one! That's why I have this blog – to be my memory.
My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!
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The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.
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Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.
Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as 'Strip at Night' is a blast!
What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it's a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.
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Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!
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And now for my Running Goals for This Year…
1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I'm doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.
2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.
3. … I'm not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I'm open to finding another goal.
What are your goals?
Oh, and because I love 'em… here are some funny New Year's Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.
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    Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?
Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I'm most proud of! And also I'm glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!
If you're not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!
The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
0 notes
steffancockrell · 5 years
The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!
Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn't check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I'm BACK! And I want to feel like I'm back with running too so I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let's run down the BEST parts of last year.
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Here's a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.
(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it's super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)
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I don't really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really 'off' year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.
But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That's SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I've run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!
Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn't run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!
And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?
That's not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn't have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??
I didn't realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven't been myself for a long time.
Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It's fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…
So yeah, this year I didn't accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn't take up any super self-destructive habits, didn't lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.
Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn't do – let's talk about what I did…
I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn't recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There's no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)
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  Miles I ran last year: 2,536*
Calories I burned: 272,234
Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544
*Note: At least 1 race isn't recorded in this total but there may be more. I'm not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn't show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I've run more and not less so I don't feel like I'm cheating myself on this.
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Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.
Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.
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  Overall I'm just super grateful for so many things. That's what I want to focus on as I look back on last year's running.
I'm grateful for…
The miles I ran.
You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.
My body. I didn't get injured this year!
Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!
My family and friend. I'm able to do this because they've always supported me.
My education. If not my ability to create RunEatRepeat.com and RER on social media – I wouldn't be able to do this.
Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.
California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.
This time. I'm glad I live in a time and place where it's safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.
I'm just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I'm very blessed.
  Let's move on to the highlights and recaps!!
I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help.
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Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:
Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.
Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.
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PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 
OC Half Marathon race recap – I don't even remember this one! That's why I have this blog – to be my memory.
My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!
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The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.
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Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.
Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as 'Strip at Night' is a blast!
What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it's a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.
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Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!
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And now for my Running Goals for This Year…
1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I'm doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.
2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.
3. … I'm not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I'm open to finding another goal.
What are your goals?
Oh, and because I love 'em… here are some funny New Year's Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.
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    Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?
Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I'm most proud of! And also I'm glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!
If you're not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!
                                The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
0 notes